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Principles Of: Multiple Choice Questions With Answers

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Multiple choice questions with

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The meaning of the acronym HRM is Scope of the HRM includes

______________? ______________?

A. Human Relations Management A. Retirement and separation of employees

B. Humanistic Resource Management B. HR training and development
C. Human Resource Management C. Industrial relations
D. Human Resourceful Management D. All of the above

The term used before the language of Human Resource Management (HRM)
modern HRM was ___________? is_________?

A. Labour Relations A. A Staff function

B. Personnel Management B. A line function
C. Industrial Management C. A staff function, line function and
D. All of the above accounting function
D. All of the above
Which of the following is not a function
normally performed by HR department? The objectives of HRM are categorized as
A. Accounting
B. Recruitment and Selection A. Personal objectives
C. Pay and Reward B. Functional objectives
D. Employee Relations C. Organisational and social objectives
D. All of the above
Which of the following statements is false?
The scope of HRM does not include
A. Organizations are now less hierarchical in ____________?
B. Organizations are now generally A. Retirement of employees
focusing upon domestic rather than B. Manpower planning
international matters C. Training of employees
C. Organizations have adopted more D. Maintenance of accounts
flexible norms
D. Organizations have been subject to a raft The meaning of the acronym ‘SHRM’ is
of organizational change programs ____________?

Human Resource Management A. Short-term Human Resource

is______________? Management
B. Strategic Human Resource Management
A. Employee oriented C. Strategestic Human Resource
B. Employer oriented Management
C. Legally oriented D. Strategic Humane Resource
D. None of the above Management
3|P ag e

Recruitment is widely viewed as a A. a job design

______________? B. a job specification
C. a job analysis
A. positive process D. a job description
B. negative process
C. positive as well as negative process Which of the following is the area from
D. none of the above processes which applicants can be recruited?

Recruitment policy usually highlights need A. Employment Lines

for establishing ____________? B.Employees’ Association
C. Labour Market
A. job specification D. Labour Schemes
B. job analysis
C. job description For forecasting the demand for manpower,
D. none of the above the important techniques used
The process of developing the applicant’s
pool for job openings in an organization is A. Delphi Techniques
called___________? B. Statistical Techniques
C. Work Study Techniques
A. Hiring D. All of the above
B. Recruitment
C. Selection Selection of the candidates is done out
D. Retention of______________?

A brief write-up of what the job is all about A. Target population

is ____________? B. internal sources
C. external sources
A. job finding D. internal as well as external sources
B. job summary
C. job analysis HRM is considered as____________?
D. job specification
A. a reactive function
A job specification is one of the areas of B. a proactive function
___________? C. an auxiliary function
D. an auxo-reactive function
A. job analysis
B. job design A job design is ___________?
C. job description
D. job summary A. the design involving maximum
acceptable job design qualities to perform a
The division of the total task to be job
performed into a manageable and efficient B. the division of total task to be
unit is____________? performed into manageable and efficient
4|P ag e

units C. ergonomics and cultural factors

C. a systematic way of designing and D. feedback and diversity factors
determination of the worth of a job
D. none of the above The procedure for determining the duties
and skill requirements of a job and the
According to Edwin Flippo, the first and kind of person who should be hired for it is
immediate product of job analysis ______________?
A. job analysis
A. the job description B. job design
B. the job design C. job recruitment
C. the job production D. job description
D. the job specification
A list of the duties, responsibilities,
One of the important organizational reporting relationship, working conditions
factors affecting ‘Job Design’ is and supervisory responsibilities of a job as
___________? a product of a job analysis is
A. Workflow
B. Autonomy A. job enlargement
C. Feedback B. job design
D. Diversity C. job description
D. job enlistment
Behavioral factors affecting job design are
_____________? Job Characteristics Model is proposed by
A. Autonomy
B. Diversity A. Hockman and Coldham
C. Feedback B. Hockman and Oldcham
D. All of the above C. Hackman and Oldham
D. Horkman and Olatham
Factors affecting job design are
____________? The Integrated System Model of Strategic
Human Resource Manaqement
A. behavioral factors acknowledges the existence within the
B. environmental factors organisation of _______________?
C. organizational factors
D. all of the above A. multiple cultural and strategic
Organisational factors affecting job design B. multiple stakeholders
are ______________? C. multiple recruitment integrated system
D. multiple structural organisations
A. workforce and cultural factors
B. employee availability and abilities
5|P ag e

One of the dimensions included in the C. matches selection

Harvard Model is ______________? D. none of the above

A. HR outcomes interest Manpower inventory is ____________?

B. Behavioral interest
C. Stakeholders interest A. to find out how manpower is to be
D. Performance interest utilized
B. to prepare inventory for scheduling
Manpower inventory involves manpower
________________? C. the data collected about the present
employees of an organization
A. the classification of the inventory of D. the data as calculated by demand
workers in an organisation in addition to forecast and compared with inventory in
the qualities. respect of manpower
B. the classification of characteristics of
personnel in an organisation, in addition to E-recruiting methods
counting their number. include____________?
C. the classification of characteristics of
managers’ qualities in addition to their A. internet job boards
number. B. career websites
D. the classification of characteristic C. employer websites
features of functions for inventory in D. all of the above
addition to the total number of functions.
The Job Characteristics Model is one of the
One of the external sources of recruitment most influential attempts
is ____________? to____________?

A. retired managers and employees A. design jobs with increased motivational

B. dependents of deceased employees properties
C. gate hiring B. assign jobs with proper motivational
D. none of the above properties
C. analyse jobs with increase and proper
Selection is_________? motivation
D. describe jobs with increase motivation
A. Subjective for proper jobs
B. Objective
C. Normative High job satisfaction is the outcome of
D. Positive which of the following core dimensions
described by the Job Characteristics
Recruitment__________________ Model?

A. follows selection A. Task identity

B. precedes selection B. Task significance
6|P ag e

C. Feedback The Integrated system model is also known

D. Autonomy as ___________?

Low absenteeism and turnover is the A. Harvard Model

outcome of which of the following core B. Michigan Model
dimensions described by the Job C. Integrated Model
Characteristics Model D. Warwick System Model

A. Autonomy A general statement or understanding

B. Feedback which provides guidelines for decision-
C. Task Identity making to H.R. managers in respect of
D. Task Significance various H.R. functions and activities is
known as ____________?
Which of the following factors is one of the
environmental factors affecting job A. H.R. Vision statement
description: B. H.R. Philosophy
C. H.R. Mission statement
A. Workflow and culture D. H.R. Policy
B. Autonomy and feedback
C. Employee availability and abilities When an interviewer prepares a list of
D. Culture and diversity questions in advance and asks those
question to the candidate to obtain the
A broad, general and written statement of information from him; it is called
a specific job based on the findings of an ___________?
analysis is called as __________?
A. a structured interview
A. Specific Job Design B. a well-organized interview
B. Job Identification C. a systematic type interview
C. Specific Particular Analysis D. none of the above
D. Job Description
When an interviewer asks the questions to
The Michigan Model emphasis the the candidate according to the response
following functions and their interrelates. received from him and the questions asked
are not pre-determined in such an
A. selection, recruitment, induction and interview, it is called ___________?
B. appraisal, rewards, promotions and A. unprepared type of interview
retention B. unstructured interview
C. selection, recruitment, rewards and C. unconditional interview
promotion D. none of the above
D. selection, appraisal, rewards and human
resource development Job identification is one of the components
of _____________?
7|P ag e

A. job specification C. Informational role

B. job design D. Supportive role’
C. job description
D. job evaluation Recruitment is widely viewed as a
___________ process?
systematic and orderly process of
determining the worth of a job in relation A. Positive
to other jobs is ____________? B. Negative
C. Both Positive and Negative
A. worth job specification D. Unnecessary
B. job description
C. job evaluation . The best medium to reach a ‘large
D. job identification audience for the process of recruitment
A broad statement of the purpose, scope,
duties and responsibilities of a particular A. Casual applicants
job is___________? B. Advertising
C. Employee referrals
A. job specification D. Employment agencies
B. job description
C. job analysis The biggest problem facing e-HR is
D. job design the___________?

Job descriptions are also called A. rarity of HR

as____________? B. diversity of HR
C. security of HR data
A. Task oriented D. sustainability of HR
B. Task analysis
C. performance oriented Treating employees as precious human
D. Credit analysis resources is the basis of
____________ is the main source of
innovations? A. Hard HRM
B. Soft HRM
A. Upgraded technology C. Medium HRM
B. Human mind D. Utiliarian approach
C. Competitors’ pressure
D. Research & Development In comparing internal selection with
external selection, an advantage of
Which of the following role a manager internal selection is that____________?
performs as a Resource allocator?
A. Internal selection requires few
A. Interpersonal role procedures to locate and screen viable job
B. Decisional role candidate
8|P ag e

B. Internal selection presents fewer dangers Why are employers interested in employee
of inourring legal liability than external engagement?
C. There is less need to use multiple
predictors in assessing internal candidates A. To encourage employees to trust their
than. with external candidates manager
D. Information about internal candidates B. To make a quick profit
tends to be more verifiable than C. To make employees work harder for less
information about external candidates D. Because engaged employees are more
motivated and prepared to give their best
What is meant by the term “Management” to make the firm succeed
by Objectives’?
The best hiring occurs when the goals of
A. A. system of giving the authority to carry which of the following should consistent to
out certain jobs by those lower down the each other?
management hierarchy
B. The system of management that is based A. HR managers, Finance managers
on bringing together experts into a team B. Head office, Brand
C. The setting of objectives to bring about C. Organisation, individual
the achievement of the corporate goals D. Lower managers, Top managers
D. The control of the Organisation by those
in the ‘head office’ Why does the Resource-based view of
SHRM represent a paradigm shift in SHRM
Which of the following department is thinking?
responsible for handling safety & health
issues of employees? A. Because it focuses on the internal
human resources of the business as a
A. HR department source of sustainable competitive
B. Procurement department advantage
C. Finance department B. Because it advocates tight vertical
D. Marketing department integration between the organisation’s
business strategy and human resource
What are the ideas underpinning ‘soft, strategy.
commitment’ or ‘high-road’ HRM C. Because it relies on a set of high-
practices? commitment HR practices to deliver
sustainable competitive advantage.
A. Labour needs to be treated as assets to D. Because it focuses on the external
be invested in. context of the business
B. Employees are a cost which should be
minimized. Under which of the following authority, an
C. A lack of mutuality existing between HR manager took the decision to provide
employee and employer training to its employees regarding the
D. A disregard for unlocking discretionary operations of newly installed machine?
9|P ag e

A. Staff greater degree of responsibility and

B. Functional autonomy
C. Line
D. Implied When planning for employment
requirements, what must be forecasted?
When constructing the ad, it is important
to consider how to best ________? A. Sales desired
B. Production Scheduled
A. Attract attention to the advertisement C. Inventory
B. Get right candidate D. Personnel needs
C. How will be the profit
D. The candidate reach in profit The HR policy which is based on the
philosophy of the utmost good for the
Which one of the following responsibilities greatest number of people is covered
is specifically associated with the HR under the_____________?
function of employee relations?
A. utilitarian approach
A. Conducting attitude surveys B. approach based on rights
B. Work analysis C. approach based on justice
C. HR information systems D. configurational approach
D. Job design
Although many authors experience
___________ best defines how well a test difficulty in distinguishing between
or selection procedure measures a personnel management and HRM, it can be
person’s attributes. argued that HRM is the elevation of
personnel management to a
A. Reliability more___________level.
B. Testing
C. Validity A. Strategic
D. Organizational constraint B. organisational
C. operational
Job Enrichment involves____________? D. centralized

A. Increases the amount of money HR managers play vital role

employees are paid for completing an unit in___________?
of work
B. Is a programme through which A. Setting production targets
management seeks greater productivity B. Formulating strategies
from workers C. Publishing financial statements
C. Means that staff i$ moved periodically D. Preparing reports to shareholders
from task to task in order to increase
variety and interest HRM is more___________ whereas
D. Involves giving employees work with a Personnel Management is slightly narrow?
10 | P a g e

A. Complex A. Education
B. Detailed B. Experience
C. Mechanical C. work stability
D. Growth-oriented D. Applicant’s age

Which of the following term is used to HR’s basic challenges in formulating

identify, “what the job holder does”? “how strategies include(s):________________?
it is done”? & “why it is done”?
A. Need to support corporate productivity
A. Job specification and performance improvement efforts.
B. Job evaluation B. Employees not play any role in
C. Job description performance improvement efforts
D. Job title C. Not being involved in designing the
company’s strategic plan.
Which of the following statement D. Management agenda’s
represents ‘effectiveness’ ?
Internal recruitment has the potentiality to
A. Achieve most output in less time increase the of the employees.
B. Achieve mass production
C. Achieve most output with least input A. Conflicts
D. Achieve Organisational goals B. Misunderstanding
C. Income
Why Organisations provide, attractive D. Morale
salaries, fringe benefits, career
development opportunities: Identifying and executing the firm’s
mission by matching its capabilities with
A. To retain valuable human resources demands of its environment is the firm’s:
B. To be the market leader in the future
C. To attract more and more people A. Strategic Management
D. To enforce government regulations B. Mission statement
C. Vision
Which of the following approach D. SWOT analysis
emphasizes the effect of psychological and
social factors on employees’ performance? _____________examination may protect
the company against unwarranted claims
A. Scientific approach under workers compensation laws?
B. Rational approach
C. Human relations approach A. Written
D. Systematic approach B. Physical
C. Mental
Which of the following is not a type of D. Reference
information that should be provided by
application forms? Creating an environment that facilitates a
continuous and . two-way exchange of
11 | P a g e

information between the superiors and the C. EffiCiency

subordinates is the core of_____________? D. Performativity

A. High involvement management model Strategic human resource management

B. Low commitment management model aims to achieve competitive advantage in
C. High performance management model the market through__________?
D. Low performance Management model
A. Price
Formulating and executing HR systems B. Product
that produce employee competencies and C. People
behaviors needed to achieve the D. Process
company’s strategic aims
is/are_____________? Strategic management process usually
consists of _________steps.
A. Strategic HR Management
B. Strategy executjon A. Four
C. HR strategies B. Five
D. Strategic implementation C. Six
D. Seven
The focus of Human Resource
Management revolves Advertisements through newspapers, TV,
around____________? radio, professional journals and magazines
are___________methods of recruitment.
A. Machine
B. Motivation A. Direct
C. Money B. Indirect
D. Men C. Third-party
D. E-recruitment
Which of the following is closely associated
with strategic human resource The process of developing an applicants’
management? pool for job openings in an Organization is
A. Infficient utilisation of human resources
B. Not attracting the best human resources A. Hiring
C. Providing Superficial training B. Recruitment
D. Providing Best training methods C. Selection
D. Retention
Human Resource Management aims to
maximize employees as well as Which of the following would likely be the
Organizational_________________? least effective method of recruiting
internal job candidates?
A. Effectiveness
B. Economy A. Posting information on Organisational
bulletin boards
12 | P a g e

B. Examining HR records of current Which of the following component of

employees attitude represents a person’s opinio’ns
C. Advertising in national newspapers and knowledge, and information?
D. Internal Sources A. Affective component
B. Cognitive component
The interview is used as a method for C. Behavioral component
determining___________? D. Objective component

A. The personality of the candidate. Which of the following is not a function

B. The degree ‘of fit between the applicant normally performed by the HR·
and the demands of the job. department?
C. His/her age.
D. Physical attributes A. Employee relation
B. Training and Development
The thorough & detailed study.regarding C. Accounting
jobs within an Organisation is represented D. Recruitment and Selection
Which of the following test indicates the
A. Job analysis person’s inclination towards a particular
B. Job description occupation that provides satisfaction to
C. Job specification that individual?
D. Job evaluation
A. Vocational interest test
The process of choosing individuals who B. Cognitive aptitude test
have re1evant qualifications to fill existing C. Personality test
or projected job openings is__________? D. psychomotor abilities test

A. Screening process Successful managers are__________?

B. Selection process
C. Interview process A. Efficient & effective
D. Pre-screeninq process B. Strict to employees
C. Wrong Policy makers
Firing the non-performing employees, HR D. Wrong decision makers
manager is said to perform
the__________? Which of the following statements most
accurately defines human resource
A. Interpersonal role management?
B. Informational role
C. Supportive role A. Human resource management
D. Decisional role contributes to business strategy and plays
an important role in the implementation of
business strategy
B. Human resource management is an
13 | P a g e

approach to managing people ideal candidate

C. Human resource management seeks to D. ability to keep identity of firm
achieve competitive advantage through confidential
the strategic deployment of a highly
committed and capable workforce, using Which of the following is not true of the
an integrated array of cultural, structural activity known as job analysis?
and personnel techniques
D. Human. resource management focuses A. The rate of pay for the job is fixed.
on people as the source of competitive B. The job elements are rated in terms such
advantage as frequency. of use or amount of time
Which of the following is a key HR role as C. It aims to describe the purpose of a job
defined by Ulrich et al (29)? and the conditions under which it is
A. Personnel administrator D. Jobs are broken into elements such as
B. Business ally information required or relations with
C. Payroll advisor other people
D. Organisational geographer
Which of the following force makes an
The advantage of external recruiting is individual eligible to make decisions, give
that:___________? orders &. directing work activities of
A. They ensure consistency from opening to
closing A. Power
B. They are useful for companies too small B. Influence
to have dedicated recruiters C. Authority
C. They are very inexpensive D. Command
D. Time Consuming
HR Department maintains
Executive recruiters are also _________records.
A. Employee
A. head hunters B. Sales
B. staffers C. Production
C. alternative staffing companies D. Inventory
D. contract technical recruiters
A Competency consists of____________?
Which of the following is a disadvantage of
using an executive recruiter? A. The specific tasks a person must do
B. Skills and behaviours
A. many contacts in field C. A list of tests that will measure cognitive
B. adept at contacting candidates who are ability
not on the job market D. Communications and behaviour
C. unfamiliar with company perceptions of
14 | P a g e

How often HR planning process is In the future, HR managers will have to

implemented within an Organisation? deal with all of the following workforce
changes, except
A. Continuously
B. Annually A. a more racially diverse workforce
C. Bi-annually B. a skills shortfall among workers
D. Quarterly C. an abundance of entry level workers
D. an older workforce
Which of the following emerged when
individuals realized the strength they could Mr. ‘A’ must decide what positions the
gain by joining together to negotiate with firm should fill in the next six months.
employers? What activity is Mr. ‘A’ working on?

A. Trade Unions A. Recruitment

B. Human Relation movement B. Selection
C. Employment Legislations C. Personnel planning
D. Employee relationship Management D. Interviewing

Which of the following functions of HRM In strategic human resource management,

deals with ‘Collective Bargaining’? HR strategies are generally aligned
A. Staffing
B. Forecasting A. Business Strategy
C. Employee-assistance management B. Marketing Strategies
D. Employee relations management C. Finance strategy
D. Economic strategy
Once a firm has a pool of applicants, the
first step in Pre-screening is The number of people hired for a
the_________? particular job compared to the number of
individuals in the applicant pool is often
A. in-person interview expressed as________?
B. on-site visit
C. application form A. Application ratio
D. telephone interview B. Recruitment ratio
C. Selection ratio
Career counseling ‘is part of which of the D. Employment ratio
following functions of HRM?
The extent to which an employment
A. Compensation & benefits selection test provides consistent results is
B. Planning & selection known as:__________?
C. Training and Development
D. Maintenance of HRIS A. Reliability
B. Dependability
15 | P a g e

C. Consistency A. Legal requirements

D. Trustworthiness B. It is less expensive
C. Companies can add new talent, new
HRM typically provides which of these ideas to the organization
types of training to temporary employees? D. Orientation time is reduced

A. Retirement planning’ Which of the following department of an

B. Benefits options Orqanisation performs the managerial
C. Orientation function of matching Orqanisational needs
D. Career planning and management with the skills & abilities of the
In which stage of HR intranet site
development are multiple sites linked A. Finance department
together to create a seamless experience B. Marketing department
for the individual? C. Production department
D. Human Resource department
A. Personalized
B. Integrated The most popular method of recruiting
C. Transactional applicants to jobs is_________?
D. Brochureware
A. Radio and TV advertisement
Which approach that seeks the to link B. Corporate website
strategy, business, performance and HRM C. Employee referral schemes
policies and practices, assumes that there D. Commercial job boards
are a number of HRM practices that are
suitable for all Organisations? Tests that measure traits, temperament, or
disposition are examples of___________?
A. Best Practice
B. Best fit A. Manual dexterity tests
C. Resource-based view B. Personality tests
D. Life cycle models C. Intelligence tests
D. Work sample tests
Job analysis produces which of the
following, regardless of the technique Which Personnel association uses the idea
used? of bundles of integral HRM practices?

A. Benchmarks A. European association for personnel

B. Individual interview management
C. Job specifications B. U.S office of personnel management
D. Replacement charts C. Chartered Institute of personnel &
Why do companies use external job D. Association of personnel Service
searches instead of internal searches? Orqanisations
16 | P a g e

HRP stands for___________? Why might there be some difficulty in

identifying and applying the Best-practice
A. Human resource project approach to HRM in Organisations?
B. Human resource planning
C. Human recruitment planning A. Because the best-practice approach
D. Human recruitment procedure tends to be resource- intensive
B. Because there is much variation in the
Recruiting is necessary to_________? literature and empirical research as to what
constitutes best-practice
A. forecast the supply of outside candidates C. Because the best-practice approach
B. developing an applicant pool would not fit the cost-reduction driven
C. determine whether to use inside or. strategies favoured by many in short-
outside candidates termist economies.
D. develop qualifications inventories D. Because the best-practice approach does
not emphasize the individual business
Which of the following is NOT a goal of context
Which of these models is not a rational
A. Integration of HRM with the corporate planning approach?
strategy of the Organization
B. Producing the desired human behavior A. Corporate- level strategic planning
that helps to achieve Organisatlons goals B. Strategic business unit level strategic
C. Creation of a flexible environment that planning
can easily adopt change C. Processual Approach
D. To endure proper delivery of products D. Operational level strategic planning

Vertical integration in relation to SHRM Relationship between HRM &

can be described as which of the Management?
A. Both are same .
A. The relationship or integration between B. Management is one aspect of HRM
an Organisation’s senior managers C. HRM is one aspect of Management
B. The relationship or integration between D. No relationship exists
HR functional policies, for example
employee development, employee reward The unstructured interview:___________?
and employee relations
C. The relationship or integration between A. Infrequently conducted
the internal HR processes, and the B. Typically is unbiased
Organisation’s business strategy and C. Typically is related to future
external market. D. Typically biased job performance
D. The relationship or integration between
operational functions and policies Human resource planning techniques
include the use of some or all of the
17 | P a g e

A. Size of organizational structure A. High Intellectual Capacity

B. Infrastructure Plan B. Higher understanding of organization
C. Control and evaluation C. High level of curiosity
D. Employee Management D. High potential

Using a structured interviewing technique Increasing the number and variety of tasks
would likely achieve all of the following assigned to a job is called__________?
A. Job rotation
A. Increased consistency across candidates B. Job enlargement
B. Reduced subjectivity on the part of the C. Job enrichment
interviewer D. A. and C.
C. Enhanced job relatedness
D. More opportunity to explore areas as The goal of this stage of HR intranet site
they arise during the interview development is to provide employees with
a truly individualized experience based on
Which one of the following is NOT the their individual profiles?
advantage of Workforce Diversity?
A. Brochure ware
A. Increased creativity and flexibility B. Transactional
B. Decreased problem-solving skills C. Lnteqrated
C. Multiple perspectives D. Personalized
D. Greater openness to new ideas
The characteristics of human resources are
How can high potential employees be _____________in nature?
developed for future positions?
A. Homogeneous
A. internal training B. Heterogeneous
B. Increasing pal skill C. Ductility
C. Managing employee D. Stable
D. Allowing them to do further studies
The written statement of the findings of
Which of the following approach job analysis is called __________?
emphasizes the’ effect of psychological &.
Social factors on employees’ performance? A. Job design
B. Job classification
A. Scientific approach C. Job description
B. Rational approach D. Job evaluation
C. Human relations approach
D. Systematic approach The first step in the human resource
planning process is ____________?
Campus Recruiting does not have the
advantage of___________? A. Preparing a job analysis
B. Forecasting future human resource
18 | P a g e

needs Strategic human resource management

C. Assessing future demand involves____________?
D. Assessing future supply
A. Financing project marketing related
The process which best defines the programming
locating and, encouraging potential B. setting employment standards and
employees to apply for jobs policies
is___________? C. linking human resources with strategic
objectives to improve performance
A. Human resource planning D. Project planning
B. Selection
C. Recruitment The one of the following is the best reason
D. Job Analysis for the reduced use of written tests
Which of the following is an example of
operative function of HR managers? A. They are hard to construct
B. They are difficult to validate
A. PIanning’ C. They are expensive to adminis
B. Organizing D. They give very little information
C. Procurement
D. Controlling The field of HRM was founded on the idea
that the competitive advantage of the
The human resource management organisation relies on the following
functions aims at____________? sources of capital:

A. ensuring that the ‘human resources A. cultural, human and system capital
possess, adequate capital, tool equipment B. social, cultural and human capital
and material to perform the job successful C. organisation relies on the ,following
B. helping the Organisation deal with its sources of capital
employees in different stages of D. cultural, human and source capital
C. improving an Organisation’s Which of the following act represents a
creditworthiness among financial situation in which employment decisions
institutions are NOT affected by illegal-discrimination?
D. Ensuring financial & Marketing Stability
A. Fair employment
The term procurement stands B. Legal compliance
for__________? C. Litigation Process
D. Affirmative action
A. recruitment and selection
B. training and development If one were to think of HR as a business,
C. pay and benefits which of the following “product lines”
D. health and safety involves developing effective HR systems
that help the Organisation meet its goals
19 | P a g e

for attracting, keeping and developing C. Organizing

people with the skills it needs? D. performance appraisal

A. Administrative services The following are some of the ways that

B. Business partner services human resources can benefit through
C. Strategic partner electronic systems, except:_________?
D. Product quality audit
A. online recruiting can eliminate
The process of grouping of similar types of paperwork and speed up the hiring process
works together is known as____________? B. online learning can slash travel costs and
make training available anytime anywhere
A. Job classification C. working online can reduce the
B. Job design resistance sometimes experienced from
C. Job evaluation employees
D. Job description D. online retirement planning can help
employees map out their future while
Which of the following aptly describes the reducing questions and paperwork for HR
role of line managers and staff advisors
namely HR professionals? A written statement of policies and
principles that guides the behaviour of all
A. Staff advisers focus more on developing employees is called__________?
HR programmes while line managers are
more involved in the implementation of A. code of ethics
those programmes B. word of ethics
B. Line managers are concerned more about C. ethics/ dilemma
develop.ing HR programmes whereas staff D. Training Manual
advisors are more involved in implementing
such programmes The mental process to interpret
C. Staff advisors are solely responsible for environment as’ per one’s own
developing, implementIng and evaluating understanding is known as:__________?
the HR programmes while line managers
are not all involved in any matters A. Perception
concerning HR B. Attitude
D. Line managers alo~e are responsible for C. Personality
developing, implementing and evaluating D. Ability
the HR programmes while staff advisors are
not all involved in any matters concerning The sixth step of the SHRM application tool
HR. is to evaluate the plan against success
criteria. During this stage it is important to
Identify the managerial function’ out of note:___________?
the following functions of HR managers?
A. the positive effects of the actions
A. Procurement implemented
B. Development B. the negative effects of the actions
20 | P a g e

implemented Which of the following term best

C. the failures that resulted from the represents the individuals who have
implementation of the plan interests in an Organisation and are
D. the positive & negative effect of the influenced by it?
actions implemented
A. Workforce
The critical role of the SHRM Application B. Stakeholders
Tool is to:_____________? C. Customers
D. Stockholders
A. Outline techniques, frameworks, and six
steps that must be followed to effectively Which of the following is not an advantage
implement change in an organisation. of using a private employment agency?
B. Develop a better strategic management
process to deal with the dynamic changing A. it may be faster than in-house recruiting
environment today’s organisations face. B. it does not require internal recruitment
C. Identify and assess a narrow group of specialists
actions and plan how the organisation can C. screening may not be as thorough
overcome resistance to change. D. it may be better for attracting minority
D. identify if the organisation ‘has enough candidates
staff, if the staff heed training, if the
compensation practices are appropriate, The degree to which interviews, tests, and
and if jobs are designed correctly other selection procedures yield
comparable data over time and alternative
HR managers are generally measures is best define by__________?
A. Job sampling
A. Line B. Reliability
B. Middle C. Validity
C. Staff D. Organisational culture
D. Top
Moving employees from· one job to
The last step in the e-selection process is another in a predetermined way is called
__________? ____________?

A. consider how the various new A. Job rotation

stakeholders and clients will use the system B. Job re-engineering
B. train the employees that will be C. Work mapping
responsible for the administration of the D. Job enrichment
C. draw-up a flow chart of the current The Statement which best describes the
assessment process function of Human Resources Planning
D. draft the desired flow process that will is___________?
result from the E-selection process
21 | P a g e

A. An integrated set of processes, programs C. it does not al!ow the company to

and systems in an Organisation that focuses evaluate the success of its recruitment
on maximizing employee contribution in strategy
order to achieve Qrganisational success D. it increases the effectiveness of the
B. The’ process of ensuring that people recruitment process by reaching larger
required running the company are being numbers of qualified people
used as effectively as possible especially in
fulfilling developmental needs in order to The primary aim of recruitment and
accomplish selection process is to___________?
the organisation’s goals.
C. The formal process of familiarizing new A. Meet the high labour turnover
employees with the Organisation,new job, B. Hire the best individuals at optimum
work units and culture values, beliefs and cost
accepted behaviour. C. Ensure the availability of surplus in the
D. The process of effectively and efficiently case of sickness and absence
managing your assets. D. Hire Excess manpower for the future

E-operations cover Web-based initiatives To address the challenges and

that: opportunities they face organisations
engage in a process of strategic
A. improve the marketing of existing management. Strategic management is:
B. improve the creation of existing products A. short-term focused and composed of
C. improve ways to address an identified organisational strategy, including strategy
set of customer needs formulation and implementation
D. improve the selling process B. short-term focused and composed of the
organisation’s mission, vision and value
__________ is the process of deciding what statements
positions the firm will have to fill? C. long-term focused and composed of
organisational strategy, including strategy
A. Recruitment formulation and implementation
B. Selection D. long-term focused and composed of the
C. Personnel Planning organisation’s mission, vision and value
D. Interviewing statements

A number of benefits can be derived from Which of the following have/has proven to
using E-recruiting, these include: be a particularly good predictor for jobs
that include cognitively complex tasks?
A. it decreases the effectiveness of the
recruitment process by reaching larger A. intelligence tests
numbers of qualified people B. integrity evaluations
B. it increases recruitment costs, it C. work samplingD) drug tests
decreases and streamlines the E. behavioral assessment
administrative process cycle times
22 | P a g e

Human resource management is the A. Production

formal part of an organization responsible B. Marketing
for all of the following aspects of the C. Inventory management
management of human resources except: D. Training & Development

A. systems, processes, and procedures Which of the following act represents a

B. policy making, implementation, and situation in which employment decisions
enforcement are NOT affected by illegal discrimination?
C. strategy development and analysis
D. management of the Organisation’s A. Fair employment
finances B. Legal compliance
C. Litigation Process
A practice used by different companies to D. Affirmative action
reduce costs by transferring portions of
work to outside provider rather than The first step in the e-selection process
completing it internally is termed as: is____________?

A. Planning A. consider how the various new

B. Decentralization stakeholders and clients will use the system
C. Restructuring B. train the employees that will be
D. Outsourcing responsible for the administration of the
The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the C. draw-up a flow chart of the current
basis of the relevant characteristics, duties, assessment process
and responsibilities is known D. draft the desired flow process that will
as__________? result from the E-selection process

A. Job evaluation Motivating the employees is classified

B. Job design as___________?
C. Job specification
D. Job description A. Informational role
B. Interpersonal role
Which of the following is not an elements C. Decisional role
of traditional job design? D. Conceptual role

A. Formal Organisation charts The Mental Process to interpret

B. Clear and precise job descriptions environment as’ per one’s own
C. Well-defined mobility (promotion and understanding is known as:____________?
transfer) paths
D. Employee number chart A. Perception
B. Personality
The Scope of human resource C. Attitude
management includes:___________? D. Ability

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