Principles Of: Multiple Choice Questions With Answers
Principles Of: Multiple Choice Questions With Answers
Principles Of: Multiple Choice Questions With Answers
The term used before the language of Human Resource Management (HRM)
modern HRM was ___________? is_________?
B. Internal selection presents fewer dangers Why are employers interested in employee
of inourring legal liability than external engagement?
C. There is less need to use multiple
predictors in assessing internal candidates A. To encourage employees to trust their
than. with external candidates manager
D. Information about internal candidates B. To make a quick profit
tends to be more verifiable than C. To make employees work harder for less
information about external candidates D. Because engaged employees are more
motivated and prepared to give their best
What is meant by the term “Management” to make the firm succeed
by Objectives’?
The best hiring occurs when the goals of
A. A. system of giving the authority to carry which of the following should consistent to
out certain jobs by those lower down the each other?
management hierarchy
B. The system of management that is based A. HR managers, Finance managers
on bringing together experts into a team B. Head office, Brand
C. The setting of objectives to bring about C. Organisation, individual
the achievement of the corporate goals D. Lower managers, Top managers
D. The control of the Organisation by those
in the ‘head office’ Why does the Resource-based view of
SHRM represent a paradigm shift in SHRM
Which of the following department is thinking?
responsible for handling safety & health
issues of employees? A. Because it focuses on the internal
human resources of the business as a
A. HR department source of sustainable competitive
B. Procurement department advantage
C. Finance department B. Because it advocates tight vertical
D. Marketing department integration between the organisation’s
business strategy and human resource
What are the ideas underpinning ‘soft, strategy.
commitment’ or ‘high-road’ HRM C. Because it relies on a set of high-
practices? commitment HR practices to deliver
sustainable competitive advantage.
A. Labour needs to be treated as assets to D. Because it focuses on the external
be invested in. context of the business
B. Employees are a cost which should be
minimized. Under which of the following authority, an
C. A lack of mutuality existing between HR manager took the decision to provide
employee and employer training to its employees regarding the
D. A disregard for unlocking discretionary operations of newly installed machine?
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A. Complex A. Education
B. Detailed B. Experience
C. Mechanical C. work stability
D. Growth-oriented D. Applicant’s age
Using a structured interviewing technique Increasing the number and variety of tasks
would likely achieve all of the following assigned to a job is called__________?
A. Job rotation
A. Increased consistency across candidates B. Job enlargement
B. Reduced subjectivity on the part of the C. Job enrichment
interviewer D. A. and C.
C. Enhanced job relatedness
D. More opportunity to explore areas as The goal of this stage of HR intranet site
they arise during the interview development is to provide employees with
a truly individualized experience based on
Which one of the following is NOT the their individual profiles?
advantage of Workforce Diversity?
A. Brochure ware
A. Increased creativity and flexibility B. Transactional
B. Decreased problem-solving skills C. Lnteqrated
C. Multiple perspectives D. Personalized
D. Greater openness to new ideas
The characteristics of human resources are
How can high potential employees be _____________in nature?
developed for future positions?
A. Homogeneous
A. internal training B. Heterogeneous
B. Increasing pal skill C. Ductility
C. Managing employee D. Stable
D. Allowing them to do further studies
The written statement of the findings of
Which of the following approach job analysis is called __________?
emphasizes the’ effect of psychological &.
Social factors on employees’ performance? A. Job design
B. Job classification
A. Scientific approach C. Job description
B. Rational approach D. Job evaluation
C. Human relations approach
D. Systematic approach The first step in the human resource
planning process is ____________?
Campus Recruiting does not have the
advantage of___________? A. Preparing a job analysis
B. Forecasting future human resource
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A. ensuring that the ‘human resources A. cultural, human and system capital
possess, adequate capital, tool equipment B. social, cultural and human capital
and material to perform the job successful C. organisation relies on the ,following
B. helping the Organisation deal with its sources of capital
employees in different stages of D. cultural, human and source capital
C. improving an Organisation’s Which of the following act represents a
creditworthiness among financial situation in which employment decisions
institutions are NOT affected by illegal-discrimination?
D. Ensuring financial & Marketing Stability
A. Fair employment
The term procurement stands B. Legal compliance
for__________? C. Litigation Process
D. Affirmative action
A. recruitment and selection
B. training and development If one were to think of HR as a business,
C. pay and benefits which of the following “product lines”
D. health and safety involves developing effective HR systems
that help the Organisation meet its goals
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A number of benefits can be derived from Which of the following have/has proven to
using E-recruiting, these include: be a particularly good predictor for jobs
that include cognitively complex tasks?
A. it decreases the effectiveness of the
recruitment process by reaching larger A. intelligence tests
numbers of qualified people B. integrity evaluations
B. it increases recruitment costs, it C. work samplingD) drug tests
decreases and streamlines the E. behavioral assessment
administrative process cycle times
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