Assessment Task 2: B. Job Enlargement
Assessment Task 2: B. Job Enlargement
Assessment Task 2: B. Job Enlargement
1. Combining previously fragmented tasks into one job, again to increase the variety and
meaning of repetitive work is called _________.
a. job rotation
b. job enlargement
c. job enrichment
d. job analysis
7. Which of the following has been defined as the psychological qualities that influence an
individual’s characteristic behavior patterns in a stable and distinctive manner?
a. Attitude.
b. Personality.
c. Emotions.
d. Intelligence.
10. Which of the following comprises the design of jobs, working conditions and the ways in
which people are treated at work by their managers and co-workers as well as the work
a. Work design.
b. Work system design.
c. Work environment.
d. Organizational structures.
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
2. According to Alfes et al (2010), thinking hard about the job and how to do it better is
a) intellectual engagement
b) affective engagement
c) social engagement
d) personal engagement
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
5. The employment life cycle usually shows a decision point shortly after joining, when things
are still new and perhaps difficult. This is called ________________________________.
a) first difficulty
b) first crisis
c) first Induction Crisis
d) frustration
8. Which of the following is conducted to gauge the general climate of the organization and the
response of the workforce as a whole to working conditions, management style and so on?
a) Attitude Survey
b) Perception Survey
c) Satisfaction Survey
d) Cognitive Survey
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
4. In working place job analysis is carried out by any one of the following EXCEPT
a) Observation of working practice.
b) Questionnaires and interviews.
c) Diaries, time sheets and other self-recording techniques.
d) Data collection form industry journals.
7. In a job advertisement, ‘pleasant personality’ has been sought for the post of a public
relations officer. The stated person specification is classed
a) essential
b) desirable
c) contra-indicated
d) optional