300 008 342
300 008 342
300 008 342
for AIX
Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases
Release Notes
P/N 300-008-342
Rev A05
November 2, 2009
Revision History
Revision History
The following table presents the revision history of this document.
A01 December 4, 2008 First release of the 5.3 version and its service pack
A04 October 19, 2009 Updated content for the 5.3 SP1 Release.
Product description
The EMC® PowerPath® family of products includes PowerPath
multipathing software, PowerPath Migration Enabler®, and
PowerPath Encryption with RSA®. This release note covers
PowerPath multipathing. PowerPath Migration Enabler and
PowerPath Encryption are covered in separate release note
documents, available on Powerlink.
PowerPath is a host-resident software solution designed to enhance
performance and application availability. PowerPath combines
automatic load balancing, path failover, and multiple path I/O
capabilities into one integrated package.
Your license type determines the extent of PowerPath functionality
available. If you have questions about your license, contact your EMC
Customer Support Representative.
2 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
New features and changes
PowerPath 5.3 SP1 PowerPath 5.3 SP1 for AIX is a full package installation. You do not
need to install PowerPath 5.3 before installing SP1, and you can
upgrade directly to 5.3 SP1 from PowerPath 4.5 or later.
PowerPath 5.3 SP1 includes the following new features and changes.
◆ Support for the following CLARiiON features:
• Asymmetric Logical Unit Access (ALUA) failover mode,
including support for SCSI-2 reservations with FLARE version or later.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 3
New features and changes
PowerPath 5.3 PowerPath 5.3 for AIX adds support for the following new features:
◆ Support of the emcpadm command to export and import pseudo
device name and logical unit data in XML format. See “emcpadm
command line utility” on page 22. The EMC PowerPath Family CLI
and System Messages Reference Guide has more information on the
emcpadm enhancements.
◆ Support for the new Stream I/O load balancing policy. See
“Stream I/O policy” on page 23. The EMC PowerPath Family CLI
and System Messages Reference Guide has more information on
Stream I/O.
◆ Support for the PowerPath Management Daemon using SNMP
that monitors PowerPath devices and alerts the administrator
when access to devices is disrupted or the device configuration
changes. “Management Daemon using SNMP” on page 23 and
the EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 Installation and
Administration Guide provides more information on the
PowerPath management daemon using SNMP.
◆ Expanded support for the Unique Device Identifier (UDID)
feature. UDID is already in use as an identifier for MPIO devices
and has been expanded to include support for iSCSI EMC
Symmetrix® (Internet Protocol version 4 and version 6) and EMC
CLARiiON® (Internet Protocol version 4 only) devices. The EMC
Host Connectivity Guide for AIX contains more information on
◆ New PowerPath Migration Enabler technologies are supported in
PowerPath 5.3 for AIX:
• EMC Symmetrix TimeFinder®/Clone (also known as
SYMCLONE) is a Migration Enabler technology that creates a
full volume copy of a source device when the source and
target devices are in the same Symmetrix array.
• A host-based copy (also known as Host Copy) migration works
in conjunction with the host operating system to migrate data
from the specified source logical unit to the target logical unit.
4 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
New features and changes
End-of-life announcements
The following announcements apply to PowerPath for AIX.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 5
Fixed problems
Consistency groups
Consistency groups will not be supported starting with the next
PowerPath version (5.3 SP1). Symmetrix Enginuity Version 5568 and
later provide support for consistency groups with the Enginuity
Consistency Assist (ECA) feature. ECA can perform consistent split
operations across multiple, heterogeneous hosts without the use of
PowerPath. The PowerPath emcpcg and emcpsapi extensions
associated with consistency group support will be removed from the
next software version after 5.3 (that is, PowerPath 5.3 SP1), and
associated output and files will no longer appear.
PowerPath 5.3 SP1 PowerPath 5.3 SP1 has the following end-of-life announcement.
HP array support
EMC is phasing out PowerPath support for HP StorageWorks EVA
3000/5000 arrays with firmware VCS 3.x, HP StorageWorks XP
48/128/512/1024 arrays, and Hitachi Lightning arrays. PowerPath
5.3 SP1 is the last version for AIX to include qualified support for
these arrays, and subsequent releases will not support them. Earlier
PowerPath for AIX versions will continue to support the arrays in
accordance with the EMC software support duration policy. EMC
strives to minimize customer impact when implementing support
changes and to maintain backward compatibility whenever possible.
Fixed problems
This section lists the fixed problems in PowerPath 5.3.x. You can view
the most current fixed problems for PowerPath online using EMC
E-Lab™ Issue Tracker on Powerlink®. “Troubleshooting and getting
help” on page 28 provides additional information on accessing Issue
6 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Fixed problems
Found in Fixed in
Description version version
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 7
Fixed problems
Found in Fixed in
Description version version
8 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Environment and system requirements
Interoperability information
Before you install PowerPath, or whenever you make changes to the
host or storage environment where PowerPath operates, consult the
following resources:
◆ Section entitled "Before You Install" in the EMC PowerPath for AIX
Version 5.3 Installation and Administration Guide.
◆ EMC E-Lab Interoperability Navigator.
◆ EMC Host Connectivity Guide for IBM AIX (CLARiiON and
Symmetrix systems only).
These resources will help you configure an environment in which all
components, including PowerPath, can operate optimally.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 9
Environment and system requirements
10 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Environment and system requirements
Host configuration
Table 2 shows supported operating systems.
AIX 5.3 (32 and 64-bit) • 5.3 TL6 SP10 • 5.3 TL6 SP10
• 5.3 TL10 SP1 (5300-10-01-0921)
requires iFix
AIX 5.2 (32 and 64-bit) • TL10 SP5 (APAR IZ11719) TL10 SP5 (APAR IZ11719)
• TL10 SP7 (Available January,
/ (root) 5 MB
/usr 174 MB
/tmp 5 MB
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 11
Environment and system requirements
12 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Environment and system requirements
Note: Enter the lscfg -vpl fcsX command (where X is the adapter number)
and verify the output shows the following variable is set to 3: Device
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 13
Environment and system requirements
If you do not extend hd5, some bosboot problems might arise, with
the following message:
0301–161 bosboot: dd failed to copy boot image
0301–165 bosboot: WARNING! System not bootable
The following procedure explains how to extend hd5 from one PP to
two PP. If the bosboot command still fails with two PP, extend hd5
with a new PP, following the same procedure, until the bosboot
command succeeds.
To extend the hd5 partition, type:
extendlv hd5 1
The two hd5 PP must be contiguous. In the following example, the
two PP are not contiguous:
1–1 used outer edge hd5 boot N/A
13–13 used outer edge hd5 boot N/A
To make the PP contiguous, remove hd5 and create it again by typing:
1. rmlv –f hd5
14 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Environment and system requirements
Symmetrix storage If your environment includes Symmetrix storage systems, refer to the
systems following:
◆ A problem with Symmetrix Enginuity 5x68 and 5x69 prevents
PowerPath for AIX from recovering path state. To avoid this
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 15
Environment and system requirements
CLARiiON storage If your environment includes CLARiiON storage systems, refer also
systems to:
◆ EMC Host Connectivity Guide for IBM AIX, which provides basic
information about the features and setup procedures for host
interfaces to CLARiiON systems.
◆ For information on when to install PowerPath on a host attached
to a CLARiiON storage system, refer to the CLARiiON
storage-system support website
(www.emc.com\clariionsupport). From the home page, select
your storage system type, then use the Attach server link (CX4
systems) or the Install link (all other systems) to generate
step-by-step instructions.
Connectivity requirements
The E-Lab Interoperability Navigator provides information about the
requirements for Fibre Channel and switched fabric configurations
and components that can be used with PowerPath.
16 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Known problems and limitations
Note: Install HBAs, their supporting firmware versions, and other network
components using the manufacturer’s directions and the settings specified in
the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator. Using incorrect settings can cause
erratic failover behavior or extended response time for system I/O.
Known problems Table 4 on page 17 shows problems in PowerPath 5.3 for AIX. You can
view a complete list of known problems for PowerPath online using
E-Lab Issue Tracker on Powerlink. “Troubleshooting and getting
help” on page 28 provides additional information on accessing Issue
Found in
Description Workaround version
315125 Install the LLT patch. The details are as 5.3 SP1
When VCS 5.0 is installed and configured in a 2 node cluster, 1 node follows:
hangs during the LLT configuration stage. It displays the "LLT link • Required Patch for LLT:
down" error message and the system goes to state from where even vcs-aix-5.0+e1274390_llt-
dump could not be initiated. patches.tar
• Patch includes: VRTSllt.rte.bff.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 17
Known problems and limitations
Found in
Description Workaround version
18 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Known problems and limitations
Found in
Description Workaround version
223719 Reducing I/O load for the AIX host before a 4.5.1
Very rarely an AIX host whose boot disk and paging space reside on CLARiiON NDU reduces the chance of the
a CLARiiON array may experience a hang during a CLARiiON NDU. hang occurring.
EMC testing revealed the frequency of AIX hangs under heavy I/O If a host hang does occur, reboot the host to
load was less than 1 in 1000 NDUs. restore array access.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 19
Known problems and limitations
Found in
Description Workaround version
20 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Known problems and limitations
◆ PowerPath 5.3 and 5.3 SP1 support with Veritas Volume Manager
(VxVM) has the following limitations:
• VxVM is not supported with Symmetrix systems running
Enginuity version 5773.
• On hosts running AIX 5.2 or AIX 5.3, VxVM 5.0 is the latest
supported version. Later versions, such as VxVM 5.0 MP3, are
not supported.
• On hosts running AIX 6.1, VxVM is not supported.
◆ In rare cases, if the AIX swap device is stored on a CLARiiON
LUN, your system may hang if all paths to the active SP are lost
and the AIX code, required for PowerPath to complete a trespass
operation, is swapped out of memory. If this problem occurs, you
must manually trespass the LUN to the available SP and reboot
the host.
◆ Run rmdev -dl hdiskpowerX to unconfigure a PowerPath
pseudo device removes persistent device mapping information.
To avoid this problem, run rmdev -l hdiskpowerX instead.
◆ When a trespass occurs in a CLARiiON environment, a passive
interface becomes the active interface. In this situation, bosboot
will fail unless you transfer the rootvg PVID to the newly active
interface. To do so, run /usr/sbin/emcpassive2active. Once you
run the command, bosboot will succeed.
Run /usr/sbin/emcpassive2active whenever a trespass occurs.
Note: On AIX 5.3 only, a trespassed CLARiiON boot device will hang if
you run emcpassive2active and pprootdev. OPT 256084 in Table 4 on
page 17 provides additional information. To run bosboot after a trespass
run /usr/sbin/emcpassive2active. This is required for PAR mode and
not applicable for ALUA.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 21
Technical notes
Technical notes
The Technical notes section includes the following topics:
◆ “emcpadm command line utility” on page 22
◆ “Stream I/O policy” on page 23
◆ “Management Daemon using SNMP” on page 23
◆ “HP StorageWorks controller and port names” on page 23
◆ “CLARiiON failover mode values” on page 24
◆ “PowerPath licenses in a CLARiiON AX and CX configuration”
on page 24
◆ “ALUA failover mode for CLARiiON arrays” on page 25
22 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Technical notes
A-1 A-0
A-2 A-1
B-1 B-0
B-2 B-1
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 23
Technical notes
1 passive not ready (PNR) Supported with all PowerPath platforms. However,
PNR is not recommended with PowerPath for AIX. If
the failover mode is set to PNR a system log
message is displayed stating that PNR is not
3 passive always ready (PAR) Supported with PowerPath for AIX. PAR is the
recommended failover mode for PowerPath for AIX.
4 asymmetric logical unit Not supported with PowerPath 5.3 and earlier for
access (ALUA) AIX. PowerPath 5.3 SP1 for AIX is the first version
to support ALUA.
24 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Note: After changing devices to ALUA mode, a host reboot is required for
PowerPath to recognize the change.
Suppressing the You can ensure compatibility with existing scripts by suppressing the
failover mode display failover mode display. To suppress the display:
◆ Set the PP_SHOW_ALUA_FAILOVER_MODE environment
variable to false.
The following example uses Bourne shell syntax:
This section provides a list of the documentation that supports
PowerPath for AIX.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 25
PowerPath Table 7 on page 26 lists the PowerPath 5.3 for AIX documentation set.
Table 7 PowerPath 5.3 for AIX documentation set
300-006-627 EMC PowerPath Family Version 5.2 and 5.3 Product Guide
300-008-342 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases
Release Notes
26 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Software media, organization, and files
Note: This policy is in effect for select releases and will be phased in as new
versions are made available. In cases where a software release is not eligible
for Extended Support, the previous policy, which specifies product support
and maintenance under Continuous Coverage Product Maintenance
(CCPM), terms still apply.
PowerPath 5.3 SP1 PowerPath 5.3 SP1 is available for download from the Powerlink
PowerPath 5.3 The PowerPath 5.3 for AIX software is distributed on a CD,
P/N 053-002-202, and is available on Powerlink.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 27
The EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 Installation and Administration
Guide includes complete instructions on installing PowerPath.
For the new user To install PowerPath 5.3 and service pack releases, follow the
instructions in the EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 Installation and
Administration Guide.
28 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes
Troubleshooting and getting help
Reporting a If you find a problem in PowerPath 5.3, run the emcgrab utility,
problem which collects system and software configuration information.
Submit the generated tar file, along with any other supporting
material, to EMC Customer Support.
You can download emcgrab from the Powerlink website. Select
Support > Product and Diagnostic Tools > Grab Utilities. Refer to
the emcgrab ReadMe.txt file on Powerlink for prerequisite
information and instructions on using the utility.
EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes 29
Troubleshooting and getting help
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable
software license.
For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on EMC.com.
All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
30 EMC PowerPath for AIX Version 5.3 and Service Pack Releases Release Notes