RRIS Credit Procedures Questionnaire
RRIS Credit Procedures Questionnaire
RRIS Credit Procedures Questionnaire
21 St. Clair Avenue East | Suite 601 | Toronto, ON | M4T 1L8 | t. 416 979 3600 | f. 416 979 8337 |
Note: Please attach additional pages if necessary to explain specific aspects of your company’s credit control and collection procedures.
3. Website: __________________________________
5. Is there any part of your Credit function that you outsource to a factor? Yes No
2. Do all named applicants and divisions follow the credit procedures as outlined in this questionnaire? Yes No
3. Who are the persons responsible for the running of your credit management?
Years of Experience in:
Name Title $ Authority Reports to Credit in International
Level General Credit
5. Is your accounting system computerized? Yes No
If Yes, is the credit control system fully integrated with the general accounting system? Yes No
6. Does your accounting system monitor which accounts are approaching due date for payment? Yes No
9. Do statements show an aged debtor analysis? Yes No If yes, please provide a copy of one page
How often is an analysis produced? Weekly Monthly Other – Please explain. ______________________
10. Do you have a standard condition of sale agreed with all customers? Yes No If yes, please attach copy.
3. Does anyone outside the credit department have the authority to override a Yes No
decision of the credit department? If yes, please advise who and explain.
2. Are credit limits established and maintained for each buyer? Yes No
5. What general guidelines do you use in evaluating a Buyer’s financial information to determine creditworthiness?
7. Please explain any differences in requirements for a small, medium and large customer: _______________________
8. Do you refer to your customer’s account prior to the acceptance of every order? Yes No
9. What written credit approval documentation must appear in each Buyer file: ________________________________
11. What information must be received before granting/extending credit in the following circumstances:
If no Financial Statements are To Increase a Credit Line to an Existing If there is a change in Payment
available: Buyer: Terms in favour of a Buyer:
12. How are high risk Buyers identified, and how often are they reviewed? _____________________________________
1. How are credit limits recorded? Computerized Credit System Manual System Other – Please explain.
2. Before each shipment is released, how does the credit department make sure the Buyer still meets the minimum of credit
approval criteria?
4. An aging analysis:
a. Is produced at least once a week Yes No
b. If not, how often ________________________
c. Is shown on the statements of accounts Yes No
5. How often are reports of accounts receivable generated and reviewed and who reviews these reports?
5. Are there any special terms that apply to particular customers: Yes No
a. Reminder by telephone Yes No If yes, how many days after due date is contact made? _____________
b. Reminder(s) in writing Yes No If yes, how many days after due date are letter(s) sent? _____________
c. Stop Shipments Yes No If yes, how many days after due date are shipments stopped? ________
d. Legal Action Yes No If yes, how many days after due date are solicitors/lawyers
instructed? ___________
e. Collection Agencies Yes No If yes, which collection agency is used and how many days beyond
due date are they instructed?_______________
2. Who has authority to put an account on stop shipment: Name: __________________ Position: _________________
5. What procedures does your company follow to stop shipment after a Buyer is materially past due?
What written documentation evidencing the above will appear in the Buyer’s file:
6. Does anyone outside the credit department have the authority to release orders/shipments to an account that has
been put on stop shipment? Yes No If yes, please explain.
VIII. EXPORT (Please answer this section only if your company trades with companies oversees).
1. Do you have separate Credit Management procedures for exports? Yes No
2. Who is responsible for the processing and administration of the export documentation and collection?
5. Would you pass the account to a third party for collection? Yes No
If yes, to whom and at what stage: Arbitrator Collection Agent Legal Adviser
6. Who has the authority to put an account on stop? Name: _______________________ Position: ______________
Who has the authority to extend a due date
and/or reschedule an outstanding account? Name: _______________________ Position: ______________
Under what circumstances would a due date be extended? _____________________________________________
1. Credit Control Manual or Policy 2. Aged Debtor Analysis 3. Sample Invoice 4. Sample Contract of Sale
False Information:
Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person, files an Application for insurance
containing false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto, commits a
fraudulent insurance act which is a crime.
Signature and Declaration
The undersigned officer of the Applicant declares that he/she has read and understood the notifications above and that the
information given on this form (including any additional attachments) is to the best of his/her knowledge and belief correct and
represents an accurate representation of the applicant’s credit and collection procedures. It is agreed that this form will be attached
to and becomes part of the Application Form.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Authorized Signature Title
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Printed name Corporation
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
Date Contact: Email and Telephone
NOTE: THIS QUESTIONNAIRE and all exhibits shall be treated in strictest confidence.
For the purposes of the Insurance Companies Act (Canada), this document was issued in the course of Lloyd’s Underwriters’ insurance
business in Canada.