Credit Procedures Questionnaire
Credit Procedures Questionnaire
Credit Procedures Questionnaire
Pro sports should follow these questioners to determine each Buyer’s creditworthiness. The following
questioners shall serve as credit procedures once completed and signed and accepted by the Company and
shall be attached to and will form a part of the policy. Please feel free to attach additional pages if
necessary to explain specific aspects of the company’s credit control and collection procedures.
b. For a new buyer, what is minimum information required to assess the creditworthiness of the
Buyer? Do you use:
i. Credit agency reports Yes No
If yes, give names of agencies used _______________________________________
c. For existing customer, what is the minimum information required to review the credit
worthiness of the Buyer? ______________________________________________________
d. What general guideline do you use in evaluating a Buyer’s financial information to determine
creditworthiness? (For example, rules regarding net worth to size of credit limit, minimum
current or debt worth ratios, etc.)________________________________________________
g. How are high risk Buyer identified, and how often are they reviewed? __________________
2. Term of payment.
i. For new customer, how do you determine payment terms? _____________________
ii. What type of payment terms are accepted for the first time? ____________________
iii. What type of payment terms are requested by new customers? __________________
iv. For existing customer, how do you determine to change existing payment terms?
v. What type of payment terms are changed into?_______________________________
vi. What are the feedbacks from existing customers regarding changes?
3. Credit monitoring
a. Is the Buyer system manual or computerized? ______________________________________
b. Before each shipment is released, how does the credit department make sure the buyer still
meets the minimum of credit approval criteria? _____________________________________
d. An aging analysis:
i. When order are received Yes No
ii. When orders are ready for shipment Yes No
e. How often are reports of accounts receivable generated and reviewed, and who reviews these
reports? ____________________________________________________________________
4. Collection practices
a. Which of the following procedures are used for overdue accounts?
Reminder by telephone Yes No If yes, how many days after due date is contact
made? ____________________________________
Reminder(s) in Writing Yes No If yes, how many days after due date are letter(s)
sent? _____________________________________
Stop Shipments Yes No If yes, how many days after due date are shipments
stopped? __________________________________
Legal Action Yes No If yes, how many days after due date are solicitors/
Lawyers instructed? _________________________
Collection Agencies Yes No If yes, which collection agency is used and how
many days beyond due date are they instructed?
i. What procedures does your company follow to absolutely stop shipmen after a Buyer is
materially pas due?
ii. What written documentation evidencing the above will appear in the Buyer’s file?
iii. Would third parties be used locally or oversea to assist in collection efforts? (Sale
representatives, local agents, local legal counsel, etc.)? If yes, please elaborate:
Please attach separately any written credit procedures you may have and or any additional
comments you may wish to make regarding your credit procedures:
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________