1 - Prospective Client Acceptance or Existing Client
1 - Prospective Client Acceptance or Existing Client
1 - Prospective Client Acceptance or Existing Client
We are generally more careful about accepting the new client because of lack of previous
experience with the management and those charged with the governance and knowledge of
the business, transactions and associated risks affecting the financial statements.
While certain assessment procedures for both the prospective and existing clients would be
common, however, they may assume additional importance in case of a new client.
WP Ref.:
Prepared by:
Approved by:
If Accepted: Next
Review Due
in year
This memorandum should be filled and signed before accepting all new audit engagement.
a) Listed Entity
b) Non listed entities which are financials institutions, Insurance, BFCs and
c) Economically Significant Companies (ESC) as defined under the prevalent
laws or standards.
d) Others (specify).
What has been auditor’s experience with the client or member of the same group?
Has the work been referred by a long-standing professional contact?
What are the significant risks associated with accepting the client?
Whether the preconditions for an audit are present, that is, the use by management
of an acceptable financial reporting framework in the preparation of the financial
statements and the agreement of management or those charged with governance to
the premise on which an audit is conducted.
Whether any limitation of scope is likely that would result in a disclaimer of opinion?
What is the need to accept the audit even where the limitation on scope is or likely to
be imposed by the management?
Are there any relationships that may impair auditor’s objectivity or ability to meet any
relevant independence requirements?
Are there any potential conflict of interest affecting auditor’s ability to accept the
engagement? For example providing audit and accountancy services to the same
client. If there is a conflict of interest whether the interest conflicting with audit
removed or safeguards available that reduces the risk to an acceptable level?
Consider that no conflict of interest arise in respect of services being provided as a
result of accepting audit of a listed company in view of listing regulations and
KICPAA Code of Ethics.
Have any relevant statutory or other regulatory provision been identified, including
any implications on the auditor’s ability to act for the client?
1. Conflicts of interest
2. Expertise
Enter details of the skill and experience the auditor has that makes it a suitable for
3. Fee recovery
Enter details of estimated fees, and review that an acceptable level of recovery of
audit cost is expected.
4. Other services
Comment on the potential for providing other services to the client and suggest
actions for taking advantage of these.
Specify the areas of concern that the client presents and explain how the risk will be
Consider all factors that could impair the firm's or network's independence for this engagement
including IESBA independence standards and other applicable independence rules. Determine if any
of the following challenges are present:
Viii. Other
For example
Whether the firm has previously decline to perform audit services for this client if so give reasons
and state mitigating factors for acceptance?
ix. Conclusion
On the basis of the above, we conclude that there is no reason to believe that the overall level of risk
associated with __________________________ is sufficient to prevent the client from being
accepted and there are no other circumstances of which we are aware associated with __________
_________________that suggest that the client should not be accepted.
The circumstances identified from the above assessment have been disposed of as follows:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
Significant risks
Based on the assessment following significant risks are identified, which needs to be addressed
while planning and performing the audit
1. ________________
2. _________________
Proposed Engagement partner:____________________________Date:_______________
Senior partner:_________________________________________Date:_______________