RRL Cueto
RRL Cueto
RRL Cueto
Having a proper place to live is one of the problems that Filipinos still have. By substituting
wood sawdust as cement hollow blocks, the price of building a house will decrease due to more
affordable and low-cost materials. It will give knowledge to many people to see if waste
materials can be helpful in construction and test its structural stability, standardization, reliability
and validity.
The use of wood as a building material in the construction or other building elements
results in the emergence of wood waste that has not been fully utilized, in the form of sawdust.
One way to use wood industrial waste is to use it as a building material. In this study, industrial
wood waste (sawdust) was used as a partial substitute for sand in building materials in the form
of cement mortar. This study aims to determine the effect of adding sawdust of kala-kala wood to
cement mortar on its compressive strength. Sawdust is one of Natural powder, which is suitable
for use in the manufacture of composites as a substitute for glass powder. The use of natural
environmentally friendly. The advantages of natural powders are low density, easy to decompose,
high stiffness, and relatively low price. Some of the disadvantages of using natural powders are
high moisture absorption, low heat resistance, and low crystalline properties. The use of sawdust
in concrete mixtures has been used for a long time, due to its increasing availability, various
types have been developed, one of which is sawdust. In sawdust there are cellulose and
hemicellulose levels which when added to a mixture of cement and sand forming concrete, these
compounds will be absorbed on the surface of the particles and provide additional bonding
strength between the particles due to their adhesion and dispersion properties, and inhibit the
diffusion of water in the material. In this way, stronger and relatively impermeable concrete can
be produced, which can be used as a construction material for special purposes. F. Amir et
al (2024). Compressive Strength of Mortar with Addition of Sawdust IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth
Sawdust was applied to partially replace sand in the making of concrete. By using sawdust
instead of sand, concrete can be made more affordably and sustainably than using
toxic smoke that is dangerous to human health. Using it in cement composites is a more
environmentally friendly approach to dispose of it. To lessen the strain on the limited natural
resources, sawdust, which the forest industry produces in large quantities, could partially
substitute fine aggregates in concrete production . Timber Crete is one of the materials that is
certain to grow more and more common in the future because it is a sustainable resource. It
indicates that it has excellent quality, is not harmful to the environment, and may be
incorporated into a wide range of architectural materials, including blocks, panels, and bricks.
both the environment and its end-users. Timber Crete distinguishes itself from other building
materials with some unique qualities (Brostow et al.,2010). Its embodied energy is
substantially lower. It is also the only material on the market that traps carbon, which would
otherwise be released into the atmosphere. Timber Crete offers a less heavy substitute (Jonathan
& Charles, 2017), uses sawdust to help minimize pollution (Safa et al.,2014), and can be applied
to make up for the absence of fine aggregates like sand. In this research, itis discovered that
in place of some fine aggregate. In this research, the impact of sawdust is examined by preparing
a matured fine aggregate by incorporating 5%,10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%of sawdust with the
fine aggregate. Suji (2016) states that a field experiment was conducted to examine the
The use of sustainable building materials has become increasingly vital in the
resource conservation. One such area of exploration lies in the development of cement
composites that leverage the unique properties of waste-derived sawdust and the reinforcing
qualities of steel fibers. These materials have the potential to not only enhance the
This paper embarks on an investigation into the optimization of sawdust and steel fiber ratios in
cement composites with the overarching goal of enhancing their compressive strength.
By striking a balance between these two key components, the research aims to offer innovative
addressing the need for stronger and more durable building materials. The historical utilization of
sawdust in concrete modification extends far into the past, yet the exploration of its
mechanical properties has been limited. Past investigations have revealed that sawdust,
classified as organic waste, exhibits a heightened water absorption rate when juxtaposed
with conventional concrete aggregates (Ali et al., 2023). This characteristic poses a
empirical studies have demonstrated that partial replacement with sawdust imparts notable
strength to the concrete matrix (Ubachukwu et al., 2023). Empirical data from these studies
indicate that sawdust concrete achieves strength levels comparable to nominal concrete
composition suitable for fabricating non-load-bearing partition walls and floor slabs.
efforts have been made to enhance its mechanical strength through the incorporation of steel
fibers into sustainable cement composites. Abstract the construction industry's increasing
accentuated the essential role of sustainable building materials. This study investigated the
optimization of sawdust and steel fiber ratios to enhance the compressive strength of
sustainable cement composites. O.A. Obakin (2023). Optimising Sawdust and Steel Fibre
Wood waste such as sawdust, is a viable replacement element for the development of
aerated concrete and energy absorption construction hybrids since it has minimal density and
good thermal wadding value. A concrete mix of coarse aggregate, sand, and cement with various
measures of sawdust as a fractional surrogate for sand could be used to create standard and
lightweight concretes that were both ecologically friendly and thermally efficient. Sawdust is
abundant and readily available, which makes it an affordable construction material. The cost of
sawdust can be significantly lower than traditional building materials such as cement, bricks, and
steel. Sawdust is an excellent insulator and can be used as a thermal barrier, reducing the need
for heating and cooling systems. This can help to lower energy bills and reduce the carbon
footprint of a building. Sawdust-based materials are lightweight, which makes them easy to
handle and transport. This can reduce construction costs and make building processes faster and
more efficient. Sawdust-based materials can be easily shaped and molded into different forms,
allowing for more flexibility in design and construction. Sawdust-based materials have a lower
carbon footprint than traditional building materials, as they are made from renewable resources
and require less energy to produce. Sawdust-based materials are biodegradable and can be easily
disposed of without harming the environment. This reduces waste and promotes sustainability.
Sawdust composites are materials made by combining sawdust with a binder material, such as
resin, to create a strong and durable building material. The durability and stability of sawdust
composites depend on the type of binder material used, the quality of the sawdust, and the
manufacturing process used to create the composite. Sawdust can be utilized in concrete to
produce lightweight concrete and this type of concrete is known as sawdust concrete made by
mixing sawdust with cement and water. Its durability and stability depend on a variety of factors,
including the quality of the sawdust used, the proportions of sawdust, cement, and water in the
mixture, and the curing conditions. (Olaiya, B. C. 2023)(Olaiya, B.C., Lawan, M.M. &
this is increasing year by year in the household, mills, factory’s markets and in any part of
society that can cause waste pollution in the society. Also, the use of concrete now is very
expensive. Sawdust is not a well-known material in the construction industry this is due to the
fact that there has not been a huge market for it commercially or it has not been promoted for
construction use. For some time now, there have been calls for the use of local materials in the
Waste materials are inappropriate to one's health if it is not properly disposed of by burning it
because people think that it's the only way to lessen it. Waste materials when processed properly
could be used as valuable engineering materials and could also satisfy the design requirements. It
will also be beneficial for the environment concerning reducing the waste disposal volume of
landfills. Also, the use of concrete now is very expensive. Garbage especially sawdust and plastic
materials are of large volume and that this is increasing year by year in the household, mills,
factory’s markets and in any part of society that can cause waste pollution in the society. Sawdust
is not a well known material in the construction industry this is due to the fact that there has not
been a huge market for it commercially or it has not been promoted for construction use.
(Lobitos Orvin A. et. al, 2023) Lobitos Orvin A., et al. (2023). Optimization of Composite
Eco-Blocks Derived From Sawdust Ash and Plastic as an Alternative Aggregate. Journal of
Rice husk is usually high in ash, which is 92 to 95% silica, highly porous and lightweight,
with a very high external surface area. Its absorbent and insulating properties are useful to many
industrial applications, such as acting as a strengthening agent in building materials. On the other
hand, wood sawdust is abundantly available solid waste in the area as by-product of saw mill
enterprises. If these wastes are burnt directly, it results in very poor thermal efficiency and may
create a lot of air pollution and contributing to global warming. Due to the increasing number of
agricultural wastes nowadays, these problems need to be taken care of before it got to worst. One
of the many applications of these agricultural wastes in the production on particle boards.
Particle boards is a product used primarily in economy especially in construction and furniture
sectors. It is one of the primary products used in the manufacture of value-added wood products
such as furniture, cabinets, millwork, stair treads, home construction, paneling, shelving,
vanities, table tops, sliding doors, interior signs, lock blocks, kitchen worktops, pool tables,
educational establishments, floor underlayment and other industrial product applications (Nemli
et al., 2009). The usage of particleboard can be related to its economic advantages such as low-
cost of raw materials, inexpensive adhesives and its simple processes (Guru et al., 2006). Nassar
(2010) studied combination of saw dust waste and rice husk fibers with different binders being
used as alternative. Also, Temitope et al. (2015) studied the potential of rice husk as substitutes
for production of particleboards with the utilization of starch wood glue as binder. The results
indicated that the mixture of rice husk, starch wood glue mixture had a high potential to be used
in the production. One advantage of producing particleboards from these composites is the use of
waste materials which helps in conservation of natural resources. Further, it will help reduce
waste or garbage problem and minimize environmental hazards and devastation. In this study, it
is aimed to develop particleboard with the use of alternative raw materials such as sawdust and
rice husk with starch as potential substitute for particleboard formed by a hot-press machine. The
composition of sawdust and rice husk were varied and its effects were investigated. It also
evaluated the performance of the manually-operated hot-press machine (Jabile L. et al., 2022)
The sawdust used for production of the sawdust concrete is a by-product of carpentry
processing. Their use for production of the concrete allows to reduce the consumption of natural
aggregate and reduces CO2 emissions. The big advantage of sawdust is its low price and easy
availability, thanks to which the use of this material for production of the concrete does not
generate additional logistical problems or costs. This is an advantage of sawdust over mineral
aggregates – the latter with a constantly growing price and a limited area of extraction, which
results in high transportation costs. Sawdust concrete is a type of lightweight concrete in which
sawdust replaces part of the traditional aggregate. It is possible to add additives and admix-tures
to sawdust concrete. As a result of the combination of wood and concrete, a material with a
lower density and greater thermal and acoustic insulation than regular concrete is obtained. Due
to different physical and chemical properties, direct connections between concrete and wooden
elements are not used in construction. However, with proper preparation and combination
of these materials, sawdust concrete is obtained, which is suitable for use in construction.
Protected, e.g. by mineralization, the sawdust does not exhibit the negative prop-erties of wood,
e.g. they do not decompose, do not rot and do not have high water absorption. Mineralized
sawdust does not hinder the cement setting process and the production of sawdust concrete itself
does not differ significantly from the production of regular concrete. It is worth noting that the
addition of sawdust does not affect the homogeneity of the concrete mix. As the sawdust content
increases, the mechanical properties of sawdust concrete deteri-orate. This is because the
strength of the material decreases as compared to regular concrete. Studies have shown that
the durability and strength of sawdust depends on the texture, size and angularity of the
wood particles . Thus, it is only suitable for construction. Kropidłowska, O. (2022). Application
Many previous researches have obtained valuable results to use the industrial wastes in various
forms of construction materials production [2]. So we are used babul sawdust in manufacturing
of bricks. In addition, demand for clay bricks with higher insulating capacity is increasing. For
this purpose, we used babul sawdust and other organic materials most frequently used as pore
formers [3]. These materials had properties which resembled those of lightweight brick
materials. The Babul sawdust is the byproduct of sawing babul tree timbers. In this study,
investigation of the sawdust suitability to use in combination of ceramic material was carried out.
The clay bricks made with the mixture of sawdust and ceramic material have advantage
compared to traditional bricks in the aspect of action of degreasing, low density and alveolar
appearance, improved mechanical strength. The cohesive nature of the clay imparts plasticity to
the soil under moist conditions. The thin film of water absorbed ensures the strong adherence
between the layers leads to plasticity. The mineral present in the clay acts as a natural binding
agent. The affinity of the clay towards water results in swelling and shrinking when it dries,
especially it is prominent when montmorillonite is present. Babul tree known for the exploitation
of the ground water and its impact on reduction of the water table. Even it grows in the drought
hit areas with no ground water by absorbing the water molecules in the air (humidity), leaving
the place dry and affects the rainfall also. The roots of the babul tree destroy the soil nutrients. It
produces carbon dioxide more than the oxygen generation which makes it unlikely even for the
birds to have their shelter. The seeds and the parts of the babul tree is of no use to the humans
and animals. Earlier the babul tree seed was sowed in various drought hit regions of India for
firewood purpose. Kumar R., P., D.S., B., & G., N. (2022). Experimental Investigation on
Due to rapid growth of industrialization, the industrial waste creates the environmental and
economic problem associated to their disposal. During the recent years there has been increasing
focus on the application of discarded items and by-products from numerous sources in building
works. Along with the environment protection, numerous studies were conducted on recycling of
waste products as construction resources. Utilization of such waste materials into the building
works could be a feasible answer not only to the pollution problem, but also to the challenge to
high cost of construction materials which are being faced by many developing countries. One of
such important waste is the sawdust which is comparatively plentiful and economical. Sawdust is
waste produced by timber industries, obtained from cutting, sawing or grinding of timber in the
form of particle. Sawdust incorporated in cement has been familiar as ‘sawdust cement.
However, the development of sawdust concrete is still under investigation Some of researchers
have focused utilization of sawdust with additive materials, chemicals, waste materials,
lightweight aggregate, sand replacement. However, this paper highlights the possible use of
sawdust in masonry concrete blocks as a sand replacement adopted by former researchers from
Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, China, Iraq, Turkey, UK, India, Philippines, France and Malaysia. It is
expected that this information can be useful for the new researchers to discover more on sawdust
concrete. (Ali Mang S., 2019). Ali Mang, S. et al. (2019). Utilization of Sawdust in Concrete
Masonry Blocks: A Review, Vol. 38, No. 2, 487-494, Mehran University Research Journal of
Sawdust has pozzolanic properties and has been shown to react chemically with the
calcium hydroxide released from the hydration of Portland cement, to form cement compounds.
Sawdust can be used as both, substitute for sand as well as cement, leading to a reduction in
strength may be compensated for, by the use of fibers. Moreover, a ductile failure is experienced
under compression, flexure and torsion along with the increase in fatigue resistance when steel
fibred are used. The structural properties like impact resistance, flexural toughness and flexural
strength increases with the use of these fibers. At the same time strength, freeze-thaw durability
and dry shrinkage also increases. However, on the other hand addition of carbon fibers decreases
the electrical resistance and density, while improving thermal conductivity, chemical stability and
abrasion resistance. Lathe scrap has also been known to increase the strength of concrete. Apart
from strength it also increases Radiation Shielding Capacity of Concrete. Since the original aim
of our work here is to reduce the cost of concrete it would be counterproductive to choose
addition of Steel or Carbon fibers to compensate for the strength reduction, and hence the ideal
decision here, is to combine the use of sawdust to reduce the cost and lathe scrap as an additive
to account for the loss in strength without affecting the economy. (M. Ananthkumar et al. 2019)
M. Ananthkumar et al. (2019). IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 577 012054.
DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/577/1/012054
Sawdust, collected from grinding, cutting, or pulverizing of hard and soft woods is an example of
natural fiber. Sawdust has been used, but not widely, as fine aggregate in casting floors, roofs and
walls for more than 50 years. Recently, some researcher investigated the applicability of using
wood waste as a replacement for fine aggregate in concrete mixtures. According to Turgut P.
(2006), postulated that it can be used efficiently in producing artificial limestone brick. Awal, A.
A. (2016), suggested that wood chipping improves the thermal and insulation properties of
concrete mixtures and lessen the density of the concrete, however, it attained high water
absorption. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of using sawdust wastes in order
to produce the desired composite and sustainable green construction material. El-Nadoury, W.W
The disposal of sawdust is often by open dumping, open burning, or dumping in landfills.
Sawdust dumped in landfills increases the burden on landfill sites and burning it contributes to
greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the air pollution and public health challenges associated with
open burning, it is commonly practiced by saw millers as the easiest way to get rid of sawdust.
When dumped on stream and river banks sawdust is transported by rainwater or wind into the
surface water and can severely affect aquatic life. Moreover, sawdust indiscriminately dumped
on land kills plant life and causes wood dust when blown into the atmosphere. Creating value
from this waste stream would reduce disposal costs and create jobs. Additionally, utilizing wood-
mitigation. Substituting steel, concrete, and other high energy manufactured products with
sawdust composites has the potential to reduce the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuels.
Considering that wood based products store carbon for the duration of their life cycle, the use of
sawdust composites, accordingly, leads to reduced CO 2 emissions and therefore mitigates against
global warming. The motivation for this review article is that sawdust, an environmental hazard,
has great potential for use as a raw material to produce construction composites that meet
international standards. This potential use is yet to be fully explored, particularly in developing
countries where indiscriminate dumping of sawdust is rife. The article briefly highlights some
environmental challenges that sawdust poses and reviews engineering characteristics of sawdust
construction composites, namely, particleboards, sawdust concrete blocks, bricks and lightweight
sawdust concrete. It is envisaged that the reviewed literature will serve as a catalyst for more
research on sawdust composites and for promoting increased utilization of these composites in
construction. This would further contribute to the development of green building materials and
mitigate against the sawdust environmental pollution threat. The data presented and discussed in
this article is also beneficial to researchers studying alternative construction materials aimed at
conserving non-renewable natural resources and energy. (Mwango, A. 2019) Mwango, A. and
timber into standard useable sizes. Sawdust as an industrial waste in the wood industry
constitutes a harmful impact to both the human health and environment when not properly
managed as reported by Elinwa and Abdulkadir (2011). Sawdust is one of the major
Timber Shed operations. The generation of wood wastes in form of sawdust in sawmill industries
is an unavoidable or cannot be totally eliminated, hence a great efforts are made in the utilization
of such waste (Zziwa et al, 2006). Recycling of sawdust wastes as building materials appears to
be one of the viable solutions not only to such pollution problem but also to the problem of
economic design of buildings. The increase in the popularity of using environmentally friendly,
low-cost and lightweight construction materials in building industry has brought about the need
to investigate how the used of hard-wood sawdust from some forest trees species can be
affirmed in the standards Olugbenga et al., (2014). The objectives of the present study were: first,
to produce hollow block from sawdust of Daniella oliveri as a partial replacement for sand and
the use of Portland cement as a binder with a view to recycling the waste for profitable resource
which is currently causing environmental problem in Makurdi metropolis. And the second
objective was to determine percentage of water absorption and compressive strength of the
blocks produced to ascertain it suitability in building walls. Finally, the third objective was to
determine bulk density of the produced blocks. (Ekhuemelo D. et al. 2017) Ekhuemelo, David,
et al. "Some Aspects of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hollow Blocks Procuced
From Hot Water Treated Sawdust." Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research,
Attempts have also been made by various researchers to reduce the cost of its constituent
and hence total construction cost by investigating and ascertaining the usefulness of material
which could be classified as local materials. Some of these local materials are agricultural or
industrial waste which includes sawdust, concrete debris, fly ash, coconut shells among others
which are produced from milling stations, thermal power station, waste treatment plant and so
on. As a result of the increase in the cost of construction materials, especially cement, crushed
stone (coarse aggregate), fine sand (fine aggregate); there is the need to investigate the use of
alternate building materials which are locally available. High cost of building material has
affected many Filipinos who engage in cutting corners to achieve building production leading to
failure in the buildings. It is therefore necessary to use alternative available local material for
concrete production. The aim of this study, therefore, is to examine the use of locally available
construction materials such as sawdust as substitutes for fine aggregate in concrete and paves the
way for the recognition and acceptance of using waste building materials for low-cost housing
In its entirety, the research addresses the concern of the poor and marginalized sector of society
on affordable shelter and recycling waste parts of construction materials. Sawdust can be used as
alternative substitute for fine aggregate in concrete production. Sawdust should be washed and
cleaned before use as concrete constituent because of large amount of bark which can affect
setting and hydration of cement. Concrete obtained from sawdust is a mixture of sawdust, gravel
with certain percentage of water to entrance the workability and full hydration of the cement
which help in bonding of the concrete. Sawdust concrete is light in weight and has satisfactory
heat insulation and fire resisting values. Nails can be driven and firmly hold in sawdust concrete
compare to other lightweight concrete which nail can also easily drive in but fail to hold. As the
construction community might well be aware of, incorporating organic materials into solid
concrete is not such a good idea to begin with. First of all, its loose molecular structure would
cause the structure to fail at a certain stage and second, it would compete and retard the hydration
process of cement. Certain predictions state that if sawdust is mixed with cement and gravel, it
might simulate a synthetic wood fiber bond found in trees. Since trees exhibit great strength. The
most important aspect and main target of the experiment are proving that sawdust-cement-gravel
mixtures can prove to be more lightweight and cost efficient. Since sawdust is already waste then
the cost would go down as well as weight cause of its extremely light unit weight. (Ganiron Jr.,
2014). Ganiron, T. U. (2014). Effect of sawdust as fine aggregate in concrete mixture for
building construction. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 63(1), 73-
82. http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijast.2014.63.07