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Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

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Journal of Building Engineering

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Effectiveness of wood waste sawdust to produce medium- to low-strength

concrete materials
Farnaz Batool a, Kamrul Islam b, *, Celal Cakiroglu c, Anjuman Shahriar d
Department of Civil Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Department of Civil Engineering, Turkish-German University, Istanbul, Turkey
FortisBC, Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada


Keywords: This paper investigates the use of sawdust as fine aggregate and its influence on the properties of hardened
Sawdust concrete, and examines the correlation between sawdust content and hydration days. In this study, untreated
Sulphate resistance wood sawdust from a wood factory in Bangladesh is added to concrete mixtures. Concrete mixtures prepared by
Scanning electron micrograph
replacing fine aggregates with sawdust in the ratio of 10%–60% are evaluated for compressive, tensile, and
Hardened properties
flexural strength along with sulphate resistance for four different hydration periods. In addition, the micro­
structure of sawdust concrete is studied using scanning electron microscopic images. The micrographs show a
wider formation of cracks, openings, and interface gaps in the cement matrix with the addition of sawdust.
However, after sulphate immersion, the gaps and cracks are found to contract due to the ettringite filler effect.
The addition of sawdust is found to reduce the workability and to have an adverse effect with increasing
replacement levels. Similarly, reduced density of the hardened concrete is observed in the case of the sawdust
concrete mixtures. Experimental results and cost comparison reveal that ten percent sawdust substitution is
found to be optimal and low-cost replacement to natural fine aggregates with respect to the hardened properties,
as it yields better performance in comparison with the other replacement ratios. Also, sulphate immersion for a
period of 28 days is found to improve the compressive strength, even for mixtures with higher sawdust content.
Moreover, a model is developed to predict the compressive and tensile strength of sawdust concrete using
regression analysis.

1. Introduction world. Every year the USA produces 3 million tons of sawdust, and they
are mostly disposed in landfills [19,20]. Moreover, the open disposal of
Aggregates are among the main components of concrete and sawdust might cause serious health-related problems [21]. For devel­
increasing demand within the construction industry has resulted in the oping countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan, these issues are even more
rapid depletion of natural aggregate sources. Globally almost eleven severe, causing environmental problems such as pollution while they are
billion tons of natural aggregates are extracted from riverbeds, lakes, burnt off. Therefore, proper utilization of sawdust is still a great chal­
and other sources each year [1]. In recent years, several countries have lenge and will further pose a threat to the ecology and environment [19,
imposed restrictions on the extraction of sand from rivers to reduce the 22].
adverse effects on the environment [2–5]. Such measures have led re­ Recent studies have reported on the use of sawdust ash as a pozzolan
searchers and construction enterprises to search for alternative aggre­ in concrete [23–25]. Siddique et al. [26] replaced fine aggregates in
gate materials, such as industrial by-products and waste materials concrete with sawdust and observed a significant reduction in the
[6–18]. Sawdust, as one such example, is generated on a large scale as an workability and the hardened density with increased sawdust substitu­
industrial waste that requires careful disposal into the environment. tion. Similar findings were reported by Ahmed et al. [27], Chen et al.
Sawdust is mainly generated by timber industries around the whole [28], Oyedepo et al. [29], Osei and Jackson [30]. The response of the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: batool1@ualberta.ca (F. Batool), kamrul.islam@polymtl.ca (K. Islam), cakirogl@ualberta.ca (C. Cakiroglu), anjuman.shahriar@gmail.com
(A. Shahriar).

Received 6 January 2021; Received in revised form 24 August 2021; Accepted 1 September 2021
Available online 4 September 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

hardened properties against sawdust substitution, meanwhile, has been To address this gap, the present study explores the influence of
similar to the workability results. Ahmed et al. [27] and other studies sawdust as a partial replacement of fine aggregates on the fresh, hard­
[29,31] also reported a consistent drop in short-term mechanical prop­ ened, and durability properties of concrete and correlates these effects
erties of sawdust concrete. Similarly, Mageswar and Vidivelli [32] re­ with hydration period, substitution ratio, and microstructure. Based on
ported the effectiveness of utilizing sawdust ash as a replacement of sand the experimental results, the regression equations to predict the
in concrete. In a recent report, Elinwa [33] investigated the efficacy of compressive and tensile strength of sawdust concrete mixtures are
using sawdust in clay bricks which ultimately reduces shrinkage. The developed. It is expected that the comprehensive specifications and
effect of sawdust as a replacement of limestone to produce low-cost optimum combination of sawdust provided through this study will aid
lightweight brick materials was studied by Turgut and Align [34]. manufacturers in producing sawdust concrete.
They recommended using sawdust for manufacturing lightweight brick,
which satisfies the code requirement. Ravindrarajah et al. [35] con­ 1.1. Research significance
ducted an experimental study on concrete blocks made with saw dust
and observed compressive strength more than 12 MPa. Recently, Sid­ In the past, researchers have investigated the short-term mechanical
dique et al. [26] identified 5% as the optimal replacement level of sand and thermal properties of sawdust concrete. However, in most cases they
with sawdust and found comparable mechanical properties with the have failed to provide authoritative conclusions based on the limited
control concrete mixture. amounts of experimental data and suggested a lower replacement ratio
From the past literature, it has been observed that sawdust waste can [26–30]. Considering the amount of abundant sawdust, the current
be a viable option to utilize as a raw material for construction to research aims to investigate the feasibility of utilizing a higher percentage
manufacturing sustainable lightweight concrete materials. Very few of sawdust as an alternative to NFA to produce medium-to low-strength
literatures were found to investigate the short- and long-term mechan­ concrete materials. This study serves as a proof-of-concept that sawdust can
ical and durability properties of sawdust concrete with the replacement be used effectively in concrete as a replacement of fine aggregates (up to
of sand. However, several studies focused on using sawdust ash as a 20%) for both structural and non-structural applications. To the authors’
partial replacement of cement [21,23,25]. Therefore, a detailed inves­ knowledge, this is the first study to have explored the effect of varying the
tigation is warranted to further substantiate the use of sawdust as a replacement level of sawdust for the purpose of determining the upper limit
replacement of aggregate or sand. No such study has been conducted so of its effective use to achieve a sustainable and durable construction ma­
far to investigate the viability of proper and effective utilization of terial without any pre-treatment. The use of sawdust concrete in con­
sawdust as a replacement of sand. The insulative properties of concrete struction opens opportunities for cleaner, more sustainable infrastructure,
are another important consideration (in addition to its mechanical as well as for innovative structural and non-structural applications where
properties) due to rising concerns about emissions and climatic changes. low-strength concrete is required. Given that sawdust concrete has a much
In this regard, a study by Sales et al. [36] observed a reduction in the lower density compared to conventional aggregate concrete, its use also
thermal conductivity of concrete following the addition of sawdust. helps to reduce the dead load of the structure, which in turn helps to reduce
Ahmed et al. [27] recommended the use of sawdust concrete to improve foundation requirements. Furthermore, since sawdust is a waste material
the energy efficiency of structures. A reduction of 21.4% in energy use with no other useful purpose or resale value, the innovative use of sawdust
associated with heating and ventilation due to superior insulative as a construction material has the potential to divert a large volume of
properties and a 13% reduction in CO2 emissions in a single room industrial waste from landfills. Other beneficial effects of the use of sawdust
constructed of sawdust concrete compared to the performance of con­ concrete may be soundproofing and heat resistance. Therefore, it can be
ventional concrete was reported by Ahmed et al. [27]. In another study, anticipated that this investigation will bridge the knowledge gap with
Boob [37] investigated the thermal and mechanical properties of respect to understanding the influence of sawdust on the properties of
sawdust-based cement composites and found improved performance concrete and ultimately will help manufacturers to broaden the application
when fine aggerates were replaced with sawdust. Most of these studies of sawdust concrete as an insulating material for commercial use.
have investigated the short-term mechanical and thermal properties of
concrete featuring sawdust as a substitution for natural fine aggregates 2. Experimental program
(NFA). Past research has shown that although the addition of sawdust
adversely affects the mechanical properties of the concrete, it has great 2.1. Constituent materials and mix details
potential as an alternative aggregate in medium-to low-strength con­
crete applications such as sidewalk, roadside barriers in highways and The sawdust was collected from a local wood industry in Bangladesh.
bridges, concrete blocks, reduced strength footings, partition walls, The sawdust was obtained from Shorea robusta wood while sawing large
insulation barriers for noise control, pipe bedding, and low-risk timber pieces. The sawdust used in this study was air-dried and without
applications. any prior treatment (Fig. 1). Coarser sawdust particles were removed
In many Asian countries (e.g., Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Turkey), 20 while selecting the materials for mix design by sieving through 4.75 mm
MPa concrete is used for low-rise concrete building construction, including sieve in the initial stage. Along with sawdust, the Portland Composite
the casting of roofs. Japan has already given permission to use recycled Cement (PCC) conforming to ASTM C595 [39] and aggregates following
concrete for structural and non-structural applications having compressive ASTM C136 [40] were used in concrete mixtures. The PCC used in this
strength with a range of 18 MPa–45 MPa. Many developed countries like study is in the class of CEM II/B-M. The physical and chemical properties
Canada, UK, Hong Kong, Brazil permit the use of industrial waste and of PCC are tabulated in Table 1 and the measured properties of aggre­
recycled concrete to produce low-strength non-structural concrete. Ac­ gates and sawdust are summarized in Table 2. Altogether, seven con­
cording to ACI 229R [38], low-strength concrete materials can have a crete mixtures were prepared with an effective water-binder ratio (w/c
strength as low as 10 MPa. As such, sawdust concrete is suitable as an ratio) of 0.45 for mechanical and sulphate resistance properties testing.
alternative material for various structural and non-structural applications. In these mixtures, the fine aggregates were replaced by sawdust in the
No study has been conducted to date examining the properties and per­ ratio of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60%, while coarse aggregates
formance of structural and non-structural concrete materials featuring remained unchanged. These proportions are considered based on the
sawdust at a replacement rate of up to 60% with NFA. previous studies conducted by the authors and other researchers on

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Fig. 1. a) Sylhet Sand; b) Sawdust before Sieve.

utilizing the industrial waste product as a replacement of natural fixed in this study to have a comparable strength according to the cur­
aggregate [12,24]. For each mixture, eighty specimens were prepared. rent industry practice. It is to be noted that all the aggregates used in this
The mixture details with other mix proportions can be found in Table 3. study were in saturated surface dry (SSD) condition.
In total, seven different concrete mixtures were prepared along with a
control concrete mixture to perform a comparative analysis of the me­ 2.2. Sample preparation
chanical properties of sawdust concrete. The strength of 25 MPa was
In this study, concrete was mixed according to the proportion details
given in Table 3. A standard mixture machine was used for concrete
Table 1
Chemical composition and physical properties of PCC. mixing. Before mixing the materials, sawdust was mixed with the sand
manually to have a uniform mixture. Then, the coarse aggregates and
Chemical Composition PCC (%)
sands were poured into the mixture machine. Finally, cement and water
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 20.60 were added in the mixture. Slump test and air content test were per­
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 3.28
formed using the freshly prepared concrete mixture. After completing
Calcium oxide (CaO) 64.82
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) 2.40
the mixing process, the moulds of different sizes given in Table 4 were
Potassium oxide (K2O) 0.38 filled and stored in a curing room at a controlled temperature of 24 ±
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) 0.17 2 ◦ C and humidity of 95 ± 5% for 28 days till the specified day of testing
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 0.10 [42].
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 4.74
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 1.84
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.21 2.3. Testing methods
Physical Properties

LOI 1.73
2.3.1. Mechanical properties and microstructure of concrete
Unit Weight (kg/m3) 3150 To investigate the compressive strength [43] of sawdust concrete
Specific Surface Area (m2/kg) 439.25 samples, a universal testing machine having the capacity of 1500 kN was
Colour Grey used at a controlled loading rate of 0.2 MPa/s. Also, the splitting tensile
Normal Consistency (%) 29
strength testing was carried out on the same machine following the
ASTM C496 [44] standard. Sulfur capping was used on both sides of the
Table 2 specimens to eliminate the eccentricity of loading before testing under
Physical properties of coarse aggregates, sand and sawdust. compression. The concrete prisms of size 100 mm × 100 mm ×350 mm
were tested under the four-point bending to study the flexural strength
Aggregates Water Absorption Specific Fineness D50
Type Capacity (%) Gravity Modulus (mm) of concrete samples blended with sawdust. This testing was carried out
with a constant displacement rate of 0.15 mm/min following the ASTM
Coarse 1.70 2.70 6.69 17.00
C78 [45] specification by using a universal testing machine with a
Sylhet Sand 4.81 2.60 2.40 0.45 flexural setup. Also, the scanning electron microscopic (SEM) was
Sawdust – 0.45 1.81 0.40 employed for examining the microstructures of sawdust concrete sam­
ples including those exposed to sulphate. The micrographs were recor­
ded for three magnifications ×500, ×1000, and ×5000, respectively, for
Table 3
in-depth details. Moreover the slump and air content test were carried in
Proportion of aggregates for different concrete mixtures.
accordance with ASTM C143 [46] and ASTM 138 [47], respectively.
Mixture Id/ Sawdust Fine Aggregates Coarse Sawdust
Series (%) (kg/m3) Aggregates (kg/ (kg/m3)
2.3.2. Sulphate resistance
For this study, the sulphate bath solution was prepared with 5% of
SD0 0 840 1260 0
sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) conforming to ASTM C1012 [48] and
SD10 10 756 1260 84
SD20 20 672 1260 168 selecting the volume of sulphate solution to the volume of cylindrical
SD30 30 588 1260 252 ratio equal to 4 ± 0.5. In this solution, the 28-day old water cured
SD40 40 504 1260 336 sawdust concrete samples were submerged for further 28 days. During
SD50 50 420 1260 420 this period, the storage containers were sealed very tightly to avoid the
SD60 60 336 1260 504
loss of moisture and the pH level of the sulphate was maintained

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Table 4
Sizes and numbers for sawdust concrete samples tested.
Testing Compressive Tensile Flexure Sulphate Resistance

Size of Samples 100 mm × 200 mm 100 mm × 200 mm 100mm × 100mm × 350 mm 100 mm × 200 mm
Shape of Samples Cylinder Cylinder Prism Cylinder
Testing at Hydration Age 7th,14th,28th, 56th 7th,14th,28th, 56th 7th,14th,28th, 56th 56th
Mixture Tested Seven Mixtures Seven Mixtures Seven Mixtures Seven Mixtures
# of Samples used for Mean & St Dev/hydration age 5 5 5 5
Total Samples Casted 140 140 140 35

between 6.5 and 7 and temperature at 23 ± 2. After 28 days of exposure microstructure of sawdust was reported by Elinwa and Abdulkadir [49],
to sulphate, the samples were tested for strength and microstructural Corinaldesi et al. [50], and Duan et al. [51].
3.2. Effect of sawdust on the microstructure of concrete mixtures
3. Test results and discussions
The micrographs of sawdust concrete mixtures examined under the
3.1. Physical properties of sawdust scanning electron microscope (SEM) are illustrated in Fig. 4a–f. These
images were taken at ×500 magnification after the 28th day of water
Fig. 2 presents the particle size distribution curve for the sawdust and curing. The addition of sawdust had created openings, voids, and
sand used in this study. It can be noticed that the particle size distri­ interface gaps in the microstructure of concrete, and this was found
bution curve of sawdust is slightly finer than sand with an average irrespective of sawdust content (Fig. 4). Especially, those mixtures
particle size (D50) value of 0.40 mm (Table 2). The high-water ab­ blended with higher sawdust substitution had more visible and larger
sorption capacity and low specific gravity properties of this wood openings along with voids/gaps (Fig. 4e and f). Moreover, the concrete
sawdust are quite evident from Table 2. In addition, most of the sawdust matrix was found denser in the presence of sawdust. This was expected
particles were found in an irregular shape with micropores on the sur­ because the density of concrete reduces with higher substitution. As
face and deep yellow to dark brown in color (Fig. 3). A similar expected, crystalline products like portlandite, ettringite, and calcium
silicate hydrate were also seen in the micrographs indicating the
ongoing process of hydration.

3.3. Effect of sawdust on workability of concrete mixtures

Table 5 presents the results of the slump and air content for the
concrete mixtures blended with sawdust. During the preparation of
samples, the water/cement ratio was kept constant to identify the in­
fluence of sawdust in concrete mixtures as a replacement for fine ag­
gregates. The slump values of the concrete mixtures decrease with the
higher content of sawdust with the difference of almost 85% recorded
between the SD10 and SD60 mixtures. This implies that the workability
of the concrete mixtures decreases with the addition of sawdust and gets
more pronounced with higher content. Similar results were reported by
Oyedepo et al. [29] and Ahmed et al. [27]. Next, the air content values
were noticed increasing with the higher sawdust percentages. This was
not surprising as opening and voids are evident in micrographs of Fig. 4,
indicating the high porosity. Also, the density of sawdust concrete de­
Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and creases with higher substitution, which is primarily due to low specific
sawdust used in concrete mixtures. gravity of sawdust (Table 2) in comparison with fine aggregates.

Fig. 3. Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) images of sawdust particle.

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Fig. 4. SEM micrographs for sawdust concrete mixtures: a) SD0; b) SD10; c) SD20; d) SD30; e) SD40; f) SD50.

3.4. Effect of sawdust on hardened concrete density

Table 5
Slump and air content of sawdust concrete samples.
The results of the average hardened concrete density for different
Mixture Id/ Slump Air Content (%) Density @ 28th Day (kg/ concrete mixtures are shown in Table 5. It can be noticed that the control
Series (mm) m3) concrete showed a higher density than sawdust concrete. However, with
SD0 85 5.53 2389 the increment of sawdust replacement level, the density of hardened
SD10 75 7.20 2323 concrete gradually decreases. Also, the 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%
SD20 59 8.96 2263
SD concrete mixtures were found to be 5.3%, 7.2%, 10%, 13% and 18%
SD30 36 11.23 2217
SD40 22 12.10 2140 lighter in density compared to the control concrete specimen. This drop
SD50 15 12.94 2086 is primarily due to the lower specific gravity of sawdust particles which
SD60 11 14.13 1970 is much lower than fine aggregates. This reduction in density cannot be
classified as lightweight concrete; however, low-density SD concrete
will reduce the dead load of the structure.

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Fig. 5. Compressive strength of sawdust concrete for different hydration age (with standard deviation bar).

Fig. 6. Tensile strength of sawdust concrete for different hydration age (with standard deviation bar).

3.5. Effect of sawdust on compressive strength of concrete leaving insufficient water for the hydration process. Vaidkelionis and
Vaickelionene [52] explained this lower compressive strength due to the
The compressive strength of the concrete mixtures blended with hydration process, which gets slower in the presence of wood extractives.
sawdust in the ratio of 10–60% is illustrated in Fig. 5. As seen, the strength As seen in Fig. 5, the strength gain was progressive with the hydration age
gain of sawdust concrete mixtures was lower in comparison with reference in the mixtures, including those with high sawdust substitution. At 7 days,
mixtures (SD0). This difference is not significant for 10% replacement level the control concrete and 10% SDC gained around 70% of the design
of sawdust (i.e., SD10) in fact, the target compressive strength value of compressive strength whereas 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% SDC showed
SD10 was achieved in 56th days. Moreover, the difference becomes sig­ 12%, 67%, 73%, 82%, and 91% lower strengths compared to the design
nificant with the increased content of sawdust which is primarily due to the compressive strength. This is mainly due to the variation in chemical
porous nature of sawdust and high-water absorption capacity. Thus, composition between sawdust and NFA, resulting in a weaker bond in the

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Fig. 7. Comparison between the predicted and observed values: a) Compressive Strength; b) Tensile Strength.

Fig. 8. Flexural strength of sawdust concrete for different hydration age (with standard deviation bar).

maximum strength of 24.5 MPa for medium strength and 20% (SD10) can
Table 6 be considered for low strength concrete material having a compressive
Flexural response of sawdust concrete samples for 28th days. strength of 18.6 MPa. The mixtures with sawdust as a replacement for NFA
Mixture Sawdust Macrocrack Macrocrack Ultimate Flexural exhibited reduced compressive strength compared to conventional con­
Id/Series (%) Load (kN) Toughness Load (kN) Stress crete, but they were still found to comply with ACI 229R [38].
(N-m) (MPa)

SD0 0 12.36 6.44 16.22 5.26

SD10 10 10.48 4.38 13.43 3.90 3.6. Effect of sawdust on tensile strength of concrete
SD20 20 10.10 3.13 11.34 3.33
SD30 30 6.13 2.56 6.96 1.91 Fig. 6 presents the tensile strength of sawdust concrete mixtures. The
SD40 40 3.32 1.36 4.85 1.72
SD50 50 2.96 0.98 3.87 1.24
addition of sawdust resulting in the reduction of tensile strength is quite
SD60 60 1.79 0.70 2.59 0.84 evident. However, the SD10 mixture in comparison with SD0 had shown
improved strength on the 56th day of hydration which is 14% higher
than the SD0 mixture. Micropores filling effect could be the reason for
hardened concrete matrix. The weak interfacial transition zones (ITZ) be­ this rise, as is also evident from SEM images of Fig. 4b, which in com­
tween aggregates and cement paste normally lower the compressive parison with other images have fewer cracks and voids. Ahmed et al.
strength, especially with higher sawdust content [26]. These changes are [27] observed heterogenous discontinuity within the concrete matrix
quite evident from SEM images presented in Fig. 4. Another potential cause with the presence of sawdust which creates weaker ITZ resulting in
of the decrease in compressive strength might be the porous nature of lower tensile strength. Similarly, Siddique et al. [24] also noticed higher
sawdust and reduced hardened concrete density as shown in Table 5. In tensile strength during the later hydration period and explained this
comparison with all sawdust concrete mixtures, 10% (SD10) can be change due to micropores filing effects. In addition, Fig. 6 also reveals a
considered as the optimum replacement of fine aggregates with a significant drop of strength in mixtures with sawdust substitution

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Fig. 9. Compressive strength of sawdust concrete after exposure to sulphate.

greater than 20%. According to Chowdhury et al. (2015) [15], this sawdust as a replacement of fine aggregates resulted in reduced flexural
reduction can be attributed due to weak bonding between sawdust strength. This reduction in strength in comparison with SD0 becomes
particle and cement mortar. significant with increased substitution of sawdust has also been noticed
for compressive and tensile strength. The weaker bond between the
3.7. Predicted equation for compressive and tensile strength sawdust particle and concrete could be the reason for this reduction as
explained by Chowdhury et al. [25]. In comparison with other sawdust
The mathematical equations for predicting the compressive and tensile mixtures, SD10 was found optimum with 3.94 MPa. Like tensile
strength of sawdust concrete were formulated by following the regression strength, the mixtures greater than 20% had also gained almost the same
analysis. This operation which was performed by statistical analysis soft­ strength for 7th,14th, 28th, and 56th days. Also, the flexural strength for
ware (SPSS), resulted in a multiple linear regression model presented in 10% substitution was found lower in comparison with tensile strength.
Equations (1) and (2). The data for compressive and tensile strength pre­ 56th days mean flexural strength was decreased by 27% (for SD10), 37%
sented in Figs. 5 and 6 were used during the analysis. These equations can (for SD20), 62% (for SD30), 69% (for SD40), 76% (for SD50) and 83%
predict for sawdust substitution ratio of 0–60% and hydration age of 7th to (for SD60), respectively compared to the control concrete mixes.
56th day. Two variables, “t” age of the concrete and “r” sawdust replace­ In view of these results, Chowdhury et al. [25] is justified in stating
ment ratio, were included as independent variables while the compressive that the addition of sawdust in a higher ratio increases the gap or space
(fcs) and tensile strength (fts) as the dependent variables. The SPSS output between the particle in the cement matrix. Also, the possibility of the
results indicate that the adjusted R-square values were 90% and 75%, sawdust getting swelled due to high-water absorption cannot be ignored.
respectively for compressive and tensile strength equations. Also, the sta­ In addition, the macrocracks load at which sudden widening of cracks
tistical test for the two models was proven to be significant as the p-values happened without further increase in load, and then the related mac­
associated with the F-test and the t-test were less than 0.001. The validation rocracks toughness for the sawdust concrete mixtures, are presented in
results are of equations (1) and (2) are presented in Fig. 7a and b, and as Table 6. A sharp decline in macrocrack and ultimate load can be noticed
seen, the models are predicting the strength for sawdust concrete (for all in mixture with more than 20% sawdust substitution, whereas the drop
mixtures) with reasonable accuracy. in toughness and stress was gradual. This can be anticipated due to the
formation of wide openings and gaps in the microstructure (Fig. 4) of
fcs = 11.65 + 3.5 ln (t) – 38.2(r) (1) mixtures with the higher sawdust content. Another possible reason of
fts = 1.66 + 0.29 ln (t) – 4.28(r) (2) reducing the flexural strength with the increasing percentage of sawdust
is due to the larger interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between cement
where, paste and sawdust, as observed from the micrographs. The possibility of
fcs = compressive strength of sawdust concrete sawdust particles acting as fibers could not be ignored as anticipated by
fts = tensile strength of sawdust concrete toughness and tensile strength results.
t = age of concrete (hydration days)
r = sawdust substitution ratio (fractions) 3.9. Effect of sulphate on sawdust and microstructure analysis

3.8. Effect of sawdust on flexural strength of concrete The durability of sawdust concrete is examined through sulphate
testing which is an effective way to quantify the resistance of concrete
The influence of sawdust on the flexural strength of the concrete material under sulphate attack. Sulphate has a detrimental influence on
mixtures is demonstrated in Fig. 8. It can be noticed that the addition of hardened concrete specimens, and when concrete is exposed to

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Fig. 10. SEM micrographs for sawdust concrete mixtures after exposure to sulphate: a) SD0; b) SD10; c) SD20; d) SD30; e) SD40; f) SD50.

Fig. 11. 28-days compression failure pattern of: a) SD0; b) SD10; c) SD20.
F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Fig. 12. Failure modes of various concrete batches after flexural strength tests: (a) SD0; (b) SD10; (c) SD20.

sulphate-rich solution, SO4− ions ingress into the concrete matrix, and extent and increment percentages were found to be 3.6%, 5.2%, 23.8%,
further dissolute portlandite and C3A to form ettringite and gypsum. The 28.7%, 32.6%, and 16.8% respectively. Mamun et al. [53] explain this
formation of expansive products like ettringite and gypsum helps gain improvement in strength due to the formation of ettringite products as
initial strength through filling the pores in the concrete matrix. How­ most of the crack and other openings get filled due to the formation of
ever, in the long term they cause volume expansion of the concrete crystalline hydrated products. Similar hydrated products especially the
matrix, and thereby formation of cracking takes place in the concrete. ettringites can easily be noticed in SEM micrographs of sawdust concrete
This phenomenon has been clearly observed through SEM images pro­ samples exposed to Sulphate (Fig. 10e and f). Moreover, as the PCC was
vided in Fig. 10. The effect of sulphate on the compressive strength of used, concrete matrix shows improved ITZ due to pozzolanic reaction by
concrete mixtures blended with sawdust is presented in Fig. 9. As was forming secondary C–S–H which further reduces the sulphate attack,
seen, the mixtures of sawdust after exposure to sulphate for 28 days led and thereby delays the compressive strength reduction. In addition, the
to an increase in the compressive strength. This gain in strength was microstructure of Fig. 10 seems to be dense with minor cracks and
consistent in all sawdust mixtures with a maximum increase of 25% in smaller openings as compared to Fig. 4. This implies that sawdust con­
SD50. After sulphate exposure, the compressive strength increased up to crete samples can easily withstand the sulphate attack for 28 days. The
6.2% for the control concrete specimen. In contrast, for 10%–60% SEM images clearly showed that the sulphate-rich environment helps fill
sawdust content, the compressive strength increased to a considerable the pores of the concrete matrix into gypsum (CaSO4) and ettringite

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

Table 7
Economy index for different concrete mixtures.
Mixture Id/Series Cement (kg) NCA (kg) NFA (kg) Total cost of Compressive Economy Index
Concrete/m3 (USD) Strength (MPa) (Strength/Cost)

SD0 420 1260 840 89.75 28.14 0.31

USD 46.20 USD 34.81 USD 8.74
SD10 420 1260 756 88.87 24.52 0.28
USD 46.20 USD 34.81 USD 7.86
SD20 420 1260 672 88.0 18.61 0.21
USD 46.20 USD 34.81 USD 6.99
SD30 420 1260 588 87.12 10.27 0.12
USD 46.20 USD 34.81 USD 6.11
SD40 420 1260 504 86.25 7.81 0.10
USD 46.20 USD 34.81 USD 5.24
SD50 420 1260 420 85.38 5.74 0.07
USD 46.20 USD 34.81 USD 4.37

(C3A.3CaSO4⋅32H2O). Similar phenomena have been observed by Huda concrete mixtures was found inversely relating to sawdust replace­
[41] and Quadir et al. [12] while submerging the concrete samples ment content which could be due to differences in specific gravity.
under sulphate-rich environment. However, further exposure to sul­ • The density of sawdust concrete mixtures decreases with the sawdust
phate could reduce strength, which needs more investigation along with replacement that could be helpful in producing lightweight concrete.
other influencing parameters. • The presence of sawdust as a fine aggregate replacement had shown
reduced compressive and flexural strength. This reduction gets sig­
nificant with higher substitution; however, 10% substitution can be
3.10. Failure pattern of concrete cylinders and beams
considered as the optimum replacement of fine aggregates if strength
is not a great concern.
The failure pattern of concrete cylinders under compressive loading
• A sharp decline in the macrocrack and the ultimate load was recor­
is shown in Fig. 11. All the concrete specimens showed shear-type fail­
ded in sawdust concrete mixtures with more than 20% substitution
ure. It can be noticed that the inclusion of sawdust in the concrete
with the possibility of sawdust particles acting as fibers in these
mixture does not change the failure pattern of the hardened concrete
under compression. Similar observations were recorded for concrete
• Replacement of sawdust up to 10% had shown 14% improvement in
prisms when tested under flexural loading condition (Fig. 12). Both the
the tensile strength at a mature age, while substitution greater than
control and sawdust concrete showed flexural failure mode, and a sud­
20% had adversely worsened the strength.
den drop in the load was observed during the testing.
• Exposure of sulphate for 28 days improves the compressive strength
of sawdust concrete mixtures with increases of 25% was recorded
3.11. Cost analysis with 50% substitution. This could be due to the formation of
ettringites, reducing the cracks and size of the opening.
The cost analysis of different concrete mixtures made with wood
waste sawdust has been presented in Table 7. The economic index has Future studies should be carried out to investigate the thermo-
been quantified by dividing the compressive strength of a particular mechanical properties, chemical compositions of hydration products
concrete mixture by the cost of one cubic meter of materials which will in sawdust concrete, and EDS analyses of fractured sawdust concrete.
help in identifying the optimum sawdust mix ratio. For estimating the
total cost of a batch, the cost of cement, NCA, and NFA are taken into Author contributions
consideration, whereas sawdust and water are not considered. It is to be
noted that the cost of sawdust will not affect this cost estimation as it is Conceptualization: Farnaz Batool and Kamrul Islam; Formal analysis:
obtained from sawmill as free material and used as a better approach Farnaz Batool and Kamrul Islam; Funding acquisition: Kamrul Islam and
rather than piling up on landfills or using it as a burning agent for Anjuman Shahriar; Investigation: Farnaz Batool; Methodology: Farnaz
cooking in rural areas. Proper utilization of sawdust in concrete will Batool, Kamrul Islam and Celal Cakiroglu; Writing – original draft:
conserve the environment by reducing the use of natural resources, Farnaz Batool and Kamrul Islam; Writing – review & editing: Farnaz
reducing the volume of waste material, and reducing CO2 emissions. Batool, Kamrul Islam Celal Cakiroglu and Anjuman Shahriar; Project
Table 7 shows that the 10–20% sawdust content can be considered as the Administration: Kamrul Islam and Celal Cakiroglu.
optimum limit compared to the control concrete mixture.
Declaration of competing interest
4. Concluding remarks
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
This study investigated the fresh, hardened, and durability properties interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
of SD concrete at different replacement levels of NFA with sawdust. the work reported in this paper.
Based on the experimental results of this investigation, the following
conclusions can be drawn: Acknowledgment

• The addition of sawdust resulted in openings, cracks, and interface The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support pro­
gaps in the cement matrix. Those concrete mixtures blended with vided by CATS-MIST and NED University of Engineering & Technology,
higher sawdust substitution had more visible and wider openings Pakistan. The second author would like to recognize the start-up fund
identified by SEM images. provided by CE-MIST in the academic year 2014–2016. The authors
• The inclusion of sawdust in higher content reduces the workability of appreciate suggestions from Dr. Muntasir Billah on the manuscript. The
the mixtures. A reduction of almost 85% was recorded in slump authors appreciate the support received from the laboratory technicians
values for SD10 and SD60 mixtures. Also, the density of sawdust of Concrete Lab and Strength of Materials Lab. Special thanks to the

F. Batool et al. Journal of Building Engineering 44 (2021) 103237

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part of their final project. parameters, J. Adv. Res. 6 (2015) 907–913.
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