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Use of Waste Plastic in Concrete Mixture As Aggregate Replacement

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Use of waste plastic in concrete mixture as aggregate replacement

Article  in  Waste Management · November 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2007.08.023 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Zainab Z Ismail
University of Baghdad


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Waste Management 28 (2008) 2041–2047


Use of waste plastic in concrete mixture as aggregate replacement

Zainab Z. Ismail *, Enas A. AL-Hashmi
Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Accepted 24 August 2007

Available online 10 October 2007


Industrial activities in Iraq are associated with significant amounts of non-biodegradable solid waste, waste plastic being among the
most prominent. This study involved 86 experiments and 254 tests to determine the efficiency of reusing waste plastic in the production of
concrete. Thirty kilograms of waste plastic of fabriform shapes was used as a partial replacement for sand by 0%, 10%, 15%, and 20%
with 800 kg of concrete mixtures. All of the concrete mixtures were tested at room temperature. These tests include performing slump,
fresh density, dry density, compressive strength, flexural strength, and toughness indices. Seventy cubes were molded for compressive
strength and dry density tests, and 54 prisms were cast for flexural strength and toughness indices tests. Curing ages of 3, 7, 14, and
28 days for the concrete mixtures were applied in this work. The results proved the arrest of the propagation of micro cracks by intro-
ducing waste plastic of fabriform shapes to concrete mixtures. This study insures that reusing waste plastic as a sand-substitution aggre-
gate in concrete gives a good approach to reduce the cost of materials and solve some of the solid waste problems posed by plastics.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tries (Hassani et al., 2005). Concrete plays an important role

in the beneficial use of these materials in construction.
The productive use of waste material represents a means Although some of these materials can be beneficially incor-
of alleviating some of the problems of solid waste manage- porated in concrete, both as part of the cementitious binder
ment (Davis and Cornwell, 1998). The reuse of wastes is phase or as aggregates, it is important to realize that not all
important from different points of view. It helps to save waste materials are suitable for such use (Anon., 2003).
and sustain natural resources that are not replenished, it Concrete contains numerous flaws and micro cracks. The
decreases the pollution of the environment and it also helps rapid propagation of micro cracks under an applied load
to save and recycle energy production processes. Wastes is considered responsible for the low tensile strength of con-
and industrial by-products should be considered as poten- crete. It is reasonable to assume that the tensile strength as
tially valuable resources merely awaiting appropriate treat- well as the flexural strength of concrete can be substantially
ment and application. Plastic wastes are among these increased by introducing closely spaced fibers. These fibers
wastes; their disposal has harmful effects on the environ- would arrest the propagation of micro cracks, thus delaying
ment due to their long biodegradation period, and therefore the onset of tensile cracks and increasing the tensile strength
one of the logical methods for reduction of their negative of the material (Yin and Hsu, 1995).
effects is the application of these materials in other indus- Banthia and Trottier (1995) stated that the enhanced
performance of fiber reinforced concrete over its unrein-
forced counterpart comes from its improved capacity to
Corresponding author. Present address: Georgia Institute of Technol- absorb energy during fracture, while a plain unreinforced
ogy, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ford Environmental matrix fails in a brittle matter at all occurrences of cracking
Science and Technology Bldg, 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0512,
United States. Tel.: +1 404 385 4653; fax: +1 404 894 8266.
stress. This energy-absorption attribute of fiber reinforced
E-mail addresses: zismail3@mail.gatech.edu, zismail1961@yahoo.com concrete is often termed ‘‘toughness’’. Rebeiz and Fowler
(Z.Z. Ismail). (1996) found that very good flexural strength can be

0956-053X/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2042 Z.Z. Ismail, E.A. AL-Hashmi / Waste Management 28 (2008) 2041–2047

obtained with reinforced polymer concrete (PC) using Table 1

unsaturated polyester resins based on recycled polyethylene Chemical composition of cement
terephthalate (PET). Compounds Abbreviation % Weight Limit of
Soroushian et al. (1995) stated that polypropylene is I.Q.S
used only as synthetic fibers to increase the toughness of
concrete. Hınıslıoğlu and Ağar (2004) investigated the pos- Lime CaO 64.43 –
Silica SiO2 21.14 –
sibility of using various plastic wastes containing high den- Alumina Al2O2 5.78 –
sity polyethylene (HDPE) as polymer additives to asphalt Iron oxide Fe2O3 3.59 –
concrete. The results indicate that waste HDPE-modified Sulfite SO3 2.35 62.85%
bituminous binders provide better resistance against per- Magnesia MgO 1.52 65%
manent deformations due to their high stability and high Loss of ignition L.O.I 0.89 64%
Lime saturation factor L.S.F 0.92 0.66–1.02
Marshal Quotient; it also contributes to the recycling of Insoluble residue I.R 0.34 61.5
plastic wastes as well as in protection of the environment.
Main compounds (Bogue’s equation) % by weight
In other research, de Assunção et al. (2004) used sodium
Tricalcium silicate C3 S 50.83 –
polystyrenesulfonate (NaPSS) produced from waste poly- Dicalcium silicate C2 S 22.3 –
styrene cups as an admixture in concrete. The results Tricalcium aluminate C3 A 9.25 –
proved that NaPSS can be used satisfactorily either as a Tetra calcium aluminoferrite C4AF 10.9 –
plasticizer or as an admixture for water reduction in con-
crete. The slump increase of concrete was up to 300% with
0.3% content of NaPSS per weight of cement. Tam and
Tam (2006) stated that technology is being developed that Table 2
Physical properties of cement
will enable building materials to be progressively infused
with recycled plastic constituent in order to increase Physical properties Abbreviation Limits of Limit of I.Q.S
cement No. 5/1984
strength, durability and impact resistance, and enhance
appearance. Jo et al. (2006) investigated the mechanical Finesse (m2/kg) – 269.5 P230
Initial setting time (min) I.S.T. 3:20 P45 min
properties such as compressive strength and flexural
Final setting time (h) F.S.T. 4:15 610 h
strength of polymer concrete using an unsaturated polyes- Soundness (%) – 0.19 60.8
ter resin based on recycled PET, which contributes to 3 days age compressive Cs 24.96 P15
reducing the cost of the material and saving energy. Pezzi strength (MPa)
et al. (2006) used plastic material particles incorporated 7 days age compressive Cs 30.8 P23
strength (MPa)
as aggregate in concrete and evaluated the chemical, phys-
Tensile strength (MPa) Ts – –
ical, and mechanical properties. The results proved that the (optional)
addition of polymeric materials in fractions 610% in vol-
ume inside of a cement matrix does not imply a significant
variation of the concrete mechanical features. Marzouk Fine aggregate: The fine aggregate was natural sand of
et al. (2007) studied the use of consumed plastic bottle 4.75 mm maximum size obtained from the Al-Ukaider area
waste as sand-substitution aggregate within composite in Iraq. The properties of the fine aggregate was deter-
materials for building applications. The study demon- mined and fulfilled according to I.Q.S. No. 45/1984,
strates that plastic bottles shredded into small PET parti- I.Q.S. No. 30/1984 and I.Q.S. No. 31/1981. Table 3 pre-
cles may be used successfully as sand-substitution sents the properties of the sand, and its gradation is pre-
aggregates in cementitious concrete composites, which sented in Table 4.
appears to offer an attractive low-cost material with consis- Coarse aggregate: Natural crushed stone aggregate of
tent properties and which would help to resolve some of the maximum size 20 mm and bulk density of 1545 kg/m3
solid waste problems created by plastics production. was supplied from the Al-Nibaey region in Iraq.
Hence in this study, the opportunities to use waste plas- Waste plastic: Waste plastic represents the discarded
tic in concrete mixes have been investigated and compared waste from plastic containers that were collected from plas-
with control samples. tic manufacturing plants located in the Bob Al-Shaam

2. Materials and mix design Table 3

Properties of sand
2.1. Materials Properties Limit
Sulfate (%) 0.8
The materials used in this study are as follows: Finesse modulus 2.37
Cement: Type I Portland cement conforming to I.Q.S. Absorption (%) 2.71
No. 5/1984 was used in all types of aggregate content mix- Max size (mm) 4.75
tures. The chemical and physical properties of the cement Density (kg/m3) 1688
Specific gravity 2.57
are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Z.Z. Ismail, E.A. AL-Hashmi / Waste Management 28 (2008) 2041–2047 2043

Table 4 10%, 15%, and 20% addition of waste plastic as sand

Gradation of fine aggregate replacement, respectively.
Sieve size Accumulated percentage Limit of I.Q.S. No. 45/1984
(mm) passing zone (3) 2.3. Specimen and tests of specimens
4.75 96.5 90–100
2.36 8916 85–100 – 70 cubes of concrete of 150 · 150 · 150 mm were
1.18 80.7 75–100
0.6 68.4 60–79
molded for compressive strength, and fresh and dry den-
0.3 24.97 12–40 sity tests.
0.15 3.81 0–10 – 54 prisms of 70 · 70 · 38 mm were cast for flexural and
toughness strength tests.
area. It consists of approximately 80% polyethylene and
2.4. Test of specimens
20% polystyrene. After collection of waste plastic, it was
crushed and then analyzed in terms of some physical prop-
1. Casting, compaction and curing: Accomplished accord-
erties such as density and sieve analysis according to I.Q.S.
ing to B.S.1881, part 7 and B.S.1881, part 6.
Nos. 30/1984, 31/1981 and 45/1984. Table 5 presents the
2. Slump test: Fulfilled according to B.S.1881, part 2.
measured physical, and mechanical properties of waste
3. Fresh densities: Measured for all cubes after molding
plastic. A sample of the waste plastic is shown in Fig. 1.
and compacting immediately according to B.S.1881,
part 5. The fresh density represents the mean of fresh
2.2. Mixture proportioning
densities for 4 cubes.
4. Dry densities: Measured for the cubes taken from curing
Reference concrete mixtures: Each mixture consisted of
water basin just prior to compression strength according
715 kg/m3 sand, 1020 kg/m3 gravel, 380 kg/m3 cement
to B.S.1881, part 5. The dry density represents the mean
and a W/C ratio of 0.53. These mixtures were of 0% waste
for dry density of 4 cubes of each curing age.
plastic and were cured for 3, 7, 14, and 28 days.
5. Compression strength test: Concrete cubes were prepared
Waste plastic concrete mixtures: These mixtures are pre-
according to B.S.1881, part 7. The Forney machine was
sented in Table 6 as Pl2, Pl3, and Pl4, corresponding to the
used for the compression test. The cubes were tested
immediately after taken out of water while they were
Table 5
Physical and mechanical properties of waste plastic
still wet. The average of compression strength of 4 cubes
was recorded for each testing age.
Properties Values
6. Flexural and toughness strength: Prisms were prepared
Density (kg/m3) 386.7 according to ASTM C192. A 10 KN proving ring capac-
Shape of particles Fabriform of abroad distribution dimension with
varying length of 0.15–12 mm and width of 0.15–
ity and 0.01 mm dial gage precision was used for those
4 mm tests. The flexural strength is carried out according to
Color Different colors ASTM C293. The toughness indices were implemented
Water absorption, 0.02 according to ASTM C1018.
24 h (%)
Compressive Poor
Tensile strength 5000 3. Results and discussion
1. Slump test: The results of the slump tests of waste plastic
concrete mixtures are presented in Fig. 2. These results
indicate that the slump is prone to decreasing sharply
with increasing the waste plastic ratio. The reductions
of slump are 68.3%, 88.33%, and 95.33% for Pl2, Pl3,
and Pl4, respectively. This reduction can be attributed
to the fact that some particles are angular and others
have non-uniform shapes resulting in less fluidity. In
spite of the slump reduction, the waste plastic concrete
mixtures have easy workability and are suitable for use
in precast applications and large sites based on the fol-
lowing consideration:
 Workability has a broad range from very low (at
slump = 0–25 mm) applied for vibrated concrete in
roads or other large sections, to high workability
(at slump = 100–180 mm) applied for sections with
Fig. 1. Sample of waste plastic. congested reinforcement (Koehler and Fowler, 2003).
2044 Z.Z. Ismail, E.A. AL-Hashmi / Waste Management 28 (2008) 2041–2047

Table 6
Waste plastic concrete mixtures
Symbols Materials W/C or W/(C + WP)
3 3 3 3
Cement (kg/m ) Aggregate (kg/m ) Sand (kg/m ) Waste plastic (kg/m ) Waste (%)
Pl1 380 1020 715 0 0 0.53
Pl2 380 1020 643.5 71.5 10 0.53
Pl3 380 1020 607.75 107.25 15 0.53
Pl4 380 1020 572 143 20 0.53

8 2450

Dry density (Kg/m3)

2400 PL2=10%
6 PL3=15%
Slump (cm)

2350 PL4=20%

4 2300

0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
Waste plastic content (%) Curing ages of specimens

Fig. 2. Slump of waste plastic concrete. Fig. 4. Dry densities.

 Concrete products with plastic material have easy

workability (Naik et al., 1996). 4. Compressive strength tests: The results of the compres-
2. Fresh density test: The fresh densities of waste plastic sive strength tests for the waste plastic concrete mixtures
concrete mixtures are presented in Fig. 3. The results are shown in Fig. 5. By increasing the waste plastic ratio,
indicate that the fresh density tends to decrease by 5%, the results show a tendency for compressive strength
7%, and 8.7% for Pl2, Pl3, and Pl4, respectively, below values of waste plastic concrete mixtures to decrease
the reference mixtures Pl1. This trend may be attributed below the plain mixtures at each curing age. This trend
to the density of the waste plastic being lower than the can be attributed to the decrease in adhesive strength
sand by 69.7%, which leads to a reduction in the fresh between the surface of the waste plastic and the cement
density. However, these fresh densities are averaged to paste, as well as the particles size of the waste plastic
the fresh density of the plain concrete mixtures. increase. Additionally, plastic is considered to be a
3. Dry density test: The dry density tests for waste plastic hydrophobic material, so this property may restrict the
concrete mixtures Pl2, Pl3, and Pl4 are shown in Fig. 4. water necessary for cement hydration from entering
The dry densities at each curing age tend to decrease through the structure of the concrete specimens during
with increasing the waste plastic ratio in each concrete the curing period. All of the compressive strength values
mixture, but the dry densities tend to increase with time are higher than the minimum compressive strength
for each concrete mixture at all curing ages. It is clear required for structural concrete which is 17.24 MPa.
that at 28 days curing age, the lowest dry density The results are in a good agreement with the findings
(2223.7 kg/m3) exceeds the range of the dry density for of Marzouk et al. (2007) and Pezzi et al. (2006) which
structural lightweight concrete. The use of waste plastic demonstrated that once the sand volume substituted
for each curing age reduced the dry densities of all mix- with aggregates increased, the compressive strength of
tures with increasing the waste plastic ratio, because the composites decreased slightly in comparison with the
density of plastic is lower than that of sand by 69.7%. reference mortar.

Compressive strength (MPa)

Fresh density (Kg/m3)

20 PL1=0
2350 PL2=10%
10 PL3=15%
2300 PL4=20%
2250 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25
Curing ages of specimens (days)
Waste plastic content (%)
Fig. 5. Compressive strength.
Fig. 3. Fresh densities.
Z.Z. Ismail, E.A. AL-Hashmi / Waste Management 28 (2008) 2041–2047 2045

7 3500
Flexural strength (MPa)

6 3000
5 2500

Load (N)
4 2000
3 1500
2 PL2=10% 3 days curing age"
1000 7 days curing age"
1 10 days curing age"
PL4=20% 500
28 days curing age"
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5
Curing ages of specimens (days) Deflection (mm)

Fig. 6. Flexural strength. Fig. 9. Load–deflection curve of 15% waste plastic prisms.

5000 3500
3 days curing age "
4000 7 days curing age" 3000
14 days curing age"
28 days curing age"
Load (N)

Load (N)
3000 2000

2000 1500
3 days curing age"
1000 7 days curing age"
1000 500
14 days curing age"
28 days curing age"
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10

Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)

Fig. 7. Load–deflection curve of 0% waste plastic prisms. Fig. 10. Load–deflection curve of 20% waste plastic prisms.

paste, as well as the hydrophobic nature of plastic mate-

rial which may limit the hydration of cement. Therefore
3000 the hydration developed slightly with time. However the
flexural strengths of the waste plastic concrete compos-
Load (N)

2000 ites compared similarly with those of previous works

7 days curing age"
(Marzouk et al., 2007; Pezzi et al., 2006).
1000 14 days curing age" 6. Toughness indices tests: The load–deflection curves of
28 days curing age"
the reference mixtures (Pl1) at all curing ages of 3, 7,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 14, and 28 days are illustrated in Fig. 7. This figure illus-
Deflection (mm) trates the sudden failure of plain concrete under center-
point loading on simple beams due to the brittle nature
Fig. 8. Load–deflection curve of 10% waste plastic prisms.
of concrete. The flexural load–deflection results for spec-
imens made of 10%, 15%, and 20% waste plastic are
5. Flexural strength: The results of the flexural strength illustrated in Figs. 8–10, respectively. These figures show
tests for the plastic concrete mixtures Pl2, Pl3, and Pl4 the arrest of the propagation of micro cracks by intro-
are illustrated in Fig. 6. These results show that the flex- ducing waste plastic particles that have fabriform shapes
ural strength of waste plastic concrete mixtures at each into concrete mixtures. Table 7 presents the toughness
curing age is prone to decrease with the increase of the indices for waste plastic concrete at all curing ages.
waste plastic ratio in these mixtures. This trend can be The toughness indices (I10:I5) for concrete mixtures
attributed to the decrease in adhesive strength between made of 10% waste plastic (PI2) are negligible at 3 days
the surface of waste plastic particles and the cement curing age and are 1.43, 2, and 3 at 7, 14, 28 days,

Table 7
Toughness indices for waste plastics mixtures
Curing ages (days) 3 7 14 28
Indices I5 I10 I10:I5 I5 I10 I10:I5 I5 I10 I10:I5 I5 I10 I10:I5
PI2 – – – 8.3 11.6 1.4 4.3 8.6 2.0 2.5 7.5 3.0
PI3 3.0 11.0 3.7 4.5 9.5 2.1 4.2 8.4 2.0 8.0 16.1 2.0
PI4 6.8 13.7 2.0 7.3 14.8 2.0 5.2 11.5 2.1 5.7 11.6 2.0
2046 Z.Z. Ismail, E.A. AL-Hashmi / Waste Management 28 (2008) 2041–2047

respectively. The difference in the values of toughness  The load–deflection curves of concrete mixtures that
indices for PI2 mixtures at different curing ages may be contain waste plastic showed the arrest of the propaga-
due to the heterogeneity of the shape of the plastic par- tion of micro cracks by introducing waste plastic that
ticles. By increasing the amount of waste plastic, the dis- had fabriform shapes. I10:I5 reached the plastic behavior
tribution of waste plastic becomes more homogenous for Pl3, and Pl4 at all curing ages, but Pl2 reached the
due to the increase of the fabriform shapes of the plastic plastic behavior at 28 days curing ages only.
particles with broad distribution dimensions. Based on
this consideration, less difference was observed in tough-
ness indices values of concrete mixtures made of 15% Acknowledgements
waste plastic (PI3). By increasing the amount of waste
plastic in the concrete mixture to 20% (PI4), no differ- The authors thank the Ministry of Housing, Iraq for its
ence in toughness indices values was observed at all cur- financial support, the Central Organization for Standardi-
ing ages. For all waste plastic concrete mixtures at 14 zation and Quality Control and the State Company for
and 28 days curing periods, the toughness indices reach Geological Survey and Mining for their technical support.
the plastic behavior according to ASTM C1018. This
behavior is desirable for many applications that require References
high toughness.
American Society for Testing and Materials, 1979. Standard test method
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loading), ASTM C293, Annual book of ASTM standards.
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