Management Accounting 2marks Solved (2014-2021)
Management Accounting 2marks Solved (2014-2021)
Management Accounting 2marks Solved (2014-2021)
a) Define Management Accounting
According to Robert .N.Anthony, “Management Accounting is concerned with
accounting information which is useful to management”
b) Mention ant two tools of financial analysis
i) Comparative Analysis ii) Ratio Analysis iii) Trend Analysis iv) Common size
financial statement.
c) What is key factor?
A factor which limits production or sales is called key factor. It may be in the form of
labour, demand, shortage of materials etc.,
d) What is B.E.P?
(B.E.P) Break Even Point is that point where the total cost is equal to total revenue. In
other words, it is a situation where there is no profit no loss
e) What is Funds Flow Statement?
It is a statement providing necessary information about the changes in the financial
conditions of a business concern between two periods. It sates how the funds flow into
the business and how they flow out of the business.
f) Give two examples of non-operating expenses
i) Interest on loan, ii) loss on sale of machine
g) What is notional cash flow?
Indirect movement of cash into or out of business is called notional cash flow e.g.
purchase of machinery on credit basis (cash comes into business in the form of
h) State two objectives of Cash Flow Statement
i)It helps to plan for optimum utilisation of funds and avoid the situation leading to idle
cash or surplus
ii)It discloses the reasons, that lead to movement of cash balances
i) Find Stock Velocity: Average stock ₹32,000 , COGS ₹1,60,000
Stock Velocity =Cost of goods sold /Avg Stock =1,60,000/ 32,000 = 5 times
j) What are Solvency ratio measures?
Solvency Ratio measures are the long term financial position of the enterprise. They
indicate the repaying capacity of long term debt of the organisation
k) What is the effect of increase in working capital on funds flow statement?
Increase in working capital indicates an increase in the value of current assets between
two different periods, it is application of funds.
l) Give formula to calculate Gross Profit Ratio
Gross Profit Ratio= Gross Profit /net sales x100
l) From the following information calculate operating ratio : Net Sales ₹8,00,000
COGS ₹5,00,000 and operating expenses ₹ 60,000
Operating Ratio = COGS + Operating expenses/Net Sales x100
= 500,000+ 60,000/ 800,000 x100= 70%
a) Mention any two features of management accounting
i)It is advisory in nature
ii)It is directed towards the future (Concerned with the future)
b) Write any two advantages of management accounting
i) It helps in proper planning
ii)It helps for comparison
c) Mention any four techniques of management accounting
Financial Planning, Marginal Costing, Standard Costing , Fund Flow Analysis
d) What are marginal costs?
Marginal Costs are Direct Materials, Direct Wages, Direct Expenses and Variable
e) Calculate B.E.P in units : Selling Price ₹ 100 per unit , Variable Costs ₹ 60 per unit ;
Fixed Costs ₹ 80,000
B.E.P = Fixed cost /selling price – variable cost
=80,000/100- 60 =80,000/40 = 20,000 units
f) Calculate the margin of safety from the following data : Actual sales ₹5,00,000 ;
B.E.P Sales ₹3,00,000
Margin of Safety = Actual sales – B.E.P sales
Margin of Safety =₹5,00,000- ₹3,00,000= ₹2,00,000
g) Give the formula to calculate Gross Profit Ratio
Gross Profit Ratio = Gross Profit / Net Salesx100
h) Calculate Stock Turnover Ratio A; Average Stock ₹ 40,000 Cost of Goods Sold ₹
Stock Turnover Ratio = COGS/Avg Stock
= 120,000/40,000
= 3 Times
i) Give the meaning of current assets with two examples
Current assets means the assets which are realised within a year e.g., cash, debtors B/R
j) Mention the types of cash flow
i) Actual Cash flow ii) Notional Cash flow
k) Give four examples of non- operating expenses
i) Depreciation ii) Goodwill written off iii) Transfer to reserve iv) Preliminary expenses
l) Write any two objectives of cash flow statement.
i) It helps to plan for optimum utilisation of funds and avoid the situation leading to idle
cash or surplus
ii) It discloses the reasons that lead to movement of cash balances
a) What is management accounting?
Preparation of information related to accounting and supplying the same to the
management is called management accounting. In other words, it refers accounting for
b) State any two functions of Management Accounting
i) Planning and forecasting
ii)Modification of data
iii) Analysis and interpretation
iv) Co-ordination
c) Mention any two objectives of Management Accounting
i)It helps in planning and formulation of future policies
ii)It helps in organising
d) Give the Marginal Costing Equation
Marginal Cost = Total cost – fixed cost
e) What is Margin of Safety?
Margin of safety is the difference between the actual sales and Sales at break -even point
f) Calculate Fixed Cost : Sales ₹30,000 ; Variable Cost ₹ 15,000 and Profit ₹ 7,000
Fixed Cost = Sales – variable cost – profit
Fixed Cost = 30,000-15000 – 7000
=15000 -7000 = 8000
g) Why is schedule of changes in working capital prepared?
Schedule of change in working capital is prepared to know the increase or decrease in
working capital due to changes in current assets and current liabilities
h) Calculate the cost of machinery purchased : Opening Machinery ₹5,00,000 ; Cost of
Machinery sold ₹ 1,00,000 and Closing Machinery ₹ 6,50,000