Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
Basics of
Joseph Anbarasu Cost Accounting
A mobile phone factory introduces a new device. The factory incurs Rs. 400
for material, Rs.400 for labour and Rs.200 for overhead on every mobile
phone produced and supplied in the market. The total cost comes around
Rs.1000. If the price of the device is Rs. 1500, the profit per device is Rs. 500
The management requires all information as seen in the example for each product
produced. The above estimation is done for the purpose of planning, cost control
and decision-making. The existing system of financial accounting does not provide
the necessary information to do similar estimation. Such deficiency of financial
accounting has given rise to the need of cost accounting.
The word ‘Costing’ refers to the technique and process of ascertaining costs. There
have been certain rules and principles in the field of costing developed over years
by our forefathers. These rules and principles help us to ascertain the cost of
products produced. The term 'Cost Accounting’ refers to the recording of all
incomes and expenditures and ends with the preparation of periodical statements
and reports for ascertaining and controlling costs.
3. What are the difference between financial accounting and cost accounting?
Joseph Anbarasu Cost Accounting
4) It classifies the costs into material, Transactions are divided into debit and
labour, fixed overhead and variable credit terms.
5) Cost sheet is main format of cost Trading and Profit & Loss Account and
accounting Balance Sheet are two consolidated
financial statements.
6) It does not form a basis for tax It forms a basis for deciding the tax
assessment. liabilities of the business.
11) Unit wise accounting is also prepared. Monetary units alone are yardstick of
financial accounting.
The main emphasis in cost accounting is on cost control and cost determination.
Whereas the management accounting uses the principles and practices of financial
accounting and costing accounting in addition to other managerial techniques for
effective management. The examples of these techniques are standard costing,
budgetary control, uniform costing and inter-firm costing, marginal costing, flow
analysis, ratio analysis etc., Therefore, the management accounting is an all
inclusive package. It is an application of managerial aspect of cost accounting.
An effective and organised system of costing may have the following advantages:
a. Providing information to the insiders and outsiders with respect to
production, cost, materials, labour, stores, plant capacity etc., which assist
out planning
b. Revealing profitable and unprofitable activities which help the management
to reduce or eliminate wasteages and inefficiencies such as under
utilization, idle time, spoilage of material etc.,
c. Systematic management of cost which will lead to effective product
d. Maintaining perpetual inventory system, this ensures preparation of interim
profit and loss account.
e. Aiding in formulation of policies related to product, price etc.,
f. Comparison of cost between different periods, products, departments or
g. Revealing idle capacity, this would help the management to deal
h. Ascertainment of cost and profit more frequently and examination of their
causes in details.
i. Taking decisions based on facts and formulation of suitable polices for
various matters. (Level of output, make or buy decision, replacement of old
equipment, shut down or continue, introduction of new products or
elimination, acceptance of a special order and replacement of labour with
The use of cost accounting is no more restricted to manufacturing
organisations. It is used by other organisatios too banks, educational
institutions, hospitals, local governments so on.
The terms ‘Cost’ and ‘expenditure’ are used interchangeably to mention same thing
in the field of business. Cost means the amount of expenditure incurred on, or
attributable to, a given thing.
8. What are ascertainment costs? How does it differ from cost estimation?
Cost Ascertainment:
a. Actual cost cannot be used for the purpose of price quotations and filing
b. Actual cost has practically no utility for control purposes.
c. Actual cost is ineffective as means of measuring performance efficiency.
The entire organisation may be divided into specified cost centres, which jointly
contribute to the total cost. A cost centre is primarily identified in two major ways.
They are
a. Personal cost centre: It consists of a person or a group of persons.
b. Impersonal cost centre: It consists of a location or an item of equipment or
group of these.
Identification and establishments of cost centres depend on the nature and type of
industry. Cost centres may be of the following types.
i. Process cost centre (based on sequence of operation)
ii. Production cost centre(for regular production in a shop)
iii. Operation cost centre(where various operations are involved in the
production process)
iv. Service cost centre(for activities supporting the main production)
The concept of costing by cost centres may be applied to almost any industry. The
number of cost centres and the size of each vary from one undertaking to another.
The main purpose of identification of cost centres is to fix responsibilities for every
cost centres. A large number of cost centres tend to be expensive but having too
few cost centres defeat the very purpose of control.
Joseph Anbarasu Cost Accounting
The cost centres help in ascertaining the costs by location, equipment or person.
Cost unit is an extension of identification of cost centres. Cost unit helps in
breaking up the cost into smaller sub-divisions. It also facilitates in ascertaining the
cost of saleable product or services.
According to I.C.M.A. London
Cost units are the ‘things’ that the business is setup to provide of which cost is
ascertained. Cost units will normally be the quantity of a product for which price is
quoted to the customers.
The total cost comprises of direct costs (also known as prime cost) and indirect
costs (known as overheads). The prime cost consists of direct materials, direct
labour and other direct expenses. Overhead consists of factory overheads, office
overheads, and selling and distribution overheads.
The word “Materials” refers to those commodities, which are used as raw
materials, components, or consumables for manufacturing product.
Materials can be direct or indirect.
b. Labour and
The workers are involved in converting raw material into finished goods.
Such involvement of workers forms the word ‘labour’. The reward given to
them for their involvement is called ‘wages’. Wages can be direct or
Direct Labour: The workers who are directly involved in the production of
goods are known as ‘direct labour’. The reward paid to them is called
direct wages.
Indirect Labour: The workers employed for carrying out tasks incidental to
production of goods or those engaged for office work and selling and
distribution activities are known as ‘indirect labour’. The reward given to
them is called indirect wages.
c. Expenses
All expenditures other than material and labour are termed as ‘expenses’.
Expenses can also be direct or indirect.
Direct Expenses
Carriage Inwards
Production royalty
Hire Charges of special equipment
Cost of special drawings
Indirect Expenses: All expenses other than indirect materials and labour
which cannot be directly attributed to a particular product, job or service
are termed as ‘indirect expenses’. Some examples are given below:
Joseph Anbarasu Cost Accounting
Indirect Expenses:
Rent of building,
Repair of Machinery
Lighting and heating
Conversion Cost: The cost of converting raw materials into finished goods
is termed as ‘conversion cost’. It includes direct wages, direct expenses
and factory overheads.
Selling Costs are incurred to create and stimulate the demand and to
secure the demand
Joseph Anbarasu Cost Accounting
Selling Costs
Commission to Salesmen
Advertising and promotion Expenses
Travelling Expenses
Fixed Costs
Rent lease
Salary to Managers
Building Insurance
Salary and Wages
Taxes to local authority
Variable Cost: The cost that tends to vary in direct proportion to the
volume of production is called “variable cost”. For example, for 1000 units
of output, cost of raw materials consumed comes to Rs. 10,000. If the
production is increased to 1200 units (20%) the cost of material will
increase to Rs.12,000 (increase of 20%).
Variable costs
Direct Material
Direct Labour
Commission of Salesmen
Semi-variable Costs
Telephone Charges
Light and Power
Direct Cost: It refers to expenses, which can be directly identified with the
product, job or process. For example, in case of materials used and labour
employed we can easily ascertain as to which product or job or process
they relate.
Product Costs: These are those costs, which are necessary for production
and which will not be incurred if there is no production. Direct material,
direct wages and some of the factory overheads are examples of this kind.
Period Costs: Costs, which are not necessary for production and are written
off as expenses in the period in which these are incurred are called period
costs. Rent, salaries of company executives, travelling expenses are some
examples of period costs.
Controllable Costs: These are the costs, which may be directly regulated at
a given level of authority. Variable costs are generally controllable by
department heads.
14. Define cost control. What are the steps to be followed in cost control? What are the
advantages of cost control?
15. What are the limitations of cost accounting?
Cost Accounting suffers from certain inherent limitations.
i) There is not standard set of rules and regulations of cost accounting
applicable to all industries and even the firms in the same industry.
ii) The cost accounting principles themselves keep on changing.
iii) There are widely recognised cost concepts but understood and applied
differently by different concerns.
iv) Cost accounting is not an exact science and its postulates cannot be
verified by controlled experiment, but only by application in actual
16. Explain different methods of costing.
Joseph Anbarasu Cost Accounting
The methods of costing refer to the techniques and processes employed in the
ascertainment of costs. Many methods have been designed to suit the needs of
different industries. These methods can be summarised as follows:
It should be noted that two basic methods of costing are (1) Job costing, and (2)
Process Costing. The other methods discussed below are simply variants of these
two methods.
Job Costing:
Under this method, costs are ascertained for each job separately. According to
I.C.M.A London
The method of job order costing applies where work is undertaken
to be a job or work
It is suitable for industries like car repairs, printing, foundries, painting and interior
designing, where each job has its own specification.
Contract Costing:
This method is used in case of big jobs described as ‘contracts’. Since this is a
variation of job costing, the principles of job costing are in general applied. The
contract work usually involves heavy expenditure, spreaded over a long period.
Each contract is treated as a separate unit for the purpose of cost ascertainment.
Shipbuilding, construction of premises, roads and bridges are few examples suitable
for contract costing.
Batch Costing:
This is also another version of job costing. The cost of batch or group of uniform
products is ascertained under this method. Each batch of products is a unit of cost
for which costs are accumulated. It is generally used in industries like
pharmaceuticals, readymade garments, shoes, toys, bicycle parts, bakery, etc.
Process costing:
Operating Costing:
Multiple costing:
This method of cost ascertainment is used when production is uniform and consists
of a single or two or three varieties of the same product. Where the product is
produced in different grades, costs are ascertained gradewise. Since the units of
output are identical, the cost per unit is found by dividing the total cost by the
number of units produced. This method is used in mines, brick-kilns, steel
production, floor mills, etc.
Marginal costing:
Separation of costs into fixed and variable (marginal) is of special interest and
importance. Under marginal costing, cost of a product is estimated with out
considering fixed cost. This method allocates only variable costs (direct material,
direct labour, direct expenses, and variable overheads) to production. It is also
known as ‘variable costing’.
Absorption costing:
It refers to the conventional technique of costing under which the total costs (fixed
and variable) are charged to products. It is considered to have only a limited
application today.
Historical Costing:
It refers to a system of cost accounting under which costs are ascertained only after
they have been incurred. The accounting is done in terms of actual costs and not in
terms of predetermined costs. It is widely applied by many organisations today.
Standard Costing:
This technique connotes the setting up of definite standards of performance in
advance. These standards are expressed in monetary terms. Actual performance is
measured against these standards. The differences are helping the management to
initiate corrective actions. This is believed to be a valuable tool in cost control.
Budgetary Control:
A budget is an estimated results expressed in numerical numbers. Budgetary control
is a technique applied to the control of total expenditure on materials, wages and
overhead by comparing actual performance with planned performance. This
technique is also believed to be another valuable aid in cost control and
18. What are the preliminaries that are to be satisfied before installation of a cost
Problem Areas:
Factors to be considered:
19. What is cost sheet? Explain the components of cost Sheet with an example.
The following are some important components incorporated in the Cost Sheet.
S&D2 0000
S&D3 0000 0000 000
COST OF SALES 0000 000
PROFIT (LOSS) 0000 000
Example 1
Direct Material 50,000
Direct Wages 15,000
Factory Expenses 5,000
Office Expenses 1,000
Selling Expenses 500
Example 2
1. Work out the number of units produced during the year
2. Then prepare the Cost Sheet
Closing stock 6000
Number of units sold 174000
Less: Opening stock 5000
Number of units produced 175000
For the year ending 31 Dec 2002
Total (Rs) Per
Raw Materials
Opening stock 40000.00
Add: Purchases 1100000.00
Less: Closing Stock 140000.00 1000000.00
Direct Labour 500000.00
PRIME COST 1500000.00
Works Overhead 150000.00
WORK COST 1650000.00
Office Overheads 100000.00
COST OF PRODUCTION (1,75,000 units) 1750000.00 10
Add: Opening Stock (5000 units) 50000.00
Less: Closing Stock (6000 units) 60000.00
COST OF GOODS SOLD (1,74,000 units) 1740000.00 10
Selling and Distribution Overheads 174000.00 1
COST OF SALES 1914000.00 11
PROFIT 522000.00 3
SALES 2436000.00 14
Review Questions
1. Why should there be costing in the field of business?
2. Define cost accounting.
3. What are the difference between financial accounting and cost accounting?
4. Bring out the difference between financial and management accounting
5. Compare cost accounting with management accounting.
6. List the advantages of cost accounting.
7. Define the term cost.
8. What are ascertainment costs? How does it differ from cost estimation?
9. What is cost centre? How is it identified? List its uses.
10. Describe about cost unit
11. Explain the components of total cost?
12. How will you classify costs? Explain
13. What is cost sheet? Explain the components of cost Sheet with an example.
14. Define cost control. What are the steps to be followed in cost control? What are the
advantages of cost control?
15. What are the limitations of cost accounting?
Joseph Anbarasu Cost Accounting