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Chapter 26 Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis

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Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis

Meaning Marginal Cost: The tenn Marginal Cost refers to the amount at any given volume of output by which the aggregate costs are charged if the volume of output is changed by one unit. Accordingly, it means that the added or additional cost of an extra unit of output. Marginal cost may also be defined as the "cost of producing one additional unit of product." Thus, the concept marginal cost indicates wherever there is a change in the volume of output, certainly there will be some change in the total cost. It is concerned with the changes in variable costs. Fixed cost is treated as a period cost and is transferred to Profit and Loss Account. Marginal Costing: Marginal Costing may be defined as "the ascertainment by differentiating between fixed cost and variable cost, of marginal cost and of the effect on profit of changes in volume or type of output." With marginal costing procedure costs are separated into fixed and variable cost. According to J. Batty, Marginal costing is "a technique of cost accounting pays special attention to the behaviour of costs with changes in the volume of output." This definition lays emphasis on the ascertainment of marginal costs and also the effect of changes in volume or type of output on the company's profit.



All elements of costs are classified into fixed and variable costs. Marginal costing is a technique of cost control and decision making. Variable costs are charged as the cost of production. Valuation of stock of work in progress and finished goods is done on the basis of variable costs. Profit is calculated by deducting the fixed cost from the contribution, i.e., excess of selling price over marginal cost of sales. Profitability of various levels of activity is detennined by cost volume profit analysis.

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis


Absorption Costing Absorption costing is also termed as Full Costing or Total Costing or Conventional Costing. It is a technique of cost ascertainment. Under this method both fixed and variable costs are charged to product or process or operation. Accordingly, the cost of the product is determined after considering both fixed and variable costs. Absorption Costing Vs Marginal Costing: The following are the important differences between Absorption Costing and Marginal Costing:

Under Absorption Costing all fixed and variable costs are recovered from production while under Marginal Costing only variable costs are charged to production. Under Absorption Costing valuation of stock of work in progress and finished goods is done on the basis of total costs of both fixed cost and variable cost. While in Marginal Costing valuation of stOl!k of work in progress and finished goods at total variable cost only. Absorption Costing focuses its attention on long-term decision making while under Marginal Costing guidance for short-term decision making. Absorption Costing lays emphasis on production, operation or process while Marginal Costing focuses on selling and pricing aspects.


(3) (4)

Differential Costing Differential Costing is also termed as Relevant Costing or Incremental Analysis. Differential Costing is a technique useful for cost control and decision making. According to ICMA London differential costing "is a technique based on preparation of adhoc information in which only cost and income differences between two alternatives / courses of actions are taken into consideration." Marginal Costing and Differential Costing: The following are the differences between Marginal Costing and Differential Costing:

Differential Costing can be made in the case of both Absorption Costing as well as Marginal Costing While Marginal Costing excludes the entire fixed cost, some of the fixed costs may be taken into account as being relevant for the purpose of Differential Cost Analysis. Marginal Costing may be embodied in the accounting system whereas Differential Cost are worked separately as analysis statements. In Marginal costing, margin of contribution and contribution ratios are the main yardstick for the performance evaluation and for decision making. In Differential Cost Analysis. differential costs are compared with the incremental or decremental revenues as the case may be.

(2) (3) (4)

Advantages of Marginal Costing (or) Important Decision Making Areas of Marginal Costing The following are the important decision making areas where marginal costing technique is used : (I) Pricing decisions in special circumstances : (a) Pricing in periods of recession; (b) Use of differential selling prices.


A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting,

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Acceptance of offer and submission of tenders. Make or buy decisions. Shutdown or continue decisions or alternative use of production facilities. Retain or replace a machine. Decisions as to whether to sell in the export market or in the home market. Change Vs status quo. Whether to expand or contract. Product mix decisions like for example : (a) Selection of optimal product mix; (b) Product substitution; (c) Product discontinuance.


Break-Even Analysis.

Limitations of Marginal Costing (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


It may be very difficult to segregation of all costs into fixed and variable costs. Marginal Costing technique cannot be suitablf> for all type of industries. For example, it is difficult to apply in ship-building, contract industries etc. The elimination of fixed overheads leads to difficulty in determination of selling price. It assumes that the fixed costs are controllable, but in the long run all costs are variable. Marginal Costing does not provide any standard for the evaluation of performance which is provided by standard costing and budgetary control. With the development of advanced technology fixed expenses are proportionally increased. Therefore, the exclusion of fixed cost is less effective. Under marginal costing elimination of fixed costs results in the under valuation of stock of work in progress and finished goods. It will reflect in true profit. Marginal Costing focuses its attention on sales aspect. Accordingly, contribution and profits are determined on the basis of sales volume. It does nnt con:::ider other functional aspects. Under Marginal Costing semi variable and semi fixed costs cannot be segregated accurately.

(8) (9)


Cost Volume Profit Analysis (C V P) is a systematic method of examining the relationship between changes in the volume of output and changes in total sales revenue, expenses (costs) and net profit. In other words. it is the analysis of the relationship existing amongst costs, sales revenues, output and the resultant profit. To know the cost, volume and profit relationship, a study of the following is essential :

Marginal Cost Formula Break-Even Analysis


Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis



Profit Volume Ratio (or) PN Ratio Profit Graph Key Factors and Sales Mix

(5) (6)

Objectives of Cost Volume Profit Analysis The following are the important objectives of cost volume profit analysis:
(1) (2)

Cost volume is a powerful tool for decision making.

It makes use of the principles of Marginal Costing. It enables the management to establish what will happen to the financial results if a specified level of activity or volume fluctuates.


(4) (5)

It helps in the determination of break-even point and the level of output required to earn a desired profit. The PN ratio serves as a measure of efficiency of each product, factory, sales area etc. and thus helps the management to choose a most profitable line of business.
It helps us to forecast the level of sales required to maintain a given amount of profit at different levels of prices.

Marginal Cost Equation The Following are the main important equations of Marginal Cost : Sales = Variable Cost + Fixed Expenses Profit I Loss (or) Sales - Variable Cost

= Fixed Cost Profit or Loss


Sales - Variable Cost = Contribution Contribution = Fixed Cost + Profit The above equation brings the fact that in order to earn profit the contribution must be more than fixed expenses. To avoid any loss, the contribution must be equal to fixed cost. Contribution The term Contribution refers to the difference between Sales and Marginal Cost of Sales. It also termed as "Gross Margin." Contribution enables to meet fixed costs and profit. Thus, contribution will first covered fixed cost and then the balance amount is added to Net profit. Contribution can be represented as: Contribution = Sales - Marginal Cost Contribution = Sales - Variable Cost Contribution Fixed Expenses + Profit Contribution - Fixed Expenses Profit Sales - Variable Cost = Fixed Cost + Profit


A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

(or) C=S-V.C C=F.C+P S-V.C=F.C+P C-F.C=P Where: C = Contribution S = Sales F ;:: Fixed Cost P = Profit V = Variable Cost

Illustration: 1 From the following information, calculate the amount of profit using marginal cost technique:
Fixed cost Rs. 3,00,000 Variable cost per unit Rs. 5 Selling price per unit Rs. 10 Output level 1,00,000 units


= = =
= = = = = =

Contribution Rs. 5,00,000 Profit Profit

Selling Price - Marginal Cost (1,00,000 x 10) - (l,OO,OOO x 5) 10,00,000 - 5,00,000 Rs.5,OO,OOO Fixed Cost + Profit 3,00,000 + Profit Contribution - Fixed Cost Rs. 5,00,000 - Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 2,00,000

Break-Even Analysis:
Break-Even Analysis is also called Cost Volume Profit Analysis. The term Break-Even Analysis is used to measure inter relationship between costs, volume and profit at various level of activity. A concern is said to break-even when its total sales are equal to its total costs. It is a point of no profit no loss. This is a point where contribution is equal to fixed cost. In other words, the break-even point where income is equal to expenditure {or) total sales equal to total cost. The break-even point can be calculated by the following formula:

Break-Even Point in Units

(1) Break-Even Point in Units

=-------Contribution per unit

Total Fixed Cost

(or) B E P (in units)

Total Fixed Cost SeIling Price Per unit Variable Cost Per unit

(2) Break-Even Point in Units

Marginal Costing alld Cost Volume Profit Analysis


Break-Even Point in Sales Volume

Fixed Cost x Sales
(J) Break-Even Sales

Sales - Variable Cost (or) FxS

S-V Fixed Cost Variable Cost 1Sales (or)

(2) Break-Even Sales



Fixed Cost

(3) Break-Even Sales

P I V Ratio Contribution x 100 Sales

Profit Volume Ratio (PI V ratio)

Illustration: 2

From the following particulars find out break-even point:

Fixed Expenses Rs. 1.00.000 Selling price Per unit Rs. 20 Variable cost per unit Rs. 15

Fixed Cost Break-Even Point in Units Contribution per unit

Contribution per unit

Rs. 20 - Rs. 15

= Selling Price per unit - Variable Cost per unit

B E P (in units)

= Rs. 5

= =

Rs. 1.00.000

20.000 units

BE P in Sales

20,000 x Rs. 20

= Rs. 4,00,000

Profit Volume Ratio (P I V Ratio)

Profit Volume Ratio is also called as Contribution Sales Ratio (or) Marginal Income Ratio (or) Variable Profit Ratio. It is used to measure the relationship of contribution, the relative profitability of different products. processes or departments.


A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

The following fonnula for calculating the P I V ratio is given below:

(I) PI V Ratio




Sales Sales - Variable Cost

x 100

(2) PI V Ratio

x 100 (or) Sales Fixed Cost + Profit

S-V x 100 S F+P x 100 S

(3) PI V Ratio

x 100 (or) Sales

When we find out the P I V Ratio, Break-Even Point can be calculated by the following fonnula : (a) B E P (Sales volume)

= ----PI V Ratio

Fixed Cost

(b) Fixed Cost = B E P x P I V Ratio (c) Sales required in units to maintain a desired profit: Fixed Cost + Desired Profit PIV (or) Ratio

=- - - - PI V Ratio Required Contribution New Contribution per unit


(or) = (d) Contribution = Sales x P I V Ratio

(e) Variable Cost = Sales ( 1 - P I V Ratio)

Illustration: 3 From the following information calculate :

(I) P I V Ratio (2) Break-Even Point (3) If the selling price is reduced to Rs. 80, calculate New Break-Even Point:

Total sales Selling price per unit Variable cost per unit Fixed cost

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

5,00,000 100 60 1,20,000

(1) P / V Ratio


= - - - - - x 100

Contribution Total Sales Selling price per unit

= =

Sales - Variable Cost Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 100

Marginal Costing and Co.vt Volume Profit Analysis

5,00,000 100

Sales in units Contribution

= 5000 units


Rs. 5,00,000 - (5000 x 60) Rs. 5,00,000 - Rs. 3,00,000 = Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 5,00,000 Fixed Cost P I V Ratio Rs. 1,20,000 40% 1,20,000 40
Rs. 3,00,000
x 100

PI V Ratio


x 100 = 40%

(2) Break-Even Point in sales

1,20,000 40 100



If the Selling price is reduced to Rs. 80 :


= = = = =

5,00,000 100 Rs. 4,00,000 Fixed Cost Contribution per unit (or) Fixed Cost Selling Price - Variable Cost Rs. 1,20,000 x 80

Break-Even Point (in units)

Break-Even Point in Sales

= =

80 - 50 4,000 units x Rs. 80 Rs. 3,20,000

1,20,000 30

=4,000 units

Illustration: 4
Sales Rs. 2,00,000 Profit Rs. 20,000 Variable Cost 60% You are required to calculate:

(2) (3)

P I V Ratio Fixed Cost Sales volume to earn a profit of Rs. 50,000

Sales Variable Cost Variable Cost

= = =

Rs. 2,00,000 60% 60 - - x 2,00,000 100


A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

(1) P / V Ratio

Rs. 1,20,000

Sales - Variable Cost Sales 2,00,000 - 1,20,000 2,00,000 80,000

x 100

x 100

(2) Contribution Contribution Contribution 80,000 Fixed Cost


x 100 = 40%


Fixed Cost + Profit (or) Sales - Variable Cost Rs. 2,00,000 - Rs. 1,20,000 = Rs. 80,000 Fixed Cost + Profit Fixed Cost + Rs. 20000 Rs. 80,000 - Rs. 20,000 = Rs. 60,000 Fixed Cost + Desired Profit P / V Ratio Rs. 60,000 + Rs. 50,000

(3) Sales volume to earn a profit of Rs. 50,000

40% Rs. 1,10,000 Rs. 1,10,000

40 100 Rs. 2,75,000

x 100 40

Illustration: 5 From the following particulars, calculate :

(a) P / V Ratio (b) Profit when sales are Rs. 40,000, and (c) New break-even point if selling price is reduced by 10% Fixed cost = Rs. 8,000 Break-even point = Rs. 20,000 Variable cost = Rs. 60 per unit

Solution: (a) Break-Even Point

= = =

Fixed Cost PlY Ratio

Fixed Cost P I V Ratio Break-Even Point 8,000 x 100 20,000

= 40%

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis


(b) Profit when sales are Rs. 40,000 Profit

= =

Sales x P I V Ratio - Fixed Cost Rs. 40,000 x 40% - Rs. 8,000 Rs. 16,000 - Rs. 8,000 = Rs. 8,000

(c) New break-even point if the selling price is reduced by 10%. If the selling price is Rs. 100, now it is reduced by 10%, i.e., it will be Rs. 90 (100 - 10) Variable Cost New PI V Ratio

= =

Rs. 60 Per unit Selling Price - Variable Cost x 100 Selling Price 90 - 60 x 100 = 33.33%

90 Fixed Cost

New Break-Even Point

New P I V Ratio 8,000

New Break-Even Point

= Rs. 24,002.40


= Rs. 24,002.40

Illustration: 6
MNP Ltd. produces a chocolate almond bar. Each bar sells for Rs. 20. The variable cost for each bar (sugar, chocolate, almonds, wrapper, labour) total Rs. 12.50. The total fixed cost are Rs. 30,00,000. During the year, 10,00,000 bars were sold. The CEO of MNP Ltd. not fully satisfied with the profit performance of chocolate bar, was considering the following options to increase the profitability :
(I) (II) (III) (IV) Increase advertising Improve the quality of ingredients and, simultaneously, increase the selling price Increase the selling price Combination of three.


The sales manager is confident that an advertising campaign could double sales volume. If the company CEO's goal is to increase this year's profits by 50% over last year's, what is the maximum amount that can be spent on advertising. Assume that the company improves the quality of its ingredients, thus increasing variable cost to Rs.15. Answer the following questions: (a) How much the selling price be increased to maintain the same break-even point? (b) What will be the new price, if the company wants to increase the old contribution margin ratio by 50%?



The company has decided to increase its selling price to Rs. 25. The sales volume drops from 10,00,000 to 8,00,000 bars. Was the decision to increase the price a good one? Compute the sales volume that would be needed at the new price for the company to earn the same profit at last year. The sales manager is convinced that by improving the quality of ingredients (increasing variable cost to Rs. 15) and by advertising the improved quality (advertisement amount would be increased by Rs. 50,00,000), sales volume could be doubled. He has also indicated that a price increase would not affect the



A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

ability to double sales volume as long as the price increase is not more than 20% of the current selling price. Compute the selling price that would be needed to achieve the goal of increasing profits by 50%. Is the sales manager's plan feasible? What selling price would you choose? Why?

(CA, PE, 2002)

Contribution Analysis of operating result of a most recent year: Selling price Less : Variable Cost Contribution For 10,00,000 units x 7.50 Less : Fixed Cost Profit
(1) Desired Profit

Rs.20.00 Rs. 12.50 Rs. 7.50

Contribution (Rs.7.50 x 20,00,000 bars) Less: Desired Operating Profits

Less: Fixed Cost (other than Incremental } Advertising) Maximum amount that can be spent on } Advertisement

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Rs. 75,00,000 Rs. 30,00,000 Rs. 45,00,000 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 45,00,000 x Rs. 1.50 67.50,000 1,50,00,000 67,50,000

Rs. 82.50,000 Rs. 30,00,000

Rs. 52,50,000
Rs. 15 per bar Fixed Cost Selling Price - Variable Cost 30,00,000 20 - 12.50
4,00,000 bars

(2) (a) Variable cost increased to Break-Even Point (Most recent year)

30,00,000 7.50

Let S

=Desired Selling Price


3,00,000 Sales - Variable Cost 30,00,000 S - Rs.15 30,00,000




=7.50 + 15 = Rs. 22.50

.'. S
Selling Price, increased by

2.50 20

= - - x 100 =12.50%

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis


2. (b) New Price, if Co. wants to increase old contribution margin ratio by 50% Old contribution margin ratio Desired to increase at 56.25%

= = = = = = = = = = =

7.50 - - x 100 = 37.50% 20 (37.50 + 50% of 37.50) 43.75% Rs. 15 0.4375 Rs.34.2857 Rs.25 8,00,000 bars Sales - Variable Cost Per unit Rs. 25 - 12.50 = Rs.12.50 8,00,000 x 12.50 Rs. 1,00,00,000 Rs. 30,00,000 Rs. 70,00,000


Variable Cost I Sales

Hence new Selling Price

(3) New Selling Price New sales Volume Contribution Contribution

Less : Fixed Cost

Operating profit

The decision seems to be good one as operating profit has increased from Rs. 45 lakhs to Rs. 70 lakhs: Desired Sales Qty. Fixed Cost + Desired Profit

Selling Price - Variable Cost Rs. 30,00,000 + Rs. 45,00,000

12 - 12.50

6,00,000 bars. (4) Variable cost per bar = Rs. 15 Fixed cost increased due to advertising = From Rs.30 lakhs to Rs. 80 lakhs S Let desired selling price be Then desired Selling price needed to achieve profit goals of Rs. 67,50,000

20,00,000 bars

Fixed Cost + Desired Profit

S - Variable Cost Per bar Rs. 80 lakhs + Rs. 67.5 lakhs S - Rs. 15 Rs. 147.5 lakhs


20,00,000 Rs.22.375 Rs.22.375 2.375

= Rs. 7.375 + 15

.'. S
Yes, Sales manager's plan seems feasible As price increase of to achieve desired profit but the caveat is :


x 100 = 11.875% is required

Is market so big? Will competitors not follow aggressive strategy when it hurts them?


The choice of selling price of Rs. 22.375 depends on the assessment of above two factors.


A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

Illustration: 7
A Company manufactures a single product with a capacity of 1,50,000 units per annum. The summarized profitability statement for the year is as under:
Rs. Rs.

Sales: 1,00,000 units @ RS.15 per unit

Less : Cost of Sales :

15,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 60,000 3,00,000 1,50,000 90,000 1,50,000

Direct Materials Direct Labour Production overhead : Variable Fixed Administration Overhead (Fixed) Selling and Distribution Overheads: Variable Fixed Profit

12,50,000 2,50,000

You are required to evaluate the following options:


What will be the amount of sales required to earn a target profit of 25% on sales, if the packing is improved at a cost of Re.l per unit? There is an offer from a large retailer for purchasing 30,000 units per annum, subject to providing a packing with a different brand name at a cost of Rs. 2 per unit. However, in this case there will be no selling and distribution expenses. Also this will not, in any way, affect the company's existing business. What be the break-even price for this additional offer.? If an expenditure of Rs. 3,00,000 is made on advertising the sales would increase from the pre.>ent level of l,oo,ooo units to 1,20,000 units at a price of Rs. 18 per unit, will that expenditure be justified? If the selling price is reduced by Rs. 2 per unit, there will be 100% capacity utilization. Will the reduction in selling price be justified?
(C A Inter. May 2(01)


(3) (4)

Method I (Per unit Rs.) Selling price
Less : Variable Cost :

Method II (in total Rs.) 15,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 60,000 90,000 6,50,000 8,50,000

15.00 3.00 2.00 0.60 0.90 6.50 8.50

Direct materials Direct Labour Production Overheads Selling Overheads Total variable Cost Contribution (Sales-Variable Cost)

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis


Evaluation of Options
(1) Option I:

Method I

(Per unit Rs.)

Present Marginal Cost (V. C.) Add : Additional Cost of Packing Revised Contribution } (Sales - Variable Cost) P / V Ratio = Contribution Sales x 100 = 7,50,000 15,00,000 =50% 6.50 1.00 7.50

Method II (in total Rs.)

6,50,000 1,00,000 7,50,000 50%

Let the proposed sales be equal to X Sales X

= =

(Fixed Cost + 25% of X) 50% 6,00,000 + 0.25 X 50%

Rs. 24,00,000


6,00,000 + 0.25 x 100 50

Alternative Solution:
Let the number of units to be sold The equation is : Sales 15 x


= =

Variable Cost + Fixed Cost + Profit 7.50 x + Rs.6,OO,ooo + 3.75 x

Transposing and solving we get 3.75 x


Rs. 6,00,000

.'. Sales in units Sales in volume
(2) Option II :


= 1,60,000 units 3.75 1,60,000 units 1,60,000 x 15 = Rs. 24,00,000

= = = Rs.6.50 Rs.0.90 Rs.5.60 Rs.2.00 Rs.7.60 30,000 x 7.60 Rs. 2,28,000


Present Marginal Cost Less : Variable selIing Cost Net cost per unit Add : Special packing Cost Total Variable Cost per unit Total Variable Cost for 30,000 units

= = =

There is no impact of this transactions on fixed cost. Hence the price should atlest cover Rs. 2,28,000. Therefore, unit price to break-even is Rs. 760.

(3) Option III :

A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

Revised Contribution when selling price is Rs. 18 . '. Contribution = Selling Cost - Variable Cost = Rs. 18 - Rs. 6.50 = Rs. 11.50 1,20,000 units Quantum of sales = Rs. 13,80,000 Total contribution 1,20,000 x 11.50 = Less: Fixed Cost: Present 6,00,OOO} Rs.9,00,000 Additional 3,00,000 = Profit

Rs. 4,80,000

As the profit increases, the proposal is justified.

(4) Option IV:

Revised price Rs. 15 - 2 Less : Marginal Cost Contribution (selling costing-V.C.) Total constriction at 1,50,000 units (l,50,OOO x Rs. 6.50) Less: Fixed Cost Profit (contribution - Fixed Cost) As per problem normal profit is Revised profit is Rs. 13.00 Rs. 6.50 Rs. 6:50

Rs. 9,75,000 Rs. 60,00,000 Rs. Rs. Rs. 3,75,000 2,50,000 3,75,000

Since the profit is increased by (Rs. 3,75,000 - Rs. 2,50,000) Rs. 1,25,000 the proposal is acceptable.

Illustration: 8

Fill in the blanks for each of the following independent situation :


Rs. 20 75

Selling Price per unit Variable Cost as % of } Selling Price No. of units sold Marginal contribution Fixed costs Profit I Loss

Rs.50 60 10,000 Rs.20,000 Rs. 12,000

Rs.30 75 6,000 Rs.25,000 Rs.1O,OOO

4,000 Rs.80,000 20,000 Rs. 1,20,000 Rs.30,000

5,000 Rs.50,000 Rs.15,000

(A) Profit Contribution P I V Ratio Sales Units Sold Selling Price = = = = = = = Co]ntribution - Fixed costs Rs. 20,000 - 12,000 = 8,000 20,000 (100 - 60) =40% 20,000 Contribution = Rs.50,000 = 40% P I V Ratio 10,000 Sales volume Units = 50000 10000 = Rs.5

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis


(B) Sales 4000 units X Price Rs.50 Contribution (S - V.C. = Rs. 2,00,000 - Rs. 1,20,(00) Variable Cost (60% of sales, i.e., 2,00,000 x

= = = = = =

Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 80,000 Rs. 1,20,000 Rs. 60,000


Fixed Cost (contribution - Profit) Rs. 80,000 - Rs. 20,000

(C) Contribution (Fixed cost + Profit) Rs. 1,20,000 + Rs. 30,000 Contribution per unit 25% of Rs. 20

Rs. 1,50,000 Rs.5

No. of units

= = = = =

Contribution Contribution per unit


=30,000 units.

(0) Profit (Contribution - Fixed Cost) 25,000 - 10,000

=Rs. 15,000
25,000 x 100 25

P I V Ratio Sales

(100 - 75)

=25% = 25% = = Rs.l,OO,OOO =

1,00,000 6,000 25,000

Contribution P I V Ratio 6,000 Units Contribution No. of Units

No. of units Price per unit

=Rs. 16.67

(E) Sales 5,000 units x Rs. 30

=Rs. 1,50,000 =
1,00,000 1,50,000 x 100 = 66.67%

Variable cost (Sales - Contribution) Rs. 1,50,000 - 50,000 = 1,00,000 Variable cost as % of selling price

Fixed Cost (Contribution - Profit) = Rs. 50,000 - Rs. 15,000 = Rs. 35,000

Margin of Safety: The term Margin of safety refers to the excess of actual sales over the break-even sales. It is known as the Margin of Safety. Margin of safety can also be expressed as a percentage of sales. Margin of safety can be improved by :
(a) Increasing the selling price (b) Reducing the variable cost (c) Selecting a product mix of larger PN ratio items (d) Reducing fixed costs (e) Increasing the output

Margin of Safety can be calculated by the following formula:

(1) Margin of Safety (2) Margin of Safety

= Total Sales - Break-Even Sales

= = =

Profit P I V Ratio Profit Contribution x Sales

(3) Margin of Safety (4) Profit

Margin of Safety x P I V ratio

(5) Margin of Safety expressed as percentage: Margin of Safety

A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

= =

Margin of Safety Total Sales (or) Actual Sales - Break-Even Sales x 100 Total Sales x 100

Illustration: 9 From the following particulars, calculate Margin of safety :

Fixed cost Variable cost Total Sales Rs. 1,00,000 Rs. 1,50,000 Rs. 3,00,000

Margin of Safety

= =

Profit P I V Ratio (or) Actual Sales - Break-Even Sales Sales - Variable Cost Sales 3,00,000 - 1,50,000 3,00,000 50% 50% Fixed Cost P I V Ratio 1,00,000 50 Actual Sales - Break-Even Sales Rs. 3,00,000 - Rs. 2,00,000 = Rs. 1,00,000 x 100 1,50,000 3,00,000

P I V Ratio

= =

x 100 =

x 100

P I V Ratio Break-Even Sales

= = = = =

Rs. 1,00,000 50%

x 100 = Rs.2,OO,000

Margin of Safety Alternatively : Contribution Profit

= Sales - Variable Cost

Rs. 3,00,000 - 1,50,000 Rs. 1,50,000 - 1,00,000

= Contribution - Fixed Cost

=Rs. 1,50,000
= Rs. 50,000

Margin of Safety


Profit P I V Ratio 50,000 50



x 100 = Rs. 1,00,000

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis


Margin of Safety expressed in percentage of sales:

= = =
Illustration: 10

Margin of Safety Actual Sales Rs. I ,00,000 x 100 Rs.3,OO,OOO 33.33% x 100

A company manufactures a product, currently utilizing 80% capacity with a turnover of Rs. 8,00,000 at Rs.25 per unit. The cost data are as under:
Material Cost Rs. 7.50 per unit, Labour Cost Rs. 6.25 per unit. Semi-Variable Cost (including variable cost of Rs. 3.75 per unit) Rs. 1,80,000. Fixed Cost Rs. 90,000 upto 80% level of output, beyond this an additional Rs. 20,000 will be incurred.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Activity level at Break-Even Point. Number of units to be sold to earn a net income of 8% of sales. Activity level needed to earn a profit of Rs. 95,000. What should be the selling price per unit, if break-even point is to be brought down to 40% activity level?

(C A. Inter. Nov. 2000)

Working Notes: (a) Variable cost per unit :
Material cost per unit Labour cost per unit Semi Variable cost per unit Variable Cost per unit


= = = =
= =

7.50 6.25 3.75 17.50

(b) Contribution per unit:

Contribution per unit

Selling price per unit - Variable cost per unit Rs. 25 - Rs. 17.50 Rs. 7.50 per unit.

(c) Fixed cost in Semi Variable Cost:

Total semi variable cost Less: Variable cost @ Rs. 3.75 per unit (Rs. 3.75 x 32000 units) Fixed cost in semi-variable cost

= = = = = =

Rs. 1,80,000 Rs. 1,20,000 Rs. 60,000

(d) Total Fixed cost upto 80% level :

Fixed cost upto 80% Add : Fixed cost in Semi variable cost Total Fixed cost upto 80% level Rs. Rs. 90,000 60,000

Rs. 1,50,000

(e) Total Fixed cost above 80% level:
Fixed cost upto 80% Level Add: Fixed cost in Semi-variable cost Add: Additional Fixed cost Total Fixed cost above 80% level
(I) No. of units produced at 80% level:

A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

= = =

Rs. Rs. Rs.

90,000 60,000 20,000

Rs. 1,70,000

Total Turnover Per unit No. of units produced

Rs. 8,00,000 Rs. 25 8,00,000 = 32,000 units 25

(g) No. of units produced at 100% level:

No. of units produced at 80% level No. of units produced at 100% level

= = =

32,000 units 32,000

= 40,000 units

Sales units x Contribution per unit - Fixed Cost (32,000 x Rs. 7.5) - Rs. 1,50,000 Rs. 2,40,000 - Rs. 1,50,000 = Rs. 90,000

(h) Profit at 80% level of activity:


Percentage to sales
(i) So upto desired profit Rs. 90,000


= 11.25%

Fixed Cost

11.25% of sales Rs. 1,50,000

(1) Activity level at B E P :

Fixed Cost Activity level at B E P

Contribution per unit

Rs. 1,50,000


=20,000 units

Activity level

= =X
= = =

20,000 - - - x 100 40,000

=50% level

(2) Number of units to be sold to earn a net income of 8 % of sales:

Suppose Sales Unit

Sales 25 X 25 X 25 X - 19.5 X

Variable Cost + Fixed Cost + Profit 17.5 X + 1,50,000 + 2X (or) 19.5 X + 1,50,000 1,50,000

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis

1,50,000 1,50,000

5.5 X

= =

= 27,273 units


(3) Activity level needed to earn a profit of Rs. 95,000 :

The profit amount can be achieved at over 80% level, hence fixed cost will be Rs. 1,70,000 Sales

= ----------Contribution per unit 1,70,000 + 95,000 7.5

Fixed Cost + Desired Profit

= 35,333 units

Activity Level

Sales No. of units produced at 100% level 35,333 x 100 x 100

40,000 88.33%

40% Activity level

(4) Selling price per unit required to bring down B E P to 40% activity level:

= = =

40% of 40,000 40 40,000 x 100

=16,000 units

Selling price to Break-Even at the level Fixed Cost + Variable cost per unit Sales 1,50,000 16000 Rs.9.375 + Rs. 17.50 Rs.26.875

+ Rs. 17.50

Selling price per unit } required to bring down B E P to 40% activity level

= =

=Rs. 26.875

I. Break-Even Chart
A break-even chart is a graphical presentation which indicates the relationship between cost, sales and profit. The chart depicts fixed costs, variable cost, break-even point, profit or loss, margin of safety and the angle of incidence. Such a chart not only indicates break-even point but also shows the estimated cost and estimated profit or loss at various level of activity. Break-even point is an important stage in the break-even chart which represents no profit no loss.


A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

The following Break-Even Chart can explain more above the inter relationship between the costs, volume and profit :

Profit Angle of incidence


Cost and Revenues (Rs.ooo)

Total Cost Variable cost


50 F - - - - , , , c - - - - - - + - - - - - - Fixed cost








Output in Units From the above break-even chart, we can understand the following points : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Cost and sales revenue are represented on vertical axis, i.e., Y-axis. Volume of production or output in units are plotted on horizontal axis, i.e., X-axis. Fixed cost line is drawn parallel to X-axis. Variable costs are drawn above the fixed cost line at different level of activity. The variable cost line is joined to fixed cost line at zero level of activity. The sales line is plotted from the zero level, it represents sales revenue. The point of intersection of total cost line and sales line is called the break-even point which means no profit no loss. The margin of safety is the distance between the break-even point and total output produced. The area below the break-even point represents the loss area as the total sales and less than the total cost. The area above the break-even point represents profit area as the total sales more than the cost. The sales line intersects the total cost line represents the angle of incidence. The large angle of incidence indicates a high rate of profit and vice versa.

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis


II. Cash Break-Even Point In cash break-even chart, only cash fixed costs are considered. Non-cash items like depreciation etc. are excluded from the fixed costs for computation of break-even point. Cash Break-Even Chart depicts the level of output or sales at which the sales revenue will be equal to total cash outflow. It is computed as under: Cash Break-Even Point Illustration: 11 From the following information calculate the Cash Break-Even Point:
SeIling ,price per unit Variable cost per unit Fixed cost Depreciation included in fixed cost Rs. 60 Rs. 40 Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 50,000

Cash Fixed Costs Contribution per unit

Cash Fixed Cost =Rs. 2,00,000 - Rs. 50,000 = Rs. 1,50,000 =60 - 40 = Rs.20 Cash Fixed Cost Contribution per unit 1,50,000 20 = 7,500 units

Cash Break-Even point in units


Advantages of Break-Even Chart


It enables to determine the profit or loss at different levels of activities. It is useful to measure the relationship between cost volume and profit.
It helps to determine the break-even units, i.e., output and sales volume.

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

It helps to measure the profitability of various products.

It facilitates most profitable product mix to be adopted.

It assists future planning and forecasting. It enables to determine total cost, fixed cost and variable cost at different levels of activity. This chart is very useful for effective cost control.

Limitations of Break-Even Chart


It is based on number of assumptions which may not hold good.

(2) (3) (4) (5)

Break-even charts are rarely of value in a multi-product situation. A break-even chart does not take into consideration semi-variable cost, valuation of opening stock and closing stock. Determination of seIling price is based on many factors which will affect the constant selling price. Capital employed, Government policy, Market environment etc. are the important aspects for managerial decisions. These aspects are not considered in break-even chart.


-A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

Angle of Incidence
The angle formed by the sales line and the total cost line at the break-even point is known as Angle of Incidence. The angle of incidence is used to measure the profit earning capacity of a firm. A large angle of incidence indicates a high rate of profit and on the other hand a small angle of incidence means that a low rate of profit.

Relationship between Angle of Incidence, Break-Even Sales and Margin of Safety Sales

When the Break-even sales are very low, with large angle of incidence, it indicates that the firm is enjoying business stability and in that case margin of safety sales will also be high. When the break-even sales are low, but not very low with moderate angle of incidence, in that case though the business is stable, the profit earning rate is not very high as in the earlier case. Contrary to the above when the break-even sales are high, the angle of incidence will be narrow with much lower margin of safety sales.

(2) (3)

QUESTIONS 1. What do you understand by Marginal Costing? 2. Define Marginal Costing Briefly explain the features of marginal costing. 3. What are the differences between Absorption costing and Marginal costing? 4. What is meant by Differential costing? 5. Compare and contrast Marginal costing and Differential costing. 6. What are the important decision making areas of Marginal costing? 7. Briefly explain the advantages and limitations of Marginal costing. 8. What do you understand by Cost Volume Profit Analysis? 9. Briefly explain the objectives of cost volume profit analysis. 10. Explain Marginal cost equation. 11. What is Contribution? How it is computed? 12. What do you understand by Break-Even Analysis? 13. Write short notes on : (a) Profit Volume ratio. (b) Margin of Safety. (c) Break-Even chart. (d) Angle of Incidence. 14. Briefly explain the advantages .md limitations of Break-Even Chart 15. Briefly explain the relationship between Angle of Incidence, Break-Even Sales and Margin of Safety. 16. From the following particulars, you are required to find out (a) Contribution (b) Break-even point in units (c) Margin of safety and (d) Profit Total Fixed cost Rs. 4,500 Total Variable cost Rs. 7,500 Total Sales Rs. 15,000 5,000 units Units sold Also calculate the volume of sales to earn profit of Rs. 6,000 [ADS: (a) Contribution Rs. 7,500 (b) Break-even point in units Rs. 3,000 units (c) Margin of Safety Rs. 6,000 (d) Profit Rs.3,000] 17. From the following data, calculate: (a) P I V Ratio. (b) Profit when sales are Rs. 40,000. (c) New break-even point if selling price is reduced by 20%. Fixed Expenses Rs. 8,000. Break-Even point Rs. 10,000. [Ans : (a) Profit volume ratio 40%. (b) Profit when sales are Rs. 40,000 is Rs. 8,000. (c) New break-even point if seIling price is reduced by 20% is Rs. 32.000.] 18. From the following particulars you are required to calculate (a) P I V ratio and (b) Break-even point: Present sales Rs. 2,00,000 Variable cost Rs. 1,20,000 Fixed expenses Rs. 40,000 Ascertain the effect of 10% reduction of selling price on (a) P I V ratio and (b) Break-Even Point. Also calculate the sales required to maintain the profit at the present level. [Ans : (a) P I V Ratio 40% ; New PI V Ratio 33%. (a) Break-even point Rs. 1,00,000; New BEP = Rs. 1,20,000.

Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis (b) Sales required to maintain the profit at the present level. Present profit Rs. 20000. Required Sales Rs. 1,81,820.) The following are the cost information in relation to the manufacture of a product: Selling price - Rs. 10 per unit Trade discount - 5% of selling price Material cost - Rs. 3 per unit Labour - Rs. 2 per unit



Fixed Rs. 10,000 Variable 100% of labour cost Calculate: (a) BE P. (b) Profit if sales are 15% above break-even volume. [Aos: BEP - 4,000 units; Profits Rs. 1,500, Volume 4,600 units.) Sales Price - Rs. 20 unit Variable manufacturing cost - Rs. 11 per unit Variable selling cost - Rs. 3 per unit. Fixed factory overheads - Rs. 5,40,000 per year. Fixed selling costs - Rs. 2,52,000 per unit.


(a) BEP Volume and Value.
(b) Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 60,000.





(c) Sales required to earn a profit of 10% of sales. [Aos: (a) BEP Volume - 1,32,000 units; Value - Rs. 26,40,000. (b) Sales - 1,42,000 units; Value - Rs. 28,40,000. (d) Sales - 1,98,000 units; Value - Rs. 39,60,000. (11,88,000; 3,96,000).) From the following data, find out how many units should be sold to earn a net profit of 10% on sales. Selling price per unit Rs. 20 Variable cost per unit Rs. 14 Fixed cost (total) Rs. 7,92,000 [Aos: Sales in Units 1.98,000) A company estimates that next year it will earn a profit of Rs. 50,000. The budgeted fixed costs and sales are Rs. 2,50,000 and Rs. 9,93.000 respectively. Find out the break-even point for the company. [Aos: B.E.P in sales. Rs. 8,27,500) Plant I produces a product which costs Rs. 3 per unit when produced in quantities of 10,000 Units and Rs. 2.50 per Unit when produced in quantities of 20,000 units. You are asked to estimate total fixed costs. [Aos: Fixed cost Rs. 10,000) The following are the budgeted data of a company. Rs. 6,00,000 Sales Variable costs 3,00,000 Fixed costs 1,80,000 Find out the break-even point at (i) the budgeted data (ii) assuming 20% increase in variable cost. [Aos: Break-even point Rs. 3,60,000; New Break-even point at 20% increase in variable costs Rs. 4,50,(00) Calculate No. of Units to be sold to earn a profit of Rs. 60,000 a year Rs. 20 per unit Sale price Variable manufacturing cost Rs. 11 per unit Variable selling price Rs. 3 per unit Fixed factory overhead Rs. 5,40.000 per year Fixed selling costs Rs. 2,52,000 per year [ADS: No. of Units to be sold is 1,42,000 units) Present production and sales : 8,000 units Selling price per unit Rs. 20 Direct labour Rs. 2.50 Variable overhead Rs 100% of direct labour cost Direct materials Rs. 5 Fixed costs Rs. 40,000




A Textbook of Financial Cost and Management Accounting

Find out; (a) PN Ratio (b) Sales required to break-even point and (c) Margin of safety [Ans: PN ratio 50% ; BEP Rs SO,OOO; Margin of safety Rs SO,OOO] The PN ratio of Gupta & Co. is 60% during 2003. Sales were Rs 1,50,000 and the fixed cost Rs 15,000. Calculate: (a) Total variable expenses (b) Total contribution (c) Profit and (d) Profit if sales are increased to Rs. 2,25,000 [Ans: a) Total variable cost Rs. 60,000; b) Total contribution Rs. 90,000 c) Profit Rs. 75.000; d) Profit Rs. 1,20,000] The projected capacity of a plant, when sold, would return Rs. 70,000 in sales income to the company. The variable costs for this production volume were determined to be Rs. 30,000. The fixed costs are Rs. 20,000. Determine the following: (I) the break-even point of the business (2) the profit or loss to the business on sales of Rs. 49,000; Rs. 2S,OOO (3) the amount of sales that will enable the business to earn a net profit of Rs. 2S,OOO [Ans: (I) break-even point Rs. 35,000; (2) if sales of Rs. 49,000 the profit is Rs. S,OOO; if sales of Rs. 2S,OOO the loss is Rs. 4,000 (3) the amount of sales Rs. SO,5OO] From the following data, find out the break-even point; PN ratio, and margin of safety ratio. 6,00,000 30% Fixed costs Variable costs 12,00.000 60% Net profit 2,00.000 10% Sales 30. 20,00,000 100% [Ans: PN ratio 40%; BEP Rs 15,00,000; Margin of safety Ratio 25%] A company budgets for a production of 1,50,000 units. The variable cost per unit is Rs. 14 and fixed cost is Rs. 2 per unit. The company fixes its seIling price to fetch a profit of 15% on cost. (a) What is the break-even point? (b) What is the profit-volume ratio? (c) If it reduces its selling price by 5%, how the revised seIling price affect the break-even point and the profit-volume ratio? (d) If a profit increase of 10% is desired more than the budget, what should be the sales at the reduced prices? [Ans: (a) Break-even point (in Rs.) Rs. 12.54.549 (b) PN ratio 23.91% (c) New break-even point in units 86.207 units new PN ratio 19.90% (d) Sales for desired profit Rs. 34,96.000] The following information regarding the operations of 2003 has been made available from the records of the AAA corporation. Rs. 1.00,000 Sales 40,000 Direct materials used Direct labour 15,000 20,000 Fixed manufacturing overheads Fixed selling and administrative expenses 10,000 Gross profit 20.000 Net loss 5,000 There are no opening or closing inventories. It is required to calculate : (I) Variable seIling and administrative expenses (2) Contribution Margin in rupees (3) Variable factory overhead (4) Break even point in rupee sales (5) Factory cost of goods sold [Ans: Variable factory overheads Rs. 5,000; variable seIling & administrative expenses Rs. 15,000; Contribution Margin Rs. 25,000; Break-even point Rs. 1,20,000; Factory cost of goods sold Rs. SO,OOO]






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