Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
1. What is accounting?
Ans –
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Ans –
1) Assets are items of property owned by a person or company, which have some value in
terms of money and are available to meet debts or commitments.
2) Fixed assets are those assets which are acquired for the purpose of carrying out
organisations core business activity, viz. manufacturing of goods or providing services.
3) They are not purchased with the intention of selling them and booking profit in the routine
manner of business.
4) Fixed assets may fall under one of the following categories:
a. Tangible Fixed Assets
b. Intangible Fixed Assets
4. What is overheads?
Ans –
1) This category includes cost of indirect material, indirect labour and indirect expenses.
2) Following are the main categories of overheads:
a. Production or Factory Overhead
b. Office or Administration Overhead
c. Selling Overhead
d. Distribution Overhead
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1) Break-Even Point denotes the quantity of sales where the firm neither earns any profit nor
incurs any loss.
2) Ath this volume level, sales revenue is equal to the total cost.
3) Following equations elucidates the concept of break-even point:
Break-Even Sales = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost
4) Break-Even Point is also known as Balancing Point, Equilibrium Point, Critical Point or
No-Profit No-Loss Point.
Ans –
1) A budget may be defined as a financial tool which is used for planning and for projecting
future values, using past experience.
2) Budgetary control is a system of controlling costs which includes the preparation of
budgets, coordinating the departments and establishing responsibilities, comparing actual
performance with the budgeted and acting upon results to achieve maximum profitability.
3) Various advantages of budgetary control are as follows:
a. Maximisation of Profit: The budgetary controls help the organisation in achieving
maximum profits by properly planning and coordinating various activities.
b. Coordination: The working of different areas of an organisation is coordinated
through the use of budgetary controls.
c. Specific Aims: Budgetary controls help in setting up specific aims which are
important for the purpose of planning and control.
Ans –
Debtors Creditors
A debtor is an entity that owes a debt to The creditors are the counterparties of
another entity. Debtors.
Such debt generally arises due to receipt of They are the entities which
goods and services on credit in the normal supply/extend/provide goods and services
course of business. on credit in the normal course of business.
When the counterpart of this debt They are also referred to as ‘Accounts
arrangement happens to be a bank, the Payable’
debtor is referred to as a ‘Borrower’ or
‘Accounts Receivable’
Ans –
1) Financial Statement is a formal and structured record of the financial activities of a business
2) The objectivities of financial statements are enumerated as follows:
a. Assessment of Past Performance: Trend revealed through the various financial data
like Sales, Cost of Goods Sold, Operating Expenses, Net Income, Cashflow, etc. of
an organisations past performance may be a good pointer to its future performance.
b. Assessment of Current Position: Through the exercise of financial statement
analysis, the current status of an organization with regard to the types of assets held
by it and the nature of its liabilities, etc. can be ascertained.
c. Prediction of Bankruptcy and Failure: Financial Statement Analysis is a vital
technique, through which the possibilities of an organization going bankrupt in
future or the chances of failure of a business can be predicted.
11. i) Which one of the following is current asset?
a) Goodwill b) Machinery
c) Debtors d) Building
Ans –
1) The total expenditure inclusive of money, labour and time incurred on goods and services
is called Cost.
2) A prime cost is the total direct costs of production, including raw materials and labour.
ii) The point of profit at which the total cost will be equal to total revenue is called :
a) Break-even point b) Margin of safety
c) The profit lines d) Contribution
Ans –
1) Standard costs are pre-decided costs, which are incurred in and ideal condition of optimum
operational efficiency and utilisation of resources.
2) The standard cost is defined as a pre-determined cost which is calculated from
managements standards of efficient operation and the relevant necessary expenditure.
3) The standard costing is a sophisticated technique under which the standards are decided in
advance and the actual costs are compared with such standard costs.
4) The preparation and use of standard costs, their comparison with actual costs and the
analysis of variance to their causes and points of incidence.
Ans –
1) In bookkeeping and accounting, Journal is a book for recording transactions as and when
they occur.
2) Recording of this transaction is called Journal Entry.
3) The process of recording the business transaction (Journal Entry) is termed as Journalising.
1) The debiting and crediting of the accounts are done on the basis of certain rules. These rules
are called rules of journalising.
2) Types of accounts:
a. Personal Account
b. Real Account
c. Nominal Account
3) The accounts relating to income, expenses, gains and losses are known as Nominal
Accounts. Wages account, Rent account, Commission account, interest received account,
etc. are examples of Nominal Account.
4) These accounts are also known as Fictious Accounts as they do not represent any tangible
5) Thumb Rule Governing Nominal Accounts
Debit all Expenses or Losses
Credit all Income or Gains
Ans –
• Tangible Assets:
1) Fixed assets which are physically visible and can be touched or felt.
2) Examples of tangible assets are land, buildings, plant and machinery, furniture, vehicles,
• Intangible Assets:
1) Fixed assets which do have value in monetary terms, but are not visible and cannot be
touched or felt.
2) Examples of intangible assets are trademarks, copyrights, patents, goodwill of company,
19. What is meant by break-even analysis?
Ans –
1) Measuring Efficiency: Standard costing may be used as a measuring tool for the
management to measure efficiency.
2) Helpful in Taking Important Decisions: Through the system of standard costing vital
feedback is received by the management, which facilitates decision making process.
3) Facilitates Cost Control: The twin objective of any costing system is cost control and cost
reduction. Both the objectives are achieved in the system of standard costing.
1) Sole Ownership: In this form, the business enterprise is solely owned by an individual.
2) No Separate Legal Entity: A sole proprietorship does not hold any separate legal entity from
that of its owner.
3) Unlimited Liability: The proprietor is the only person liable for all its debts.
4) Non-Profit Sharing: A sole proprietor as an individual is entitled to all profits and all losses.
5) No Legal Formalities: No legal formalities are associated with the establishment or
management of the sole proprietorship business.
Ans –
1) Expenditure is the detail of the expenses and cost incurred in operating the business
2) The expenditure incurred by an organisation can be classified into two categories –
a. Capital Expenditure
b. Revenue Expenditure
3) Capital Expenditure: It is an expenditure, the benefits of which are reaped over an
extended period of time.
Examples – Cost of fixed assets like land, building.
4) Revenue Expenditure: It is an expenditure incurred on fixed assets in connection with
their ‘maintenance’ rather than enhancing their earning capacity.
Examples – Expenses incurred in connection with day-to-day conduct of business such as
rent, salaries, wages, power and fuel,
23. A new firm commenced business on 1st January 2024 and purchased goods costing
`90,000 during the year. A sum `6,000 was spent on carriage inwards. At the end of the
financial year the cost of goods still unsold was `12,000. Sales during the period Jan -
March 2024 was `1,20,000. What is the gross profit earned by the firm?
Ans –
• Purchases = ₹90,000
• Carriage Inwards = ₹6,000
• Sales = ₹1,20,000
• COGS = ₹84,000
Ans –
To calculate the Break-Even Point (BEP) in Rupees, we use the following formula:
Fixed Cost
BEP (in Rupees) = -------------------
P/V Ratio
• P/V Ratio = 60% = 0.60 (since the P/V ratio is given as a percentage, it needs to be
converted into decimal form)
Break-Even Point (BEP) = ₹4,16,667
Ans –
1) The word 'Concept' may be defined as "a general idea or understanding of thought".
2) "Accounting concepts" are the necessary assumptions, conditions or postulates upon which
the accounting is based.
3) They are developed to facilitate communication of the accounting and financial information
to all the readers of Financial Statements, so that all readers can interpret the statements
with the same meaning and context.
4) Following are the accounting concepts, which have been broadly accepted by accountants:
For example, a company, on a particular day, makes some purchases, viz. 10 office chairs,
50 meters of curtain cloth and 20 rims of A-4 paper, all of which have different measuring
units. However, as all the transactions can be measured in terms of money, they can be
easily recorded in the books of accounts.
V. Cost Concept:
1) As per this concept, cost of an asset is recorded in the books of accounts at the price
paid to acquire it (including overheads like transportation and installation charges, if
any) and not at the market price.
2) Fixed assets, e.g., land, building, plants, machinery, furniture, fixtures, etc. are taken in
the record at the price paid for acquiring them, which is also termed as 'Historical Cost'.
3) However, the cost of assets recorded at the time of purchase may be systematically
reduced through depreciation.
For example, if a piece of land is purchased to set-up a factory for P50,000 in the books of
accounts this would be recorded at 250,000 only. After sometime there may be an increase
in the market value of the land, but in the books of account, the cost would continue to be
shown at 250,000 only. Further, at the end of the financial year the land would be subject
to depreciation and the reduced cost would be taken over as the opening balance for the
next financial year.
VI. Dual Aspect Concept:
1) This concept follows from the Entity Concept. All entities own certain assets.
2) Such assets are acquired through contributions of those who have provided the funds
for the purpose.
3) Funds are made available either through the surplus of the entity or loans. Logically
such providers of funds are claimants to the assets.
4) At any point of time, the assets will be equal to the claims. It may thus be concluded
that each and every transaction, a business entity enters into, has a dual effect.
5) With every increase in the money owed to others, there has to be an equal increase in
assets or loss.
6) This concept supports the accounting equation, i.e.,
Assets = Owner's Funds (Capital and Reserves) + Liabilities
Owner's Funds = Asset - Liabilities
For example, a business is started by Mr. 'X' with an investment of 22,00.000. This
transaction has two aspects, viz. 'Capital Account' and 'Asset Account'. While the amount
lying in 'Capital Account' (P2,50,000) is a liability for the business (which it owes to Mr.
'X'), whereas the amount lying in 'Asset Account' (02,50,000) is an asset for the business.
Ans –
Ans –
The total expenditure inclusive of money, labour and time incurred on goods and services is
called Cost.
Ans –
I. Sole Proprietorship:
1) Partnership is a contractual agreement between two or more persons who are willing to
share the profits of a business which is owned by all or a single person acting for all.
2) In general, it a business relationship between different persons having a common ownership
or management of a business enterprise.
3) The minimum number of persons required for a partnership is 2 and the maximum limit
can be of 10 members (for banking industries) and 20 members (for other industries).
• Features of Partnership:
1) Two or More Persons: At minimum two persons, and maximum 10 (in banking industry)
and 20 (in other industries), are required for establishing a partnership firm. An individual
cannot form a partnership with himself.
2) Agreement or Contract: There is an agreement or contract held between persons who are
willing to share the business ownership. Usually, no legal problems are associated with
these contracts or agreements as they are registered under specific terms and conditions.
3) Lawful Business: Partnership is an act of managing a business and earning profit, which is
legally permitted by the government. Whereas, partnership formed for other purposes such
as social or charitable work, or any illegal activity like black marketing, smuggling, etc.
does not come under partnership law.
4) Profit Sharing: Under the partnership firm, all the profits are equally or proportionally
shared between the partners as mentioned in the agreement. Likewise, losses are also shared
in the same proportion among the partners.
5) Mutual Agency: Mutual agency is considered as a fundamental characteristic of partnership
firms. As it is very important to have good faith, mutual trust and confidence between the
III. Joint Stock Companies:
Ans –
The total expenditure inclusive of money, labour and time incurred on goods and services is
called Cost.
There are several ways in which costs may be classified. Following is the element wise
classification of cost.
The cost may be classified into Direct Cost and Indirect Cost according to elements, viz.
Materials, Labour and Expenses.
I. Material: Substances or commodities used for producing a product are called Materials.
Materials consumed may be direct or indirect.
a) Direct Material Cost: The materials which can be directly identified with the product
are called Direct Material. These materials can be easily measured and can be directly
charged to the product.
For example, steel used for producing a container.
b) Indirect Material Cost: These materials are used for production but cannot be directly
identified with the product. These expenses are included in overhead category.
For example, consumable stores and stationary.
II. Labour: Like material, labour can also be divided into direct and indirect category.
a) Direct Labour Cost: Wages and salaries paid to workers and employees directly
involved in the process of manufacturing goods is known as Direct Labour.
For example, wages paid to machine operators.
b) Indirect Labour Cost: Wages and salaries paid to workers ancillary to production
process are included in Indirect Labour. The contribution of such workers cannot be directly
traced to the product.
For example, wages for storekeepers.
Ans –
1) A receipt is a written document that provides information of the items or sum of money that
has been acknowledged for the exchange of goods and services.
2) The receipt gives the entitlement of the property which is obtained in exchange to it.
3) There are two types of receipts are as follows:
a) Capital Receipts: The receipts which are non-recurring in nature and provide long term
benefits is known as Capital Receipts.
For example, Mr Shyam as a proprietor introduced 1,00,000 capitals in the business. This
capital amount is known as capital receipts. Similarly, he sells the building for a sum of 50,000
this receipt is also known capital receipts.
b) Revenue Receipts: The receipts which are recurring in nature and provide short term
benefits and used for operating of the business activities (everyday needs) is known as Revenue
For example, receipts like income received from sale of goods or sale of old newspapers or
scrap which have no book value are revenue receipts.
Basis of Capital Receipts Revenue Receipts
Effect The effect of capital receipts are The effect of revenue receipts are
long term effect that provides short term effect that have current
long term benefits to the benefits to the business.
Occurrence The nature of the occurrence of The nature of the occurrence of
capital receipts is non-recurring revenue receipts is recurring and
and irregular. regular.
Visibility It is treated as a liability so its It is treated as income so its shown
shown in the Balance Sheet on in profit and loss account on the
the liability side credit side.
Generation of Capital receipts helps in Revenue receipt does not help in
Receipt generation of revenue receipts by generation of capital receipts.
owner investment.
Increase or The capital receipts either raises The revenue receipts does not affect
decrease of the the value of liabilities or reduces the value of liabilities or asset.
value of asset or the value of an asset.
Example Usually the capital receipts Usually the revenue receipts
incurred the expenses of revenue incurred the expenses of capital
nature. nature.
For example, additional capital For example, purchase of building
invested by owner that incurred for a company is capital
the revenue expenses that expenditure but rent received on
payment of interest on capital of building is a revenue receipt.
Ans –
1) Financial Statement is a formal and structured record of the financial activities of a business
2) The financial statements provide a summary of the accounts of a business enterprise, the
balance sheet reflecting the assets, liabilities and capital as on a certain date and the income
statement showing the results of operations during a certain period.
3) The financial statements are a form of reports which helps management in decision making
4) The objectivities of financial statements are enumerated as follows:
a) Assessment of Past Performance: Trend revealed through the various financial data
like Sales, Cost of Goods Sold, Operating Expenses, Net Income, Cashflow, etc. of an
organisations past performance may be a good pointer to its future performance.
b) Assessment of Current Position: Through the exercise of financial statement analysis,
the current status of an organization with regard to the types of assets held by it and the
nature of its liabilities, etc. can be ascertained.
c) Prediction of Profitability and Growth Prospects: The assessment and forecasting
of the Earning Prospects of a business organization can be made through the exercise
of Financial Statement Analysis. It helps investors in comparing and choosing an
investment out of the many investment opportunities.
d) Prediction of Bankruptcy and Failure: Financial Statement Analysis is a vital
technique, through which the possibilities of an organization going bankrupt in future
or the chances of failure of a business can be predicted.
e) Assessment of the Operational Efficiency: Financial Statement Analysis facilitates
the assessment of the Operational Efficiency of an organizations management. It can
be done through setting standards of performance on the basis of certain parameters and
comparing them with the actual performance of the organization.