Csat Pyq Solved - (2011-2022) - Final Updated
Csat Pyq Solved - (2011-2022) - Final Updated
Csat Pyq Solved - (2011-2022) - Final Updated
Manjul Kumar Tiwari Sir
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CSAT : 2011 Solved Papers
The aim must be to stay with the objective of inclusive (a) meeting all the needs of every citizen in the
growth that was laid down by the founding fathers of country.
the nation and also to take a more modern view of what (b) Increasing the regulations over the
the State can realistically deliver. manufacturing sector.
(c) Controlling the distribution of manufacturing
This is what leads to the idea of an enabling State, that is,
a Government that does not try to directly deliver to the
(d) Delivery of the basic services to the deprived
citizens everything that they need. Instead, it (1) creates
sections of the society.
an enabling ethos for the market so that individual
Sol. (d)
enterprise can flourish and citizens can, for the most part,
provide for the needs of one another, and (2) steps in to The last paragraph clearly opines that the
help those who do not manage to do well for themselves, government's focus on delivery of basic services to
the deprived sections of the society promotes
for there will always be individuals, no matter what the
inclusive growth.
system, who need support and help. Hence we need a
Government that, when it comes to the market, sets 3. What constitutes an enabling Government?
effective, incentive-compatible rules and remains on the 1. A large bureaucracy.
sidelines with minimal interference, and, at the same 2. Implementation of welfare programmes
time, plays an important role in directly helping the poor through representatives.
by ensuring that they get basic education and health 3. Creating an ethos that helps individual
services and receive adequate nutrition and food. enterprise
5. What is essential message being conveyed by the (c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4
author of the passage? Sol. (c)
(a) The objectives of inclusive growth laid down The statements – “The upsurge of the peasants and
by the founding fathers of the nation should tribals, the movements for regional autonomy and
be remembered. self-determination” and “a society in which a large
(b) The Government needs to make available number of potential contradictions become
more schools and health services. articulate and active” are reflected in option (c).
(c) The Government needs to establish markets
and industries to meet the needs of the poor 7. What according to the passage are the
strata of the society. manifestations of social movements?
(d) There is a need to rethink the role of the State 1. Aggressiveness and being incendiary.
in achieving inclusive growth. 2. Instigation by external forces.
Sol. (d) 3. Quest for social equality and individual
The very first few lines contain the whole essence freedom.
of the passage that role of the state needs a rethink 4. Urge for granting privileges and self-respect
Rest all can be easily eliminated. to disparaged sections of the society.
8. With reference to the passage consider the 1. All animals are carnivorous.
following statements: 2. Some animals are not carnivorous.
1. To be a creative society, it is essential to have 3. Animals are not carnivorous.
a variety of social movements. 4. Some animals are carnivorous.
2. To be a creative society, it is imperative to have Codes:
potential contradictions and conflicts. Which
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 and 2 only
of the statements given above is/are correct?
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 and 4 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Sol. (a)
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Sol. (c) Check the validity of each option against the
remaining three.
9. Consider the following three statements: Consider S1: If all animals are carnivorous, then
1. Only students can participate in the race. the statement 3 is wrong. And if 3 is right, 1 is wrong.
2. Some participants in the race are girls. So, both are not true together. But if some animals
3. All girl participants in the race are invited for are carnivorous (as per S4), the both of these are
coaching. false. Hence correct option is (a).
Which one of the following conclusions can be 11. Examine the following statements:
drawn from the above statements? 1. All trains are run by diesel engine.
(a) All participants in the race are invited for
2. Some trains are run by diesel engine.
3. No train is run by diesel engine.
(b) All students are invited for coaching.
4. Some trains are not run by diesel engine.
(c) All participants in the race are students.
(d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
above is correct.
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1 and 4 only
Sol. (c)
Option C can be easily seen from statement 1. Sol. (c)
The venn diagram is as follows. 12. Consider the four age pyramids given below
namely A, B, C and D representing four different
Which one of them indicates the declining 14. Which of the two towns has a higher number of
population? persons with Diabetes?
(a) A (b) B
Distribution of diseases in Town-A
(c) C (d) D
Sol. (c)
The base in the pyramid denotes the number of
children and the top denotes number of senior
citizens. Now clearly if the top is wider than the
bottom, it means fewer births are taking place and
more deaths are taking place. So population will
(c) Both trains have the same velocity at time to’ 2. Aesthetic enjoyment
(d) Both trains travel the same distance in time to 3. Potable fresh water
units. 4. Production of food and fibre
Sol. (d) 5. Biodiversity
Acceleration in a velocity time graph can be seen
Which of the statements given above are correct?
from the graph’s slope (tilt with respect to
horizontal). B’s slope is more than A, which means (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2, 4 and 5 only
for the same time period, it is changing velocity (c) 3 and 5 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
faster than that of A. Hence more acceleration. Sol. (c)
Option (b) and (c) can be verified from the graph The paragraph – “For example, efforts to increase
since distance = Speed × time area under the curve the production of food and fibre have decreased the
in a velocity time graph gives distance covered.
ability of some ecosystems to provide clean water,
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: regulate flooding and support biodiversity”
Read each of the following two passages and answer mentions the adverse effects. Remaining options are
the items that follow. Your answers to these items should services provided by ecosystem to humans.
be based on the passages only.
18. The passage mentions that “some people have
Passage-1 actually been harmed by these changes.” What
Ecosystems provide people with a variety of goods does it imply?
and services; food, clean water, clean air, flood control, 1. The rapid expansion of population has
soil stabilization, pollination, climate regulation, adversely affected some people.
spiritual fulfilment and aesthetic enjoyment, to name
2. Sufficient efforts have not been made to
just a few. Most of these benefits either are irreplaceable
increase the production of food and fibre.
or the technology necessary to replace them is
prohibitively expensive. For example, potable fresh water 3. In the short term some people may be harmed,
can be provided by desalinating sea-water, but only at but in the long term everyone will benefit from
great cost. modifications in the Earth’s ecosystems.
Which of the statements given above is/are moral one. How can a man understand morality who
correct? does not use his own intelligence and power of thought,
(a) 1 only but lets himself be swept along like a log of wood by a
(b) 2 current? Sometimes a man defies convention and acts
on his own with a view to absolute good.
(c) 1 and 3
(d) None of the statements given above 20. Which of the following statements best describe/
describes the thought of the writer?
Sol. (a)
1. A moral act calls for using our discretion.
The paragraph “The benefits have not been equally
distributed. Some people have actually been harmed 2. Man should react to a situation immediately.
by these changes.” – answers the question. 3. Man must do his duty.
Other statements run contrary to the passage. 4. Man should be able to defy convention in
order to be moral.
19. With reference to the passage, consider the
following statements: Select the correct answer from the codes given
1. It is imperative to modify the Earth’s below :
ecosystems for the well being of mankind. (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3
2. Technology can never replace all the goods (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 4
and services provided by ecosystems. Which Sol. (d)
of the statements given above is/are correct? First sentence supports statement 1. Statement 2
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only does not specify the situation and is out of context.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Statement 3 can‘t be true with the example given in
the passage, of the messenger and the king.
Sol. (d)
“The rapidly expanding human population has 21. Which of the following statements is the nearest
greatly modified the Earth’s ecosystems to meet their definition of moral action, according to the writer?
increased requirements of some of the goods and (a) it is a mechanical action based on official
services, particularly food, fresh water, timber, fibre orders from superiors.
and fuel. These modifications have contributed (b) It is an action based on our sense of discretion.
substantially to human well being and economic (c) It is a clever action based on the clarity of
development”. So statement 1 is the opposite of the purpose.
problem stated in the passage.
(d) It is a religious action based on understanding.
Statement 2 is also incorrect.
Sol. (b)
Paasage-2 The passage says that moral act must be based on
A moral act must be our own act; must spring from our our own discretion. Other statements are quoted
own will. If we act mechanically, these is no moral out of context.
content in our act. Such action would be moral. If we
22. The passage contains a statement “lets himself be
think it proper to act like a machine and do so. For, in
swept along like a log of wood by a current.”
doing so, we use our discrimination. We should bear in
Among the following statements, which is/are
mind the distinction between acting mechanically and
nearest in meaning to this?
acting intentionally. It may be moral of a king to pardon
1. A person does not use his own reason.
a culprit. But the messenger carrying out the order of
pardon plays only a mechanical part in the king’s moral 2. He is susceptible to influence/pressure.
act. But if the messenger were to carry out the king’s 3. He cannot withstand difficulties/challenges.
order considering it to be his duty, his action would be a 4. He is like a log of wood.
What is total number of triangles in the above grid? 27. The passage mentions that “this world is evidently
(a) 27 (b) 26 not meant for them”. It refers to people who
(c) 23 (d) 22 1. seek freedom from foreign domination.
Sol. (c) 2. live in starvation and misery.
The triangles given are equilateral triangles of 3. become revolutionaries.
different lengths 1,2,3 and 4 units. The number of
Which of the statements given above is/are
triangles of 1 unit length = 1 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 12
The number of triangles of length 2 units = 1 + 2 +
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only
3 = 6. Plus there is one inverted triangle of length 2
units. So the number of triangles of length 2 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 only
units = 7 Sol. (b)
The number of triangles of length 3 units = 1 + 2 = 3 Statement 1 is for countries but not in the context
The number of triangles of length 4 units = 1 question asks. Statement 2 is correct. If they cannot
So, the total number of triangles = 12 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 23 become revolutionaries, this world is not for them
as per the passage.
Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
28. Consider the following assumptions :
Read the following passage and answer the items that
follow. Your answers to these items should be based on 1. A country under foreign domination cannot
the passage only. indulge in spiritual pursuit.
2. Poverty is an impediment in the spiritual
A country under foreign domination seeks escape from
3. Subject peoples may become other-worldly.
the present in dreams of a vanished age, and finds
consolation in visions of past greatness. That is a foolish With reference to the passage, which of the above
and dangerous pastime in which many of us indulge. assumptions is/are valid?
An equally questionable practice for us in India is to (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only
imagine that we are still spiritually great though we have (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 only
come down, in the world in other respects. Spiritual or
Sol. (c)
any other greatness cannot be founded on lack of
freedom and opportunity, or on starvation and misery. 29. The passage thematically centres on
Many western writers have encouraged that notion that (a) the state of mind of oppressed people
Indians are other-worldly. I suppose the poor and
(b) starvation and misery
unfortunate in every country become to some extent
other-worldly, unless they become revolutionaries, for (c) the growth of civilization
this world is evidently not meant for them. So also subject (d) body, mind and spirit of people in general
peoples. Sol. (a)
As a man grows to maturity he is not entirely engrossed The essence of the passage is that when a person is
in, or satisfied with, the external objective world. He seeks dissatisfied with external world he seeks inner
also some inner meaning, some psychological and meaning. This refers directly to the state of mind of
physical satisfactions. So also with peoples and the oppressed people as in the passage. Hence, (a).
civilizations as they mature and grow adult. Every Option (b) is a reason why a person is dissatisfied
civilization and every people exhibit these parallel with the external world, so it cannot be the central
streams of an external life and an internal life. Where idea. Option (c) is too general. In option (d), ‘people
they meet or keep close to each other, there is an in general’ makes it incorrect. The passage does not
equilibrium and stability. When they diverge conflict talk about people in general; it talks about the
arises and the crises that torture the mind and spirit. oppressed people in the society.
Directions for the following 3 (Three) items: Relief is when the number of bacteria starts going
Read the passage given below, study the graph that down.
follows and answer the three items given below the figure. 34. There are four routes to travel from city A to city B
During a party, a person was exposed to contaminated and six routes from city B to city C. How many
water. A few days later, he developed fever and loose routes are possible to travel from the city A to
motions. He suffered for some days before going to a
city C?
doctor for treatment. On starting the treatment, he soon
became better and recovered completely a few days later. (a) 24 (b) 12
The following graph shows different phases of the (c) 10 (d) 8
person’s disease condition as regions A, B, C, D and E of Sol. (a)
the curve.
For every one route, you will have six routes to take.
So, total number of routes is 6 × 4 = 24
36. Consider the figure given below and answer the Sol. (a)
items that follows: You can paint the figure using the colours A, B and
P2 C like this.
O P1
In the figure shown above, OP 1 and OP 2 are two
plane mirrors kept perpendicular to each other. S is
the direction of a beam of light falling on the mirror
OP 1. The direction of the reflected beam of light
from the mirror OP 2 will be
(a) Perpendicular to the direction S.
(b) At 45° to the direction S. 38. Consider the following figure and answer the items
that follows:
(c) Opposite and parallel to the direction S.
(d) At 60° to the direction S.
Sol. (c)
The rays will reflect at equal angles from OP1 and
OP2 : as per the diagram.
P1 A square is divided into four rectangles as shown
above. The lengths of the sides of rectangles are
natural numbers. The areas of two rectangles are
indicated in the figure. What is the length of each
side of the square?
(a) 10
O P2
(b) 11
Hence, its opposite and parallel to the direction of S.
(c) 15
37. Consider the following figure and answer the item (d) Cannot be determined as the given data are
that follows: Insufficient.
Sol. (b)
Area 15 units can be 15 × 1 or 5 × 3.
Area 48 units can be 48 × 1 or 24 × 2 or 16 × 3 or
12 × 4 or 8 × 6
Since the bigger figure is a square choose a
combination with the length and breadth that forms
a square: So if you take 5 units (from 15 units area)
+ 6 units (from 48 units area) or 8 units (from 48
units area) + 3 units (from 15 units area), it is equal
What is the minimum number of different colours to a side 11 square.
required to paint the figure given above such that 39. A person has only Rs. 1 and Rs. 2 coins with her. If
no two adjacent regions have the same colour? the total number of coins that she has is 50 and the
(a) 3 (b) 4 amount of money with her is Rs. 75, then the
(c) 5 (d) 6 number of Rs. 1 and Rs. 2 coins are, respectively
relationships, predation by Pisaster largely determines 47. Consider the following assumptions:
which species live in these rocky intertidal ecosystems. 1. The food chains/food web in an ecosystem
are influenced by keystone species.
44. What is the crux of the passage?
2. The presence of keystone species is a specific
(a) Sea star has a preferred prey.
characteristic of aquatic ecosystems.
(b) A preferred prey determines the survival of a
keystone species. 3. If the keystone species is completely removed
from an ecosystem, it will lead to the collapse
(c) Keystone species ensures species diversity.
of the ecosystem.
(d) Sea star is the only keystone species on the
Pacific coast of North America. With reference to the passage, which of the above
Sol. (c) assumptions is/are valid?
This has been explained with the example of the (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
sea star and the passage concludes on the same (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Sol. (c)
45. With reference to the passage, consider the Statements 1 has been mentioned in the passage.
following statements : Statements 2 is an out of context generalization.
1. Mussels-are generally the dominant species Although S is an extreme statement the paragraph
in intertidal ecosystems. provider evidence for this s.
2. The survival of sea stars is generally 48. Consider the following argument:
determined by the abundance of mussels.
“In, order to be a teacher one must graduate from
Which of the statements given above is /are correct?
college. All poets are poor. Some Mathematicians
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only are poets. No college graduate is poor.”
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Which one of the following is not a valid
Sol. (d)
conclusion regarding the above argument?
Statement 1 is incorrect as it is not mentioned in the
(a) Some Mathematicians are not teachers.
passage. Statement 2 is also incorrect and conveys
opposite to what the passage says. (b) Some teachers are not Mathematicians.
(c) Teachers are not poor.
46. Which of the following is/are implied by the
passage? (d) Poets are not teachers.
1. Mussels are always hard competitors for sea Sol. (b)
stars. Since teachers can only be college graduates and
2. Sea stars of the Pacific coast have reached the since no college graduates are poor, so C is correct.
climax of their evolution. Moreover, since poets are poor, no poet can be a
3. Sea stars constitute an important component teacher. Also, since some mathematicians are also
in the energy flow in intertidal ecosystem. poets (and poor) they can’t be teachers. So, A is also
Which of the statements given above is/are
correct? B cannot be said with absolute certainty. Hence B is
incorrect and the answer.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 only 49. A student on her first 3 tests receives on an average
Sol. (d) score of N points. If she exceeds her previous
Keystone species influence the flow of energy average score by 20 points on her fourth test, then
through ecosystems, and sea stars are a keystone what is the average score for the first 4 tests?
species. Hence only 3 is true. Other statements are (a) N + 20 (b) N + 10
out of context generalizations. (c) N + 4 (d) N + 5
53. According to the passage, what could be the 55. Which one of the following statements conveys
traditional obstacles to the education of girls? the key message of the passage?
1. Inability of parents to fight a legal battle when (a) India has declared that education is
the Right to Education is denied to their compulsory for its children.
children. (b) Adult society is not keen on implementing the
2. The traditional way of thinking about girl’s Right to Education.
role in society. (c) The Right to Education, particularly of a girl
3. The prejudice against the intellectual child, needs to be safeguarded.
potential of girls.
(d) The system of education should be address
4. Improper system of education. the issue of right to education.
Select the correct answer from the codes given Sol. (c)
56. Which one of the following statements conveys
(a) 1 and 2 only
the inference of the passage?
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(a) The society has a tenacious prejudice against
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
the intellectual potential of girls.
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(b) Adults cannot be relied upon to fight on behalf
Sol. (b)
of children for their Right to Education.
Statement 1 is wrong as the passage clearly tells
(c) The legal fight to get education for children is
that parents fight a legal battle and even though
often protracted and prohibitive.
late, there is a chance that they might win it. The
last 2 sentences of the passage support statements (d) There is no sufficient substitute for education
2, 3 and 4. received in childhood.
Sol. (d)
54. On the basis of the passage, consider the following
statements: Since (a) is mentioned in the passage, it is not an
1. Right to Education is a legal right and not a
fundamental right. (b) and (c) are generalizations. Hence (d) can be
2. For realising the goal of universal education, inferred from the discussion about child education
the education system in the country must be rights from the passage.
made identical to that of developed countries.
Read the following passage and answer (three) items
Which of the statements given above is/are that follow:
A, B, C, D and E are members of the same family. There
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
are two fathers, two sons, two wives, three males and
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
two females. The teacher was the, wife of a lawyer who
Sol. (d) was the son of a doctor. E is not male, neither also a wife
The passage mentions that it is a constitutional right of a professional. C is the youngest person in the family
in these lines – “One hardly needs a reminder that and D is the eldest. B is a male.
this right is different from the others enshrined in
57. How is D related to E?
the Constitution”. But we cannot be sure whether it
is a legal right as per the passage or fundamental (a) Husband (b) Son
right. At the same time to totally deny that is a legal (c) Father (d) Wife
right and not a fundamental right would be wrong. Sol. (a)
So since we cannot draw any inference, this Clearly the family has three generations. We are
statement should be marked wrong. putting the male first and then the female in the
2 is out of context generalization. couple. Now, there can be 2 possibilities.
64. When the night fell, he slept (a) unpleasant (b) sad
(a) in the open field (c) fantastic (d) amusing
(b) under a pile of dry grass Sol. (a)
(c) in a farmer’s cottage “just as I was going to close it, a horrible idea
(d) under a tree occurred to me - Had I packed my toothbrush” –
Sol. (b) this is neither amusing or fantastic. This is also not
sad as its more in the tone of unpleasantness.
65. He soon fell asleep because
(a) he was exhausted 68. What makes his life miserable whenever he
(b) he was all alone undertakes travelling?
(c) he had not slept for days (a) Going to railway station
(d) he was very frightened (b) Forgetting the toothbrush
Sol. (a) (c) Packing his bag
The line “he was tired with his long walk” is
(d) Bad dreams
reflected in 'a'.
Sol. (b)
66. With reference to the passage, consider the
following statements : 69. His toothbrush is finally
1. He was walking through the countryside, (a) in his bag (b) in his bed
2. The cottagers and farmers gave his enough (c) in his handkerchief (d) lost
food so that he could sleep at night without Sol. (c)
feeling hungry. “and have to rug upstairs for it at the last moment
Which of the statements given above is/are and carry it to the railway station, wrapped up in
correct? my pocket-handkerchief.” – this means it is in the
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only handkerchief.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are (b) go to the police for necessary action.
valid? (c) ask for help from your neighbours.
(a) 1 only (d) negotiate with the goon to get a higher price.
(b) 2 only
Sol. More preferred (b); less preferred (d)
(c) Both 1 and 2
Selling the property at cheap price would be
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
succumbing to pressure. It shows lack of capacity
Sol. (d) to fight for justice.
1 is partly true. Non-availability of prey is nowhere Asking for help from neighbours would not be a
mentioned in the passage. Statement 2 is also
good idea as he is a local thug. So the neighbours
incorrect. The passage says ‘if there are triplets'.
may not support you.
Directions for the following 8 (eight) items: Negotiating for a higher price (though less
preferable) will ensure that you don’t get a bad deal.
Given below are eight items. Each item describes a
situation and is followed by four possible responses. Willing to go to police shows that you can fight
Indicate the response you find most appropriate. Choose against injustice. This is a trait civil servants should
only one response for each item. The responses will be have. UPSC asks such questions to test the same.
evaluated based on the level of appropriateness for the
75. You have to accomplish a very important task for
given situation.
your headquarters within the next two days.
Please attempt all the items. There is no penalty for
Suddenly you meet with an accident. Your office
wrong answers for these eight items.
insists that you complete the task. You would
73. You have been asked to give an explanation for (a) ask for an extension of deadline.
not attending an important official meeting. Your
(b) inform Headquarters of your inability to finish
immediate boss who has not informed you about
on time.
the meeting is now putting pressure on you not to
place an allegation against him / her. You would (c) Suggest alternate person to headquarters who
may do the needful.
(a) send a written reply explaining the fact.
(b) seek an appointment with the top boss to (d) stay away till you recover.
explain the situation. Sol. More preferred (c); less preferred (a).
(c) admit your fault to save the situation. Best is (c) as it shows your professionalism towards
(d) put the responsibility on the coordinator of work keeping in mind your own personal
the meeting for not informing. limitations.
76. You are an officer-in-charge for providing basic Threatening the boat owners might take some time,
medical facilities to the survivors of an earthquake and given the urgency may not be that practical.
affected area. Despite your best possible effort,
78. You are the officer-in-charge of a village
people put allegations against you for making
administering distribution of vaccine in an
money out of the funds given for relief. You would
isolated epidemic hit village, and you are left with
(a) let an enquiry be set up to look into the matter.
only one vaccine. There is a requirement of that
(b) ask your senior to appoint some other person
vaccine from the Gram Pradhan and also a poor
in your place.
villager. You are being pressurised by the Gram
(c) not pay attention to allegations. Pradhan to issue the vaccine to him. You would
(d) stop undertaking any initiative till the matter (a) initiate the procedure to expedite the next
is resolved. supply without issuing the vaccine to either.
Sol. More preferred (a); less preferred (c) (b) arrange vaccine for the poor villager from the
Asking for someone else to be appointed would be distributor of another area.
succumbing to public pressure, which is like a daily (c) ask both to approach a doctor and get an input
affair in the bureaucracy. about the urgency.
Stopping any further initiative will affect the relief
(d) arrange vaccine for the Gram Pradhan from
operations and is not advisable. Public interest
the distributor of another area.
should come first.
Sol. More preferred (d); less preferred (b)
Letting an inquiry in the matter is a sign of highest
integrity and is expected of civil servants. Integrity 79. You have taken up a project to create night-shelters
simple means subjecting oneself to the greatest for homeless people during the winter season.
scrutiny possible. Within a week of establishing the shelters, you
have received complaints from the residents of the
77. You have been made responsible to hire boats at a
area about the increase in theft cases with a
short notice to be used for an area under flood. On
demand to remove the shelters. You would
seeing the price mentioned by the boat owners you
found that the lowest price was approximately (a) ask them to lodge a written complaint in the
three times more than the approved rate of the police station.
Government. You would (b) assure residents of an enquiry into the matter.
(a) reject the proposal and call for a fresh price. (c) ask residents to consider the humanitarian
(b) accept the lowest price. effort made.
(d) continue with the project and ignore their
(c) refer the matter to the Government and wait.
(d) threaten the boat owners about a possible
Solution: More preferred (b); less preferred (c)
cancellation of the licence.
A complaint in the police station may lead to the shelters
Sol. More preferred (b); less preferred (d).
being removed by police. Its the winter season. It will
Rejecting the proposal and calling for fresh prices
result in undue harassment for the poor shelterless
is a long drawn process. You do not have time as its
urgent for floods.
Continuing with the project ignoring the complaint
Same problem is there with referring to the
would be abdicating duty and is not a sign of integrity,
government and waiting.
fairness and impartiality.
Since its very urgent best would be to accept the
lowers price for now since its required very urgently Asking them to consider the humanitarian efforts made
for relief operations. You may be dragged into would at least save the homeless people’s lives in the
controversies later, but public interest should be put winter. Then you can monitor the situation and take
first. Service should be selfless. appropriate action.
Previous Year
CSAT : 2012 Solved Papers
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: Select the correct Solution: using the codes given
Read the following two passages and Solution: the items
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
that follow each passage. Your Solutions to these items (c) 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 3 and 4 only
should be based on the passages only.
Sol. (b)
Passage 1 “protection against free market individualism” tells
The poor especially in market economics need the that statement 3 is correct. Rest others are very
strength that collectivities offer for creating more explicitly mentioned in the passage.
economic, social and political space for themselves, for
2. What does the author imply by “gender impact”?
enhancing their socio- economic well-being and voice,
(a) Women are doubtful participants in
and as a protection against free market individualism.
It has been argued that a group approach to farming,
(b) Family cooperatives may not include women
especially in the form of bottom up agricultural (c) Women benefitting from group farming.
production collectivities, offers substantial scope for (d) Women’s role in transition economies is
poverty alleviation and empowering the poor as well as highly restrictive.
enhancing agricultural productivity. To realize this Sol. (c)
potential, however, the groups would need to be
Clear from the passage.
voluntary in nature, small in size, participative in
decision making and equitable in work sharing and 3. Consider the following assumptions:
benefit distribution. There are many notable examples 1. It is imperative for transition economies to
of such collectivities to be found in varied contexts, such have agricultural collectivities.
as in transitions economies. All of them bear witness to 2. Agricultural productivity can be increased by
the possibility of successful cooperation under given group approach to farming.
conditions. And although the gender impact of the With reference to the above passage which of these
family cooperatives in the transition economies are assumptions is/are valid?
uncertain, the Indian examples of women-only groups (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
farming offer considerable potential for benefiting (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
women. Sol. (b)
1. Agricultural collectivities such as group based The word “imperative” is an extreme word. It means
farming can provide the rural poor something which is absolutely necessary. The
1. Empowerment passage only says that they are helpful.
2. Increased agricultural productivity. Passage 2
3. Safeguard against exploitative markets. In a typical Western liberal context, deepening of
4. Surplus production of agricultural democracy invariably leads to consolidation of ‘liberal
commodities. values’. In the Indian context, democratization is
8. Which lecture is scheduled between Statistics and (c) Most machines are operated on electric
English? energy.
(a) Economics (b) History (d) Electrically operated machines are preferable
(c) Mathematics (d) No lecture to use.
Sol. (b) Sol. (d)
9. Which lecture is the last one in the week? Option 1: Just because all machines consume
(a) History (b) English energy; and electricity provides energy, does not
(c) Mathematics (d) Economics mean that electricity is the only source of energy.
Sol. (c) Machines can run on other sources of energy too.
So it is wrong.
10. Which lecture is located scheduled on Option 2: Electricity provides energy does not mean
Wednesday? it is only source providing energy. Hence, Option 2
(a) Statistics (b) Economics
is also wrong.
(c) English (d) History
Option 3: In the light of the above discussion,
Sol. (c)
Option3 is also wrong.
11. Which lecture is scheduled before the Mathematics Option 4: From statements 3 and 4, this seems the
lecture? most reasonable option. Hence, (d)
(a) Economics (b) History
(c) Statistics (d) English 14. Examine the following statements:
Sol. (a) 1. None but the rich ran afford air-travel.
2. Some of those who travel by air become sick
12. Two glasses of equal volume are respectively half 3. Some of those who become sick require
and three-fourths filled with milk. They are then treatment
filled to the brim by adding water. Their contents
Which one of the following conclusions can be
are then poured into another vessel. What will be
drawn from the above statements?
the ratio of milk to water in this vessel?
(a) All the rich persons travel by air.
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 2 : 3
(b) Those who travel by air become sick
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 5 : 3
(c) All the rich persons become sick.
Sol. (d)
(d) All those who travel by air are rich
Lets say both glasses have 100 ml capacity. Glass 1:
Sol. (d)
50 ml water and 50 ml milk
Option (a) is incorrect because even if the rich can
Glass 2: 25 ml water and 75 ml milk
afford air travel, its not necessary that every rich
Total when poured together = 200 ml Milk = 125 ml person will travel by air.
Water = 75 ml
Since (b) is also incorrect, (c) has to be incorrect.
Ration = 125 : 75 = 5 : 3 Option (d) is the correct answer.
13. Consider the following statements: 15. In five flats, one above the other, live five
1. All machines consume energy professionals. The professor has to go up to meet
2. Electricity provides energy his IAS officer friend. The doctor is equally friendly
3. Electrically operated machines are cheap to to all, and has to go up as frequently as go down.
maintain The engineer has to go up to meet his MLA friend
4. Electrically operated machines do not cause
above whose flat lives the professor’s friend.
Which one of the following inferences can be From the ground floor to the top floor, in what order
drawn from the above statements? do the five professionals live?
(a) All machines are run by electric energy. (a) Engineer, Professor, Doctor, IAS officer, MLA
(b) There is no form of energy other than electricity (b) Professor, Engineer, Doctor, IAS officer, MLA
generation may give rise to hundreds or thousands in (d) None of the statements a), b) and c) given above
the next, and resistance spreads very rapidly in a is correct.
population. Sol. (c)
This problem was often ignored in the past, even though Option (a) and (b) are incorrect as they are nowhere
the first case of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) mentioned in the passage. Option (c) is correct
resistance was reported as early as 1946. There is an because it follows the logic of evolution and natural
exponential increase in the numbers of invertebrates that selection.
have evolved resistance and in the number pesticides 20. With reference to the passage, consider the
against which resistance has evolved. Resistance has following statements:
been recorded in every family of arthropod pests 1. Use of chemical pesticides has become
(including dipterans such as mosquitoes and house flies, imperative in all the poor countries of the
as well as beetles, moths, wasps, fleas, lice and mites) as world.
well as in weeds and plant pathogens. Take the Alabama 2. Chemical pesticides should not have any role
leaf worm, a moth pest of cotton, as an example. It has in sustainable agriculture
developed resistance in one or more regions of the world 3. One pest can develop resistance to many
to aldrin, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, lindane and toxaphene. pesticides
If chemical pesticides brought nothing but problems, - if Which of the statements given above is/are
their use was intrinsically and acutely unsustainable – correct?
then they would already have fallen out of widespread (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
use. This has not happened. Instead, their rate of (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
production has increased rapidly. The ratio of cost to Sol. (b)
benefit for the individual agricultural producer has
Statements 1 and 2 are extreme statements and out
remained in favour of pesticide use. In the USA,
of context generalizations. So the answer has to be
insecticides have been estimated to benefit the agricultural
products to the tune of around $5 for every $1 spent.
21. Though the problems associated with the use of
Moreover, in many poorer countries, the prospect of
chemical pesticides is known for a long time, their
imminent mass starvation, or of an epidemic disease, are
widespread use has not waned. Why?
so frightening that the social and health costs of using
(a) Alternatives to chemical pesticides do not
pesticides have to be ignored. In general the use of
exist at all.
pesticides is justified by objective measures such as ‘lives
(b) New pesticides are not invented at all.
saved’, ‘economic efficiency of food production’ and ‘total
(c) Pesticides are biodegradable.
food produced’. In these very fundamental senses, their
(d) None of the statements a), b) and c) given above
use may be described as sustainable. In practice,
is correct.
sustainability depends on continually developing new
Sol. (d)
pesticides that keep at least one step ahead of the pests –
pesticides that are less persistent, biodegradable and more Consider the last paragraph “Moreover, in many
accurately targeted at the pests. poorer countries, the prospect of imminent mass
starvation, or of an epidemic disease, are so
19. “The evolution of pesticide resistance is natural frightening that the social and health costs of using
selection in action.” What does it actually imply? pesticides have to be ignored. In general the use of
(a) It is very natural for many organisms to have pesticides is justified by objective measures such as
pesticide resistance. ‘lives saved’, ‘economic efficiency of food
(b) Pesticide resistance among organisms is a production’ and ‘total food produced’.”
universal phenomenon. So, none of the options are correct.
(c) Some individuals in any given population
show resistance after the application of 22. How do pesticides act as agents for the selection
pesticides of resistant individuals in any pest population?
25. Which of the following conditions of growth can Select the correct Solution: using the codes given
add to vulnerability? below:
1. When the growth occurs due to excessive (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
exploitation of mineral resources and forests (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, and 3
2. When the growth brings about a change in Sol. (b)
humankind’s creative potential. Second paragraph mentions “But as growth has
3. When the growth is envisaged only for altered the environment....technologies and
providing houses and social security to the practices and diffuse them widely.” Hence,
people. statements 2 and 3 are correct. Answer is (b).
4. When the growth occurs due to emphasis on
farming only. Select the correct Solution: using 28. Which of the following inferences can be made
the codes given below: from the passage?
(a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only 1. Rainfed crops should not be cultivated in
(c) 1 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 irrigated areas
Sol. (a) 2. Farming under water-deficient areas should
not be a part of development strategy.
In the last paragraph, “overexploitating natural
resources” is mentioned as one of the factors adding Select the correct Solution: using the codes given
to vulnerability. Statement 2 and 4 mentioned in below:
the passage but not in this context. Statement 3 with (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
“social security” is incorrect. So, only statement 1 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
is correct. Sol. (d)
26. What does low-carbon growth imply in the present See again here both the statements are extreme
context? generalizations. The passage mentions only a
1. More emphasis on the use of renewable specific case related to both the statements. Hence,
sources of energy. both are wrong.
2. Less emphasis on manufacturing sector and 29. Consider the following assumptions:
more emphasis on agricultural sector. 1. Sustainable economic growth demands the
3. Switching over from monoculture practices use of creative potential of man.
to mixed farming 2. Intensive agriculture can lead to ecological
4. Less demand for goods and services. backlash.
Select the correct Solution: using the codes given 3. Spread of the economic prosperity can
below: adversely affect the ecology and environment
(a) 1 only
With reference to the passage, which of the above
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
assumptions is/are valid?
(c) 1 and 4 only
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(d) None of the above implies low-carbon growth
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Sol. (a)
Sol. (d)
Renewable energy is generally understood as a
“....much of humankind’s creative potential has
strategy for low carbon growth.
been directed at adapting to the changing world”.
27. Which of the following conditions is/are For e.g. the passage talks about Soviet development
necessary for the sustainable economic growth? plan – cotton cultivation and mangroves of Guinea
1. Spreading of economic prosperity more. etc. This shows statement 1 is true.
2. Popularizing/spreading of adaptive Then “for intensive farming or housing
technologies widely development, increases the physical vulnerability
3. Investing on research in adaptation and of coastal settlements, whether in Guinea or in
mitigation technologies. Louisiana”...shows that statement 2 is true.
32. Why does man introduce exotic species into new 35. What can be the impact of invasion of exotic
geographical areas? species on an ecosystem?
1. To bread exotic species with local varieties. 1. Erosion of endemic species.
2. To increase agricultural productivity. 2. Change in the species composition of the
community of the ecosystem
3. for beautification and landscaping
Which of the above statements is/are correct? Select the correct Solution: using the codes given
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only below:
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Sol. (d)
Sol. (c)
The paragraph: “serve some private purpose or
As per the first paragraph invasion of exotic species
legitimately to procure some hoped-for public
has led to dramatic changes to native species and
benefit by bringing a pest under control, producing
natural communities. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
new agricultural products or providing novel
recreational opportunities”. is reflected in The last few lines of the passage state that the
option (d). introduction of exotic species has a detrimental
effect and poses a challenge to endemic biotas ill-
33. How is homogenization prevented under natural equipped to deal with them. Hence, S2 is also
conditions? correct.
(a) Evolution of groups of species specific to local Passage - 2
(b) Presence of oceans and mountain ranges Most champions of democracy have been rather reticent
in suggesting that democracy would itself promote
(c) Strong adaptation of groups of specific to local
development and enhancement of social welfare – they
physical and climatic conditions
have tended to see them as good but distinctly separate
(d) All the statements (a), (b) and (c) given above
and largely independent goals. The detractors of
are correct in this context.
democracy, on the other hand, seemed to have been quite
Sol. (d)
willing to express their diagnosis of what they see as
34. How have the human beings influenced the serious tensions between democracy and development.
biodiversity? The theorists of the practical spirit - “Make up your mind:
1. By smuggling live organism do you want democracy, or instead, do you want
development?”- often came ,at least to start with, from
2. By building highways
East Asian countries, and their voice grew in influence
3. By making ecosystems sensitive so that new
as several of these countries were immensely successful
species are not allowed
– through the 1970s and 1980s and even later – in
4. By ensuring that new species do not have
promoting economic growth without pursuing
major impact on local species.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
To deal with these issues we have to pay particular
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
attention to both the content of what can be called
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4 development and to the interpretation of democracy (in
Sol. (a) particular to the respective roles of voting and of public
As per the first paragraph, “Human-caused reasoning). The assessment of development cannot be
introductions may occur either accidentally as a divorced from the lives that people can lead and the real
consequence of human transport, or intentionally freedom that they enjoy. Development can scarcely be
but illegally to serve some private purpose.” Hence, seen merely in terms of enhancement of inanimate objects
point 1- smuggling (illegal) and point 2 – building of convenience, such as a rise in the GNP (or in personal
highways (transport) are correct. incomes), or industrialisation – important as they may
also that MNCs expect competition authorities to ensure 41. What is the inference from this passage?
a level playing field between domestic and foreign firms. (a) Foreign investors and multinational
companies always dominate domestic
39. With reference to the passage, consider the
following statements:
(b) It is not in the best interest of domestic
1. It is desirable that the impact of Foreign Direct
economy to allow mergers company.
investment should be pro-competitive.
(c) With competition law, it is easy to ensure a
2. The entry of foreign investors invariably leads
level playing field between domestic and
to the inflated prices in domestic markets.
foreign firms.
Which of the statements given above is/are (d) For countries with open economy Foreign
correct? Direct investment is essential for growth.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Sol. (c)
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Options (a) and (b) are extreme generalizations.
Sol. (a) Option (d) has been quoted out of context. Hence,
the answer is (c) which is the essence of passage.
The sentence “The need for Competition Law
becomes more evident when foreign direct 42. Examine the following statements:
investment (FDI) is liberalised. The impact of FDI is 1. I watch TV only if I am bored
not always pro-competitive.” clearly points to 2. I am never bored when I have my brother’s
state.1 company.
Statement 2 is valid only when the parent 3. Whenever I go to the theatre I take my brother
companies merge overseas. along.
40. According to the passage, how does a foreign Which one of the following conclusions is valid in
investor dominate the relevant domestic market? the context of the above statements?
1. Multinational companies get accustomed to (a) If I am bored I watch TV
domestic laws. (b) If I am bored, I seek my brother’s company.
2. Foreign companies establish joint ventures (c) If I am not with my brother, than i’ll watch
with domestic companies. TV.
(d) If I am not bored I do not watch TV.
3. Affiliates in a particular market/sector lose
Sol. (d)
their independence as their parent companies
overseas merge. The logical flow diagram is as follows
4. Foreign companies lower the cost of their
products as compared to that of products of
domestic companies.
In case of second option - In storm either A or B is Students
open. Hence, it has to be correct.
In case of third option - P is closed during flooding.
for the dance
Therefore, if A is open then neither of B and Q will
Now, check options individually.
be open. So, at most two roads can be open. So, this
may or may not be true. Option (a) is wrong, because not all students are
In case of 4th option- From option 2, we know that married, so, cannot be invited for dance.
at least one road is open. Hence, this is incorrect. Option (b) is also wrong, because all married
In all three given situations - Normal, Storms and students may not be the member of the club. Its true
Floods, there is no closed condition on road C. that only students are the members; but it does not
Hence, (b). mean every student is a club member (this is clearly
shown in the Venn diagrams).
44. Examine the following statements:
1. None but students are the members of the club. Option (c) is wrong because clearly only some are
2. Some members of the club are married. married in the club. So, correct option is (d).
3. All married persons are invited for dance. 45. Four political parties W, X, Y and Z decided to set
up a joint candidate for the coming parliamentary
Which one of the conclusions can be drawn from
elections. The formula agreed by them was the
the above statements?
acceptance of a candidate of the most of the parties.
(a) All students are invited for dance
For aspiring candidates A, B, C and D approached
(b) All married students are invited for dance
the parties for their ticket.
(c) All members of the club are married person
(d) None of the above conclusions can be drawn A was acceptable to W but not Z
Sol. (b) B was acceptable to Y but not X
This is a typical syllogism question. Draw Venn C was acceptable to W and Y
diagrams to solve easily or use logic, whichever
D was acceptable to W and X
way you feel comfortable.
When candidate B was preferred by W and Z, 47. Consider the following statements:
candidate C was preferred by X and Z and The Third World War, if it ever starts will end very
candidate A was acceptable to X but not Y: Who quickly with possible end of civilization. It is only
got the ticket? the misuse of nuclear power which will trigger it.
(a) A (b) B Based on the above statement which one of the
following inferences is correct?
(c) C (d) D
(a) Nuclear power will be used in Third World
Sol. (c) War.
As it is given, A is accepted by W, Z and X. (b) There will be no civilization left after the third
world war.
B accepted by Y, W and Z.
(c) The growth of nuclear power will destroy
C accepted by W, Y, X and Z.
civilization in the long run.
D accepted by W and X. (d) The third world war will not take place.
So, C can be accepted by all the four parties. Solution: a)
46. Consider the following statements: The passage very clearly mentions that only the
misuse of nuclear power will trigger world war. So
1. All X-brand cars parked here are white. nuclear power has to be used in the third world
2. Some of them have radial tyres war.
3. All X-brand cars manufactured after 1986 have 48. Figures given below are changing with certain
radial tyres are parked here. rules as we observe them from left to right:
Sol. (b)
Consider option (c): Its an out of the league Observe the triangle movement. See the triangle is
statement. moving corners anti-clockwise and turning upside
down successively. So in the answer figure it has to
Consider option (d): An illogical and out of the be at the left top and vertical up. Only one option
context statement. (d) satisfies this condition.
(c) (d)
Sol. (d)
In first and third set, the black portion of middle Now, check the options.
image is diagonally opposite to that of first image. Option (a) can be dismissed easily.
This is the pattern. So, second image in second set
Option (b) has to be correct, because no matter what
must be diagonally opposite to the first one.
the drug circle has to cut the whimsical circle.
Hence, (d).
Option (c) too can be dismissed based on the
54. Consider the following statements: diagram.
1. All artists are whimsical. Option (d) is also wrong, because the diagram does
2. Some artists are drug addicts. not support it.
3. Frustrated people are prone to become drug
addicts. 55. Examine the following statements:
1. Either A & B are of same age or A is older
From the above three statements it may be
than B
concluded that:
2. Either C & D are of same age or D is older
(a) Artists are frustrated
than C
(b) Some drug addicts are whimsical
3. B is older than C
(c) All frustrated people are drug addicts.
(d) Whimsical people are generally frustrated Which of the following conclusions can be drawn
Sol. (b) from the above statements?
S1: If all artists are whimsical, it means that (a) A is older than B
whimsical is a big category (or circle) and all artists (b) B and D are of the same age
will be one small circle in that. (c) D is older than C
(d) A is older than C
Sol. (d)
From S1: A B from S2: D C from S3: B > C
Now if B (which is either equal or older than A) is
greater than C, then A has to be older than C.
Which of the above statements is/are correct Which means 0.2 x N is covered in 10 minutes i.e.,
conclusion/conclusions? 1/6 hr Hence, Average speed = distance/time =
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 0.2 × N /(1/6) = 48
(c) Both 1 & 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 x = 48/6 x 0.2 =40 km
Sol. (c)
63. Gita is prettier than Sita but not as pretty as Rita.
Assume these are the 4 people - Doc 1, Doc 2,
Business 1, Business 2
(a) Sita is not as pretty as Gita
Now, if Doc 2(Tamil, Christian), then Doc 1 (has to
(b) Sita is prettier than Rita
be Muslim, Gujarati) and Business 1 has to be
(c) Rita is not as pretty as Gita
(Gujarati, Christian); so Business 2 will be (Muslim,
(d) Gita is prettier than Rita
Sol. (a)
61. Consider the following statement: R>G>S
“Though quite expensive, television is not a luxury Options (b), (c) and (d) are false.
item, as one can learn many things through
64. Given that,
1. A is the brother of B
Which of the following is the valid inference from 2. C is the father of A.
the above given statement? 3. D is brother of E.
(a) All expensive things are regarded as luxury. 4. E is the daughter of B then, the uncle of D is?
(a) A (b) B
(b) All essential things for learning are not
(c) C (d) E
Sol. (a)
(c) Television is essential for learning.
(d) Television is not a luxury item.
Sol. (d)
Check option (a): Too general.
Option (b): Again a general statement. Although
TV is a learning item and not a luxury, even then
TV is not essential for learning. We cannot infer
this option.
Uncle of D is A.
Option (c): Clear from (b) that its wrong. Choice has
to be (d). 65. Examine the following statements:
62. Mr. Kumar drives to work at an average speed of 1. Rama scored more than Rani
48km/hr. The time taken to cover the first 60% of 2. Rani scored less than Ratna
the distance is 10 minutes more than the time taken 3. Ratna scored more than Rama
to cover the remaining distance. How far is his 4. Padma scored more than Rama but less than
office? Ratna. Who scored the highest?
(a) 30 km (b) 40 km (a) Rama (b) Padma
(c) 45 km (d) 48km (c) Rani (d) Ratna
Sol. (b) Sol. (d)
Let the distance be N. S1: Rama > Rani
First 60% distance is covered in 10 more minutes S2: Ratna > Rani
more time than that of the rest 40% distance S3: Ratna>...>Rama> Rani
So, 0.6 x N distance is covered in 10 more minutes S4: Ratna>Padma>Rama>Rani Ratna scored the
more than that of the rest 0.4 x N distance highest.
Sol. (b) Choose only one response for each item. The responses
“Everything took five times as long as it would have will be evaluated based on the level of appropriateness
taken in a place where there was enough air to for the given situation.
breathe.” Means that the place didn’t have enough Please attempt all the items. There is no penalty for wrong
air to breathe. Solutions for these seven items.
71. When they crawled into the tent 74. You have differences of the opinion regarding the
(a) They took off their gloves because it was not final report prepared by your subordinate that is
very cold to be submitted urgently. The subordinate is
(b) They could not take off their gloves because it justifying the information given in the report. You
was very cold. would
(c) They took of their gloves though it was very (a) Convince the subordinate that he is wrong
cold. (b) Tell him to reconsider the results
(d) They did not take off their gloves though it (c) Revise the report on your own
was not very cold.
(d) Tell him not to justify the mistake
Sol. (a)
Solution: More preferred (c); less preferred (a)
Passage-3 The question tests your organizational, managerial
A local man, staying on the top of the floor of an old and administrative skills alongwith emotional
wooden house, was awakened at midnight by fire. Losing intelligence.
his way in the smoke-filled passage, he missed the Since the report is to be submitted urgently, you
stairway and went into another room. He picked a bundle don’t have time for the results to be reconsidered or
to protect his face from fire and immediately fell through to keep arguing with the subordinate. So, best way
the floor below where he managed to escape through a out is (c), if not then (c).
clear doorway. The “bundle” proved to be the baby of
B or D will not lead to any results.
the Mayor’s wife. The “hero” was congratulated.
75. You are competing with your batch-mate for the
72. The man went to another room because
prestigious award to be decided based on an oral
(a) He did not know where the stairway was
presentation. You have been asked by the
(b) The passage was full of smoke
committee to finish on time. Your friend however,
(c) He was extremely nervous
is allowed more than the stipulated time period.
(d) He stumbled on bundle
(a) Lodge a complaint to chairperson against the
Sol. (b)
73. The man was called hero because (b) Not listen to any justification from the
(a) Expressed his willingness to risk his life to committee
save others (c) Ask for withdrawal of your name
(b) Managed to escape from fire (d) Protest and leave the place
(c) Showed great courage in fighting the fire. Solution: More preferred (a); less preferred (d).
(d) Saved a life This question checks capacity and inclination for
Sol. (d) justice, and withstanding odd situations. Option
(b) is a knee-jerk reaction and shows your emotional
The bundle that he had used to save face, was the
intelligence in poor light.
Mayor’s baby, who also got saved in his escaping
from fire. Option (c) shows a lack of interest in fighting for
Directions for the following 7(seven) items: Going through option (a), you are going by the
Given below are the seven items. Each item describes a official machinery of grievance redressal; fighting
situation and is followed by four possible responses. for justice as well withstanding the odds that will
Indicate the response that you find most appropriate. come in the way.
76. You are handling a time bound project. During Other options are a little bit on the extreme side and
the project review meeting, you find that project is not preferable in this case. The reputation of the
likely to get delayed due to lack of cooperation of athlete is also at stake.
the team members. You would, Take a balanced, pragmatic approach.
(a) Warn the team members for their non-
cooperation 78. You are handling a priority project and have been
(b) Look into the reasons for non-cooperation meeting all the deadlines and planning your leave
(c) Ask for the replacement of the team members during the project. Your immediate boss does not
(d) Ask for the extension of time citing reasons grant leave citing the urgency of the project. You
Solution: More preferred (b); less preferred (a) would...
(a) Proceed on leave without waiting for the
The question too tests your organizational,
managerial and administrative skills along with
(b) Pretend to be sick and take leave
emotional intelligence.
(c) Approach higher authority to reconsider the
Asking for replacement or extension without
leave application.
looking into reasons or talking to team members
(d) Tell the boss that it is not justified.
will be a wrong decision. Moreover, it is a time
bound project. So, options (c) and (d) are out. Solution: More preferable (d); less preferable (c)
(a) is preferable because you will at least get the This question checks for balance in decision-making and
work done. (b) is even more preferable because you handling organizational pulls and pressures on your
will get to the core of the issue, and then ensure that personal life.
the work is completed on time. (a) and (b) are not right for obvious reasons like
dishonesty; disobeying official orders and protocols; and
77. You are a chairperson of a state sports committee.
irresponsible behaviour.
You have received a complaint and later it was
found that an athlete in junior age category who (c) can get you the leave, within the official channels, but
has won a medal has crossed the age criteria by 5 your relationship with immediate boss will be spoiled.
days. You would... He will not like a higher authority overruling him on a
(a) Ask the screening committee for a matter of leave for you, especially when its an urgent
clarification project.
(b) Ask the athlete to return the medal (d) is a more nuanced approach; because its an urgent
(c) Ask the athlete to get an affidavit from the project (and your leave is not all that urgent and
court declaring his/her age. important).
(d) Ask the members of the committee for their
views 79. You are involved in setting up a water supply
project in remote area. Full recovery of cost is
Solution: More preferable (a); less preferable (d).
impossible in any case. The income levels in the
This question checks your administrative acumen
area are low and 25% of the population is below
and sense of balance in decision-making.
poverty line (BPL). When a decision has to be taken
Since the investigation in the case is over, asking on pricing you would....
for clarification from the committee that screened (a) Recommended that the supply of water be free
the athlete is the best way out. You will get to know of charge in all respects
if it was a procedural error or operational error or (b) Recommended that the users pay a onetime
an unintended mistake. Then you can take action. fixed sum for installation of taps and the
Best is (a). usage of water be free
Previous Year
CSAT : 2013 Solved Papers
Directions for the following 2 (two) items: Select the correct answer using the codes given
Read the following passage and answer the two items
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2
that follow. Your answers to these items should be based
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
on the passage only.
Sol. (a)
3. In a rare coin collection, there is one gold coin for
Ecological -research over the last quarter of the century every three non-gold coins. 10 more gold coins are
has established the deleterious effects of habitat added to the collection and the ratio of gold coins
fragmentation due to mining, highways and such other to non-gold coins would be 1: 2. Based on the
intrusions on forests. When a large block of forests gets information; the total number of coins in the
fragmented into smaller bits, the edges of all these bits collection now becomes
come into contact with human activities resulting in the (a) 90 (b) 80
degradation of the entire forests. Continuity of forested (c) 60 (d) 50
landscapes and corridors gets disrupted ‘affecting several Sol. (a)
extinction-prone species of wildlife. Habitat
Initial ratio = Gold (G) : Non-Gold(N)
fragmentation, is therefore considered as the most serious
threat to biodiversity conservation. Ad hoc grants of =1:3 ... (i)
forest lands to mining companies coupled with rampant, After adding 10 gold coins, the ratio becomes
illegal mining is aggravating this threat. (10+G):N = 1:2 ... (ii)
On solving (i) & (ii), you get, G = 20 and N = 60.
1. What is the central focus of this passage?
(a) Illegal mining in forests Therefore, now the total number of coins in the
(b) Extinction of wildlife collection = (10 + G) + N = 10 + 20 + 60 = 90
(c) Conservation of nature
4. A gardener has 1000 plants: He wants to plant
(d) Disruption of habitat
them in such a way that the number of rows and
Sol. (d) the number of columns remains the same. What is
The essence of the passage, is reflected in: the minimum number of plants that he needs more
“Due to some activities like mining, highways etc, for this purpose?
there is disruption in landscapes and corridors. This (a) 14 (b) 24
is affecting several species of wild life.” (c) 32 (d) 34
Sol. (b)
2. What is the purpose of maintaining the continuity
If the number of rows and number of columns are to
of forested landscapes and corridors?
be equal, then the total number of trees should be a
1. Preservation of biodiversity.
perfect square. As 1000 is not a perfect square, find
2. Management of mineral resources.
3. Grant of forest lands for human activities. a perfect square nearest to 1000.
It’s 1024, which is square of 32. So he needs to add 7. In a garrison, there was food for 1000 soldiers for
24 more trees to get 1024. one month. After 10 days, 1000 more soldiers joined
the garrison. How long would the soldiers be able
5. A sum of RS. 700 has to be used to give seven cash
to carry on with the remaining food?
prizes to the students of a school for their overall
(a) 25 days (b) 20 days
academic performance. If each prize is Rs. 20 less (c) 15 days (d) 10 days
than its preceding prize, then what is the least
Sol. (d)
value of the prize?
After 10 days, the remaining food would be
(a) Rs. 30 (b) Rs. 40
sufficient for the 1000 soldiers for 20 more days
(c) Rs. 60 (d) Rs. 80
Sol. (b) So, If 1000 more soldiers are added, it shall be
sufficient for only 10 days as the no. of soldiers are
Let the least value price be X. Then the next value is
doubled, the days are halved
X + 20, and the next value is X + 40 and on and on
up to 7 values. 8. The tank-full petrol in Arun’s motor-cycle lasts for
It’s nothing but an arithmetic Progression with sum 10 days. If he starts using 25% more everyday, how
700. many days will the tank-full petrol last?
(a) 5 (b) 6
Technique 1: (Manually)
(c) 7 (d) 8
X + X+20 + X + 40 +… X + 120 = 700
Sol. (d)
7X + (20 + 40 +…+ 120) = 700
Total consumption is say N. So daily consumption
7X + 20(1 + 2 + 3+…+ 6) = 700 7X + 20(21) is N/10. Now if daily increases by 25%, then totally
=700 its 1.25N. So, when you divide 10 by 1.25N, it will
7X = 280 X = 40 be N/8. It will go for 8 days.
Technique 2: (Using AP Formula) 9. A person can walk a certain distance and drive
Number of prizes = 7 (N). back in six hours. He can also walk both ways in
So sum till nth term will be: n/2 (2X+ (n – 1) × 20) 10 hours. How much time will he take to drive
= 700. Put the value of N as 7. 7/2 (2X + 120) = 700 both ways?
(a) Two hours
X = 40
(b) Two and a half hours
6. Out of 120 applications for a post, 70 are male and (c) Five and a half hours
80 have a driver’s license. What is the ratio between (d) Four hours
the minimum to maximum number of males Sol. (a)
having driver’s license? 2-way walk = 10 hrs, therefore 1-way walk = 5 hrs
(a) 1 to 2 (b) 2 to 3
1-way walk + 1-way Drive = 6 hrs; therefore 1-way
(c) 3 to 7 (d) 5 to 7
drive = 6-5= 1 hr Hence, 2-way drive = 2 hrs
Sol. (c)
Directions for the following 7 (seven) items:
Number of females = 120 -70 = 50
So, a case where minimum number of males have Read the following two passages and answer the items
driving license would mean all females have driving that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
license. All 50 females have driver’s license. So, only should be based on the passages only.
30 males with license (minimum number). Passage-1
Now, where maximum number of males will have
The law in many parts of the world increasingly restricts
license, all 70 should have license (only 10 females
the discharge of agricultural slurry into watercourses.
would have license then).
The simplest and often the most economically sound
Ratio: 30/70 = 3 to 7
practice returns the material to the land as semisolid
Select the correct answer using the code given 16. With reference to the passage, the following
below assumptions have been made:
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only 1. The author gives primary importance to
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 physical and material help in eradicating
Sol. (b) human misery.
2. Charitable homes, hospitals, etc. can remove
14. What is the central theme of this passage? human misery to a great extent. Which of the
(a) Appropriate legislation is essential to protect assumptions is/are valid?
the environment. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(b) Modern agriculture is responsible for the (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
destruction of environment.
Sol. d)
(c) Improper waste disposal from agriculture can
17. Consider the following figures 1, 2, 3 and 4:
destroy the aquatic ecosystems.
(d) Use of chemical fertilizers is undesirable in
Sol. (c)
Option C is evident from para:
In the figure from 1 to 4 above, two symbols are
Even though the passage discussed the negative shown to change their position in a regular
impact of the fertilizers, it never says that they be direction. Following the same sequence, which one
done away with or they are undesirable. If used of the following will appear at the fifth stage?
and disposed properly, its useful.
Passage - 2
22. Four cars are hired at the rate of Rs. 6 per km plus 24. A cube has six numbers marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
the cost of diesel at Rs. 40 a litre. In this context, on its faces. Three views of the cube are shown
consider the details given in the following table: below:
Car Mileage Hours Total Payment
(km/l) (Rs.)
A 8 20 2120
B 10 25 1950
C 9 24 2064
D 11 22 1812
Which car maintained the maximum average
(a) Car A (b) Car B
(c) Car C (d) Car D
Sol. (a)
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 6 and 1
Find the total distance travelled by and divide it by (c) 1 and 4 (d) 3 and 1
total time. To find the distance, first form a correct Sol. (a)
equation that sums up the relation of all variables
of each Car – A , B, C , D. Direction for the following 5 (five) items:
Let the distance be N. So diesel consumed for car A Study the two figures given below and answer the five
will be N/8 litres. Cost will be (N/8) × 40 = 5N items that follow:
Moreover, 6 Rs. needs to paid per km. So additional
cost will be 6N Total cost = 11N = Rs. 2120
N = 192.7 Km
Average speed of Car A = 192.7/20 = Around 9.6
Now, instead of repeating this process for every car,
form a general equation: Total cost = [(Distance/
mileage) × Fuel Cost ] + Distance x per km. Cost ]
Find distance from here and then average speed.
The answer is A.
confused dichotomy between those who want to ‘impose’ 32. With reference to the passage, the following
democracy on countries In the non-Western world (in assumptions have been made:
these countries’ ‘own interest’, of course) and those who 1. Many of the non-Western countries are unable
are opposed to such ‘imposition’ (because of the respect to have democracy because they take
for the countries’ ‘own ways’). But the entire language of democracy to be a specialized cultural
‘imposition’, used by both sides, is extraordinarily product of the West.
inappropriate since it makes the implicit assumption that 2. Western countries are always trying to impose
democracy belongs exclusively to the West, taking it to democracy on non-Western countries. Which
be a quintessentially ‘Western’ idea which has originated
of the above is/are valid assumption/
and flourished only in the West.
But the thesis and the pessimism it generates about the (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
possibility of democratic practice in the world would be (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
extremely hard to justify. There were several experiments Sol. (d)
in local democracy in ancient India. Indeed, in
Statement 1 is false. But Statement 2: If read
understanding the roots of democracy in the world, we
carefully, in the lines so state 2 is also false “those
have to take an interest in the history of people
who want to ‘impose’ democracy on countries in the non-
participation and public reasoning in different parts of
Western world (in these countries’ ‘own interest’, of
the world. We have to look beyond thinking of democracy
course” who are ‘those’ has not been mentioned?
only in terms of European and American evolution. We
So, it may or may not be the West.
would fail to understand the pervasive demands for
participatory living, on which Aristotle spoke with far- Passage - 2
reaching insight, if we take democracy to be a kind of a Corporate governance is based on principles such as
specialized cultural product of the West. conducting the business with all integrity and fairness,
It cannot, of course, be doubted that the institutional being transparent with regard to all transactions, making
structure of the contemporary practice of democracy is all the necessary disclosures and decisions, complying
largely the product of European and American experience with all the laws of the land, accountability and
over the last few centuries. This is extremely important responsibility towards the stakeholders and commitment
to recognize since these developments in institutional to conducting business in an ethical manner. Another
formats were immensely innovative and ultimately point which is highlighted on corporate governance is
effective. There can be little doubt that there is a major the need for those in control to be able to distinguish
‘Western’ achievement here. between what are personal and corporate funds while
managing a company.
31. Which of the following is closest to the view of
democracy as mentioned in the above passage? Fundamentally, there is a level of confidence that is
(a) The subject of democracy is a muddle due to a associated with a company that is known to have good
desire to portray it as a Western concept, corporate governance. The presence of an active group
‘alien’ to non-Western countries. of independent directors on the board contributes a great
(b) The language or imposition of democracy is deal towards ensuring confidence in the market.
inappropriate. There is, however, a need to Corporate governance is known to be one of the criteria
consider this concept in the backdrop of that foreign institutional investors are increasingly
culture of ‘own ways’ of non-Western society. depending on when deciding on which companies to
(c) While democracy is not essentially a Western
invest in. It is also known to have a positive influence on
idea belonging exclusively to the West, the
the share price of the company. Having a clean image on
institutional structure of current democratic
the corporate governance front could also make it easier
practices has been their contribution.
for companies to source capital at more reasonable costs.
(d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given
Unfortunately, corporate governance often becomes the
above is correct.
centre of discussion only after the exposure of a large
Sol. (c)
methods are not adequate. Hence there is a need for policy In the light of the above statements, which one of
interventions, especially measures that cut across the following is true?
geographical regions. (a) All families are primary groups.
(b) All primary groups are families.
Policies may aim at tackling agricultural risks directly or (c) A group of smaller size is always a primary
indirectly. Examples of risk-specific policies arc crop group.
insurance, price stabilization and the development of (d) Members of a primary group know each other
varieties resistant to pests and diseases. Policies which intimately.
affect risk indirectly are irrigation, subsidized credit and Sol. (d)
access to information. No single risk-specific policy is
Statement 3 says family may be an example (not
sufficient to reduce risk and is without side-effects,
necessarily) a primary group. So, (a) is wrong. By
whereas policies not specific to risk influence the general reasoning options (b) and (c) can eliminate d.
situation and affect risks only indirectly. Crop insurance,
as a policy measure to tackle agricultural risk directly, 40. Four friends, A, B, C and D distribute some money
deserves careful consideration in the Indian context and among themselves in such a manner that A gets
in many other developing countries because the majority one less than B, C gets 5 more than D, D gets 3
of farmers depend on rain-fed agriculture and in many more than B. Who gets the smallest amount?
areas yield variability is the predominant cause of their (a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
income instability.
Sol. (a)
37. The need for policy intervention to mitigate risks S1 – A= B – 1
in agriculture is because
S2 – C=D + 5
(a) farmers are extremely risk-averse.
S3 – D = B + 3
(b) farmers do not know how to mitigate risks.
(c) the methods adopted by farmers and existing So, C > D > B > A
risk sharing institutions are not adequate. Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
(d) majority of farmers depend on rain-fed Read the following statements and answer the four items
agriculture. that follow:
Sol. (c) Five cities P, Q, R, S and T are connected by different
Refer to the last lines of the 1st paragraph. modes of transport as follows: P and Q are connected by
boat as well as rail.
38. Which of the following observations emerges from Sand R are connected by bus and boat. Q and T are
the above passage? connected by air only.
(a) One can identify a single policy that can
P and R are connected by boat only.
reduce risk without any side-effect.
T and R are connected by rail and bus.
(b) No single risk-specific policy is sufficient to
reduce agricultural risk. 41. Which mode of transport would help one to reach
(c) Policies which affect risk indirectly can R starting from Q, but without changing the mode
eliminate it. of transport?
(d) Government’s policy intervention can (a) Boat (b) Rail
mitigate agricultural risk completely. (c) Bus (d) Air
Sol. (b) Sol. (a)
39. Consider the following statements:
I. A primary group is relatively smaller in size.
II. Intimacy is an essential characteristic of a
primary group.
III. A family may be an example of a primary
A tennis coach is trying to put together a team of four Which of the following is the most acceptable
players for the forthcoming tournament. For this 7 players group .of people that can be selected by the music
are available: males A, Band C; and females W, X, Y and director?
Z. All players have equal capability and at least 2 males (a) Rohit, Shobha, Kunal and Kaushal
will be there in the team. For a team of four, all players (b) Tanya, Kaushal, Shobha and Rohit
must be able to play with each other. But, B cannot play (c) Tanya, Mukesh, Kunal and Jaswant
with W, C cannot play with Z and W cannot play with Y. (d) Shobha, Tanya, Rohit and Mukesh
45. If Y is selected and B is rejected, the team will Sol. (c)
consist of which one of the following groups? Option (a) is not possible as Shobha and Kunal will
(a) A, C, Wand Y (b) A, C, X and Y not work together Option (b) is not possible as Rohit
(c) A, C, Y and Z (d) A, W, Y and Z and Tanya will not work together Option (d) is not
Sol. (b) possible as Rohit and Tanya will not work together
If Y is selected, W will not be selected. So, options Hence, option (c)
(a) and (d) are wrong. As C cannot play with Z,
49. Five people A, B, C, D and E are, seated about a
option (c) is also wrong.
round table, Every chair is spaced equidistant from
46. If B is selected and Y is rejected, the team will adjacent chairs,
consist of which one of the following groups? I. C is seated next to A.
(a) A, B, C and W (b) A, B, C and Z II. A is seated two seats from D.
(c) A, B, C and X (d) A, W, Y and Z III. B is not seated next to A.
Which of the following must be true? (a) While playing chess with Geeta and Meena,
I. D is seated next to B. Bipin often loses.
II. E is seated next to A. (b) Geeta is the oldest among the three.
(c) Geeta hates to 10 the game.
Select the correct answer from the codes given
(d) Meena is the youngest of the three.
Sol. (d)
(a) I only (b) II only
(c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II Geeta is older than her cousin Meena G > M
Sol. (c) Meena’s brother Bipin is older than Geeta B > G
Therefore, B > G > M
These are the two possibilities:
Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
In both the cases, D is placed next to B. And this is Financial markets in India have acquired greater depth
true for A and E. and liquidity over the years. Steady reforms since 1991
have led to growing linkages and integration of the Indian
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
economy and its financial system with the global
Examine carefully the following statements and answer
economy. Weak global economic prospects and
the three items that follow:
continuing uncertainties the in international financial
Out of four friends A, B, C and D, A and B play football
markets therefore, have had their impact on the emerging
and cricket, Band C play cricket and hockey,
market economies. Sovereign risk concerns, particularly
A and D play basketball and football, C and D play in the Euro area, affected financial markets for the greater
hockey and basketball. part of the year, with the contagion of Greece’s sovereign
50. Who does not play hockey? debt problem spreading to India and other economies by
(a) D (b) C way of higher-than-normal levels of volatility.
(c) B (d) A The funding constraints in international financial
Sol. (d) markets could impact both the availability and cost of
foreign funding for banks and corporates. Since the
51. Who plays football, basketball and hockey? Indian financial system is bank dominated, banks’
(a) D (b) C ability to withstand stress is critical to overall financial
(c) B (d) A stability. Indian banks, however, remain robust,
Sol. (a) notwithstanding a decline in capital to risk-weighted
assets ratio and a rise in non- performing asset levels in
52. Which game do B, C and D play? the recent past. Capital adequacy levels remain above
(a) Basketball (b) Hockey the regulatory requirements. The financial market
(c) Cricket (d) Football infrastructure continues to function without any major
Sol. (b) disruption. With further globalization, consolidation,
deregulation, and diversification of the financial system,
53. Geeta is older than her cousin Meena, Meena’s
the banking business may become more complex and
brother Bipin is older than Geeta. When Meena
riskier. Issues like risk and liquidity management and
and Bipin visit Geeta, they like to play chess. Meena
enhancing skill therefore assume greater significance.
wins the game more often than Geeta. Based on
the above information, four conclusions, as given 54. According to the passage, the financial markets in
below, have been made. Which one of these the emerging market economies including India
logically follows from the information given above? had the adverse impact in recent years due to
61. There are some balls of red, green and yellow colour 63. Sedimentary rock leads to the formation of oil
lying on a table. There are as many red balls as deposits because
there are yellow balls. There are twice as many (a) there are no saline conditions below it.
yellow balls as there are green ones. The number (b) it allows some dissolved oxygen to enter the
of red balls dead organic matter below it.
(a) is equal to the sum of yellow and green balls. (c) weight of overlying sediment layers causes
(b) is double the number of green balls. the production of heat.
(c) is equal to yellow balls minus green balls. (d) it contains the substances that catalyze the
(d) cannot be ascertained. chemical reactions required to change dead
Sol. (b) organisms into oil.
62. Mineral oil deposits under the sea do not get He has to cover 100 m. So time needed is 3 mins.
completely decomposed because they 66. A train travels at a certain average speed for a
(a) are constantly washed by the ocean currents. distance of 63 km and then travels a distance of 72
(b) become rock and prevent oxygen from entering km at an average speed of 6 km/hr more than its
them. original speed. If it takes 3 hours to complete the
(c) contain a mixture ‘of hydrogen and carbon. total journey, what is the original speed of the train
(d) are carcasses of organisms lying in saline in km/hr?
conditions. (a) 24 (b) 33
Sol. (b) (c) 42 (d) 66
Passage - 3 Please attempt all the items. There is no penalty for, wrong
answers for these six items.
A stout old lady was walking with her basket down the
middle of a street in Petrograd to the great confusion of 75. You are the head of your office. There are certain
the traffic and no small peril to herself. It was pointed houses reserved for the allotment to the office staff
out to her that the pavement was the place for foot- and you have been given the discretion to do so. A
passengers, but she replied, “I m going to walk where I set of rules for the allotment of the houses has been
like. We’ve got liberty now.” It did not occur to the dear laid down by you and has been made public. Your
lady that if liberty entitled the foot-passenger to walk personal secretary, who is very close to you, comes
down the middle of the road it also entitled the taxi-driver to you and pleads that as his father is seriously ill,
to drive on the pavement, and that the end of such liberty he should be given priority in allotment of a house.
would be universal chaos. Everything would be getting The office secretariat that examined the request as
in everybody else’s way and nobody would get per the rules turns down the request and
anywhere. Individual liberty would have become social recommends the procedure to be followed
anarchy. according to the rules. You do not want to annoy
your personal secretary. In such circumstances,
72. It was pointed out to the lady that she should walk
what would you do ?
on the pavement because she was
(a) Call him over to your room and personally
(a) a pedestrian (b) carrying a basket
explain why the allotment cannot be done.
(c) stout (d) an old lady
(b) Allot the house to him to win his loyalty.
Sol. (a)
(c) Agree with the office note to show that you
73. The lady refused to move from the middle of the are not biased and that you do not indulge in
street because favouritism.
(a) she was not afraid of being killed. (d) Keep the file with you and not pass any orders.
(b) she felt that she is entitled to do whatever she Solution: More preferred (a), less preferred (c)
76. While travelling in a Delhi-registered commercial
(c) she did not like walking on the pavement.
taxi from Delhi to an adjacent city (another State),
(d) she was confused.
your taxi driver informs you that as he has no
Sol. (b)
permit for running the taxi in that city, he will stop
74. The old lady failed to realise that at its Transport Office and pay the prescribed fee
(a) she was not really free. of Rs. forty for a day. While paying the fee at the
(b) her liberty was not unlimited. counter you find that the transport clerk is taking
(c) she was an old person. an extra fifty rupees for which no receipt is being
(d) roads are made for motor vehicles only given. You are in a hurry for your meeting. In such
Sol. (b) circumstances, what would you do?
(a) Go up to the counter and ask the clerk to give
D could have been the answer, but she knew and
back the money which he has illegally taken.
realized that the roads were for motor vehicles only,
(b) Do not interfere at all as this is a matter
yet choose to walk there. So B is the more appropriate
between the taxi driver and the tax authorities.
(c) Take note of the incident and subsequently
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: report the matter to the concerned authorities.
(d) Treat it as a normal affair and simply forget
Given below are six items. Each item describes a situation about it.
and is followed by four possible responses. Indicate the
Solution: More preferable (a); less preferable (c)
response you find most appropriate. Choose only one
response for each item. The responses will be evaluated 77. A person lives in a far off village which is almost
based on the level of appropriateness for the given two hours by bus. The villager’s neighbour is a
situation. very powerful landlord who is trying to occupy
Solution: More preferable (c); less preferable (d) 80. You are a teacher in a University and are setting a
question paper on a particular subject. One of your
78. There is a shortage of sugar in your District where colleagues, whose son is preparing for the
you are the District Magistrate. The Government examination on that subject, comes to you and
has ordered that only a maximum amount of 30 kg informs you that it is his son’s last chance to pass
sugar is to be released for wedding celebrations. A that examination and whether you could help him
son of your close friend is getting married and your by indicating what questions are going to be in the
friend requests you to release at least 50 kg sugar examination. In the past, your colleague had helped
for his son’s wedding. He expresses annoyance you in another matter. Your colleague informs you
when you tell him about the Government’s that his son will suffer from depression if he fails
restrictions on this matter. He feels that since you in this examination. In such circumstances, what
are the District Magistrate you can release any would you do?
amount. You do not want to spoil your friendship (a) In view of the help he had given you, extend
with him. In such circumstances, how would you your help to him.
deal with the situation? (b) Regret that you cannot be of any help to him.
(a) Release the extra amount of sugar which your (c) Explain to your colleague that this would be
friend has requested for violating the trust of the University
(b) Refuse your friend the extra amount and authorities and you are not in a position to
strictly follow the rules. help him.
(c) Show your friend the copy of the Government (d) Report the conduct of your colleague to the
instructions and then persuade him to accept higher authorities
the lower amount as prescribed in the rules.
(d) Advise him to directly apply to the allotting Solution: More preferable (c); less preferable (b)
authority and inform him that you do not
interfere in this matter.
Previous Year
CSAT : 2014 Solved Papers
8. According to the passage, in the process (a) Non-increasing (b) Non -decreasing
globalization the State should have (c) Steady (d) Fluctuating
(a) expanding role Sol. (b)
(b) reducing role
(c) statutory role 13. The following table shows the marks obtained by
(d) none of the above roles. two students in different subjects:
Sol. (b)
12. What is the trend of the average profit of B from the Which one of the following figures fits into blank
year 1997 to the year 2000? part of the above matrix?
(c) (d)
Sol. (b)
The pattern is – of the two arrows in the first column,
the second arrow flips by 180 degrees in the next
column (second). In the third column, both arrows
Which of the following figures could fit in the
flip by 180 degrees.
empty block and thus complete the matrix?
16. The following table gives population and total
income of a city for four years:
Sol. (a)
The squares are increasing and circles decreasing
in a particular fashion across the next right columns.
17. Consider the table given below in which the (a) 3 (b) 6
numbers bear certain relationship among (c) 9 (d) 18
themselves along the rows: Sol. (d)
There are two ways of doing it.
Technique 1: The Long one and obvious
You keep counting the number of routes starting
from S to U to V to T.
Technique 2: Short cut
Multiply the number of nodes from S, U and V
Which one of the following numbers is the missing leading towards T. It is 3 X 2 X 3 = 18.
number indicated above by X ? Number of ways you can reach U from S is 3. The
(a) 19 (b) 15 number of ways you can reach V from U is 2. So the
(c) 14 (d) 8 number of ways you can reach from S to V will
Sol. (b & d) logically be 3 X 2 = 6. Similarily logically extend it
Both B and D can be the answer to T, it becomes 6X3 =18.
20. Consider the following figures: (a) the values of all things would remain constant.
(b) the values of the things sold would be
(c) the values of the things bought would be
Change in positions of beads in the figures above (d) the value of money only would be halved.
follows a sequence. Follows the same sequence, Sol. (d)
which of the figures look should appear as the
fifth figure above? 23. A and B decide to travel from place X to place Y by
bus. A has Rs. 10 with him and he finds that it is
(a) (b) 80% of the bus fare for two persons. B finds that he
has Rs. 3 with him and hands it over to A. In this
context, which one of the following statements is
(c) (d) correct?
(a) Now the money A has just enough to buy two
Sol. (b) tickets.
The sequence followed is like Left (L), Right(R), (b) A still needs Rs. 2 for buying the tickets
Top(T) and bottom(B) in cycles for all beads. (c) After buying the two tickets A will be left with
Sequence for Top left bead across four figures – LR 50 paise.
- BT (d) The money A now has is still not sufficient to
For Bottom left bead – RL – TB (total mirror image buy two tickets.
of top bead) For Top Right bead – TB – RL (exact Sol. (c)
reverse of top left bead) Rs. 10 is 80% of fare. So actual fare is Rs. 12.50
For bottom right bead – BT – LR (total mirror image
B gives Rs. 3 to A. So he has Rs. 9.50, i.e. 50 paisa
of the above) Repeat the same pattern. And you get
short of bus fare.
the answer.
24. As per agreement with a bank, a businessman had
21. A bell rings every 18 minutes. A second bell rings
to refund a loan in some equal installments
every 24 minutes. A third bell rings every 32
without interest. After paying 18 installments he
minutes. If all the three bells ring at the same time
found that 60 percent of his loan was refunded.
at 8 o’clock in the morning, at what other time will
How many installments were there in the
they all ring together?
(a) 12 : 40 hrs (b) 12 : 48 hrs
(a) 22 (b) 24
(c) 12 : 56 hrs (d) 13 : 04 hrs
Sol. (b) (c) 30 (d) 33
Take the LCM of 18, 24 and 32 which comes out to Sol. (c)
be 288 minutes i.e. 4 hours and 48 minutes. Add to 60% is equal to 18 installments.
8’o clock. The time is 12:48 hours. 1% is equal to 18/60 installments
22. “Price is not the same thing as value. Suppose that So 100% is equal to (18/60)X100 = 30 installments.
on a day the price of everything viz., coal, bread,
25. A worker reaches his factory 3 minutes late if his
postage stamps, a day’s labour, the rent of houses,
speed from his house to the factory is 5 km/hr. If
etc. were to double. Prices then would certainly
he walks at a speed of 6 km/hr then he reaches the
rise, but- values of all things except one would
factory 7 minutes early the distance of the factory
from his house is
The writer wants to say that if prices of all things (a) 3 km (b) 4 km
were doubled (c) 5 km (d) 6 km
26. “Liberty, therefore, is never real unless the A simple way of giving this idea of inclusive growth a
Government can be called to account when it sharper form is to measure a nation’s progress in terms
invades rights.” of the progress of its poorest segment, for instance the
bottom 20 per cent of the’ population. One could measure
Which one of the following is the best justification the per capita income of the bottom quintile of the
of the above statement? population and also calculate the growth rate of income;
(a) In the realisation that the government can be and evaluate our economic success in terms of these
brought to book in a court of law measures that pertain to the poorest segment. This
(b) In identifying a man as a political unit in a approach is attractive because it does not ignore growth
way which distinguishes him from other like some of the older heterodox criteria did. It simply
citizens looks at the growth of income of the poorest sections of
(c) In a decentralized society wherein the basic the population. It also ensures that those who are outside
needs of men can find satisfaction of the bottom quintile do not get ignored. If that were
(d) In the understanding that liberty and, done, then those people would in all likelihood drop
restraints are complementary down into the bottom quintile and so would
Sol. (d) automatically become a direct target of our policies.
Hence the criterion being suggested here is a statistical
Direction 8 for the following 5 (five) items:
summing up of the idea of inclusive growth, which, in
Read the following two passages and answer the items turn, leads to two corollaries: to wish that India must
that follow- each passage. Your answers to these items strive to achieve high growth and that we must work to
should be based on the passages only. ensure that the weakest segments benefit from the growth.
Directions for the following 6 (six items): For this, something has to be observed very
The following six items are based on two passages in carefully, with seriousness.
English to test the comprehension of English language Therefore, the expression "a stray dog watched the
and therefore these items do not have Hindi version. Read procession philosophically" implies careful, serious
each passage and answer the items that follow. watching by the dog.
Passage- 1 Passage- 2
Cynthia was a shy girl. She believed that she was plain
In front of us was walking a bare-headed old man in
and untalented. One day her teacher ordered the entire
tattered clothes. He was driving his beasts. They were all class to show up for audition for the school 900 play.
laden with heavy loads of clay from the hill and looked Cynthia nearly died of fright when she was told that
tired. The man carried a bug whip which perhaps he she would have to sfort stand on stage in front of the
himself made. As he walked down the road he stopped entire class and deliver dialogues. The mere we thought
now and then to eat the wild berries that grew on bushes of it made her feel sick. But a remarkable transformation
along the uneven road. When he threw away the the occurred during the audition. A thin, shy girl, her knees
bold birds and then begametimes a straydon seedched quaking, her stomach churning mughts in terror, began
the procession philosophically and then began to bark. to stun everyone with her excellent performance. Her
When this happened, my two little sons would stand bored classmates suddenly stopped their noisy chat to
still holding my hands firmly. A dog can sometimes be stare at her slender figure on the stage. At the end of her
dangerous indeed. audition, the entire room erupted in thunderous
39. The author's children held his hands firmly
because 41. Cynthia was afraid to stand on stage because
(a) they were scared of the barking dogs. (a) she felt her classmates may laugh at her.
(b) they wanted him to pluck berries. (b) her stomach was churning.
(c) they saw the whip in the old man's hand. (c) she lacked self-confidence.
(d) the road was uneven. (d) she did not like school plays.
Sol. (a) Sol. (c)
The answer can be found in the following lines: In the passage, it has been provided that Cynthia
"Sometimes a stray dog watched the procession believed that she was plain and untalented.
philosophically and then began to bark. When this She did not have faith in her capabilities.
happened, my two little sons would stand still That is, she lacked self confidence.
holding my hands firmly."
These lines imply that the children were scared of 42. Cynthia's classmates were chatting because
barking dogs. (a) it was their turn to act next.
(b) they were bored of the performances.
Therefore, they held the author's hands firmly.
(c) Cynthia did not act well.
40. The expression "a stray dog watched the (d) the teacher had no control over them.
procession philosophically" means that Sol. (b)
(a) the dog was restless and ferocious. It is because Cynthia's classmates were not
(b) the dog stood aloof, looking at the procession interested in the previous performances.
with seriousness. 43. Cynthia's knees were quaking because
(c) the dog looked at the procession with big, (a) she felt nervous and shy.
wondering eyes. (b) the teacher scolded her.
(d) the dog stood there with his eyes closed. (c) she was very thin and weak.
Sol. (b) (d) she was afraid of her classmates.
Philosophy refers to some serious, deep thoughts Sol. (a)
about an object, social event, etc. She felt nervous and shy.
efficiency and their ability for self correction. Issues of 1. refers to the false ideology of capitalism.
justice, Integrity and honesty are rarely elaborated to 2. underlies the righteous claims of the free
highlight the failure of the global banking system. The market.
apologists of the system continue to justify the success of 3. shows the benevolent face of capitalism.
capitalism and argue that the recent crisis was a blip. 4. ignores resultant gross inequity.
Their arguments betray an Ideological bias with the Which of the statements given above is/are
assumptions that an unregulated market is fair and correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3
competent, and that the exercise of private greed will be
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 4 only
in the larger public interest.
Sol. (c)
Few recognize the bidirectional relationship between
Passage - 2
capitalism and greed; that each reinforces the other.
Net profits are only 2.2% of their total assets for central
Surely, a more honest conceptualisation of the conflicts
public sector undertakings, lower than for the private
of interest among the rich and powerful players who
corporate sector. While the public sector or the State-led
have benefited from the system, their biases and ideology
entrepreneurship played an important role in triggering
is needed; the focus on the wealth. creation should also
India’s industrialization, our evolving development
highlight the resultant gross inequity.
needs, comparatively less-than-satisfactory performance
50. The apologists of the “Free Market System”, of the public sector enterprises, the maturing of our
according to the passage, believe in private sector, a much larger social base now available
(a) market without control by government for expanding entrepreneurship and the growing
authorities. institutional capabilities to enforce competition policies
(b) market without protection by the government. would suggest that the time has come to review the role
(c) ability of market to self correct. of public sector.
(d) market for free goods and services. What should the portfolio composition of the government
Sol. (c) be? It should not remain static all times. The airline
industry works well as a purely private affair. At the
Now, you need to be a little careful and be objective in opposite end, rural roads, whose sparse traffic makes
selecting the options. You need to select the answer tolling unviable, have to be on the balance-sheet of the
“according to the passage”. State. If the government did not own rural roads, they
would not exist.
Option (c) is resulted in lines – “The debates tend to focus
on free market operations and forces, their efficiency and their Similarly, public health capital in our towns and cities
will need to come from the public sector. Equally,
ability for self correction”.
preservation and improvement of forest cover will have
51. With reference to “ideological bias”, the passage to be a new priority for the public sector assets.
implies that Take the example of steel. With near-zero tariffs, India is
(a) free market is fair but not competent. a globally competitive market for the metal. Indian firms
(b) free market is not fair but competent. export steel into the global market which demonstrates
(c) free market is fair and competent. there is no gap in technology. Indian companies are
(d) free market is neither fair nor biased. buying up global steel companies, which shows there is
Sol. (c) no gap in capital availability. Under these conditions,
The ideological bias of the apologists is that free private ownership works best.
markets are fair and competent. But the passage Private ownership is clearly desirable in regulated
criticizes this bias. This implies that free markets industries, ranging from, finance to infrastructure, where
are neither fair, nor competent. a government agency performs the function of regulation
and multiple competing firms are located in the private
52. “The exercise of private greed will be in the larger sector. Here, the simple and clean solution - government
public interest” from the passage as the umpire and the private sector as the players is
57. A question paper must have a question on one of 59. The letters L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, S and T in their order
the eight poets: A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H The first four are substituted by nine integers 1 to 9 but not in
belong to the medieval period while the rest are that order. 4 is assigned to P. The difference
considered modern poets Generally, modern poets between P and T is 5. The difference between N
figure in the question paper in alternate years. and T is 3. What is the integer assigned to N?
Generally those who like H like G also; and those (a) 7 (b) 5
who like F like E also. The paper-setter does not like (c) 4 (d) 6
to ask about F as he has written a book on F, but he Sol. (d)
likes F. Last year, the paper contained a question P = 4,
on A. On the basis of the information given, this T = 4 + 5 = 9,
year’s paper is most likely to contain a question on So, N = 9 – 3 = 6
(a) C (b) E
(c) F (d) H 60. The number of deaths among the army personnel
Sol. (b) is 8 in 1000, but among the civilian population it
is 20 per 1000. Which one of the following
The following is clear from the question:
inferences can be drawn from this statement?
• A,B,C,D – Medieval (a) It is better to join the army.
(b) relationship is fortuitous.
• E,F,G,H – Modern
(c) lity of Life Index is very high within the armed
• Modern poets come alternate years forces.
• H-G, and F-E are liked together. (d) groups cannot be compared due to their
• Last year A came (medieval poet) which means Sol. (d)
this year, a modern poet will come
Option (c) cannot be the answer, because just a death
Now, F is out of the scene, but since the examiner rate data can not give quality of life index (that too
likes to ask about F, he also likes E. So, E is the most “very high”).
probable poet for the year. 61. Given the statement: “Buses are the cause of more
58. In a group of six women there are four dancers, accidents than cars, and trucks causes fewer
accidents than buses”, which of the following
four vocal musicians, one actress and three
conclusions can we draw?
violinists. Girija and Vanaja are among the
violinists while Jalaja and Shailaja do not know (a) There are more buses on the road than trucks.
(b) Car drivers are more careful than bus drivers.
how to play on the violin. Shailaja and Tanuja are
(c) Truck drivers are more skilled than either car
among the dancers. Jalaja, Vanaja, Shailaja and
or bus drivers.
Tanuja are all vocal musicians and two of them
(d) None of the above
are also violinists. If Pooja is an actress, who
Sol. (d)
among the following is certainly a dancer and a
violinist? None of the conclusions can be deduced logically
(a) Jalaja (b) Poosa from the statement.
(c) shailaja (d) Tanuja 62. “If political leadership fails to emerge, there is
Sol. (d) likelihood of military taking over power in
4 dancers, 4 vocal, 1 actress, 3 violin. Girija = violin developing countries. Radical student groups or
Vanaja = violin, vocal Jalaja = no violin, vocal labour may try to raise revolution but they are not
likely to compete with the military. Military
Shailja = no violin, dancer, vocal
intervention, rule, and withdrawal from politics
Tanuja = dancer, vocal, violin (2 of them are also is closely related to a society’s level of political
violin) Pooja = actress development.”
Select the correct answer using the code given 75. A gardener increased the area of his rectangular
below: garden by increasing its length by 40% and
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 decreasing its width by 20%. The area of the new
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 only garden
Sol. (b) (a) has increased by 20%.
In the passage, it has been highlighted that (b) has increased by 12%.
mitigation of climate change has the following co- (c) has increased by 8%.
benefits: (d) is exactly the same as the old area.
74. There are 50 students admitted to a nursery class. 77. A straight line segment is 36 cm long. Points are to
Some students can speak only English and some be marked on the line from both the end points.
can speak only Hindi. 10 student can speak both From each end, the first point is at a distance of 1
English and Hindi. If the number of students who cm from the end, the second point is at a distance
can speak English 21, then how many students of 2 cm from the first point and the third point is at
can speak Hindi how many can speak only Hindi a distance of 3 cm from the second point and so
and how many can speak only English ? on. If the points on the ends are not counted and
(a) 21, 11 and 29 respectively the common points are counted as one, what is the
(b) 28, 18 and 22 respectively number of points?
(a) 10 (b) 12
(c) 37, 27 and 13 respectively
(c) 14 (d) 16
(d) 39, 29 and 11 respectively
Sol. (b)
Sol. (d)
First point is at a distance of 1 cm, 2nd at 2 cm and
Diagram Since 21 people can speak English (and
so on – therefore, the distance of each point from
10 can speak both), so only English speaking crowd
the left edge of the scale will be
is 11. Total is 50, so only Hindi people will be
1st point – 1 cm
50 – 11 = 39.
Eng (11) 10 Hindi (39) 2nd– 3 cm
14. A= 6
Now common points – so 5th point from the left; X+Y+Z (who play only two) = 30
and 6th point from the right are common and will G+V+F+(X+Y+Z+A) = 120 [G,V,F are people who
repeat twice. So they have to be counted only once. can play only guitar, violin or flute]
Reduce 2 more points from 14 which becomes 12 as So, put all the data, and you have
the answer. 40 + V+ F + 30 + 6 = 120
78. If Sohan, while selling two goats at the same price, So, V+F (those who can play flute alone or violin
makes a profit of 10% on one goat and suffers a alone) = 44
loss of 10% on the other 80. Six identical cards are placed on a table. Each card
(a) he makes no profit and no loss. has number ‘1’ marked on one side and number
(b) he makes a profit of 1%. ‘2’ marked on its other side. All the six cards are
(c) he suffers a loss of 1%. placed in such a manner that the number ‘1’ is on
(d) he suffers a loss of 2%. the upper side. In one try, exactly four (neither
Sol. (c) more nor less) cards are turned upside down.
Let cost of 1st goat be Rs. 100. Then its selling price In how many Ieast number of tries can the cards be
= 110 = selling price of goat 2. But he suffers loss of turned upside down such that all the six cards
10% on goat 2 which means cost of goat 2 = 110/.9 show number ‘2’ on the upper side?
= 122.22 (a) 3
Total cost = 222.22, total selling price = 220. Means (b) 5
loss of ~1%. (c) 7
(d) This cannot be achieved
79. Out of a total of 120 musicians in a club, 5% can Sol. (a)
play all the three instruments, guitar, violin and
Before trying, the Cards show: 111111
flute. It so happens that the number of musicians
First try (make any 4 cards show 2): 222211
who can play any and only two of the above
instruments is 30. The number of musicians who 2nd try (take one of those showing 1 and three of
those showing two and flip): 211121
can play guitar alone is 40. What is the total
number those who can play violin alone or flute 3rd try (Flip all the ones): 222222...
Previous Year
CSAT : 2015 Solved Papers
Directions for the following 8 (eight) items: preserve farmland. Poor countries, they say, can improve
Read the following six passages and answer the items crop storage and packaging and rich nations could cut
that follow. Your answers to these items should be based back on resource-intensive foods like meat.
on the passages only.
2. Which one of the following statements best sums
Passage -1 up the above passage?
Human history abounds in claims and theories confining (a) The population of the world is growing very
the right of governing to a few select citizens. Exclusion fast.
of the many is justified on the ground that human beings (b) Food security is a perennial problem only in
may be rightfully segregated for the good of society and developing countries.
viability of the political process. (c) The world does. not have enough resources
to meet the impending food scarcity.
1. Which one of the following statements is least (d) Food security is increasingly a collective
essential as a part of the argument in the above challenge.
Sol. (d)
(a) Man seeks control over external things
affecting him. The passage talks about the increasing population
(b) In society, there are 'super' and 'sub' human of the world and the effort that needs to be made in
beings. order to ensure that the growth of population does
(c) Exceptions to participation are efficacy. not outstrip the food production. Option (d) sums it
universal citizen conducive to systemic up most accurately.
(d) Governing implies recognition of disparities
Passage - 3
in individual capacities.
Many people in India feel that if we cut our defence
Sol. (a)
expenditure on weapon-building, we can create a climate
The passage is about the difference in disparities in of peace with our neighbours, subsequently reducing the
individual capacities and how this impacts the conflict or creating a no-war situation. People who
polity. Least essential to the argument is option (a). proclaim such ideas are either the victims of war or the
Passage -2 propagators of false argument.
By 2050, the Earth's population will likely have swelled 3. With reference to the above passage, which of the
from seven to nine billion people. To fill all thm,e following is the most valid assumption?
stomachs - while accounting for shifting consumption (a) Building of weapons systems by us has
patterns, climate change, and a finite amount of arable instigated our neighbours to wage wars
land and potable water - some experts say food against us.
production will have to double. How can we make the (b) The greater spending on weapon-building by
numbers add up? Experts say higher yielding crop us would lessen the possibility of armed
varieties and more efficient farming methods, vill be conflict with our neighbours.
crucial. So will waste reduction. Experts urge cities to (c) It is necessary to have state of the art weapons
reclaim nutrients and water from waste streams and systems for national security.
without permission. All this talking can hardly be said 10. An automobile owner reduced his monthly petrol
to be of any benefit to the world. It is so much waste of consumption when the prices went up. The price-
time. My shyness has been in reality my shield and consumption relationship is as follows:
buckler. It has allowed me to grow. It has helped me in
Price (in Rs. per litre) 40 50 60 75
my discernment of truth.
Monthly consumption (in litres) 60 48 40 32
6. The author says that a thoughtless word hardly
ever escapes his tongue or pen. Which one of the If the price goes up to Rs. 80 per litre, his expected
following is not a valid reason for this? consumption (in litres) will be
(a) He has no intention to waste his time. (a) 30 (b) 28
(b) He believes in the economy of words. (c) 26 (d) 24
(c) He believes in restraining his thoughts. Sol. (a)
(d) He has hesitancy in his speech.
If we look at the given data, the total expenditure is
Sol. (a) always Rs. 2,400 If the price goes up to Rs 80 per
litre, the expected consumption would be 2,400/80
7. The most appropriate reason for the author to be
30 litres. The correct answer is option (a).
spared many a mishap is that
(a) he hardly utters or writes a thoughtless word. 11. Consider the figures given below :
(b) he is a man of immense patience.
(c) he believes that he is a spiritual person.
(d) he is a votary of truth.
To fit the question mark, the correct answer is:
Sol. (a)
The most appropriate reason why the author has
been spared a mishap is that he had never written a
thoughtless word. Option (a) is the best answer.
14. Four cardboard pieces of specific shapes are shown So, 40% = 40 marks
in the following figure : 100% = 100 marks
Total marks of the test = 100
Total number of questions = 100/10 = 10
The require answer is 10.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
(a) All four have family ties. 20. All good athletes want to win and all athletes who
(b) B is the shortest-among the four. want to win eat a well-balanced diet; therefore all
(c) C is taller than D. athletes who do not eat a well-balanced diet are
(d) A is B’s husband. bad athletes.
The best conclusion from this statement is that
Sol. (c)
(a) no bad athlete wants to win.
A is the tallest, hence has to be a male. (b) no athlete who does not eat a well-balanced
D is B’s brother, hence D is a male diet is a good athlete.
Therefore the women are B and C. (c) every athlete who eats a well-balanced diet is
a good athlete.
A cannot be D’S wife. Hence B is A’s wife. Therefore,
(d) all athletes who want to win are good
C is D’S wife.
Hence D is taller than C. Correct answer is option (c). Sol. (b)
18. Consider the following statements :
1. A man had a wife, two sons and two Directions for the following 8 (eight) items:
daughters in his family. Read the following seven passages and answer the items
2. The daughters were invited to a fest and the that follow. Your answers to these items should be based
male members of the family went out to take on the passages only.
part in a picnic.
Passage -1
3. The man’s father did not return from his
work. The richer States have a responsibility to cut down carbon
Which of the following statements is true? emissions and promote clean energy investments. These
(a) Only the man’s wife was left at home. are the States that got electricity, grew faster and now
(b) It is likely that the man’s wife was left at home. have high per capita income, making them capable of
(c) None was left at home. sharing India’s burden of becoming eco-friendly. Delhi,
(d) More than one person was left at home. for example, can help by generating its own clean
Sol. (b) electricity using solar rooftop panels or even help poor
States finance their clean energy projects. It is no secret
19. Geeta : Naresh has become a better boxer since he
that State Electricity Boards, which control 95% of the
started meditation.
distribution network, are neck-deep in losses. These
Radha : Impossible. A boxer’s most important asset losses further discourage State utilities from adopting
is his aggressiveness. renewable energy as it is more expensive than fossil
Radha’s statement reflects her belief that fuels.
(a) meditation tends to make a person less
21. Which among the following is the most logical
and ratwnal assumption that can be made from
(b) meditation has little or no effect on the person
the above passage?
who practises it.
(c) Naresh was a poor boxer earlier because he (a) The richer States must lead in the production
was not aggressive enough. and adoption of renewable energy.
(d) Naresh would not have taken to meditation (b) The poor States always have to depend on
as he was a boxer. rich States for electricity.
Sol. (a)
(c) The State Electricity Boards can improve their
Radha says that a boxer’s most important asset is
finances by undertaking clean energy
his aggressiveness and it is impossible that Naresh
becomes a better boxer because he has started
meditation. Hence, she believes that meditation (d) The high economic disparity between the rich
would tend to make a person less aggressive. The and poor States is the major cause of high
correct answer is option (a). carbon emissions in India.
(d) Our country is not taking advantage of the 26. What is the most logical, rational and crucial
demographic dividend to manage the message that is implied in the above passage?
problems associated with rapid urbanization. (a) MGNREGS should be extended only to those
Sol. (b) who have a bank account.
The theme of the passage is lack of a specialization (b) The paper-based system of payments is more
and professionalism within the municipal efficient than electronic payment in the
employees and understaffing in municipal present scenario.
corporations. Hence the correct answer is option (b). (c) The goal of electronic wage payments was not
to eliminate mediation by village leaders.
Passage - 5 (d) It is essential to provide financial literacy to
Flamingos in large flocks in the wild are social and the rural poor.
extremely loyal. They perform group mating dances.
Sol. (d)
Parents are very fond of their chicks, gathering them
into creches for protection while both males and females Though most of the passage discusses the result of
fly off to search for food. a study of MGNREGS, it is used as an example to
prove the disadvantages of financial illiteracy.
25. Which among the following is the most logical Hence the correct answer is option (d)
corollary to the above passage?
(a) Mass nesting in all species of birds is essential Passage- 7
to ensure complete survival of their offspring. Individuals, groups and leaders who promote human
(b) Only birds have the capacity to develop social development operate under strong institutional,
behaviour and thus can do mass nesting to structural and political constraints that affect policy
raise their chicks in safety. options. But experience suggests broad principles for
(c) Social behaviour in some species of birds
shaping an appropriate agenda for human development.
increases the odds of survival in an unsafe
One important finding from several decades of human
(d) All species of birds set up creches for their development experience is that focusing exclusively on
chicks to teach them social behaviour and economic growth is problematic. While we have good
loyalty. knowledge about how to advance health and education,
Sol. (c) the causes of growth are much less certain and growth is
The passage mentions that flamingos are social and often elusive. Further, an unbalanced emphasis on
how they protect the chicks. Hence option (c) is the growth is often associated with negative environmental
best answer. consequences and adverse distributional effects. The
experience of China, with its impressive growth record,
reflects these broader concerns and underlines the
Vast numbers of Indian citizens without bank accounts importance of balanced approaches that emphasize
live in rural areas, are financially and functionally
investments in the non-income aspects of human
illiterate, and have little experience with technology. A
research study was conducted in a particular area in
wJ::i.ich electronic wage payments in Mahatma Gandhi 27. With reference to the above passage, consider the
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme following statements :
(MGNREGS) are meant to go directly to the poor. It was 1. In developing countries, a strong institutional
observed that recipients often assume that the village framework is the only requirement for human
leader needs to mediate the process, as was the case development and policy options.
under the previous paper-based system. Among
2. Human development and economic growth
households under this research study area who claimed
are not always positively inter-related.
to have at least one bank account, over a third reported
still receiving MGNREGS wages in cash directly from a 3. Focusing only on human development
village leader. should be the goal of economic growth.
33. Shahid and Rohit start from the same point in Water in second glass = 1 – 1/4 = 3/4
opposite directions. After each 1 km, Shahid always So, the total water = 2/3 + 3/4 = 17/12
turns left and Rohit always turns right. Which of
Then ratio of milk and water = (7/12) : (17/12)
the following statements is correct?
Ratio of milk and water = 7 : 17
(a) After both have travelled 2 km, the distance
between them is 4 km. The required answer is 7 : 17.
(b) They meet after each has travelled 3km.
36. Out of 130 students appearing in an examination,
(c) They meet for the first time after each has
62 failed in English, 52 failed in Mathematics,
travelled 4 km.
whereas 24 failed in both English and Mathematics.
(d) They go on without ever meeting again.
The number of students who passed finally is
Sol. (b) (a) 40 (b) 50
(c) 55 (d) 60
Sol. (a)
34. In a 500 metres race, B starts 45 metres ahead of A, Correct answer is option (a).
but A wins the race while B is still 35 metres behind.
37. In a group of persons travelling in a bus, 6 persons
What is the ratio of the speeds of A to B assuming
can speak Tamil, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 can
that both start at the same time?
speak Gujarati. In that group none can speak any
(a) 25: 21 (b) 25: 20
other language. If 2 persons in the group can speak
(c) 5:3 (d) 5:7
two languages only and one person can speak all
Sol. (a)
he three languages, then how many persons are
According to the question in the time in which A there in the group?
covers 500 metres, B covers ; 500 – 45 – 35 = 420 (a) 21 (b) 22
metres. (c) 23 (d) 24
Ratio of distances; Sol. (c)
500 : 420 T=6 H = 15
25 : 21
3 2 12
Therefore ratio of speeds
The correct answer is option (a) 0 0
42. Which among the following is the most rational (d) Open defecation is a public health problem
and critical inference that can be made from the in all developing countries.
above passage? Sol. (c)
(a) Foregin portfolio investments are not good for The passage talks about the consequences of open
emerging economies. defecation such as malnourishment, mortality,
(b) Advanced economies undermine the global stunted growth of babies. This has an impact on
financial stability. the efficiency of labour_ The passage does not talk
(c) India should desist from accepting foreign about lack of resources at the Centre and the other
portfolio investments in the future. developing countries. Hence option (c) is the most
(d) Emerging economies are at a risk of shock from correct answer.
advanced economies.
Sol. (d) Passage - 4
We generally talk about democracy but when it comes to
The passage talks about increasing participation
any particular thing, we prefer a belonging to our caste or
of Portfolio investments in emerging economies that
community or religion. So long as we have this kind of
propel growth. Hence an event adversely impacting
the global financial stability will have major temptation, our democracy will remain a phoney kind of
implications for these emerging economies as well. democracy. We must be in a position to respect a man as
However the passage does not recommend that this a man and to extend opportunities for development to those
situation should be reversed. Hence the most correct who deserve them and not to those who happen to belong
answer is option (d). to our community or race. This fact of favouritism has
been responsible for much discontent and ill-will i:r1 our
Passage-3 country.
Open defecation 1s disastrous when practised in very
densely populated areas, where it is impossible to keep 44. Which one of the following statements bestsums
away human faeces from crops, wells, food and up the above passage?
children's hands. Groundwater is also contaminated by (a) Our country has a lot of diversity with its
open defecation. Many ingested genns and worms many castes, communities and religions.
spread diseases. They prevent the body from absorbing (b) True democracy could be established by
calories and nutrients. Nearly one~half of India's providing equal opportunities to all.
children remain malnourished. Lakhs of them die from (c) So far none of us have actually understood
preventable conditions. Diarrhoea leaves Indians’ the meaning of democracy.
bodies smaller on average than those of people m some (d) It will never be possible for us to establish
poorer countries ‘!Nhere people eat fewer calories. truly democratic governance in our country.
Underweight mothers produce stunted babies prone to Sol. (b)
sickness who may fail to develop their full cognitive The theme of this passage is that providing equal
potential. The germs released into environment harm opportunities for all should be the basic function of
rich and poor alike, even those who use latrines. a democracy. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
43. Which among the following is the most critical Passage - 5
inference that can be made from the above The existence/establishment of formal financial
passage? institutions that offer safe. reliable, and alternative
(a) The Central and State governments in India financial instruments is fundamental in mobilising
do not have enough resources to afford a savings. To save, individuals need access to safe and
latrine for each household. reliable financial institutions, such as banks, and to
(b) Open defecation is the most important public appropriate financial instruments and reasonable
health problem of India. financial incentives. Such access is not always available
{ c) Open defecation reduces the human capital to all people in developing countries like India and more
of India's workforce. so, in rural areas. Savings help poor households manage
(d) The expenditure on food by Family A and (c) There is no solution in sight for the problems
Family B cannot be compared. of continuing poverty and inflation in India
Sol. (c) in the near future.
The expenditure is as follows (d) Economic reforms can often create a high
inflation economy.
Sol. (d)
According to the passage economic reforms have
resulted in an increase in prices and a high inflation.
The effort to reduce subsidies is just one of the many
causes for high inflation. Hence the most crucial
60. Usha runs faster than Kamala, Priti runs slower message of the passage is given in option (d) which
than Swati, Swati runs slower than Kamala. Who brings out the relation between economic reforms
is the slowest runner? and price rise.
(a) Kamala (b) Priti
Passage - 2
(c) Swati (d) Usha
No Eight is absolute, exclusive or inviolable. The Right
Sol. (b)
of personal property, similarly, has to be perceived in
The runners is descending speeds are Usha,
the larger context of its assumed legitimacy. The Right
Kamala, Swati and Priti. The slowest runner is Priti
of personal property should unite the principle of liberty
and the correct answer is option (b)
with that of equality, and both with the principle of
Directions for the following 7 (seven) items : cooperation.
Read the following four passages and answer the items
62. In the light of the argument in the above passage,
that follow. Your answers to these items should be based
on the passages only. which one of the following statements is the most
convincing explanation?
Passage - 1 (a) The Right of personal property is a Natural
India has suffered from persistent high inflation. Right duly supported by statutes and
Increase in administered prices, demand and supply scriptures.
imbalances, imported inflation aggravated by rupee (b) Personal property is a theft and an instrument
depreciation, and speculation - have combined to keep of exploitation. The Right of personal
high inflation going. If there is an element common to property is therefore violative of economic
all of them, it is that many of them are the outcomes of justice.
economic reforms. India's vulnerability to the effects of (c) The Right of personal property is violative of
changes in international prices has increased with trade distributive justice and negates the principle
liberalisation. The effort to reduce subsidies has resulted of cooperation,
in a continuous increase in the prices of commodities (d) The comprehensive idea of economic justice
that are administered. demands that the Right of each person to
61. What is the most logical, rational and crucial acquisition of property has to be reconciled
message that is implied in the above passage? with that of others.
(a) Under the present circumstances, India Sol. (d)
should completely avoid all trade Option (a) goes directly against what is mentioned
liberalisation policies and all subsidies. in the passage. Option (b) is an exaggeration. The
(b) Due to its peculiar socio-economic situation, passage talks about individual rights uniting with
India is not yet ready for trade liberalisation the broader idea of equality. Option (d) is the most
process, suitable answer.
Select the correct answer using the code given Sol. (c)
below : The correct answer is option (c).
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 70. The monthly incomes of Peter and Paul are in the
Sol. (a) ratio of 4 : 3. Their expenses are in the ratio of 3 : 2.
If each saves 6,000 at the end of the month, their
The passage clearly mentions that “domestic
monthly incomes respectively are (in W)
finances are expected to fall short of the current and
projected needs of the developing countries.” (a) 24,000 and 18,000
Hence, statement 1 is correct. No mention is made (b) 28,000 and 21,000
about the capacity of the developing countries in (c) 32,000 and 24,000
multilateral trade.
(d) 34,000 and 26,000
Statement 2 is wrong and the correct answer is
Sol. (a)
option (a)
Check from the options.
67. Which one of the following is essentially
In option (a) the expenses ar 8,000 and 12,000 which
discussed in the passage?
is in the ration 3:2_ Hence option (a) is the correct
(a) Conflict between developed and developing
countries regarding support for mitigation
(b) Occurrence of climate change due to excessive 71. Two cities A and B are 360 km apart. A car goes
exploitation of natural resources by the from A to B with a speed of 40 km/hr and returns
developed countries to A with a speed of 60 km/hr. What is the average
(c) Lack of political will on the part of all the speed of the car?
countries to implement adaptation plans
(.a) 45 km/hr (b) 48 km/hr
(d) Governance problems of developing countries
(c) 50 km/hr (d) 55 km/hr
as a result of climate change
Sol. (c) Sol. (b)
The passage s out the contrast in developed and Using the formula the average speed would be
developing countries with regard to climate change. 2 x 40 x 60/40 + 60 km/hr
Hence the best answer is option (c). Hence the correct answer is option (b).
68. Between 6 PM and 7 PM the minute hand of a Directions for the following 2 (two) items :
clock will be ahead of the hour hand by 3 minutes at
Read the following passage and answer the 2 (two) items
(a) 6 : 15 PM (b) 6 : 18 PM
that follow:
(c) 6 : 36 PM (d) 6 ; 48 PM
Sol. (c) A, B, C, D, E and F are cousins. No two cousins are of the
same age, but all have birthdays on the same day of the
At 6-15 and 6:18 the minutes hand will be behind
same month. The youngest is 17 years old and the oldest
the hours hand. Options (a) and (b) are eliminated.
E is 22 years old. F is somewhere between B and D in age.
At 6: 48 the minutes hand would be at least 9
A is older than B. C is older than D. A is one year older
minutes ahead of the hours hand. The only option
than C.
possible is option (c).
72. Which one of the following is possible?
69. There are 5 tasks and 5 persons. Task-1 cannot be (a) D is 20 years old (b) F is 18 years old
assigned to either person-1, or person-2. Task-2 (c) F is 19 years old (d) F is 20 years old
must be assigned to either person-3 or person-4.
Every person is to be assigned one task. In how 73. What is the number of logically possible orders of
many ways can the assignment be done? all six cousins in terms of increasing age?
(a) 6 (b) 12 (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 24 (d) 144 (c) 3 (d) 4
Each male or each female will shake hands with Sol. (d)
each of the member of the opposite sex. Option (d) is the correct answer.
The total number of handshakes = M × F = 24
77. A cow costs more than 4 goats but less than
Possibilities for the number of males and females in 5 goats. If a goat costs between Rs. 600 and
the society (not necessarily in the same order) = Rs. 800, which of the following is a most valid
(2, 12), (3, 8), (4, 6), (1, 24) conclusion?
In case of (2, 12) the number of hugs would be = (a) A cow costs more than Rs. 2,500.
2C + 12C = 2!(2!x1) + 12!/(2!x10! = 1 + 66 = 67
2 2
(b) A cow costs less than Rs. 3,600.
Clearly, it is not in the option.
(c) A cow costs between Rs. 2,600 and Rs 3,800.
In case of (3, 8), the number of hugs would be = 3C2
+ 8C2 = 3!/2!x1) + 8!/(2!x6! = 3 + 28 = 31 (d) A cow costs between Rs. 2,400 and Rs. 4,000.
In case of (4, 6), the numbero f hugs would be = 4C2 Minimum cost of 4 goats = Rs_ 2,400
+ 6C2 = 4!/(2!x2!) + 6!(2!x4!) = 6 + 15 = 21 Maximum cost of 5 goats = Rs_ 4,000
Clearly, it is one of the options. Hence option (d) is the correct answer.
The correct answer is option (c). 78. A society consists of only two types of people -
75. Two men, Anil and David, and two women, fighters and cowards. Two cowards are always
Shabnam and Rekha are in a sales group. Only friends. A fighter and a coward are always enemies.
two speak Tamil. The other two speak Marathi. Fighters are indifferent to one another. If A and B
Only one man and one woman can drive a car. are enemies, C and D are friends, E and F are
Shabnam speaks Marathi. Anil speaks Tamil. Both indifferent to each other, A and E are not enemies,
Rekha and David can drive. while B and F are enemies.
Which of the following statements is correct? 80. Candidates in a competitive examination consisted
(a) B, C and F are cowards. of 60% men and 40% women. 70% men and 75%
women cleared the qualifying test and entered the
(b) A, E and F are fighters. final test where 80% men and 70% women were
(c) B and E are in the same category. successful.
(d) A and F are in different categories. Which of the following statements is correct?
According to the information given in the question. (b) Overall success rate is below 50%.
(c) More men cleared the examination than
Fighters -A, E and F
Towards - C, D and B
(d) Both (a) and (b) above are correct.
Hence the correct answer is option (b).
Sol. (c)
79. In a box of marbles, there are three less white Let the total number of students be x
marbles than the red ones and five more white
Number of men = 0.6x; number of women = 0.4x
marbles than the green ones. If there are a total of
10 white marbles, how many marbles are there in Men clearing the qualifying test = 0.7 × 0.6 × 0.42x
the box? Women clearing the qualifying test 0.75 × 0.4x ×
(a) 26 (b) 28 0.30x
(c) 32 (d) 36 Men clearing the final test 0.8 × 0.42x × 0.336x
Sol. (b) Women clearing the final test = 0.7 × 0.3 × 0.2x
Total number of white marbles 10 The success rate for men is marginally higher than
women. Option (a) is wrong.
Number of red marbles 10+3= 13
Overall success rate is above 50% Option (b) is
Number of green marbles 10-5=5 wrong.
Hence total number of marbles 28 More men cleared the examination than women.
The correct answer is option (b). Option (c) is correct.
Previous Year
CSAT : 2016 Solved Papers
Passage - 8
About 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions
come from agricultural practices. This includes nitrous
oxide fertilizers; methane from livestock, rice production,
and manure storage; and carbon dioxide (CO2) from
burning biomass, but this excludes CO2 emissions from
soil management practices, savannah burning and OB = 169 .
deforestation. Foresty and use, and land-use change
account for another percent of greenhouse gas emissions This means OB = 13 km
each ear, three quarters of which come from tropical Hence, obtion (b) is correct.
deforestation. The remainder is largely from draining and
10. An agricultural field is in the form of a rectangle
burning tropical peatland. About the same amount of
having length x1 meters and breadth x2 meters (x1
carbon is stored in the world’s peatlands as is stored in
and x2 are variable). If x1 + x2 = 40 meters, then the
the Amazon rainforest.
area of the agricultural field will not exceed which
8. Which among the following is the most logical and one of the following values?
rational inference that can be made from the above (a) 400 sq m (b) 300 sq m
passage? (c) 200 sq m (d) 80 sq m
DO 32 4 2 25 = 5 kms
FRACTION will be written as CARFNOIT. 24. What is the critical message conveyed by the above
22. If R and S are different integers both divisible by 5,
(a) Our increasing demand for foods sourced
then which of the following is not necessarily true?
from animals puts a greater burden on our
(a) R - S is divisible by 5
natural resources
(b) R + S is divisible by 10
(c) R x S is divisible by 25 (b) Diets based on grains, nuts, fruits and
vegetables are best suited for health in
(d) R2 + S2 is divisible by 5
developing countries
Sol. (b)
(c) Human beings change their food habits from
If R and S are multiple of 5, then R + S may or may
time to time irrespective of the health concerns
not be divisible by 10. To solve such questions,
(d) From a global perspective, we still do not
always take actual values and check. For example,
know which type of diet is best for us
if R = 20 and S = 15. You will see that only (b) is
correct. Sol. (a)
The passage is not about developing countries
23. How many numbers are there between 100 and alone. It is about the fact that growth of population
300 which either begin with or end with 2? in developing countries and their choice of meat
(a) 110 (b) 111 and milk as food will affect the entire world’s
(c) 112 (d) None of the above resources. Hence, options (c) and (d) are wrong.
Sol. (a) Option (b) speaks only about developing nations,
Between 100 and 300, the number of numbers hence ruled out. Best answer is option (a). It is the
ending with 2 will be most critical message conveyed.
26. In the above statement, the author implies that: Option (b) is clearly wrong because of “solely
(a) the entire national output produced and responsible”. Various natural processes like
volcanoes do so too. Option (c) is overlooking the
consumed in industrialized countries passes
interdependence of these factors. Option (a) is not
through commercial channels
wrong, but is a fact, not a corollary (a proposition
(b) the existence of a non-commercialized sector
that follows from one already proved). Option (d) is
in different underdeveloped countries renders
the best corollary. As green cover grows, more
the national income comparisons over carbon trapped in soil will be released.Hence option
countries difficult (d) is correct.
Passage - 5 So options (a), (c) and (d) are wrong. Best answer is
Historically, the biggest Challenge to world agriculture option (b). Surely, the passage does mention that
has been to achieve a balance between demand for and price affordability by poor, and marketing
supply of food. At the level of individual countries, the regulation is important.
demand-supply balance can be a critical issue for a closed
29. According to the above passage, the biggest
economy, especially if it is a populous economy and its
challenge to world agriculture is:
domestic agriculture is not growing sufficiently enough
(a) to find sufficient land for agriculture and to
to ensure food supplies, on an enduring basis; it is not so
expand food processing industries
much and not always, of a constraint for an open, and
(b) to eradicate hunger in underdeveloped
growing economy, which has adequate exchange
surplues to buy food abroad. For the world as a whole,
(c) to achieve a balance between the production
Supply-demand balance is always an inescapable
of food and non-food items
prerequisite for warding off hunger and starvation.
(d) to achieve a balance between demand for and
However, global availability of adequate supply does
supply of food
not necessarily mean that food would automatically
move from countries of surplus to of deficit if the latter Sol. (d)
lack in purchasing power. The uneven distribution of Options (a) and (c) can be ruled out right away.
Inoger, starvation, under or malnourishment, etc., at the Option (b) mentions a fact that is not a challenge to
world-level, thus owes itself to the presence of empty- world agriculture, but to its management. Option
pocket hungry mouths, overwhelmingly confined to the (d) is the key idea. Hence option (d) is the correct
underdeveloped economies. Inasmuch as ‘a two-square answer.
meal’ is of elemental significance to basic human
30. According to the above passage, which of the
existence, the issue of worldwide supply` of food has
following helps/help in reducing hunger and
been gaining significance, in recent times, both because
starvation in the developing economies ?
the quantum and the composition of demand has been
1. Balancing demand and supply of food
undergoing big changes, and because, in recent years,
2. Increasing imports of food
the capailities individual countries to generate
uninterrupted chain of food supplies have come under 3. creasing purchasing power of the poor
strain. Food production, marketing and prices, especially 4. Changing the food consumption patterns and
price-affordability by the poor in the developing world, practices
have become global issues that need global thinking and Select the correct answer using the code given
global solutions. below:
(a) 1 only
28. According to the above passage, which of, the (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
following are the fundamental solutions for the (c) 1 and 3 only
world food security problem? (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
1. Setting up more agro-based industries Sol. (c)
2. Improving the price affordability by the poor
Statement 4 is not mentioned as a definite policy
3. Regulating the conditions of marketing
goal. So options (b) and (d) are eliminated. Both 1
4. Providing food subsidy to one and all
and 3 are clearly stated. Hence option (c) is the
Select the correct answer using the code given
correct answer.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 only 31. The issue of worldwide supply of food has gained
(c) 1, 3 an 4 only (d) 1, 2, and 4 importance mainly because of:
Sol. (b) 1. overgrowth of the population worldwide
The passage does not talk about setting up more 2. sharp decline in the area of food production
agro based industries. So statement 1 is wrong. 3. limitation in the capabilities for sustained
Similarly, 4 is wrong as subsidies are not mentioned. supply of food
Therefore, Z will complete the work first. 39. A round archery target of diameter 1 m is marked
with four scoring regions from the centre outwards
37. The average monthly income of a person in a as red, blue, yellow and white. The radius of the
certain family of 5 is Rs. 10,000. What will be the red band is 0.20 m. The width of all the remaining
average monthly income of a person in the same bands is equal. If archers throw arrows towards
family if the income of one person increased by Rs. the target, what is the probability, that the arrows
1,20,000 per year? fall in the red region of the archery target?
(a) Rs. 12,000 (b) Rs. 16,000 (a) 0.40 (b) 0.20
(c) Rs. 20,000 (d) Rs. 34,000 (c) 0.16 (d) 0.04
3. Lack of proper service benefits in civil services (a) Better job security and safeguards.
4. Lack of Constitutional provisions to define (b) Supervision by Central Vigilance
the respective roles of professional civil Commission.
services vis-a-vis political executive in this (c) Judicial review of executive decisions.
context (d) Seeking accountability through enhanced
Select the correct answer using the code given participation by people in decision making
below : process.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only Sol. (d)
(c) 1 and 4 only (d) 2, 3 and 4 The key word is internal here. Only option (d) is
Sol. (c) correct.
Theme - Civil services and accountability issues - - Passage - 2
Only option (d) sounds sensible, complete and not
extreme. Option (a) is wrong. Option (b) is not In general, religious traditions stress our duty to god, or
mentioned anywhere. Option (c) is wrong. Hence to some universal ethical principle. Our duties to one
option (d) is correct. another derive from these. The religious concept of rights
is primarily derived from our relationship to this divinity
42. With reference to the passage, the following or principle and the implication it has on our other
assumptions have been made : relationships. This correspondence between rights and
1. Political executive is an obstacle to the duties is critical to any further understanding of justice.
accountability of the civil services to the But, for justice to be practiced; rights and duties cannot
remain formal abstraction. They must be grounded in a
2. In the present framework of Indian polity, the
community (common unity) bound together by a sense
political executive is no longer accountable
of common union (communion). Even as a personal
to the society
virtue, this solidarity is essential to the practice and
Which of these assumptions is/are valid?
understanding of justice.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 45. With reference to the passage, the following
Sol. (a) assumptions have been made :
Statement 1 is correct, and is not explicitly stated, 1. Human relationships are derived from their
but assumed. So it becomes the correct assumption. religious traditions
2. Human beings can be duty bound only if they
43. Which one of the following is the essential
believe in god
message implied by this passage?
3. Religious traditions are essential to practice
(a) Civil services are not accountable to the society
they are serving and understand justice
(b) Educated and enlightened persons are not Which of these assumption(s) is/are valid?
taking up political leadership (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) The framers of the Constitution did not (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
envisage the problems being encountered by Sol. (a)
the civil services The last line makes Assumption 3 invalid. So all
(d) There is a need and scope for reforms to options are eliminated, except (a) which is the best
improve the accountability of civil services answer.
Sol. (d)
46. Which one of the following is the crux of this
Option (d) is clearly implied in the paragraph.
Option (a) is a fact stated (not implied). Option (b)
is not stated. Clearly, option (d) is the correct answer. (a) Our duties to one another derive from our
religious traditions
44. According to the passage, which one of the
following is not a method of enhancing internal (b) Having relationship to the divine principle is
accountability of civil services? a great virtue
P and S are unmarried students (hence not professionals), Person Profession Marital status Gender
T a married man (so there is a female in this group), Q is P Student Unmarried M/F
brother of P, R is not a doctor. Q is neither a doctor nor an Q Lawyer Unmarried M
artist, so he must be a lawyer. R must be an Artist, so T R Artist Married F
should be a doctor (because P and S are students). S Student Unmarried M/F
T Doctor Married M
55. Who is the doctor?
(a) T (b) P 59. Who of the following is definitely a man?
(c) Q (d) R (a) P (b) S
Sol. (a) (c) Q (d) None of the above
Sol. (c)
Person Profession Marital status Gender
Person Profession Marital status Gender
P Student Unmarried M/F
P Student Unmarried M/F
Q Lawyer Unmarried M
Q Lawyer Unmarried M
R Artist Married F
R Artist Married F
S Student Unmarried M/F
S Student Unmarried M/F
T Doctor Married M
T Doctor Married M
56. Who is the artist? Q is the “brother” of P.
(a) P (b) Q
60. There is an order of 19000 quantity of a particular
(c) R (d) T
product from a customer. The firm produces 1000
Sol. (c)
quantity of that product per day out of which 5%
Person Profession Marital status Gender are unfit for sale. In how many days will the order
P Student Unmarried M/F be completed?
Q Lawyer Unmarried M (a) 18 (b) 19
R Artist Married F (c) 20 (d) 22
S Student Unmarried M/F Sol. (c)
T Doctor Married M Firm produces 1000 quantity per day of which 5%
are unfit.
57. Who is the spouse of R? So fit quantity = 1000 - 50 = 950 per day.
(a) P (b) T So effectively the firm is producing 950 quantities /
(c) Q (d) S day.
Hence, it would take 20 days to produce 19000 1. Lack of sustainable supply of biomass
quantities. 2. Biomass production competes with food
(20 x 950 = 19000) production 3. Bio-energy may not always be
Directions for the following 5 (five) items: low carbon on a life-cycle basis
Read the following two passages and answer the items Select the correct answer using the code given
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items below:
should be based on the passages only. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
Biomass as fuel for power, heat, and transport has the Sol. (d)
highest mitigation potential of all renewable sources. It All the three constraints are mentioned in the
comes from agriculture and forest residues as well as passage. Hence, correct answer is (d).
from energy crops. The biggest challenge in using 62. Which of the following can lead to food security
biomass residues is a long-term reliable supply delivered problem?
to the power plant at reasonable costs; the key problems
1. Using agricultural and forest residues as
are logistical constraints and the costs of fuel collection.
feedstock for power generation
Energy crops, if not managed properly, compete with
food production and may have undesirable impacts on 2. Using biomass for carbon capture and storage
food prices. Biomass production is also sensitive to the 3. Promoting the cultivation of energy crops
physical impacts of a changing climate. Select the correct answer using the code given
Projections of the future role of biomass are probably below:
overestimated, given the limits to the sustainable biomass (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
supply, unless breakthrough technologies substantially
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
increase productivity. Climate-energy models project that
biomass use could increase nearly four-fold to around Sol. (b)
150 — 200 exajoules, almost a quarter of world primary The fifth line of first paragraph says “Energy crops
energy in 2050. However the maximum sustainable compete with food production and have an impact
technical potential of biomass resources (both residues on prices.” Hence only statement 3 is correct.
and energy crops) without disruption of food and forest 63. In the context of using biomass, which of the
resources ranges from 80 — 170 exajoules a year by 2050, following is/are the characteristic/characteristics
and only part of this is realistically and economically of the sustainable production of biofuel?
feasible. In addition, some climate models rely on
1. Biomass as a fuel for power generation could
biomass-based carbon capture and storage, an unproven
meet all the primary energy requirements of
technology, to achieve negative emissions and to buy
the world by 2050
some time during the first half of the century.
2. Biomass as a fuel for power generation does
Some liquid biofuels such as corn-based ethanol, mainly
not necessarily disrupt food and forest
for transport, may aggravate rather than ameliorate
carbon emissions on a life-cycle basis. Second generation
biofuels, based on ligno-cellulosic feedstocks — such as 3. Biomass as a fuel for power generation could
straw, bagasse, grass and wood — hold the promise of help in achieving negative emissions, given
sustainable production that is high-yielding and emit certain nascent technologies
low levels of greenhouse gases, but these are still in the R Select the correct answer using the code given
& D stage. below:
61. What is/are the present constraint/constraints in (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
using biomass as fuel for power generation? (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Let total number of students in the class be N. So, N 2. Either C and D are of the same age or D is
2 = 441 older than C
73. The monthly average salary paid to all the Six boxes A, B, C, D, E and F have been painted with six
employees of a company was Rs. 5000. The different colours viz., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow
monthly average salary paid to male and female and orange and arranged from left to right (not
employees was Rs. 5200 and Rs. 4200 respectively. necessarily either kept or painted with the colours in the
Then the percentage of males employed in the same order). Each box contains a ball of any one of the
company is following six games: cricket, hockey, tennis, golf, football
(a) 75% (b) 80% and volleyball (not necessarily in the same order). The
(c) 85% (d) 90%
golf ball is in violet box and is not in the box D. The box
Sol. (b) A which contains tennis ball is orange in colour and is
Let the total number of male employees be M & that at the extreme right. The hockey ball is neither in box D
of female be F. nor in box E. The box C having cricket ball is painted
Total salary (males) = Rs 5200 x M green. The hockey ball is neither in the box painted blue
Total salary (females) = Rs 4200 x F nor in the box painted yellow. The box C is fifth from
So, we have 5200M + 4200F = 5000 (M+F) right and next to box B. The box B contains volleyball.
Solving, we get 200M = 800F The box containing the hockey ball is between the boxes
containing golf ball and volleyball.
Hence, M = 4F.
Percentage of males employed = 4F/5F *100 = 80 %. 75. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
Direction for the following 3 (three) items: Consider (a) D is painted yellow
the given -formation and answer the three items that
(b) F is painted indigo
Six boxes A, B, C, D, E and F have been painted with six (c) B is painted blue
different colours viz., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow (d) All of the above
and orange and arranged from left to right (not
necessarily either kept or painted with the colours in the Sol. (b)
same order). Each box contains a ball of any one of the Direction for the following 3 (three) items: Consider
following six games: cricket, hockey, tennis, golf, football
the given -formation and answer the three items that
and volleyball (not necessarily in the same order). The
golf ball is in violet box and is not in the box D. The box
A which contains tennis ball is orange in colour and is Six boxes A, B, C, D, E and F have been painted with six
at the extreme right. The hockey ball is neither in box D different colours viz., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow
nor in box E. The box C having cricket ball is painted and orange and arranged from left to right (not
green. The hockey ball is neither in the box painted blue necessarily either kept or painted with the colours in the
nor in the box painted yellow. The box C is fifth from same order). Each box contains a ball of any one of the
right and next to box B. The box B contains volleyball. following six games: cricket, hockey, tennis, golf, football
The box containing the hockey ball is between the boxes and volleyball (not necessarily in the same order). The
containing golf ball and volleyball. golf ball is in violet box and is not in the box D. The box
77. Two numbers X and Y are respectively 20% and So, a = 4 cm. (c)
28% less than a third number Z. By what
80. In a. question paper there are five questions to be
percentage is the number Y less than the number
attempted and answer to each question has two
X? choices - True (T) or False (F). It is given that no
(a) 12% (b) 10% two candidates have given the answers to the five
questions in an identical sequence. For this to
(c) 9% (d) 8%
happen the maximum number of candidates is:
Sol. (b) (a) 10 (b) 18
Let third number Z be 100. (c) 26 (d) 32
Sol. (d)
Therefore X will be 80 & Y will be 72.
List the total number of cases which are distinct
Hence Y is 10% less than X. (b) from each other.
78. A daily train is to be introduced between station A Such cases will be 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 25 (basic
and station B starting from each end at 6 AM and counting property)
the journey is to be completed in 42 hours. What is In all these cases, no two candidates have marked
the number of trains needed in order to maintain answers identically.
the Shuttle Service? Hence, Maximum number of candidates is 25 = 32
Previous Year
CSAT : 2017 Solved Papers
low productivity in India, not high. Option (c) is says, though starting with landscape-based
the best that can be inferred logically – this is what approach that encourages biodiversity, etc. Option
we should do now as a nation to absorb agri (b) is wrong as it’s the reverse of what the passage
workforce, and improve agriculture itself. Option tells. Option (c) is wrong as the first statement itself
(d) is wrong, as other nations’ experience suggests talks about “outside protected areas”. Option (d) is
otherwise. Best answer is (c). wrong as this is not discussed. Best answer is (a).
Passage-3 Passage-4
A landscape-scale approach to land use can encourage The medium term challenge for Indian manufacturing is
greater biodiversity outside cdected areas. During to move from lower to higher tech sectors, from lower to
hurricane ‘Mitch’ in 1998, farms using ecoagricultural higher value-added sectors, and from lower to higher
practices suffered 58 percent, 70 percent and 99 percent productivity sectors. Medium tech industries are
less damage in Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala, primarily capital intensive and resource processing; and
respectively, than farms using conventional techniques. high tech industries are mainly capital and technology
In Costa, vegetative windbreaks and fencerows boosted intensive. In order to push the share of manufacturing in
farmers’ income from pasture and coffee while also overall GDP to the projected 25 per cent, Indian
increasing birdopen in browser PRO version Are you a manufacturing needs to capture the global market in
developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API pdfcrowd.com sectors showing a rising trend in demand. These sectors
diversity. Bee pollination is more effective when are largely high technology and capital intensive.
agricultural fields are closer to natural or seminatural
4. Which among the following is the most logical and
habitat, a finding that matters because 87 percent of the
rational inference that can be made from the above
world’s 107 leading crops depend on animal pollinators.
In Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Colombia silvopastoral
(a) India’s GDP displays high value-added and
systems t tint integrate trees with pastureland are
high productivity levels in medium tech and
improving the sustainability of cattle production, and
resource processing industries.
diversifying and increasing farmers’ income.
(b) Promotion of capital and technology intensive
3. Which among the following is the most logical and manufacturing is not possible in India.
rational inference that can be made from the above (c) India should push up the public investments
passage? and encourage the private investments in
(a) Agricultural practices that enhance research and development, technology
biodiversity can often increase farm output upgradation and skill development.
and reduce the vulnerability to disasters. (d) India has already gained a great share in
(b) All the countries of the world should be global markets in sectors showing a rising
encouraged to replace ecoagriculture with trend in demand.
conventional agriculture. Sol. (c)
(c) Ecoagriculture should be permitted in Option (a) is factually wrong, as per the passage.
protected areas without destroying the Medium tech ones are not high value-added ones.
biodiversity there. Option (b) is not wrong as that is what is being
(d) The yield of food crops will be very high if suggested. Option (c) is the only one going with the
ecoagricultural practices are adopted to passage. Option (d) is wrong as we are yet to achieve
cultivate them. that. Best answer is (c).
Sol. (a)
The passage tells us that land use (in farming) must
be as per the physical landscape properties, if Over the last decade, Indian agriculture has become more
disaster impacts are to be contained. Option (a) is robust with record production of food grains and oilseeds.
correct, as it says “agri practices that enhance Increased procurement, consequently, has added huge
biodiversity can increase output”. Passage also of food grains in the granaries. India is one of the world’s
(b) A strong Centre is a binding force for national So, x(1) + x(2) ...x(4) = 1.6 inch ...(1)
integrity. Also, rainfall of 5th day to 6th day bear a ratio of
(c) A strong Centre is a hindrance to State 4 : 3.
autonomy. So, they will be x(5) = 4x, and x(6)= 3x.
(d) State autonomy is a prerequisite for a So according to second data – [ x(1) + x(2) + x(3) +
federation. x(4) + x(5) + x(6) ] / 6 = 0.5 inch
So, x(1) + x(2) + ....+ x(5) + x(6) = 3 inch ...(2) 11. Who of the following belongs to Hyderabad?
(a) B
Now put equation (1) in equation (2). That gives
(b) E
x(5)+ x(6) = 3 - 1.6 = 1.4 inch.
(c) Neither B nor E
Now put values of x(5) and x(6) according to ratio (d) Cannot be determined as data are inadequate
given. So, 4x + 3x = 1.4. Or, x = 0.2. So x(5) = 4x = 0.8 Sol. (b)
inch. Answer is (c).
Let us first try to assign the lecturers their residence
Directions for the following 3 (three) items : Consider places :
the given information and answer the three items that
D – Shillong, F – Srinagar (commerce), C – Delhi
follow. (sociology), G – Chennai(stats)
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are Lecturers from different cities— Now let us see case of A – He/She is not from
Hyderabad, Delhi, Shillong, Kanpur, Chennai, Mumbai Hyderabad (given) so only possible places are
and Srinagar (not necessarily in the same order) who Mumbai or Kanpur.
participated in a conference. Each one of them is
But the Lecturer from Kanpur is specialized in
specialized in a different subject, viz., Economics, Geography. So A is from Mumbai (he is specialized
Commerce, History, Sociology, Geography, Mathematics in Economics).
and Statistics (not necessarily in the same order).Further
So, the answer of Q.10 is (b) Mumbai.
1. Lecturer from Kanpur is specialized in Geography
Now from the remaining subjects : As A-Economics,
2. Lecturer D is from Shillong C-Sociology, F-Commerce, G-Stats, hence only
3. Lecturer C from Delhi is specialized in Sociology possible subjects are History, Geography and Maths.
4. Lecturer B is specialized in neither History nor Now as B is not specialized in either History or
Mathematics Mathematics.
He is Specialized in Geography. So answer of Q.9
5. Lecturer A who is specialized in Economics does
is (a).
not belong to Hyderabad
Now, A- Mumbai , B-Kanpur (given), C- Delhi, D-
6. Lecturer F who is specialized in Commerce belongs
Shillong, F-Srinagar, G-Chennai. So the only one
to Srinagar
remaining is E from Hyderabad. So the answer of
7. Lecturer G who is specialized in Statistics belongs Q.11 is (b).
to Chennai
12. In a school, there are five teachers A, B, C, D and E.
9. Who is specialized in Geography?
A and B teach Hindi and English. C and B teach
(a) B English and Geography. D and A teach
(b) D Mathematics and Hindi. E and B teach History
and French. Who teaches maximum numb, of
(c) E
(d) Cannot be determined as data are inadequate (a) A (b) B
Sol. (a) (c) D (d) E
Sol. (b)
10. To which city does the Lecturer specialized in
We have to prepare a simple table, as shown below.
Economics belong?
It is an easy question and can be cracked in a minute.
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Mumbai
(c) Neither Hyderabad nor Mumbai
(d) Cannot be determined as data are inadequate
Sol. (b) As B teaches the most subjects.
18. If the route between G and C is closed, which one So total number of cases = 7. Hence, answer is (d) –
of the following stations need not be passed None of the above.
through while travelling from H to C?
20. What is the total number of digits printed, if a book
(a) E (b) D
containing 150 pages is to numbered from 1 to 150?
(c) A (d) B
(a) 262 (b) 342
Sol. (c)
(c) 360 (d) 450
Let us jot down all the possible portals. (Key – ‘–’
Sol. (b)
means one-way, ‘=’ means two-way)
Pages pritned are from 1 to 150.
Total digits from pages 1 to 9 = 9.
Total digits from pages 10 to 99 = 90 x 2 = 180.
Total digits from pages 100 to 150 = 51 x 3 = 153.
Hence, sum of all digits = 342.
There has been a significant trend worldwide towards We live in digital times. The digital is not just something
regionalism in government, resulting in a widespread we use strategically and specifically to do a few tasks.
transfer of powers downwards towards regions and Our very perception of who we are, how we connect to
communities since 1990s. This process, which involves the world around us, and the ways in which we define
the creation of new political entities and bodies at a sub- our domains of life, labour and language are hugely
structured by the digital technologies. The digital is
national level and an increase in their content and
everywhere and; like air, invisible. We live within digital
powers, is known as devolution. Devolution has been
systems, we live with intimate gadgets, we interact
characterized as being made up of three factors—political
through digital media, and the very presence and
legitimacy, decentralization of authority and
imagination of the digital has dramatically restructured
decentralization of resources. Political legitimacy here our lives. The digital, far from being a tool, is a condition
means a mass demand from below for the and context that defines the shapes and boundaries of
decentralization process, which is able to create a our understanding of the self, the society, and the
political force for it to take place. In many cases, structure of governance.
decentralization is initiated by the upper tier of
23. Which among the following is the most logical and
government without sufficient political mobilization for
essential message conveyed by the above passage?
it at the grassroots level, and in such cases the
(a) All problems of governance can be solved by
decentralization process often does not fulfil its objectives. using digital technologies.
22. Which among the following is the most logical, (b) Speaking of digital technologies is speaking
rational and critical inference that can be made of our life and living.
(c) Our creativity and imagination cannot be
from the above passage?
expressed without digital media.
(a) Emergence of powerful mass leaders is (d) Use of digital systems is imperative for the
essential to create sub-national political existence of mankind in future.
entities and thus ensure successful devolution Sol. (b)
The passage speaks of how human beings have
(b) The upper tier of government should impose become literally one with digital media tools.
devolution and decentralization on the Without passing a value judgement, it talks about
regional communities by law or otherwise. the intense connection between mankind and
(c) Devolution, to be successful, requires a digital. Hence, the best answer is (b), while options
democracy in which there is free expression (a), (c) and (d) can be rejected for being unrelated to
of the will of the people at lower level and the passage, too extreme, and too futuristic,
respectively. Best answer is (b).
their active participation at the grassroots
level. Passage-4
(d) For devolution to take place, a strong feeling The IMF has pointed out that the fast growing economies
of regionalism in the masses is essential. of Asia face the risk of falling into ‘middle-income trap’.
Sol. (c) It means that average incomes in these countries, which
till now have been growing rapidly, will stop growing
Option (d) sounds negative, and can be eliminated.
beyond a point—a point that is well short of incomes in
Option (b) is factually wrong as per the passage, as
the developed West. The IMF identifies a number of
that leads to failure of devolution. Option (a) is not causes of middle-income trap—none of which is
wrong, but when compared to Option (c), not too surprising—from infrastructure to weak institutions, to
good. Best answer is option (c) as it beautifully leas than favourable macroeconomic conditions. But the
captures the essence of the process of successful broad, overall cause, says IMF, is a collapse in the growth
devolution in long run. Best answer is (c) of productivity.
24. Which among the following is the most logical, Sol. (c)
rational and critical inference that can be made Option (a) is wrong it focuses only on rural to urban
from the above passage? migration which is not the main issue. Option (b) is
(a) Once a country reaches middle-income stage,
not our choice as it is too broad a statement. Option
it runs the risk of falling productivity which
(c) is best, as it focuses on inclusive innovation and
leads to stagnant incomes.
R&D for creating an egalitarian society (India).
(b) Falling into middle-income trap is a general
Option (d) is wrong as it even in low growth nations,
characteristic of fast growing economies.
(c) There is no hope at all for emerging Asian people can migrate to cities (and that is not the core
economies to sustain the growth momentum. concern in this question). Best answer is (c).
(d) As regards growth of productivity, the
performance of Asian economies is not
satisfactory. Climate change is likely to expose a large number of
Sol. (a) people to increasing environmental risks forcing them to
Option (b) is wrong due to a broad generalization migrate. The international community is yet to recognize
being made (“…is a characteristic of fast-growing this new category of migrants. There is no consensus on
economies”) whereas the passage is talking of some the definition and status of climate refugees owing to the
Asian economies only. Option (c) is extreme, and distinct meaning the term refugees carry under
hence rejected. Option (d) is wrong as not “all Asian international laws. There are still gaps in understanding
economies” are showing productivity problems. how climate change will work as the root cause of
Hence, best answer is option (a), though it is worded migration. Even if there is recognition of climate refugees,
in a twisted manner that can confuse the cause- who is going to provide protection? More emphasis has
effect relationship, but others are definitely not been given to international migration due to climate
correct. Best answer is (a). change. But there is a need to recognize the migration of
Passage-5 such people within the countries also so that their
An innovative India will be inclusive as well as problems can be addressed properly.
technologically advanced, improving the lives of all 26. Which among the following is the most logical and
Indians. Innovation and R&D can mitigate increases in rational assumption that can be made from the
social inequality and relieve the pressures created by above passage?
rapid urbanization. The growing divergence in
(a) The world will not be able to cope with large
productivity between agriculture and knowledge-
scale migration of climate refugees.
intensive manufacturing and services threatens to
(b) We must find the ways and means to stop
increase income inequality. By encouraging India’s R&D
further climate change.
labs and universities to focus on the needs of poor people
(c) Climate change will be the most important
25. Which among the following is the most logical and reason for the migration of people in the future.
rational assumption that can be made from the (d) Relation between climate change and
above passage? migration is not yet properly understood.
(a) Innovation and R&D is the only way to reduce
Sol. (d)
rural to urban migration.
(b) Every rapidly growing country needs to Option (a) is wrong as it is drawing a final inference
minimize the divergence between (not be able to cope) without adequate information.
productivity in agriculture and other sectors. Option (b) is generically correct but this passage is
(c) Inclusive innovation and R&D can help create specifically about climate refugees (and migrants),
an egalitarian society. not stopping climate change. Option (c) is an
(d) Rapid urbanization takes place only when a assumption. Option (d) is the essence of the passage
country’s economic growth is rapid. (which can be inferred). Best answer is (d).
Sol. (d)
A least expected question from basic statistics!
When the distribution is Symmetric, it means Mean
= Mode = Median. So (a) is wrong. According to
Pearson Mode Skewness, if Mode > Median > Mean,
then the data is skewed to the left, so in this case it
is skewed to the left. So (d) is correct.
(a) C is to the immediate left of A. 41. What does the above passage imply?
(b) D is immediate neighbour of B and F. (a) Resource-based conflicts are always
politically motivated.
(c) G is to the immediate right of D.
(b) There are no political solutions to resolve
(d) A and E are at the extreme ends. environmental and resource based conflicts.
Sol. (c) (c) Environmental issues contrilaite to resource
stresses and politic ril conflict.
The correct arrangement is (from left to right)
(d) Political conflict based on identity or ideology
A–C–B–D–G–F–E–H. First, since A is sixth to the
cannot be resolved.
left of E, it can be either A x x x x x E x or it can be x
Sol. (c)
A x x x x x E. Now, since H is sixth to the right of C,
it can be either C x x x x x H x or it can be x C x x x x Option (a) says that “such conflicts are always
x H. Since F is to the immediate right of G, and politically motivated”. The passage does not say so
neighbor of E, we have G F E. Combining it all – it merely says that “… have rarely been overt
together, we get A–C–B–D–G–F–E–H. So check all (open)”. The word rarely does not mean never.
options and G is to the immediate right of D. Hence, Hence, answer is not option (a). Option (b) is again
(c) is correct. an extreme option as it talks of “there are no political
solutions”. That isn’t mentioned hence rejected.
40. In a certain code, ‘256’ means ‘red colour chalk’,
Option (c) is correct. Option (d) is an extreme
‘589’ means ‘green colour flower’ and ‘254’ means
‘white colour chalk’. The digit in the code that statement not borne out from this limited passage.
indicates `white’ is So rejected. Best answer is (c).
Option (b) is not the main idea, but a final Sol. (b)
suggestion. Option (a), (c) and (d) are all correct The line “but some of them had friends in ‘party
points. But it is only in option (a) that main idea of Y’” clearly indicates that statement (b) is correct.
passage is being reflected. Best answer is (b).
52. If there is a policy that 1/3rd of population of a 55. Consider the following:
community has migrated every year from one Statement:
place, to some other place, what is the leftover Good voice is a natural gift but one has to keep
population of that community after the sixth year, practising to improve and well in the field of music.
if there is no further growth in the population
during this period?
I. Natural gifts need nurturing and care.
(a) 16/243rdpart of the population
II. Even though one’s voice is not good, one can
(b) 32/243rd part of the population
keep practising.
(c) 32/729 thpart of the population
(d) 64/729th part of the population Which one of the following is correct, in respect of
Sol. (d) the above statement and conclusions?
As per the policy, population left after first year= (a) Only conclusion I follows from the statement.
2/3 of original, as 1/3 has left. Now apply a simple (b) Only conclusion II follows from the statement.
logic using ratio. Population left after second year= (c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
[2/3]^2 of original. And so on. So, population left from the statement.
after 6th year= [2/3]^6 of original, which is equal (d) Neither couclusion I nor conclusion II follows
to 64/729 part of the population. Best answer is (d). from the statement.
76. Six boys A, B, C, D, E and F play a game of cards. 79. A freight train left Delhi for Mumbai at an average
Each has a pack of 10 cards. F borrows 2 cards speed of 40 km/hr. Two hours later, an express
from A and gives away 5 to C who in turn gives 3 train left Delhi for Mumbai, following the freight
to B while B gives 6 to D who passes 1 to E. Then train on a parallel track at an average speed of 60
the number of cards possessed by D and E is equal km/hr. How far from Delhi would the express train
to the number of cards possessed by meet the freight train?
(a) A, B and C (b) B, C and F (a) 480 km (b) 260 km
(c) A, B and F (d) A, C and F (c) 240 km (d) 120 km
Sol. (b) Sol. (c)
The final tally of cards with each boy will be : A-8, The distance travelled by the Freight Train in the
B-7, C-12, D-15, E-11, F-7. So total sum of cards of D time the second train has just started, is 2 x 40 = 80
and E is 26. Which means F + B + C = 26 Cards. So km. Now the express train is moving with average
the correct answer is (b). speed 60 km/hr.
Previous Year
CSAT : 2018 Solved Papers
1. Consider the following three-dimensional figure: What is the number at ? in the above pattern?
(a) 17 (b) 19
(c) 21 (d) 23
Sol. (a)
1. 8+4-6=6
2. 10 + 6 - 5 = 11
3. 15 + 8 - 7 = 16
4. 13 + 8 - 4 = 17
The first number and the third number in each
column is first added, and then the second number
How many triangles does the above figure have? is subtracted from the total obtained. Thus, for the
(a) 18 (b) 20
first column, we have 8 + 4 = 12, and subtracting 6
(c) 22 (d) 24 from it, we get 12 - 6 = 6. This is the last number in
Sol. (b) the first column. Repeat this in all columns, and in
Five triangles are on top the end, we get 13 + 8 = 21, and 21 - 4 = 17.
Five triangles are in bottom
4. How many diagonals can be drawn by joining the
The middle layer is as shown with 10 triangles. vertices of an octagon?
So, total = 5 + 5 + 10 = 20 (a) 20 (b) 24
(c) 28 (d) 64
2. Consider the following sum:
Sol. (a)
• + 1• + 2• + •3 + •1 = 21•
In the above sum, • stands for
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 8
Sol. (d)
The given expression can be expanded as:
x + 10 + x + 20 + x + 10(x) + 3 + 10(x) + 1 = 210 + x
On solving, we get: x = 8.
Here we used the concept of face value and place
value - a number 2• can be 25 = 20 + 5 = 2x10 + 5.
3. Consider the following pattern of numbers :
Each point on the octagon can be connected to
(8 - 3) points.
So each point can form 5 diagonals.
So we get 40 in all.
28. Which of the following is/are the correct A diversity of natural assets will be needed to cope with
inference/ inferences that can be made from the climate change and ensure productive agriculture,
passage? forestry, and fisheries. For example, crop varieties are
(1) Deforestation can cause changes in the course needed that perform well under drought, heat, and
of rivers. enhanced CO2. But the private-sector and farmer-led
(2) Salinization of land takes place due to human process of choosing crops favours homogeneity adapted
activities only. to past or current conditions, not varieties capable of
(3) Intense monoculture practice in plains is a producing consistently high yields in warmer, wetter, or
major reason for desertification in Tropical drier conditions. Accelerated breeding programmes are
Asia, Africa and South America. needed to conserve a wider pool of genetic resources of
Select the correct answer using the code given existing crops, breeds, and their wild relatives. Relatively
below. intact ecosystems, such as forested catchments,
(a) 1 only mangroves, wetlands, can buffer the impacts of climate
(b) 1 and 2 only change. Under a changing climate, these ecosystems are
(c) 2 and 3 only themselves at risk, and management approaches will
(d) None of the above is a correct inference need to be more proactive and adaptive. Connections
Sol. (a) between natural areas, such as migration corridors, may
Statement 1 is mentioned, hence a correct inference be needed to facilitate species movements to keep up with
can be drawn. the change in climate.
Statement 2 is incorrect because it says that the 30. With reference to the above passage, which of the
salinization of land can take place only by human following would assist us in coping with the
intervention, something that the passage does not climate change?
(1) Conservation of natural water sources
Statement 3 is incorrect as the passage only talks
(2) Conservation of wider gene pool
about intense monoculture practices in India and
does not specify its ill effects in Africa and South (3) Existing crop management practices
America. (4) Migration corridors
Hence, answer is (a) - 1 only. Select the correct answer using the code given
29. With reference to ‘desertification’, as described in
the passage, the following assumptions have been (a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 2 and 4 only
made : (c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
37. If Pen < Pencil, Pencil < Book and Book > Cap,
then which one of the following is always true?
(a) Pen > Cap (b) Pen < Book
(c) Pencil = Cap (d) Pencil > Cap
35. A solid cube of 3 cm side, painted on all its faces, is
Sol . (b)
cut up into small cubes of 1 cm side. How many of
Pen < Pencil
the small cubes will have exactly two painted
faces? Pencil < Book
(a) 12 (b) 8 So, Pen < Book.
(c) 6 (d) 4
38. A bookseller sold ‘a’ number of Geography
Sol. (a)
textbooks at the rate of Rs. x per book, ‘a + 2’
number of History textbooks at the rate of
Rs. (x + 2) per book and ‘a - 2’ number of
Mathematics textbooks at the rate of Rs. (x - 2) per
book. What is his total sale in Rs. ?
(a) 3x + 3a (b) 3ax + 8
(c) 9ax (d) x3a 3
Sol. (b)
Sale from Geography = Rs. ax
From History = ax + 2a + 2x + 4
From Maths = ax – 2a – 2x + 4
So, Total Sale = Rs. 3ax + 8.
4 cubes on each face, and 12 in total.
39. A bag contains 15 red balls and 20 black balls.
36. While writing all the numbers from 700 to 1000, Each ball is numbered either 1 or 2 or 3. 20% of the
how many numbers occur in which the digit at red balls are numbered 1 and 40% of them are
hundred’s place is greater than the digit at ten’s numbered 3. Similarly, among the black balls, 45%
place, and the digit at ten’s place is greater than are numbered 2 and 30% are numbered 3. A boy
the digit at unit’s place? picks a ball at random. He wins if the ball is red
(a) 61 (b) 64 and numbered 3 or if it is black and numbered 1 or
(c) 85 (d) 91 2. What are the chances of his winning?
Statement 1 is incorrect as it does not explicitly 56. Which of the following is the most logical, rational
mention or even imply that our education system and crucial message given by the passage?
is a reason for our country still being a developing
(a) Preserving crop genetic diversity is an
insurance against the effects of climate
Statement 3 is not given anywhere. change.
55. What is the most logical and rational inference Although the passage only mentions the negative
that can be made from the above passage? effects of climate change that could happen in
(a) Obesity has become an epidemic all over the North America and Asia, this does not mean that
world. they will be the worst sufferers of food shortage.
(b) A lot of people are obsessed with attaining a Hence we rule out (d).
perfect body. So only correct option left is (a).
(c) Obesity is essentially an incurable disease.
(d) There is no perfect diet or one solution for 57. A shopkeeper sells an article at Rs. 40 and gets
obesity. X% profit. However, when he sells it at Rs. 20, he
faces same percentage of loss. What is the original
Sol. (d)
cost of the article?
The main inference that can be drawn from the
passage is that every individual has a slightly (a) Rs. 10 (b) Rs. 20
different body style which leads to lots of (c) Rs. 30 (d) Rs. 40
complexities. A diet cannot take into consideration
Sol. (c)
these complexities; that is why most diets fail to
work out. The passage urges people to understand x
CP CP = Rs. 40
the reasons for weight gain and changing habits. 100
So the correct answer is (d). x
CP CP Rs. 20
Passage-8 On solving CP = Rs. 30
Monoculture carries great risks. A single disease or pest
can wipe out swathes of the world’s food production, an 58. There are 24 equally spaced points lying on the
alarming prospect given that its growing and wealthier circumference of a circle. What is the maximum
population will eat 70% more by 2050. The risks are number of equilateral triangles that can be drawn
magnified by the changing climate. As the planet warms by taking sets of three points as the vertices?
and monsoon rains intensify, farmlands in Asia will (a) 4 (b) 6
flood. North America will suffer more intense droughts,
and crop diseases will spread to new latitudes. (c) 8 (d) 12
The Stand can be painted in 6 × 5 × 4 = 120 ways 65. Average hourly earnings per year (E) of the
in which no color will be clashing. workers in a firm are represented in figures A and
Direction for the following 2 (two) items: B as follows :
63. Looking at the graph, it can be inferred that from
1990 to 2010
18 adults = 30 children
1 adult = children
So with 12 adults 6 more adults can board
i.e., 12+ 6 22 total people
So, out of 22 total people, 10 are children
moving anti-clockwise
moving clockwise
See the states 15 and 16. State 15 has a higher GDP (1) During the given beriod, the revenue from
growth rate but less per capita income. Direct Taxes as percentage of gross tax
So, statement 2 which says that higher GDP revenue has increased while that of Indirect
growth rate always ensure higher per capita Taxes decreased.
income, is wrong. (2) The trend in the revenue from Excise Duty
demonstrates that the growth of
Statement 1 says that higher per capita income is
manufacturing sector has been negative
associated with higher tele density.
during the given period.
75. With reference to the above table, the following Select the correct answer using the code given
assumptions have been made: below.
(1) Nowdays, prosperity of an already high (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
performing State cannot be sustained without (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
making further large investments in its Sol. (a)
telecom infrastructure. (1) is correct (2) is incorrect from the graph.
(2) Nowadays, a very high Tele-density is the
77. If x - y = 8, then which of the following must be
most essential condition for promoting the
business and economic growth in a State.
1. Both x and y must be positive for any value of
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? x and y.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 2. If x is positive, y must be negative for any value
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 of x and y.
3. If x is negative, y must be positive for any value
Sol. (d) of x and y.
Statement 1 tries to connect higher GDP growth Select the correct answer using the code given
rate only with further large investments in telecom. below.
That is wrong. Hence statement 1 is ruled out. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Statement 2 seems to be statement 1 in a reworded (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 nor 3
format. It is wrong. Hence answer is option (d). Sol. (d)
76. The following graph indicates the composition of x = 10 x = 5 x = -1
our tax revenue for a period of two decades: y =2 y = –3 y = ± 9
If x > 0
y can be both > 0 or < 0
If x < 0
The quest for cheap and plentiful meat has resulted in
farms where more and more animals are squeezed into
smaller lots in cruel and shocking conditions. Such
With reference to the above graph, which of the practices have resulted in many of the world’s health
following is/are the most logical and rational pandemics such as the avian flu. Worldwide, livesotck
inference/ inferences that can be made? increasingly raised in cruel, cramped conditions, where
Previous Year
CSAT : 2019 Solved Papers
26. A printer numbers the pages of a book starting Again if the weight of the Father is F, we have C1 +
with 1 and uses 3089 digits in all. How many pages C2 + F = 52 × 3 = 156 ... (2)
does the book have ? Now it is given that the weight of the father = F
(a) 1040 (b) 1048 = 60.
(c) 1049 (d) 1050
By putting this value in equation (2), we have
Sol. (c) C1 + C2 = 156 - 60 = 96.
Digits required to print one digit numbers (1 to 9)
Again by using equation (1) we have M = 150 - 96
= 9×1 = 9 = 54 kg.
Digits required to print two digit numbers (10 to
99) = 90 × 2 = 180 29. Suppose you have sufficient amount of rupee
Digits required to print three digit numbers (100 to currency in three denominations : Rs. 1, Rs. 10 and
999) = 900 × 3 = 2700. Rs. 50. In how many different ways can you pay a
So, upto 999 pages we have 2700 + 180 + 9 = 2889 bill of Rs. 107 ?
digits. (a) 16 (b) 17
Now from here onwards each number will use 4 (c) 18 (d) 19
digits and we are remaining with 3089 - 2889 = Sol. (c)
200 digits. Case I: We use TWO Rs. 50 notes - One possibility
So 200/4 = 50 more numbers are there. i.e., 999 + - 50(×2) + 1(×7) = 107
50 = 1049 pages in the book. Ans.(c)
Case II: We use ONE Rs. 50 note -
27. Consider the following sequence that follows some Six possibilities (by adding Rs.10 note from none
arrangement : to five) –
c_accaa_aa_bc_b Case III: We use no Rs. 50 note (Only Rs. 10 and 1
The letters that appear in the gaps are notes) - Ten possibilities –
(a) abba (b) cbbb Case IV: We use only Rs. 1 note - One possibility -
(c) bbbb (d) cccc 1 (×107) = 107.
Sol. (b) So, total 18 possibilities.
There are 15 characters in the sequence. So we
should find sequences of 5 characters each in it. 30. ‘A’ started from his house and walked 20 m
By applying the options given, we find that correct towards East, where his friend B joined him. They
sequence is ccacc aabaa bbcbb when we use option together walked 10 m in the same direction. Then
(b) – c-b-b-b. ‘A’ turned left while ‘B’ turned right and travelled
2 m and 8 m respectively. Again ‘B’ turned left to
28. A family has two children along with their parents. travel 4 m followed by 5 m to his right to reach his
The average of the weights of the children and their office. ‘A’ turned right and travelled 12 m to reach
mother is 50 kg. The average of the weights of the his office. What is the shortest distance between
children and their father is 52 kg. If the weight of the two offices?
the father is 60 kg, then what is the weight of the (a) 15 m (b) 17 m
mother? (c) 19 m (d) 20 m
(a) 48 kg (b) 50 kg Sol. (b)
(c) 52 kg (d) 54 kg
Sol. (d)
Average of weight of two children and their mother
(i.e. total 3 members) = 50. So, the sum of the weight
of two children and mother = C1 + C2 + M = 50 × 3
= 150 ... (1) (where C1 and C2 are the weights of
two children and M is the weight of the Mother)
(c) Meaningful financial inclusion in India 42. A solid cube is painted yellow, blue and black such
requires that banking correspondents have that opposite faces are of same colour. The cube is
diverse skills then cut into 36 cubes of two different sizes such
(d) Better banking outreach would be impossible that 32 cubes are small and the other four cubes
unless each banking correspondent is are Big. None of the faces of the bigger cubes is
allowed to serve a number of banks painted blue. How many cubes have only one face
Sol. (c) painted?
(a) 4 (b) 6
Option (c) is reflected in the passage.
(c) 8 (d) 10
Options (a), (b) and (d) also wrong as that
conclusion has not been drawn anywhere in this Sol. (c)
passage. By the condition described in the question the cube
41. The number of times the digit 5 will appear while can be divided as shown below. Our desired cubes
writing the integers from 1 to 1000 is are marked with R. So a total of 4 and 4 = 8 cubes
(a) 269 (b) 271 will have only one face painted.
(c) 300 (d) 302
Sol. (c)
From 1 to 1000, the numbers in which 5 can occur
could be of one digit, two digits or three digits.
Case I – If the number is of one digit – 5 will appear
only one time, i.e. in 5.
Case II – If the number is of two digits – then
(a) There is only one 5, this can happen in two
ways _5 and 5_. In the first case (_5) the blank
Place can be filled in 8 ways(as 0 and 5 cannot
appear at that place), while in the second case (5_)
the blank place can be filled in 9 ways (5 cannot
appear there). Total 9 + 8 = 17 ways.
(b) There are two 5s. In this case only ONE 43. A and B are two heavy steel blocks. If B is placed
possibility. on the top of A, the weight increases by 60%. How
much weight will reduce with respect to the total
Case III – If the number is of three digits – then
weight of A and B, if B is removed from the top of
(a) Only one 5. Then, 5 can occupy three positions.
5 _ _ or _ 5 _ or _ _ 5. In the first case (5_ _), remaining
(a) 60% (b) 45.5%
two positions can be filled in 9 way each. So total
(c) 40% (d) 37.5%
9 × 9 = 81 possibilities. In the second case (_ 5 _)
first position can be filled in 8 ways and last Sol. (d)
position can be filled in 9 ways. So total 9 × 8 = 72 Let the weight of A be 100 kg.
possibilities. Same will be true for the third (_ _ 5) So, the combined weight of A + B will 160 kg. Out
case. So total 72 possibilities. of this 160 kg, 60 kg is reduced now.
(b) Only two 5. This can be done in three ways 55_ So problem now becomes “60 is what percent of
or 5_5 or _55. In first (55_) and second (5_5) case it 160 ?
can be filled in 9 ways each. While in the third
So, 60×100/160 = 37.5%. Ans. (d)
case (_55) it can be filled in 8 ways. So total 9 + 9 +
8 = 26 possibilities. 44. Mr ‘X’ has three children. The birthday of the first
(c) All three digits are 5. This can be done in only child falls on the 5th Monday of April, that of the
ONE way. i.e, 555. second one falls on the 5th Thursday of November.
So, total = 1 + 17 + 1 + 81 + 72 + 72 + 26 + 1 = 271. On which day is the birthday of his third child,
Ans.(b) which falls on 20th December?
(c) Raju has enough amount to buy the handset (1) At least 30 Indian participants are vegetarian.
and he will have 500 with him after buying (2) At least 10 Indian participants are non-
the handset. vegetarian.
(d) Raju has enough amount to buy the handset
Select the correct answer using the codes given
and he will have 1000 with him after buying
the handset.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Sol. (a)
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
In this question Rs. 9000 is 75% of the cost of mobile
Sol. (c)
phone. So total cost of mobile phone is Rs. 12000
( = 9000 / 0.75). Now, as he borrows Rs. 2000, he Let’s try to maximise the number of Indian-
will be still short of Rs.1000 to buy the phone. Vegetarians. Out of 70 Indians, all vegetarians (i.e,
Ans.(a) 60) can be Indians. So, at least 10 Indians will be
there who will be non-vegetarians. This number
50. In 2002, Meenu’s age was one-third of the age of can increase depending on the number of
Meera, whereas in 2010, Meenu’s age was half the Vegetarian-Indians.
age of Meera. What is Meenu’s year of birth?
Let’s try to minimise the number of Indian-
(a) 1992 (b) 1994
Vegetarians. For that we have maximise the
(c) 1996 (d) 1998
number of non-Indian-Vegetarians. Out of 30 Non-
Sol. (b)
Indians, at max all can be vegetarian. Still 30
Let Meenu’s age in 2002 be M and Meera’s age in
vegetarians remain which will fall under Indian
2002 be X.
category. So, at least 30 Indians will be there who
In 2002, Meenu = 1/3 of Meera. M = X/3 will be vegetarians. Hence both statements are
In 2010, Meenu = 1/2 of Meera. So, M + 8 correct. Ans.(c)
= (X + 8) / 2 Directions for the following 8 (eight) items :
Solving these two, we get M = 8. So, in 2002, Meenu Read the following seven passages and answer the items
was 8 years old. So she was born in 1994. that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
should be based on the passages only.
51. Rakesh and Rajesh together bought 10 balls and
10 rackets. Rakesh spent 1300 and Rajesh spent Passage — 1
1500. If each racket costs three times a ball does,
Political theorists no doubt have to take history of
then what is the price of a racket?
injustice, for example, untouchability, seriously. The
(a) Rs. 70 (b) Rs. 90
concept of historical injustice takes note of a variety of
(c) Rs. 210 (d) Rs. 240
historical wrongs that continue into the present in some
Sol. (c)
form or the other and tend to resist repair. Two reasons
Let the cost of each ball is Rs. X. Then cost of each might account for resistance to repair. One, not only are
racket will be 3X. the roots of injustice buried deep in history, injustice itself
Cost of 10 balls = 10X, and cost of 10 rackets = 30X. constitutes economic structures of exploitation,
So total cost = 10X + 30X = 40X. ideologies of discrimination and modes of representation.
By the condition given in question, we have Two, the category of historical injustice generally extends
across a number of wrongs such as economic deprivation,
40X = 1300 + 1500 or 40X = 2800 or X = 70. Price of
social discrimination and lack of recognition. This
each racket = Rs. 210. Ans.(c)
category is complex, not only because of the overlap
52. In a conference, out of a total 100 participants, 70 between a number of wrongs, but because one or the other
are Indians. If 60 of the total participants are wrong, generally discrimination, tends to acquire partial
vegetarian, then which of the following statements autonomy from others. This is borne out by the history of
is/are correct? repair in India.
power is the organising principle of inequality, be it of (c) Shifting ma’ r crops to new croplands will
income, or wealth, gender, race, religion and region. Its lead to a gr t increase in the total area under
effects are seen in a pervasive manner in all spheres, but cultivation and thus an increase in overall
the ways in which economic power pulls and tilts visible agricultural production.
economic variables remain invisibly obscure,
(d) Climate change is the most important factor
57. On the basis of the above passage, the following affecting the agricultural economy in the
assumptions have been made : future.
(1) Economic power is the only reason for the Sol. (a)
existence of inequality in a society.
Option a is true.
(2) Inequality of different kinds, income, wealth,
etc, reinforces power. Option (b) is not mentioned. Option (c) is wrong
as it is not discussed in this manner.
(3) Economic power can be analysed more
through its effects than by direct empirical Passage — 6
methods. A bat’s .wings may look like sheets of skin. But
Which of thy above assumptions is/are valid ? underneath, a bat has the same five fingers as an
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only orangutan or a human, as well as a wrist connected to
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 the same cluster of wrist bones connected to the same
long bones of the arm. What can be more curious than
Sol. (b)
that the hand of a man, formed for grasping, that of a
Assumption 1 is not correct due to the phrase “only
mole for digging, the leg of the horse, the-paddle of the
reason”. Assumption 2 is wrong as it is inverting
porpoise, and the wing of the bat, should all be
the relationship – it is power that reinforces and
constructed on the some pattern ?
drives inequality. Assumption 3 is correct as seen
in first statement. 59. Which one of the following is the most logical,
scientific and rational inference that can be made
Passage — 5
from the above passage ?
Climate change may actually benefit some plants by
lengthening growing seasons and increasing carbon (a) Different species having similar structure of
dioxide. Yet other effects of a warmer world, such as more hands is an example of biodiversity.
pests, droughts, and flooding, will be less benign. How (b) Limbs being used by different species for
will the world adapt? Researchers project that by 2050, different kinds of work is an example of
suitable croplands for four commodities — maize, biodiversity.
potatoes, rice and wheat — will shift, in some cases (c) Man and the aforementioned animals having
pushing farmers to plant new crops. Some farmlands similar structure of limbs is an example of
may benefit from warming, but others won’t. Climate coincidence in evolution.
alone does not dictate yields; political shifts, global
(d) Man and the aforementioned animals have a
“demand, and agricultural practices will influence how
shared evolutionary history.
farms fare in the future.
Sol. (d)
58. Which one of the following is the most logical and
rational inference that can be made from) the above Option (a) is not mentioned specifically. Option
passage ? (b) again talks about “biodiversity” but limbs
(a) Farmers who modernize their methods and being used for different purpose is not biodiversity!
diversify their fields will be. in an Option (c) sound correct, but is not, as “coincidence
advantageous position in future. in evolution” is not explicitly mentioned. Option
(b) Climate change will adversely affect the crop (d) is best as “a shared evolutionary history” makes
diversity. it a “very curious situation”.
63. All members of a club went to Mumbai and stayed (3) Cricket players do not play football, (False)
in a hotel. On the first day, 80% went for shopping
This cannot be concluded from the above data.
and 50% went for sightseeing, whereas 10% took
It is not mentioned if the cricketer plays
rest in the hotel. Which of the following
football or not.
conclusion(s) can be drawn from the above data?
(1) 40% members went for shopping as well as Hence, option (d) is correct.
sightseeing. 65. The ratio of a two-digit natural number to a number
(2) 20% members went for only shopping. formed by reversing its digits is 4: 7. The number
Select the correct answer using the code given of such pairs is
below: (a) 5 (b) 4
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) 3 (d) 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Sol. (a) Sol. (b)
By the Venn Diagram, we get Let the ten’s digit of two-digit number ab be ‘a’
and unit’s digit be ‘b’. So the number will be of the
form 10a + b.
After reversing the digits the number will be
10b + a.
By the condition given in question we have
(10a+b)/(10b+a) = 4/7 which means a/b = 1/2
So by putting the values, total possible pairs (12,
Only statement (1) is correct. Ans.(a)
21), (24, 42), (36, 63), (48, 84).
64. In a school, 60% students play cricket. A student Thus, four pairs are possible. Ans.(b)
who does not play cricket, plays football. Every
66. In an examination, A has scored 20 marks more
football player has got a two-wheeler. Which of
than B. If B has scored 5% less marks than A, how
the following conclusions cannot be drawn from
much has B scored?
the above data?
(1) 60% of the students do not have two-wheelers. (a) 360 (b) 380
(2) No cricketer has a two-wheeler.
(c) 400 (d) 420
(3) Cricket players do not play football.
Select the correct answer using the code given Sol. (b)
below: Check options directly.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only Start with (a). If B is 360, A will be 380. Now, 5% of
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
380 = 19. So B will become 380 – 19 = 361. Hence
Sol. (d) this option is wrong (B is 360, not 361).
1. 60% of the students do not have two-wheelers,
If B is 380, A will be 400. Now, 5% of 400 = 20. So B
will be 400 – 20 = 380. Hence (b) is correct. You do
This cannot be concluded fromthe above data.
not need to check options (c) and (d) at all.
It is not mentioned if the cricketer has got two
wheeler or not. Moreover, it is given that every 67. Seeta and Geeta go for a swim after a gap of every
fotobal player has got a two wheeler but it 2 days and every 3 days respectively. If on 1st
will be only 40% of the student count. January both of them went for a swim together,
(2) No cricketer has a two-wheeler, (False) when will they go together next?
This cannot be concluded from the above data.
(a) 7th January (b) 8th January
It is not mentioned if the cricketer has got two
wheeler or not. (c) 12th January (d) 13th January
(d) (x - y) is greater than or equal to 65 Discount = Marked Price – Selling Price. Let the
Marked Price of 10 articles = Rs. 100.
Sol. (c)
So, Marked Price of 8 articles = Rs. 80. (so each
Given that x is greater than or equal to 25. Also, y
was marked at Rs.10)
is less than or equal to 40.
Let’s try to find the various values of y – x. So, as per the question, Rakesh purchased 10
mobile phones for Rs. 80
If y = 40, x can take various values like 25, 26, 27,
....... (not necessarily integers – not given in So, the selling price of 10 mobile phones = Rs. 80
question) In that case y – x will take values like 15, (so each bought at Rs.8)
14, 13, 12,......0, - 1 etc. The discount is 2 rupees on 10 which is 20%.
The rural poor across the world, including India, have Both assumptions seem valid. Assumption 1 is
contributed little to human-induced climate change, yet indicated as small farms produce a lot of food, and
they are on the frontline in coping with its effects. Farmers are under threat. Assumption 2 is a clear message
can no longer rely on historical averages for rainfall and for India, from the tone of the passage.
temperature, and the more frequent and extreme weather
events, such as droughts and floods, can spell disaster. Passage – 4
And there are new threats, such as sea level rise and the A changing climate, and the eventual efforts of
impact of melting glaciers on water supply. How governments (however reluctant) to deal with it, could
significant are small farms? As many as two billion have a big impact on investors’ returns. Companies that
people worldwide depend on them for their food and produce or use large amounts of fossil fuels will face
livelihood. Small-holder farmers in India produce 41 higher taxes and regulatory burdens. Some energy
percent of the country’s food grains, and other food items producers may find it impossible to exploit their known
that contribute to local and national food security. reserves, and be left with “stranded assets” — deposits
of oil and coal that have to be left in the ground. Other
76. What is the most logical and rational Corollary to industries could be affected by the economic damage
the above passage? caused by more extreme weather — storms, floods, heat
(a) Supporting small farmers is an important part waves and droughts.
of any agenda regarding environmentally
sustainable development. 78. On the basis of the above passage, the following
assumptions have been made:
(b) Poor countries have little role to play in the
mitigation of global warming. Governments and companies need to be
(c) Due to a large number of farmer households, adequately prepared to face the climate change.
India will not have food security problem in Extreme weather events will reduce the economic
the foreseeable future. growth of governments and companies’in future.
(d) Only small-holder farmers in India can ensure Ignoring climate change is a huge risk for
food security. investors.
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? strongly worded, and is not mentioned. In fact, a
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only word of support for private schools is seen in the
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 end of the passage. So we rule out assumption 3.
Sol. (c) We are now left with options (a) and (b).
Assumption 1 is not correct. Hence, (b) is our
Assumption 3 is definitely correct. So option (a) is
ruled out. Assumption 2 is worded is a strange
way – “economic growth of governments” does Passage – 6
not sound right. So we reject it. So option (a) and A majority of the TB infected in India are poor and lack
(d) are gone. We are left with option (c) only. sufficient nutrition, suitable housing and have little
understanding of prevention. TB then devastates
Passage – 5 families, makes the poor poorer, particularly affects
Access to schooling for those coming of school age is women and children, and leads to ostracisation and loss
close to universal, but access to quality exhibits a sharp of employment. The truth is that even if TB does not kill
gradient with socio-economic status. Quotas for the them, hunger and poverty will. Another truth is that
weaker sections in private schools is a provision deep-seated stigma, lack of counselling, expensive
introduced by the Right of Children to Free and treatment and lack of adequate support from providers
Compulsory Education Act, 2009. The quotas have and family, coupled with torturous side-effects
imposed a debate on issues of social integration and demotivate patients to continue treatment — with
equity in education that private actors had escaped by disastrous health consequences.
and large, The idea of egalitarian education system with
80. Which one of the following is the most logical,
equality of opportunity as its primary goal appears to
rational and crucial message conveyed by the above
be outside the space that private school principals
inhabit. Therefore, the imposition of the quotas has led
(a) TB is not a curable disease in Indian
to resistance, sometimes justified.
79. With reference to the above passage, the following (b) Curing TB requires more than diagnosis and
assumptions have been made: medical treatment.
(1) Making equality of opportunity a reality is (c) Government’s surveillance mechanism is
the fundamental goal of the Indian education deficient; and poor people have no access to
system. treatment.
(2) The present Indian school system is unable (d) India will be free from diseases like TB only
when its poverty alleviation programmes are
to provide egalitarian education.
effectively and successfully implemented.
(3) Abolition of private schools and
establishment of more government schools is Sol. (b)
the only way to ensure egalitarian education. Option (a) is wrong. It is now here mentioned thus,
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? with an air of fatality. Option (c) is wrong as poor
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only do have access to treatment though it seems to be
not working out well. The phrase “…have no
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 only
access” is wrong. Option (d) goes tangentially into
Sol. (b)
a different direction. Best answer is (b).
Assumption 2 is surely correct, as per the passage.
So option (d) is ruled out. Assumption 3 is too
Previous Year
CSAT : 2020 Solved Papers
The missing letters which complete the 7. Two statements S1 and S2 are given below followed
arrangement are by a Question:
(a) a, b, c, d (b) a, b, d, e S1: There are not more than two figures on any
(c) a, c, c, e (d) b, c, d, e page of a 51-page book.
Sol. (c)
S2: There is at least one figure on every page.
Observing the sequence and by putting various Question: Are there more than 100 figures in that
options you can find that the correct sequence is book?
ababa bcbcb cdcdc deded. You have to find a
Which one of the following is correct in respect of
repeated pattern. Only (c) gives that pattern.
the above Statements and the Question?
By putting (a), we would get – ababa bbbcb cdcdc
(a) Both S1 and S2 are sufficient to answer the
deddd – there is no pattern in it
Question, but neither S1 alone nor S2 alone is
By putting (b), we would get – ababa bbbcb ddcdc sufficient to answer the Question.
deded – there is no pattern in it (b) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question.
By putting (d), we would get – ababb bcbcb ddcdc (c) S1 and S2 together are not sufficient to answer
deded – there is no pattern in it the Question.
6. Let A3BC and DE2F be four-digit numbers where (d) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question.
each letter represents a different digit greater than Sol. (c)
3. If the sum of the numbers is 15902, then what is Using S1 alone, number of figures on any page
the difference between the values of A and D? could be 0, 1 or 2. So minimum 0 (if every page will
(a) 1 (b) 2 contain 0 figures) and maximum 102 figures (if
(c) 3 (d) 4 every page will contain 2 figures) are possible. So
Sol. (c) S1 is not sufficient to answer the question
A 3 B C
Using S2 alone, number of figures on any single
+ D E 2 F
page could 1, 2, 3, … up to infinity. So it is also not
1 5 9 0 2 sufficient to answer the question alone.
Each letter represents different digits. Even combining both we can have either 1 or 2
Unknown digits are 6 (A, B, C, D, E, F). Each digit figures on any page. Which gives us minimum 51
is greater than 3 (possible digits are 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). (if every page will contain 1 figure) and maximum
So each of these digits (4-9) will be used. We have 102 figure (if every page will contain 2 figures). So
to find A – D (or D – A). it can’t be answered uniquely even by combining
S1 and S2.
Here, C + F is ending with 2. So, C and take two
values 8 or 7. If C is 8 then F is 4 and if C is 7 then 8. Consider the following data:
F is 5. In any case B + 2 + 1 (carry) is ending with 0
so B = 7. It means C can’t take value 7, so C = 8 and
F = 4.
17. How many integers are there between 1 and 100 (T + 3a)/4 = 20 or T + 3a = 80 ….(1)
which have 4 as a digit but are not divisible by 4? T – a = 20 ….(2) (assuming that teachers age will
(a) 5 (b) 11 be greater than the students)
(c) 12 (d) 13
By solving equations 1 and 2 simultaneously we
Sol. (c) have a = 15 and T = 35. Option (c) is correct.
Between 1 and 100 there are 19 such integers which
have 4 as a digit – 4, 14, 24, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 20. A person bought a car and sold it for Rs. 3, 00,000.
46, 47, 48, 49, 54, 64, 74, 84 and 94. If he incurred a loss of 20%, then how much did he
Out of these, only 7 integers – 4, 24, 40, 44, 48, 64 spend to buy the car?
and 84 are divisible by 4. (a) Rs. 3, 60,000 (b) Rs. 3, 65,000
(c) Rs. 3, 70,000 (d) Rs. 3, 75,000
So correct answer will be 19 – 7 = 12.
Sol. (d)
18. Let x, y be the volumes; m, n be the masses of two Since loss is 20%, so 80% of CP = 3,00,000. => 0.8
metallic cubes P and Q respectively. Each side of CP = 300000 So CP = 3,75,000.
Q is two times that of P and mass of Q is two times
that of P. Let u = m / x and V = n / y. which one or Directions for the following 6 (six) items: Read the
the following is correct? following five passages and answer the items that follow.
(a) u = 4v (b) u = 2v Your answers to these items should be based on the
(c) v = u (d) v = 4u passages only.
In India, the current focus on the right to privacy is based 23. Which one of the following is the most logical and
on some new realities of the digital age. A right is a rational inference that can be made from the above
substantive right only if it works in all situations, and passage?
for everyone. A right to free expression for an individual (a) Rivers and other wetlands should be
about her exploitation, for instance, is meaningless protected under Ramsar Convention.
Which of the above assumptions are valid? The breaking down fields 10 zeros.
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only (b) 1 and 3 only = 1 × 5 × 10 × (3 × 5) × (2×10) × (5×5) × (3×10) ×
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (7×5) × (4×10) × (9×5) × (5×10) × (11×5) × (6×10)
Sol. (b)
28. Let XYZ be a three-digit number, where (x + y + Z)
This passage has two questions and hence must is not a multiple of 3. Then (XYZ + YZX + ZXY) is
be attempted. not divisible by
Statement 1 is correct. It is evolving constantly. (a) 3 (b) 9
So option (c) is eliminated. (c) 37 (d) (X + Y + Z)
Statement 3 is correct and is reflected in the Sol. (b)
passage. XYZ is a 3-digit number not divisible by 3.
So, option (b) is correct. We know that expanded form of XYZ will be 100
X + 10Y + Z. (basic decimal number system)
26. Which one of the following statements best implies
So, XYZ + YZX + ZXY = (100 X + 10Y + Z) +
the crux of the passage?
(100 Y + 10Z + X) + (100 Z + 10X + Y)
(a) Precautionary principle is not given
importance in current debate on developing = 111X + 111Y + 111Z = 111 (X + Y + Z)
GM crops. (note 3 and 37 are prime numbers and X + Y + Z is
(b) Biotechnology is not currently used in climate not a multiple of 3 (given), so it will not be multiple
change mitigation and adaptation of 9 too)
mechanisms. So, the correct option is (b).
(c) Biotechnology’s role is not confined to the
29. Let p, q, r and s be natural numbers such that
current priorities of developing GM crops.
p - 2016 = q + 2017 = r – 2018 = s + 2019 which one
(d) The negative Impacts of not biotechnology are
of the following is the largest natural number?
properly understood.
(a) p (b) q
Sol. (c) (c) r (d) s
We are now asked the “crux of the passage”. Sol. (c)
The passage is talking mainly about what From the given relations, we have p – q = 4033;
biotechnology is being used for today, and what is r – q = 4035 which clearly means r > p > q. Also
can be and must be used for in the coming years. r – s = 4037 which means r > s.
Hence, option (c) best summarises the crux. Thus, r is the greatest of all. So the correct option
27. How many zeroes are there at the end of the is (c).
following product? 30. How many five-digit prime numbers can be
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 obtained by using all the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
35 40 45 50 55 60 without repetition of digits?
(a) Zero (b) One
(a) 10 (b) 12
(c) Nine (d) Ten
(c) 14 (d) 15
Sol. (a)
Sol. (a)
A number is prime if it is divisible by none other
In a multiplication problem, 0 can be produced in
than 1 and itself.
two ways. First when a number is multiplied by
10 or second when 5 is multiplied by 2 or any even Now take the digits 1,2,3,4 and 5. Just add them
number. up once. We get 15 as the sum. Recall the rule of
divisibility by 3.
So to count the number of zeroes in the given
multiple break the product and count no. of 5 & “If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by
2 & 10. 3 then number will be divisible by 3”.
5. Distribution of river water among regions 3. Economic freedom has a positive impact on
should be regulated by the Union building up human capital.
Government. Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
Select the correct answer using the code given (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
below. (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2, 4 and 5 Sol. (c)
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 5
Sol. (a) Passage-4
Passage is talking about shortages and excesses Our urban bodies cannot possibly ensure sustainable
of water due to unpredictability and nature of
delivery of water in our cities unless financing
Monsoon in India. It also talks about ‘unutilized
mechanisms are put in place. Water delivery requires
water which flows with the rivers’.
heavy investment in collecting it from a natural source,
Statement 3 is not an implication we can get from
treating it to make it potable, and laying a distribution
the passage. Eliminate it. So we are left with
network of pipes for delivery to the users. It also requires
options (a) and (b) only.
investments in sewerage infrastructure and sewage
Statements 1 and 2 indicate possible solutions to
treatment plants so that the sewers can carry the
tackle the problem of water discharge into oceans.
wastewater to these plants to ensure that no untreated
Inter-linking of rivers will allow usage of excess
sewage is discharged back into natural water bodies. If
water in deficit regions. And network of dams and
our cities were rich enough to meet the entire cost, water
canals will ensure timely harnessing of skewed
could be delivered free. They are not.
monsoon flows.
Hence, (a) is best. Also, statement 3 is wrong, so 34. What is the most logical and crucial message
(c) and (d) are ruled out. conveyed by the passage?
(a) Urban local bodies must recover costs through
Passage — 3
user charges.
People will invest in education whenever they are (b) Urban local bodies are not efficient enough to
granted the economic freedom to fully enjoy benefits meet the water requirements of our cities.
Again, this is for the obvious reason that the return on
(c) Water shortage in our cities is a perennial
education increases as the level of economic freedom
problem that cannot be solved.
rises. When people, thanks to lower tax rates, are allowed
(d) In view of the water crisis in our cities, there
to retain of the higher income that they gain from
is an urgent need to limit the population of
incremental level of education, it makes sense to invest
cities by adopting an upper limit of
in education. On the other hand, when the government
population size.
decides to tax the higher income of educated individuals
at even higher rates, it makes very little sense to invest in Sol. (a)
educating oneself further. The same incentives apply to Try this passage as it has two questions.
parents who decide on whether to invest in their Option (c) is clearly wrong, as it says “…cannot
children’s education. be solved”.
33. With reference to the above passage, the following Option (d) is wrong as it is nowhere mentioned in
assumptions have been made: the passage.
1. Lower tax rates in a country invariably
Efficiency is not being discussed in the passage,
translate into greater investments in higher
rather financial viability is. So (b) is not entirely
2. Investment in the education of children
ensures their economic freedom. So option (a) is correct.
Among four numbers P, Q, R and S which one is Using S2 alone there are two numbers 13 (= 4×3 +
the largest? 1) and 17 (= 4×4 + 1) are possible.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of Even after combining both you will get set of two
the above Statements and the Question? numbers i.e., 13 and 17. So correct answer is
(a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. option (d).
(b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. 40. Two Statements S1 and S2 are given below with
(c) S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer regard to two numbers followed by a Question:
the Question, but neither S1 alone nor S2 alone S1: Their product is 21.
is sufficient to answer the Question. S2: Their sum is 10.
(d) S1 and s2 together are not sufficient to answer Question:
the Question.
What are the two numbers?
Sol. (c)
The question is ‘Among four numbers P, Q, R and Which one of the following is correct in respect of
S, which one is LARGEST?’ the above Statements and the Question?
(a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question.
S1 alone is not sufficient to answer the question,
as it doesn’t talk about S. (b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question.
S2 alone can’t be true as it says that S is not the (c) S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer
largest, but doesn’t give any hint about R, P and Q. the Question, but neither S1 alone nor S2 alone
is sufficient to answer the Question.
By combining S1 and S2 we get – ‘there are four
(d) S1 and S2 together are not sufficient to answer
numbers P, Q, R and S; S cannot be largest; So
the Question.
largest number will be among P, Q and R but ‘R is
greater than P and Q’, so R is the largest. Sol. (c)
Hence, answer is (c). S1 alone gives you a × b = 21 (where a and b are
two numbers) which have multiple possibilities
39. Two Statements S1 and S2 are given below like 3×7 = 21, 1.5×14 = 21 or 6 × 3.5 = 21. (it is not
followed by a Question: mentioned that numbers are integers)
S1: n is a prime number.
So S1 alone is not sufficient.
S2: n leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 4.
S2 alone will also not sufficient as it will give you
If n is a unique natural number between 10 and a + b = 10, and again multiple possibilities of a
20, then what is n? and b like (1, 9); (2, 8); (3, 7)… etc.
And total time = Distance/Speed = a/v + a/2v + Let the two numbers be a and b then
a/3v +a/4v = 25a/12v a2 – b2 = 63 =>(a + b) (a – b) = 63. Now 63 = 9 × 7
So, average speed for the entire journey = 4a/ (25a/ = 21 × 3 = 63 × 1 So,
12v) = 48v/25 = 1 .92v. Case I: a + b = 9; a – b = 7. Here we will get a = 8
So the correct option is (b) i.e. between v and 2v. and b = 1
64. With reference to the above passage, the following Theme is “Economic liberalization in India”. There
are two questions, so must be attempted.
assumptions have been made:
We are asked to find which on is a rational and
1. High risks involved in holding maximum
logical inference.
water in reservoirs are due to our over-
dependence on hydro power projects. Statement 1 speaks about rethinking the economic
role of State, in the quest for development. From
2. Storage capacity of dams should not be fully
the passage, it is clear that the Indian liberalization
used before or during monsoon season.
process was triggered by government’s economic
3. Role of dams in flood control is problems and not people’s problems, and that led
underestimated in India. to many design flaws, which are now visible in
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? multiple shortcomings across sectors.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2-only So, 1 does seem a rational inference. The State’s
economic role must be rethought and redefined if
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
we want proper development. Statement 2 is also
Sol. (d) reflected in passage.
All 3 statements are reflected in passage. So correct option is (c).
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: Read the reducing emissions by 33 percent by 2030, and towards
following five passages and answer items that follow. this it has initiated a strong push towards a gas-based
Your answers to these items should be based on the economy and has also invested heavily in renewable
Passages only. energy. However, business houses are wary of investing
too heavily in renewable energy at a time when the
Passage — 1
technology is not yet ready.
Bank credit to the industrial sector has started shrinking.
Its decline has been a serious concern as credit growth is 72. Which one of the following is the most logical and
essential to revive investment. The problem’s Origins lie rational inference that can be made from the above
in the incomplete reforms of the last 25 years. An passage?
institutional change that should have followed the 1991 (a) India’s commitment to reduce emissions by
reforms should have been setting up of a resolution 33% is unlikely to be achieved.
corporation for banks. In a market economy with booms
(b) India should import gas rather than invest in
and busts, banks should be allowed to be set up and to
renewable resources.
fail. Today, we cannot shut down banks because there is
no proper system to shut them down. Weak loss-making (c) Getting renewable resources to market too
banks continue to need more capital. soon may be costly.
71. Which one of the following is the most logical and (d) India should put in more efforts in the
rational inference that can be made from the above exploration of natural gas.
Sol. (c)
(a) Indian banking system is not able to help the
country in its economic growth. The passage says that ‘India has potential for solar
(b) Economic reforms that started in 1991 have energy. We have decided to shift to renewable
not helped in improving the economy to sources of energy but they are costly and
expected levels. technologically not perfect. Indian government is
(c) India lacks the institutional mechanism to committed to reduce emission by 33% till 2030 and
deal with the failure of banks. for that it has made efforts in gas-based economy
(d) Encouraging the foreign investments in our and renewable energy fields. Business-houses are
industrial sector is a good alternative to this reluctant to invest in renewable energy sources
sector’s dependence on banks for credit. because of lack of technology.’
Sol. (c)
The passage does not provide comparison of gas
The passage is focused on the limitations of the over renewable sources, and definitely does not
way the Indian banking system is structured, as say that gas must be preferred over renewables. So
banks are not allowed to fail, and there is no formal (b) is clearly ruled out.
resolution process for that.
Similarly, option (d) sounds like a policy
Option (a) is too broad.
prescription that’s not intended, in the passage.
Option (b) is too generalized.
So between (a) and (c), it is a tough choice. We will
Option (c) is precise and the actual inference we
go with (c).
can draw.
Option (d) is irrelevant. 73. With reference to the above passage, the following
assumptions have been made:
Passage — 2
1. Governments often provide inefficient and
India has tremendous potential for solar energy. We all
costly subsidies for technologies that may not
realize that we have to stop burning fossil fuels to meet
be ready in the near future.
our energy needs. But certain renewable resources are
still going through their cost Curves and learning curves 2. India’s commitment of reducing emissions by
to get the required amount of output. The Indian 33% by 2030 shall be on the basis of gas-based
Government has strongly committed to its targets of economy.
Sol. (b) So at the end of the 2nd operation the ratio of the
The passage wants to say that our constitution quantity of liquid A to the total quantity of liquid
provides the fundamental right of religious 2 2 2
20 4 16 4 16
freedom with certain conditions. If it is harmful =
20 20 5 25
for the society in any way, the state can intervene.
Options (c) and (d) are both extreme and can be It means out of the total quantity of 25 units liquid
immediately rejected. A is 16 units and liquid B is 25 – 16 = 9 units.
Option (a) is not correct at all. Hence required ratio is 16 : 9.
77. How many different 5-letter words (with or 79. The average score of a batsman after his 50th
without meaning) can be constructed using all the innings was 46.4. After 60th innings, his average
letters of the word ‘DELHI’ so that each word has Score increases by 2.6. What was his average score
to start with D and end with I? in the last ten innings?
(a) 24 (b) 18 (a) 122 (b) 91
(c) 12 (d) 6 (c) 62 (d) 49
Sol. (d) Sol. (c)
D___I Average of 50 innings = 46.4.
We have three places and three letters E, H, L which Sum of 50 innings = 50 × 46.4 = 2320 …(i)
can be arranged in 3! = 6 ways. Average of 60 innings = 46.4 + 2.6 = 49
So the correct option is (d). This is a question from Sum of 60 innings = 60 × 49 = 2940 …(ii)
permutations and combinations. If you don’t know So runs scored in last ten innings = 2940 – 2320
the topic, you can try doing it manually as well = 620.
which may take some time. Average = 620/10 = 62. So the correct option is (c).
78. A bottle contains 20 litres of liquid A. 4 litres of 80. As a result of 25% hike in the price of rice per kg, a
liquid A is taken out of it d replaced by same person is able to purchase 6 kg less rice for Rs.
quantity of liquid B. Again 4 litre of the mixture is 1,200. What Was the Original price of rice per kg?
taken out and replaced by same quantity of liquid (a) Rs. 30 (b) Rs. 40
B. What is the ratio of quantity of liquid A to that of (c) Rs. 50 (d) Rs. 60
liquid B in the final mixture? Sol. (b)
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 5 : 1 Let the original price be P. So, 1.25 P is the new
(c) 16 : 9 (d) 17 : 8 price.
Sol. (c) Earlier quantity purchased = 1200 / P kg.
If y units of some other liquid is replaced in x units New quantity purchased = 1200 / 1.25P kg
of original liquid n times then the ratio of the
Difference = 6 kg = 1200/P – 1200/1.25P.
quantity of original liquid to the total quantity of
liquid after n operation = ((x-y)/x)n. => P = 40
Previous Year
CSAT : 2021 Solved Papers
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Read the we are assuming that all men are not united by any
following four passages and answer the items that follow. Your shared common values or principles.
answer to these items should be based on the passages only. Option (d) is incorrect as people believe that they
Passage – 1 understand their own religion and on the basis of
this understanding only they tend to discard and
With respect to what are called denominations of religion, disapprove of the other denominations.
if everyone is left to be a judge of his own religion, there is
no such things as religion that is wrong; but if they are to Passage – 2
be a judge of each other’s religion, there is no such thing
It is certain, that seditions, wars, and contempt or breach
as a religion that is right, and therefore all the world is
of the laws are not so much to be imputed to the
right or all the world is wrong in the matter of religion.
wickedness of the subjects, as to the bad state of a
1. What is the most logical assumption that can be dominion. For men are not born fir for citizenship but
made from the passage given above? must be made so. Besides, men’s natural passions are
(a) No man can live without adhering to some everywhere the same; and if wickedness more prevails,
religious denomination. and more offences are committed in one commonwealth
(b) It is the duty of everyone to propagate one’s than in another, it is certain that the former has neither
religious denomination. enough pursued the end of unity, nor framed its laws
(c) Religious denominations tend to ignore the with sufficient forethought; and that, therefore, it has
unity of man. failed in making quite good its right as a commonwealth.
(d) Men do not understand their own religious
2. Which among the following is the most logical
and rational inference that can be made from the
Sol. (c)
passage given above?
The passage tries to understand changes in (a) Seditions, wars, and breach of the laws are
meaning of religion changes based on the inevitable in every dominion.
perspective of the looker. By contrasting how we (b) It is not the people, but the sovereign who is
tend to see one’s religious denomination as the most responsible for all the problems of any
correct one. dominion.
Option (a) is incorrect: As the passage does not (c) That dominion is the best which pursues the
assume that an individual cannot survive without aim of unity and has laws for good
following any religious denomination. citizenship.
Option (b) is incorrect as the passage is concerned (d) It is impossible for men to establish a good
only with the interpretation of religion from different dominion.
perspectives but not with the propagation of Sol. (c)
religion. Option (a) is incorrect: The option is an assumption
Option (c) is correct as when we consider our that issues of sedition, wars, etc. are inevitable and
religion to be the correct one and all others as false, they should not be amputated to the wickedness of
Which of the above statements is/are valid? Statement 2 is incorrect- As the passage nowhere
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only mentions that rising GDP guarantees reasonable
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 distribution to all households.
Sol. (d) Hence, option (d) is correct.
Statement 1 is incorrect- The passage only mentions
that high fuel prices are leading to increasing food 15. Seven books P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are placed side
prices, it doesn't explicitly mention oil-producing by side. R, Q and T have blue covers and other
countries being one of the reasons for high fuel books have red covers. Only S and U are new books
prices. and the rest are old. P, R and S are law reports; the
Statement 2 is incorrect: The passage mentions that rest are Gazetteers. Books of old Gazetteers with
blue covers are
food crisis will be caused due to emerging
(a) Q and R (b) Q and U
economies’ tendency of mass consumption.
(c) Q and T (d) T and U
However, the passage only mentions emerging
economies as a causative agent rather than affected Sol. (c)
agent. The following table represents the information given
Hence, option (d) is correct. in the question:
Passage – 4
A central message of modern development economics is
the importance of income growth, by which is meant
growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In theory,
rising GDP creates employment and investment
Since we have been asked about the books which
opportunities. As incomes grow in a country where the are old gazetteers with blue cover, therefore option
level of GDP was once low, households, communities, (c) is the correct answer.
and governments are increasingly able to set aside some
funds for the production of things that make for a good 16. Replace the incorrect term by the correct term in
life. Today GDP has assumed such a significant place in the given sequence 3, 2, 7, 4, 13, 10, 21, 18, 31, 28,
the development lexicon, that if someone mentions 43, 40 where odd terms and even terms follow the
“economic growth”, we know they mean growth in GDP. same pattern.
(a) 0 (b) 1
14. With reference to the above passage, the following (c) 3 (d) 6
assumptions have been made: Sol. (a)
1. Rising GDP is essential for a country to be a On separating the Odd and the Even Series, we
developed country. observe the following pattern:
2. Rising GDP guarantees a reasonable
distribution of income to all households.
3 2
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
3+4=7 0+4=4
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only 7 + 6 = 13 4 + 6 = 10
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 13 + 8 = 21 10 + 8 = 18
Sol. (d) 21 + 10 = 31 18 + 10 = 28
Statement 1 is incorrect- Passage mentions that in 31 + 12 = 43 28 + 12 = 40
theory, rising GDP creates employment and
On observing the given two series, we observe that
investment opportunities, and this, in turn, sets
the first term in EVEN SERIES should be replaced
aside funds necessary for the good life. Thus
by 0, therefore option (a) is the correct answer.
assuming only rising GDP cannot be said as
essential criteria for a developed country but 17. Following is a matrix of certain entries. The entries
income redistribution also plays a critical role as follow a certain trend row-wise. Choose the
mentioned in the passage. missing entry (?) accordingly.
18. You are given two identical sequences in two rows: Distance covered by Y in 5th hour = 2 km
So, the total distance covered by Y in 5 hours = 1 +
1.25 + 1.5 + 1.75 + 2 = 7.5 km
Hence, both the given statements are true.
What is the entry in the place of C for the
Sequence-II? 20. A student appeared in 6 papers. The maximum
(a) 2.5 (b) 5 marks are the same for each paper. His marks in
(c) 9.375 (d) 32.8125 these papers are in the proportion 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10.
Sol. (c) Overall he scored 60%. In how many number of
The inherent pattern in the two sequences has been papers did he score less than 60% of the maximum
represented below. marks?
(a) 2 (b) 3
Sequence I Sequence II
(c) 4 (d) 5
8 × 0.5 = 4 5 × 0.5 = 2.5 (A)
Sol. (b)
4 × 1.5 = 6 2.5 × 1.5 = 3.75 (B)
Let total marks in each subject be 100.
6 × 2.5 = 15 3.75 × 2.5 = 9.375 (C) Therefore, total marks for all 6 subjects = 600
15 × 3.5 = 52.5 Overall marks scored = 60% of 600 = 360
52.5 × 4.5 = 236.25 According to the question,
5x + 6x + 7x + 8x + 9x + 10x = 360
19. A person X from a place A and another person Y
or 45x = 360 or x = 8
from a place B set out at the same time to walk
So, marks in the given 6 subjects must be:
towards each other. The places are separated by a
5 × 8 = 40
distance of 15 km. X walks with a uniform speed
6 × 8 = 48
of 1.5 km/hr and Y walks with a uniform speed of
1 km/hr in the first hour, with a uniform speed of 7 × 8 = 56
1.25 km/hr in the second hour and with a uniform 8 × 8 = 64
speed of 1.5 km/hr in the third hour and so on. 9 × 8 = 72
Which of the following is/are correct? 10 × 8 = 80
1. They take 5 hours to meet. Hence, in 3 subjects the student has scored less than
2. They meet midway between A and B. 60% marks.
25. A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and 26. A boy plays with a ball, and he drops it from a
Conclusion-II is given below. You have to take the height of 1.5 m. Every time the ball hits the ground,
Statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance it bounces back to attain a height 4/5th of the
from the commonly known facts. Read all previous height. The ball does not bounce further
Conclusions and then decide which of the given if the previous height is less than 50 cm. What is
Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow from the the number of times the ball hits the ground before
Statement, disregarding the commonly known the ball stops bouncing?
facts. (a) 4 (b) 5
Statement: Some cats are almirahs. Some almirahs (c) 6 (d) 7
are chairs. All chairs are tables.
Sol. (b)
Conclusion-I: Certainly some almirahs are tables.
Given Height = 1.5 m = 1.5 × 100 cm = 150 cm
Conclusion-II: Some cats may not be chairs.
When ball hits the ground for the 1st time, its height
Which one of the following is correct?
= (4/5) × 150 = 120 cm When ball hits the ground
(a) Only Conclusion-I
for the 2nd time, its height = (4/5) × 120 = 96 cm
(b) Only Conclusion-II
When ball hits the ground for the 3rd time, its
(c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II
height = (4/5) × 96 = 76.8 cm
(d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II
When ball hist the ground for the 4th time, its
Sol. (c)
height = (4/5) × 76.8 = 61.44 cm When ball hits the
Based on the statements, we can have these
ground for the 5th time, its height = (4/5) × 61.44 =
49.15 cm
Case I :
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
The number of consonants whose images look like 30. A woman runs 12 km towards her North, then
them are: 6 km towards her South and then 8 km towards
H, M, T, V, W, X and Y her East. In which direction is she from her starting
Therefore, there are a total of 7 such consonants. point?
(a) An angle less than 45o South of East
Hence, the number of consonants whose images do
(b) An angle less than 45o North of East
not look like them = 21 – 7 = 14
(c) An angle more than 45o South of East
28. A bank employee drives 10 km towards South from (d) An angle more than 45o North of East
her house and turns to her left and drives another
Sol. (b)
20 km. She again turns left and drives 40 km, then
The path taken by the woman has been depicted
she turns to her right and drives for another 5 km.
She again turns to her right and drives another
30 km to reach her bank where she works. What is
the shortest distance between her bank and her
(a) 20 km (b) 25 km
(c) 30 km (d) 35 km
Sol. (b)
The route taken by the bank employee has been
depicted below:
in grasslands. The number of aphids was also as well as many plant-derived medicines. At least one-
significantly suppressed under the light treatment due third of the world’s agricultural crops depend upon
to the limited amount of food available. pollination. Bees are the most dominant taxa when it
comes to pollination and they are crucial to more than
31. Which one of the following statements best reflects
four hundred crops. Pollination is an essential service
the most critical inference that can be made from
that is the result of intricate relationship between plants
the passage given above?
and animals, and the reduction or less of either affects
(a) Low intensity light has more adverse effect
the survival of both. Effective pollination requires
on the plants as compared to high intensity
resources, such as refuges of pristine natural vegetation.
(b) Light pollution can have a permanent adverse 32. On the basis of the passage given above, the
impact on an ecosystem. following assumptions have been made:
(c) White light is better for the flowering of plants 1. Sustainable production of India’s cereal food
as compared to the light of other colours. grains is impossible without the diversity of
(d) Proper intensity of light in an ecosystem pollinating animals.
is important not only for plants but for
2. Monoculture of horticultural crops hampers
animals too.
the survival of insects.
Sol. (b) 3. Pollinators become scarce in cultivated areas
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage mentions that devoid of natural vegetation.
low-intensity light inhibits the flowering of a 4. Diversity in insects induces diversity of
wildflower. However, it cannot be inferred that Low- plants.
intensity light has more adverse effects vis-vis High-
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
intensity light.
(a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
Option (b) is correct: It can be inferred from the
passage that light pollution can have permanent (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 3 and 4 only
adverse effects on the ecosystem. Sol. (d)
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not Statement 1 is incorrect: It is an extreme statement.
mention that white color is good for the flowering Though the diversity of pollinating animals is
of the plants. With this information, we cannot important for the Sustainable production of India’s
sufficiently infer that White light is better for the cereal food grains and can be a valid assumption
flowering of the plants vis-a-vis all the other lights from the passage the word impossible is making
of all the other colors. this statement incorrect.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage mentions that Statement 2 is incorrect: It cannot be explicitly
low-intensity light inhibits the flowering of plants. assumed from the passage that the Monoculture of
Further, it highlights that the number of aphids was horticultural crops hampers the survival of insects.
also significantly suppressed under the light Also, the passage does not talk about hampering
treatment due to the limited amount of food agricultural diversity due to monoculture practices
available. However the main aim of the passage is leading to a reduction in pollinators.
comparison between different lights and their Statement 3 is correct: From the following lines of
effects. the passage “ Pollination is an essential service that
Hence, Option (b) is correct is the result of an intricate relationship between
plants and animals, and the reduction or loss of
Passage – 2 either affects the survival of both. Effective
Approximately 80 percent of all flowering plant species pollination requires resources, such as refuges of
are pollinated by animals, including birds and mammals, pristine natural vegetation” it can be assumed that
but the main pollinators are insects. Pollination is the pollinators become scarce in cultivated areas
responsible for providing us with a wide variety of food, devoid of natural vegetation.
treatment with Bisphenol A (BPA), it cannot be 37. From January 1, 2021, the price of petrol (in Rupees
explicitly assumed that they are useful in finding per litre) on mth day of the year is 80 + 0.1m, where
out treatments for pollution-induced diseases. m = 1, 2, 3, …, 100 and thereafter remains constant.
Statement 3 is correct: It can be assumed from the On the other hand, the price of diesel (in Rupees
passage that Embryonic stem cells could serve as a per litre) on nth day of 2021 is 69 + 0.15n for any n.
model to evaluate the physiological effects of On which date in the year 2021 are the prices of
environmental pollutants. these two fuels equal?
(a) 21st May (b) 20th May
Hence Option (c) is correct.
(c) 19th May (d) 18th May
35. If 32019 is divided by 10, then what is the remainder?
Sol. (b)
(a) 1 (b) 3
Price of the diesel on nth day of the year =
(c) 7 (d) 9
69 + 0.15n Price of the petrol on mth day of the year
Sol. (c)
= 80 + 0.1m Where m = 1 to 100. After which it
It’s given that: 32019 is divided by 10. Now,
remains constant.
31 = 3
4" Price of the petrol on and after 100th day =
32 = 9
80 + 0.1 × 100 = 80 + 10 = Rs. 90
33 = 27
Now, total number of days till 30th April = 31 + 28
34 = 81 + 31 + 30 = 120 days
35 = 243 20th May means 120 + 20 = 140 days
36 = 729 Price of the diesel = 69 + 0.15 × 140 = 90
Since, unit place of the power of 3 repeats after every
Therefore, we can say that on 20th May 2021, price
4 steps (i.e. it has a cyclicity of 4). Now, on dividing
of these two fuels will be equal.
2019 by 4 we get a remainder of 3.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Hence, 32019 will have the same last digit as that of
33, i.e. 7. 38. A biology class at high school predicted that a local
(33)/10 = 27/10 population of animals will double in size every
Hence, the remainder will be 7. 12 years. The population at the beginning of the
year 2021 was estimated to be 50 animals. If P
36. The number 3798125P369 is divisible by 7. What represents the population after n years, then which
is the value of the digit P? one of the following equations represents the model
(a) 1 (b) 6 of the class for the population?
(c) 7 (d) 9 (a) P = 12 + 50n (b) P = 50 + 12n
Sol. (b) (c) P = 50 (2)12n (d) P = 50 (2)n/12
Given: 3798125P369 is divisible by 7 Sol. (d)
Let’s express the given number in terms of triplets Population is getting doubled every 12 years, and
of digits, starting from the right, as follows. population in the year 2021 is 50 animals. So, after
(37) (981) (25P) (369) 12 years it will get doubled to 100 animals.
Now, 369 – 25P + 981 – 37 = 1350 – 25P – 37 = 1313 P = 50 × 2n/12 = 50 × 212/12 = 50 × 2 = 100 animals.
– 25P For all other options, this value comes out to be way
By dividing 1313 by 7 we get 4 as remainder. above 100.
25P in the above equation should be in between Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
250 to 259. Now, 252 and 259 are divisible by 7. So,
39. In a class, 60% of students are from India and 50%
the number must be 252 + 4 = 256. Hence, value of
of the students are girls. If 30% of the Indian
students are girls, then what percentage of foreign
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. students are boys?
Sol. (d) Directions for the following 3 (three) items: Read the
Let total number of students in the class be 100. following two passages and answer the items that
Indian students = 60% of 100 = 60 follow. Your answers to these items should be based on
So, foreign students = 100 – 60 = 40 students the passages only.
Total number of girls students = 50% of 100 = 50
According to the question,
Medieval merchants risked the hazards of the Silk Road
Total number of Indian girl students = 30% of 60 =
to reach the markets of China; Portuguese caravels in the
18 students
15th century sailed beyond the bounds of the known
So, foreign girl students = 50 – 18 = 32
world, searching less for knowledge than for gold and
As total foreign students = 40
spices. Historically, the driver for opening frontiers has
So, foreign boy students = 40 – 32 = 8
always been the search for resources. Science and
So, percentage of boys among foreign students =
curiosity are weaker drivers. The only way to open up
(8/40) × 100 = 20%
space, whether the space of solar system or interstellar
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
space is to create an economic engine and that engine is
40. A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and resource extraction.
Conclusion-II is given below. You have to take the
41. Which one of the following statements best sums
Statement to be true even if it seems to be at variance
up the passage given above?
from the commonly known facts. Read all
(a) Wealth generation is the primary motive for
Conclusions and then decide which of the given
any human endeavour.
Conclusion(s) logically follows/follow from the
(b) Space, whether space in solar system or
Statement, disregarding the commonly known
interstellar space, will govern our future
Statement: Some radios are mobiles. All mobiles
(c) Human beings are motivated to explore
are computers. Some computers are watches.
new frontiers principally by economic
Conclusion-I: Certainly some radios are watches.
Conclusion-II: Certainly some mobiles are
(d) Wealth generation is based on the risk-taking
behaviour of some men.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Only Conclusion-I Sol. (c)
(b) Only Conclusion-II Option (a) is incorrect: The passage talks about the
(c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II wealth generation as a strong motive for exploration
(d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II but not the primary motive for any endeavor. They
Sol. (d) can have other motives, like science and curiosity
though they are weak.
Based on the statements, we can have these
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage only talks about
the possibility of initial exploration based on the
economy. It does give any hint on the future.
Option (c) is correct: The passage talks about the
economic consideration as principal for exploration
like exploration for gold, spice, and Chinese market.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does talk about
explorations that involve risk, but it will be incorrect
to assume that wealth generation is always based
on risk-taking behavior. Wealth generation may or
may not involve risk-taking behavior.
64. P scored 40 marks more than Q in an examination. 66. In a code language ‘MATHEMATICS’ is written
If Q scored 10% less marks than P, then how much as ‘LBSIDNZUHDR’. How is CHEMISTRY’
did Q score. written in that code language?
(a) 360 (b) 380 (a) DIDLHRSSX (b) BIDNHTSSX
(c) 400 (d) 420 (c) BIDLHTSSX (d) DGFLIRUQZ
H (8) I (9), i.e. increase of 1 What is the arithmetic mean of all such possible
And so on.
(a) 102 (b) 120
So, the code of CHEMISTRY will be: BIDNHTSSX (c) 202 (d) 220
67. At which one of the following times, do the hour Sol. (c)
hand and the minute hand of the clock make an 3P + 4P + PP + PP = RQ2
angle of 180° with each other? Or 30 + P + 40 + P + 10P + P + 10P + P = 100R + 10
(a) At 7:00 hours Q + 2 Or 24P + 70 = 100R + 10 Q + 2
(b) Between 7:00 hours and 7:05 hours Or 20P + 70 + 4P = 100R + 10 Q + 2
(c) At 7:05 hours
The unit digit of the resultant is 2. It will be obtained
(d) Between 7:05 hours and 7:10 hours
when 4 is multiplied by P. So, P must be 3, or 8. If P
Sol. (d)
= 3, then:
Angle of 180° means that they must be directly
24P + 70 = 24 × 3 + 70 = 72 + 70 = 142
opposite to each other.
If P = 8, then:
This will happen a little time after 7:05 hours.
24P + 70 = 24 × 8 + 70 = 192 + 70 = 262
Arithmetic sum of 142 and 262 = (142 + 262)/2 =
Option (a) is correct: The passage states (read Runs scored : Balls faced = 75/175 = 0.43
concludes) that “anyone wing of such macro policy, For batsman B:
monetary or fiscal, cannot independently work Runs scored : Balls faced = 55/97 = 0.57
without the active support of another.” Now, the For batsman C:
Central Bank deals with the monetary policy, while
Runs scored : Balls faced = 35/125 = 0.28
the government looks after the fiscal policy of the
country. Therefore, the statement in option (a) flows For batsman D:
as a natural corollary to the conclusion provided in Runs scored : Balls faced = 25/105 = 0.24
the passage. The best ratio is that of batsman B.
Option (b) is incorrect: Though the statement might
76. Half of the villagers of a certain village have their
be right in its own sphere, but it is beyond the scope
own houses. One-fifth of the villagers cultivate
of this passage.
paddy. One-third of the villagers are literate. Four-
Option (c) is incorrect: Not only is the statement in fifth of the villagers are under 25 years of age.
this option beyond the scope of the passage, but it Which one of the following statements is certainly
is also incorrect in its own right and a very extreme correct?
one. India, which follows a mixed economy, is a (a) All the villagers who have their own houses
classic counterexample to the assertion made in this are literate.
option. (b) Some villagers under 25 years of age are
Option (d) is incorrect: To quote a standard literate.
definition, “The financial sector is a section of the (c) Only half of the villagers who cultivate paddy
economy made up of firms and institutions that are literate.
provide financial services to commercial and retail (d) No villager under 25 years of age has his own
customers. This sector comprises a broad range of house.
industries including banks, investment companies,
Sol. (b)
insurance companies, and real estate firms.” The
50% of the villagers have their own house.
passage does not discuss financial sector reforms.
Rather, it deals with the macroeconomic framework 20% of the villagers cultivate paddy.
of monetary and fiscal policies, of which, the 33.33% of the villagers are literate.
financial sector is just one (relatively) small aspect. 80% of the villagers are under 25 years of age.
(d) Neither Statement-1 alone nor Statement-2 Conclusion-4 : All blacks are greens.
alone is sufficient to answer the Question Which one of the following is correct?
Sol. (b) (a) Conclusion-1 and Conclusion-2 only
Considering statement 1: (b) Conclusion-2 and Conclusion-3 only
The last day of the month is a Wednesday. However, (c) Conclusion-3 and Conclusion-4 only
we do not know the number of days in the month,
(d) Neither Conclusion 1 nor 2 nor 3 nor 4
so we cannot find the day on the 14th of that month.
Hence, statement 1 alone is not sufficient to answer Sol. (d)
the question. The statements can be represented in the form of
Considering statement 2: Venn diagrams, as follows:
Previous Year
CSAT : 2022 Solved Papers
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: Statement 2 is correct: Again, the author directly
Read the following two passage and answer the items states, “the increasingly evident unsustainability
that follow the passages. Your answers to these items of production and consumption patterns. Current
should be based on the passage only. production models rely heavily on fossil fuels. We
Passage-1 now know that this is unsustainable because the
The main threat to maintaining progress to human resources are finite.
development comes from the increasingly evident Statement 3 is incorrect: The passage states that
unsustainability of production and consumption “Some developed countries have begun to alleviate
patterns. Current production models rely heavily on fossil the worst effects by expanding recycling”. This
fuels. We now know that this is unsustainable because means that some countries are trying to reduce the
the resources are finite. The close link between economic effects of unsustainable production via recycling
growth and greenhouse gas emissions needs to be severed and other methods. Therefore, recycling would
for human development to become truly sustainable. reduce the unsustainability in production patterns
Some developed countries have begun to alleviate the rather than aggravate it.
worst effects by expanding recycling and investing in
2. Consider the following statements :
public transport and infrastructure. But most developing
countries are hampered by the high costs and low Developed countries can support developing
availability of clean energy sources. Developed countries countries’ transition to sustainable human
need to support developing countries’ transition of development by
sustainable human development. 1. making clean energy sources available at low
1. Unsustainability in production pattern is due to 2. providing loans for improving their public
which of the following? transport at nominal interest rates
1. Heavy dependence on fossil fuels 3. encouraging them to change their production
2. Limited availability of resources and consumption patterns
3. Expansion of recycling
Select the correct answer using the code given Which of the statements given above is/are
below. correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Sol. (a) Sol. (b)
Statement 1 is correct: The passage directly Statement 1 is correct: The author mentions high
mentions, “the increasingly evident costs and low availability of clean energy sources.
unsustainability of production and consumption Immediately after that, he states that “Developed
patterns. Current production models rely heavily countries need to support developing countries’
on fossil fuels.” Therefore, heavy dependence on transition to sustainable human development”.
fossil fuels is a reason, as per the author, for the Therefore, the first statement is correct and it directly
unsustainability of production patterns. follows the assertion made.
Statement 2: Whether this statement is correct or Select the correct answer using the code given
incorrect depends upon whether we opt for a narrow below.
or broader interpretation of the passage. The (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
passage mentions, “But most developing countries (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
are hampered by the high costs and low availability Sol. (c)
of clean energy sources.” Therefore, it seems that
Statement 1 is correct: "Pockets of desert-like
the author is only focussing on issues related to
landscape are now appearing in other parts of the
high costs and low availability of clean energy
country including the Sutlej-Ganga Plains and
sources as hindrances for developed countries in
Deccan Plateau. Where only a few decades back
transitioning towards sustainable human
there used to be lush green forests with perennial
streams and springs, there is only brown earth, bare
However, (taking a broader view) the question does
of vegetation, without any water in the streams and
mention “can”- and providing loans for improving
springs except in the rainy season.” Supports the
their public transport at nominal interest rates is
assertion of the author that deforestation and
certainly one way where developed countries can
denudation will ultimately lead to the depletion of
help developing countries especially to alleviate the
soil resources.
worst effects of unsustainable development.
Statement 2 is incorrect: This statement goes
Statement 3: The option although mention in the
beyond the scope of the passage. The passage
passage is not discussed with respect to developing
countries. Their by strictly bounding ourself to the doesnot mention anything related to the common
passage statement-3 can be considered incorrect. man.
Hence, option (b) is the answer. Statement 3 is correct: This is supported by the lines
"the harshness of the climatic conditions” and
Passage-2 “Where only a few decades back there used to be
Unless the forces and tendencies which are responsible lush green forests with perennial streams and
for destroying the country’s environment are checked in springs, there is only brown earth, bare of
the near future and afforestation of denuded areas is vegetation, without any water in the streams and
taken up on a massive scale, the harshness of the climatic springs except in the rainy season”.
conditions and soil erosion by wind and water will
4. What is the value of X in the sequence
increase to such an extent that agriculture, which is the
mainstay of our people, will gradually become 20, 10, 10, 15, 30, 75, X?
impossible. The desert countries of the world and our (a) 105 (b) 120
own desert area in Rajasthan are a grim reminder of the (c) 150 (d) 225
consequences of large-scale deforestation. Pockets of Sol. (d)
desert-like landscape are now appearing in other parts
The given series is:
of the country including the Sutlej-Ganga Plans and the
20, 10, 10, 15, 30, 75, X?
Deccan Plateau. Where only a few decades back there
used to be lush green forests with perennial streams and The terms are decreasing in the initial half, and then
springs, there is only brown earth, bare of vegetation, they start increasing. The speed at which they
without any water in the streams and springs except in increase at the latter half suggest that multiplication
the rainy season. may be involved.
The pattern is as follows: 20 × 0.5 = 10
3. According to passage given above, deforestation
10 × 1 = 10
and denudation will ultimately lead to which of
10 × 1.5 = 15
the following?
1. Depletion of soil resource 15 × 2 = 30
2. Shortage of land for the common man 30 × 2.5 = 75
3. Lack of water for cultivation 75 × 3 = 225
(a) 8 (b) 9
Y - 40m X - 60m E
(c) 11 (d) 12
Sol. (a) 50m
3. 20 notes of 10 are used and the remaining 10. The digits 1 to 9 are arranged in three rows in such
are in the denominations of 50 and 20. a way that each row contains three digits, and the
Which of the above statements are not correct? number formed in the first row; and the number
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only formed in the third row is thrice the number formed
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 in the first row. Repetition of digits is not allowed.
Sol. (d) If only three of the four digits 2, 3, 7 and 9 are
allowed to use in the first row, how many such
Total amount = Rs. 1840
combinations are possible to be arranged in the
Let the number of Rs. 50, Rs. 20, and Rs. 10 notes be three rows?
a, b and c respectively. Now, let’s check the (a) 4 (b) 3
statements. (c) 2 (d) 1
Statement 1: 25 notes of Rs. 50 were used. So, Sol. (c)
remaining amount = 1840 – (25 × 50) = 1840 – 1250 We can only use three of the four digits – 2, 3, 7, and
= Rs. 590. 9, in the first row.
Even if all the remaining 25 notes are of Rs. 20 The first digit in the first row cannot be 7 or 9, as
denomination, we will only get Rs. 500. So, otherwise thrice the number will not be a three-digit
Statement 1 is definitely incorrect. number.
Statement 2: 35 notes of Rs. 20 were used. So, So, the first digit in the first row can either be 2, or 3.
remaining amount = 1840 – (35 × 20) = 1840 – 700 The possible cases are: 237, 273, 239, 293, 279, 297,
= Rs. 1140. 327, 372, 329, 392, 379, or 397.
Even if all the remaining 15 notes are of Rs. 50 On eliminating the numbers whose 3x is not a three-
denomination, we will only get Rs. 750. So, digit number, we are left with: 237, 273, 239, 293,
Statement 2 is definitely incorrect. 279, 297, 327, and 329.
Statement 3: 20 notes of Rs. 10 were used. So, We will check these numbers:
remaining amount = 1840 – (20 × 10) = 1840 – 200 = 237 × 2 =474 (digit repetition, and so eliminated)
Rs. 1640. 273 × 2 = 546; 273 × 3 = 819
Even if all the remaining 30 notes are of Rs. 50 239 × 2 = 478; 239 × 3 = 717 (digit repetition, and so
denomination, we will only get Rs. 1500. So, eliminated)
Statement 3 is definitely incorrect.
293 × 2 = 586; 293 × 3 = 879 (digit repetition, and so
9. Which number amongst 240, 321, 418 and 812 is the eliminated) 279 × 2 = 558 (digit repetition, and so
smallest? eliminated)
(a) 2 40 (b) 3 21 297 × 2 = 594 (digit repetition, and so eliminated)
(c) 4 18 (d) 8 12 327 × 2 = 654; 327 × 3 = 981
Sol. (b) 329× 2 = 658; 329× 3 = 987 (digit repetition, and so
eliminated) So, only two cases are possible.
The given numbers are: 240, 321, 418, and 812.
We can also write them as: 240, 321, 236, and 236. (as Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
4 = 22, and 8 = 23) Read the following two passages and answer the items
that follow the passages. Your answer to these items
So, we basically need to find the smallest one from
should be based on passage only.
among 236, and 321. As we cannot have two correct
answers, it must be 321. Passage-1
We can rewrite 236 and 321 as: 212 and 37 In simple matters like shoe-making, we think only a
special trained person will serve out purpose, but in
4096 > 2187
politics, we presume that everyone who knows how to
Hence, 321 is the smallest number. get votes knows how to administer a State. When we
Option (d) is correct: This is the main message being Sol. (a)
stressed by the author, who explains through the Option (a) is correct: This option is the best answer.
various lines of the passage that measuring poverty Although the phrase, “all deprivations” might seem
through the lens of income or purchasing power extreme, the author does make a case for
(buying capacity) is only a narrow way of looking deprivations stemming from lack of choices (real
at poverty. opportunities), rather than solely income.
13. Why is income poverty only one measure of Option (b) is incorrect: The option goes beyond the
counting the ‘poor’? scope of the passage as there is no mention of rural
(a) It talks of only one kind of deprivation versus urban poor in the passage.
ignoring all others. Option (c) is incorrect: The option also goes beyond
(b) Other deprivations in a human life have the scope of the passage. There is no mention of
nothing to do with lack of purchasing power. diverse personal circumstances and missed
(c) Income poverty is not a permanent condition, opportunities therein. The author refers to the lack
it changes from time to time. of opportunities rather than missed ones.
(d) Income poverty restricts human choices only Option (d) is incorrect: This option states,
at a point of time. ‘restricting human choices permanently’. This
Sol. (a) cannot be assumed. (In fact, the very purpose of
Option (a) is correct: This option follows from the discussing poverty and poverty estimations is the
lines, “income poverty. If poverty is ultimately about hope of reversing the condition of lack of choices
deprivations affecting human well-being, then and opportunities). So, the use of the phrase
income poverty is only one aspect of it.” ‘permanently’ is incorrect here. No deprivation,
material or non-material, restricts choice
Option (b) is incorrect: This option is rather extreme
and goes beyond the scope of the passage. Nothing
in the passage talks about the factors affecting the 15. X and Y run a 3 km race along a circular course of
purchasing power of a person. length 300 m. Their speeds are in the ratio 3:2. If
Option (c) is incorrect: This option is beyond the they start together in the same direction, how many
scope of the passage. There is no mention in the times would the first one pass the other (the start-
passage of income being a temporary or permanent off is not counted as passing)?
condition. (a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
Option (d) is incorrect as the passage does not lay
out a time consideration (i.e. when does income Sol. (b)
poverty affect human choices by restricting them- The faster runner will cross the slower one
whether only at a point of time or always, till such when he covers an extra 300 m. Let their speeds be
poverty exists) anywhere while suggesting how 3 m/sec and 2 m/sec.
income poverty affects or restricts human choices. So, their relative speed = 3 – 2 = 1 m/sec
So, the time taken by the faster runner to cross
14. What does the author mean by ‘poverty of a life’?
the slower one = Distance/Relative Speed =
(a) All deprivations in a human life which stem
300/1 = 300 seconds
not only from lack of income but lack of real
It basically means that the faster runner will cross
the slower one every 300 seconds, or 5 minutes.
(b) Impoverished state of poor people in rural and
urban areas Now, the time taken for the faster racer to complete
(c) Missed opportunities in diverse personal the entire race = Total Distance/Speed = 3000/3
circumstances = 1000 seconds.
(d) Material as well as non-material deprivations So, the faster racer will cross the slower one 3 times
in a human life which restrict human choices during the entire race – after 300 seconds, 600
permanently seconds, and 900 seconds.
27 – 23 = 4 = D Question: Is x an integer?
20. The increase in the price of a certain item was 25%. 21. Based on the above passage, the following
Then the price was decreased by 20% and then assumptions have been made:
again increased by 10%. What is the resultant 1. Development of agricultural technology is
increase in the price? confined to developed countries.
2. Agricultural technology is not adapted in
(a) 5% (b) 10%
developing countries.
(c) 12.5% (d) 15%
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
Sol. (b) (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Let the initial price be Rs. 100. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Sol. (d)
After 25% rise, the new price = 100 + 25% of 100
Assumption 1 is invalid: The passage mentions,
= Rs. 125
“Application of technology…Americas”. This does
After 20% fall, the new price = 125 – 20% of 125 not mean that technological development in
= Rs. 100 agriculture is confined to the West. Focus on the
After 10% rise, the new price = 100 + 10% of 100 use of the word “much” here. From this, we can
= Rs. 110 So, resultant percentage increase in price infer that the West holds a major share of
= 10% technological development in agriculture, but it
does not imply “no technological development (of
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: agriculture) in the developed countries”.
Read the following passages and answer the items that Assumption 2 is invalid: The author only makes a
follow the passage. Your answers to these items should caution about blindly copying and deploying the
be based on the passages only. technologies of the West with respect to their
suitability in different climatic regions of the
Tropics. He makes a case, instead, for investing in
In some places in the world, the productivity of staples more achievable things such as optimal fertilizer
such as rice and wheat has reached a plateau. Neither application and better infrastructure. However, this
new strains nor fancy agrochemicals are raising the does not imply that agricultural technology is not
yields. Nor is there much unfarmed land left that is adapted in developing countries at all. Also, this
suitable to be brought under the plough. If global assumption does not state agricultural technology
temperature continues to rise, some places will become developed in the western world- It refers to
unsuitable for farming. Application of technology can agricultural technology in general.
help overcome these problems. Agricultural technology 22. Based on the above passage, the following
is changing fast. Much of this change is brought about assumptions have been made:
by affluent farmers in the West/Americas. Techniques 1. Poor countries need to bring about change in
developed in the West are being adapted in some places their existing farming techniques.
to make tropical crops more productive. Technology is 2. Developed countries have better
of little use if it is not adapted. In the developing infrastructure and they waste less food.
world, that applies as much to existing farming Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
techniques as it does to the latest advances in genetic (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
modification. Extending to the smallholders and (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
subsistence farmers of Africa and Asia the best of Sol. (a)
today’s agricultural practices, in such simple matters Assumption 1 is correct: The passage specifies/
as how much fertilizers to apply and when, would talks about poor countries.
lead to a greatly increased availability of food for
Assumption 2 is incorrect: This assumption goes
humanity. So would things like better roads and storage
beyond the information provided in the passage.
facilities, to allow for the carriage of surpluses to markets
There is no mention of the infrastructure status of
and reduce wastage. the developed countries or the food wastage there.
C = (B/2) + 2
Or B/2 = 16 – 2 = 14 Or B = 28
And finally, B = (A/2) + 2
Or A/2 = 28 – 2 = 26 Or A = 52
So, A initially had 52 coins.
29. In the series AABABCABCDABCDE..., which letter
appears at the 100th place?
(a) G (b) H
(c) I (d) J Now, there are 11 persons ahead of C and 13 behind
A. As there are more than 11 persons ahead of C in
Sol. (c)
first case depicted above, we can eliminate it. We
The given series is: AABABCABCDABCDE… can proceed with the remaining three cases.
The pattern being followed here is: A, AB, ABC, To minimize the number of people in the queue, we
ABCD, ABCDE, … should just focus on the last/fourth case. The
number of people in the queue in the second case
It’s kind of an arithmetic series wherein the first
will be 28, in the third case 38, and in the fourth
term has 1 letter, second term has 2 letters, and so
case 22.
on. We have to estimate the length of the letter-series
near the 100th letter. So, the final arrangement will be as follows:
32. The passage suggests that Darwinian theory of 1. Only species that have the ability to overcome
evaluation is not a theory at all because environmental catastrophes will survive and
(a) it does not satisfy the creationist doctrine
(b) extinction is a function of environment and 2. More than 90% of the species on the earth are
biological assaults in the danger of getting extinct due to drastic
(c) there are no evidences to refute it changes in the environment.
(d) existence of organisms is attributed to a 3. Darwin’s theory explains all the natural
creator phenomena.
Sol. (c)
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
Option (a) is incorrect: As the passage states, the
creationist doctrine is not able to explain evolution. (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Hence there is no question of “undermining” its Sol. (a)
validity at all. Therefore, this option is incorrect.
Statement 1 is correct: as the passage states that
Option (b) is incorrect: As per the author, extinction the extinction of a species is primarily driven by
is indeed a function of environment and biological non adaptation to environmental catastrophe. It is
assaults as stated the in the phrase “The Darwinian reflected in the phrase “An outcome of this is the
explanation for extinct life is once again simple, extinction of those species which cannot overcome
elegant and at once convincing- organisms go environmental adversity. This failure to survive, in
extinct as a function of environmental or biological modern terms, can be attributed to the genomes
assaults for which their inheritance deems them which are unable to withstand geological vagaries
ill-equipped. Therefore, the so-called Darwinian or biological mishaps infections, diseases and so
theory of evolution is not a theory at all”. However, on)”.
this is not the reason/ does not explain why
Statement 2 incorrect: It is an incorrect inference as
Darwinian theory is not a theory. the passage does not predict the extinction
Option (c) is correct: The passage clearly states, probability in the future. It only provides the
“Therefore, the so-called Darwinian theory of extinction data for the past in the phrase, “The earth
evolution is not a theory at all. Evolution happens- may presently have up to ten million species, yet
this is a fact. The mechanism of evolution (Darwin more than 90% of species that have ever lived on
proposed natural selection) is amply supported by the earth are now extinct.”
scientific data. Indeed, to date no single zoological,
Statement 3 incorrect: It is incorrect that Darwin’s
botanical, geological, paleontological, genetic or
theory explains all natural phenomena. It only
physical evidence has refuted either of the central explains the natural phenomena of evolution. In
two main Darwinian ideas.” So, there is no evidence the passage, the author mentions the names of
to refute it, which enhances the credibility of the Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Einstein for
Darwinian theory and establishes it as a fact. It is explaining natural laws that explain various
more of a fact or law like other natural laws. Hence phenomena in the universe- “Darwinian laws are
this option is correct. acceptable just like the laws proposed by
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage clearly Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Einstein-sets of
establishes that the creationist doctrines fail to natural laws that explain natural phenomena in
satisfactorily address evolution. The passage the universe.”
Which one of the following is correct in respect of 39. Three Statements followed by three Conclusions
the Question and the Statements? are given below. You have to take the Statements
(a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the to be true even if they seem to be at variance from
Question the commonly known facts. Read all the
(b) Statement -2 alone is sufficient to answer the Conclusions and then decide which the given
Question Conclusions logically follows/follow from the
(c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are Statements, disregarding the commonly known
sufficient to answer the Question facts:
(d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not Statement-1 : Some doctors are teachers.
sufficient to answer the Question Statement-1 : All teachers are engineers.
Sol. (d) Statement-3 : All engineers are scientists.
As we do not know the respective positions of P Conclusion-I: Some scientists are doctors.
and Q, we cannot find the distance between them, Conclusion-II : All engineers are doctors.
even after using the information in both the Conclusion-III : Some engineers are doctors.
statements. Which one of the following is correct ?
(a) Only Conclusion-I
38. Two Statements followed by four Conclusions are (b) Only Conclusion-II
given below. You have to take the Statements to be (c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion - III
true even if they seem to be at variance from the
(d) Both Conclusion - I and Conclusion - II
commonly known facts. Read all the Conclusions
Sol. (c)
and then decide which of the given Conclusions
logically follows/ follow from the Statements, We can draw the following possible Venn diagrams
disregarding the commonly known facts: based on the given two statements:
Statement-1 : All pens are books
Statement-2 : No chair is a pen.
Conclusion-I : All chairs are books.
Conclusion-II : Some chairs are pens.
Conclusion- III : All books are chairs.
Conclusion- IV : No chair is a book.
Which one of the following is correct?
(a) Only Conclusion-I
(b) Only Conclusion-II
(c) Both Conclusion-III and Conclusion- IV We can see that conclusions I and III follow.
(d) None of the Conclusions follows 40. Eight students A, B C, D, E, F, G and H around a
Sol. (d) circular table, equidistant from each other , facing
We can draw the following possible Venn diagrams the centre of the table, not necessarily in the same
based on the given two statements order. B and D sit neither adjacent to C nor opposite
to C. A sits in between E and D, and F sits in
between B and H. Which one of the following is
definitely correct?
(a) B sits in between A and G
(b) C sits opposite to G
(c) E sits opposite to F
(d) None of the above
Sol. (d)
The various possible circular arrangements, as per
the information provided in the passage, have been
We can see that none of the conclusion follows. depicted below
Option (d) is incorrect: This option shows man to age people. Hence the ratio of very old and very
intrinsically love being unproductive- as a lover of young will decrease for a while as long as the
amusement and being mentally idle. But the author demographic dividend remains. This is reflected in
of the passage shows man to be so as a result of the lines, “The demographic dividend is basically
overstrain, rather than being intrinsically like that. a swelling in the working age population, which
conversely means that the relative ratio of very
young and very old will, for a while, be on the
The demographic dividend, which has begun in India decline.”
and is expected to last another few decades, is a great Statement 3 incorrect: The passage does not
window of opportunity. The demographic dividend is discuss the relationship between demographic
basically a swelling in the working are population, dividend and population growth. Directly, it can
which conversely means that the relative ratio of very not be said that the population growth rate will
young and very old will, for a while, be on the decline. quickly stabilise on the operation of the demographic
From the experience of Ireland and China, We know dividend.
that this can be a source of energy and an engine of
economic growth. The demographic dividend tends to 44. With reference to the passage, which of the
raise a nation’s savings rate since in any nation, it is following inferences can be drawn?
the working age population that is the main saver. 1. Demographic dividend is an essential
And since the savings rate is an important driver of condition for a country to rapidly increase its
growth, this should help elevate our growth rate. economic growth rate.
However, the benefits of demographic dividend depend 2. Promotion of higher education is an essential
on the quality of the working age population And this condition for a country for its rapid economic
implies bringing back the importance of education, growth.
acquisition of skills and human capital. Select the correct answer using the code given
43. Which of the following would invariably happen below.
in a country, when the demographic dividend has (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
begun to operate? (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. The number of illiterate people will decrease. Sol. (d)
2. The ratio of very old and very young will Statement 1 incorrect: As per the passage,
decrease for a while. demographic dividend provides a (great)
3. Population growth rate will quickly stabilize. opportunity for economic growth, as is exemplified
by the lines “The demographic dividend, which has
Select the correct answer using the code given
begun in India and is expected to last another few
decades, is a great window of opportunity.”
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only
However, this does not imply that is an “essential
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
condition” for economic growth. That means that
Sol. (b)
economic growth might be possible even if a country
Statement 1 incorrect: The number of illiterate is not in its demographic dividend phase.
people will decrease depending upon the emphasis
Statement 2 incorrect: The passage only talks about
on the same given by the government and other
the importance of education (acquisition of skills
stakeholders. The operation of demographic
and human capital). It does specify higher
dividend has no relation with it. However, it is the
education as such- For example, vocational
other way round where literacy will increase the
education also helps in the acquisition of skills.
quality of demographic dividend will increase.
Hence, based on the information provided in the
Statement 2 correct: In the case of a demographic passage, we cannot infer that higher education is
dividend, the number of young people will increase an essential condition for a country for its rapid
as compared to the dependents- children and old economic growth.
Statement-1: B is sitting opposite to C and D is (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not
sitting opposite to E. sufficient to answer the Question
Statement-2: F is sitting on the immediate left of B. Sol. (c)
It’s pretty evident that neither of the two statements
Which one of the following is correct in respect of
is sufficient alone. So, now let’s combine the two
the Question and the Statements?
(a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the
Let the present ages of Manisha and her mother be
x and y respectively. As per statement 1, y = x + 24
(b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the
Question As per statement 2, (x + 5)/(y + 5) = 3/5 Or 5x + 25
(c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are = 3y + 15
sufficient to answer the Question Or 3y – 5x = 10
(d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not Or 3(x + 24) – 5x = 10 Or 3x + 72 – 5x = 10 Or 2x = 62
sufficient to answer the Question Or x = 31
Sol. (d) So, Manisha is 31 years old at present. Both
It’s pretty evident that neither of the two statements statements together are sufficient to answer the
is sufficient alone. question.
Even on combining the two, we get two possible
50. Six lectures A, B, C, D, E and F, each of one hour
duration, are scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and
2:00 p.m.
Consider the Question and two Statements given
Question: Which lecture is in the third period?
Statement-1: Lecture F is preceded by A and
followed by C.
On observing the above two cases, we can see that Statement-2: There is no lecture after lecture B.
the person who is sitting of the immediate left of A Which one of the following is correct in respect of
cannot be determined. the Question and the Statements?
49. Consider the Question and two Statements given (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the
below: Question
Question: What is the age of Manisha? (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the
Statement-1: Manisha is 24 years younger than her
mother. (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are
sufficient to answer the Question
Statement-2: 5 years later, the ages of Manisha and
(d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not
her mother will be in the ratio 3 : 5.
sufficient to answer the Question
Which one of the following is correct in respect of Sol. (d)
the Question and the Statements? It’s pretty evident that neither of the two statements
(a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the is sufficient alone. Even on combining the two, we
Question get multiple possible cases:
(b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the
AFC_ _ B
(c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are _AFC_B
sufficient to answer the Question _ _ AFCB
for adults to be less thrilled by happy events. The 54. Let A, B and C represent distinct non-zero digits.
author nowhere makes any assertion or inference Suppose x is the sum of all possible 3-digit
that adults cannot be thrilled by presents at all. numbers formed by A, B and C without repetition.
Option (b) correct: The author states that adults Consider the following statements:
feel less thrilled due several reasons. For example, 1. The 4-digit least value of x is 1332.
(based on the passage) looking too forward or too 2. The 3-digit greatest value of x is 888.
far backward, being too cautious, too anxious, too
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
skeptical etc.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Option (c) incorrect: The author, has properly (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
reasoned why adults dont feel happy with presents,
Sol. (a)
Hence this option is incorrect.
The three-digit numbers have been represented by
Option (d) incorrect: The author does not talk about
ABC, wherein A, B, and C are non-zero digits. Using
the “capacity” of the adult to feel loved or joy. The
3 distinct digits we can make 3 × 2 × 1 = 6 three-
author only focuses only on the reasons why an
digit numbers.
adult should, but does not, feel thrilled.
So, x will be the sum of these 6 three-digit numbers.
53. The author of the passage is against We need to find the two values of x closest to 1000,
(a) worrying too much about the past and future one just below it (which will be the greatest 3-digit
(b) being in the habit of thinking about presents value of x), and the other just above it (which will
(c) not being thrilled by new things be the lowest 4-digit value of x).
(d) giving and receiving joy only partially Now, we have to do a bit of hit and try, so that the
Sol. (a) value of x reaches close to 1000. Let the three digits
Option (a) is correct: Worrying too much about the be the minimum possible ones, i.e. 1, 2, and 3.
past and future is the result of excessive thinking So, we get x = 123 + 132 + 213 + 231 + 312 + 321 =
which is reflected in the passage in the lines, 1332
“perhaps we are too cautious, too anxious, too This is the least possible value of x. So, statement 1
sceptical”. Hence option (a) is correct. is correct, but statement 2 is incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect: The author is arguing for
thinking about the present and living it to the fullest. 55. There is a numeric lock which has a 3-digit PIN.
The author argues that adults, like children, must The PIN contains digits 1 to 7. There is no
not look forward or far backward. The focus should repetition of digits. The digits in the PIN from left
be on living with joy and completeness. Hence this to right are in decreasing order. Any two digits in
option is incorrect. the PIN differ by at least 2. How many maximum
attempts does one need to find out the PIN with
Option (c) is incorrect: The author reasons why
adults feel less thrilled by presents, i.e. “because
(a) 6 (b) 8
we have too much already, or perhaps it is because
(c) 10 (d) 12
we have lost the fullness of the joy of giving and
Sol. (c)
with it the fullness of the joy of receiving. Children’s
fears are poignant, their miseries are acute, but they The PIN contains three digits out of – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
do not look too forward nor too far backward. Their and 7.
joys are clear and complete, because they have not
Now, there is no repetition of digits, digits are in
yet learnt always to add ‘but’ to every proposition.
decreasing order from left to right, and any two
Perhaps we are too cautious, too anxious, too
digits in the PIN differ by at least 2.
Option (d) is incorrect: The author is against giving The maximum attempts will be equal to all the
and receiving joy only partially, but it is only one of possible combinations of the PIN. Let us consider
the objections. Hence this option is incorrect. the various possible cases:
In the following figure, we have drawn eight Hence, the data is inadequate to draw any
equidistant points on a circle - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, conclusion.
and H.
58. What is the remainder when
91 × 92 × 93 × 94 × 95 × 96 × 97 × 98 × 99 is divided
by 1261?
(a) 3 (b) 2
(c) 1 (d) 0
Sol. (d)
Given expression = 91 × 92 × 93 × 94 × 95 × 96 × 97
× 98 × 99 = X (let)
Which of the above statements is/are correct? Or x/z = 0.65/0.60, which is greater than 1.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Hence, x > z …..(ii)
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
From inequalities (i) and (ii), we get:
Sol. (c)
The rectangle is of dimensions 20 cm × 8 cm.
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
Statement I: You may think that as the area of
rectangle is not a perfect square, it is not possible to Read the following two passages and answer the items
cut it into exactly 4 square sheets. But there’s a catch. that follow the passages. Your answer to these items
The statement never says that the 4 squares have to should be based on the passages only.
be equal in area. We can do so as follows:
However silly and insignificant it may seem, result may be of significant value, but does not mean
however mechanical and unintelligent the labours that it is always of value to an intelligent
of the researchers, there is always a chance that the investigator. This is exemplified in the lines “But
results may be of value to the investigator of talent, where research is not original, but consists in the
who can use the facts collected for him by mere rearrangement of existing materials, where its
uninspired but industrious researchers as the basis objects is not scientific but literary or historical, then
of some fruitful generalization.” there is a risk of the whole business becoming merely
Option (c) is correct. As explained above, the author futile.”
clearly explains that research is always valuable. Option (c) is correct: From the lines “Scientific
This can be seen in the lines, “Scientific research is research is probably never completely valueless”
probably never completely valueless. However silly we can infer that any result can be valuable and the
and insignificant it may seem, however mechanical lines, “there is always a chance that the results may
and unintelligent the labours of the researchers, be of value to the investigator of talent, who can use
there is always a chance that the results may be of the facts collected for him by uninspired but
value to the investigator of talent, who can use the industrious researchers as the basis of some fruitful
facts collected for him by uninspired but generalization” show the possibility that any result
industrious researchers as the basis of some fruitful can be valuable.
generalization.” Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does not
Option (d) is incorrect as the author provides a suggest that it is a must that the research must be of
scenario where the research could be futile, i.e. when some value to the intelligent investigator! It suggests
the research is not original and a mere that a seemingly futile research effort would find
rearrangement of existing materials with its object utility in the eyes of those who can utilise and make
being literary and historical. This indicates that benefit of it and that research never goes waste.
there is a situation when the research is not Passage-2
valuable. Thus, the research is not always very How best can the problems of floods and droughts be
valuable. addressed so that the losses are minimal and the system
becomes resilient? In this context, one important point
72. According to the author
that needs to be noted is that India gets ‘too much’
(a) not many research results can be of value to
water (about 75% of annual precipitation) during 120
an intelligent investigator
days (June to September) and ‘too little’ for the remaining
(b) a research results is always valuable to an
245 days. This skewed water availability has to be
intelligent investigator
managed and regulated for its consumption throughout
(c) any research result can be of value to an
the year.
intelligent investigator
(d) a research result must always be of some value 73. Which one of the following best reflects the
to an intelligent investigator practical, rational and lasting solution?
Sol. (c) (a) Constructing huge concrete storage tanks and
canals across the country
Option (a) is incorrect as the author is not
discussing how many results are of value to an (b) Changing the cropping patterns and farming
intelligent investigator. In the lines “there is always practices
a chance that the results may be of value to the (c) Interlinking of rivers across the country
investigator of talent”, the author is suggesting a (d) Buffer stocking of water through dams and
high possibility of the result of research being recharging aquifers
valuable, but it does not indicate or imply how Sol. (d)
many of these results are valuable or invaluable.
Option (a) is incorrect as constructing huge concrete
Option (b) is incorrect: Continuing on the previous storage tanks and canals across the country is not
option’s explanation, one can also see that any the most rational and practical solution due to the
(x – 1) + x + (x + 1) = (x - 1) × x × (x + 1)