Modern India
Modern India
Modern India
AIR 22 CSE 2019
AIR 22 CSE 2019
Gorakhpur, Local zamindars Awadh Against izaradar system System- imposed by Hasting
Basti, (1778)imposed by Hasting to under Alexander Hannay
Bahraic overcome losses due to war with
(1781) Mysore and Maratha
Poligars 1. Veerapandiy Tirunelveli Taxation + loss of svrgnity for 1. 1st war- Kattabomman(1799)
revolt or Kattabomman kingdom, poligars 2. 2nd war- other 2 leaders
Palaiyakkar 2. Dheeran Tamil Result- suppressed.
revolt (1795- Chinnamalai and Nadu 1803- Deprived the rights of Under Carnatic treaty>> EIC
1805) Maruthu Pandiyar kaval fees (Kaval= hereditary direct control over TN. Polygar
village police office) system abolished, Zamindari
Polygar- feudal title for a class of territorial administrative and military govornors appointed by Nayaka rules in south
India (in Madurai) + also in Vijayanagara empire
Paika Bakshi Jagabandhu Odisha 1. land revenue policy>> Paika= landed militia + rent free
rebellion Bidyadhar requirement of tax payment in land tenure + policing function
(1817) silver
2. reduced powers of paika due
to British conqest on Raja of
Khurda in 1803
3. rise in salt price + abolition
of cowrie currency
Ahom Revolt Gomadhar Konwar Assam British not withdrawn from NO suppression by company,
(1828) (ahom prince) assam after 1st Burmese war but conciliatory approach.
Divided kingdom
Kuka Movm Bhagat Jawahar Punjab 1. Religious purification movm Baba Ram singh- founded
(1840) Mal (aka Sian NAMDHARI SIKH sect
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Aka Later leader: Baba 2. When British took over PN: 1. tenets: NO meat & alcohol +
Namdhari Ram Singh Transformed into Political widow remage + abolition of
Movm Movm>> to End British rule caste
2. Against british- Swadeshi
(even before swadeshi movm)
Why Namadhari aka ‘Kukas’>> due to unique style of reciting Gurubani in high pitched voice called ‘kook’
Surat salt Gujrat Rise of salt duty from 50 paisa 1. result- govt withdraw duty
satyagraha to 1 rupee 2. 1848- had to Bengal std
1840s withdraw weights and measures
Wahabi Syed Ahmed of Islamic Revivalist movement (to 1. Sithana in N.W. tribal belt-
Movement Rai bareilly end western influence on islam HQ
(inspired by Abdul and return ‘pure age’ as in 2. Jihad against Sikh kingdom
Wahab of arabia arabia in Prophets time) of Punjab, later EIC
and Shah Waliullah 3. set up countrywise org
of Delhi)
Narkelberia Mir Nithar Ali or Titu Bengal 1. against 1. first ARMED peasant uprising
Uprising Mir (also associated mainly hindu 2. merged in Wahabi movm
with Tariq-i- landlords
muhmmadiya) (who imposed
beard tax on
Faraizi Mov- Haji Shariatullah Eastern Expel british Faraizi=followers of muslim sect
Movement and Bengal from bengal founded by Shariatullah of Faridpur
Revolt (1838-57) Revolt- Dadu Mian (Bengal)
2. remove un-isalamic practices + draw
attention towards duties
Taayuuni Movm Karamat Ali Jaunpuri Dacca Teachings of Opposed Faraizi Movm
(1839) Shah Waliullah
Ramoshi Rising Chittur Singh- Satara area, Unemply after 1.British- generally pacifist policy
1822 Maharashtra Maratha decline 2. later Vasudev Phade (aka father of
Umaji Naik- Indian armed struggle)- organized
1825 group called Ramoshi (Ramoshis +
Bhils+ kols etc) and carried out decoits
Tana Bhagat Jatra bhagat and Bihar 1. taxes 1. Tana bhagats, Munda and oraon
Movm Balram Bhagat 2. outsiders- 2. Satyagraha (even before Gandhi)
Baniyas, 3. Tana Bhagats- followers of Gandhi-
zamindars believed in AHIMSA
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Female INFANTICIDE 1. Bengal regulations 1795 and 1804 1870- Lord Mayo
2. Female Infanticide Prevention Act, 1870
- initially only Awadh, Punjab, N.W. province
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Calcutta female Calcutta Baptist Mission
Juvinile Society, Society
All India Woman’s Margeret Cousins 1. 1st President- Maharani Chimnabai gaekwad- FC, pune
Conference, 1927 2. Main aim- Educational reforms, Rights
4th prez: S. Naidu (1930) 3. 2nd conference: estd of AI Woman Edu Fund
11th Prez: Amrit Kaur (1938)
4. Demands @ 1st RTC: Equal rights, Adult Suffrage, Fight
election, NO Separate electorate
5. hand in passing of Sarda Act, 1929
Bharat stree Sarla Devi Chaudharani 1. 1st major woman org in India set up by Woman
Mahamandal, 1910 2. “Great Circle of India Women’
Bharat Mahila Ramabai Ranade wing of National social conference (Ranade waali)
Parishad, 1904 2. aka Ladies Social conference
Arya mahila Samaj Pandita ramabai saraswati 1. Ramabai Ranade also opened branch @ Bombay
2. representation to English Edu Comm>> Lady Dufferin College
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Prathana Samaj, Atmaram Pandurang 1. precursor- Paramhansa Mandali (Mehtaji Durgaram, Dadoba
1867 Pandurang )- close to Manav Dharma sabha- one god, rationality
(with help of K.C. sen) 2. Popularity after Ranade joined
3. very much attached with Bhakti cult of MH
4. members: R.G. Bhandarkar, N.G. Chandavkar
5. more concerned with social reform than religion
6. Karve + Ranade>> Widow Remarriage association + Widow
Home Association
Social Service N.M. Joshi 1.Aim- secure better conditions of work and life
League, 1911 2. training programme for volunteers- relief works
Veda Samaj, 1864 V. Rajagopalacharyulu 1. estd under influence of Keshab Chandra Sen
(President), 2. Practiced rituals only agreeable to pure Theism
P. Subbarayalu Chetty 3. Discarded Casteism, superstitions + supported widow rem’ages
(secretary) 4. 1869- revived by Chembeti Sridharalu Naidu
Dev samaj, 1887 Shiv Narayan Agnihotri 1. eternity of soul, supremacy of guru
2. teachings compiled in book Deva Shatra
Bharat Dharma Pandit Din Dayalu Amalgation of Sanatana Dharma sabha + Dharma Maha Parishad (s
Mahamandal, 1902 Sharma + Madan India) + Dharma Mahamandali(Bengal)
Mohan Malaviya + 2. defence of orthodox Hinduism- Opposed Arya Samaj
Gokhale 3. Note founders: Malaviya + Gokhale
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Radhaswami Shiv Dayal Saheb or Tulsi 1. One god, Supremacy of guru, simple life (w/o giving up material
movement, 1861 Ram life)
2. No faith in Temples
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Raja Rammanohar Roy 1. Atmiya sabha, 1814 1. Monotheism (Gift to Monotheisis, 1809)(Tuhfat-
-propogate monotheist ideals, ul-Muwahhidin)
No idoltry, caste, rituals 2. Vedanta- based on reason (thus if reason
2. Brahmo Samaj, 1828 3. opposed by Christians (Precepts of Jesus, 1820)
- worship of eternal and 4. vedas and upanishadas
unsearchable being, Upanishadas, 5. press freedom, against zamindari, abolish EIC
BUT no definite stand on: Karma, trading rights, reduce export duties
Purnarjanma 6. A 50, judicial equality
Debendranath Tagore Tattvabodhini Sabha, 1839 Study India’s past with rational outlook
Adi Brahmo samaj (after split)
Adi Dharma doctrine as Brahmo Later Hemendranath>> modern Brahmoism>> today
samaj Beej, 1848 ADI DHARMA
Kesab Chandra Sen Brahmo samaj of India, 1866 1. great influence of chriastianity
2. later BSI break into Sadharan BS 1878
Joined Brahmo samaj in 1858
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Indian Reforms Association 1870 3. instrumental role in Special marriage act, 1872
(loyalist to Crown)- breakaway 4. Tabernacle of New Dispensation (aka
from British India Asso Bharatvarshiyo Brahmo Mandir)
5. Sangat Sabha- small discussion forums
Naba Vidhan (New Dispensation)
society- to preach mixture of
Hindu and Christian Philosophy
A.M.Bose, Umesh Datt Sadharan Brahmo Samaj 1. one god + No scripture is infalliable
Shitabchandra Deb, 2. NP- Tattva Kaumudi, Indian Messenger,
Henry Vivian Derozio Young Bengal mov 1. Emerged from Hindu College of Calcutta
3.Deenbandhu (Editor)
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Sayyah Ahmad Khan 1. Translation society 1864 (Later British showed much interest in his Aligarh college’s
The Scientific Society) devlopement
RRR 1. Sambad Kaumudi, 1821 SK- press freedom, A50, Indians in high ranks of
2. Mirat-ul-Akhbar (Persian) service
Sir Aurobindo Bande Mataram, 1905 NOTE- Bhikaji Kama’s BM: Response to ban on
(first started by Bipin song vande mataram+ continue message of BM
Chandra Pal) of Auribindo + Indian Sociologist of shyamji
Zamindari Association Dwarkanath Tagore, Prasanna 1.1st org of Bengal with distinct political objective
(Landlords society) 1838 kumar tagore, radhakant Deb,
ramkamal sen, B.C.Mitra
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British India Society 1839 William Adam (associate of 1. secure welfare and advancement of all classes
RRR) 2. NP- ‘ British India Advocate’
Madras Native Founder Prez- platform to for educated Indians to protest
Association, 1849 Guzulu Lakshminarasu Chetty against injustice
2. Petitions to British parliament>> eventually
resulted in curbing EIC’s power
3. The Crescent- 1st Indian owned NP in Madras by
East India Association, Dadabhai Naoroji @London 1. Discuss Indian que and influence public opinion
1866 in Britain
1st prez: Lord Lyveden 3. Superseded London India Society
2. Now- royal society of India
Poona sarvajanik Sabha M.G.Ranade, S.H. Chiplunkar, 1.Bridge betn govt and people + peasants rights
1867 Ganesh Vasudev Joshi 2. Later dominated by Tilak>> Gokhale left
3. Submitted petion in 1875 to house of commons
Secretary in 1890: Gokhale demanding Direct representation in British
Indian League, 1875 Sisir kumar ghosh @ Calcutta Nationalism among Indians
Indian Association, 1876 Surendranath Banerjea and Anand 1. superseded Indian league
Mohan Bose 2. forerunner of INC
3. organized All India Conference in 1883
In opposition of BIA 4. Dadabhai Naoroji- member
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Bombay Presidency Pherozshah Mehta, Badruddin 1. To oppose Lytton reactionary policies + Illbert
association 1885 Tayyabji, K.T. Telang bill problem
2. BPA + MMS + IA >> delegation to England in
Deccan Sabha, 1896 Gokhale and Ranade 1. Rival of Poona Sarvajanik sabha
(due to difference with Tilak on Age of consent
NOTE- Precursors of INC- 1. Poona sarvajanik Sabha 2.Bombay presidency asso
3. Indian Association 4. Madras Mahajan Sabha
Indian National Surendranath Banerjee and A.M. 1.1st – 1883
CONFERENCE Bose 2nd- 1885 (in asso with National Mohammadan
Association and the British Indian Association)
British Committee of INC Dadabhai Naoroji Planned session of INC in London in 1892>> but
elections in Britain in 91
Indian Liberal Federation, Founder & Prez: S.N.Banerjee 1. Moderates who supported Monford reforms
1919 2. Boycotted simon commission>> No Indian
Tej Pratap sapru, V. S. Srinivasa members
Sastri, M. R. Jayakar
Hindustan Seva Dal, 1923 N. S. Hardikar 1. Originated after Flag satyagraha in Nagpur, >>
First Prez- NEHRU as part of INC
2. Renamed>> Congress SD
3. as militia>> thus opposed by many congress man
4. Imp role in Civil Disobedience Movement
Indian Independence Indian nationalist in S. E. Asia 1. formed 1st Indian National Army under Mohan
League, 1928 Tarak Das Singh
2. All Malayan Indian Independence league-
Nedyam Raghavan
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Mahila Rashtriya Latika Ghosh- Secretary 1. by Subhash bose’s support during Anti Simon
Parishad, 1928 Prabhavati ghosh- president comm movm
2. Aim: Swaraj + status of woman
3. used religious context to mobilise woman
All India Depressed class M.C. Rajah NOTE- M.C.Rajah was first to organize depressed
Association, 1928 classes under Exclusive organization in 1926
Congress Socialist Party J.P., Ram manhar Lohia, Acharya 1. 1934 within INC (Due to anti- Gandhi +
1934 Narendra Dev, Ganga sharan sinha increasing influence of Left bloc within INC)
2.1936: Communist joined as part of Popular front
First president: Acharya stratergy
Narendra Dev 3.Sessions: with INC sessions
membership: membership of INC required
Secretary: J.P 4.Groups joined: Anushilan samiti + HSRA>>(later
formed Revolutionist Socialist Party,1940)
5. Bose &Nehru: Did NOT joined
6. 1948- merged with Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party to
form Praja Socialist Party (PSP)
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National Planning By- Subhash Chndra Bose Chairman- Nehru (M. Visveswaraya step down on
Committee, 1938 On advice of – Meghnad Saha Saha’s advice)
Name Organisations Others Books
Pheroz 1. Bombay Presidency Association – 1. Bombay Municipal Act, 1872>>
shah President thus father of BMC
Mehta 2. Founder- INC 2. Was Not opposed to british, but
3. Bombay LC- member-1887 demanded autonomy
4. ILC- 1893
5. Newspaper- Bombay Chronicle
6. Knighthood by british for service in law
Gopal 1. Prez of INC 1905 (Swadeshi Call) 1. SUPPORTED Age of consent bill
Krishna 2. Servent of India society 2. Belief in Western and britsh
Gokhale 3. Bombay LC- 1899 institutions
4. ILC- 1901 3. Gokhale bill, 1912: Free and
compulsory education (though for
boys first, then girls)
4. Refused Knighthood and position
in Council of SoS
Ashwini 1. estd Brojomohun school 1. Main work in Barisal (Bangladsh) 1. Bhakti yoga
Kumar 2. Bakarganj hitaishini sabha 1887 2. Proclaimed: Vedas are not 2. karma yoga
datta 3. Swadesh bandhab samiti infalliable 3. prem
4. Editor: Tattvabodhi Patrika 4. Atmapratistha
5. Bharatbarshiya Upasak Sampraday
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Arbindo 1. helped estd of Anushilan samiti in 1902 1. worked for Maharaja of Gaekwad 1.Savitri
ghosh 2. arrest in Alipore comb case 1908 (badoda) 2. The Divine Life
3. NP- Karmayogin + Vande Mataram 2. 1910>>retired>>Pondicherry 3.Synthesis of Yoga
3. wrote on yoga, Upanishad, veda, 4. secret of vedas
New Lamps of Old- series of articles as poetry 5.The human cycles
Critique of moderate politics of INC 4.complete independence
Bipin Chief architect of swadeshi movement 1. ‘father of revolutionary thoughts’ 1.Nationality and
Chandra Books- Swaraj, Our real danger 2. belonged to brahmo samaj Empire
Pal 2. worked for Bengal public, The 2. Who is shree krish
Tribune and New India 3. Soul of India
4. New economic
menance in India
Lala 1. India home rule league of America @ 1. demanded partition in 1923 1. Arya Samaj
Lajput NYC 1917 2. travelled to USA in WW I 2. Shrikrishna
Rai 2. Servents of PEOPLE society 1921 -to 3. Died- simon commission protest 3. Unhappy India
train nationalist @ Lahore (inaugurated by (James A. Scott) 4. Chattrapati Shivaji
Mahatma Gnadhi) (Prez- purushottam 4. foundation of Punjab National 5. Swami Dayanand
tandom, Lal bahudur shatri) bank 6. Englands debt to
5. Hindu orphan relief movement India
R.C. 1. 1st president of Bangiya Sahitya Parishad 1. member- Royal comm on Indian 1. Mahabharata
Dutt 2. Prez of INC @1899 Decentralisation 2. Ramayana
3. Economic History of India, The 2. Translated Ramayana and 3. Early Hindu
Civilization of India (1900), Famines and Mahabharata civilization
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Motilal 1. twice president of INC- Amritsar (1919) + 1. transformed life adopting khadi
Nehru Calcutta (1928) under Gandhi’s influence
2. Newspaper- The Independent (1919) 2. only frontline leader to support
3. member: UP provincial council (resigned NCM in Calcutta, 1920
after calcutta session 1920) + central 3. though follower, but openly
province assembly (1923) criticized Gandhi for abrupt end of
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1. ANUSHILAN SAMITI (amalgation of 3 secrete societies of: 1. Auribindo 2. Pramathanath
Mitra 3. Sarla Devi)
Founder- Pramathanath Mitra
Two prominent breakaways: 1. Dhaka Anushilan Samiti 2. Jugantar Group
(@calcutta) (note- Breakaway due to Auribindo’s slow approach to build a base)
Members: Jatindranath benerjee, Barindra Kumar ghosh,
JUGANTAR- founded by Aurobindo ghosh, Barin Ghosh, Bhupendranath Datta
(vivekananda’s brother), raja subodh malik in 1906
Later leader of Jugantar- BAGHA JATIN (Jatindranath Mukharjee)
Journals: Sandhya(Brahmabandhab Upadhyay) and Yugantar(Barindrakumar Ghosh
and Bhupendranath Dutta) in Bengal, Kal in MH
Barisal Conference,1906: Prez: Abdul Rasul Later suppression by govt: Barisal
conspiracy case, 1913>> comment by Amrit bazaar patrika>>show cause notice>> also
comment by Yugantar
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1897 Chapekar Bandhu Plagaue commissioner Rand Lord Elgin II
1906 Yugantar group British Official Sir Fuller Lord Minto II
Barrah dacoity, 1908 Pulin Das (Decca To rise fund for activities Lord Minto II
German plot or Bagha Jatin 1. funding raised thr Taxicab Lord Hardinge II
Zimmerman plan, 1915 Rashbihari Bose dacoities and boat dacoities
Ramoshi peasant force 1879- Vasudev Phadke
V.D. Savarkar>>> 1899>> Mitra Mela>> merged with Abhinav Bharat in 1904
Activities: shoen in yellow above
Lala lajput rai- Punjabee
Ajit singh- Anjuman-i-Mohisban-i-watan & journal- Bharat mata
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Free India London Founder- Bhikaji Kama 1. Savarkar- inspired by Italian Rev (especially
Society Member- V.D. Savarkar Mazzini)
Ghadr Party, 1913 San 1.Sohan Singh Bhakna 1. Ex-soldiers and peasants from Punjab in USA and
Francisco (President) Canada
Initially Pacific (HQ- 2. Lala hardayal, 2. Precursor:
Coast Hindustan Yugantar 3. Kartar singh Sarabha, A. Swadesh Sevak Home (Vancouver)
Association Ashram) 4. Bhai Parmanand, B. United India House (seattle)
3. Aim- organize assasinations, publish lit, procure
arms, bring simultenous revolt in ALL british colonies
Weekly: Ghadr (in 4. Komagata Maru + WW I >> ghadr launched violent
commemoration of attack on british rule
mutiny of 1857) 5. R.bose & sachin sanyal>> asked to lead plan in India
6.Defence of India rule 1915- to deal with ghadar
conspiracy, 1915 (Followed by Lahore conspiracy trial)
7. Tarak Nath Das- periodical ‘Free Hindustan’ from
Vancouver in 1908
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April ,1916
MH(exclude Bombay), KR, CP, Berar
Demand: 1.swaraj 2. Linguistic state 3.Edu in vernacular
Sept 1916
Rest of India
George Arundale- organizing secretary
Others- B. W. Wadia, C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar
Besent + Arundale + Wadia>>>arrest 1917>>> S. Subramaniya aiyar- renounced
knighthood + Tilak- passive resistance + President Wilson: intervened
Sphere of activities in HRM
Aim- convey masses the message of Home rule as Self govt
Methods: 1.Library and reading rooms 2.conferences 3.propoganda thr pamphlets,
NP work 5.local govt activities
Success: 1.attracted ‘politically backward’ regions of Gujrat and Sindh
Joined: Nehrus, JINNAH, M.M. Malviya, Lala Lajput Rai, C.R. Das + some members of
Gokhale’s Servents of India Society
NOT joined: Anglo Indians, South, Muslims (due to fear: HR= Hindu rule)
Passive Resistance Association(PRA)- Against Registration Certificates (1906)
Issues taken in S.Africa: 1.Registration certificates 2.Restriction on Indian migration
3. Poll tax 4. Invalidation of Indian Marriages 5.Transvaal Immigration Act
Phoenix farm and Tolstoy farm- house families of satyagrahis 2.Imphasis on
manual work (Phoenix farm- printing press of Indian Opinion)
Principles for satygrahis: (yamas described in Yoga Sutras)
1. Manual labour 2.Economic stratergy such as boycott 3.Must have Living faith
in God 4. Lead a chaste life 5. Habitual khadi weaver and spinner 6.abstain
from alcohol
Authority for Civil disobedience to satygrahi only when:
1. Appreciate other laws of state and obey them 2.tolerate those laws
3. Be ready to undergo sufferings to self or family members
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Hind Swaraj- booklet of his political ideals>> written in 1909>> during his return
journey from London to South Africa>> he condemned Indian anarchist in London about
their glorification of Cult of violence and superiority of Modern civilization>> Written
in Gujrati language
Champaran First Civil Rajendra prasad, Mazhar-ul- 1. Reason- Tinkathia system- indigo on 3/20th
Satyagraha 1917 Disobedience Haq, Mahadeo Desai, Narhari part of land + force for growing opium
Parekh, J. B. kriplani, later 2. people gave Gandhi the title of BAPU and
Ahmadabad Mill First Hunger Anusuya ben Sarabhai Reason- Cotton mill workers>>
Strike, 1918 Strike discontinuation of Plague Bonus
Kheda First Non- Sardar patel, Indulal Yagnik, 1.Reason- Revenue collection in drought time
satyagraha, 1918 Cooperation Shankarlal Banker, Narhari 2. Gandhi- ONLY spiritual head of mvm,
parekh, Mohanlal Pandya, asked not to pay tax
GUJRAT Ravi Shankar Vyas 3.Real leader: Patel
NOTE- Patel met Gandhi @ KHEDA (Not champaran)
Recommended estd of Chamber of Princes (Narendra Mandal)- estd in 1920
- Maratha ruled states declined to join
- As a consultative and advisory body
NOTE- Rowlatt act (19th March, 1919), Montford reforms(23rd Dec, 1919)
On recomm of SEDITION comm 1918
Anarchial and Revolutionary Crimes act>>> Extention of Defence of India act
1. Imprison or deport for 2 yr w/o trial 2.trial w/o jury 3. No legal help + right to get
informed the charges 4. No court of appeal after hearing by 3 judge bench 5. Accept
evidence unacceptable under evidence act 6. Suspend habeaus corpus 7. Prohibition
after release on taking part in pol, religious or educational activities
Later repealed on recomm of Repressive laws committee 1922
ILC members: Malviya, Jinah, Mazhar Haq- Resigned
3 Org: 1.Home Rule Legue 2.Muslim Legue 3. Satyagraha sabha >>coordinated
to organize biggest satyagraha ever
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Aka Amritsar Masscre
Why people gatheres: 1.protest against arrest of two leaders 2. Baisakhi
Tagore- renounced Knighthood Gandhi- Kaiser-i-Hind
Sir Chettur Sankaran Nair>> Resigned from Executive Council
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Swarajist- End or Mend stratergy- Motilal Nehru, C.R.Das, Ajmal Khan, subhash
bose, Lala Lajput
No-Changers- C.rajaji, Sardar patel, Rajendra prasad. M.A. Ansari,
Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party 1923
Result of Failure of Gaya session 1922 of INC
Prez- C.R. Das Secretary- Motilal Nehru
Other members- Subhash Bose, H.S. Suhrawardy, Vitthalbhai Patel
Demands for reform in INC- 1.more representation in congress offices 2.end
mandatory spinning of khadi 3. End practice of mandatory social service
Delhi compromise,1923- allowed to contest election as group within INC (also Gandhi
provided relaxation in spinning requirement)
Split in swaraj party
Responsive Coop Party- by M. R. jayakar, B.S. Moonje , N.C. Kelkar in 1925
Independent Congress Party (ICP): Lala Lajput Rai, M.M. Malviya,
o NOTE- ICP was also Responsivist
1926- Main leadership of Swaraj Party>> did not participated in elections, but other
sections of swarajist participated
CPI- 1920 in Tashkent after 2nd congress of communist international
By M.N. Roy, Evelyn Roy (wife), Abani Mukherji, Ahmed hasan, Mhmd Shafiq
shiddiqui 1925 Indian Communist conference>>> Formalised CPI
Peshwar Conspiracy Case 1921-27: against “Trained perons” sent by Commintern in
British India
Kanpur Conspiracy Case 1924: M.N. Roy, S.A. Dange, Shaukat Usmani, Nalini Gupta,
Singaravelu Chettiar, >>>case is responsible for intro of Communism to Indian public
Meerut conspiracy case, 1929-33: 25 communist: S.A. Dange, P.C. Joshi, Shaukat
usmani, etc – for organizing Railway Strike
Lahore conspiracy case, 1929-31: Bhagat + Raguru+ Sukhdev>> Saunders Murder
Bandi Jivan- Sachin Sanyal
Pathar Dabi- Sharatchandra Chatterjee
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Hindustan 1.Ramprasad 1. Kakori Robbery 1. Aim- estd Federal Republic of Lord Reading
Republican Bismil 1925- proved a US of India
Association 1924 2. Jogesh setback (Bismil was 2. Manifesto-‘Revolutionary’
Chandra hanged) 3. After kakori>>reorgani>>
Chatterjee 1928(ferozshah Kotla,
3. Sachin - Yellow Paper Delhi)>>Leadership of C.
sanyal Consti- consti of party Azad>>HRA to HSRA
formed by Ramprasad -members: Bhagat, Sukhdev,
Bismil B.Vohra, Shiv verma
4. HSRA’s manifesto titled
Philosophy of bomb- written by
2.Saunders’ murder 1. Planned to kill Scott (police Lord Irwin
(after HSRA) 1928 chief), but Saunders killed
2. Reaction to Death of Lala
(Saunders= Police officer lajput Rai
responsible for lathi charge @
Lahore) 3. Bhagat Singh, Raj gurur, Sukh
dev, Jai gopal> Lahore
Conspiracy case, 1929
(support: Nehru and Jinnah)
3. Bomb in ILC 1929 Reason- passage of: 1. Public Lord Irwin
(Bhagat singh and safety bill
batukeshwar dutt) 2. trade dispute bill
Punjab Naujawan Bhagat Singh Moved away from
Bharat Sabha, revolutionism, started belief in
1926 Political struggle
Gopinath Saha, 1924 Attempt on Calcutta police comm Charles Tegart 1924
Chittagong group Surya Sen Chittagong Armoury Under name of Indian Lord Irwin
Raid, 1930 Republican Army- Chittaging
- Ganesh shosh, Branch
Lokenath bal, Ambika
chakravorty, Kalpana
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Sir Richard Strachey commission, 1878 First Famine Commission- after famine of
1. INC 2.ML under JINNAH 1. Justice party
3. Liberals(first to call boycott) 2. ML under Muhammad Shafi
4. Liberals in Hindu Mahasabha 3. Unionist in Punjab
Subcommittee members: Motilal, Sapru, Subhash Bose, M.S. Aney, Ali imam
Main points:
1. Dominion Status
2. Joint electorates with reservation for muslims in Central and Minority provinces (NOT
in province where Muslim in Majority) in proportion to Population
3. Linguistic provinces
4. Creation of Supreme Court
5. 19 Fundamental Rights
6. Responsible govt @ centre and province
7. Complete dissociation of state from religion
8. Full protection to cultural and religious interests of Muslims
Delhi Proposal of Muslim League 1927 (before Nehru Report): ACEEPTED by INC in
Madras Session, 1927
1. Joint electorates
2. 1/3rd reserve in CLA + Punjab and Bengal in proportion to popu
3. New muslim majority provinces: 1. Sindh 2. Baluchistan 3.NWFP
Delhi proposal Opposed by Hindu Mahasabha>> demanded strictly unitary structure
@ All parties conference, 1928>> Jinnahs demand rejected>> 1929>> unified with shafi
faction to present 14 points
1. 1/3rd reservation in CLA + Adequate representation w/o reducing muslim majority to
equality or minority
2. Provincial Autonomy + Federal consti>> Residuary power= Provinces
3. Any cabinet @ centre or province>> 1/3rd Muslims
5. No legislation pass if 3/4th (three fourth) of minority do not agree
Dominion status>> opposed by Bose and Nehru>> Independence for India League
Irwin declaration (aka Deepavali Declaration),1929- Dominion status w/o time scale
Delhi Manifesto(1929)- 1. Purpose of RTC to formulate constitution to implement
dominion status 2. RTC to have Majority representation from INC 3.Amensty
Lahore session, 1929- 1. Poorna Swarajya 2.Boycott RTC 3.CWC authorized for CDM
Gandhi 11 point demands- 1930
Salt satyagraha- 1882 British Salt act
Salt march- aka White Flowing River (becoz people wearing khadis)
Other programmes: 1.Non payment of revenue in ryotwari areas
2.No chowkidara tax in zamindari areas 3.forest laws in Central Provinces
Dharsana Satyagraha: 1. Abbas Tyabji + Kasturba(arrested) 2. Sarojini + Maulana
Azad + Imam Sahib
Participation in CDM
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Gandhi Irwin Pact 1931 (Delhi pact): Opposed by Subhash Bose (issue of bhagat singh)
Karachi session, 1931: President: Vallabhbhai Patel-
1. Endorsed Gandhi-Irwin pact 2. Fundamental Rights + New Economic Policy
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Cripps Mission 1. britian 1. Indian Union with Dominion status (Free- 1. Indians allowed large
1942 reverses in Commonwealth and UN) share in administration in
S.E. Asia + 2. Consti assembly after war- partly elected + partly interim period
Japan Threat nominated 2. Opposed by: ML, INC,
2. Allies 3. British>>aceept consti, if>> Hindu maha, Liberals,
pressure A. RtoSelf determination to province (Blueprint of Depressed class, Sikh
partition) 3. Failure of
B. Treaty for ToP and safeguard minorities Cripps>>>QIM
4. Defence>>British hands, GG’s powers- intact 4. First time- Concrete
Scheme of succession- By 60% majority in LC, if plan for Constituent
NOT>>plebiscite of adult males Assembly
Wavell Plan 1. elections 1. All Indians in Exe council(except GG and ML: all muslims leaders
1945 in Britain Commander) + Diff communities to get due share + be nominated by ML
(Simla 2.Aliies Parity: Hindu and Muslim ONLY
conference) pressure 2. GG will exercise Veto on advice of ministers
3. Joint list>>>if not, seperate list
4. If parties agree for provision 1, then same can be
replicated for provinces
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Gandhiji 21 day fast: Homy Modi and M.S. Anney>>resigned from viceroy’s Executive
Karnataka Method: Phase of QIM which was characterized by violent and underground
activities and sabotaging of British properties during nights
Appointed by Non-party Conference by 1944>> Individuals not belonging to any
political party
30 members: M. R. Jayakar, Gopalswami Ayyangar, John Mathai, Sacchidananda sinnha
1.Rejected ML’s Pakistan demand 2. Consti assembly- equal Muslims and Hindu
3. Joint Electorates for muslims in union 4. Minorities commission- to asses welfare
5. Fundamental rights (also discussed Justiciable and Non justiciable FR division, though
not incorporates it- 1st to do this)
ML + INC >>provisional govt @ centre
Plebiscite of Entire population of muslim majority area
In case of partition>>>Common centre
These terms binding only if Transfer of Full power by British to GoI
Gandhi used this as basis in Gandhi- Jinnah Talks(1944)
Gandhi-Jinnah Talks, 1944
CR formula acted as base
Continued for 2 years>> resulted inconclusive
o Gandhi Proposed that only thos muslims in muslim majority provinces>> to
form new nation
o Gandhi: Seprate muslim nation only after India was free
o Gandhi: Common Centre
Desai-Liaqat Pact
Equal members of ML and Cong in central legislature +20% reserved seats for Minorities
1920, Nagpur 1. Call for Princes to grant FULL RESPONSIBLE govt in their states
session 2. residents of states>> allowed to member of INC>> BUT could NOT
initiate political activity in name of INC (can do in indi capacity)
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1938, Haripura 1. reiterated 1920 resolution + congressman can take part in such
movements in individual capacity + INC will give moral support
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Madras Labour Union, 1918 B.P. Wadia + V. 1st registered organized Trade Union
Kalyanasundaram Mudaliar
Anusuya Sarabhai Ahmadabad Textile labour 1. India’s oldest union of textile workers
association (Mazdoor
Mahajan sangh) 1920
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Workers and Peasants Party (WPP) Kazi Nazrul Islam, 1.originally estd as Labour Swaraj Party in
1928 Hemanta Kumar Sarkar, 1925, later amalgamation of provincial parties
(aka Labour Swaraj Party, Qutubuddin Ahmad, like Labour swaraj party, Congress Labour
Kranti Kisan Party) Shamsuddin Hussain party of Bombay, Kranti kisan Party of
Punjab, LKP of Hindustan gave Name WPP
2. estd within INC
3. Aim- to radicalize INC and make it ‘party
of people’ + complete independence and
ultimate aim of socialism
4. Communist influence
5. dissolved after arrest of main leaders in
Meerut Conspiracy case
Indian National Trade Union Con Gulzalilal Nanda 1.Formed 3 months before independence
(INTUC) 1st President- Sardar Patel 2. by amalgamation of Ahmadabad textile
Labour Asso + Hind Mazdoor Sevak Sangh
1892- Fredrick Nicholson committee to advise on starting of agri and land banks in
Madras presidency>>>recommended Rural banks
Thus, 1904>>Cooperative Credit Societies Act (Lord Curzon)
Indigo Revolt 1859-60 Digambar Biswas and 1.oppression by planters and lathiyals (retainers) to grow
(@ Nadia District, Bishnu Biswas Indigo
BENGAL) 2. form- not paid excessive rent, physical retaliation, use of
Dinbandhu Mitra- Nil legal machineries (1st time)
Darpan 1859 3. Indigo commission>>govt>>1860>> Ryot cannot
H.C. Mukherjee- The compelled to grow indigo
Hindu Patriot (NP) 4. No harsh suppression by govt due to exp of santhal + 1857
Khurki system- British planters lend some money to Bengal farmers by mortaging their land and compel them to sow Indigo
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Pabna Agrarian Leagues Shah Chandra Roy, 1. Reason- Excessive enhanced rents imposed by zamindars
1873-76 Shambhu Pal, Khoodi + prevented tenants from occupancy rights under Act X of
Mollah 1859
@ Yusufshahi 2. Main form- LEGAL STRUGGLE
Pargana(Bengal) Supported by Bakim 3. very little violence
Chatterjee, R. C. Dutt, 4. Result- many got occupancy rights + passage of Bengal
Indian Asso (S. Banerjee) Tenancy Act, 1885
Deccan Riots 1875 Pune, Satara, Sholapur, 1. Reason- “outsider” moneylenders + crash of cotton prices
Nagar (end of Ame civil war, 1864) + hike in land revenue by
govt by 50% + introduction of RYOTWARI>>made matter
worse + Courts rules in favor of moneylender + Refusal by
moneylenders to give credit
2. Social Boycott of Outsider Moneylender (Marwaris &
gujjus) + attacks
3. result- A.Limitation law, 1859- Loan bonds betn ryot and
sahukar- valid only for 3 years
B. Deccan Riots Commission>> presented report to british
Changed Nature of peasants movm after 1857:
1. centered on economic issues 2. Directed against immediate enemies(moneylender, zamindars)
3. Colonialism- NOT a target 4.NOT to end subordination or exploitation of peasants 5. Legal rights- awareness
Kisan Sabha Movement WHY>> after 1857>>awadh taluqadars got back land>>thus Bedakhali, illegal levies,
renewal fees (Nazrana)>>worsen condition of UP peasant
United Provinces Kisan 1. Role of Home Rule Activist
Sabha, 1918 2. Gauri Shankar Mishra, Indra Narayan Dwivedi, Madan
Mohan Malaviya + Baba Ramchandra (later differences)
Awadh Kisan Sabha, 1920 Baba Ramchandra + support of Nehru
Bihar Provincial Kisan Sahajanand Saraswati
Sabha, 1929
All India Kisan 1.Sahajanand Saraswati (president) + N.G.
Sabha/Congress 1936 Renga(secretary) + Namboodiripad + Karyanand sharma +
(@ Lukhnow Session of Rahul Sankritayan + Yadunandan sharma + Ram Manohar
INC) Lohia + JP + Acharya Narendra Dev + Indulal Yagnik
2. Peasant front of Undivided CPI
Bakasht land movement Bihar Provincial Kisan 1. Bakasht land- land lost by tenants at will to zamindars
1937 (BIHAR) Sabha 2. result- Bihar zamindari abolition act, 1948
3. Rift with Congress
EKA MOVEMENT or Madari Pasi 1. Reason- High rent higher than 50% of recorded rent),
Unity movement, 1921 oppression by Thikadhars(tax collectors), practice of share
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United Province (UP) 2. Eka- symbolic religious ritual of peasants taking oath by
(offset of NCM) Pasi and Ahir castes
Tebhaga Movement, Bengal Provincial Kisan 1.Reason- implement Flood Commission’s recomm of
1946 Sabha + Rajbanshis (low tebhaga -2/3rd of share to bagardars(share croppers aka
(Bengal) caste) + Muslims bagchasi or adhyar) from Jotedars
2. Communist led Movement
3. Nari Vahinis by Woman
4. Bengal Land Revenue Commission (aka Floud
Commission) already made recomm for this
5. fueled by Muslim Legaue ministry in 1947
6. Result: Bargardar Act, 1950
Telangana Movement, Reason- Forced exploitation (Vethi) by deshmukhs, jagirdars + Nizam oppression
1947 Form- Physical violence- biggest peasant guerilla war
Result- Wages raised, lands restored, vethi disappeared
Calcutta Madrasah, 1781 Warren Hasting Study of Muslim law
Sanskrit College, 1791 @Benares Jonathan Duncan Study of Hindu laws &phil
Charter Act, 1813 Lord Minto I 1 lkh rupee for promoting knowledge of
modern sciences
Calcutta Hindu college @calcutta RRR, David Hare, now Presidency uni, Kolkata
1817 Radhakant Deb, Edward east
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William Adam’s Report, 1834 Lord William Bentick Examined flexible education system- No class,
no syallbus>> advocated regulation
Lord Macaulay’s Minutes, 1835 Lord William Bentick 1. western edu in English ONLY
2. limited govt resources to be devoted to
teaching of western sciences and literature
3. Neglect mass education and educate only
few Indians to make them English in Taste,
Opinion, Morals and Intellect
Downward Filtration Theory- educating only small section of upper classes to make them English in opinions,
Morals and Intellect and act as interpreter between govt and Masses
Scheme for Vernacular education James Thomson(lt governor 1. village edu thr vernaculars
1843 of NWFP) 2. aim- train personnel for Revenue and PWD
Wood’s Despatch 1854 Lord Dalhousie Magna carta of English Edu in India
- Charles Wood 1. Mass edu
2. Hierarchy in system:
o Vernacular primary school@village,
o Anglo-vernacular college@ District,
o Universities @Presidency towns
3. English- higher studies, vernacular- school
4. Female and vocational edu
5. Secular edu
6. Grant-in-aid to encourage pvt enterprises
1857- uni @Cal, bom, mad
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Lord Curzon Efforts to broaden basis of professional edu (Agri, Engi, Veterinary)
Saddler University Commission Lord Chelmsford To study and report problems of CALCUTA
1917-19 university
(but its recomm extended from school level to
1. improv in secondary edu>>precondn for
impro in uni
2. School course- 12 years, enter uni after
Intermediate level + seprate board for sec
and inter edu + less rigidity in framing
university regulation
3. Focus- Female edu, scientific and tech edu,
teacher training
4. uni- to function as centralized and unitary
autonomous body
1919- Montford reform- education>>provincial subject (thus stopped grants)
Hartog Commission 1929 Lord Irwin 1. focus on primary, but no hasty expansion or
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Wardha scheme for basic National Conference on Main principle behind scheme- education thr
education- Zakir Hussain Education in 1937 by INC activity
Committee, 1937 1. inclusion of basic handicraft in syllabus
2. First 7 yrs of schooling- free and
compulsory + vernacular
3. Class II to VII- Hindi after VIII- English
But could not dev due to- 1. WW II 2.
Resignation of cong ministries
Sergeant plan of edu, 1944 Lord Wavell 1. pre-primary edu for 3-6 yr age;
o Free& compul elementary edu for 6-11;
o High school for 11-17 for selected;
o university of 3 yrs after high school
2. ABOLITION of intermediatary level(thus
opposed saddler commission)
3. Technical, commercial and art edu
4. Remove adult illiteracy in 20 yrs (objective-
edu level as in England in 40 yrs
5. Edu for Physically and Mentally
6. proposed estd of University Grants
Commission (UGC)
The Bengal Gazatte (aka James Augustus Hickey 1. Critisied Warren Hasting’s
Calcutta general Advisor Administration
1780 2. 1st printed NP in ASIA
The India Gazette 1780 Bernard Messink and Peter Reed 1. Rival of Bengal Gazette
2. Supported Govt
The Bengal Journal Thomas Jones and William Duane 1. News for perspective of British
1785 colonial settler
Calcutta Chronicle Daniel Stuart and Joseph cooper
Madras Courier 1785 Richard Johnson 1. Officialy recognized NP for
printing govt notification
Bombay Herald 1789 James Maclean
(Bombay Gazette in 1791)
India Herald 1796 Humphrey
Calcutta Chronicle 1811 James Silk Buckingham Social issues and local problems
The Hindu and Swadesamitran G. Subramaniya Aiyar
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Press Regulation
Censorship of Press Act, Lord Wellesley 1. Reason- Danger of French invasion
1799 2. Later relaxed by Lord Hasting
Licensing Regulations, Acting GG John Adams 1. Licensing for NP, Magzine, Pamphlets
1823 2. RRR’s Mirat-ul-Akbar stopped public.
Registration Act, 1867 John Lawrence 1. every book/NP- Name of publisher and place
2. book- submit copy with local govt within 1 month
Vernacular Press Act, 1878 Lord Lytton 1. DM>>Bond with publisher>>not to spread
(aka The Gagging act) disaffection with govt + deposit security + forfeiture
To prevent Seditious 1. onset of 2 afgan war of press eqiup
writings in ‘oriental 2. modelled on Irish press act 2. DM’s action>>final + No appeal
languages’ EXCEPT in - Reapled By Rippon in 1882 - Surendranath Banerjee- 1st to be imprisoned
south 3. No Indian allowed to carry arms without license
4. Exemption by submitting proof
Indian Press Act, 1910 Lord Minto II Similar to VPA (but Dm>>Local govt)
1. Local govt- demand security from NP
2. Fortfeit/ deregister NP
Press Committee, 1921 Tej Pratap Sapru Repealed 1908 and 1910 acts
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Indian Press(Emergency Lord Irwin or Willlingdon Powers to Provincial govt to Suppress CDM
powers ) act, 1931
1. 1870: Lord Mayo- Bifurcation of Central and Provincial FINANCES (Not Budget)-
given certain services like police, jails, education, medical services and roads to
provincial govt to administer
2. 1877: Lord Lytton- Transferred more subjects like land revenue, excise, general
administration, law and justice
3. 1882: Lord Ripon- all revenue sources divided as: 1.General (going entirely to centre)
. 2. Provincial (going entirely to province) 3. Divided
Charter Act, 1793 Estd Municipal administration in 3 presidency towns of Madras,
Calcutta, Bombay
Municipal Act, 1850 Whole British India
Lord Mayo’s Resolution, 1870 1. Provincial govt responsible for dev of LSG
2. decentralization of Local finances and functions
3. financial decentralization between centre and provinces
Lord Ripon Resolution 1882 1. Majority of Non-official members in LB (if possible, then Elected)
2. Chairman- Non-official
3. Financial decentralization from provinces to LB
4. Executive sanction required in certain cases
Royal Commission on 1. entrust more powers and finances to LB (powers like judicial
Decentralization 1908 jurisdiction over petty issues)
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Sir Charles Napier Sindh Model of Policing- based on Model of Royal Irish Constabulary
IG at top level, SP at district level (responsible to both DM and IG)
Replicated all over India- Punjab in 1849, Bombay in 1853 and Madras
in 1859
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Policy of Subordinate Union (1857-1935) Policy of annexation was abandoned + Ruler inherite
gaddi not as matter of right but as gift from crown
because status of equality ended with Queen adopting
Kaiser-i-hind 1876
1773-1823: Has Car John ne Well ko Gero Minute mei HasA diya
John Macpherson Alured Clarke John Adams William Bayley
1858-1899: Cal Ellora Jake Maine Nuksaan karva Liya, Roti aur Dal Lena E