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Modern India

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AIR 22 CSE 2019


Portuguese Calicut 1500
Dutch Musalipatnam 1605
English surat 1615
Danish Trequebar (near Tanjore) 1620
French Surat 1667


1.Anglo-French conflict
1st Carnatic war (1740-48)- Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle: Weaker position of Indian army
2nd Carnatic war (1749-54): Indian kings became clients
3rd Carnatic war (1758-63): Battle of Wandiwash, 1761: Treaty of Peace of Paris
1. Anglo- Mysore wars:
1st A-M war: 1767-69- Warren Hasting- ToMadras
2nd A-M war: 1780-84-Warren Hasting- ToMangolore (American WoI)
3rd A-M war: 1790- Lord Cornwallis- ToSeringapatanam
4th A-M war: 1799- Lord Wellesley
2. Anglo-Maratha Wars: (1st war- after 14 yrs vanvaas after Panipat)
1st A-Ma war: 1775-82- Warren Hasting- ToSurat>>>ToPurandar, ToSalbai
2nd A-Ma war: 1803-1805- Lord Wellesley- ToBassien
3rd A-Ma war: 1817-19- Lord Hasting-
3. Afgan (40 years gap)
1st Afgan war: 1838-42- Lord Auckland Annex of Sindh(Ellenborough)
2nd Afgan war: 1878-80- Lord Lytton
4. Punjab (Back to back)
1. 1st A-S war: 1845-46- Lord Hardinge I- ToLahore- Kashmir>>Gulab Singh
2. 2nd A-S war: 1848-49- Lord Dalhousie- annexation of Punjab
5. Burma (Gaps: 25 yr + 35 year)
1st: 1824-26 (Amherst) 2nd : 1852 (Dalhousie) 3rd: 1885-86 (Dufferin)

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Warren Hasting Policy of Ring Fence 1. creating buffer zones to protect

(1773-85) company’s frontier
2. on own expenses of rulers>>
subsidiary forces

Lord Wellesley Subsidiary Alliance To build an empire in India-

(1798-1805) 1. Permenant stationing of troops +
(Pioneer- Dupleix) Pay subsidy for maintenance
2. british resident @ court
3. Not to employ any European w/o
prior approval of british
4. Not to negotiate with other Indian
ruler w/o consulting GG
In return- british will defend state +
policy of non-interference in int matter

First- Hydrabad (1798)>>Mysore


Hydrabad, Mysore, Tanjore, Peshwa,

Sindhia, Rajput, Bhonsle

Lord Dalhousie Doctrine of Lapse 1. British to decide whether to bestow

(1848-56) (Dalhousie NOT originator) state on adopted son or to annex
2. CoD-Final approval, even can
overrule (e.g.- annex of Karauli)
First- Satara (1848)
Jhasi, Nagpur, Jaitpur, Sambhalpur,
Baghat, Awadh(1856)
Lord Auckland Forward policy 1. to protect boundaries from probable
(1836-42)0 Russian attack- either thr treaties or
annex completely

John Lawrence Masterly Inactivity 1. peace on frontier not to be disturbed

(1864-69) 2. as long as Russia our of Afgan,
Britain to remain out of Afgan

Lytton Proud Reserves 1. having ‘scientific frontier’ and

(1876-80) securing ‘ spheres of influence’

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Sanyasi Manjum Shah, Bengal 1. famine of 1770 1. Sanyasis were Peasants

Revolt Chirag Ali, Musa 2. interference in religious 2. Raided factories and treasuries
(1763-1800) Shah, Bhawani freedoms of Dasnami Sanyasi 3. joined by small zamindars,
Pathak, Devi and Madari fakirs rural poor, ex soldiers
Chaudharani 3. Immediate- restriction 4. Bankim Chandra- Devi
pilgrimage places chaudharani, Anandmath(1882)
5. Inde govt in Bogra and

Moamarias ASSAM Against ahom king 1. low caste peasants following

(1769-99) teachings of Aniruddhadeva

Gorakhpur, Local zamindars Awadh Against izaradar system System- imposed by Hasting
Basti, (1778)imposed by Hasting to under Alexander Hannay
Bahraic overcome losses due to war with
(1781) Mysore and Maratha
Poligars 1. Veerapandiy Tirunelveli Taxation + loss of svrgnity for 1. 1st war- Kattabomman(1799)
revolt or Kattabomman kingdom, poligars 2. 2nd war- other 2 leaders
Palaiyakkar 2. Dheeran Tamil Result- suppressed.
revolt (1795- Chinnamalai and Nadu 1803- Deprived the rights of Under Carnatic treaty>> EIC
1805) Maruthu Pandiyar kaval fees (Kaval= hereditary direct control over TN. Polygar
village police office) system abolished, Zamindari
Polygar- feudal title for a class of territorial administrative and military govornors appointed by Nayaka rules in south
India (in Madurai) + also in Vijayanagara empire

Paika Bakshi Jagabandhu Odisha 1. land revenue policy>> Paika= landed militia + rent free
rebellion Bidyadhar requirement of tax payment in land tenure + policing function
(1817) silver
2. reduced powers of paika due
to British conqest on Raja of
Khurda in 1803
3. rise in salt price + abolition
of cowrie currency

Ahom Revolt Gomadhar Konwar Assam British not withdrawn from NO suppression by company,
(1828) (ahom prince) assam after 1st Burmese war but conciliatory approach.
Divided kingdom

Kuka Movm Bhagat Jawahar Punjab 1. Religious purification movm Baba Ram singh- founded
(1840) Mal (aka Sian NAMDHARI SIKH sect

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Aka Later leader: Baba 2. When British took over PN: 1. tenets: NO meat & alcohol +
Namdhari Ram Singh Transformed into Political widow remage + abolition of
Movm Movm>> to End British rule caste
2. Against british- Swadeshi
(even before swadeshi movm)
Why Namadhari aka ‘Kukas’>> due to unique style of reciting Gurubani in high pitched voice called ‘kook’

Surat salt Gujrat Rise of salt duty from 50 paisa 1. result- govt withdraw duty
satyagraha to 1 rupee 2. 1848- had to Bengal std
1840s withdraw weights and measures

Wahabi Syed Ahmed of Islamic Revivalist movement (to 1. Sithana in N.W. tribal belt-
Movement Rai bareilly end western influence on islam HQ
(inspired by Abdul and return ‘pure age’ as in 2. Jihad against Sikh kingdom
Wahab of arabia arabia in Prophets time) of Punjab, later EIC
and Shah Waliullah 3. set up countrywise org
of Delhi)

Punnapra Communist Kerala Against C. P. ramaswami Iyer

Vayalar 1946 movement


Narkelberia Mir Nithar Ali or Titu Bengal 1. against 1. first ARMED peasant uprising
Uprising Mir (also associated mainly hindu 2. merged in Wahabi movm
with Tariq-i- landlords
muhmmadiya) (who imposed
beard tax on

Faraizi Mov- Haji Shariatullah Eastern Expel british Faraizi=followers of muslim sect
Movement and Bengal from bengal founded by Shariatullah of Faridpur
Revolt (1838-57) Revolt- Dadu Mian (Bengal)
2. remove un-isalamic practices + draw
attention towards duties

Taayuuni Movm Karamat Ali Jaunpuri Dacca Teachings of Opposed Faraizi Movm
(1839) Shah Waliullah

Ahmadiya Mirza Ghulam Ahmed 1. Universal religion

Movement, 1889 2. opposed Jihad
3. spread western edu among muslims
4. ONLY community who believe
Messiah come in person of Mirza Ahmed
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(Mappila) Malabar Hike in Manjeri Conference

Uprising (1836- revenue supported tenant's cause and demanded
54) demand + legislation toregulate landlord-tenant
disturbance of relations
traditional system of
MADRAS Janmi-Kanamdars by
presidency British by giving
Janmi the absolute
right to evict tenants
Mappila rebellion Variankunnath Haji, 1. Reaction
1921 Ali Musliyar, Sithi against
Koya Thangal crackdown on
Khilafat movm

Paharia (1778) Rajmahal hills British expnsion 1. Resulr- Dam-i-koh areas

Santhal Sidhu and Rajmahal hills 1. Against British 1. part of Bengal presidency
Rebellion (1855- Kanhu, Chand (Bihar)(now revenue system + 2. Santhal Paragana was created after
56) and Bhairav JH)- fought in Zamindars rebellion + Santhal paragana tenancy
jungles of JH act was passed
and WB
Damin-i-koh area: Area marked by british for santhals to cultivate in Rajmahal
Chaur uprising Durjan Singh Jungal Mahal Revenue demand Aka revolt of Jungal mahal
(1766-72, 1798) + distress

Ramoshi Rising Chittur Singh- Satara area, Unemply after 1.British- generally pacifist policy
1822 Maharashtra Maratha decline 2. later Vasudev Phade (aka father of
Umaji Naik- Indian armed struggle)- organized
1825 group called Ramoshi (Ramoshis +
Bhils+ kols etc) and carried out decoits

Tana Bhagat Jatra bhagat and Bihar 1. taxes 1. Tana bhagats, Munda and oraon
Movm Balram Bhagat 2. outsiders- 2. Satyagraha (even before Gandhi)
Baniyas, 3. Tana Bhagats- followers of Gandhi-
zamindars believed in AHIMSA

Khasi uprisin Tirath Singh Garo and Outsiders


1857 Leaders and Suppressors

Delhi General Bakht Khan Lt Willoughby, Lt Hudson, John
Kanpur Nana saheb Sir Hugh Wheeler, Colin Campbell

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Lukhnow Begum Hazrat Mahal Henry Lawrence, Henry Havelock,

James Outram, Colin Campbell
Bareilly Khan Bahadur
Bihar Kunwar singh
Faizabad Maulavi Ahmadullah (Danka
Jhansi Rani Laxmibai Huge Rose
Baghpat/ Shah Mal Dunlap
Awadh Birjis Qadr
Benares Colonel James Neill


Steps taken to Ameliorate Women’s Position
Abolition of SATI Regulation of 1829 William Bentick
- Initially Bengal
- 1830: Madras and Bombay

Female INFANTICIDE 1. Bengal regulations 1795 and 1804 1870- Lord Mayo
2. Female Infanticide Prevention Act, 1870
- initially only Awadh, Punjab, N.W. province

Widow remarriage Hindu Widow’ Remarriage Act, 1856 Lord Dalhousie-drafted

(Due to I.C.Vidyasagar) Lord Canning-Passed

Child Marriage Native Marriage Act or Civil Marriage Act,

Age of Consent act, 1891
1. Due to B.M.Malabari
2. From 10>>>12 yrs
Sarda act, 1930 aka Child m’age restraint act
1. 18 for Boys and 14 for Girls
2. By Harbilas Sarda

Female education Woods dispatch, 1854

Regulations for Religious converts

Lex Loci Act, 1850 Aka Caste Disabilities Removal act
- Religious convert to inherit ancestral
NOTE- Abolition of slavery- 1843 (Charter act, 1833 recommended it)

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Calcutta female Calcutta Baptist Mission
Juvinile Society, Society

Bethune school J.E.D. Bethune 1. @calcutta, 1849>>>College

1849 (originally as 2. Oldest Woman college in ASIA
Secular native 4. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar- on Managing committee in 1856
Female school or when govt took over college
Hindu Female 3. Alumanae- Chaudharani, Bina das, Kalpana datta, pratilata
School) waddedar, kadambini ganguly,

1. Society For Veerasalingam Pantulu 1. In support of Widow remarriage in Madras

Social Reforms (Prophet of Modern Andhra) 2. Also founded: Madras Hindu Association, 1892- Social purity
1878 movm + against Devdasi system + oppression of widows

Indian Women’s D.K.Karve 1. India’s first woman uni

University, 1916 2. Now SNDT

Lady Harding Lady harding 1. Wife of lord hardinge

medical college,

All India Woman’s Margeret Cousins 1. 1st President- Maharani Chimnabai gaekwad- FC, pune
Conference, 1927 2. Main aim- Educational reforms, Rights
4th prez: S. Naidu (1930) 3. 2nd conference: estd of AI Woman Edu Fund
11th Prez: Amrit Kaur (1938)
4. Demands @ 1st RTC: Equal rights, Adult Suffrage, Fight
election, NO Separate electorate
5. hand in passing of Sarda Act, 1929

Bharat stree Sarla Devi Chaudharani 1. 1st major woman org in India set up by Woman
Mahamandal, 1910 2. “Great Circle of India Women’

Bharat Mahila Ramabai Ranade wing of National social conference (Ranade waali)
Parishad, 1904 2. aka Ladies Social conference

Woman’s India Annie Besent, Margeret 1. ‘Daughters of India’

Association 1917 Cousins, Muthulaxmi 2. Active part in politics>>RTC>> Woman franchise and consti
Reddy, Sister Subbalaxmi, rights (basic aim- Voting Rights)
Sarojini Naidu 3. 1st All Asia Wom. Conference
4. Journal- Stree Dharma

Arya mahila Samaj Pandita ramabai saraswati 1. Ramabai Ranade also opened branch @ Bombay
2. representation to English Edu Comm>> Lady Dufferin College

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National council Mehribai Tata 1.branch of int council for woman

for woman, 1925

Deccan Education Tilak, V.S. Chiplunkar, 1. 1884- estd FC

Society (DES), Agarkar, Mahadev 2. Gokhale and Karve- also emmbers (Gokhale left)
1884 Namjoshi,

Servents of India 1. Gopal Krishna Gokale 1. publication- Hitavada (1911)

society, 1905 Natesh Appaji Dravid, 2.remained aloof from political activies
Anant Patwardhan 3. aim- train people for service of India- Famine relief + Tribal
4. Gokhale left DES to form this

Prathana Samaj, Atmaram Pandurang 1. precursor- Paramhansa Mandali (Mehtaji Durgaram, Dadoba
1867 Pandurang )- close to Manav Dharma sabha- one god, rationality
(with help of K.C. sen) 2. Popularity after Ranade joined
3. very much attached with Bhakti cult of MH
4. members: R.G. Bhandarkar, N.G. Chandavkar
5. more concerned with social reform than religion
6. Karve + Ranade>> Widow Remarriage association + Widow
Home Association

Social Service N.M. Joshi 1.Aim- secure better conditions of work and life
League, 1911 2. training programme for volunteers- relief works

Brahmo Samaj, RRR  Discarded: polytheism, idol worship, avataras, caste

1828  No definite stand on karma and Transmigration of soul
 RRR never questioned authority of Veda and considered
them infalliable

Veda Samaj, 1864 V. Rajagopalacharyulu 1. estd under influence of Keshab Chandra Sen
(President), 2. Practiced rituals only agreeable to pure Theism
P. Subbarayalu Chetty 3. Discarded Casteism, superstitions + supported widow rem’ages
(secretary) 4. 1869- revived by Chembeti Sridharalu Naidu

Dev samaj, 1887 Shiv Narayan Agnihotri 1. eternity of soul, supremacy of guru
2. teachings compiled in book Deva Shatra

Dharma Sabha, Radhakant Deb 1. orthodoxy, opposed abolition of sati

1830 2. NOTE- but favoured Western Education (even for girls)

Bharat Dharma Pandit Din Dayalu Amalgation of Sanatana Dharma sabha + Dharma Maha Parishad (s
Mahamandal, 1902 Sharma + Madan India) + Dharma Mahamandali(Bengal)
Mohan Malaviya + 2. defence of orthodox Hinduism- Opposed Arya Samaj
Gokhale 3. Note founders: Malaviya + Gokhale

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Radhaswami Shiv Dayal Saheb or Tulsi 1. One god, Supremacy of guru, simple life (w/o giving up material
movement, 1861 Ram life)
2. No faith in Temples

Vokkaliga Sangha By Gowda or Vokkaligha Anti brahmin movm

1905 community (Karnataka)

Justice Movement C.N.Mudaliar 1. Anti brahman movm

(South Indian T.M. Nair 2. opposed Gandhi, Annie Besent, Non coop movm
Liberation P. Tyagaraja

Self respect Periyar or E.V. 1. Rejection of Brahmanism, Sanskrit Language

Movement Ramaswami Naikar 2. Centre of movm- telegu lng>>> thus rift with other S Indians
3. Kudi Arasu- Journal started by Periyar in 1910
NOTE- Periyar was in INC in time of NCM>> participated in NCM, offered satyagraha>> later opposed brahmanical domination and left
congress>> 1925: Self respect movm>>1939: ‘Dravida Nadu Conference’ \>> supported demand of Pakistan
Vaikom Kerala Paryatanam 1. Anti-Untouchability movm in Tranvancore- throwing open all
Satyagraha 1924- movement- by K. temples
25 Kelappan and K.P. 2. Shiva temple @ vaikom
Kesava Menon (kerala 3. Support- Gandhi, Periyar,
Gandhi) 4. Immediate reason: shri Narayan guru Stopped from road
leading to vaikom temple
T.K.Madhavan- petion to 5. result: opening of vaikom temple
Sree Moolam Popular 6. influenced temple enetry movm, 1934
assembly of Travancore
(1st popular assembly in

Kumar Asan and

Panicker- poems

Temple entry Inspiration- SNDP, 1. Subramaniyam Tirumambu, P.Krishna Pillai, A.K.Gopalan

movment K.Kelappan 2. result- Maharaj opened all temples @ 1936

Indian Social 1. M.G. Ranade 1. 1st session- 1887

Conference aka 2. R. Ragunath Rao 2. same time and venue as INC3. social reform cell of INC (becoz
National Social INC did not wanted to include social reforms in its deliberations
conference 4. ‘Pledge Movement’- against child marriage
5. NOTE- Bharat Mahila Parishad- Organ of NSC

Deoband 1. Mohmmad Qasim 1. propogate pure Islamic techings

Movement, 1866 Nanotavi 2. jihad against forign rulers
2. Rashid Ahmed Gangohi 3. Later leader- Mahmud ul Hasan- gave political and intellectual
content to movement>>aligned with national movm

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Rahnumai 1. Naoroji Furdonji, 1. Reform movm in parsis (Zorostrianism)

Mazdayasnan 2. Dadabhai Naoroji, 2. promote Modern Education
Sabha 3. K.R. Cama, 3. Newspaper- Rast Goftar- Dadabhai naoroji
4. S.S. Bengali 4. Organised Zorostrian conferences – 1st in 1890

Sikh movements 1. Singh Sabha Movement 1. Western edu to sikh

(1873) 2. to counter Christian missionaries, arya samajist, muslims
2. Akali Movement (aka 1. librate gurudwaras from corrupt Udasi Mahants
Gurudwara reform Movm) 2. Non-violent, non coop
3.result- Sikh gurudwaras Act, 1922 >>>SGPC

Theosophical H.P.Blavatsky and 1. later, HQ>>Adyar

Society @NYC, M.S.Olcott 2. Belief in avatara, karma, upanishada, sankhya and yoga
USA philosophy, Vedanta school
3. After HPB’s death>>Annie besant as Prez in 1907


Raja Rammanohar Roy 1. Atmiya sabha, 1814 1. Monotheism (Gift to Monotheisis, 1809)(Tuhfat-
-propogate monotheist ideals, ul-Muwahhidin)
No idoltry, caste, rituals 2. Vedanta- based on reason (thus if reason
2. Brahmo Samaj, 1828 3. opposed by Christians (Precepts of Jesus, 1820)
- worship of eternal and 4. vedas and upanishadas
unsearchable being, Upanishadas, 5. press freedom, against zamindari, abolish EIC
BUT no definite stand on: Karma, trading rights, reduce export duties
Purnarjanma 6. A 50, judicial equality

3. Vedanta college, 1825 Newspaper:

4. Hindu college, 1817 (now Samvat Kaumudi
Presidency uni, kolkata)
- RRR, David Hare, Radhakant
Deb, Edward east

Debendranath Tagore Tattvabodhini Sabha, 1839 Study India’s past with rational outlook
Adi Brahmo samaj (after split)
Adi Dharma doctrine as Brahmo Later Hemendranath>> modern Brahmoism>> today
samaj Beej, 1848 ADI DHARMA

Kesab Chandra Sen Brahmo samaj of India, 1866 1. great influence of chriastianity
2. later BSI break into Sadharan BS 1878
Joined Brahmo samaj in 1858

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Indian Reforms Association 1870 3. instrumental role in Special marriage act, 1872
(loyalist to Crown)- breakaway 4. Tabernacle of New Dispensation (aka
from British India Asso Bharatvarshiyo Brahmo Mandir)
5. Sangat Sabha- small discussion forums
Naba Vidhan (New Dispensation)
society- to preach mixture of
Hindu and Christian Philosophy

A.M.Bose, Umesh Datt Sadharan Brahmo Samaj 1. one god + No scripture is infalliable
Shitabchandra Deb, 2. NP- Tattva Kaumudi, Indian Messenger,

Henry Vivian Derozio Young Bengal mov 1. Emerged from Hindu College of Calcutta

Ishwar Chandra Principal @ Sanskrit college 1. Widow remarriage act

Vidyasagar (opened it for non brahmins + 2. break priestly monopoly,
started western edu in it) 3. 35 girls schools for girls in Bengal
4. Inspiration behind & Secreatry of Bethune School
Book- Bahubivah 5. Significant contri to simplify and modernize
Bengali prose + Bengali alphabet and type
6. also taught in Fort Williams Collge as head of
Sanskrit dept
7. last days of life: with Santhals @ Nandan Kanan
8. ‘Companion of Indian Empire’ by British govt in

N. M. Joshi (Narayan 1. AITUC, 1921 1. follower of Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Joshi) 2. AITUF, 1931 2. Pioneer of Modern Indian Social Work
3. Social Service League, 1911

N. M. Lokhande 1. Bombay Hands Mill 1. Father of TU movement in India

(Narayan Meghaji Association (1st Indian workers 2. helped to gain rights: Sunday, Half hr recess in
Lokhande) asso) afternoon, salaries 15th of every month
3. Rao Bahadur by British
2. Mumbai Kamgar Sangh

3.Deenbandhu (Editor)

Dayananda Saraswati Arya Samaj, 1875 1. book- Satyarth Prakash

or Mulshankar  HQ- Lahore 2. infalliability of vedas
Note- International Arya Mahasammelan 3. classless and casteless society
(started @ 2006)- aims to spread message 4. Attacked hindu orthodoxy
of human welfare orinating from veda +
promote universal brotherhood
5. God, soul and matter- distinct
6. Dayanand Anglo-Vedic school- nucleus of Arya

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7. criticized later hindu scriptures such as purana,

attacked Niyati and karma Doctrine, escapist hindu
beliefs like maya and Moksha

Behramji Malabari Seva Sadan 1. Age of consent act

(B.M.Malabari) 2. Indian spectator
3. Child mage and widow remaage
4. translated Max mullers Hibbert lectures
5. Attacked hindu priest for misinterpretation of Veda
and upanishada
6. stayed away from INC

Shree Narayan Guru 1. SN Dharma Paripalana Yogam- 1. For Ezhava caste

Swamy by Dr. Palpu 2. Aviruppam Movement- to break traditional
- Founder prez: Narayan guru restraints on ezhava community- Siva idol in 1888
3. Against Caste system, social ineq
(Kumar Asan- general secretary) 4. Sarada matt in Sivagiri 1912
5. Alwaye Advaita Ashram- All religion Conference
by guru in 1923
6. Vaikom Satyagraha- when guru stopped from
pasing thr road leading to vaikom temple

D. K. Karve 1. First Woman university, 1916 1. Hand in Widow remarriage ac

2. Anaath Balikashram 1896

Sayyah Ahmad Khan 1. Translation society 1864 (Later British showed much interest in his Aligarh college’s
The Scientific Society) devlopement


Karsandas Mulji Satya Prakash Advocating widow remarriage

RRR 1. Sambad Kaumudi, 1821 SK- press freedom, A50, Indians in high ranks of
2. Mirat-ul-Akhbar (Persian) service

Balashatri Jambhekar Darpan, 1832 Widow remarriage, scientic approach

Digdarshan Science + history
(also founded Bombay Native general Library +
Native improvement Society)

Gopalhari Deshmukh 1. Prabhakar- weekly

‘Lokahitwadi’ 2. Hitechhu- weekly
1.Gyan Prakash
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2.Indu Prakash, 1861


Gopal ganesh Agarkar Sudharak- weekly

Phule + K.R.Bhalekar Deenbandhu 1. outlet of satyasodhak samaj

2. editor- N.M.Lokhande

B.M.Malabari Indian Spectactor Later merged with Voice of India (Malabari +

Dadabhai Naoroji + William wedderberg)
Syed Ahmad Khan Tahdhib-ul-Akhlaq – Magzine

Annie Besant 1. New India

2. Commonweal

Maulana Azad Al Hilal

Mohammad ali Comrade

Gandhi 1. Indian Opinion (S. Africa) 1903

2. Nav Jeevan

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Pukhtoon

Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar Shome Prakash

Sir Aurobindo Bande Mataram, 1905 NOTE- Bhikaji Kama’s BM: Response to ban on
(first started by Bipin song vande mataram+ continue message of BM
Chandra Pal) of Auribindo + Indian Sociologist of shyamji

Guzulu Lakshminarasu Chetty The Crescent- 1st Indian owned NP in Madras



Bangabasha Prakasika ASSOCIATES of RRR (as he

Sabha 1836 died in 1833)

Zamindari Association Dwarkanath Tagore, Prasanna 1.1st org of Bengal with distinct political objective
(Landlords society) 1838 kumar tagore, radhakant Deb,
ramkamal sen, B.C.Mitra

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British India Society 1839 William Adam (associate of 1. secure welfare and advancement of all classes
RRR) 2. NP- ‘ British India Advocate’

Bengal British India George Thompson 1. Bengali Intellectuals

Association, 1843 2. Prominent Member: Ram Gopal 2. But Loyal to British Rule
Ghose, Peary Chand Mitra

Madras Native Founder Prez- 1.as platform to for educated Indians to protest
Association, 1849 Guzulu Lakshminarasu Chetty against injustice
2. Petitions to British parliament>> eventually
resulted in curbing EIC’s power
3. The Crescent- 1st Indian owned NP in Madras by

British Indian Radhakant Deb- Prez 1. Amalgamation of Landlords’ society + Bengal

Association, 1851 Debendranath tagore- secretary British India association
NP- Hindu Patriot – 2. some of demands included in charters act, 1853
Madhusudhan roy (later H.C. 3. supported EIC in 1857
Bombay Asso OR Jagannath Shankerseth, Naoroji 1. 1st political organization in Bombay Province
Bombay Native Asso, Fursungi, Bhau Daji Lad, 2. 1st President: Naoroji Fursungi
1852 Dadabhai Naoroji

London India society Pherozshah Mehta, Badruddin Superseded by EIA

1865 tayyabji, W.C.Bonnerjee,
Manmohan Ghose

East India Association, Dadabhai Naoroji @London 1. Discuss Indian que and influence public opinion
1866 in Britain
1st prez: Lord Lyveden 3. Superseded London India Society
2. Now- royal society of India

Poona sarvajanik Sabha M.G.Ranade, S.H. Chiplunkar, 1.Bridge betn govt and people + peasants rights
1867 Ganesh Vasudev Joshi 2. Later dominated by Tilak>> Gokhale left
3. Submitted petion in 1875 to house of commons
Secretary in 1890: Gokhale demanding Direct representation in British

Indian League, 1875 Sisir kumar ghosh @ Calcutta Nationalism among Indians

Indian Association, 1876 Surendranath Banerjea and Anand 1. superseded Indian league
Mohan Bose 2. forerunner of INC
3. organized All India Conference in 1883
In opposition of BIA 4. Dadabhai Naoroji- member

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Madras Mahajan Sabha M. Viraraghavachai, 1st Prez: P. Rangaiah Naidu

1884 B. Subramaniya Aiyer, Secretary: R. Balaji Rao
P.Anandcharlu 1. Dev close relation with INC from 1920s
2. Organised salt satyagraha in CDM

Bombay Presidency Pherozshah Mehta, Badruddin 1. To oppose Lytton reactionary policies + Illbert
association 1885 Tayyabji, K.T. Telang bill problem
2. BPA + MMS + IA >> delegation to England in

Deccan Sabha, 1896 Gokhale and Ranade 1. Rival of Poona Sarvajanik sabha
(due to difference with Tilak on Age of consent
NOTE- Precursors of INC- 1. Poona sarvajanik Sabha 2.Bombay presidency asso
3. Indian Association 4. Madras Mahajan Sabha
Indian National Surendranath Banerjee and A.M. 1.1st – 1883
CONFERENCE Bose 2nd- 1885 (in asso with National Mohammadan
Association and the British Indian Association)


United India Patriotic Syed ahmad khan and Raja Shiv 1. Rival of INC
Association 1888 Prasad Singh of Benares

British Committee of INC Dadabhai Naoroji Planned session of INC in London in 1892>> but
elections in Britain in 91

Indian Liberal Federation, Founder & Prez: S.N.Banerjee 1. Moderates who supported Monford reforms
1919 2. Boycotted simon commission>> No Indian
Tej Pratap sapru, V. S. Srinivasa members
Sastri, M. R. Jayakar

Hindustan Seva Dal, 1923 N. S. Hardikar 1. Originated after Flag satyagraha in Nagpur, >>
First Prez- NEHRU as part of INC
2. Renamed>> Congress SD
3. as militia>> thus opposed by many congress man
4. Imp role in Civil Disobedience Movement

All India States peoples’ From 1. conglomeration of political movements in pricely

conference, 1927 1939>>>president>>NEHRU till states
Aka Praja Mandals 1946 2. INC distanced itself until 1939
3.Imp role in state integration after independence

Indian Independence Indian nationalist in S. E. Asia 1. formed 1st Indian National Army under Mohan
League, 1928 Tarak Das Singh
2. All Malayan Indian Independence league-
Nedyam Raghavan

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Mahila Rashtriya Latika Ghosh- Secretary 1. by Subhash bose’s support during Anti Simon
Parishad, 1928 Prabhavati ghosh- president comm movm
2. Aim: Swaraj + status of woman
3. used religious context to mobilise woman

Independence for India Nehru, Bose 1. dissatisfaction with Nehru report

League, 1929 President- S. Srinivasa Iyengar 2. demand of poorna swarajya

All India untouchability Mahatma Gandhi 1. After Poona pact

League, 1932 (later Founding president- Ghanshyam 2. HSS of TN headed by A. Vaidyanatha Iyer
Harijan Sevak Sangh) Das Birla >>1939- entered Meenakshi temple, Madurai

All India Depressed class Jagjivan Ram Political mobilization of Dalits

league. 1935

All India Depressed class M.C. Rajah NOTE- M.C.Rajah was first to organize depressed
Association, 1928 classes under Exclusive organization in 1926

All India Depressed B.R. Ambedkar 1. demanded seprate electorates

Class Federation/Cong. 2. opposed by M.C. Rajah

1. Hindustani prachar Mahatma Gandhi Note: First pracharak of DBHPS- Devodass

sabha, 1942 Gandhi (Son of Gandhi)
2. Dakshin bharat Hindi (Prez of DBHPS till death)
prachar sabha, 1918
3. Mazoor-Mahajan Sabha
or Textile Labour
Association, 1916

Bombay Provincial Followers of M.N.Roy Estd socialist state

Working Class party, President- A.A.Alwe
1933 General secretary- R.A.Khedgikar

Congress Socialist Party J.P., Ram manhar Lohia, Acharya 1. 1934 within INC (Due to anti- Gandhi +
1934 Narendra Dev, Ganga sharan sinha increasing influence of Left bloc within INC)
2.1936: Communist joined as part of Popular front
First president: Acharya stratergy
Narendra Dev 3.Sessions: with INC sessions
membership: membership of INC required
Secretary: J.P 4.Groups joined: Anushilan samiti + HSRA>>(later
formed Revolutionist Socialist Party,1940)
5. Bose &Nehru: Did NOT joined
6. 1948- merged with Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party to
form Praja Socialist Party (PSP)

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National Planning By- Subhash Chndra Bose Chairman- Nehru (M. Visveswaraya step down on
Committee, 1938 On advice of – Meghnad Saha Saha’s advice)

Radical Democratic party, M.N.Roy 1. radical Congressmen>>to engage India in WW II

1940 General secretary- V.M. Tarkunde 2. Trade Union wing of RDP= Indian Federation of
Dissolved in 1948>> 3. Did NOT supported Industrial strike that took
Radical Humanist place at that time
Movement 4. ’22 theses’: principles of radical Democracy

1. Amitya Sangha B.R. Ambedkar 1. serve down trodden in every aspect

2. Samata samaj sangh 2. safeguard civil rights of untouchables

Anti-Compromise Subhash Chandra Bose 1. Forward Bloc + Kisan Sabha

Conference, 1940 2. to launch Worldwide struggle against Imperialist

Name Organisations Others Books
Pheroz 1. Bombay Presidency Association – 1. Bombay Municipal Act, 1872>>
shah President thus father of BMC
Mehta 2. Founder- INC 2. Was Not opposed to british, but
3. Bombay LC- member-1887 demanded autonomy
4. ILC- 1893
5. Newspaper- Bombay Chronicle
6. Knighthood by british for service in law

Gopal 1. Prez of INC 1905 (Swadeshi Call) 1. SUPPORTED Age of consent bill
Krishna 2. Servent of India society 2. Belief in Western and britsh
Gokhale 3. Bombay LC- 1899 institutions
4. ILC- 1901 3. Gokhale bill, 1912: Free and
compulsory education (though for
boys first, then girls)
4. Refused Knighthood and position
in Council of SoS

Ashwini 1. estd Brojomohun school 1. Main work in Barisal (Bangladsh) 1. Bhakti yoga
Kumar 2. Bakarganj hitaishini sabha 1887 2. Proclaimed: Vedas are not 2. karma yoga
datta 3. Swadesh bandhab samiti infalliable 3. prem
4. Editor: Tattvabodhi Patrika 4. Atmapratistha
5. Bharatbarshiya Upasak Sampraday

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Arbindo 1. helped estd of Anushilan samiti in 1902 1. worked for Maharaja of Gaekwad 1.Savitri
ghosh 2. arrest in Alipore comb case 1908 (badoda) 2. The Divine Life
3. NP- Karmayogin + Vande Mataram 2. 1910>>retired>>Pondicherry 3.Synthesis of Yoga
3. wrote on yoga, Upanishad, veda, 4. secret of vedas
New Lamps of Old- series of articles as poetry 5.The human cycles
Critique of moderate politics of INC 4.complete independence

Bipin Chief architect of swadeshi movement 1. ‘father of revolutionary thoughts’ 1.Nationality and
Chandra Books- Swaraj, Our real danger 2. belonged to brahmo samaj Empire
Pal 2. worked for Bengal public, The 2. Who is shree krish
Tribune and New India 3. Soul of India
4. New economic
menance in India

Lala 1. India home rule league of America @ 1. demanded partition in 1923 1. Arya Samaj
Lajput NYC 1917 2. travelled to USA in WW I 2. Shrikrishna
Rai 2. Servents of PEOPLE society 1921 -to 3. Died- simon commission protest 3. Unhappy India
train nationalist @ Lahore (inaugurated by (James A. Scott) 4. Chattrapati Shivaji
Mahatma Gnadhi) (Prez- purushottam 4. foundation of Punjab National 5. Swami Dayanand
tandom, Lal bahudur shatri) bank 6. Englands debt to
5. Hindu orphan relief movement India

Lala 1. Associated with bhikaji cama, 1. Our educational

Hardayal Savarkar, shyami krishnavarma problem
2. inspiration- Mazzini, marx 2. Hints for self culture
3. editor- vande mataram, Indian 3. The buddhisattva
sociologist doctrine
4. travelled- London, paris, cuba, 4. Social conquest of
Martinique, finally USA hindu race

Annie Books: 1. supporter of Indian and irish

besant 1. The future of Indian politics home rule movm
2. Religious problem in India 2. theosophical society
3. Dharma 3. Fabian socialism
4. Karma 4. led march to Trafalgar square for
5. Political status of woman unemployment>>> BLOODY
6. Bhagavat gita SUNDAY 1887
7. Esoteric Christianity 5. Central Hindu College in 1898 @
8. intro to yoga benares (with Arthur Richardson+
9. Birth and evolution of soul ruler Prabhu Narayan singh )>>
10. Jainism BHU 1916 by MMM

R.C. 1. 1st president of Bangiya Sahitya Parishad 1. member- Royal comm on Indian 1. Mahabharata
Dutt 2. Prez of INC @1899 Decentralisation 2. Ramayana
3. Economic History of India, The 2. Translated Ramayana and 3. Early Hindu
Civilization of India (1900), Famines and Mahabharata civilization

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Land Assesments in India (1900), A School 4. Problem of India’s

History of Modern and Ancient India development
5. Centralism and
devolution of power

Sarojini 1. 1st Indian Woman Prez of INC-1925 1.aka ‘Nightingale of India’

Naidu 2. Persian play- Meher Muneer 2. Helped in estd of Woman India
3. Poems- The Golden Threshold, 1905 Association in 1917
4. Books: 1.Mhmd Jinnah: An Ambassador 3. Kaiser-i-Hind by British for work
of Unity, 1915 during Plague epidemic
2.The broken wing 1917

M.N.Roy 1. Founder: Maxican Communist party (first 1. involvement in Indo-German

communist party outside Russia) + CPI Conspiracy + Anushilan Samiti +
2. Founder: Radical Democratic Party, 1940 murder of Nandalal Banerjee
3. 2. member of Comintern>> head of
Books: Eastern division
1. Journal- Vanguard 3. Invited to 2nd World congress of
2. India in Transition Communist International
3. Revolution and Counter Revolution in 4. returned India in 1930 after
china expulsion from comintrn by Stalin
4. Weekly- Independent India 5. Drafted Constitution of Free India
5. Reason, Romanticism and Revolution , in wartime
1952 6. Joined INC in 1936>> later left
6. Historical role of Islam as diff about WW II
B N Rau 1. Original draft of constitution Civil servent, Diplomat, jurist 1. India’s Consti in
2. Helped forming Constitution of Burma making
3. PM of J&K for brief time
4. Judge @ ICJ + Indian representative @
UNSC + member of UN Armistice
commission after Korean war
Surendra 1. Indian National Asso 1. cleared ICS in 1868 but barred by
Nath 2. National Liberation federation, 1919: due allegation that he misrepresented
Banerjee to his SUPPORT for Montford reforms his age >> cleared again in 1871
3. aka Indian Edmund Burke, sobriquet 2. First Indian journalist to be
Rashtragurur imprisoned (The Bangalee-
criticized judge)

Motilal 1. twice president of INC- Amritsar (1919) + 1. transformed life adopting khadi
Nehru Calcutta (1928) under Gandhi’s influence
2. Newspaper- The Independent (1919) 2. only frontline leader to support
3. member: UP provincial council (resigned NCM in Calcutta, 1920
after calcutta session 1920) + central 3. though follower, but openly
province assembly (1923) criticized Gandhi for abrupt end of

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Home Charges: expenses of the Indian Government in Britain.(SoS’s expenses + Officials

expenses), Major component of drain of wealth (Paid from Indian revenues)
 Officially proclaimed on 7 August, 1905 from Calcutta Town Hall
 1905- INC took up Swadeshi agenda at Banaras Session presided by Gokhale
 1906- Calcutta- Dadabhai Naorji- 4 Resolutions:
1.Swadeshi Programme 2.Boycott 3.Self govt 4.National Education
New forms of struggle
 Swadesh Bandhab Samiti- Ashwini Kumar Datta- promote indigenous products
 Swadesh Sangam- V.O.Chidambaram pilai, Subramania siva
 National council for education- 1906(in meet of landlords society):
Bengal National collge, 1906- Principal- Aurobindo Ghosh
 Subramaniya Bharati – Sudesha Geetham
 Vandemataram Movement- by Chidambaram Pilai in deltatic Andhra. He also led
Swadeshi Movement to Toticorin in TN
BUT- NO support of muslims, failed to reach peasantry, Some labour strikes at beginning (like
Chidambaram Pillia and Subramania Siva in Tiruneveli and Tuticorin, Lala Lajput in
Rawalpindi)>>but later suppressed
 Movm fizzled out in 1908

1. ANUSHILAN SAMITI (amalgation of 3 secrete societies of: 1. Auribindo 2. Pramathanath
Mitra 3. Sarla Devi)
 Founder- Pramathanath Mitra
 Two prominent breakaways: 1. Dhaka Anushilan Samiti 2. Jugantar Group
(@calcutta) (note- Breakaway due to Auribindo’s slow approach to build a base)
 Members: Jatindranath benerjee, Barindra Kumar ghosh,
 JUGANTAR- founded by Aurobindo ghosh, Barin Ghosh, Bhupendranath Datta
(vivekananda’s brother), raja subodh malik in 1906
 Later leader of Jugantar- BAGHA JATIN (Jatindranath Mukharjee)
 Journals: Sandhya(Brahmabandhab Upadhyay) and Yugantar(Barindrakumar Ghosh
and Bhupendranath Dutta) in Bengal, Kal in MH
 Barisal Conference,1906: Prez: Abdul Rasul Later suppression by govt: Barisal
conspiracy case, 1913>> comment by Amrit bazaar patrika>>show cause notice>> also
comment by Yugantar

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 Dhaka Anushilan Samiti- 1905 under Pulin Bihari Das

o Temperory halt after PB Das’s deportation and crackdown on Barisal conference
o Not participated in German Plot
o Prominent activities: Assi attempt on D.C.Allen (Megistrate of Dhaka in 1907),
Barrah Decoity, 1908

1897 Chapekar Bandhu Plagaue commissioner Rand Lord Elgin II
1906 Yugantar group British Official Sir Fuller Lord Minto II

Alipore conspiracy Prafulla chaki 1. D. H. Kingsford- judge Lord Minto II

case 1908 Khudiram Bose 2. Ghosh brothers- arrested and trial

Barrah dacoity, 1908 Pulin Das (Decca To rise fund for activities Lord Minto II

1909 Kanhere (member of A. M. T. Jackson Lord Minto II

Abhinav bharat)

1909, London Madanlal Dhinra Curzon Wylie

Delhi- Lahore Basanta Kumar Biswas 1. Viceroy Hardinge Lord Hardinge II

Conspiracy case, 1912 Rashbihari bose
Sachin Sanyal

German plot or Bagha Jatin 1. funding raised thr Taxicab Lord Hardinge II
Zimmerman plan, 1915 Rashbihari Bose dacoities and boat dacoities

 Ramoshi peasant force 1879- Vasudev Phadke
 V.D. Savarkar>>> 1899>> Mitra Mela>> merged with Abhinav Bharat in 1904
 Activities: shoen in yellow above
 Lala lajput rai- Punjabee
 Ajit singh- Anjuman-i-Mohisban-i-watan & journal- Bharat mata


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Indian Home Rule London Shyamji Krishnavarma 1. Journal- Indian Sociologist

Society- ‘India + Bhikaji Kama + Lala 2. After Shyamaji >> Paris in 1907, new leader>>
House’ 1905 Lajput rai + S.R. Rana V.D. Savarkar
3. Madanlal Dhingra (from IHRS) >>Curzon- Wyllie

Free India London Founder- Bhikaji Kama 1. Savarkar- inspired by Italian Rev (especially
Society Member- V.D. Savarkar Mazzini)

Paris India Paris Madam Bhikaji Kama + 1. branch of IHRS

Society, 1905 B.H. Godrej + S.R. 2. kama @ 2nd international socialist congress 1907>>
Rana first flag of India
3. Journal- Bande Mataram (first editor- Lala
4. Talvar- named after magan lal shingra- from
BERLIN- by Kama (Editor: Virendranath

Ghadr Party, 1913 San 1.Sohan Singh Bhakna 1. Ex-soldiers and peasants from Punjab in USA and
Francisco (President) Canada
Initially Pacific (HQ- 2. Lala hardayal, 2. Precursor:
Coast Hindustan Yugantar 3. Kartar singh Sarabha, A. Swadesh Sevak Home (Vancouver)
Association Ashram) 4. Bhai Parmanand, B. United India House (seattle)
3. Aim- organize assasinations, publish lit, procure
arms, bring simultenous revolt in ALL british colonies
Weekly: Ghadr (in 4. Komagata Maru + WW I >> ghadr launched violent
commemoration of attack on british rule
mutiny of 1857) 5. R.bose & sachin sanyal>> asked to lead plan in India
6.Defence of India rule 1915- to deal with ghadar
conspiracy, 1915 (Followed by Lahore conspiracy trial)
7. Tarak Nath Das- periodical ‘Free Hindustan’ from
Vancouver in 1908

Berlin Committee Berlin

1. Virendranath 1. With help of german official (authorized by Kaiser
(aka Indian Chattopadhyay, as well as chancellor of Germany)- under ‘zimmerman
Independence 2. Bhupendranath Dutta, plan’
committee) 3. Lala Hardayal, 2. Aim- Mobilise Indian rebellion against british in
4. Champakaram pillai, WW I time
5. Abhinash
 Indian response to WW I: 1.Moderates- supported 2.Extremist-Supported ( in belief
of return of favor) 3.Revolutionist- Opposed and took a opportunity
 NOTE- 1st president of Indian home rule League- JOSEPH BAPTISTA

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 April ,1916
 MH(exclude Bombay), KR, CP, Berar
 Demand: 1.swaraj 2. Linguistic state 3.Edu in vernacular
 Sept 1916
 Rest of India
 George Arundale- organizing secretary
 Others- B. W. Wadia, C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar
 Besent + Arundale + Wadia>>>arrest 1917>>> S. Subramaniya aiyar- renounced
knighthood + Tilak- passive resistance + President Wilson: intervened
Sphere of activities in HRM
 Aim- convey masses the message of Home rule as Self govt
 Methods: 1.Library and reading rooms 2.conferences 3.propoganda thr pamphlets,
NP 4.social work 5.local govt activities
 Success: 1.attracted ‘politically backward’ regions of Gujrat and Sindh
 Joined: Nehrus, JINNAH, M.M. Malviya, Lala Lajput Rai, C.R. Das + some members of
Gokhale’s Servents of India Society
 NOT joined: Anglo Indians, South, Muslims (due to fear: HR= Hindu rule)

 1920- GANDHI as President, 1921- AIHRL>>>Swarajya Sabha

 Passive Resistance Association(PRA)- Against Registration Certificates (1906)
 Issues taken in S.Africa: 1.Registration certificates 2.Restriction on Indian migration
3. Poll tax 4. Invalidation of Indian Marriages 5.Transvaal Immigration Act
 Phoenix farm and Tolstoy farm- 1.to house families of satyagrahis 2.Imphasis on
manual work (Phoenix farm- printing press of Indian Opinion)
 Principles for satygrahis: (yamas described in Yoga Sutras)
1. Manual labour 2.Economic stratergy such as boycott 3.Must have Living faith
in God 4. Lead a chaste life 5. Habitual khadi weaver and spinner 6.abstain
from alcohol
 Authority for Civil disobedience to satygrahi only when:
1. Appreciate other laws of state and obey them 2.tolerate those laws
3. Be ready to undergo sufferings to self or family members

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 Hind Swaraj- booklet of his political ideals>> written in 1909>> during his return
journey from London to South Africa>> he condemned Indian anarchist in London about
their glorification of Cult of violence and superiority of Modern civilization>> Written
in Gujrati language
Champaran First Civil Rajendra prasad, Mazhar-ul- 1. Reason- Tinkathia system- indigo on 3/20th
Satyagraha 1917 Disobedience Haq, Mahadeo Desai, Narhari part of land + force for growing opium
Parekh, J. B. kriplani, later 2. people gave Gandhi the title of BAPU and
Ahmadabad Mill First Hunger Anusuya ben Sarabhai Reason- Cotton mill workers>>
Strike, 1918 Strike discontinuation of Plague Bonus
Kheda First Non- Sardar patel, Indulal Yagnik, 1.Reason- Revenue collection in drought time
satyagraha, 1918 Cooperation Shankarlal Banker, Narhari 2. Gandhi- ONLY spiritual head of mvm,
parekh, Mohanlal Pandya, asked not to pay tax
GUJRAT Ravi Shankar Vyas 3.Real leader: Patel
 NOTE- Patel met Gandhi @ KHEDA (Not champaran)

 Recommended estd of Chamber of Princes (Narendra Mandal)- estd in 1920
- Maratha ruled states declined to join
- As a consultative and advisory body
 NOTE- Rowlatt act (19th March, 1919), Montford reforms(23rd Dec, 1919)
 On recomm of SEDITION comm 1918
 Anarchial and Revolutionary Crimes act>>> Extention of Defence of India act
1. Imprison or deport for 2 yr w/o trial 2.trial w/o jury 3. No legal help + right to get
informed the charges 4. No court of appeal after hearing by 3 judge bench 5. Accept
evidence unacceptable under evidence act 6. Suspend habeaus corpus 7. Prohibition
after release on taking part in pol, religious or educational activities
 Later repealed on recomm of Repressive laws committee 1922
 ILC members: Malviya, Jinah, Mazhar Haq- Resigned
 Gandhi- formed SATYAGRAHA SABHA
 3 Org: 1.Home Rule Legue 2.Muslim Legue 3. Satyagraha sabha >>coordinated
to organize biggest satyagraha ever
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
 Aka Amritsar Masscre
 Why people gatheres: 1.protest against arrest of two leaders 2. Baisakhi
 Tagore- renounced Knighthood Gandhi- Kaiser-i-Hind
 Sir Chettur Sankaran Nair>> Resigned from Executive Council

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 Udham singh (Ram Mohammad Singh Azad)>>killed O’Dwyer, 1940

 Disorders Inquiry committee- Hunter Committee (includes 3 Indians: Sir Chimanlal
Setalvad, Pandit Jagat Narayan, Sardar Sultan Ahmad Khan)
 Congress Committee under Gandhi
o Members: C.R. Das, Fazl-ul-Haq, Motilal Nehru
 NCM to boycott all aspects of British rule>> Jinnah disagrre>> left INC
 Indemnity act or “white washing bill”- to safeguard officers (before hunter comm verdict)
 Khilafat committee- under Ali brothers, Maulana azad, Ajmal khan, Hasrat Mohani
 All India Khilafat Conference,1919- president- Gandhi
 Maulana Mhmd Ali and Abdul Kalam Azad>>Resigned from Legislative Council in
1919 during Khilafat movement
 Changes in INC
1. from Self govt thr consti means>>>Swaraj thr peaceful and legitimate means
2. CWC with 15 members 3. Provincial congress committees on linguistic basis
 Revolutionary terrorist from Bengal- supported movm
 NOT supported: 1.Besent 2.JINNAH 3. B.C. Pal 4.Surendranath Banerjee>>INLF
 Edu insti estd during movm:
Jamia Millia Islamia, 1920 Maulana mahmud hasan, Mhmd ali jauhar, Hakim
Ajmal Khan, Mukhtar Ansari, Zakir Hussein
Supported by Gandhi and tagore
Kashi Vidyapith, 1921 Babu Shiv Prasad Gupta & Bhagwan Das
Inaugurated by Gandhi (1995>>MGKV)
Gujrat Vidyapith, 1920 Gandhi as ‘Rashtriya Vidyapithí (remained
chancellor throughout his lifetime)
Bihar Vidyapith, 1921 Gandhi
Features of NCM:
1. Congress Volunteer corps>> as Parallel police
2. After 1921>> local congress bodies given call to start civil disobedience if ready
3. Local movements: Eka movm, Awadh kisan movm, Mappila, Sikh agitation
 Middle class- enthusiast at beginning- later reservations
 Industrialist- Some supported, Some big industrialist feared of labor unrest
Why NCM Failed:
1.Confined to cities and small towns>> middle class parti gradually declined 2.Counter
campagain by Justice Party 3. Inadequacy of national schools and expensive khadi

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 Swarajist- End or Mend stratergy- Motilal Nehru, C.R.Das, Ajmal Khan, subhash
bose, Lala Lajput
 No-Changers- C.rajaji, Sardar patel, Rajendra prasad. M.A. Ansari,
Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party 1923
 Result of Failure of Gaya session 1922 of INC
 Prez- C.R. Das Secretary- Motilal Nehru
 Other members- Subhash Bose, H.S. Suhrawardy, Vitthalbhai Patel
 Demands for reform in INC- 1.more representation in congress offices 2.end
mandatory spinning of khadi 3. End practice of mandatory social service
 Delhi compromise,1923- allowed to contest election as group within INC (also Gandhi
provided relaxation in spinning requirement)
Split in swaraj party
 Responsive Coop Party- by M. R. jayakar, B.S. Moonje , N.C. Kelkar in 1925
 Independent Congress Party (ICP): Lala Lajput Rai, M.M. Malviya,
o NOTE- ICP was also Responsivist
 1926- Main leadership of Swaraj Party>> did not participated in elections, but other
sections of swarajist participated
 CPI- 1920 in Tashkent after 2nd congress of communist international
By M.N. Roy, Evelyn Roy (wife), Abani Mukherji, Ahmed hasan, Mhmd Shafiq
shiddiqui 1925 Indian Communist conference>>> Formalised CPI
 Peshwar Conspiracy Case 1921-27: against “Trained perons” sent by Commintern in
British India
 Kanpur Conspiracy Case 1924: M.N. Roy, S.A. Dange, Shaukat Usmani, Nalini Gupta,
Singaravelu Chettiar, >>>case is responsible for intro of Communism to Indian public
 Meerut conspiracy case, 1929-33: 25 communist: S.A. Dange, P.C. Joshi, Shaukat
usmani, etc – for organizing Railway Strike
 Lahore conspiracy case, 1929-31: Bhagat + Raguru+ Sukhdev>> Saunders Murder
 Bandi Jivan- Sachin Sanyal
 Pathar Dabi- Sharatchandra Chatterjee

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Hindustan 1.Ramprasad 1. Kakori Robbery 1. Aim- estd Federal Republic of Lord Reading
Republican Bismil 1925- proved a US of India
Association 1924 2. Jogesh setback (Bismil was 2. Manifesto-‘Revolutionary’
Chandra hanged) 3. After kakori>>reorgani>>
Chatterjee 1928(ferozshah Kotla,
3. Sachin - Yellow Paper Delhi)>>Leadership of C.
sanyal Consti- consti of party Azad>>HRA to HSRA
formed by Ramprasad -members: Bhagat, Sukhdev,
Bismil B.Vohra, Shiv verma
4. HSRA’s manifesto titled
Philosophy of bomb- written by
2.Saunders’ murder 1. Planned to kill Scott (police Lord Irwin
(after HSRA) 1928 chief), but Saunders killed
2. Reaction to Death of Lala
(Saunders= Police officer lajput Rai
responsible for lathi charge @
Lahore) 3. Bhagat Singh, Raj gurur, Sukh
dev, Jai gopal> Lahore
Conspiracy case, 1929
(support: Nehru and Jinnah)
3. Bomb in ILC 1929 Reason- passage of: 1. Public Lord Irwin
(Bhagat singh and safety bill
batukeshwar dutt) 2. trade dispute bill
Punjab Naujawan Bhagat Singh Moved away from
Bharat Sabha, revolutionism, started belief in
1926 Political struggle
Gopinath Saha, 1924 Attempt on Calcutta police comm Charles Tegart 1924
Chittagong group Surya Sen Chittagong Armoury Under name of Indian Lord Irwin
Raid, 1930 Republican Army- Chittaging
- Ganesh shosh, Branch
Lokenath bal, Ambika
chakravorty, Kalpana

---------------------- Santi ghosh and Assisination of Charles Stevens 1931 Lord

Suniti Willingdon
---------------------- Bina das Attempt to assassinate Bengal gov Stanley Jackson, 1932 Lord
Paharti European Pratilata
Club attack,1932 Waddedar


Mudiman commission 1924 (aka Reform Working of DYARCHY as in Montford reforms
Inquiry Commission) - Jinnah, Sapru, Paranjpe, Sivaswamy Iyer

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Linlithgow Commission Royal Commission on Agri, 1932

Lothian Commission aka Indian Franchise commission – Basis of

declaration of Communal Awards

Sir Richard Strachey commission, 1878 First Famine Commission- after famine of

Campbell Commission 1866 by Viceroy John Lawrence to investigate in

Famine in Odisha

Butler Commission, 1927 To review Paramountcy and position of Princely


Eden Commission, 1879 On military reforms

Lyall Commissio (2nd Famine Comm), Recommended development of irrigation facility


1. INC 2.ML under JINNAH 1. Justice party
3. Liberals(first to call boycott) 2. ML under Muhammad Shafi
4. Liberals in Hindu Mahasabha 3. Unionist in Punjab

Simon Commission Recomm:

1. Abolition of dyarchy
2. Representative govt in province + autonomy
3. Governor to have discretionary powers related to internal security
4. REJECTED parliamentary responsibility @ centre>> governor: complete power to
appoint ministers + GoI: Complete control over High courts
5. Retain Communal Electorate until tension die down between H & M
6. Accepted idea of federalism, but not in near future>> form Consultative Council of
Greater India: provinces + Princely states
7. Local representation to NWFP and Baluchistan
8. Seperation: Sindh from Bombay, Burma from India
9. Indigenisation of Indian Army
10. REJECTED Separate electorates for Depressed classes, But accept reserving seats
 All Party conference, 1928: Chair: Motilal Nehru Secretary: Jawaharlal Nehru
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 Subcommittee members: Motilal, Sapru, Subhash Bose, M.S. Aney, Ali imam
 Main points:
1. Dominion Status
2. Joint electorates with reservation for muslims in Central and Minority provinces (NOT
in province where Muslim in Majority) in proportion to Population
3. Linguistic provinces
4. Creation of Supreme Court
5. 19 Fundamental Rights
6. Responsible govt @ centre and province
7. Complete dissociation of state from religion
8. Full protection to cultural and religious interests of Muslims
 Delhi Proposal of Muslim League 1927 (before Nehru Report): ACEEPTED by INC in
Madras Session, 1927
1. Joint electorates
2. 1/3rd reserve in CLA + Punjab and Bengal in proportion to popu
3. New muslim majority provinces: 1. Sindh 2. Baluchistan 3.NWFP
 Delhi proposal Opposed by Hindu Mahasabha>> demanded strictly unitary structure
 @ All parties conference, 1928>> Jinnahs demand rejected>> 1929>> unified with shafi
faction to present 14 points
1. 1/3rd reservation in CLA + Adequate representation w/o reducing muslim majority to
equality or minority
2. Provincial Autonomy + Federal consti>> Residuary power= Provinces
3. Any cabinet @ centre or province>> 1/3rd Muslims
5. No legislation pass if 3/4th (three fourth) of minority do not agree
 Dominion status>> opposed by Bose and Nehru>> Independence for India League
 Irwin declaration (aka Deepavali Declaration),1929- Dominion status w/o time scale
 Delhi Manifesto(1929)- 1. Purpose of RTC to formulate constitution to implement
dominion status 2. RTC to have Majority representation from INC 3.Amensty
 Lahore session, 1929- 1. Poorna Swarajya 2.Boycott RTC 3.CWC authorized for CDM
 Gandhi 11 point demands- 1930
Salt satyagraha- 1882 British Salt act
 Salt march- aka White Flowing River (becoz people wearing khadis)
 Other programmes: 1.Non payment of revenue in ryotwari areas
2.No chowkidara tax in zamindari areas 3.forest laws in Central Provinces
 Dharsana Satyagraha: 1. Abbas Tyabji + Kasturba(arrested) 2. Sarojini + Maulana
Azad + Imam Sahib
Participation in CDM

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Tamil Nadu C. Rajagopalachari March from Thiruchirapalli to Tanjore
Malabar K. Kelappan P. Krishna Pillai- defended flag
Andhra Some salt marches- But Mass support as of NCM
was missing
Odisha Gopalbandhu Chaudhari
Assam Chandraprabha Saikiani- Participation not as much as NCM due to divisive
forest laws issues
Bengal Bose and Sengupta Communal riots
Chittagong Armory Raid
Bihar Ambika Kant Sinha Powerful No chowkidari tax agitation
Chotanagpur Bonga Majhi & Somra Majhi
Peshawar Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan - Khudai Khidmatgars merged with INC
- Garhwal Rifles : refused to fire
Gujrat No tax campaign
MH, KR, CP Defiance of Forest laws
UP No revenue Campaigns: zamindars refuse to pay to
govt>>but failed
No rent campaign: refuse to pay to zamindars

 Gandhi Irwin Pact 1931 (Delhi pact): Opposed by Subhash Bose (issue of bhagat singh)
 Karachi session, 1931: President: Vallabhbhai Patel-
1. Endorsed Gandhi-Irwin pact 2. Fundamental Rights + New Economic Policy

 RTC: 2nd RTC- announcement of NWFP and Sindh

 Communal Awards after 3rd RTC :(for 20 years)
1. NO separate electorates for WOMAN, But RESERVED 3% seats in provinces
(except NW)
2. ‘Double vote’ for depressed classes- one for seprate electorate, one for general
3. Separate electorates- Even for Forward castes
4. Principle of WEIGHTAGE- wherever muslims in minority
Congress stand- Neither accepted Nor Rejected
 Congress Nationalist Party (CNP)-
o By M.M. Malviya + M.S. Anney in 1934
o Why- Opposed Communal awards
o Main opposition party in Central Legislative Assembly in 1941
GoI act, 1935
 Right to amendment- reserved for BRITISH PARLIAMENT
 Provincial- 1. ALL members directly elected 2. Ministers to administer ALL
provincial subjects
 Those in favour- 1. Hindu Mahasabha 2. National Liberal Foundation

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Provincial governments in 1937

 Different views on office acceptance:
1. Socialist and Communist- NOT accept
2. Leftist- Accept to end or mend (old swarajist stratergy)
3. Gandhi- Opposed initially, But later ready to give a trial
 Anti-Labour shift in congress>>>close to capitalist>>>Bombay Traders Dispute Act,
1938 (prevention of strikes and lock-outs)
Rajkot Satyagraha, 1939
 Started by Gandhi to protest against breach of charter of Liberty of people by local
ruler (Thakur)
 Reasons: Curbing of liberty, Rise in prices of commodity (Due to end of state monopoly)
 Outcome: Gandhi ended when Viceroy asked CJI to enquire>> but gandhi later
apologised and accepted this as failure

August Offer, Hitler’s 1.Dominion status- objective 1.Cong- rejected, later

1940 (by success in 2.Expansion of VR’s Executive Council (majority individual satyagraha
Linlithgow) Belgium, Indians 8/12 except Finance, Defence, home) started(‘Delhi Chalo’)
(First EXPLICIT Holland and 3.Consti Assembly>>“Mainly” Indians will decide the 2.ML- welcomed(veto)
offer of Dominion France constitution
4.No future consti w/o minority consent

Cripps Mission 1. britian 1. Indian Union with Dominion status (Free- 1. Indians allowed large
1942 reverses in Commonwealth and UN) share in administration in
S.E. Asia + 2. Consti assembly after war- partly elected + partly interim period
Japan Threat nominated 2. Opposed by: ML, INC,
2. Allies 3. British>>aceept consti, if>> Hindu maha, Liberals,
pressure A. RtoSelf determination to province (Blueprint of Depressed class, Sikh
partition) 3. Failure of
B. Treaty for ToP and safeguard minorities Cripps>>>QIM
4. Defence>>British hands, GG’s powers- intact 4. First time- Concrete
Scheme of succession- By 60% majority in LC, if plan for Constituent
NOT>>plebiscite of adult males Assembly

Wavell Plan 1. elections 1. All Indians in Exe council(except GG and ML: all muslims leaders
1945 in Britain Commander) + Diff communities to get due share + be nominated by ML
(Simla 2.Aliies Parity: Hindu and Muslim ONLY
conference) pressure 2. GG will exercise Veto on advice of ministers
3. Joint list>>>if not, seperate list
4. If parties agree for provision 1, then same can be
replicated for provinces

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Cabinet 1. 1.Rejected Pakistan: becoz 1. SARDAR PATEL –

Mission Penetration 1. Non muslim popu in so called Pakistan Vocal supporter of
1946 of 2. Communal self determination- Partition of Cabinet mission plan as it
nationalism Bengal and Punjab will no longer give
2. Revolt in 3. Disturbance of deep seated regional ties Muslim Legue a Veto +
army 4. Eco and admini problems princely states have to
3. Fear of 5. Division of army come to an agreement
another 2. Interim cabinet- ALL indians with Constituent
revolt 3. Grouping of provicncial assemblies assembly or interim govt
4. Three-tier exe and legislature@province & union
5. Consti assembly- elected on PR- thus rejected ML
proposal of Majority provinces will lose weightage
in CA
6. Sit seprate- consti for province and group
together- union
7. Common centre- defence, commu, external affair
8. Provinces- full autonomy and RESIDUAL POWER
9. lapse of paramountacy>> free to enter agreement with
interim govt or british govt (Princely states- ALL
subjects and ALL residuary powers)
10. province free to exit after 1st general election + can
call for reconsideration of grp or union after 10
11. recognized India’s right to cede from
12. Communal questions in Central Legislature: to be
decided by Simple Majority

Mountbatten 1. PN and Bengal- meet in two groups (H & M)>> if

Plan anyone by simple majority voted for partition>> then
2. Sindh- to take its own decision
3. Referendum in NWFP and Sylhet district of Bengal
4. Boundary Commission


 Opposed by: 1. CPI 2. Muslim League 3. Sapru 4. Hindu Mahasabha
5.Ambedkar 6. Akaali Dal 7. C. Rajgopalachari + Abdul Kalam Azad
 Parallel govt- 1. Ballia(Chittu Pandey) 2.Tamluk- Jatiya Sarkar, Vidyut Vahini
3.Satara- ‘Prati Sarkar’: Y. B. Chavan, Nana Patil
 Complete Absence of anti- zamindari violence
 NO communal clashes during movement

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 Gandhiji 21 day fast: Homy Modi and M.S. Anney>>resigned from viceroy’s Executive
 Karnataka Method: Phase of QIM which was characterized by violent and underground
activities and sabotaging of British properties during nights
 Appointed by Non-party Conference by 1944>> Individuals not belonging to any
political party
 30 members: M. R. Jayakar, Gopalswami Ayyangar, John Mathai, Sacchidananda sinnha
 Recomm
1.Rejected ML’s Pakistan demand 2. Consti assembly- equal Muslims and Hindu
3. Joint Electorates for muslims in union 4. Minorities commission- to asses welfare
5. Fundamental rights (also discussed Justiciable and Non justiciable FR division, though
not incorporates it- 1st to do this)
 ML + INC >>provisional govt @ centre
 Plebiscite of Entire population of muslim majority area
 In case of partition>>>Common centre
 These terms binding only if Transfer of Full power by British to GoI
 Gandhi used this as basis in Gandhi- Jinnah Talks(1944)
Gandhi-Jinnah Talks, 1944
 CR formula acted as base
 Continued for 2 years>> resulted inconclusive
 Features
o Gandhi Proposed that only thos muslims in muslim majority provinces>> to
form new nation
o Gandhi: Seprate muslim nation only after India was free
o Gandhi: Common Centre
Desai-Liaqat Pact
 Equal members of ML and Cong in central legislature +20% reserved seats for Minorities
1920, Nagpur 1. Call for Princes to grant FULL RESPONSIBLE govt in their states
session 2. residents of states>> allowed to member of INC>> BUT could NOT
initiate political activity in name of INC (can do in indi capacity)

1929, Lahore 1. Nehru: people soverginty

session 2. INC demanded princes to guarantee Fundamental Rights to their

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1938, Haripura 1. reiterated 1920 resolution + congressman can take part in such
movements in individual capacity + INC will give moral support


(Prez: Azad) 2. Sovergnity lies with people


Factory Act, 1881: LORD RIPON- on recomm of 1st Factory Commission, 1875
(N.M. Lokhande was Labour representative in FC- presented memo about workers condition)
 Aim- improve working condition
 Prohibited employment of children below 7 years + for 7-12 years: working hour = 9/day
+ 4 holidays/month
Factory Act, 1891:
 Min age: 7>>>9 years, working hr for 9-14 yrs = 8hrs/day
 Prohibited employ of woman @night + working hours= 11 hr
 1 holiday/ week + mid day break for all workers
Factory Act, 1911: based on Textile Factory and Labor Committee 1906
 Certification of children age + cap on working hours for Male @ 12 hrs/day
Factory act, 1922:
 Min age: 9>>>12 working hours for 12-15 yrs= 12hrs/day
 To inquire existing conditions of labour in industry and plantation
 Recomm: 1. Need for systematic collection of labour statistics
2. Fixing Minimum Wages
3. Workers committee to improve employee-employer relation
Factory act, 1934: Based on Whitley commission
 Division of factories: perennial (WH limit-9hrs/day) and seasonal (12) workers: 4
category- Adult male + Adult female + Adolescence (15-17) + children (12-15)
 Maximum hours of principle of spread over (continue work)- 1st time introduced
Trade Unions Act, 1926: Introduced by N. M. Joshi
 Legalised TU + Legal immunity to TU from prosecution for legitimate activities
Trade Dispute Act, 1929- after Bengal jute mill strike

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 Prohibited- Coercive and Sympathetic strikes

 Strikes in public utility services illegal if no advance notice on 1 month
 Permenant Tribunal for Arbitration: settling industrial dispute>>>No strikes in
conciliation period
 Registration of Trade Unions: only on satisfaction of EMPLOYER
Bombay Industrial Disputes Act, 1938- related to cotton textile mills
 Strikes and lock-outs illegal those w/o notice + before end of conciliation period of 2
Bombay Industrial Relations Act 1947
 1st time- Labour courts
Bharat Sharamjeevi (NP) Sasipada Banerjee Also started Workingmen’s club

1. Bombay Hands Mill Association N. M. Lokhande (Narayan 1. Father of TU movement in India

(1st Indian workers asso), 1880 Meghaji Lokhande) 2. helped to gain rights: Sunday, Half hr recess
2. Mumbai Kamgar Sangh in afternoon, salaries 15th of every month
3.Deenbandhu 3. Rao Bahadur by British

Kamgar Hitwardhak Sabha, 1909 S. K. Bole

Madras Labour Union, 1918 B.P. Wadia + V. 1st registered organized Trade Union
Kalyanasundaram Mudaliar

AITUC Lala lajput rai + joseph 1931- AITUC divided in 3 factions:

Baptista + diwan chaman 1. AITUC- communist dominated
lal + N.M. Joshi 2. AITUF- corpotist (N.M. Joshi)
3. Red TUC – S.V. Deshpande and B. T.

AITUC- 1st presedient= 1934- RTUC + AITUC

Lala Lajput rai (Also Prez
of INC for that yr) 1940- AITUF>>dissolved in AITUC (on V.V.
Giri proposal)
Gaya session, 1922 of 1941- Indian Federation of Labour (IFL)
INC: welcomed formation formed via split in AITUC by M. N. Roy (on
of AITUC+ formed issue of supporting Britain in war) (later
committee to assist merged Hind MS)

Anusuya Sarabhai Ahmadabad Textile labour 1. India’s oldest union of textile workers
association (Mazdoor
Mahajan sangh) 1920

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All India Railwaymen Federation, Affiliated to Hind Mazdoor Sabha


Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan Singaravelu Chettiar Dissolved in WPP

(1st May, 1923)

Workers and Peasants Party (WPP) Kazi Nazrul Islam, 1.originally estd as Labour Swaraj Party in
1928 Hemanta Kumar Sarkar, 1925, later amalgamation of provincial parties
(aka Labour Swaraj Party, Qutubuddin Ahmad, like Labour swaraj party, Congress Labour
Kranti Kisan Party) Shamsuddin Hussain party of Bombay, Kranti kisan Party of
Punjab, LKP of Hindustan gave Name WPP
2. estd within INC
3. Aim- to radicalize INC and make it ‘party
of people’ + complete independence and
ultimate aim of socialism
4. Communist influence
5. dissolved after arrest of main leaders in
Meerut Conspiracy case

Indian National Trade Union Con Gulzalilal Nanda 1.Formed 3 months before independence
(INTUC) 1st President- Sardar Patel 2. by amalgamation of Ahmadabad textile
Labour Asso + Hind Mazdoor Sevak Sangh

Hind Mazdoor Sabha, 1948 Ashok Mehta, R. S. Juikar,

T. S. Ramanujam, Basawon
Singh, G. G. Mehta

 1892- Fredrick Nicholson committee to advise on starting of agri and land banks in
Madras presidency>>>recommended Rural banks
 Thus, 1904>>Cooperative Credit Societies Act (Lord Curzon)

Indigo Revolt 1859-60 Digambar Biswas and 1.oppression by planters and lathiyals (retainers) to grow
(@ Nadia District, Bishnu Biswas Indigo
BENGAL) 2. form- not paid excessive rent, physical retaliation, use of
Dinbandhu Mitra- Nil legal machineries (1st time)
Darpan 1859 3. Indigo commission>>govt>>1860>> Ryot cannot
H.C. Mukherjee- The compelled to grow indigo
Hindu Patriot (NP) 4. No harsh suppression by govt due to exp of santhal + 1857
Khurki system- British planters lend some money to Bengal farmers by mortaging their land and compel them to sow Indigo

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Phulaguri Dhawa, 1861 Reason: Banning Cultivation of Opium + Proposed Tax on

(Near Guwahati, Assam) Betel leaves
1. Peasants killed a british officer

Pabna Agrarian Leagues Shah Chandra Roy, 1. Reason- Excessive enhanced rents imposed by zamindars
1873-76 Shambhu Pal, Khoodi + prevented tenants from occupancy rights under Act X of
Mollah 1859
@ Yusufshahi 2. Main form- LEGAL STRUGGLE
Pargana(Bengal) Supported by Bakim 3. very little violence
Chatterjee, R. C. Dutt, 4. Result- many got occupancy rights + passage of Bengal
Indian Asso (S. Banerjee) Tenancy Act, 1885

Deccan Riots 1875 Pune, Satara, Sholapur, 1. Reason- “outsider” moneylenders + crash of cotton prices
Nagar (end of Ame civil war, 1864) + hike in land revenue by
govt by 50% + introduction of RYOTWARI>>made matter
worse + Courts rules in favor of moneylender + Refusal by
moneylenders to give credit
2. Social Boycott of Outsider Moneylender (Marwaris &
gujjus) + attacks
3. result- A.Limitation law, 1859- Loan bonds betn ryot and
sahukar- valid only for 3 years
B. Deccan Riots Commission>> presented report to british
Changed Nature of peasants movm after 1857:
1. centered on economic issues 2. Directed against immediate enemies(moneylender, zamindars)
3. Colonialism- NOT a target 4.NOT to end subordination or exploitation of peasants 5. Legal rights- awareness

Kisan Sabha Movement WHY>> after 1857>>awadh taluqadars got back land>>thus Bedakhali, illegal levies,
renewal fees (Nazrana)>>worsen condition of UP peasant
United Provinces Kisan 1. Role of Home Rule Activist
Sabha, 1918 2. Gauri Shankar Mishra, Indra Narayan Dwivedi, Madan
Mohan Malaviya + Baba Ramchandra (later differences)
Awadh Kisan Sabha, 1920 Baba Ramchandra + support of Nehru
Bihar Provincial Kisan Sahajanand Saraswati
Sabha, 1929
All India Kisan 1.Sahajanand Saraswati (president) + N.G.
Sabha/Congress 1936 Renga(secretary) + Namboodiripad + Karyanand sharma +
(@ Lukhnow Session of Rahul Sankritayan + Yadunandan sharma + Ram Manohar
INC) Lohia + JP + Acharya Narendra Dev + Indulal Yagnik
2. Peasant front of Undivided CPI
Bakasht land movement Bihar Provincial Kisan 1. Bakasht land- land lost by tenants at will to zamindars
1937 (BIHAR) Sabha 2. result- Bihar zamindari abolition act, 1948
3. Rift with Congress
EKA MOVEMENT or Madari Pasi 1. Reason- High rent higher than 50% of recorded rent),
Unity movement, 1921 oppression by Thikadhars(tax collectors), practice of share

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United Province (UP) 2. Eka- symbolic religious ritual of peasants taking oath by
(offset of NCM) Pasi and Ahir castes

Bardoli Satyagraha, Sardar Patel, Narihari 1. After NCM

1926 parekh, Ravi Vyas, Reason- bardoli>>1925>>Floods and
Mohanlal Pandya (Gandhi famine>>but>>Bombay presidency>>tax increase by 30%
and INC were not 2. Gandhi supported thr ‘Young India’ magzin
involved) K.M. Munshi + Lalji Naranji >> resigned from Bombay LC
3. ‘Intelligence Comm’>> to gather intelligence on govt’s
‘Sardar’ title to sardar patel moves
4. Maxwell Brommfield Commission to enquire into
taxation rates

N. G. Ranga (founding 1. Indian Peasants’ institute, 1936

president of Swatantra 2. International federation of Agricultural

Tebhaga Movement, Bengal Provincial Kisan 1.Reason- implement Flood Commission’s recomm of
1946 Sabha + Rajbanshis (low tebhaga -2/3rd of share to bagardars(share croppers aka
(Bengal) caste) + Muslims bagchasi or adhyar) from Jotedars
2. Communist led Movement
3. Nari Vahinis by Woman
4. Bengal Land Revenue Commission (aka Floud
Commission) already made recomm for this
5. fueled by Muslim Legaue ministry in 1947
6. Result: Bargardar Act, 1950

Telangana Movement, Reason- Forced exploitation (Vethi) by deshmukhs, jagirdars + Nizam oppression
1947 Form- Physical violence- biggest peasant guerilla war
Result- Wages raised, lands restored, vethi disappeared

Calcutta Madrasah, 1781 Warren Hasting Study of Muslim law

Sanskrit College, 1791 @Benares Jonathan Duncan Study of Hindu laws &phil

Fort William College, 1800 Lord Wellesley Training of civil servents

Charter Act, 1813 Lord Minto I 1 lkh rupee for promoting knowledge of
modern sciences

Calcutta Hindu college @calcutta RRR, David Hare, now Presidency uni, Kolkata
1817 Radhakant Deb, Edward east

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Committee on Public Instruction By acting GG Adam 1. Orientalist- H.T. Princep: Promotion of

1823 Indigenous knowledge
2. Anglicists- Thomas Macaulay- western edu
(further divided on medium of instruction)
Angli- dominance from William Bentick era
- Angli: Supported downward filtration

William Adam’s Report, 1834 Lord William Bentick Examined flexible education system- No class,
no syallbus>> advocated regulation

Lord Macaulay’s Minutes, 1835 Lord William Bentick 1. western edu in English ONLY
2. limited govt resources to be devoted to
teaching of western sciences and literature
3. Neglect mass education and educate only
few Indians to make them English in Taste,
Opinion, Morals and Intellect

English Education Act, 1835 1. Based on Macaulay’s Minutes- thus

neglected mass education
2. stopped promotion of orientalist insti like
Calcutta madarsa and Benaras Sanskrit college

Downward Filtration Theory- educating only small section of upper classes to make them English in opinions,
Morals and Intellect and act as interpreter between govt and Masses

Scheme for Vernacular education James Thomson(lt governor 1. village edu thr vernaculars
1843 of NWFP) 2. aim- train personnel for Revenue and PWD

Bethune School for girls 1849

Minutes of Dalhousie, 1853 Lord Dalhousie Favor for vernacular education

Wood’s Despatch 1854 Lord Dalhousie Magna carta of English Edu in India
- Charles Wood 1. Mass edu
2. Hierarchy in system:
o Vernacular primary school@village,
o Anglo-vernacular college@ District,
o Universities @Presidency towns
3. English- higher studies, vernacular- school
4. Female and vocational edu
5. Secular edu
6. Grant-in-aid to encourage pvt enterprises
1857- uni @Cal, bom, mad

Hunter Commission 1882 Lord Ripon 1. Primary edu- vernacular

2. Transfer control of primary edu- district and

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(mainly for Primary and municip boards

secondary education) 3. Two divisions in secondary edu- Literary
and Vocational
4. Inadquete facility for females
Punjab uni (1882), Allahabad(1887)
Central Hindu College @ Benares Annie besent, Arthur Later became nucleus of BHU by Madan
1898 Richardson, Prabhu Narayan mohan Malviya in 1916

Lord Curzon Efforts to broaden basis of professional edu (Agri, Engi, Veterinary)

Raleigh Commission 1902 Lord Curzon As uni>>factories producing revolutionist>>

(Indian Universities Comm) commission
Solely for recommending measures in
Formed basis of Indian Uni Act, 1904
Indian Universities act, 1904 1. No. and period for fellowship reduced
2. Govt>>veto over Uni’s regulation and can amend it
3. Stricter affiliation of pvt Colleges
4. 5 lkh/annum for 5 yrs>>to improve higher edu
S.C. Mukherjee>> Dawn society in 1902 against Indian Uni Comm to cultivate patriotic and national impulse
1913- state of Baroda- compulsory primary education
Govt resolution 1913 Lord Hardinge II 1. university in each province
2. Provinces to take steps to provide free
elementary edu (thus refused to take
3. policy to removal of illiteracy

Saddler University Commission Lord Chelmsford To study and report problems of CALCUTA
1917-19 university
(but its recomm extended from school level to
1. improv in secondary edu>>precondn for
impro in uni
2. School course- 12 years, enter uni after
Intermediate level + seprate board for sec
and inter edu + less rigidity in framing
university regulation
3. Focus- Female edu, scientific and tech edu,
teacher training
4. uni- to function as centralized and unitary
autonomous body
1919- Montford reform- education>>provincial subject (thus stopped grants)
Hartog Commission 1929 Lord Irwin 1. focus on primary, but no hasty expansion or

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2. Only deserving students>>high and

intermediatary, avg>>>Vocational after VIII
3. Improve uni stds, restrict admissions

Wardha scheme for basic National Conference on Main principle behind scheme- education thr
education- Zakir Hussain Education in 1937 by INC activity
Committee, 1937 1. inclusion of basic handicraft in syllabus
2. First 7 yrs of schooling- free and
compulsory + vernacular
3. Class II to VII- Hindi after VIII- English
But could not dev due to- 1. WW II 2.
Resignation of cong ministries

Sergeant plan of edu, 1944 Lord Wavell 1. pre-primary edu for 3-6 yr age;
o Free& compul elementary edu for 6-11;
o High school for 11-17 for selected;
o university of 3 yrs after high school
2. ABOLITION of intermediatary level(thus
opposed saddler commission)
3. Technical, commercial and art edu
4. Remove adult illiteracy in 20 yrs (objective-
edu level as in England in 40 yrs
5. Edu for Physically and Mentally
6. proposed estd of University Grants
Commission (UGC)

The Bengal Gazatte (aka James Augustus Hickey 1. Critisied Warren Hasting’s
Calcutta general Advisor Administration
1780 2. 1st printed NP in ASIA
The India Gazette 1780 Bernard Messink and Peter Reed 1. Rival of Bengal Gazette
2. Supported Govt
The Bengal Journal Thomas Jones and William Duane 1. News for perspective of British
1785 colonial settler
Calcutta Chronicle Daniel Stuart and Joseph cooper
Madras Courier 1785 Richard Johnson 1. Officialy recognized NP for
printing govt notification
Bombay Herald 1789 James Maclean
(Bombay Gazette in 1791)
India Herald 1796 Humphrey
Calcutta Chronicle 1811 James Silk Buckingham Social issues and local problems
The Hindu and Swadesamitran G. Subramaniya Aiyar

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The Bengalee Surendranath Banerjee

Voice of India Dadabhai Naoroji
Amrita Bazar Patrika Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh
Indian Mirror N. N. Sen
Hindustan and Advocate G. P. Verma
The Tribune Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia
InduPrakash Vishnu Parshuram Pandit Critical of govt + Aurobindo wrote
(+ Gopal Hari Deshmukh) criticism of INC for moderate policy
Gyan Prakash + Lohahitwadi Gopal Hari Deshmukh

Press Regulation
Censorship of Press Act, Lord Wellesley 1. Reason- Danger of French invasion
1799 2. Later relaxed by Lord Hasting

Licensing Regulations, Acting GG John Adams 1. Licensing for NP, Magzine, Pamphlets
1823 2. RRR’s Mirat-ul-Akbar stopped public.

Metcalfe or Press Act, Metcalfe Repealed above ordinance,

1835 1. Give precise a/c of premises of publication
2. Cease function by declaration

Licensing Act, 1857 Lord Canning 1. licensing restriction

2. Right to stop publication reserved with govt

Registration Act, 1867 John Lawrence 1. every book/NP- Name of publisher and place
2. book- submit copy with local govt within 1 month

Vernacular Press Act, 1878 Lord Lytton 1. DM>>Bond with publisher>>not to spread
(aka The Gagging act) disaffection with govt + deposit security + forfeiture
To prevent Seditious 1. onset of 2 afgan war of press eqiup
writings in ‘oriental 2. modelled on Irish press act 2. DM’s action>>final + No appeal
languages’ EXCEPT in - Reapled By Rippon in 1882 - Surendranath Banerjee- 1st to be imprisoned
south 3. No Indian allowed to carry arms without license
4. Exemption by submitting proof

Newspaper (Incitement to Lord Minto II 1. Power to DM to confiscate press property

Offence) Act, 1908

Indian Press Act, 1910 Lord Minto II Similar to VPA (but Dm>>Local govt)
1. Local govt- demand security from NP
2. Fortfeit/ deregister NP

Press Committee, 1921 Tej Pratap Sapru Repealed 1908 and 1910 acts

AIR 22 CSE 2019

Indian Press(Emergency Lord Irwin or Willlingdon Powers to Provincial govt to Suppress CDM
powers ) act, 1931


1. Conservatives- Indian Civilizn is different>>respected it>>>as FEW changes as possible>> if
at all introduce, then slowly and cautiously
E.g.- Warren hasting, Edmund Burke, Munro, Metcalfe, Elphinstone
2. Paternalistic Imperialists- Sharply critical>>>justified economic and political enslavement
3. Radicals- Applied advanced humanistic and rational thought to Indian situation, India had
capacity to improve>>Britain must help, Introduce modern western edu, supported
by RRR.
4. Ruling class (which was mostly imperialist and exploitataive): But introduce modernization
upto a limit>>>so that Indian can be ruled in Perpetuity and safely

1. 1870: Lord Mayo- Bifurcation of Central and Provincial FINANCES (Not Budget)-
given certain services like police, jails, education, medical services and roads to
provincial govt to administer
2. 1877: Lord Lytton- Transferred more subjects like land revenue, excise, general
administration, law and justice
3. 1882: Lord Ripon- all revenue sources divided as: 1.General (going entirely to centre)
. 2. Provincial (going entirely to province) 3. Divided

Charter Act, 1793 Estd Municipal administration in 3 presidency towns of Madras,
Calcutta, Bombay
Municipal Act, 1850 Whole British India
Lord Mayo’s Resolution, 1870 1. Provincial govt responsible for dev of LSG
2. decentralization of Local finances and functions
3. financial decentralization between centre and provinces
Lord Ripon Resolution 1882 1. Majority of Non-official members in LB (if possible, then Elected)
2. Chairman- Non-official
3. Financial decentralization from provinces to LB
4. Executive sanction required in certain cases
Royal Commission on 1. entrust more powers and finances to LB (powers like judicial
Decentralization 1908 jurisdiction over petty issues)

AIR 22 CSE 2019

2. Importance of sub-district boards to be estd in every tehsil

3. Stop grant-in-aids from provincial govt, instead remove restrictions on
taxation powers of LB
4. municip might take responsibility of Primary education,
GoI act, 1919 LSG- ‘Transferred’ subject>> thus responsibility of popular ministries
Simon Commission 1. increase provincial control over LBs for sake of efficiency
2. commented on detreated condition of local taxation powers and
GoI act, 1935 1. provincial autonomy>>>thus more flexibility to dev LBs
2. finances>>under popular ministries>>thus more funds


NOTE- ICS was headed by SoS (NOT GG)

 Cornwallis: father of ICS

o Raising salary + strict rules against private trade + debarring taking Presents,
bribes + Promotion thr seniority
 Lord Wellesley: Fort William College in 1800 (later CoD disapproved>> East India
Collge in England)
 Macaulay Committee- 1854- idea of permenant CS based on merit
 Indian Civil Services Act, 1861- opened certain covenanted posts for Indians>> thus
Indians entered in covenanted post for first time in 1863
 1863- Satyandra Nath Tagore: 1st Indian to qualify ICS
 Lytton- Statutory Civil Services: 1/6th of covenanted posts to filled from high families
thr nomination by local govt subjected to approval of SoS and Viceroy
 Aitchison committee- 1886 (By Lord Dufferin)-
o Drop distinguition of ‘covenanted’ and ‘non-covenanted’
o classify services as ICS, PCS, SCS (Subordinate CS)
o raise age to 23
 Montford reform- Recomm: simultenous exam, 1/3rd recruit from India
 Lee commission,1924-
o SoS shall continue to recruit ICS
o Transfer recruitment for transferred field to provincial govt
o 50:50 parity in 15 years
o Establish Public Service Commission as in GoI Act, 1919
Warren Hasting o Restored fauzdar in 1774 + asked zamindars to assist them
o 1775- Fauzdar thanas

Cornwallis, 1791 o Modernising thanas @ district under Darogas and SP @ Head of


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Mayo, 1808 o Goyendas – Spies to assist SP

1814 o Darogas was abolished on order of CoD (except Bengal)

William Bentick o Abolished office of SP

o Collector= head of police services
o Commissioner in each division= as SP

Sir Charles Napier Sindh Model of Policing- based on Model of Royal Irish Constabulary
 IG at top level, SP at district level (responsible to both DM and IG)
 Replicated all over India- Punjab in 1849, Bombay in 1853 and Madras
in 1859

Police Commission, 1860 Led to Indian Police Act, 1861:

o System of Police constabulary
o IG- head in province + depty IG- head in range + SP- head of district
NOTE- British did not created All India Police Services
1. British proportion: 1:2 in Bengal army 2:5 in Madras and Bombay
2. Sandhurst committee, 1926
1. Warren Hasting- DDA(under collector) + SDA
DFA (under collector) + SNA @ Murshidabad
Muslim law was administered in fauzdari adalats
2. Cornwallis- Circuit courts (replaced DFA)+ SNA shifted to Calcutta>> put under GG +
gradation of civil services + DDA designated as Zila Court and placed under District
 Cornwallis Code :
o Seperation of Revenue and Justice administration
o European Subjects brought under jurisdiction
o Govt official- answerable to civil courts
o Principle of sovergnity of law
3. William Bentick- abolished circuit courts>> given to collector
o Official language: SC- English suitor- Persian or Vernacular language
4. Law commission (Macaulay)- 1833:
o CPC (1859), IPC (1860), CrPC (1861)
Position of Equality (1740-65) Battle of Plassey, Diwani of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa

Policy of Ring fence (1765-1813) - Reflected in Warren Hastings wars’ against

Maratha and Mysore

AIR 22 CSE 2019

- Subsidiary alliance was its extention

Policy of Subordinate Isolation (1813-57) Theory of Paramountcy- Staes submitted external

sovereignty but retained internal.

Policy of Subordinate Union (1857-1935) Policy of annexation was abandoned + Ruler inherite
gaddi not as matter of right but as gift from crown
because status of equality ended with Queen adopting
Kaiser-i-hind 1876

Policy of Equal Federation (1935-47)


1773-1823: Has Car John ne Well ko Gero Minute mei HasA diya
John Macpherson Alured Clarke John Adams William Bayley

1828-1858: We Met At Ellora & Have Dal Chapati

William Bird

1858-1899: Cal Ellora Jake Maine Nuksaan karva Liya, Roti aur Dal Lena E

1899-1947: CM House is Caught by Rebels, I Will Lose War


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