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Saarthi History Optional

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1. Sources: Archaeological sources: Exporation, excavation, epigraphy, numismatics,
monuments Literary sources: Indigenous: Primary and secondary; poetry, scientific literature,
literature, literature in regional languages, religious literature. Foreign accounts: Greek, Chinese
and Arab writers.

2.Pre-history and Proto-history: Geographical factors; hunting and gathering (paleolithic and
mesolithic); Beginning of agriculture (neolithic and chalcolithic).

3. Indus Valley Civilization; Origin,date, extent, characteristics, decline, Survival and significance,
art and architecture.

4. Megalithic Cultures: Distribution of pastoral and farming cultures outside the Indus,
Development of community life, Settlements, Development of agriculture, Crafts, Pottery, and
Iron industry.

5. Aryans and Vedic Period: Expansions of Aryans in India. Vedic Period: Religious and
philosophic literature; Transformation from Rig Vedic period to the later Vedic period; Political,
social and economical life, Significance of the Vedic Age, Evolution of Monarchy and Varna
system. TH TO SUCCt

6. Period of Mahajanapadas: Formation of States (Mahajanapada) Republics and monarchies;

Rise of urban centres; Trade routes; Economic growth; Introduction of coinage; Spread of
Jainism and Buddhism:Rise of Magadha and Nandas. Iranian and Macedonian invasions and
their impact.

7. Mauryan Empire: Fondation of the Mauryan Empire, Chandragupta, Kautilya and

Arthashastra, Ashoka; Concept of Dharma; Edicts; Polity, Administration; Economy; Art,
architecture and sculpture; External contacts; Religion; Spread of religion; Literature.
Disintegration of the empire; Sungas and Kanvas.

8. Post-Mauryan Period (Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas): Contact with the
outside world;growth urban centres, economy, coinage, developmentof religions, Mahayana,

social conditions, art, architecture, culture, literature and science.

9. Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan and South India: Kharavela, The Satavahanas,
Tamil States of the Sangam Age; Administration, economy, land grants, coinage, trade guilds
and urban centres; Buddhist centres; Sangam literature and culture; Art and architecture.

10. Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas: Polity and administration. Economic conditions, Coinage,
of the Guptas, Land grants, Decline of urban centres, Indian feudalism, Caste system, Position of
women. Education and educational institutions; Nalanda, Vikramshila and Vallabhi, Literature,
scientificliterature, art andarchitecture.

11. Regional States during Gupta Era: The Kadambas, Pallavas, Chalukyas of Badami; Polity and
Administration, Trade guilds, Literature; growth of Vaishnava and Saiva religions. Tamil Bhakti
movement, Shankaracharya, Vedanta: Institutions of temple and temple architecture; Palas,
Senas, Rashtrakutas, Paramaras, Polity and administration; Cultural aspects. Arab conquest of
Sind; Alberuni, The Chalukyas ofKalyana, Cholas, Hoysalas, Pandyas; Polity and Administration;
local Govern ment; Growth of art and architecture, religious sects, Institution of temple and
Mathas, Agraharas, education and literature, economy and society.

12. Themes in Early Indian Cultural History: Languages and texts, major stages in the evolution
of art and architecture,major philosophical thinkers and schools, ideas in Science and

13. Early Medieval India, 750-1200: Polity:Major political developments in Northern India and the
Peninsula, origin and the rise of Räjputs The Cholas: administration, village economy and society
"Indian Feudalism" Agrarian economy and urban settlenents Trade and commerce Society: the
status of the Brahman and the new social order Condition of women Indian science and

14. Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200: Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta, Ramanuja
and Vishishtad vaita, Madhva and Brahma-Mimansa Religion: Forms and features of religion,
Tamil devotionalcult, growth of Bhakti, Islam and its arrival in India, Sufism Literature: Literature
in Sanskrit, growth of Tamil literature, literature in the newly developing languages, Kalhan's
Rajtarangini, Alberuni's India Art and Architecture: Temple architecture, sculpture, painting

15.The Thirteenth Century: Establishment of the DelhiSultanate: The Ghurian invasions factors
behind Ghurian success Economic, social and cultural consequences Foundation of Delhi
Sultanate and early Turkish Sultans Consolidation: The rule of Iltutmish and Balban
16. The Fourteenth Century: "The Khalji Revolution" Alauddin Khalji: Conquests and territorial
expansion, agrarian and economic measures Muhammad Tughluq: Major projects, agrarian
measures, bureaucracy ofMuhammad Tughiuq Firuz Tughluq: Agrarian measures, achievements
in civil engineeringand public works, decline of the Sultanate, foreign contacts and ibn Battuta's


17. Society, Culture and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: Society:
composition of rural society, ruling classes, town dwellers, women, religious classes, caste and
slavery under the Sultanate, Bhakti movement, Sufi movement Culture: Persian literature,
literature in the regional languages of North India, literature in the languages of South India,
Sultanate architecture and new structural forms, painting, evolution of a composite culture
Economy:Agricultural production, rise of urban economy and non-agricultural production, trade
and commerce

18. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century -

Political Developments and Economy: Rise of
Provincial Dynasties: Bengal, Kashmir (Zainul Abedin), Gujarat, Malwa, Bahmanids The
Vijayanagra Empire Lodis Mughal Empire, First phase: Babur and Humayun The Sur Empire:
Sher Shah's administration Portuguese Colonial enterprise Bhakti and Sufi Movements

19. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century-Society and Culture: Regional cultural
specificities Literary traditions Provincial architecture Society, culture, literature and the arts in
Vijayanagara Empire.

20. Akbar: Conquests and consolidation of the Empire Establishment of Jagir and Mansab
systems Rajputpolicy Evolution of religious and social outlook, theory of Sulh-i-kul and religious
policy Court patronage ofart and technology SUCCES
21.Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century: Major administrative policies of Jahangir,
Shahjahan and Aurangzeb, The Empire and the Zamindars Religious policies of Jahangir,
Shahjahan and Aurangzeb community and the Khalsa Panth

23. Culture in the Mughal Empire: Persian histories and other literature Hindiand other religious
literature Mughal architecture Mughal painting Provincial architecture and painting Classical
music Science and technology

24. The Eighteenth Century: Factors for the decline of the Mughal Empire The regional
principalities: Nizam's Deccan, Bengal, Awadh Maratha ascendancy under the Peshwas The
Maratha fiscal and financialsystem Emergence of Afghan Power, Battle of Panipat: 1761 State of
politics, culture and economy on the eve of the British conquest
1.European Penetration into India: The Early European Settlements; The Portuguese and the
Dutch;The English and the French East India Companies, Their struggle for supremacy; Carnatic
Wars; Bengal -The conflict between the English and the Nawabs of Bengal; Siraj arnd the English;
The Battle of Plassey; Significance of PIlassey.

British Expansion in India: Bengal Mir Jafar and Mir Kasim; The Battle of Buxar, Mysore; The
Marathas, The three Anglo-Maratha Wars; The Punjab.

3. Early Structure of the British Raj: The early administrative structure; From diarchy to direct
control; The Regulating Act (1773); The Pitt's India Act (1784); The Charter Act (1833); The voice of
free trade and the changing character of British colonial rule; The English utilitarian and India.

4. Economic Impact of Britísh Colonial Rule:

(a) Land revenue settlements in British India; The Permanent Settlement; Ryotwari Settlement;
Mahalwari Settlement; Economic impact of the revenue arrangements; Commercialization of
agriculture; Rise of landless agrarian labourers; Impoverishment of the rural society.

(b) Dislocation of traditional trade and commerce; De-industrialisation; Decline of traditional

crafts; Drain of wealth; Economic transformation of India; Railroad and communication network
including telegraph and postal services, Famine and poverty in the rural interior; European
business enterprise and its limitations.
5. Social and Cultural Developments: The state of indigenous education, its dislocation;
Orientalist- Anglicist controversy, The introduction of western education in India; The rise of press,
literature and public opinion; The rise of modern vernacular literature; Progress of science,
Christian missionary activities in India.

6. Social and Religious Reform movements in Bengal and Other Areas: Ram Mohan Roy, The
Brahmo Movement Devendranath Tagore; Iswarchandra Vidyasagar; The Young Bengal
Movement; Dayanada Saraswati; The social reform movements in India including Sati, widow
remarriage, child marriage etc., The contribution of Indian renaissance to the growth of modern
India; Islamic revivalism the Feraiziand WahabiMovements.

7.Indian Response to British Rule: Peasant movements and tribal uprisings in the 18th and 19th
centuriesincluding the Rangpur Dhing (1783), the Kol Rebellion (1832), the Moplah Rebellion' in
Malabar (1841-1920), the Santal Hul (1855), Indigo Rebellion (1859-60), Deccan Uprising (1875) and
the Munda Ulgulan (18991900); The Great Revolt of 1857 - Origin, character, causes of failure, the
consequences; The shift in
the character of peasant uprisings in the post-1857 period; the peasant movements of the
1920s and 1930s.

8. ART
Factors leading to the birth of Indian Nationalism; Politics of Association; The Foundation of
the Indian National Congress; The Safety-valve thesis relating to the birth of the Congress;
Programme and objectives of Early Congress; the social composition of early Congress
leadership, the Moderates and Extremists, The Partition of Bengal (1905); The Swadeshi
Movement in Bengal; the economic and political aspects of Swadeshi Movement; The beginning
of revolutionary extremism in India.

9. Rise of Gandhi; Character of Gandhian nationalism; Gandhi's popular appeal; Rowlatt

Satyagraha, the Khilafat Movement, the Non-cooperation Movement; National politics from the
end of the Non-cooperationmovement to the beginning of the Civil Disobedience movement
the two phases of the Civil Disobedience Movement;Simon Commission;The Nehru Report; the
Round Table Conferences; Nationalism and Peasant Movements; Nationalism and Working class
movements; Women and Indian youth and students in Indian politics (1885-1947); the election
of 1937 and the formation of ministries; Cripps Mission; the Quit India Movement; the Wavell
Plan; The Cabinet Mission.

10. Constitutional Developments in the Colonial India between 1858 and 1935

11.Other strands in the National Movement The Revolutionaries; Bengal, Punjab, Maharashtra,
U.P,the Madras Presidency, Outside India. The Left; The Left within the Congress: Jawaharlal
Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, the Congress Socialist Party; the Communist Party of India, other
left partis. SAATH SUCCES
12. Politics of Separatism; the Muslim League; the Hindu Mahasabha; Communalism and the
politics of partition; Transfer of power; Independence.

13. Consolidation as a Nation; Nehru's Foreign Policy; India and her neighbours (1947-1964); The
linguisticreorganisation of States (1935-1947); Regionalism and regional inequality; Integration
of Princely States; Princes in electoral politics; the Question of National Language.

14. Caste and Ethnicity after 1947; Backward castes and tribes in postcolonial electoral politics;
Dalit movements.
15. Economic development and political change; Land reforms; the politics of planning and
rural reconstruction; Ecology and environmental policy in post - colonial India; Progress of

16. Enlightenment and Modern ideas:

(i) Major ideas of Enlightenment: Kant, Rousseau
(ii) Spread of Enlightenment in the colonies
(iii) Rise of socialist ideas (up to Marx); spread of Marxian Socialism.

17. Origins of Modern Politics:
(i) European States System.
(ii) American Revolutionand the Constitution.
(ii) French revolution and aftermath, 17891815.

(iv) American Civil War with reference to Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery.
(v) British Democratic Politics, 18151850, Parliamentary Reformers, Free Traders, Chartists.

18. Industrialization:
(i) English Industrial Revolution:Causes and Impact on Society

(ii) Industrialization in other countries: USA, Germany, Russia, Japan

(ii) Industrialization and Globalization.

19, Nation-State System:

) Rise of Nationalism in 19th century

(ii) Nationalism: state-building in Germany and Italy

(iii) Disintegration of Empires in the face of the emergence of nationalities across the world.
20. Imperialism and Colonialism: ATH
i) South and South-East Asia
(ii) Latin America and South Africa

(iii) Australia
(iv) Imperialism and free trade: Rise of neo-imperialism.

21. Revolution and Counter-Revolution:

(i) 19thCentury European revolutions
(ii) The Russian Revolution of 19171921

(ii) Fascist Counter-Revolution, Italy and Germany.

(iv) The Chinese Revolution of 1949
22. World Wars:
(i) 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal' implications
(i) World War I: Causes and consequences

World War.l: Causes and consequence

The World after World War II:

i) Emergence of two power blocs

(ii) Emergence of Third World and non-alignment

(ii) UNO and the global disputes IAS

24. Liberation from Colonial Rule:
(i) Latin America-Bolivar

(ii) Arab World-Egypt

(iii) Africa-Apartheid to Democracy

(iv) South-East Asia-Vietnam

25. Decolonization and Underdevelopment:

(i) Factors constraining development: Latin America, Africa

26. Unification
of Europe:
(i) Post War Foundations: NATO and European Onmunity CES
(ii) Consolidation and Expansion of European Community
(ii) European Union.

27. Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World:
) Factors leading to the collapse of Soviet communism and the Soviet Union, 1985-1991

(ii) Political Changes in Eastern Europe 1989-2001.

(ii) End of the Cold War and US ascendancy in the World as the lone superpower.
History: Topic-wise Questions Papers

Archaeological sources: Exploration, excavation, epigraphy, numismatics, monuments
Literary sources: Indigenous: Primary and secondary; poetry, scientific literature, literature,
literature In regional languages, religious literature,
Foreign accounts; Greek, Chinese and Arab writers.

"Ancient Indians had no taste for historiography; their scholars cared more for religious,
spiritual and philosophical studies.Indian historiography is essentially an Islamic heritage
Comment upon this statement with special reference to the contemporary writers and
their works which help us in the reconstruction of history of the early Medieval period of
Indian history. (1996)
2. Assess the pattern of settlement, economy, social organisation and religion of India during
2000 to 500BC from archaeological evidences. (2003)
3. Discuss the changing approaches to the study of early Indian History. (2006)
4. "Reconstruction of Early Indian history is hardly possible without the help of inscriptions
and coins." Discuss. (2007)
5. In what ways are the accounts of the Graeco-Romans and the Chinese helpful in
reconstructing the social history of India? How far is their information corroborated by
other contemporary sources? (2009) AESS
6. What light do early inscriptions and literature throw on the status of women in politico
socio- economic spheres? (2010)
7. Onthe basis of contemporary sources assess the nature of banking and usuary in ancient
India. (2013)
8. Evaluate the ownership of land in ancient India on the basis of literary and epigraphic
sources. (2013)
9. Evaluate the contribution of the Puranas in disseminating secular knowledge among the
masses in ancient India. (2013)
10. "While using the accounts of foreign writers, historians must distinguish between
statements based on hearsay and those grounded in perceptive observations." Elaborate
with examples. (2014)
11, How far can the ancient Indian Sruti literature be used as historical sources? (2015)
12. "The copious references to the preservation of Varnashrama system by the kings
eulogized in inscriptions are mere reflection of the Smriti tradition." Discuss. (2016)
13. Art and culture are reflected to a far greater extent than political history in the epigraphic
sources. Comment. (2017)
14. How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-Purana, emerge? What
are the distinctive features of this genre? (2018)
15. Do you agree that archaeological evidence often helps in better understanding of literary
sources? Comment. (2019)

2. Pre-history and Proto-history
Geographical factors; hunting and gathering (paleolithic and mesolithic); Beginning of
agriculture (neolithic and chalcollthic).
1. To what extent archaeological materials are useful in understanding the progress of
neolithic man in India? (2010)
2. In the absence of a written script Chalcolithic pottery gives us a fascinating insight into
the culture and life styles of the people of those times. Comment critically. (2013)
3. Delineate and account for the regional characteristics the Neolithic Period in India. (2016)
4. The emergence of Non-Harappan Chalcolithic cultures in Central India and the Deccan
mark a change not only in the subsistence pattern of people but an overall transition from
pre to proto historic period. Critically analyze. (2017)

3. Indus Valley
Origin, date, extent, characteristics, decline, survival and significance, art and architecture.
1, 'On circumstantial evidence Indra stands convicted.' Explain, and discuss briefly different
views about a sudden end of the Indus Valley civilization. How would you explain the
presence of those elements in Indian culture and civilization which are found to have
existedin the Indus Valley period? (1986)

2. "The Indus Civilization had an abrupt end." Discuss the statement and explain how the
Indus Civilization could influence Indian culture in its later history. (1988)
3. Write brief essay on External trade of the Harappans. (1991)

4. Write brief essay: The burial customs in the Indus Civilization. (1993)
5. Discuss the pattern of trade during the Indus Valley civilization. How far did it affect the
nature of contemporary settlements in the Indian sub-continent? (1994)
Write brief essay on: The Religion of the Indus Civilization. (1996)
7. "The continuity of the Indus Civilization into later ages was not confined to the religious
and spiritual fields alone." Analyse the statement. (1997)

8 Discuss salient features of the Indus Valley Civilization. Mention important places from
where relics of civilization have been recovered so far. Examine causes of its decline.
9. Analyse the elements of urban civilization in the Harappan Culture. What factors were
responsible for its decline? (2002)

10. Discuss the distribution and significance of farming cultures outside the Indus system.
11. Evaluate the significance of seals and sealings in the reconstruction of socioeconomic and
religious life of the Harappan people. (2012)

12. Discuss the water management and its conservation planning in the Harappan (Indus
Saraswati) cities. (2013)
13. Do you think the Harappan civilization had a diversity of subsistence base? (2014)
14. The decline of Harappan civilization was caused by ecological degradation rather than
external invasion. Discuss. (2015)
15. Explain why the majority of the known Harappan settlements are located in the semi-arid
areas with saline groundwater. (2016)
16. "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political
dimensions of the decline of the Harappan civilization. What it does indicate very clearly is
that the Harappan culture underwent a gradual process of deurbanization" ? Comment.
17. Did the mastery over agriculture act as a leverage for the rise of Harappan towns and
cities? Discuss. (2019)
18. Do you agree that ecological factors influenced the flow and ebb of the Harappan
Civilization? Comment. (2021) H

4. MegalithicCultures
Distribution of pastoral and farming cultures outside the Indus, Development of community
life. Settlements, Development of agriculture, Crafts, Pottery, and Iron industry.
Discuss the extent,settlement pattern and subsistence economy of the megalithic
cultures. (2012)
2. In what ways can the Megalithic culture be considereda foundational phase of
the history
of peninsular India? (2014)
3. be proper to consider the megaliths to represent a single, homogeneous or
Will it
contemporaneous culture? What kind of materiallife and cultural system is revealed in the
megalithiccultures? (2021)
5. Aryans and Vedic Period
Expansions of Aryans in India. Vedic Period: Religious and philosophic literature;
Transformation from Rig Vedicperiod to the later Vedic period; Political, social and
economical life; Significance of the Vedic Age; Evolution of Monarchy and Varna system.
Discuss the geographicalarea known to the Rigvedic people. Were they familiar with the
sea? (1985)
Write short essays of not more than 200words on: Democratic elements in the political
system of the early Vedic period. (1986)
3. Compare the economic, social and religious life of the Indus Valley (Harappan) people
with that of the early Vedic people and discuss the relative chronology of the Indus and
the early Vedic cultures. (1987)
4. Write short essays of not more than 200 words on: Position of women in the Rigvedic
society. (1988)

5. Discuss briefly the development of religious ideas and rituals in the Vedic age. Do they
show any parallelism with the religion of the Indus Civilization? (1989)
6. Write short essays of not more than 200 words on: The formulation of social system in the
later Vedic period. (1990)
The Indus civilization did not have an abrupt appearance.' Discuss the statement. How
does the Indus civilization stand, in view of its geographical expansion and chronology, in
relations to the Vedic civilization? (1990)
8. Analyse the differences and similarities between Indus Valley and Vedic Cultures. (1992)

9. Write brief essay on: The Vedic Gods of the terrestrial region. (1993)

Bring out the elements of change and continuity between the Early Vedic and Later Vedic
Cultures. (1993)

11. Describe the distinguishing features of important archaeological cultures of the Indian
subcontinent datable between c. 2000 B.C. and c. 500 B.C. (1995)
12. Write brief essay on Vedic literature. (1995)

13. Write brief essay on Vedic rituals. (1997)

14. Give a brief account of the sOcial and economic conditions of the Later Vedic Aryans.
What role did iron play in changing their political andeconomic life? (1998)
15. Describe the social life of the later Vedic people. HoW was it different from the Rigvedic
life? (2004)

16. Evaluate the various approaches to the understanding of Vedic religion. (2009)
17. Examine the view that the sacrifice was a
ritual and a form of social exchange in Vedic
India. (2010)
18. Evaluate the conceptual basis of the Vedic deities. (2011)
19. Evaluate various viewS regarding human settlements as gleaned from the Vedic sources.
20. "The vama concept may always have been largely a theoretical model and never an actual
description of society." Comment in the context of Ancient India. (2013)

21. "The Upanishadic principles embody the epitome of the Vedic thought." Discuss. (2014)

22. "Archaeology knows of no Aryans; only literature knows of Aryans." Examine critically.
23. In what way was the egalitarian character of the early vedic society changed during the
later vedic period? (2016)
24. Critically examine various viewS regarding the Vedic-Harappan relationship in light of the
latest discoveries. (2017)
25. Examine how the transformation of the Varna System from the Rigvedic to the Later
Vedic period affected the position of women. (2019)

26. "There are no literary sources for the Harappan culture and no archaeological evidence for
the Vedic period." Explain the phenomenon, (2019)
27. Puranas were the innovative genre of literature of popularise and revive Vedic religion.
Elaborate with examples. (2020)
28. Throw light on the nature of religion and classification of gods mentioned in the Rigveda.
29. Do you consider that the Upanishadic principles embody the high point of Vedic religious
thought? Comment. (2021)

6.Period bf Mahajanapadas
Formation of States (Mahajanapada): Republics and mnonarchies; Rise of urban centres; Trade
routes; Economic growth; Introduction of coinage; Spread of Jainism and Buddhism; Rise of
Magadha and Nandas. Iranian and Macedonian Invasions and their impact.
1. Discuss the social & economic factors for the rise of Buddhism. How far was it influenced
by Upnisadic thought? (1987)
2. Write short essays of not more than 200 words on: The intellectual revolution in the Sixth
Century B.C. (1988)
3. Trace the rise of Magadhan imperialism up to the times of the Nandas with particular
reference to its policy towards the non-monarchical state. Discuss the factors that
contributed to its success. (1990)
4. Give an account of the republics in the preMaurya period. Discuss the factors which
contributed to their decline. (1992)
5. Write brief essay on Essence of Early Jainism. (1995)
6. Write brief essay on Social and economic conditions of North India during the
PreMauryan period (600-325 B.C.) (1996)
7. Analyse the causes of the success of the Magadhan imperialism upto the reign of Ashoka
the Great. (2001)
"The Sixth century B.C, was a period of religious and economic unrest in India." Comment.
9. Explain the social aspects of Buddhism and account for its decline in India. (2004)
10. Write what you know of the rise and spread of Buddhism before the first century A.D.
11, Assess the importance of Jain tenets and their relevance to humanity. (2011)
12. Evaluate the introduction of iron technology in the development of human history of
ancient India. (2011)
13. Explain as to how the early Buddhist Stupa art, while using folk motifs and narratives and
common cultural symbols, succeeded in transforming these themes for expounding the
Buddhist ideals.(2013)
14. Buddha's teachings to a large extent could be helpful in understanding and resolving the
problems of today's society, Analyse critically. (2014)
15. How far is it correct to say that changes in the post-Vedic economy gave birth to new
religious movement in India? (2015)

16. Examine the relationship among the economic growth, 'urbanization and state formation
from c. 7th century BCE to 3rd century BCE. (2016)

17. Buddhism and Jainism were social movements under the umbrella of religion. Comment.
18. Give an account of gana-sanghas (non-monarchical state systems) ? Why did they
decline? (2018)
19. The concept of Shramanic religions, with particular reference to Buddhism, hadtheir roots
in Upanisadic ideas. Discuss. (2018)

20. Discuss the factors that played an important role in the process of urbanisation after the
Later-Vedic period. (2020)
21. A number of scholars considered Alexander as 'The Great', although long term impacts of
Alexander's invasion on India need to be re-evaluated. Comment. (2020)
22. "The political and economic needs of rulers, combined with economic and status needs of
the merchant class, together provided the receptive cultural milieu in which Buddhism
flourished." Comment. (2021)
7. Mauryan Empire
Foundation of the Mauryan Empire, Chandragupta, Kautllya and Arthashastra; Ashoka;
Concept of Dhanna; Edicts; Polity, Administration; Economy; Art, architecture and sculpture:
External contacts; Religion; Spread of religion; Literature; Disintegration of the empire;
Sungas and Kanvas.

Mauryan period. (1986)

Discuss critically the relative importance of the different sources for the history of the

2. Write short essay of not more than 200 words on: Mauryan court art as an alien grafting.
3. Discuss the comparative merit of the Arthasastra, the Indica and Asoka Inscriptions as
sources for the administration, socio-economic conditions and religious life in the
Mauryan period. (1989)
4. Write short essay of not more than 200 words: The Maurya policy of regulating and
controllingeconomic activities. (1990)

5. Write brief essay on Contents of Asoka's dhamma and reasons for Asoka's keenness to
propagate dhamma. (1991)

6. Write brief essay on Similarities and differences between the Maurya columns and
Achaemenian pillars. (1993)
7. Examine the importance of Ashoka's Rock Edit XIIIfor determining the extent of the
Maurya Empire. Did Ashoka's policies and reforms contribute to the fall of the empire?
8. Determine the veracity of Megasthenes' descri-ptions of Indian society & economy with
the help of other contemporary evidences. (1994)
9. Write brief essay on Inscriptionsof Asoka. (1995) CCES
Write brief essay on Mauryan municipal administration. (1996)

11. Write brief essay on architectural & artistic features of the great stupa at Sanchi. (1997)
12. Examine sources of information for Mauryan dynasty. Throw light on historical
significance of Ashoka's inscriptions. (1999)

13. How did Ashokacontribute to the moral and administrative welfare of his people? (2000)
14. Examine the nature of the Mauryan State. Bring out the features of their administrative
system. (2002)
15. Determine the extent of the Mauryan empire. (2005)
16. Examine the role of adhyaksa in the Mauryan administration. (2012)
17. Social norms for women in the Dharmasasttra and Arthasastra tradition were framed in
accordance with the Vamashrama tradition.Evaluate critically. (2013)
18. Discuss different interpretations of historians about the nature of Asoka's 'Dhamma'. Did
his principle of Dhamma-vijaya render the Mauryan Empire militaristically weak? (2014)

19. Delineate the nature and impact of India's contact with Western Asia and the
Mediterranean world during the Mauryan period. (2015)
20. "The concept of Ashoka's Dhamma as found thrOugh his inscriptions had its roots in
Vedic-Upanishadíc literature." Discuss. (2017)

21. Do you agree with the popularView that Mauryas established a unitary and highly
centralized if not monolithic state system? (2018)
22. Explain how Ashoka used religion as a tool of politicalaggrandizement? (2019)

23. HoW would you characterize the nature of Mauryan state on the basis of Kautilya's
Arthashastra? (2021)

8, Post-Mauryan Period
Post - Mauryan Period (Indo-Greeks, Sakas. Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas): Contact with
outside world; growth of urban centres, economy, coinage, development of religions,
Mahayana, social conditions, art, architecture, culture, literature and science.
Write short essay of not more than 200 words on; The role of guilds in the economic life of
India from c. 200 B. C.to c. A. D. 300. (1986)

2. Bring out the salient features of the religious developments in the Post-Maurya period.
How was contemporary art influenced by it? (1988)

3. Write short essay of not more than 200 words on: Indian participation in the silk trade
through Central Asia. (1990)
4. Write brief essay on Origins, chrnology, characteristics and geographical spread of
Gandhara art. (1991)
5. Write brief essay on Buddhist writing in Sanskrit in the post - Maurya period. (1993)

6. "The centuries between c. 200 B.C. and c. A.D. 300 constitute a landmark in the
socioreligious history of India." Analyse the proposition. (1995)
7. Furnish a critical and comparative account of various schools of art in the PostMauryan
period (c. 200 B.C.-c. 300A.D.) (1998)

8. How justified are we in characterizing the post-Mauryan five centuries as the "Dark Period"
of Indian History? Give reasons in support of your answer. (2008)

9. Examine the significance of the deities depicted on the coins of the Kushanas. (2010)
10. Justify Pliny's statement that Rome was being drained out of its gold by India during the
first century of the Christian era. (2012)
11. Review critically the evolution of different schools of art in the Indian subcontinent
between the second century BCE and the third century CE, and evaluate the
socioreligious factors responsible for it. (2014)

12. How does the numismatic evidence of the period reflect the political and economic
outlook of the Kushanas and the Satavahanas? (2016)
13. The period of Indian History from 3rd century B.C.E. to 5th century C.E. was the period of
innovation and interaction. How will you react? (2017)
14. What was the impact of trans-regional and trans-continentaltrade in the post Mauryan
periodon social and cultural life of India? (2018)
15. "The development of art andarchitecture during the Sunga period belies the belief that
they were anti-Buddhist." Discuss. (2019)

16. The flourishing internationaltrade during the Kushana period gave tremendous impetus
tothe development of art. Discuss. (2019)
17. Evaluate the significant political features of the Post Mauryan Northern India. What are
the mainsources of it? (2020)
18. Analyze the significance of external influences and indigenous develop-ment on post
Mauryan art. (2021)

9. Early State and Society in Eastern

India, Deccan and South India
Kharavela, The Satavahanas, Tamil States of the Sangam Age; Administration, Economy, land
grants, coinage, trade guilds and urban centres;

Buddhist centres; Sangam literature and culture; Art and architecture.

1. Discuss the military activities of Kharavela of Kalinga. Do you think that his reign is
significant for military expeditions alone? (1993)
2. How do recent archaeological findings and Sangam literary texts enlighten us about the
early state and society in South India? (2008)
"Not only does ancient Tamil literature furnish an accurate picture of widely disparate
classes, it also describes the social condition of Tamil country as it was." Discuss. (2015)
4. The accurate picture of the complex sociocultural milieuof Peninsular India is presented
in the early Sangam literature. Delineate. (2017)

5. The discovery of monsoons by Hippalus gave a new direction to Indo-Roman trade during
the Satavahana period. Comment. (2019)
6. Discuss the salient features of cultural traditions of South India as reflected in Sangam
Literature. (2020)
10. Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas
Polity and administration. Economic conditions. Coinage of the Guptas, Land grants, Decline
of urban centres, Indian feudalism, Caste system. Position of women. Education and
educational institutions; Nalanda, Vlkramshlla and Vallabh!, Literature, scientific Iiterature,
art and architecture.
The Gupta period stands at the centre of Indian history. Discuss the development of arts
and literature in that Gupta period in the light of this statement. (1985)
2. Write short essay of not more than 200 words: The significance of the policy of
matrimonial alliances for the expansion and consolidation of the Gupta empire. (1986)
3. Harsha is described as 'the lord of the whole of north India, Determine the extent of his
empire and discuss his political relations with Sasanka, Bhaskaravarman and Pulakesin II.
4. 'Harsha owes his greatness largely not to any real achievements but to formulate
descriptions by two famous men.'Discuss. (1987)
5. Write short essay of not more than 200 words: The Maukharis paving the way for the glory
of Harshavardhana. (1988)
6. Discuss critically the role Harsha played in the history of his times. (1989)
7. Write short essay of not more than 200 words: The economic prosperity in the Gupta
period. (1990)

8. Write brief essay on Origins and meaning of the samanta system. (1991)

9. Analysethe characteristic features of the Gupta art and compare them with those of the
Mauryan art. (1992)
10. In what ways does religíon asreflected in the Vedic texts differ from the religion of the
Gupta period? (1991) H T SUCO
11. Write brief essay: Factors that led to the Rise and Fall of the Gupta Empire. (1996)
12. "Of all the events that had a singular being on the history of India, Harsha's death in 647
A.D. is significant." Why? Explain. (1996)

13. Write brief essay on Skandagupta's war with the Hunas. (1997)

14. Write brief essay on Nalanda Mahavihara. (1997)

15. How did Indian culture spread in the South-east Asiatic countries during the Gupta Age?
16. Highlight the achievements of the Gupta period in the field of literature, science and
technology. (1998)
17. 'Harshvardhan was himself great, but he has been made greater by Ban and Yuan Chiang.'
Critically examine the statement. (1999)
18. Who were the Maukharis? Discuss their political relations with the Later Guptas of
Magadha. (2000)

19. Examine the information of Fahien about the political, religious, social and economic
conditions of India. Make a comparative study of his account with that of Yuan Chwang.
20. Assess the status of women in India fronm 4th century BC to AD 6th century. (2005)

21. What are the salient features of the administrative system of the Guptas? (2005)
22. Describe the expansion of the Gupta empire under Samudragupta. (2006)
23. Throw light on the condition of common man in the Gupta period. (2007)
24. Give an account of the use of gold coins by commoners in the Gupta period. (2009)
25. Trace the development of urbanization from the third millennium B.C.E. to 6th century
B.C.E. (2011)

26. Assess Ellora as a unique art centre of the different cultural streams. (2011)
27. Assess the educational system in early India and identify important educational
institutions of the period. (2012)
28. Discuss the provincial and district administrative units of the Gupta Empire with the
designations and functions of the officers. (2014)

29. What were the privileges granted to the donees in land-grant charters of early India? How
far were these charters responsible for integration or disintegration of socio-political
milieu? (2014)

30. Critically evaluate the theory and practice of land revenue system in ancient India. (2016)

31. The second urbanization gave rise to the organized corporate activities that reached their
zenith during the Gupta period, Discuss. (2017)
32. Discuss the experimentations with art andarchitecture during the Gupta-Vakataka
period. (2018)
33. "Do you agree that the system of land grants from the Gupta- Vakataka period was
connected with the decentralization of state in any way?" (2019)
34. 'Sanskrit literature of classical Gupta Age set standards for the early medieval India'.
Evaluate the statement with representative examples. (2020)

11. RegionalStates during Gupta Era

The Kadambas, Pallavas, Chalukyas of Badaml; Polity and Administration, Trade guilds.
Literature; growth of Vaishnava and Saiva religions. Tamil Bhaktl movement,
Shankaracharya; Vedanta; Institutions of temple and temple architecture; Palas, Senas,
Rashtrakutas, Paramaras, Polity and administration; Cultural aspects. Arab conquest of Sind;
Alberuni, The Chalukyas of Kalyana, Cholas, Hoysalas, Pandyas; Polity and Administration;
local Government; Growth of art and architecture, religious sects. Institution of temple and
Mathas, Agraharas, education and Iliterature, economy and society.

1. Trace briefly the history of the struggle between the Chalukyas and the Pallavas. Analyse
its causes and bring out its importance. (1985)

2. The contributions of the Pallavas to Indian architecture. (1986)

3. Evaluate the importance of the contributions of the Pallavas in the history of the
development of art and administration in South India. (1988)

4. Make a comparative study of the administrative system anddevelopment of art under the
Pallavas of Kanchi and the Chalukyas of Vatapi. (1990)
5. In what ways would the period of the Pallavas of the Kanchi and that of the Chalukyas of
Badami mark the beginning of a new historical phase in peninsular India? (1991)
6. How far is it true to say that the strength and vigour of Indian history during c. A.D. 500
750 lay in the south of the Vindhyas? (1995)
7. Write brief essay on Historical significance of the advent of Arabs in India. (1995)

8. Assess the achievements of the Pallavas in administration and art. (1997)

9. Give an account of the struggle for supremacy in South India between the Chalukyas of
Badami and the Pallavas. (2000)

10. Did the triangular conflict between the Rashtrakutas, Gujara Pratiharas and Palas create a
political vacuum in northern India which facilitated the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni?
11. Give an account of the rise of the Chalukyas of Vatapi and their struggle with other rulers.
Write a note on their patronage of arts. (2004)

Bring out the regional variations in the early South Indian temples' architectural styles.
13. Assess the role of guilds and trade organizations in the development of early Indian
economy. (2010)
14. Analyse the vibrant cultural activities in peninsular India during 550- 750 CE. Compare
and contrast it with the situation in contemporary North India. (2012)
15. Trace the role of guilds and trade organisations in the development of early Indian
economy. (2015)
16. Trace the origin and development of temple architecture in India with reference to
regional styles and variations. (2017)

17. Describe the'evolution and development of regional temple architecture of South India
with special reference to Pallavas. (2020)

18. How didthe Varnashrama Dharma manifest the increasing social complexities in the
Gupta andpost-Gupta period arising from social and economic developments? (2021)
12. Themes in Eariy Indian Cultural
Languages and texts, major stages In the evolution of art and architecture, major
philosophical thinkers and schools, Ideas In Science and Mathematics.

1. Discuss the scientific and technological developments in ancient India. (1991)

2. Trace the scientific& technological developments in India up to c. A.D. 750. (1994)
3. Examine the proficiency of the ancient Indians in various crafts, science and mathematics.
4. Discuss the major stages in the evolution of architecture during the ancient period. (2006)
Discuss the types of lands and the science of agriculture mentioned in the literature and
epigraphs of ancient India. (2011)

6. Kailasa temple built at Ellora marks the culmination of rock - cut architecture in india.
Elucidate. (2015)
7. "The changes in the field of art from the Kushana period to early medieval period are
mere reflection of changing outlook" Comment. (2016)

8. Trace and identify the changing pattern of Tantrism in Ancient India with examples.

13. Early Medieval 50-1200

Polity: Major political deveiopments in Northern India and the Peninsula, origin and the rise
of Rajputs; The Cholas: administration, village economy and society; "Indian Feudalism";
Agrarian economy and urban settlements; Trade and commerce; Society: the status of the
Brahman and the new socialorder; Condition of women; Indian science and technology
What were the salient features of the bureaucratic machinery of the Cholas? Write short
answer of not more than 200 words. (1985)

2. Mainsources of information for the history of the 13th century. Write short answer of not
more than 200 words. (1987)
3. Bring out the salient features of the polity & social structure of the Rajputs. To what extent
were they responsible for the weakness of the Rajput resistance to foreign invaders?
4. Critically assess the period of the Cholas in the history of South India. (1991)
5. Write brief essay on Local self-government under the Cholas. (1992)
6. Discuss the contribution of Rajaraja I and Rajendra I for the expansion of the Chola
empire. Analyse the causes and impact of the naval expeditions of the Cholas. (1993)

7. Write a brief note on Land charters of north India (C. A-D. 750-1200). (1995)

8. Assess the importance of the Cholas in the history of South India. (1996)
9. Give an account of the Society in Northern and Central India since the death of Harsha to
the Muslim conquest of North India. (1996)
10. "Achieving dominance in south of the Vindhyas did not satisfy the ambitions of the
Rashtrakutas, they also wanted tO achieve dominance over the Gangetic Plains." Elaborate
and comment. (1997)
11. Write brief essay on Social structure of the Rajputs. (1998)

12, Critically evaluate the achievements of the Cholas. (1998)

13. Were the Chola village assemblies democratic in nature? Give reasons for your answer.
14. The Cholas are said to have established a strong and well organised administration with
an element of self-government at the local level. Do you agree? Give reasons. (2004)

15. Write brief essay on The Samanta system. (2005)

16. Show that the administrative system in India reached a very high level during the Chola
period. (2007)

17. Write short essay on Applicability of the term 'Indian Feudalism' to early Medieval society.

18. How far can the village assemblies or communities under the Cholas be really called
19. To what extent "monetary anáemía" afflicted the erstwhile commercial economy during
the early medieval period? (2010)
20. Evaluate the socio-economic conditions from the Gupta Period to 1200 C.E. as gleaned
from the various types of grants or danashasana. (2011)

21. Assess the contribution of Cholas in the expansion of Indian culture outside India. (2011)
22. What kind of changes were visualised by historians on Indian feudalism? Examine
critically. (2012)

23. Evaluate the role of nadu and nagaram in the growth of urbanisation under the Cholas.
24. Evaluating various theories regarding the Chola State, throwlight on itsvillage assemblies.
25. Do the evidences of land ownership at our disposal support the theory of the prevalence
of feudalism in early medieval India? (2015)
26. HoW could the local self - government under the Cholas adjust with their centralised
administrative structure? (2015)
27. Analyze the significance of the Uttaramerur inscriptions of the Chola king Parantaka I.
28. Explain the ingredients of the transitory nature of the early medieval India. (2016)

29. "Doubtless it was not a free state; it was any rate a state" (KAN Sastri). Reflect upon the
nature of local self-government institutions in the Chola country. (2018)
30. Critically analyze the changing nature of caste and gender relations during the early
medieval period. (2018)
31. Large number of land grants in hitherto non-arable tracts invariably meant expansion of
agriculture in early medieval India. How did the management of hydraulic resources
(different types of irrigation works) facilitate expansion of agriculture in this period? (2021)
32. Discuss the different stages of India feudalism and analyze its impact on Indian political
system, (in about 150words). (2021)

14. Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200

Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta, Ramanuja and VIshishtadvalta, Madhva and
Brahma-MImansa; Religion: Forms and features of religion, Tamil devotional cult, growth of
Bhaktl, Islam and Its arrival In India, Sufism; Literature: Literature In Sanskrit, growth of Tamil
literature, literature In the newly developing languages, Kalhan's Rajtaranglnl, Alberunl's
India; Art and Architecture: Temple architecture, sculpture, painting
1, Shankaracharya's philosophy and its impact. Write short answer of not more than 200
words. (1987)
2. Discuss the salient features of Indian society on the eve of the campaigns of Mahmud of
Ghazni, with particular reference to the observations made by AlBiruni. (1989)
3. 'Sankaracharya brought about a synthesis of ideas and philosophies.' Discuss the
statement and analyse the historical significance of his life and thought. (1990)
4. Discuss the role of the Rashtrakutas for the mastery of Kanauj and assess their
contribution to art and culture. (1992)
5. Do_you agree with the view that the form and content of temple architecture in South
India between C. A.D. 750 and 1200 were products of a specific economic and political
milieu? (1994)
6. Write brief essay on AI-Biruni's India. (1998)

7. Trace influence of Islam on Indian culture and civilization. (1999)

8. Critically evaluate the contribution of Rashtrakutas to art and culture. (1999)

9. Write brief essay: The Vedanta of Sankaracharya. (2001)

Write brief essay
10. Origin of the Bhakti Movement. (2002)

11. Write brief essay on Kalhan as a historian. (2003)

12. Attempt a critical essay on the Indian Science andCivilisation in the light of Alberuni's
writings. What merits and drawbacks, do you find in his account? (2003)

13. Write brief essay on Alberuni on science in India. (2007)

14. What are the manifestations of Tamil devotional cults ? How do you account for their
growth between C. 750 andC. 1200 CE? (2008)

15. Assess Kalhana's views on history. (2009)

16. How far do you agree with the view that the temples in the early medieval period were
catalysts in spreading education? (2010)
17, Evaluate Rajtaranginias a source of history. (2012)
18. Assess the contribution of the Acharyas in the development of the ideological basis of
bhakti. (2012)
19. Evaluate the 'Kitab al-Hind' of Alberuni as a source of history of India. (2014)
20. Give brief account of the early medieval temple architecture of Kashmir. (2015)

21. Why is Mamallapuram famous? (2015)

22. Comment on the veracity of Alberuni's account of Indian society. (2016)

23. "The Advaita doctrine of Shankara cut at the very root of Bhaktivada." Do you agree? (2016)

24. How did the temples of South India, as financial institutions, have deep impact on the
social institutions of early medieval period? Critically examine. (2016)

25. The 11th - 12th centuries C.. saw eventful progression in the cultural history of India.
Discuss. (150 words) (2017)/ H
26. Discuss the Caurapancashika andJain styles of paintings. Can the Caurapancashika style
truly be called the precursor of pothi format? (2017)
27. Do you consider the Rajatarangini of Kalhana to be a reliable source of the political history
of Kashmir? Why? (150 words) (2017)
28. "Utpanna dravide bhaktih, Karnate vriddihimagata! Sthita kinchit maharashtre gurjare
jimatam gata- Padmapurana !! Account for the emergence of bhakti in Dravida desa.
29. Assess the statement that 'the philosophy of Shankaracharya revolutionized religious
thoughts in India.' (2019)

30. Discuss the relationship between emergence of literature invernacular languages and
formation of regional identities in early medieval India. (2021)
31. Discuss the attitude of Chishti saints towards the state. How were the Suhrawardi saints
different in their attitude towards the government? (in about 150 words) (2021)
32. "The Chola rulers were not only mighty conquerors, efficient administrators but also
builders of fine temples." Comment. (2021)

15. The Thirteenth Century

Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate: The Ghurlan Invasions-factors behind Ghurlan
Economic, social and cultural consequences;
Foundation of DelhiSultanate and early Turkish Sultans;
Consolidation: The rule of Iltutmlsh and Balban
What were the problems Balban faced? How far did he succeed in solving them? Was he
a trend-setter in his theory of kingship? (1985)

Comment in about 200 words: Balban's theory of kingship. (1995)
3. Give an estimate of Ghiasuddin Balban. (1996)

4. "The inferior cavalry of the Rajputs was not the only cause of their defeat at the hands of
Turko-Afghans and Mughals." Comment. (2001)
5. Write brief essay on The 'Corps of Forty' and its relations with the Sultans. (2004)

6. Write short essay on The Corps of Forty' and its relations with the Sultan. (2008)

7. Assess the contribution of Iltutmish for the expansion and consolidation of the Delhi
Sultanate. (2011)
8. Analyze the steps taken by Razia Sultan to strengthen her position as an independent
ruler despite the various obstacles. (2013)
9. What measures did Balban adopt to combat the Mongol menace? (2015)
Critically examine the blood and iron' policy of Balban. (150 words) (2017)

11. "The battles of Tarain and Chanawar laid the foundations of Turkish rule in India".
Elaborate. (2018)
12. Internal strife and conflict beset with personal ambitions was enough of an invitation for
the Ghurids to invade India. Discuss. (2019)
13. Assess the causes of the defeat of Northern Indian States against the Turkish invasion.
14. Do you consider Sultan Iltutmish to be the real founder of the Delhi Sultanate? Discuss, (in
about 150 words) (2021)
15. Discuss the importance of Iqta system. How did it help in centralization of administration
of the Delhi Sultanate? (2021)
16. The Fourteenth Century
"The Khaljl Revolution"; Alauddin Khaljl: Conquests and territorial expansion, agrarian and
economic measures; Muhammad Tughluq: Major projects, agrarian measures, bureaucracy of
Muhammad Tughluq; Flruz Tughluq: Agrarian measures, achievements In civil engineering
and public works, decline of the Sultanate, foreign contacts and Ibn Battuta's account.
1. Examine the responsibility of Firoz Tughluq for the fall of his dynasty. Write short answer
of not more than 200 words. (1985)
2. Critically examine the price control measures of Alauddin Khilji. What was the main
objective behind them and how far was he able to put them into effect? (1987)

3. Was the state in the Sultanate period a theocracy? Discuss the new orientation of state
policies and administrative principles under Muhammad bin Tughluq. (1988)
4. The significance of Alauddin Khilji economic regulations for his imperialism. Write short
answer of not more than 200 words. (1989)

5. 'Firuz Tugluq has been overshadowed by Muhammad Tughluq.' In the light of this
statement evaluate the significance of the policies and actions of Firuz Tughlug. (1990)
6. What,in your opinion, was the significance of the extensive military expeditions
undertaken during the time of Alauddin Khalji ? Do you think his reign is considered
significant in terms of such expeditions alone? (1991)
7. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq's contradictory qualities were beyond the grasp knowledge and
common sense. Evaluate the significance of his administrative measures and policies in
the light of this statement. (1992)
8. Examine the significance of Alauddin Khalji's administrative reforms. Was he really
successful in implementing these measures? (1993)
9. Write brief essay on Ziauddin Barani as a historian. (1994)

Discuss the implications of Khilji with reference to administration and economic
regulations on the State and people of India. (1997)

11. Write brief essay - Alauddin Khilji was a typical despot. (1999)

12. Form an estimate of the personality of Firoz Shah Tughlaq with special reference to his
religious policy and public works. (2000)
13. Assess the impact of the market reforms of Alauddin Khiljion contemporary economy
and society. (2001)
14. Discuss Balban's concept of kingship. How was it modified by Alauddin Khalji? (2002)
15. Write brief essay: Experiments of Mohammad Tughluq. (2003)
16. Write brief essay: The Token Currency System introduced by Muhammad Tughlag. (2004)
17. Write brief essay: The Khilji Revolution. (2006)
18. Bring out the main features of the administrative system under Delhi Sultanate during
Turko-Afghan period. (2006)

19. Write short essay: Muhammad Tughluq as an agrarian innovator. (2009)

20. Examine critically the agrarian and economic reforms of Alauddin Khalji. How did it
strengthen the Sultanate? (2011)
21. How did the Mongol invasions affect the DelhiSultanate and the north - western frontier
policy of the Delhi Sultans? (2012)

22. What is your assessment of Ibn Batutah's Rehla as an important source of Indian history.
23. Analyse the ordinances mentioned by Barani which Alauddin Khalji promulgated for
market control. (150 words) (2014)
24. Evaluating the theory of kingship of the Sultanate, discuss the deviations seen in the
reigns of different Sultans. (2014)
25. What measures were initiated by the Sultans for the consolidation of Delhi Sultanate?
Discuss (2016)
26. Do you think that the economic measures introduced by the Sultanate rulers beneficial to
the common people as well? Illustrate with examples. (2016)
27. Do you agree that the schemes of Muhammad bin Tughluq were correctly conceived,
badly executed and disastrously abandoned? Discuss. (2017)

28. To what extent was the Caliphate the source and sanction to the legal authority of the
Sultans of Delhi? (2017)
29. "The policy of creating heterogeneous nobility by Muhammad Tughluq started the
process of disintegration of DelhiSultanate". Explain (2018)

30. "The economic measures of Alauddin Khalji were aimed at greater political control.
Discuss (2019) AA TH
31. Elaborate upon the agrarian reforms of Alauddin Khilji. (2020)
32. Why is the reign of the Khaljis known as the Khalji Revolution'? (2021)

17. Society, Culture and Economy in the

Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
Society: composition of rural society, ruling classes, town dwellers, women, religious classes,
caste and slavery under the Sultanate, Bhaktl movement, Sufi movement; Culture: Persian
literature, literature In the regional languages of North India, literature in the languages of
South India, Sultanate architecture and new structural forms, painting, evolution of a
composite culture; Economy: Agricultural production, rise of urban economy and
nonagriculturalproduction, trade and commerce.
1. Where, when and how did Urduoriginate? Write short answer of not more than 200
words. (1985)
The period of Delhi Sultans witnessed the emergence of Indo-Persian culture.' Discuss the
statement with reference todevelopments in the fields of language, literature, art and
social life. (1986)
3. Write brief essay: Indo - Islamic architecture during the Khalji and Tughluq period. (1992)
4. Write brief essay on Meaning and features of the Maharashtra Dharma. (1994)

5. Growth of regional languages and literature during the medieval period. (1995)
6. Throw light on the Land Revenue System of Sultanate period. (1998)

7. Write brief essay- Amir Khusro was an eminent poet not a historian. (2000)
8. Give a critical assessment of the contributions of Amir Khusrau and Baranito Indo-Persian
literature. (2009)
9. Identify the main factors that sustained the expansion of urban economy in the Delhi
Sultanate. (2009)
10. Examine the increasing importance of maritime trade of India during thirteenth to
fifteenth centuries. (2010)
11. Analyse the racialcomposition and the role of nobility under the successors of IItutmish.
How did it affect the contemporary politics? (2012)

12. Bhakti and mysticism of Lai Ded emerged as a social force in Kashmir. Comment. (2013)

13. Evaluate the Malfuzat texts as sources of medieval history. (2013)

14. Evaluate the conditions of industries in India from 1200- 1500 CE. (2013)
15. Critically evaluate the educational development duringthe Sultanate period. (2013)

16. AATI
Evaluate criticallythe conditions of labour from 12001500 CE on the basis of historical
sources. (2013)
17. Assess the Lekhapaddhati as an important source for evaluating the society and economy
of the thirteenth century CE with special reference to Gujarat. (2013)

18. Evaluate the contribution of Vaishnava saints to the growth of medieval Bhakti literature.
(150words) (2014)
19. Trace the technological and stylistic development in the architecture of the Sultanate
period. (2014)

20. "Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices
or the outward structure of Islamic / Hindu societies to any appreciable extent." Comment
for/ against. (2015)
21. Discuss in brief the land - revenue system and judicial administration of the Delhi
Sultanate. (2015)
22. Evaluate the contents of the Tabaqat-iNasiri as a source of medieval history. (2016)
23. Delineate non - agricultural production and urban economy in the 13th and 14th centuries
C.E. (2017)

24. Discuss evidence on slavery provided by Ibn Batuta with special reference to female
slaves. (2018)
25. Discuss the advancement made in Textile Technology under the Delhi Sultans. (2018)
26. Describe the new architectural features added by successive Sultans in the construction
of Tombs in India. (2018)

27. Delineate the state of agriculture during the Sultanate period. (2019)
28. Critically evaluate the Muslim Nobility during the period of Tughlaq dynasty, (in 150
words) (2020)
29, How did international trade support urbanisation in North India during the 13- 14th
century CE. (in 150 words) (2020)
30. Some new crafts production were introduced by the Turks. Comment. (2020)
31. Identify the different categories of Persian Literature which emerged during the Delhi
Sultanate, (in about 150 words) (2021)

18. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth

CenturyPolitical Developments and
Political Developments and Economy: Rse of ProvinçialDynasties: Bengal, Kashmir (Zalnul
Abedin). Gujarat, Malwa, Bahmanids; The VIJayanagra Empire; Lodis; Mughal Empire, First
phase: Babur and Humayun; The Sur Empire: Sher Shah's administration; Portuguese Colonial
enterprise; Bhaktl and Sufi Movements

1. Bring out the significance of the reign of Sher Shah in the history of India. (1986)
2 Write short essay of not more than 200 words: The empire builder in North India of the
sixteenth century. (1989)
3. Write brief essay on Portuguese control of the Indian Ocean and its impact. (1992)

4. Make a comparative review of the agrarian reforms of Alau-ud-Din Khalji and Sher Shah
Suri. (1995)
5. Write brief essay-Sher Shah combined in himself qualities of lion and fox. (1999)

6. Write brief essay on HemuVikramaditya. (2001)

7. Write brief essay: The Bahmani kingdom. (2005)
8. Write brief essay: The Bahamani Kingdom. (2007)
9. Write short essay on Significance of the arrival of the Portuguese in India. (2008)

10. Comment on the Turco - Mongo theory of sovereignty.To what extent was it adopted by

Babur and Humayun? (2010)
Discuss the state of society and economy of the Bahmani kingdom as gleaned from
historical sources. (2013)
12. On the basis of contemporary sources evaluate the system of agriculture and irrigation of
the Vijayanagar kingdom. (2013)
13. How was cartaz system used by the Portuguese to maintain their control over the oceanic
trade? (150 words) (2014)
14. To what extent is'Segmentary State' model relevant for defining the Vijayanagar State?
Critically examine. (2014)

15. Mention the salient features of the polity of Vijayanagara Empire under Krishnadevaraya.
16. Evaluate Jonaraja's account of the reign of Zain-ul-Abidin. (2016)
17. Assess the contribution of Firoz Shah Bahamani and Mahmud Gawan in the field of
education. (2016)
18. Do you agree that convergence of political vacuum and impact of Islamicate culture
and polity in peninsular India has much to do with the growth of Vijayanagara kingdom?
19. Assess the rule of Zainul Abedin in Kashmir. (2019)

20. Describe in detail about the foreign travellers accounts which gave information of
Vijayanagar kingdom, (in 150 wofds) (2020)
21. Amuktamalyada dwells much upon the relationship of fort, Brahmanas and dispersed
tribal groups. Comment. (2020)
22. Describe village polity and economy of medieval Deccan. (2020)
23. Evaluate the contribution of Sher Shah towards trade and commerce, administration and
agriculturalreforms. (2020)
24. Examine the causes of Babur's success against Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat.
(in about 150 words) (2021)

25. Give your assessment of Bahlul Lodi's relation with his nobility. (2021)

Bhakti& Sufi Movements

Discuss briefly the causes that contributedto the religious movements of the fifteenth
and sixteenth centuries. Analyse their approach to the realities of contemporary life.
2. Write short answer of not more than 200words: Significance of the Bhakti Movement.
3. Write brief essay: The Sufi Movement & its role in promoting communal harmony. (2000)
4. Evaluate the impact of the Sufi and Bhakti Movements on vernacular languages & life and
thought of the common people. (2001)

5. Write brief essay on Sufi Movements. (2003)

6. What impact did Kabir and Nanak leave on Indian Society and Culture? (2003)
7. Discuss the growth of the Nirguna School of Bhakti Movement emphasising the
Contribution of Kabir and Nanak to it. (2004)
8. Write brief essay on Chaitanyadeva and Vaishnavism. (2005)

9. "The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe
for syncretic movements involving adherents of both religions." Elucidate. (2005)
10. Write brief essay on Sufism in North India. (2006)

11, "The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe
for syncretic movements involving adherents of both the religions. Elucidate. (2007)
12. Discuss and evaluate critically various trends in the historiography of bhakti. (2013)
13. Tantrism, not in practice, at least on conceptual level challenged patriarchy." Examine
Tantrism specially keeping in mind the above context. (2015)
14. "Bhakti and Sufi movements served the same social purpose." Discuss. (2017)
15. What was the role of Sufi Folk literature in the diffusion of Islam in India in general and in
Deccan in particular. (2018) SS
16. Sufiand Bhakti thoughts enhobled Indian psyche amidst the vagaries of time. Elucidate.
17. The mission of Kabir was to preach a religion of love which would unite all castes and
creeds. Explain. (2020)

19. The Fifteenth and early Sixteenth

Century - Society and Culture
Regional cultural specificities; Literary traditions; Provincial architectural; Society, culture,
literature and the arts In Vljayanagara Empire.
1. Discuss the development of art and culture under the Vijayanagar Empire. (1987)
2. 'Art, literature and culture reached a high level of development in the Vijayanagar Empire.'
Discuss. (1989)
3. What light do inscriptions and accounts of European travellers throw on the antecedents
and legacy of the administrative structure of the Vijayanagar Empire? (1994)
4. Write brief essay on Architecture of the Vijayanagara empire. (2000)

5. Discuss social dynamics in the Vijayanagara empire. (2010)

6. Make an estimate of Rana Kumbha as a patron of literature and art. (2015)

7. Why should the sixteenth century be regarded as the period of Indian Renaissance?
8. Evaluate the accounts of foreign travellers about the Vijayanagar Empire. (150 words)
9. Discuss how Vijayanagar empire became the cultural capital of the south? (2019)

20. Akbar AS
Akbar Conquests and consolidation of Empire
Establishment of Jaglr and Mansab systems; Rajput policy;
Evolution of religious and socialoutlook, theory of Sulh-i-kul and religious policy;
Court patronage of art and technology
1. Bringout the main features of the MANSAB and JAGIR systems with special reference to
the reign of Akbar. (1987)
2. 'In medieval Indian history Akbar is unique for his religiopolitical ideas and policies.'
Discuss the statement and compare Akbar with Sher Shah in regard to their
administrative policies and revenue administration. (1990)
3. Analyse the merits and demerits of the Mansabdari System. How did it work under
Akbar's successors? (1993) H T SUC
4. Highlight the catholicity of Akbar's regime with suitable examples. (1997)

5. Write brief essay-Rana Pratap's patriotism was his only offence. (1999)

6. Write brief essay on Mansabdari System. (2002)

7. Trace the evolution of the religious views of Akbar. Write a note on his policy of Sulh-i-kul.
Write brief essay: Was Din-i-Ilahi 'a monument of Akbar's folly? (2004)
9. Write brief essay on Religious Tolerance of Akbar. (2006)

10. Write short essay on Implications of Akbar's notions of Sulh-i-kul. (2009)

11. Give an estimate of Abar as a promoter of technology. (2009)

12. Examine the mansab and jagir system by Akbar and its subsequent failure in the 18th
century. (2011)

13. Analyze how the political process of state formation of Mewar from 10th-15th century CE
was challenged in the 16th century CE by imperialist policy of Akbar. (2013)
14. "In medieval Indian history Akbar was unique for his religio political ideas and policies."
Analyse this statement. (2015)
15. Do you think that akbar's Rajput policy was a conscious attempt to incorporate the Indian
ruling elite with the Mughal Imperial System? (2017)

16. "Akbar wished to assert his strongbelief in God, but his concept of the way God is to be
worshipped was independent of either orthodox Islam or Hinduism". Comment. (2018)
17. Critically analyse whether the success of the Mughals is to be credited to their robust
Jagirdariand Mansabdari system. (2019)
18. Discuss with relevant illustrations the relations between Akbar and the Rajput states.

21. Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth

Major administrative policies of Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb;
The Empire and the Zamindars;
Religious policies of Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb;
Nature of the Mughal State;
Late Seventeenth century crisis and the revolts;
The Ahom Kingdom;
Shivajland the early Maratha Kingdom.
1. Analyse the religious policy of the Mughal ermperors from Akbar to Aurangzeb. How did it
affect the stability of the Mughal empire? (1985)
2. What were the major features of the administrative system of the Mughal State? To what
extent did other Indian powers model their administration on this system in the late
medieval period? (1991)
3. "Aurangzeb isa much maligned monarch." Argue the case for and against the
proposition. (1994)

4. Changes in the composition of nobility from Akbar to Aurangzeb. Comment. (1995)

5. Write brief essay on Nurjahan. (1998)

6. Write brief essay - Spanish ulcer ruined Napolean Bonaparte, the Deccan ulcer ruined
Aurangzeb. (1999)
7. Describe the Rajput policy of the Mughalemperors. Do you agree with the view that the
reversal of Akbar's Rajput policy by Aurangzeb was responsible for the disintegration of
the Mughal empire? (2000)
'Akbar built the Mughal Empire by enlisting the support of the Rajputs, Aurangzeb
destroyed it by alienating the Rajputs.' Do you agree? (2003)
9. In what ways were Aurangzeb's Rajput and religious policies different from those of his
predecessors? What were the consequences of the changes made by him? (2004)


Write brief essay on Dara Shikoh. (2006)
"Akbar built the Mughal Empire by enlisting the support of the Rajputs, Aurangzeb
destroyed it by alienating the Rajputs." Discuss critically. (2007)

12. "The major causes of revolts against the Mughal Empire during the latter half of the 17th
century were economic, rather than religious." Discuss. (2009)
13. How was Iqta system of the Sultans different from the Jagir system under the Mughals?
14. Identifythe broad contours of the Mughal foreign policy and their impact on the Mughal
empire. (2016)
15. Discuss the workingof ZamindariSystem under the Mughal rulers. Also describe the role
played by the Zamindars in the agrarian economy of Mughal India. (2018)
16. The late seventeenth century Mughal India is considered to be a period of Jagirdari crisis.
Discuss. (2021)

The Ahom Kingdom

Write short essay on The Ahom Kingdom in 200 words. (2008)
2. Give a brief account of resistance offered by Ahom State against the Mughal rule. (2014)

Shivaji and the early Maratha Kingdom SUCCES

1, Write short answer of
than )
not more than 200words: Was Shivaji a nationalist leader? (1985)
2. Shivaji was a great organizer and builder of civil institutions, examine this statement in
the light of the difficulties of administration and the extent of success achieved by him.
3. Shivaji's rise to power cannot be treated as an isolated phenomenon in Maratha history. It
was as much the result of his personal daring and heroism as of the peculiar geographical
situation of the Deccan country and the unifying religious influences that were animating
the people with new hopes and aspirations in the 15th and 16th centuries. Explain. (1996)
4. Examine circumstances leading to rise of Shivaji. Throw light on his legacy. (1999)
5. How did Shivaji organise his administration and finances to consolidate his power? (2010)

6 Give social background to the rise of the Maratha movement during the seventeenth
century. (2012)
7. Shivaji was not merely a military conqueror but also was an enlighened ruler. Discuss.
8. Examine the sources of the history of Chhatrapati Shivaji with special reference to
Shivabharat and Sabhasad Bakhar. (in 150 words) (2020)

22. Economy and Society in the Sixteenth
and Seventeenth Centuries
Population, Agricultural and craft production;
Towns, commerce with Europe through Dutch, English and French companies: a trade
Indian mercantile classes, banking, Insurance and credit systems;
Condition of peasants, condition of women;
Evolution of the Sikh community andthe Khalsa Panth
1. Write short arnswer of not more than 200 words: The Mughals and the European trading
companjes. (1989)

2. Analyse the distinguishing features of the land revenue system under the Mughals and
point out its influence on the strength of the Mughal State. (1989)
3. Write brief essay on Mughals and the British East India Company. (1994)

4. Do you agree with the view that the advent of the Turks and the Mughals in India
heralded many changes in the means of production? Give reasons in support of your
answer. (1995)
5. Give your opinion on the urban development in India during the Mughal times. (2005)
6. Examine the factors which were responsible for opening and development of European
trade in India during the 16th and 17th centuries.(2006)
7. Delineate the striking features of agricultural and craft production during the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries in India. How did they impact the social fabric of the country?
8. Write short essay: Estimates of population of Mughal India. (2009)

9. Critically evaluate various approaches to study medieval Indian towns. (2010)

10. Discuss different types of Karkhanas in Mughal India. How was the production organized
in the Karkhanas? (2010)

11. State the structure of medieval village society in Northern India. What were the passive
forms of resistance of the peasants in the medieval period? (2012)
12. Medieval Indian towns were merely an extension of villages. Comment. (2012)

13. Give a sketch of Indian trade with Europe during the Mughal period. (2013)
14. On the basis of the accounts of Europeans bring out the agrarian crisis of the 17h century
CE India. (2013)

15. Analyse the Mughal monetary system and examine their policy of minting of coins. (2014)
Will it not be correct to say
that the ruraleconomy in Mughal India was relatively self
sufficient? (2015)
17. "India had been for hundreds of years the Lancashire of the Eastern world." Critically
examine this view. (2014)
18. Assess the condition of peasantry during 13th to 17th centuries C.E. (2017)
19. "An important feature of agriculture in Mughal Indiahas been the large number of crops
raised by the peasants". Illustrate by giving examples. (2018)
20. The emergence of early capitalism in the Mughal period wasprimarily due to urbanisation
and commercialisation. Comment. (2019)

Evolution of the Siky Community and the Khalsa Panth

1. Write short essay on Evolution of the Khalsa Panth. (2008)
2. The religion of the Sikhs was the main force of their unity. Comment. (150 words) (2017)
3. Discuss the transformation of Sikh community from a Nirguna Bhakti sect into a politico
military organization. (2021)

23. Culture during Mughal Empire

Persian histories and other literature; SUCCESS
Hindiand other religious literature;
•Mughal architecture;Mughal painting: TO
•Provincial architecture and painting;
Classical music;
Science and technology
1, Write short essay of not more than 200 words: The emergence of composite culture
during the period 16th to 18th centuries. (1989)
2. Write brief essay: Mughal official histories and autobiographical works. (1992)
3. Write brief essay: Narrative paintings under Jahangir and Akbar. (1994)
4. Trace the development of art and architecture under the Mughals and point out mingling
of Hindu elements in them. (1998)
5. Write brief essay - During the reign of Jahangir Mughal painting reached its zenith. (2000)
6. Write brief essay: The zenith of Mughal architecture under Shahjehan. (2001)
7. Write brief essay on Babarnama as a source of History. (2002)
8. Explain the principal features of architecture during Akbar's rule. What changes were
made in them by Shahjahan? (2002)
9. Write brief essay on Mughal painting. (2005)

10. Write a
short essay on the development of literature during the Mughal period. (2006)
11. Write brief essay on Mughal painting. (2007)

12. Provide a comparative analysis of the development of Arabic and Persian historiography.
13. What was Indian response to European Technology? (2010)
14. Mughal paintings reflect the contemporary socio-political conditions. Discuss. (2011)

15. Assess the development of Science and Technology in the Mughal period. (2013)
How does Tuzuk-i-Babri testify a
that Babar had been cultured man? (2015)
17. "Mughal paintings reflect social harmony in contemporary society." Discuss. (2017)

18. Discuss the literature written in Hindi in Mughal India. (2018)

19. "The art of building was carried to highest degree of perfection under Shahjahan".
Illustrate by giving architectural details of two of his most celebrated buildings. (2018)
20. Examine the status of Sanskrit in Mughal India. (2019)
21. Examine the European impact of Mughal Paintings. (2019)
22. The Mughals built like Titans and embellished like jewellers. Comment. (2019)

23. Evaluate the aim and inmpact of the translation of Sanskrit scriptures into Persian
language during Mughat periga
Make an estimate of the development ofpaintings under Mughal rulers with special
reference to colours, technique, themes and influences on thenm. (2020)
25. Examine the basic features of Mughal tomb architecture with special reference to the Taj
Mahal. (2021)

24. The Eighteenth Century

Factors for the decline of the Mughal Empire;
The regional principalities: Nizam's Deccan. Bengal. Awadh;
Maratha ascendancy under the Peshwas;
The Maratha fiscal and financial system;
Emergence of Afghan Power, Battle of Panipat: 1761;
State of political, cultural and economic, on the eve of the British conquest.
Account for the rise of the Marathas as a political power. How did they influence the
course of history? (1986)
2. Write short answer of not more than 200 words: Structure and role of the Maratha
Confederacy. (1987)
3. "The expansion of Mughal empire in Deccan brought about its decline." Discuss. (1988)

4. Write brief essay: Third Battle of Panipat. (1998)

5. Were the Marathas restricted by their geopolitical limitations from becoming the
paramount power of India? (2001)
6. Write brief essay on Savai Jai Singh the astronomer. (2001)
7. Write brief essay on Consequences of the Third Battle of Panipat. (2002)

8. Write brief essay on Chauth and Sardeshmukhi. (2003)

9. Write brief essay on the system of the collection of Chauth and Sardeshmukhi by the
Maratha rulers. (2004)
10. How would you like to characterize the eighteenth century in Indian history? (2005)
11. Write brief essay on Chauth and Sardeshmukhi of the Maratha rulers. (2007)

12. What are the distinguishing components of the debate on "The Eighteenth Century"?
13. Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdoms with special reference to
the Deccan in the 18th century. (2011)
14. How was the Afghan nobility responsible for the decline of the Afghan empires? Discuss.
15. Compare the Peshwas' bureaucratic management with that of the Imperial Mughal
16. Do you think
that the agrarian crisis of the 17th century led to the disintegration of the
Mughal empire? Discuss. (2016)

17. Was it the weakening of the Mughal empire or the rise of regional power that led to
British conquest of India? Discuss. (2016)

18. Is it true that the court intrigues and weak revenue system led to the collapse of the
Maratha empire? Comment. (2016)
19. "The political disintegration was responsible for the socio- economic decline in India
during the 18th century." Comment. (2017)
20. How will you view the Maratha policy of expansion? Delineate. (2017)
21. "The Afghan invasions in the Eighteenth Century not only signified the military irrelevance
of the Mughal Empire but also hastened its decline". Explain. (2018)
22. "It was as much the court intrigues as also the defiance of the provincial powers that
hastened the decline of the Mughals in the 18th Century. Comment. (2019)
23. Critically evaluate history of the Eighteenth century India with reference to culture and
economy. (2020)
24. How far is it justified to consider the states like Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad as

'successor states' of the Mughal state? (2021)




1 European Penetration into India

The Early European Settlements; The Portuguese and the Dutch; The English and the French
East India Companies; Their struggle for supremacy; Carnatic Wars; Bengal - The conflict
between the English and the Nawabs of Bengal; Siraj and the English; The Battle of Plassey;
Significance of Plassey.
1. 'On 23 June 1757, the middle-ages of India ended and her modern age began. Comment.
2. "By certain of his actions Clive has marred both the glory and usefulness of his work."
Comment. (1995)
3. How did the British conquer Bengal in the 18th century? What circumstances helped
them? (1998)
4. After 1757 there grew up a State of Bengal which was a 'sponsored state" as well as a
"plundered state". Comment. (1999)
5. The battle of Plassey was "not a
great battle but a great betrayal." Comment. (2000)
6. "Neither Alexander the Great nor Napoleon could have won the empire of India by
starting from Pondicherry as a base and contending with a power which held Bengal and
the command of the Sea." Comment. (2006)
7. "Compared to their English counterpart, the French East India Company enjoyed little
discretionary power and had to always look up to Paris for all major decisions. This partly
explains the failure of the French in India." Critically 150 words. (2012)
"Dupleix made a cardinal blunder in looking for the key of India in Madras: Clive sought
and found it in Bengal."Critically examine in 150 words. (2013)

9. "Plassey did not complete the British conquest of India. Had the English been
convincingly defeated in any subsequent battle in India, then (the battle of) Plassey would
have remained as a minor episode in the history of India." Critically examine in 150 words.
10. "The Battle of Plassey that decided the fate of Bengal was won by Clive through intrigues."
Explain. (2014)

11. Comment on the French ambition of building a territorial empire in India. (2016)
12. After the Battle of Plassey, how did India transit from the medieval to the modern age?
13. Critically exanmine: "The Battle of Plassey (1757) thus marked the beginning of political
supremacy of the English East India Company in India." (2018)
14. "It was Dupleix who had first showed the way of intervening in disputes of the Indian
rulers and thereby acquiring political control over vast territories- a technique which was
later perfected by the English East India Company." Elaborate. (2020)

2. British Expansion in India

Bengal - Mir Jafar and Mir Kasim;
The Battle of Buxar;
The Marathas;
The three Anglo-Maratha Wars;
The Punjab.

1. "Thus ended the famous battle of Buxar,on which depended the fate of India and which
was as gallantly disputed as was important in its results." Comment in about 200 words.
2. Upon the whole, then, Iconclude that the treaty of Bassein was wise, just and a politic
measure.' Comment in about 200 words. (1986)
The revolution of 1760 (Bengal) was really no revolution.' Comment in about 200 words.
4. "... the hunt of the Pindaris became merged in the Third Maratha War.'Comment in about
200 words. (1989)

5. We have no right to seize Sind, yet we shall do so, and a very advantageous, useful and
human piece of rascality it will be.'Comment in about 200 words. (1990)
6. The British conquest of Sind was both a political and moralsequel to the first Afghan war.
Comment. (1995) H
7. "The verdict of Plassey was confirmed by the English victory at Buxar." Comment. (1996)

The treaty of Bassein, by its direct and indirect operations, gave the Company the Empire
of India.'Comment. (1993)

9. How did the British establish their Control over Maharashtra in the first two decades of the
19th century? Why did the Maratha challenge ultimately collapse? (1994)

10. Explain the British policy of 'Subordinate union' of Indian States with British India from
1858 to 1905. How did the Government of India implement this policy during this period?
11, This Anglo - Maratha War covering nearly nine years from the murder of Narayan Rao to
the Treaty of Salbye emphatically discloses the vitality of the Maratha nation which had
not been exhausted either by the disaster of Panipat or the death of their great Peshwa
Madhavrao.' Comment. (1995)
12. The British policy towards Indian States in 1818-1858 was one of "isolation and
noninterference tempered by annexation." Comment. (1996)
13. The British conguered India "in a fit of absent mindedness." Comment. (1997)

14. The British "fought the First Maratha War in a period when their fortunes were at the
lowest ebb". Comment. (1998)
15. Sir Charles Napier said, "We have no right to seize Sind, yet we shalldo so, and a very
advantageous, useful, human piece of rascality it will be". Comment. (2000)
16. 'Dalhousie changed the map of India with speed and thoroughness no campaign could
equal. Comment. (2001)
17. "The verdict at Plassey was confirmed by the English victory at Buxar." Comment. (2002)

The rise and expansion of British empire was an accident rather than the result of a
deliberate policy and design." Critically examine this statement. (2002)
19, The Treaty of Salbai (1782) was neither honourable to the English nor advantageous to
their interests.' Comment. (2004)
20. 'Upon the whole, then, I conclude that the treaty of Bassein was wise, just and a politic
measure.' Comment. (2005)
21. Examine the essential principles of the Subsidiary Alliance system. How far did it
contribute in makingthe British Company the supreme sovereign authority in India?
22. Examine the circumstances which led to the Third Mysore War. Could Cornwallis have
avoided it? (2006)
23. Why was Mysore- considered a threat by the British to their possessions and mercantile
interests in the south. Do you think that Tipu Sultan's posturing became his undoing?
24. How did the East Indian Company become the dejure powerin India? (2009)
25. "Punjab's fate after Ranjit Singh was foredoomed as the impulse of neo - Victorian
Imperialism was bound to overwhelm it." Elucidate. (2010)

26. 'Annexation of Punjab was part of a broad north-west frontier policy set in motion after
the exit of Maharaja Ranjit Singh." Critically examine. (2015)
27. "The Maratha polity disintegrated through internal stress." Critically comment in 150
words. (2017)
28. Underline the major considerations of the British imperial power that led to the
annexation of Punjab. (2017)
29. "Tipu Sultan was trying to build in Mysore a strong centralised and militarised state, with
ambitious territorial designs." Critically examine. (2019)
30. Do you subscribe to the view that the Anglo-French tussle in Carnatic demonstrated the
internal decay of the provincial chieftains of South India? (2019)
31. Critically examine (150 words): "Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839. His death was the
signal for an outburst of anarchy all over the Punjab." (2020)
32. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words: Tipu Sultan had little
success in setting forth a course of change significantly different from the general
experience of the 18th century crisis of Indian politics and society where publiclife tended
over and over to become a system of plundering. (2021)

33. The East India Company had thought that they had found an ideal puppet in Mir Kasim.
Mir Kasim, however, belied the expectation of the company. Examine critically. (2021)

34. While individually the Marathas were clever and brave,they lacked the corporate spirit so
essential for national independence. Discuss with reasons. (2021)

3. Early Structure of the British Raj

The early administrative structure; From diarchy to direct control; The Regulating Act (1773);
The Pitt's India Act (1784); The Charter Act (1833); The voice of free trade and the changing
character of British colonial rule; The English utilitarian and India.
1. Discuss the basic features of the judicial administration under the East India Company.
Did the British introduce the modem concept of the rule of law in India? (1986)

2. 'The national democratic awakening of the Indian people found expression of white
racism.' Comment in about 200 words. (1987)
Assess the impact of the utilitarian ideas in moulding the British attitude towards India.
How did the utilitarian try to solve the problem of land revenue? (1992)

4. What kind of administrative change were introduced in India under the East India
Company? (1993)
5. The British Indian State experienced the wind of change with the arrival of Lord Wiliam
Bentinck. Comment.
(19939)TH T
The object of the Act (Regulating) was good, but system that it established was
imperfect.' Comment. (2004)
7. "Sprung from paternalism, the English Utilitarian philosophy as introduced in India
rejected its human warmth between rulers and the ruled". Comment. (2008)
The Charter Act of 1833rung down the curtain on the Company's trade and introduced a
new concept of government in India." Substantiate. (2011)

9. "The Dual System of Government was a complete failure from the outset. In the first place,
the abuse of the private trade reached a greater height than ever. In the second place, the
demands of the Company for the increase led to gross oppression of the peasantry."
Examine. (2014)
10. Critically examine: The Regulating Act (1773), the Pitt's India Act (1784) and eventually the
Charter Act of 1833 left the East India Company as a mere shadow of its earlier political
and economic power in India." (2015)
11. "James Mill, the apostle of utilitarian philosophy, proposed a revolution of Indian society
through the'weapon of law' solely. But in actual policy framing, other influences and
considerations weighed much more than the colonial State." Elucidate. (2015)
12. "Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war." Examine this statement with
reference to Lord William Bentinck. (2016)
13. How far is it correct to say that if Clive was the founder of the British Empire in India,
Warren Hastings was its administrative organiser? (2016)
14, "The need to impose greater parliamentary control over the Company's affairs increased
during the decades (1773-1853) after Plassey". Elucidate. (2016)

15. How did the English utilitarian thinking impact India in the British era? (2021)

4. Economic Impact of British Colonial

(a) Land revenue settlements In British India; The Permanent Settlement; Ryotwarl
Settlement; Mahalwarl Settlement; Economic Impact of the revenue; arrangements;
Commercialization of agriculture; Rise of landless agrarian labourers; Impoverishment of the
rural society;
(b) Dislocation of traditional trade and commerce; De-industrlallsatlon; Decline of traditional
crafts; Drain of wealth; Economic transformation of India; Raiiroad and communication
network Including telegraph and postal services; Famine and poverty in the rural Interior;
European business enterprise and its limitations.
1. "Our system acts very much like a sponge, drawing up all the good things from the banks
of the Ganges, and squeezing them down onthe banks of the Thames." Comment in
about 200 words. (1985)
2. Show how British rule led to the spread of land-lordism in certain parts of India, and how
the peasant was progressively impoverished under this rule. (1985)
3. Bring out the pattern of commercialization of agriculture in the 19th century. Was ita
forced process for the vast majority of poorer peasants? (1986)
4. Trace the gradual decline of the Indian town handicrafts between 1757 and 1880. In what
way did it contribute to the economic unification of India? (1987)

5. "The impact of government on the people meant essentially the impact of government
on the village." Comment in about 200 words. (1988)

6. Identify the main features of industrial development in India from 1914 to 1947 with
special reference to the emergence of a class of factory labourers. (1989)

The hey-day of the British power in India was also the high noon of laissez faire' economic
doctrine.' Comment in about 200 words. (1990)
8. The role of the East India Company proved disastrous to the handicraft industry in India
for a number of reasons.' Comment. (1991)
9. Identify the distinct stages of colonialism in India. How did these stages affect the Indian
economy? (1991)
10. 'The permanent settlement of Bengal though initiated with best of intentions, was a sadly
blundering affairs.' Comment. (1993)

11 "The British Raj had a deeply racist aspect and itultimately existed to protect colonial
exploitation." Comment. (1994)
12. How do you account for the rise and growth of the Business enterprise in India during the
first half of the 20th century? (1994)
13. Economic changes in India from the late 1920s influenced the course of the country's
politics. Elucidate. (1995)

14. The changing life in Indian village marked best the impact of the British administration
on the Indian people. Explain, identifying the process and the extent of the change. (1996)

15. The Permanent Settlement was a "bold, brave and wise measure." Comment. (1997)

16. The Indian Middle Class firmly believed that "Britain had imposed a colonial economy on
India which had impoverished the country." Comment. (1999)
17. Discuss the view that the British rule brought about economic changes in India to serve
the needs of the imperial economy and establish a dependent form of
underdevelopment in this country. (2000)
18. 'The British industrial policy in the nineteenth century ruined the Indian handicrafts.'
Comment. (2001)

19. Discuss the main features of the 'Raiyatwari Settlement' in Soûth India. Did it satisfy the
aspirations of the peasantry? (2001) SUCCES
20. oO
"The recurring famines in the 19th centùry were the inevitable consequence of the British
policy and expose the real character of the paternal solicitude for the peasantry on the
part of the British administration." Examine this statement critically. (2002)
21. 'Absentee landlordism was a consequential feature of Bengal's Permanent land
settlement.' Comment. (2003)
22. 'India underwent suffering and mortality in the wake of recurring famines' in the later half
of the 19th century. Comment. (2003)

23. What was the impact of early British land policy on the 'village communities' of North
India? (2003)

24. 'Permanent Settlement disappointed many expectations and introduced the results that
were not anticipated.' Comment. (2004)

25. Discuss the causes that led to the 'economic drain' in Bengal following the Battle of
Plassey. (2004)
26. The impact of government on the people meant essentially the impact of government on
the village.'Comment. (2005)
27. Trace the development of the famine policy of the British in India between 1876 and 1921.
Did it provide relief to the people? (2005)

28. "A self-sufficient village, based on agriculture carried on with the primitive plough and
bullock-power, and handicrafts by means of simple instruments, wasa basic feature of
Pre-British Indian economy." Comment. (2006)

29. What do you mean by the commercialization of Indian agriculture? Discuss its results.
30. Examine the major factors shaping the British land-revenue policy in India. How it
affected Indian society? (2007)
31, Critically examine the impact of the famine policy on rural India. Describe the official
remedial measures undertaken. (2008)
32. Write a critique on the impact of the Drain Theory of Dadabhai Nauroji in the growth of
economicnationalism. (2008)
33. "Though the Permanent Settlement had serious defects, it gave tranquillity to the
countryside and stability to the government." Comment. (2009)
34. Critically evaluate: "Railway development in India provides an interesting instance of
private enterprise at public risk." (2010)

35. What role did the economic ideas plays in the early phase of the British rule in the
shaping of land tenure policy? (2010)

36. To what extent did the process of commercialization of agriculture affect the rural scene
in India? (2010)
37. "The need for unilateral transfer of funds to Britain was a constant factor and
a in fact,
progressively increased over time," Critically evaluate.
38. "Plantations and mines, jute mills, banking, insurance, shipping and export - import
concerns in India were run through a system of interlocking managing agencies." Critically
examine. (2012)
39. "The forces of free trade and the British determination to create a political and
administrative environmnent conducive to trade and investment had shaped the British
policy towards India in the first half of the nineteenth century."- Elucidate. (2012)

40. "The railways, instead of serving as the catalyst of an industrial revolution as in Western
Europe and the USA, acted in India as the catalyst of complete colonization'. - Examine.
41. "Ryotwari falls into three stages - early, middle and late, andthe only description common
to all is that it is a mode of settlement with small farmers, so small, indeed, that their
average holding is, on recent figures, only about 6V2 acres". Critically examine. (2013)

42. "Weaving", says R.C. Dutt, "was the national industry of the people and spinning was the
pursuit of milions of women." Indian textiles went to England and other parts of Europe,
to China and Japan and Burmaand Arabia and Persia and parts of Africa. Elucidate.
43. "Under the forceful thrust of British colonialism, Indian economy was transformed into a
colonial one, the structure of which was determined by the requirements of Britain's fast
developing industrial economy." Examine. (2015)

44. Critically examine the causes responsible for the phenomenon called 'deindustrialisation'
in India during the nineteenth century. (2016)

45. Critically comment in150 words: "The British railway construction policyin India
benefitted British economy in the nineteenth century." (2017)

46. Explain the factors responsible for the recurrence of famines in the nineteenth century.
What remedial measures were adopted by the British Indian Government? (2017)
47. Critically examine:"The passing of the land from the hands of the peasant proprietors into
the hands of non-cultivating landlords brought about increasing polarization of classes in
agrarian areas." (2018)

48. Critically examine: "Not until independence, when economic development became a
conscious and pursued policy, did the Railways begin to realize their potential for
assisting in the transformation of the Indian economy." (2019)

49. India has been the world leader in the field of hand spun and hand woven yarn and cloth
for many centuries. Many nationalist and Marxist critiques considered that the British
dominion deliberately shattered the traditional and world famous handicrafts of India.
Comment. (2021)

5. Social and Cultural Developments

The state of indigenous education, its dislocation; Orientalist – Anglicist controversy. The
introduction of western education in India; The rise of prss, literature and public opinion;
The rise of modern vernacular literature; Progress of scienice; Christian missionary activities in
1. Review the educational policy of the English East India Company. To what extent did it
serve the imperial interests of Great Britain? (1988)

2. 'Nowhere was the influence of the missionaries felt more than in relation to the women's
movement.'Comment in about 200 words. (1939)
3. What was the Anglicisit - Orientalist controversy about? How was it resolved and with
what results? (1990)
4. "India broke her British fetters with western hammers." Comment. (1997)
5. The Christian Missionary propaganda from 1813 onwards was "often insensitive and
wounding." Comment. (1999)

6. "India broke her British fetters with Western hammers." Comment. (2002)
7. Examine the impact of British rule on Indian Society in the 19th Century. (2004)
"The vernacular press in the nineteenth century was both newspaper as well as
'viewspaper* that enlightened the dormant masses". Comment. (2008)
9. "Orientalism produced a knowledge the past to service the needs of the Colonial State."
Elucidate. (2011)

10. "The vernacular press in nineteenth century India served not just as newspapers but more
importantly as views - papers." Comment. (2011)

11. "The current practice of categorization of 'Early Modem India' is based on a shift from the
old imperialist periodization of 'Muslim India'- British India' to the more secularist one of
'Medieval India' Modern India', which puts Indian history in a universalist chronological
structure. " Criticaly examine. (2012)
12. Do you agree with the view that the growth of vernacular literature in the 19th and the
20th centuries paved the way for Social reform and cultural revival in India? (2016)
13. Assess the role of press in arousing awareness on important social issues in the second
half of the nineteenth century. (2017)
14. What was the significance of Orientalist Anglicist controversy in nineteenth century India?
Analyse. (2018)

15. Examine the forces at work for the introduction of western education in India. Analyse the
thrust given to it by the Christian Missionaries. (2019)
16. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words: The introduction of
Western education transformed India in unforeseen ways. (2021)
17. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words: The Vernacular Press Act
of 1878 was designed for better control of the vernacular press and to empower the
government with more effective means of punishing and repressing seditious writings.
6. Social and Religious Movements in
Bengaland Other Areas
Ram Mohan Roy, The Brahmo Movement; Devendranath Tagore; Iswarchandra Vidyasagar;
The Young Bengal Movement; Dayanada Saraswati; The social reform movements in India
including Sati, widow remarriage, child marriage etc.; The contribution of Indian renaissance
to the growth of modem India; Islamicrevivalism - the Feraizi and Wahabi Movements.

1 "These religio-reform movements were national in content but religious in form. It was in
the later stages of our national existence, that nationalism found exclusively or
predominantly secular forms." Comment in about 200 words. (1985)

2. 'Rammohun thus presents a most instructive and inspiring study for the New India of
which he is the type and pioneer.' Comment in about 200 words. (1986)

3. To what extent did the socio-religious movements contribute to the emancipation of

women in the 19th century. (1993)

4. "The Widow Remarriage Act was, in many ways, a logical sequel to the abolition of Sati."
Comment. (1994)
5. "The religious reform movements of the 19th century were "endeavours to recast the old
religion (Hinduism) into a new form suited to meet the needs of the new society."
Comment. (1996)
6. The 19th century Indian renaissance was both an acceptance and rejection of western
values, Do you agree? (1997)
7. The Arya Samaj"did not, however,succeed in capturing the imagination of modem India
asa whole". Comment. (1998)
8 Discuss the important social reform legislations passed in the 19th century and elucidate
the reaction of Indian leaders to the measures adopted. (2000)
The national democratic awakening of the Indian people found expression also in the
religious sphere.' (2005)
10. "So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor who,
having been educated at their expense, pays not the least heed to them." Comment.
11. "Of the evils which corroded Indian society in the nineteenth century were probably those
stunted its womanhood." Comment. (2007)
12. How did social legislation in the nineteenth century improve the condition of women in
India? (2009)
13. "The Arya Samaj may quite logically be pronounced as the outcome of conditions
imported into India by the west." (Lala Lajpat Rai). Comment. (2009)

14. evaluate: "The educated middle class in the 19th century often found the domain
of reason to be oppressive, as it implied the historical,necessity of 'civilizing' colonial rule."
(2010) H
Discuss the extent to which the Indian Renaissance movement contributed towards the
rise of nationalist consciousness. (2010)

16. "Young Bengal left little distinctive or permanent impression on the plane of religion and
philosophy." Critically evaluate. (2011)

17. "The contact of the new Indian middle class with the West proved to be a catalyst. The
social and religious movements launched by Rammohan or Iswar ChandraVidyasagar
have to be understood in this context."- Elaborate. (2012)
18. SwamiVivekananda opined that "We should give our ancient spirituality and culture and
get it return Western science, technology, methods of raising the standard of life, business
integrity and technique of collective effort." Critically examine in 150 words. (2013)

19. "The first point to note is the continuing importance of religion and philosophy as vital
ingredients in the modern Indian Renaissance. Indeed, there is as much reason for
regarding it as a reformation as there is for treating it as a Renaissance." Critically examine.
20. "Though Sri Ramakrishna became the prophet of neo-Hinduismn, he never claimed to
have founded any new religion."Elaborate. (2014)
21. Swami Dayanand's philosophy represents both elements of extremism and social
radicalism." Substantiate. (2015)

22. Critically comment in 150 words: "The chief value of Raja's (Raja Rammohan Roy) labours
seems to lie in his fight against the forces of medievalism in India." (2017)
23. Critically comment in150 words: "The Arya Samaj may quite logically be pronounced as
the outcome of condition imported into India from the West." (2017)
24. Critically examine: "Faced with the challenge of the intrusion of colonial culture and
ideology, an attempt to reinvigorate traditional institutions and to realize the potential of
traditional culture developed during the nineteenth century." (2018)
25. Critically examine: "Two important intellectual criteria which informed the reform
movements were rationalism and religious universalism." (2019)
26. How far was the widowremarriage movement effective in arousing social concern for
Indian women? (2019)
27. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words:"In the initial stages, when
Indian nationalism was immature, just sprouting, it found expression in many liberal
religio-reform movements." (2020)

7. Indiah Response to British Rule

Peasant movements and tribal uprisings in the 18th and 19th centuries Including the Rangpur
Dhing (1783), the Kol Rebellion (1832), the Mopla Rebelion In Malabar (1841-1920), the Santal
Hul (1855), Indigo Rebellion (1859-60), Deccan Uprising (1875) and the Munda Ulgulan (1899
1900); The Great Revolt of 1857 - Origin, character, causes of failure, the consequences; The
shift In the character of peasant uprisings In the post-1857 period; the peasant movements of
the 1920s and 1930s.

"On the whole, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the so-called First National War of
Independence was neither First, nor National, nor a War of Independence." Comment in
about 200 words. (1985)
The roots of Moplah discontent were clearly agrarian...". Comment in about 200 words.
Itis sometimes asked by Ruling Chiefs, as well as by the public in India and in Europe
what our policy towards Native States is. I can tell you that the basis of the policy was laid
inQueen Victoria's Proclamation of 1858 and repeated in the Coronation message of His
Majesty the King Emperor.' Comment in about 200 words. (1986)

The British endeavoured as far as possible to live within a Ring-Fence and beyond that
they avoided intercourse with the chiefs.' Comment in about 200 words. (1987)
5. Identify the various forms of 'rural protest in India in the second half of the nineteenth
century. Were they expressions of anti-landlord or anti-foreign discontent? (1987)
6. "Whatever might have been its original character, it (Rebellion of 1857) s0on became a
symbol of challenge to the mighty British power in India." Comment in about 200 words.
7. Discuss briefly the tribal revolts in Eastern India from 1817 to 1857. Were they directed
against land lordism and colonialism? (1988)
If the paramount power castits imperial cloak over the princes, it was also entitled to see
that what was sheltered was in the main creditable.' Comment in about 200 words.
9. The roots of the Moplah uprising (1921) were clearly agrarian. Do you agree? (1990)

10. Discuss the origins and character of major peasant and tribal uprisings in the late 18th and
19th centimes'. Were these protest movements backwards - looking? (1992)
11. "The new attitude of caution and conservatism can detected in almost every sphere of
British activity in India after the Revolt of 1857." Comment. (1994)

12. Tribal movements should be viewed as "History from below". Discuss the objectives &
nature of the movements in 19th C. India. (1997)
13. Examine the nature of the Revolt of 1857 and indicate the manifold changes in British civil
and military administration of India after 1857. (1998)
14. Do you believe that the uprising in 1857 was nationalist in nature? If not, what was its
character (1999)

15. The 1921 Moplah rebellion was'in essence an expression of long - standing agrarian
discontent which was intensified by the religious and ethnic identity". Comment. (2000)
16. Towards the Princes, Canning adopted a policy of "punishing resistance and rewarding
obedience". Comment.(2000)
17. 'The tribal and peasant rebellion laid the foundation of the revolt of 1857.' Comment.
18. "Whatever might have been its original character, it (Rebelion of 1857) soon became a
symbolof challenge to the mighty British power in India.' (2005)
19. "The Revolt of 1857 seemed to call the very presence of the British into question. What it
did not do was reverse these changes." Comment. (2007)

20. "The annexation of Awadh shook the loyalty of the Sepoys, as it was for them an ultimate
proof of untrustworthiness of the British." Comment. (2009)

21. "In 1857, the rebal sepoys showed remarkable centripetal tendency to congregate at
Delhi." Do you agree? Substantiate. (2011)
22. "Tribals revolted more often and far more violently than any other community including
peasants to India." Elaborate. (2011)
The peasant movements of the second
half of the nineteenth century lackeda positive
conception of an alternative society a conception which would unite the people in a
common struggle on a wide regional and all- India plane and help develop long - term
political developments." Critically examine in 150 words. (2012)

24. "The Santhal hool began in July 1855. The core of the movement was economic, the basic
cause of the uprisingwas agrarian discontent. "- Elucidate. (2012)

25. "The military, feudal and traditional overtones of the Revolt of 1857 were overshadowed by
its nationalist or protonationalist character." Critically examine in 150 words. (2014)

26. Critically examine: "The Indigo Revolt of 1859-60 holds a very significant place in our
history of national liberation movement. For the first time in the history of our anti -
colonial struggle, its two independent currents- spontaneous peasant resistance and
constitutional agitation in defence of the peasantry came into mutual contact." (2015)
27. Analyze the nature of peasant movements during the nationalist phase and bring out
their shortcomings. (2015)
28. "The Mutiny of 1857 was much more than a Mutiny of Sepoys and much less than a
National Rebellion." Comment. (2016)

29. How far is it correct to say that the 19th century tribal uprisings are a part of subalterns
nationalism. (2016)
30. Discuss the nature of peasant movements under the Kisan Sabhas during 1920-1940.
31. Was the Moplah Rebellion in Malabar an expression of anti-landlord and antiforeign
discontent? Discuss. (2018)
32. Critically e x a min e: the Kol, Insurrection was mainly à war of the tribal inhabitants of
Chotanagpur against the non-tribal settlers and service-holders." (2019)

33. For long, the Revolt of 1857, has been mistaken to be a mere mutiny of the Indian sepoys
in the Bengal army. However, its causes need to be searched for not only in the
dissatisfaction of the army, but in a long drawn process of fundamental social and
economic change that upset the peasant communities. Discuss. (2020)
34, Do you feel that the Santhal Hool (rebellion) 1855-56, was the most effective tribal
movement in pre-1857 India? (2020)

8. Factors leading to the birth of Indian

Politics of Association; The Foundation of the Indian National Congress; The Safety-valve
thesis relating to the birth of the Congress; Programme and objectives of Early Congress; the
social composition of early Congress leadership; the Moderates and Extremists; The Partition
of Bengal (1905); The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal; the economic and political aspects of
Swadeshi Movement; The beginning of revolutionary extremism In India.
The Ilbert Bill was the most extreme but by no means isolated expression of white
racism.' Comment in about 200 words. (1987)
'Curzon was an unconscious catalyst who did not understand, let alone desire, what the
new century was about to bring forth, but who helped it to be born.' Comment in about
200 words. (1989)
The tragedy of Curzon lay in that, with such abundance of trained talent; he was denied
the crowning qualities. He was never an administrator of the first rank. Comment in
about 200 words. (1991)
4. Discuss 'the safety valve' theory. Does it satisfactorily explain the foundation of the Indian
National Congress? (1991)

5. 'It was in this almost unrecognizable form that the Ilbert Bill was finally enacted... it was
primarily a failure of the Viceroy'. Comment. (1992)
6. "India after 1905 had new interests and objectives and compelled new lines of policy."
Comment. (1996)
7. "Curzon's partition of Bengal gave the unwitting initiative to events of magnitude and
returned many years later to port with the cargo of freedom." Comment. (1997)
8. To what extent was the emergence of the Congress in 1885 the culmination of a process
of political awakening that had its beginning in the 1870s? (2000)
9. Examine the economic and social factors which ledto the rise of Indian nationalism in the
second half of the nineteenth century. (2001)
10. 'Rabindranath Tagore's nationalism was based on a Catholic internationalism.' Comment.
11. Analyse the social composition of the early Congress Jeadership. (2009)
12. "At the dawn of the twentieth century Curzon, the Viceroy of India, was
Lord full of
hostility towards the Indian National Congress and he confidentially reported to the
Secretary of State in November 1900: My own belief is that the Congress is tottering to its
fall, and one of my greatest ambitions while in India is to assist it to a peaceful demise."
Examine. (2013)
13. "The 'safety-valve thesis' does not adequately explain the birth of the Indian National
Congress in 1885." Critically examine in 150 words. (2014)
14. "Politics remained for the bulk of the Moderates very much a part-time affair. The
Congress was nota political party, but an annual three-day show..." Elucidate. (2014)
15. "The Anti-Partition Agitation (1909) had an economic character in Bengal unlike the
Extremist Agitation in Maharashtra which had a religious character." Examine. (2014)
16. Explain "Constructive Swadeshi" characterised by Atmashakti (self-reliance), which
propelled the SwadeshiMovement in Bengal. (2016)
17. Can methods and policies of the moderates be referred to as 'political mendicancy'?
18. How far was the drain theory a focal point of nationalist critique of colonialism? (2019)
19. How would you explain the major trends of the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal? (2019)
20. behaviour the Indian National Congress in its early career was never a
In its political
radical organisation, besides the founders of the Congress involved A.0. Hume in their
project. Do these facts verify that the Congress was founded as a 'Safety valve? Explain.
21. examine the following statement in about 150 words: In the first decade of the
20th century, the atmosphere was ripe for the emergence of revolutionary groups to fill
up the vacant space in the political map of the country. (2021)

22. What were the various ways in which nationalism manifested itself in India during
colonial rule? (2021)

9. Rise of Gandhi
Character of Gandhian nationalism; Gandhi's popular appeal; Rowlatt Satyagraha; the
Khilafat Movement; the Non-cooperation Movement; National politics from the end of the
Non-cooperation movement to the beginning of the Civil Disobedience movement; the two
phases of the Civil Disobedience Movement; Simon Commission; The Nehru Report; the
Round Table Conferences; Nationalism and the Peasant Movements; Nationalism and
Working class movements; Women and Indian youth and students in Indian politics (1885
1947); the election of 1937 and the formation of ministries; Cripps Mission; the Quit India
Movement; the WavellPlan; The Cabinet Mission.
1, Identify the main strands in the Civil Disobedience Movement with particular reference to
the changing role of 'business pressures' in the country. (1985)
2. How would you explain Gandhijis'rise to power or'capture' of national leadership in the
course of 1919-20? Was it a very skillful top-level political game? (1987)

3. "The Simla Conference (1945) afforded the last opportunity of the forces of nationalism to
fight a reargued action to preserve the integrity of the country and when the battle was
lost, the waves of communalism quickly engulfed it." Comment in about 200 words.
4. at various levels, the National Movement assumed social, cultural
At different periods and
andeconomic dimensions. Amplify. (1988)
5. What led to the Caste Movements in Western and Southern India? How did they affect
the local socio-political life? (1989)
6. Analyse the main contours of Non-Brahmin Movements in Western and South India in the
nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries. (1991)
7. Show how the Civil Disobedience was marked by much scattered potentially radical
manifestations. Was the KarachiCongress an indication of certain basic weakness of the
entire movement? (1992)
The nationalist political movements for liberation such as the non - cooperation and civil
disobedience movements and their leadership depended heavily on the peasantry.'
Comment. (1993)
9. Gandhi restrained mass - movements yet he retained his popularity among the masses.
How do you explain this paradox? (1994)

10. Trace the course and comment on the character of caste movements in south India in the
20th century. How far were their object achieved? (1995)
11. Trace the course of the people's movement in Indian States after 1937. How did the
Congress leadership react to it? (1996)
12. "Gandhi's mystique consisted of a union of original ideas with a remarkable flair for tactics
and an uncanny insight in the mass mind." Elucidate. (1999)

13, The Quit India Movement was a spontaneous revolt of the people against British rule.'
Comment. (2001)
14. "Gandhi restrained mass movements, yet he retained his popularity among the masses.'
Comment. (2002)
15. 'In the summer of 1942, Gandhi was in a strange and unigquely militant mood.'Comment.
16. Trace the factors which led toa split in the INC in 1907. What was its impact on the course
of the nationalist movement? (2003)
17. Analyse the factors responsiblefor the Civil Disobedience movement (1930-31). How far
were its aims realised in the Government of India Act of 1935? (2005)

18. "At Karachi in 1931,the Congress defined what Swaraj would mean for the masses."
Comment. (2007)
19. the circumstances leading to the alliance between the Khilafat and
NonCooperation Movements. Was it apolitically wise step on the part of the Congress?
20. "Is moral law, the law of conscience, higher than the law of the state, which is oppressive?"
(Gandhi, 1922). Comment. (2008)

21. Do you think that the Quit India movement was a Spontaneous Revolution? (2009)
22. Critically evaluate: "The active participation of Aruna Asaf Ali in 1942 movement
symbolized the role of women in India's freedom sttuggle.' (2010)

23. "Many of us who worked for the Congress programme lived in a kind of intoxication
during the year 1921. We were full of excitement and optimisim... We had a sense of
freedom and a pride in that freedom." Critically examine in 150 words. (2013)
24. "Gandhi's body is in jail but his soulis with you, India's prestige is in your hands, you must
not use any violence under any circumstances. You will be beaten but you must not resist;
you must not raise hand to ward off blows." Critically examine in 150 words. (2013)

25. "M.K Gandhi made a gross mistake in cham-pioning the Khilafat cause, an extraterritorial
issue which cut at the very roots of Indian nationality." Critically examine in 150 words.
26. "... instead of rejecting the plan (Cabinet Mision Plan), they (the Congress Leadership)
resorted to a half-baked legalistic stratagem to reserve their position on its long-term
arrangements and accepted its short-term provisions." Critically examine (2014)
27. To what extent did the Freedom Movement in India influence the Liberation Movement in
Africa? (2014)

28. Critically examine: "This retention of Rowlatt legislation in the teeth of universal
opposition is an affront to the nation. Its repeal is necessary to appease national honour."
29. The Royal Indian Navy Revolt was seen as an event which marked the end of the British
rule almost as finally as Independence Day." Explain. (2015)

30. "To characterize the Quit India Movement as 'Spontaneous Revolution' would be partial
interpretation, so also would be to look up at it as the culmination of Gandhian
Satyagraha movements." Elucidate. (2015)

31. What significant role did women play in the Indian National Movement? (2016)
32. How did Dr. B. R. Ambedkar try to seek a political solution to the problem of caste in
India? (2016)
33. Explain why the efforts at finding solution to India's constitutional impasse failed during
1942-1946. (2017)

34. Discuss how the Satyagrahas of Gandhiremoved the spell of fear among Indians and thus
knocked off an important pillar of imperialism. (2017)
35. Critically comment in 150 words: "Sri Narayana Guru's was a major intervention in the
social reform movement from a subaltern perspective." (2017)
36. Do youconsider the suspension of Non-Cooperation Movement a "national calamity"?
(2018) H TO SUCeT
37. Critically examine: "The Cripps Mission was plagued throughout and ultimately
torpedoed." (2019)

38. Why is the Quit India Movement characterised as a 'Spontaneous Revolution'? Did it
accelerate the process of Indian independence? (2019)
39. examine the following statement in about 150 words: "In the early twentieth
century, there came into existence a number of women's organisations, which operated
more actively in the public arena and focused more directly on women's political and
legal rights."(2020)
40. Do you agree with the fact that the virtual failure of the Non-Cooperation Movement and
the gloom that descended on the nationalist scene, created conditions for revolutionary
activities? Discuss. (2020)
41. "In the divided and contestable space of Indian politics, Gandhiji could claim for himself a
centrist position because he alienated neither and tactically combined the goal of the
moderates with the means of the extremists." Discuss. (2020)
42. The same Gandhiji who withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement on the issue of
violence at Chauri-Chaura, refused to condemn people's violence during the Quit India
Movement. Do you think that he was losing faith in the efficacy of non-violence and was
willing to deviate from this path? Elucidate. (2021)

10. Constitutional Developments in the
Colonial India between 1858 and 1935
1. What changes did the British attitude undergo towards the Princely states after 1858?
Was the Government of India Act of 1858 intended to introduce direct relations between
the Princes and the Crown? (1985)
2. "Dyarchy was introduced with high hopes and it must be said that, on a theoretical
analysis and if worked under ideal conditions, it is not without merits." Comment in about
200 words. (1988)
3. The relations of the Native States, however conducted are essentially with the British
Crown and not with the Indian Government.'Comment. (1991)

4. No native state should be left to exist in India which is not upheld by the British power or
the political conduct of which is not under the absolute control.' Comment. (1992)
Please remember, in granting separate electorates, we are sowing dragon's teeth the
harvest will be bitter.'Comment. (1992)
6. The Government of India from Canning to Curzon was regarded "as a white man's burden
rather than as a call to creative effort or the preparation for a new era." Comment. (1995)
7. The Diarchy provided by the Montford reforms "certainly creâted suspicion without and
frictions within." Comment. (1995)
8. The Montague Declaration (20 August 1917) was observed more closely in the "realm of
imperial relations" than anything else. Comment. (1998)

9. Explain the attitude of the Indian National Congress towards the constitutional changes
of 1909, 1919 and 1935. (1998)
10. "Please remember, in granting separate electorates we are sowing the dragon's teeth and
the harvest will be bitter." (Morley). Comment. (2009)
11. "Though the Act of 1919 was superseded by that of 1935, the preamble to the former was
not repealed- the preservation of the smile of the Cheshire cat after its disappearance,
and the latter said nothing about Dominion Status." Elucidate. (2013)
12. "Montague-Chelmsford reform proposals introduced 'dyarchy', but blurred the lines of
responsibility." Critically examine in 150 words. (2014)

13. "Although the Government of India Act of 1935 replaced dyarchy with Provincial
Autonomy, the overriding powers of the Governor diluted the spirit autonomy." Elucidate.
14. Critically examine: "An ideology of paternalistic benevolence, occasionally combined with
talk of trusteeship and training towards self-government, thinly veiled the realities of a Raj
uncompromisingly white and despotic." (2018)
15. Could Dyarchy (1919)satisfy the national sentiments of the Indians? (2018)
16. Is it justified to say that the Government of Ihdia Act of 1935 had all brakes, but no engine?
17. Discuss the major constitutional developments in India after 1858 and their impact on
society and polity. (2021)

11. Other strands in the National

The Revolutionaries: Bengal, the Punjab. Maharashtra. U.P, the Madras Presidency. Outside
India. The Left; The Left within the Congress: Jawaharlal Nehru. Subhas Chandra Bose, the
Congress Socialist Party; the Cormmunist Party of India, other left parties.
1, Account for the rise and growth of Leftwing within the Congress. Did Jawaharlal Nehru
believe in a socialistic approach to Indian and world problems and if so why? (1986)
'The National Movement has shown concern for problems other than the constitutional
one.' Discuss the factors that helped the rise of a left wing in the Indian National Congress.
3. Account for the rise and growth of leftism in the Congress movement. What impact did it
have on contemporary Indian politics? (1997)
4. "The ideology of Subhash Chandra Bose was a combination of nationalism, fascism and
communism." Comment. (2002)
rshio al)SUCCES
5. Discuss the nature of the leadership and programme of the Congress Socialist Party.
6. Examine the causes of the rise and progress of revolutionary movements in India from
1905 to 1931. (2003)
7. Account for the emergence of the left-wing within the Congress. How far did it influence
the programme and Policy of Congress? (2006)
8. Describe the changing nature of revolutionary activities in India between 1905-1946.
9. "The emergence of left-wing group in the Congress radicalized the social and economic
agenda." Critically evaluate. (2011)

10. Critically examine: "The very idea of the bomb and the secret society and of propaganda
through action and sacrifice were imports from the West". (2015)
11. A powerful left wing group developed in India in the late 1920s and 1930s, contributing
to the radicalization of national movement." Critically examine. (2015)
12. Trace the origin of the Ghadar movement and discuss its impact on the in India. (2017)

13. Underline the growth of various forms of Socialist ideologies in the Indian National
Movement between World Wars I and II. (2018)
14. Assess the roles of Subhas Chandra Bose in India's struggle for independence. (2019)
15. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words: "The Trade Union
Movement in India not only supported the call for national struggle at critical junctures,
but also impacted its course and character in several ways." (2020)
the following statement in about 150 words: The rise of the Communist
Critically examine
Movement in India in the 1920s lent a militant and revolutionary content to the Trade
Union Movement. (2021)

S 12. Politics of Separatism

Politics of Separatism; the Muslim League; the Hindu Mahasabha; Communalism and the
politics of partition; Transfer of power; Independence.
1. Examine the main aspects of Muslim Leaque politics fronm 1937 to 1947. Was the partition
of the country un-avoidable? (1989)
2. Lord Mountbatten came with an order to organise retreat, in military parlance-an
operation.' Comment in about 200 words. (1990)

3. Mountbatten's task was, therefore, merely to work out details and effect the partition,
demanded by the League and accepted by both British Government and the Congress;
and this the new Viceroy moved commandingly to perform.' Comment. (1993)
4. "To glorify the strength of the Congress and deny that of the League is to be blind."
(P.C.Joshi, 1945). Comment.(1994) TO SUC
5. The Pakistan movement converted a cultural and religious entity of a people into a
separatist politicalforce. Elucidate. (1996)
6. "Both freedom and partition were the work of Indian middle classes." Comment. (1998)
7. Trace the origin and growth of the Indian Muslim League. (1999)

8 We are therefore unable to advise the British Government that the power which at
present resides in British hands should be handed over to two entirely separate sovereign
States.' Comment. (2004)
9. "I felt that if we did not accept partition, India would be split into many bits and would be
completely ruined." Comment. (2006)

10. "There is no other instance in the history of mankind of a poet and philosopher working
such a miracle in shaping the destiny of his people." (A Tribute to M. Iqbal) Comment.
11. Discuss as to why the Congress accepted the partition of India in 1947. (2009)
12. "The developments during 1937 - 1939 greatly undermined the ability of the Indian
National Congress to push through the agenda of national unity." Comment. (2010)

13. "Why did the British finally quit India on 15th August 1947? The Imperialist answer is that
independence was simply the fulfilment of Britain's self-appointed mission to assist the
Indian people to self-government." Examine. (2014)
14. Critically examine the turns and twists in the politics of partition in 1930's and 1940's.
15. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words: "Based on his discussion
with Indian leaders, as well as his own perception, Lord Mountbatten soon came to the
conclusion that partition was the only practica ble and feasible solution." (2020)

13. Consolidation as a Nation

Consolidation as a Nation; Nehru's Foreign Policy; India and her neighbours (1947-1964); The
linguistic reorganisation of States (1935-1947); Regionalism and regional Inequality;
Integration of Princely States; Princes in electoral politics; the Question of National Language.
The new India was not to be built up, as late nineteenth century patriots had thought, by
copious draught from the past, but rather by frequent injections from the energetic
contemporary west.' Comment in about 200words. (1990)
2. Jawaharlal Nehru was the architect of India's policy of non-alignment. In the light of this
statement discuss India's relations with the two 'Power Blocks' between 1947-1964. (2001)
3. Analyse Indian foreign policy of Nonalignment between 1947 and 1964. (2004)
4. "With great skilland masterful diplomacy and using both persyasion and pressure, Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel succeeded in integrating the hundreds of princely states with the
Indian Union. Discuss. (2007) TO SUC
5. Would you agree that India's effort to pursue an independent foreign policy wasa
highlight of post - 1947 politics? (2011)

6. "Nehru's policy of Non-Alignment came to symbolize the struggle of India and other
newly independent nations to retain and strengthen their independence from
colonialism."Critically examine in 150 words. (2012)
7. "The reorganization resulted in rationalizing the political map of India without seriously
weakening its unity. If anything, its result has been functional, in as much as it removed
what had been a major source of discord, and created homogeneous political units which
could be administered through a medium that the vast majority of the population
understood. Indeed it can be said with the benefit of hindsight that language, rather than
being a force for division, has proved a cementing and integrating influence." Examine.

8 "Sardar Patel accomplished a silent revolution by ensuring the absorption and

assimilation of a multitude principalities without shedding even a drop of blood."
Elucidate. (2014)
"India's need fora federal system was more an imperative than a political choice." Do you
agree? (2016)
10. Throw light on the nature of 'Instrument of Accession' and 'StandstillAgreement' signed
by the Princely State with the Indian Union. (2017)

11. Critically examine: "States' reorganization did not, of course, resolve all the problems
relating to linguistic conflicts." (2018)

12. "After Indian Independence India-China relations started on a high note, but during the
course of the coming years India had to face a bitter experience due to the Chinese
aggression." Elaborate. (2020)

The Reorganisation of the States on the basis of language was a major aspect of national
consolidation and integration". Comment. (2020)
14. How was the Princely States integrated in the Indian Union after the partition? What role
did Sardar Patel play in it? (2021)

14. Caste and Ethnicity after 1947

Caste and Ethnicity after 1947; Backward castes and tribes In postcolonial electoral politics;
Dalit movements.
1. "In exercising its exclusive power, the Parliament additionally enacted the Untouchability
(Offences) Act in 1955." Comment. (2008)
Discuss the factors that led to the growth of Dalit consciousness and mention the major
movements aimed at their empowerment. (2010)
3. "Nehru favoured the policy of integrating the traibal people in Indian society, of making
them an integral part of the Indian nation even while rmaintaining their distinct identity
andculture."- Elaborate with special reference to Northeastern India. (2012)
4. "Notwithstanding the quest for modernity and the antagonism that guided Nehru's
attitude towards the inequalities inherent in the social structure in rural India, the
Congress Party did not carry out a concerted campaign against discrimination based on
caste. Nehru's own perception was that industrial growth was bound to break the
stanglehold of this feudal remnant. This, however, did not happen in India." Examine.
5. "Dalit Movements for empowerment in independent India have essentially been for
carving out political space through electoral politics." Discuss. (2014)

6. Analyse various trends in Dalit Movements in various parts of post-independent India.

7. Discuss the changing nature of Dalit assertion in India in the twentieth century. (2021)
15. EconomicDevelopment and Political
Economic development and political change; Land reforms; the politics of planning and rural
reconstruction; Ecology and environmentalpolicy In post-colonial India; Progress of science.
1. "Having won political freedom, India had to win economic and cultural freedom."
Comment, (1995)
"Nehru's 'temple of Modem India' consisted not only of steel and power plants, irrigation
dams, but included institutions of higher learning particularly in the scientific field."
Elaborate. (2011)
The Chipko became famous as the first major environmental movement in post - colonial
India and gave rise to the understanding that environmental issues are often women's
issues be cause they suffer most from its deterioration." - Explain. (2012)
4. "Jawaharlal Nehru, though a declared socialist, was pragmatist enough to focus on
providing building blocks to the making of a new India.". Examine. (2015)

5. Critically examine the nature and scope of environmental movements in Independent

India. (2016)
6. How far the developments in science and technology in post - Independence period put
India on the path of modernity? (2017)
7. Trace the development of land reforms in India between 1947 and early 1960's. (2018)
8. How did the introduction of Community Development Programme and Panchayati Raj
promote welfare of rural India? (2019)
9. Planning was seen as a powerful instrument that could be used to remove regional
inequality, Examine. (2020)
16. Enlightenment and Modern ideas
Enlightenment and Modern ideas: Major Ideas of Enlightenment: Kant, Rousseau: Spread of
Enlightenment in the colonies; Rise of socialist Ideas (up to Marx); spread of Marxian
1. What is meant by the 'rediscovery of ancient civilization'? Show how the 'New Learning'
was a major element in the beginning of Modem Europe. (1986)
2. "Attempts to put mercantilist doctrine into practice characterised the history of most of
the nations of Western European in the 16th and 17th centuries." Comment in about 200
words. (1988)
The discovery of the new world,coinciding with the swift diffusion of printed books,
taught the Europeans that "Truth", in Bacon's noble phrase, "is the daughter not of
authority, but of time." Comment in about 200 words. (1989)
The Renaissance was the discovery of the world and of man' Comment in about 200
words. (1990)

His (Martin Luther's) rebellion was essentially popular & national.'Comment. (1991)
The Heavenly Land system was significant in that it greatly expanded the idea of
equalizing rich and poor and landowing which the peasant wars had put forward in the
past.' Comment. (1991)
7. Assess the intellectual awakening which occurred in Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries. How did it influence modem society and civilization. (1993)

8.The Renaissance was not a political or religious movement. It was a state of mind."
Comment. (1994)
The Renaissance and the Reformation are the twO springs of modern history, rival sources
of the intellectual and moral freshening of modem life." Comment. (1995)

10. "The era of discovery and exploration was but another aspect of the Renaissance interest
in the world and man." Comment. (1996)

11, "The Peace of Westphalia ended the reign of theology over the European mind and left
the road obstructed but passable for the tentative of reason." Comment. (1997)
12. "Of all forms assumed by the Protestant Reformation, Calvinism has been the most far
reaching in its scope and the most profound in its influence." Comment. (2000)
13. 'Marxian Communism is primarily the offspring of German Hegelianism and French
Socialism.' Comment. (2001)

14. The Renaissance was the discovery of the world and of man.' Comment. (2002)
15. 'RouSseau's political philosophy contains the seeds of Socialism, Absolutism and
Democracy.'Comment. (2004)
16. "The Renaissance schofars laid the eggs which Luther, the father of the Reformation, later
on hatched." Discuss. (2006) H
Give reasons for the origin of the Renaissance in Italy. (2007)

18. "The Enlightenment represented alternative approaches to modernity, alternative habits

of mind and heart, of conscience and sensibility." Discuss. (2008)

19. "France was more fertile than Britain in producing new Socialist theories and movements,
though they bore less concrete results in France than in Britain". Comment. (2008)

20. Critically evaluate: "... he (Voltaire)was living in the Age of Enlightenment.. The age itself
was not enlightened."- E. Kant. (2010)

21. "The promptings of the heart are more to be trusted than the logic of the mind." -
Rousseau. Critically evaluate. (2011)

22. "The despotic rulers of Europe were influences by the philosophy of Enlightenment and
began to follow a benevolent policy towards their subjects." Critically examine. (2012)
23. "For Kant, Enlightenment is mankind'sfinal coming of age, the emancipation of the
human consciousness from an immature state of ignorance and error." Critically examine.
24. "Rousseau strove to reconcile the liberty of the individual and the institution of
Government through a new vision of the Contract-Theory of Government." Critically
examine. (2014)
25. "Enlightened despots (Europe) were not necessarily politically liberal." Critically examine
in 150 words. (2014)

26. "If vwe were to define our conception of the State, our answer would be that the State is
the banker of the poor.The government would finance and supervise the purchase of
productive equipments and the formation of social workshops." In light of the above
statement of Louis BlanC, throwlight on the Pre-Marxist Socialist Thought in Europe.
27. Critically examine: "France was even more fertile than Britain in producing new socialist
theories and movements, though bore less concrete results in France than Britain." (2015)
28. "The oppressive exploitation of the working class in the wake of Industrial Revolution had
jolted the social conscience of England." Elucidate. (2015)

29. Karl Marx applied his critical intelligence to Wealth of Nations... Where Smith had seen
only the sunlight, Marx saw only the shadows thrown upon the human scene by the
unimpeded exercise of individual liberty..." Elucidate. (2016)
30. Critically examine in 150 words: "Kant's redefinition of reason and his rehabilitation of
conscience marked a high point in the intellectual reaction against dominant rationalism
of the Enlightenment." (2017)
31. Critically examine: "With the writings of Karl Marx, Socialism assumed the form of
ScientificSocialism." (2018)

32. Explain the major ideas of Enlightenment. Discuss the contribution of Rousseau in
Enlightenment. (2018)
Critically examine: How would you explain
33. the nature of pre-Marxian Socialism? (2019)
34. "The principles of Enlightenment were in some ways a continuation of the discoveries and
theories of the Scientific Revolution." (2020)
35. What was "enlightened" about the Age of Enlightenment? (2021)

17.Origins of Modern Politics

Origins of Modern Politics: European States System; American Revolution and the
Constitution; French revolution and aftermath, 1789- 1815; American Civil War with reference
to Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery; British Democratic Politics, 1815-1850;
Parliamentary Reformers, Free Traders, Chartists.

1, "What mattered in 1789-and what made men revolutionary almost in spite of themselves
was the whole revolutionary situation'; and in producing that situation the work of the
philosophers played no very important role." Comment in about 200 words. (1985)
2. Napoleon was the childof the Revolution, but in many ways he reversed the aims and
principles of the movement fromn which he sprang..." Comment in about 200 words.
If could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by

freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving
others alone, I would also do that.' Comment in about 200 words. (1986)
4. Account for the emergence of the national monarchies in Europe in the sixteenth century.
Did the monarchs build the national states less by design than by chance? (1987)

5. "At the newsof the Declaration of Independence crowds gathered to cheer, fire guns and
cannon and ring church bells in Philadelphia. Boston and other places, but there were
many people in America who did not rejoice." Comment in about 200 words. (1988)
6. Examine the view that the thirty years war (1618-1648) was essentially a contest between
the Bourbon and Hapsburg houses for mastery of the Continent of Europe. How far did it
settle the issue? (1988)
7. Louis XIV 'was the first French sovereign to make of monarchy a serious profession.'
Comment in about 200 words. (1989)
8. The French Revolution (1789) really achieved far less than what it intended to effect. Do
you agree? (1989)

The American war of Independence transformed Europeans as well as America.'
Comment in about 200 words. (1990)
10. What issues involved in the conflict between the King and Parliament in England in the
seventeenth century? Discuss. (1990)
11. 'French political writers of the eighteenth century were influenced by Locke and also by
the curious contrasts which they perceived between the government of his country and
their own.Comment. (1991)
12. Discuss the view that Louis XIV of France wasa great king-'the grand monarch.'(1991)

13. Examine the issues involved in the American CivilWar. Was it a contest between two
separate nations? (1991)
14. The sponsors of the overseas expansion of Europe were national monarchies.' Comment.
15. 'Napoleon was the child of the Revolution, but in many ways he reversed the aims and
principles of the movement from which he sprang.' Comment. (1992)

16. From the Thirty Years War finally emerged the modern state system of Europe. Do you
agree? (1992)
The scale, splendour and organized power of the monarchy of Louis XIV was something
new in Europe.' Comment. (1993)

18. The American Revolution "was a natural and even expected event in the history of
colonial people who had come of age." Comment. (1995)
19. The French Revolution (1789) sought to remove both "the religious and secular props of
the existing social order." Elucidate. (1996)
20. "If monarchical misrule ignited the French revolution, lofty ideas both inspired and
sustained it." Comment. (1997)
21. "The Bill of Rights (1688) set the seal on Parliamentary supremacy in England." Comment.
(1997) K
22. The American War of Independence "deprived Great Britain of one empire, but it
strengthened the foundations of another." (1998)

23. To some extent,the American War of Independence inspired the French Revolution.
Comment. (1999)
24. How did Napolean Bonaparte heal the wounds of France inflicted by the Revolution and
corrected the errors perpetrated by its leaders? (2000)
25. 'The Napoleonic Empire was doomed because of its inherent and self-defeating
contradictions.' Elucidate. (2001)
26. 'If monarchical misrule ignited the French Revolution, lofty ideas both inspired and
sustained it.' Comment. (2002)
27. 'The French Revolution attacked privileges and not property.' Comment. (2003)

28. `Napoleon was the child of the Revolution, but in many ways he reversed the aims and
principles of the movement from which he sprang..." Comment. (2004)
29. Review the background of the Chartist Movement. Despite its failure how had their
demands been met in the succeeding years? (2004)
30. Though reform was inevitable, the Act (1832) by which it was accomplished was open to
grave criticism.' Comment. (2005)

31. The writings aof thephilosophers had a tremendous influence on the minds of the people
and created revolutionary awakening in their minds and formed the intellectual creed
of the French Revolution.'Comment. (2005)

What were the factors that worked in the drafting of the American Constitution? Do you
agree with Beard's view of the constitution being an Economic Document? (2005)
33. "No taxation without representation." Comment. (2006)
34. "A clever conqueror will always impose his demands on the conquered by installments."
Comment. (2006)
35. "No event as encompassing as the French Revolution occurs in an intellectual vacuum.
Comment. (2007)

36. How did Napoleon Bonaparte fuse the old France with the new? (2009)

37. How far is it correct to say that every feature of American Constitution was ultimately of
English origin? (2010)

38. To what extend did Napoleon's economic war with England become his undoing? (2010)
The roots of Chartism and partly political and partly economic." Elaborate. (2011)

40. The American Revolution was essentially an economic conflict between American
capitalism and British mercantilism." Critically examine. (2012)

41. "The connection between the philosophers' ideas and the outbreak of the French
Revolution (1789) is somewhat remote and indirect." Critically examine. (2012)

42. How did Napoleon fuse the France of the ancient regime with the France of the
postrevolutionary era? (2012)

43. "Six hundred thousand men had died. The Union was preserved, the slaves freed. A nation
'conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal' had
survived its most terrible ordeal." Critically examine in 150 words. (2013)
44. Change in Britain came comparatively peacefully through democratic process in the first
half of the nineteenth century and a model of a functioning democracy through ballot
box was successfully put in place." Elaborate. (2013)

45. "American Revolution seems to have come with remarkable suddenness. A roster of
talented leaders emerged during 1763 to 1775 to make it happen." Elucidate. (2014)
46. "... the passing of the 'Reform Act' marked the real beginning of modern party
organisation in England
.. In a real sense, the present political system of England dates
from 1832. "Critically examine in 150 words. (2014)

47. "The Declaration of Rights was the death warrant of the system of privilege, and so of the
ancient regime Yet in the history of ideas it belonged rather to the past than to the
future." Examine. (2014)
48. Critically examine: "The multiple contradictions that quickly undermined the new edifice,
had been expressed even before the meetingof the Estates General in France. The
internal conflict amongEstates had manifested itself." (2015)

49. Critically examine: "The Continental Blockade was a miconceived idea of economically
defeating Great Britain." (2015) TO SUCU
50. Explain the main features of the US federal Constitution. (2016)

51. "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure
permanently, half slave and half free." Explain Abr4ham Lincoln's perspective. (2016)

52. Critically examine the statement that the French Revolution was not caused by the
French philosophers but by the condition of national life and by the mistakes of the
government. (2016)
53. Critically examine in 150 words: "The spirit behind the great reforms of Napoleon's
Consulate at home was the transference of the methods of Bonaparte the general to task
of Bonaparte the statesman." (2017)
54. Critically examine in 150 words: "The roots of the Chartist movement in Great Britain were
partly political and partly economic." (2017)
55. Critically examine: "The American War of Independence transformed Europe as wel as
America." (2018)
56. Critically examine: "The arguments of the free traders were a curious mixture of economic
hard-headedness, social benevolence, cosmopolitan idealism and class prejudice" (2019)
57. How far did the Napoleonic preferential stance to help out the French economy result in
embroiling France in continental conflicts? (2019)

58. "The causes of the French Revolution of 1789 included both long term and structural
factors, as well as more immediate events." (2020)
59. "Napoleon was not a revolutionary but he solidified many of the revolutionary changes of
1789- 1791 and he himself supported most of the ideas and proposals of Enlightenment
philosophers." Substantiate. (2020)

60. Lincoln's main thesis was that the Slavery issue hadto be decided one way or the other
and could no longer be evaded by compromise." Comment in the light of his role in the
American Civil War. (2020)
61. statement in about 150 words: Napoleon's continental
Critically examine the following
system may be reckoned as the greatest blunder and may be described as a monument
of misdirected energy". (2021)
62. Criticallyexamine the following statement in about 150 words: The Chartist Movement
failed to achieve its stated objectives, but succeeded in seeding the idea that a
representative democracy should include all citizens. (2021)

63. In the American civil war, the victory of the North had many consequences. Some of them
were direct and obvious. However, its indirect effects on American development were
perhaps even more important. Comment. (2021)

18. Industrialization
Industrialization: English Industriat Revolution: Causes and Impact on Society;
Industrialization in other countries: USA, Germaný, Russia, Japan; Industrialization and
1. Trace the growth of capitalism in Britain in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Why was France, as compared to Britain, late in developing the capitalist spirit and the
institutional framework of capitalism? (1985)
The novelty in sixteenth-century mercantilism its extension from city to nation and the
transfer of its chief agency from local guilt to national monarch.' Comment in about 200
words. (1986)
3. How did Japan develop between 1868 and 1894? Did the 'Restoration of Meiji' mark a
sharp break with the past? (1987)

The Industrial Revolution put mobility in the place of stability.' Comment in about 200
words. (1990)
5. 'Protestantism contributed substantially to the rise of capitalism." Comment. (1994)
6. To what extent were the advances in scientific knowledge in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries a product of the needs of a
changing society? (1994)
7. The Industrial Revolution "Changed England in character & culture." Comment. (1996)
8. The Industrial Revolution brought about great changes in the social and economnic life of
Europe. Explain. (1998)
9. The Years 1853-1894 witnessed the transformation of Japan. Explain. (1998)

10. What was the extent of industrialization in western Europe by the end of the nineteenth
century? (2009)
11, "Whoever says Industrial Revolution, says cotton." Comment. (2011)
12. "The process of industrialization in some other countries of Europe was different from that
in England." Critically examine in 150 words. (2012)

13, Explain why England became the harbinger of Industrial Revolution. Also throw light on
its social consequences. (2017)
14. Critically examine: "The Industrial Revoution put mobility in the place of stability." (2018)

15. Discuss how Japan industrialized after the Meiji Restoration. What were the
consequences for its neighbours? (2018)

16. How did the policies of governments failitate the process of industrialization in Europe?
17. "Industrial Revolution had far reaching social and political consequences with the advent
of assembly line factories, urbanization and rise of the urban working class." (2020)
18. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words: There were many reasons
why the industrial revolution first happened in England. (2021)

SANation-State RCESS
19. System
Nation-State System: Rise of Nationalism in 19th century; Nationalism: state building in
Germany and Italy; Disintegration of Empires in the face of the emergence of nationalities
across the world.
1. "They have stopped me from making Italy by diplomacy from the North, I will make it by
revolution from the South." Comment in about 200 words. (1935)
The Unification of Germany was the one thing Bismarck was determined to prevent.'
Comment in about 200 words. (1987)
The Eastern Question has always been an international question'. Comment in about 200
words. (1989)
The comparion between Cavour's and Bismark's achievements reveals 'striking points of
resemblance and no less striking points of dissimilarity.' Comment in about 200 words.
5. Nominally the new Turkey was republican and democratic.' Comment. (1992)

6. What were the obstacles to Italian unification till 1852? How and with what methods was
the unification of Italy achieved? (1993)
7. Atthe end of the battle of Sedan (1870), "Europe lost a mistress and gained a master."
Comment. (1995)
8. The unification of Italy and that of Germany constituted a contrast in respect of the ways
they were affected and the impact they left on later international politics. Elucidate.
9. "The unification of Italy completed the destruction of the European order." Comment.
10. Isolation of France constituted the keystone of Bismarck's foreign policy. Elucidate. (1997)
11, Lord Beaconsfield after his return from the Congress of Berlin (1878) boasted: "I have
brought peace with honour" Comment. (1998)
12. The politicalunification of Germany was accomplished solely by Bismarck. Comment.
13. "The Crimean War was the most useless war ever waged." Comment. (2000)

14. "Bismarck created a new Germany with the policy of 'blood and iron'." Comment. (2001)
15. "Napoleon kindled the national sentiment, but German unity was achieved by Bismarck."
Discuss. (2002)

16. 'Bismarck united Germany not by majority of votes and speeches but by a policy of "blood
and iron". In the light of this statement assess the contribution of Bismarck to the
unification of Germany. (2003)

17. 'To Bismarck the conclusion of the Treaty of May 20, 1882, was the culmination of this
system.' Comment. (2004)
18. They have stopped me from making Italy by diplomacy from the North, I will make it by
revolution from the South.'Comment. (2005)

19. "The Eastern Question has always been an international question." Elucidate. (2010)
20. Was German unification achieved more by 'coal and iron' than by 'blood and iron'? (2012)

21. "The language of narrow nationalism held at Frankfurt destroyed the German Revolution;
as the fatal idea of aggrandisement of the House of Savoy destroyed the Italian
Revolution." Discuss.(2014)
22. Critically examine: "Mazzini's conception of Italian nationality was not exclusive and his
dominant ideal was the recreation of moral unity of mankind." (2015)
23. "The Berlin Congress (1878) failed to unlock the Eastern Question. Though there was no
major war in Europe for nealy three decades after the Treaty of Berlin, it contained the
seeds of many future wars." Critically evaluate. (2015)
24. What determinant factors, along with diplomatic, shaped the process of German
Unification? (2017)

25. Critically examine: At the end of the Battle of Sedan (1870), "Europe lost a mistress and
gained a master." (2018)

26. Examine the role of Bismarck in state building in Germany. (2018)

27. How was Italy transformed from a 'geographical expression' to a nation-state? (2019)
28. Do yousubscribe to the view that the Greek War of Independence was mired in contrasts
of the best and the worst episodes? Howdid it affect the Concert of Europe. (2019)

29. "From Bismarck's 'Blood and Iron' speech and his forceful actions to achieve German
unification, Bismarck came to be known as the Iron Chancellor." Critically examine. (2020)
30. The rise of nationalism across nations shattered the chains which held together the
empires of modem Europe. Discuss. (2021)

20. Imperialism and Colonialism
Imperialism and Colonialism: South and South-East Asia; Latin America and South Africa;
Australia; Imperialism and free trade: Rise of neo-imperialism.
1. Critically examine the culture system in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) during the
nineteenth century. Why was it dismantled? (1985)
2. Discuss the Self-strengthening movement in China. (1986)
3. `By 1861, China may be said to have been fully though grudgingly opened to the
Westerner.'Comment in about 200 words. (1987)
4. Why is the period from 1842 to 1900 considered as hatf a century of humiliations in the
history of China? What was the reaction of China? (1988)
5. Write a critique on the partition of Africa from 1870 to 1914, with particular reference to
Germany's imperial designs in the Continent. (1989)

6. Show how the presence of a weak and helpless China next door brought about the rise of
militarism and collapse of democracy in Japan. (1994)
7. Divided into spheres of influence by foreign powers, China in the 19th century presented a
sorry spectacle. How did China react to it? (1995)

8 Trace the stages in the partition of Africa after 1870. HoW did it affect international
relations? (1996)
9. One great effect of the geographical discoveries of the 15th century was "the growing
belief that America, Asia and Africa were to be used extensively for the benefit of
Europeans." Comment. (1998)

10. Portugal and Spain, the pioneers in world exploration, were also first in the race to
conquer overseas countries. Comment. (1999)
11. The simultaneous expansion of European powers overseas during the last quarter of the
19th century brought them into frequent collisions at remote points all over Africa and
Asia." Comment. (2000)
12. To what extent did the Western powers bring China under their domination without
annexation? (2000)
13. Trace the various stages of European imperialism in Africa in the nineteenth century.
14. "Colonies are like fruits which cling to the tree only till they ripen." Comment. (2006)

15. "New imperialism was a nationalistic, not an economic phenomena." Comment. (2007)
16. "In all the long annals of Imperialism, the partition of Africa is a remarkable freak."
Comment. (2009)
17. Discuss the emergence of neo-imperialism in the late nineteenth century. (2009)
18. What do you understand by Imperialism? State briefly its unique features in the case of
19. Critically examine the Dutch colonial policy in Indonesia. (2010)

20. Explain how American imperialism in Philippines differed with European imperialism in
Indonesia and Indo-China. (2011)
21. "Colonialism not only deprives a society of its freedom and its wealth, but of its very
character, leaving its people intellectually and morally disoriented." Critically examine in
150words. (2013)
22. "Nevw imperialism was a nationalistic, not an economic-phenomena." Critically examine.
23. To whatextent did the expansion of European Powers in the late 19th century help in the
modernization of Africa? (2014) TO SUC
24. "The commercialand industrial interests created a veritable hothouse atmosphere in
Europe for the establishment of colonies." Critically examine in 150 words. (2014)

25. Critically examine the socio-cultural and economic impact of migration in Europe and
Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries. (2014)

26. Discuss the nature of American overseas expansion in Asia and explain the consequences.
27. History of Africa appears to be simply an extension or mere sub - theme under the broad
headings of European and American history. According to this historiography, Africa
seems to be without any history before the European scramble." Elucidate. (2015)
28. Trace the growth of British imperialism in South Africa from 1800 to 1907. (2016)
29. Examine the nature of Dutch imperialism in Indonesia. (2017)
30. Which factors would you attribute to the British colonial intervention in Malaya in the 19th
century? How did Malaya react to British colonial rule? (2019)

21. Revolution and Counter-Revolution

Revolution and Counter-Revolution: 19th Century European revolutions, The Russian
Revolution of 1917-19 21, Fascist Counter-Revolution, Italy and Germany; The Chinese
Revolution of 1949
1. "The turn of the tide against the Kuomintang, consequently, was due as much to its
weakness as to Communist strength." Comment in about 200 words. (1985)
2. Analyse the causes of the Russian Revolutions of 1917. Why was the second Revolution
significant in more than one way? (1985)
3. 'Extreme nationalism of the Fascist Variety has various faces in various countries, but it has
everywhere certain common characteristics.' Comment in about 200 words. (1989)

4. Comparison of the fascist regime in Italy with the National Socialist regime of Germany is
almost inevitable. The similarities are obvious, but there is one point of difference which is
worth mentioning.' Comment. (1991)
5. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a single revolution which developed two phases.
Elucidate. (1992)
'For a tired and timid generation Metternich was the necessary man.'Comment. (1993)

7. "There was an element of system in Hitler's foreign poicy... His outlook was continental."
Comment. (1995)
8. "Corporate State" was Mussolini's answer to the socio political problems of his country.
Elucidate. (1995)
9. In Russia, Lenin was "the father of socialism, organiser of the revolution and the founder of
the new Russian society." Examine thé Statement. (1998)
10. "Stalinist Russia was a despotic regime." Critically examine the view. (1999)
11. With the proclamation in Nanking of a Chinese Republicwith Sun-Yat-Sen as the
President in 1911, "the old China wilted rapidly." Comment. (1999)
12. Examine the circumstances in China in the years 1945-49. What did the United States do
to resolve the conflict between the Nationalists and the Communists there? (2002)
13. The roots of the rise of Fascism lay in Peace Treaties.' (2003)
14. Examine the causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and indicate its significance in world
history. (2003)

15. What were the weaknesses and difficulties of the Weimer Republic? How did Hitler
succeed in establishing his dictatorship? (2004)
16. The Russian Revolution (1917) was an economic explosion hastened by the stupidities of
the autocratic Government.' Comment. (2005)
17. Discuss the circumstances leading to the Chinese Revolution of 1949 and analyse its
significance. (2005)
18. Critically analyse the causes and results of the Chinese Revolution of 1949. (2006)

19. Discuss the main characteristics of Fascism. (2007)

20. "Most of the uropean Revolutions of 1848 were nationalist as well as popular
insurrections against foreign rule and repressive policy of Metternich". Comment. (2008)
21. "Hitler did not really want a world war. His intention was only a short war with Poland." (A.
J. P. Taylor). Comment. (2009)
22. Account for the overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia. (2009)
23. Critically evaluate: "All long marches begin with small steps." (2010)

24. "The announcement of the creation of the Peoples' Republicof China on October 1, 1949
by MaoZedong ended the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the
Nationalist Party (KMT)."- Elaborate. (2012)

25. "The impact of the French Revolution (1789) was initially confined to Europe, but, that of
the Russian Revolution (1917) was global."- Critically review. (2012)
26. "If the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (that resulted in the creation of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics or Soviet Union) inaugurated an international competition for
the hearts and minds of people all over the globe, the Chinese Revolution raised the
stakes of that struggle." Critically examine in 150 words. (2013)
27. Critically examine: "The whole episode that is known as the July Revolution (1830) was
fought and won not for the establishment of an extreme democracy but to get rid of the
aristocratic and clericalist attitude of the restored Bourbons." (2015)
28. "The failure of Kuomintang against the communist onslaught was unimaginable and it
was Mao Tse-tung whose tnacity and innovative approach had accomplished the
unthinkable." Discuss. (2015) H TO SUC
29. What is Metternich system? Assess its impact on Europe. (2016)
30. How did Lenin achieve an abrupt transition from a Monarchical autocratic to a Socialist
State? (2016)
31. Discuss how agrarian crisis accompanied by severe industrial depression triggered the
Revolutions of 1848. (2017)
32. Examine the statement that "the danger of 'Bolshevism' dominated not only the history of
the years immediately following the Russian Revolution of 1917 but the entire history of
the world since that date." (2017)
33. Examine the circumstances which led tothe overthrow of democracy and the
establishment of Fascist dictatorship in Italy. (2017)
34. In the Chinese Revolution of 1949, the elements of communism and nationalism were
discernible. Explain the statement in the light of Mao's strategy which was different from
that of Lenin. (2018)
35. "The 1848 revolutions frightened the crowned heads of Europe and caused several to
abdicate. Those who remained were cognizant of the threats posed by liberalism,
nationalism and socialism." Comment. (2020)
36. How did Stalin build on Lenin's legacy of Bolshevik Revolution and introduce new
elements of totalitarianism to transform USSR as a superpower? (2020)
37. What were the causes and consequences of the revolutionary upsurge of the 1840s in
Europe? (2021)

38. Revolutions, whether in Russia (1917) or in China (1949), are a disastrous way of
transforming a country. Comment. (2021)

39. Europe was at war with itself in the first half of the twentieth century with a long cease
fire. Comment. (2021)
22. World Wars
World Wars: 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal Implications;
•World War I: Causes and consequences; World War II: Causes and consequence
What led to the formation of the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis? Indicate its impact on
international politics. (1986)
The internationalsituation that confronted the peace makers in Paris was in the brutal
realities of history, the result of a temporary redistribution of the balance of power in the
world.'Comment in about 200 words. (1987)

3. Critically examine the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Did he want to introduce a sort
of socialism?
(198/)AA CESS
4. "The Anglo-Japanese Treaty (1962) marks a milestonein the development of Japan as an
Asiatic power." Comment in about 200 words. (1988)

5. The treaties made at the Paris Peace conference in 1919-20 were replete with unstable
compromises, reflecting more materialism than idealism. Elucidate. (1990)
6. Show how the Spanish Civil War was a
prelude to World War II. (1991)

Thus the League sought to achieve the profoundest of all psychological revolutions-to
transform the war mentality of man into a peace mentality.' Comment. (1992)
Trace the distinct phases of the Sino Japanese War. Assess its political, economic and
cultural impact on China, both 'occupied and free.' (1992)
9. The Treaty of Versailles was merely an armistice for twenty years.' Comment. (1993)
10. "The Manchurian crisis decided the fate of the League of Nations.' Comment. (1993)
11, "The perpetuation of the economic malaise was the main cause of the political instability
of Europe during the next two decades (1919-39)." Explain. (1994)
12. The Great Depression (1929-34) was "attended by momentous consequences in the
economic as well as in the politicalsphere." Comment. (1996)
The Communist International and the League of Nations both announced the end of the
Balance of Power." Comment. (1996)
14, Trace the growth of militarism in Japan in the inter-war years. What international reaction
did it provoke? (1997)

15. President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal "had the wit to start the political economy in a
fresh, more promising direction."D0 you agree? (1997)
16. Trace the rise and growth of the New European Society in the inter-war period. (1999)
17. "UntilDecember 1941 the battlefield of the Second World War was exclusively European
and Atlantic; thereafter it became also Asiatic and Pacific." (2000)
18. Analyse the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and examine the validity of
Germany's objections to the treaty. (2000)
19. 'There was not only a difference of principles at Paris (Peace Conference) but a clash of
personalities.' Comment. (2001)
20. The Great Depression (1929-34) was attended by momentous consequences in the
economic as well as in the political sphere. Comment. (2002)
21. The most important single factor... in the years following 1919 was the French demand for
security. Comment. (2004)

22. "Treaty of Versailles contained the seeds of future conflict." Comment. (2006)

23. "The War's (First World War's) most permanent contribution to the spirit of the post-War
years was disillusion." Comment. (2007)

24. "In the long run, the Locarno Treaty (December 1925) was destructive both of the Treaty of
Versailles and of the Covenant. Comment, (2008)

25. "By 1914, the sick man of Europe was no longer just Turkey: it was Europe itself." Explain.
26. How did the policy of appeasement escalate the problem of Nazi aggrandizement? (2011)
27. "The peace of Versailies lacked moral validity from the start." Critically evaluate. (2011)

28. "Any single explanation for the outbreak of the First World War is likely to be too simple.
An amalgam of factors intellectual, social, economic as well as political and diplomatic
contributed this horrifying conflict of monumental proportions." - Explain. (2012)

29. "The Russo-Japanese War helped in the rise of Japan as a great power." Critically examine
in 150 words. (2014)

30. How far is it correct to say that the First World War was fought essentially for the
preservation of the balance of power? (2015)

31. "League of Nations is a League of notions." Comment. (2016)

32. Do you agree with the view that the Treaty of Versailles was a bad compromise between a
treaty based upon force and a treaty based on ideas? (2016)
33. Critically examine in 150 words: "18 January, 1871 had been a day of triumph for the
strength and pride of Germany and 28 June, 1919 was the day of chastisement. (2017)

34. Why was the First World War termed as the first 'total' war in modem history? (2017)

35. Critically examine: "Until December 1941, the battlefield of the Second World War was
exclusively European and Atlantic; thereafter it become also Asiatic and Pacific." (2018)

36. Critically examine:There are many ways in which the war of 1914-18 was unprecedented,
and in human history, entirely novel." (2019)
37. Critically of the League of Nations to prevent or to check
examine:The ineffectiveness
Japanese aggression against China was the first serious blow to its prestige as an agency
for providing security." (2019)
38. Was Czechoslovakia served on a dish to Hitler at Munich? What were its implications?
39. Do you agree with the statement that the Second World War was history's most
destructive war? Elaborate. (2020)

23. The World after World War II

The World after World War Il: Emergence of two power blocs; Emergence of Third World and
non-alignment; UNOand the globaldisputes.
1. One of the most important impacts of the Second world war was the "division of Europe",
eastern and western, (1998)
Inthe post-Second World War scenario friends in war did not remain friends in peace.
Examine the truth of this view in the period of your study. (1999)
3. "One of the most important consequences of the Second World War was 'division of
Europe', eastern & western." Comment. (2002)

4. The Security Council is the heart of the United Nations.' (2003)

5. Critically examine the various dimensions and phases of the cold war between 1947 and
1962. (2005)
6. "After World War II, the strategy of the West towards Soviet bloc crystallized as a 'policy of
containment". Comment. (2008)
7. Examine the peace-keeping efforts of the United Nations Organization. (2009)

8 "Europe faced peace in 1945 politically disorganized and economically crippled."

Elaborate. (2010)
9. Explain the circumstances leading to the emergence of Third World and analyze its
impact on world affairs. (2010)

10. Would you agree that the Non-Aligned Movement played a crucial role in promoting a
climate of peace? (2011)
11. "In spite of the careful framing of the Charter, the role of UNO as peacekeeper and
international mediator has been somewhat lacklustre and muted and that continues to
be so even after the end of Cold War." Elucidate. (2013)

12. Discuss the circumstances leading to the Suez Crisis of 1956 and examine its
repercussions on global politics. (2014)

13. "Europe was eclipsed through European folly due to the two world wars." Elucidate. (2014)

14. "The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were considered by the Russian Blocas a
weapon against Russia in order to restrict her influence." Critically examine. (2015)

15. "The UNO was created in the light of experience of the 'League of Nations', but in spite of
the mandate contained in the UNO constitution, its effective role in maintaining world
peace has lacked cohesiveness and collective approach." Examine. (2015)

16. "The role of the Non-Alignment Movement in world affairs has suffered greatly due to the
theatre of internecine conflicts among the Third World countries who spearheaded it."
Elucidate. (2015)
17, Outline the cirCumstances leading to Detente. (2016)
18. Outline the cirumstances leading to adoption of Marshall Plan. (2018)
19. Discuss how far the United Nations has been successful in resolving global disputes from
year 1946 to 1991. (2018)
20. Critically examine: "Non-alignment came to symbolize the struggle of India and other
newly independent nations to retain and strengthen their independence from
colonialism and imperialism." (2019)
21. "The multitude of newly independent countries cameto be known as the 'Third World',
belonging neither to the First World of capitalist democracies, nor the Communist
Second VWorld." (2020)
22. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words: During the Cold War, some
important leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement wanted to keep the movement away
from the military blocs. (2021)
23. Do you think that the United Nations Organisation has played a significant role in
resolving international disputes and ensuring peace in the world? (2021)

24. Liberation from Colonial Rule

Liberation from Colonial Rule: Latin America-Bolivar; Arab World-Egypt; Afrlca-Apartheld to
Democracy; South-East Asla-Vletnam
1. "Mohammad Alicombined ambition with perspicacity to a greater degree than any other
Oriental ruler of the nineteenth century." Comment in about 200 words. (1985)
2. 'Under Mustafa Kemal's dictatorship, Turkey was rapidly nationalized.' Comment in about
200 words. (1986)

3. 'One of the last strongholds of oil imperialism and European colonialism, it (Middle East)
cultivates a fiery nationalism as a weapon against foreign oppression.' Comment in about
200 words. (1987)
the European nations in emphasizing their solidarity, their Europeanness in dealing
with Asian countries inevitably gave rise to a feeling of Asianness." Comment in about 200
words. (1988)
5. Trace the growth of Arab nationalism after the First World War. How far was it a reaction
to oil imperialism? (1989)
6. How did the Japanese occupation of South East Asian countries during the Second World
War give a boost to nationalise in the regions? Explain with examples. (1990)

7. Arab Nationalism and Oil-these were the principal factors complicating the relations of
the West Asian countries with the outside world, Do youagree? (1993)
8. "The countries in the Middle East became, after 1919, the scene of constant effervescence
and some striking changes." Comment. (1994)
9. "Asian Nationalism is just a product of Western impact on the Asian intelligentsia in the
last decades of the nineteenth century." Comment. (1994)
10. Turkish renaissance guided by Kemal Pasha revolutionised the Turkish life at many levels.
Amplify. (1996)

11. Discuss the aims of the establishment of the Arab League and assess it role in
safeguarding the interests of the Arab nations. (2001)

12. Give a brief account of the struggle against 'Apartheid' in South Africa. (2006)
13. "Arab nationalism and oil-there were the principal factors in complicating the relations of
middle eastern countries with the outside world." Comment. (2009)
14, Why did Vietnam go through thirty years of war after the second world war? (2009)
15. "The Arab nationalism had a peculiar character. It stood for national independence for
separate Arab States as well as for the unity of all Arabs irrespective of their state
boundaries. - Examine. (2012)
16. "There must be an end to white monopoly on political power, and a fundamental
restructuring of our political and economic systems to ensure that the inequalities of
apartheid are addressed and our society thoroughly democratized." Discuss. (2013)

17. Trace the significant role played by Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam's struggle for freedom. (2016)
18. Trace the growth of Arab nationalism after the First World War. How far was it a reaction
to Oil imperialism? (2016)
19. Examine why Bolivar's failed to fructify in bringing about united standof the Latin
Americans. (2017)
20. Explain the features of Apartheid in South Africa. (2018)

21. Analyse the role of Egypt after the Second World War in bringing about Arab unity. (2019)

The British were slated to withdraw from Palestine in May 1948, and both sides prepared
for that day. Violence between Arabs and Jews, already endemic, escalated." (2020)

23. Discuss the circumstances leading to the French exit from Algeria in 1962. (2020)
24. Critically examine the following statement in about 150 words, The Arab countries looked
up to Nasser as a leader who could withstand the pressure exerted by Western countries
on Egypt to make peace with Israel. (2021)

25. The white-minority government of South Africa treated the natives very badly by denying
them fundamental rights and made Apartheid as official policy. How were the people
able to end Apartheid policy and establish a transitional rule? (2021)

25. Decolonizationand
Decolonization and Underdevelopment: Factors constraining development: Latin America,
Write a critical note on the process of decolonization accelerated by the second World
War. (1988)

2. 'The decolonization led to the break-up of Empires.' Comment. (2001)

"Decolonization has finished. It definitely belongs to the past. Yet somehowit has refused
to become history." Critically examine in 150 words. (2013)
4. Discuss the factors constraining development of Africa after decolonization. (2018)

5. Explain why Latin America was beset with chronic politicalinstability and endemic
military conflicts throughout most of the 19th century. (2019)

6. Critically examine whether it was true that after a century of dependency on Europeans,
Africans were ill prepared for the task of nation-building. (2020)

26. Unification of Europe

Unification of Europe: Post War Foundations: NATO and European Community; Consolidation
and Expansion of European Community; European Union.
The Brussels Treaty of 17 March, 1948 paved the way for the formation of NATO.' (2003)

2. "NATO in many ways symbolized the key role that the United States had come to play in
Europe." Comment. (2007)

The collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989 brought new ideas of co - operation in Europe."
Critically evaluate. (2011)

4. "The European Union is the new sick man of Europe." Critically evaluate. (2013)

5. "The European Union, a diplomatic marvel, continues to grapple with intermittent fissures
arising out of economic contentious issues that pose a challenge to an effective
integration of the Union."Critically examine. (2015)

6. Critically examine in 150 words: "The collapse of Berlin Wallon 9 November, 1989 brought
new meaning to the imdea of cooperation in Europe." (2017)

7. Do you agree with the view that the formation of NATO markeda revolution in American
attitude to the world problems? (2019)

27. Disintegration of Soviet Union and

the Rise of the Unipolar World
Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World: Factors leading to the
collapse of Soviet communism and the Soviet Union. 1985- 1991; Political Changes in Eastern
Europe 1989-2001; End of the cold war and US ascendancy in the World as the lone
1, Discuss the main factors leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union. (2002)
2. Analyse the factors leading to the end of the Cold War and account for the U.S.
ascendancy in the world. (2003)
3. Analyse the factors for the collapse of Soviet Communism and Soviet Union during 1985
1991. (2004) SAATH. SUcCES
4. "By the 1980s, the Communist system of the Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining
the country's role as a Superpower." Explain this statement. (2007)
5. Account for the factors that brought about the end of the Cold War. (2008)
6. Assess the significance of the political developments that took place in Eastern Europe
during 1989-2001. (2008)
7. "The capitalism which gave the European empires their apparent solidarity and
permanence also hastened their downfall." Comment. (2009)
8. Critically evaluate: "The essence of Perestroika is for people to feel they are the country's
master."- Gorbachev. (2010)
9. Examine the challenges confronted by the proponents of European unity after the
collapse of Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. (2011)

10. "With the Cold War over and the SovietUnion gone, the face of international diplomacy
has undergone a metamorphosis." Critically examine in 150 words. (2012)
11. "By the 1980s, the Communist system of the Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining
the country's role as a Superpower." Elucidate. (2013)
12. What factors contributed to the emergence of a unipolar world? (2016)
13. In what way did the political changes in Soviet Union influence the events in Eastern
Europe during the closing decades of the 20th century? (2016)
14. "By 1980s, the Communist System of Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining the
country's role as a Superpower." Substantiate. (2017)

15. Review the policy of GIlasnost adopted by Gorbachev. (2018)

16. A new configuration of power emerged in world politics after the end of the cold war.
Analyse how USA managed to become the sole superpower. (2020)

17. The impact of the end of the Cold War and the emergence of the US as the lone
superpower has been both, good and bad. Discuss. (2021)

Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note of
about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum-Answer Bookiet. Locational hints for
each of the places marked on the map are given below seriatim: 50
() Paleolithic site
(i) Mesolithic site
(ii) Neolithic site
(iv) Neolithic-Chalcolithic site
(v) Harappan site
(vi) Proto-historic and historic site
(vii) Inscriptional site
(vii) Jain monastic site
(ix) Coin hoard
(x) Paleolithic site
(xi) Terracotta site
(xii) Rock-cut caves
(xii) Ancient learning centre
(xiv) Political and cultural centre
(xv) Buddhist site
(xvi) Ancient port
(xvi) Early historic site
(xvii) Ivory hoard
(xix) Buddhist monastic centre
(xx) Temple complex
60 E 70 90 100 E





(vile) 20 N
20 N



10 N evii) 10 N

60 E 70 100 E
Q2.(a) Do youagree that ecological factorsinfluenced the flow and ebb of the Harappan
Civilization? Comment. 20
(b) Do you consider that the Upanishadic principles embody the high point of Vedic religious
thought? Comment. 15
(c) Analyze
the significance of external influences and indigenous development on post
Mauryan art. 15

Q3.(a) Willit be proper to consider the megaliths to represent a single, homogeneous or

contemporaneous culture? What kind of material life and cultural system is revealed in the
megalithic cultures? 15
(b) How would you characterize the nature of Mauryan state on the basis of Kautilya's
Arthashastra? 20
(c) How did
the Varnashrama Dharma manifest the increasing social complexities in the Gupta
and post-Gupta period arising from social andeconomic developments? 15

Q4.(a) "The political and economic needs of rulers, combined with economic and status needs
of the merchant class, together provided the receptive cultural milieu in which Buddhism
flourished." Comment. 20
(b) Large number of land grants in hitherto non-arable tracts invariably meant expansion of
agriculture in early medieval India. How did the management of hydraulic resources (different
types of irrigation works) facilitate expansion of agriculture in this period? 15
(c) Discuss the relationship between emergence of literature in vernacular languages and
formation of regional identities in early medieval India. 15

Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50
(a) Discuss the different stages of Indian feudalism and analyze its impact on Indian political
(b) Do you consider Sultan Iltutmish to be the real founder of the Delhi Sultanate? Discuss.
(c) Identify
the different categories of Persian literature which emerged during the Delhi
(d) Examine the causes of Babur's success against Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat.
(e)Discuss the attitude of Chishti saints towards the state. How were the Suhrawardi saints
different in their attitude towards the government? SUCC
Q6.(a) Discuss the transformation of
Sikh community from a Nirguna Bhakti sect into a
politico-military organization.
(b) Give your assessment of Bahlul Lodi's relation with his nobility.
() Examine the basic features of Mughal tomb architecture with special reference to the Taj
Mahal. 20

Q7.(a) Discuss the importance of Iqta system. How did it help in centralization of
administration of the Delhi Sultanate? 15
(b) Why is the reign of the Khaljis known as the 'Khalji Revolution'? 15
(c) The late seventeenth century Mughal India is considered to be a period of Jagirdari crisis.

Discuss. 20

Q8.(a) "The Chola rulers were not only mighty conquerors, efficient administrators but also
builders of fine temples." Comment. 15
(b) Discuss with relevant illustrations the relations between Akbar and the Rajput states. 15
(c) How far is it justified to consider the states like Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad as 'suCcessor

states' of the Mughal state? 20

Paper-2 (SECTION - A)
Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each : 10x5=50
(a) The introduction of Western education transformed India in unforeseen ways. 10
(b) Tipu Sultan had little success in setting forth a course of change significantly different from

the general experience of 18th century crisis of Indian politics and society where public life
tended over and over to become a system of plundering. 10
(c) The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was designed for better control of the vernacular press and
to empower the government with more effective means of punishing and repressing seditious
writings. 10
(d) The rise of the Communist Movement in India in the 1920s lent a militant and revolutionary
content to the Trade Union Movement. 10
(e) In the first decade of the 20th century, the atmosphere was ripe for the emergence of
revolutionary groups to fill up the vacant space in the political map of the country.

Q2.(a) India had been the world leader in the field of hand spun and hand woven yarn and
cloth for many centuries. Many nationalist and Marxist critiques considered that the British
dominion deliberately shattered the traditional and world famous handicrafts of India.
Comment. 20
(b) What were the various ways in which nationalism manifested itself in India during colonial
rule ?
(c) The East India Company had thought
that they had found an ideal puppet in Mir Kasim. Mir
Kasim, however, belied the expectation of the company. Examine critically.

Q3. (a) How did English utilitarian thinking impact India in the British era ? 20
(b) The same Gandhiji who withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement on the issue of violence at
Chauri-Chaura, refused to condemn people's violence during the Quit India Movement. Do you
think that he was losing his faith in the effica cy of non-violence and was willing to deviate from
this path ? Elucidate. 20
(c) While individually the Marathas were clever and brave, they lacked the corporate spirit so.

essential for national independence. Discuss with reasons.

Q4.(a) Discuss the major constitutional developments in India after 1858 and their impact on
society and polity. 20
(b) Discuss the changing nature of
blit assértion in India in the twentieth century. 20
(c) How were
the Princely States integrated in the Indian Union after the partition ? What role
did Sardar Patel play in it? 10

Q5. Critically examine the following statements in about 150words each: 10x5=50
(a) There were many reasons why the industrial revolution first happened in England. 10
(b) Napoleon's continental system may be reckoned as the greatest blunder and may be

described as a "monument of misdirected energy". 10

(c) The Chartist Movement failed to achieve its
stated objectives, but succeeded in seeding the
idea that a representative democracy should include all citizens. 10
(d) During the Cold War, some important leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement wanted to keep

the movement away from the military blocs. 10

(e) The Arab countries looked up to Nasser as a leader who could withstand the pressure exerted
by Western countries on Egypt to make peace with Israel. 10

Q6.(a) What was "enlightened" about the Age of Enlightenment ?

(b) What were the causes and consequences of the revolutionary upsurge of the 1840s in Europe
(c)The white-minority government of South Africa treated the natives very badly by denying
them fundamental rights and made Apartheid as official policy. How were the people able to
end Apartheid policy and establish a transitional rule?

Q7. (a) The rise of nationalism across nations shattered the chains which held together the
empires of modern Europe. Discuss. 20
(b) In the American civilwar, the victory of the North had many consequences. Some of them
were direct and obvious. However, its indirect effects on American development were perhaps
even more important. Comment. 20
(c) Revolutions, whether in Russia (1917) or in China (1949), are a disastrous way of transforming a
country. Comment. 10

Q8. (a) Europe was at war with itself in the first half of the twentieth century with a long
cease-fire. Comment. 20
(b) The impact of the end of the Cold War and the emergence of the US as the lone superpower

has been both, good and bad. Discuss. 20

(c) Do you think
that the United Nations Organisation has played a significant role in resolving
international disputes and ensuring peace in the world ?


Time AlIlowed: 3.00 Hrs
Maximum Marks: 250
Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note of
about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum-Answer Booklet. Locational hints for
each of the places marked on the map are given below seriatim.

()) Paleolithic site is no

(ii) Paleolithic Factory site
(ii) Neolithic site
(iv) Early and Mature Harappan site
(v) Chalcolithic site
(vi) Site of Coin and Seal Moulds
(vii) Ancient Administration Centre
(vi) Ancient Political Headquarter
(ix) Ancient Temple site
(x) Pre and Proto Historicsites
(xi) Ancient Capital City
(xi) Place of Shaiva Temple
(xiii) World Heritage Centre of Temple complex
(xiv) An Inscriptional site
(xv) Place of Jain Temple
(xvi) Largest Buddhist Monastery
(xvii) Ancient Temple Complex
(xvii) Place of oldest Mosque
(xix) Temple Complex dedicated to Shiva
(Xx) Ancient Education Centre TTH TO

THI Rers






Q2.(a) Puranas were the innovative genre of literature to popularise and revive Vedic
religion. Elaboratewith examples.
2.(b) Discuss the factors that played an important role in the process of urbanisation : after the
Later-Vedic period.
2.(c) Throw light on the nature of religion and classification of gods mentioned in the Rigveda.
Q3.(a) Evaluate the significant political features of the Post Mauryan Northern India. What are
the main sources of it?
3.(b) A number of scholars considered Alexander as The Great', although long term impacts of
Alexander's invasion on India need to be re-evaluated. Comment. 15.
3.(c) Discuss the salient features of cultural traditions of South India as reflected in Sangam
Literature. Q4.(a) Sanskrit literature of classical Gupta Age set standards for the early
medieval India. Evaluate the statement with representative examples.
4.(b) Trace and identify the changing pattern of Tantrism in Ancient India with examples.
4.(c) Describe the evolution and development of regional temple architecture of South India
with special reference to Pallavas.
Q5.Answer the folowing questions in about 150 words each:
5.(a) Critically evaluate the Muslim Nobility duringthe period of Tughlaq dynasty.
5.(b) Describe in detailabout the foreign travellers' accounts which gave information of
Vijayanagar kingdom.
5.(c) Howdid international trade support urbanisation in North India during the 13-14th
century CE. 5.(d) Evaluate the aim and impact of the translation of Sanskrit scriptures into
Persian language during Mughal period.
5.(e) Examine the sources of the history of Chhatrapati Shivaji with special reference to
Shivabharat and Sabhasad Bakhar.
Q6.(a)Assess the causes of the defeat of Northern Indian States against the Turkish invasion.
6.(b) Amuktamalyada dwells much upon the relationship of (fort, Brahmanas) and dispersed
tribal groups. Comment.
6.(c) Elaborate upon the agrarian reforms of Alauddin Khilji.
Q7.(a) Describe village polity and economy of medieval Deccan.
7.(b)Some new crafts production were introduced by the Turks. Comment.
7.(c) The mission of Kabir was tO preach a religion of love which would unite all castes and
creeds. Explain. Q8.(a) Evaluate the contribution of Sher Shah towards trade and commerce,
administration and agricultural reforms.
8.(b) Make an estimate of the development of paintings under Mughal reference to colours,
technique, themes and influences on them. paintings under Mughal rulers with special
8.(c) Critically evaluate history of the Eighteenth century India with reference to culture and

Paper-2 (SECTION -A)

Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each:
(a) "Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839, His death was the signal for an outburst of anarchy
all over the Punjab."
(b) "Inthe initial stages, when Indian nationalism was immature, just sprouting, it found
expression in many liberal religio-reform movements."
(c)"In the early twentieth century, there came into existence a number of women's
organisations, which operated more actively in the public arena and focused more directly on
women's political and legal rights."
(d) "The Trade Union Movement in India not only supported the call for national
struggle at critical junctures, but also impacted its course and character in several
(e)"Based on his discussion with Indian leaders, as well as his own perception, Lord
Mountbatten soon came to the conclusion that partition was the only practicable and
feasible solution."
Q2.(a) It was Dupleix who had first showed the way of intervening of the Indian rulers
and thereby acquiring political control over vast territories -a technique which was later
perfec India Company." Elaborate.
the Revolt of 1857. has been mistaken to be a mere mutiny of me Indian sepoys in
(b) For long,
the Bengal army. However, its causes need to be searched for not only in the dissatisfaction of
the army but in a longarawn process of fundamentalSocial and economic change that upset
the peasant communities./Discuss.
(c) Do you feel that the Santhal Hool (rebellion) 1855-56, was the most effective tribal
movementin pre-1857 India ?

Q3.(a) In its political behaviour the Indian National Congress in its early career was never
a radical organisation, besides the founders of the Congress involved A.0. Hume in their
project. Do these factsverify that the Congress was founded as a Safety valve' ? Explain.
(b). Doyouagree with the fact that the virtual failure of the Non-Cooperation Movement and
the gloom that descended on the nationalist scene, created conditions for revolutionary
activities ? Discuss.,,
(c). Planning was seen as a powerful instrument that could be used to remove regional inequality.

Q4. (a) In the divided and contestable space of Indian politics,

Gandhiji could claim for
himself centrist position because he alienated neither and tactically combined the goal of
the moderates with the means of the extremists." Discuss.
India-China relations started on a high note, but during the
(b) "After Indian Independence
course of the coming years India had to face a bitter experience due to the Chinese
aggression." Elaborate.
(c)"The Reorganisation of the States on the basis of language was a major aspect of
national consolidation and integration." Comment.

Q5. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each:
(a)"The principlesof Enlightenment were in some ways a continuation of thediscoveries and
theories of the Scientific Revolution."H SUC
(b) "The causes of the French Revolution of 1789 included both long term and structural factors,
as well as more immediate events."
(c) "Industrial Revolution had far reaching social and political consequences with the advent
of assembly line factories, urbanization and rise of the urban working class."
(d) "The multitude of newly independent countries came to be known as the Third World',
belonging neither to the First World of capitalist democracies, nor the Communist Second

(e) "The Britishwere slated to withdraw from Palestine in May 1948, and both sides prepared
for that day. Violence between Arabs and Jews, a already endemic, escalated."

Q6. (a). "Napoleon was not a revolutionary but he solidified many of the revolutionary changes
of 1789 - 1791 and he himself supported most of the ideas and proposals of Enlightenment
(b) "Lincoln's main thesis was that the Slavery issue had to be decided one way or the other
and could no longer be evaded by compromise." Comment in the light of his role in the
American CivilWar.
(c) "The1848 revolutions frightened the crowned heads of Europe and caused several to
abdicate. Those who remained were cognizant of the threats posed by liberalism, nationalism
and socialism." Comment. 10
Q7 (a) "From Bismarck's 'Blood and Iron' speech and his forcefui actions to achieve German
unification, Bismarck came to be known as the Iron Chancellor." Critically examine.

(b) Do youagree with the statement that the Second Word War was history's most
destructive war ?Elaborate.
(c) Discuss the circumstances leading to the French exit from Algeria in 1962.

Q8.(a) How did Stalin build on Lenin's legacy of Bolshevik Revolution and introduce new
elements of totalitarianism to transform USSR as a superpower?
new configuration of power emerged in world politics after the end of the cold war.
(b) A
Analyse howUSA managed to become the sole superpower. 20
(c)Critically examine whether it was true that after a century of dependency on Europeans,
Africans were ill prepared for the task of nation-building.


Time Allowed: 3.00 Hrs

Maximum Marks: 250 ARTHI

Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note
of about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum-Answer Booklet. Locational hints
for each of the places on
marked the map are given below seriatim.

(i) Brick temple site

(i) Early Harappan site
(iii) Ancient seaport and trade centre
(iv) Stone age site
(v) Neolithic site
(vi) Archaeological site
(vii) Ancient capital city
(vii) Ancient capital
(ix) Harappan site
(x) Ancient inscriptions site,
(xi) A Rock-cut cave site TO
(xii) Ancient capital city
(xiii) Famous temple site
(xiv) Centre of School of art
(xv) Ancient inscriptional site
(xvi) Ancient education centre
(xvii) Pre-Harappan site
(xvii) Chalcolithic period site
(xix) Early inscriptional site
(xx) Ancient petroglyphs site
on this sht.


Oxi 26N


10 N
pii IoN

60E 00 E

Q2. (a) Do you agree that archaeological evidence often helps in the better understanding
of literary sources ? Comment, 15 Marks cCESS
(b) The development of art and architecture dufing the Sunga period belies the belief
that they were anti-Buddhist. Discuss. 15 Marks
(c) Did the mastery over agriculture act as a leverage for the rise of Harappan towns and cities ?
15 Marks

Q3(a) The flourishing international trade during the Kushana period gave tremendous
impetus to the development of art. Discuss. 15 Marks

(b)Examine how the transformation of the Varna system from the Rigvedic to the Later
Vedic period affected the position of women. 15 Marks

(c)There are no literary sources for the Harappan culture and non archaeological evidence
forthe vedic period Explain the phenomenon. 20 Marks
Q4(a) Explain how Ashoka used religion as a tool of political, aggrandizement ? 15 Marks
(b) Do you agree that the system of land grants from the Gupta-Vakataka Period was
Connected with the decentralisation of state in any way ? 20 Marks
(c) The discovery of monsoons by Hippalus gave a new direction to Indo-Roman trade during
the Satavahana period. Comment. 15 Marks

Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) Discuss how Vijayanagara empire became the cultural capital of the south ? 10 Marks
(b) Examine the status of Sanskrit in Mughal India. 10 Marks
(c) Assess the rule of Zainul Abedin in Kashmir. 10 Marks
(d) The economic measures of Alauddin Khaljiwere aimed at greater political control. Discuss. 10
(e) Examine the European impact on Mughal paintings. 10 Marks
Q6(a) Assess the statement that 'the philosophy of Shankaracharya revolutionised religious
thoughts inIndia'. 20 Marks
(b) Delineate the state of agriculture during the Sultanate period. 15 Marks
(c) Sufi and Bhaktithoughts ennobled Indian psyche amidst the vagaries of time. Elucidate. 15

Q7(a) The emergence of early capitalism in the Mughal period was primarily due to
urbanisation and commercialisation. Comment. 20 Marks
(b) Internal strife and conflict beset with personal ambitions was enough of an invitation for
the Ghurids to invade India. Discuss. 15 Marks
(c) The Mughals built like Titans and embellished like jewellers. Comment. 15 Marks
Q8(a) Critically analyse whether the succes of the Mughals is to be credited to their robust
Jagirdari and Mansabdari system. 15 Marks

(b)It was as much the court intrigues as also the defiance of the provincial powers that
hastened the decline of the Mughals in the 18th century. Comment. 20 Marks
(c) Shivaji was not merely a military conqueror but als0 was an enlightened ruler. Discuss. 15

Paper-2 (SECTION - A)
Q1. Critically examine the following statements / Answer the following in about 150 words
each: 10x5=50
(a) "Tipu Sultan was trying to build in Mysore a strong centralized and militarized state, with
ambitious territorial designs." 10 Marks
(b) "Not until independence, when economic development became a conscious and pursued
policy, did the Railways begin to realize their potential for assisting in the transformation of the
Indian economy." 10 Marks
(c) "Two important intellectual criteria which informed the reform movements were
rationalism and religious universalism." 10 Marks
.. the Kol Insurrection was mainly a war of the tribal inhabitants of Chotanagpur against the
non-tribal settlers and service-holders." 10 Marks
(e) "The Cripps Mission was plagued throughout, and ultimately torpedoed." 10 Marks

Q2.(a) How far was the drain theory a focal point of nationalist critique of colonialism? 20 Marks
(b) Examine the forces at work for the introduction of western education in India. Analyse the
thrust given to it by the Christian Missionaries. 20 Marks
(c) Do you subscribe to the view that the Anglo-French tussle in Carnatic demonstrated the
internal decayof the provincial chieftains of South India? 10 Marks
Q3(a) How would youexplain the major trends of the SwadeshiMovement in Bengal? 20 Marks
(b) Is it justified to say that the Government of India Act of 1935 had all brakes, but no engine ? 20
(c) How far was the widow remarriage movement effective in arousing socialconcern for
Indian women ?
10 Marks

Q4(a) Why is the Quit India Movement characterized as a 'Spontaneous Revolution'? Did it
accelerate the process of Indian independence? 20 Marks
(b) Assess the role of Subhas Chandra Bose in India's struggle for independence. 20 Marks
(c) How did the introduction of Community Development Programme and Panchayati Raj
promote welfareof rural India? 10 Marks

Q5.Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: 10x5=50
(a) "The arguments of the free traders were a curious mixture of economic hard
headedness, social benevolence, cosmopolitan idealism and class prejudice." 10 Marks
(b) "There are many ways in which the war of 1914 - 18 was unprecedented, and in human
history, entirelynovel." 10 Marks
(c) "The ineffectiveness of the League of Nations to prevent or to check Japanese aggression
against China was the first serious blow to its prestige as an agency for providing security." 10
(d) "Non-alignment came to symbolize the struggle of India and other newly independent
nations to retainand strengthen their independence from colonialism and imperialism." 10
(e) How would youexplain the nature of pre-Marxian Socialisn? 10 Marks

Q6(a) How did the policies of governments facilitate the process of industrialization
in Europe?
20 Marks
(b) How was Italy transformed from 'a geographical expression' to nation state? 20 marks
(c) How far did the Napoleonic preferential stance to help out the French economy result in
embroiling France in continental conflicts? 10 Marks

Q7(a) Which factors would youattribute to the British colonial intervention in Malaya in the
19th century?
How did Malays react to British colonial rule? 20 marks
(b) Explain why Latin America was beset with chronic political instability and endemic
military conflicts throughout most of the 19th century. 20 Marks
(c) Do youagree with the view that the formation of NATO marked a revolution in American
attitude to the world's problems? 10 Marks
Q8. (a) Do you subscribe to the view that Greek War of Independence was mired in contrasts
of the best and the worst episodes? How did affect the Concert of Europe? 20 Marks
(b) Was Czechoslovakia served on a dish to Hitler at Munich? What were its implications? 20
(c) Analyse the role of Egypt after the Second World War in bringing about Arab unity. 10 Marks




Q1. Identifythe following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note
of about 30 words on each of them in your Question cum Answer Booklet. Locational hints
for each the places marked on the map are given below seriatim. (2.5 x 20= 50 Marks)

6O E


AS: 36 N
36 N



Vii Viii




REG Na.-z11 wrC ECS0000s-48000R

1. Megalithic burialsite SAATH SUCCESS

2. Early Agricultural centre
3. Chalcolithic site
4. Early Harappan site
5. Cave Paintings
6. An ancient temple
7. Paleolithic site
8. Political and Cultural centre
9. Political and Culturalcentre
10. An ancient sea port
11. Terracotta centre
12. Buddhist centre
13. Harappan site
14. Inscriptional site
15. Vaishnava culturalsite

16. An ancient capital

17. Painted Grey Ware site
18. A Jainacentre
19. Chalcolithic site
20. An ancient capital

Q2.(a) How díd the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa Purana, emerge?
What are the distinctive features of this genre? (20 Marks)
(b) "Archaeologicalevidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political
dimensions ofthe decline of the Harappan civilization. What it does indicate very clearly is that
the Harappan culture underwent a gradual process of de-urbanisation"? Comment. (15 Marks)
(c) Give an account of gana-sanghas (non-monarchical state systems)? Why id they decline? (15

Q3.(a) Do you agree with the popular view that Mauryas established a unitary and highly
centralized if not monolithic state system? (20 Marks)
The concept of Shramanic religions, with particular reference to Buddhism, had their roots in
Upanisadic ideas. Discuss. (15 Marks)
(c)"Doubtless it was not a free state it was any rate a state" (KA.N.Sastri), Reflect upon the
nature of local self government institútions in the Chol country" (15 Marks)

Q4.(a) VWhat was the impact of trans-regional and trans-continental trade in the post Mauryan
period on social and cultural life of India? (20 Marks)
(b) "Utpanna dravide bhakthi, Karnate vriddhimagata I Sthita kinchit maharashtre gurjare
jirnatam gata II - Padmapurana Account for the emergence of bhakti in Dravida desa. (15
(c) Discuss the experimentations with art and architecture during the Gupta-Vakataka period. (15

Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

5(a) "The battles of Tarain and Chandawar laid the foundations of Turkish rule in India".
Elaborate. (10Marks)
(b) Discuss evidence on slavery provided by Ibn Batuta with special reference to female slaves. (10
(c) Discuss the advancement made in Textile Technology under the Delhi Sultans.(10 Marks)

"Akbar wished to assert his strong belief in God, but his concept of the way god is to be
worshipped was independent of either ourthodox Islam or Hinduism." Comment. (10 Marks)
(e) Discuss the literature written in Hindi in Mughal India. (10 Marks)

Q6(a) Critically analyze the changing nature of caste and gender relations during the early
medieval period.
(15 Marks)
(b) "An important feature of agriculture in Mughal India has been the large number of crops
raised by the peasants." Illustrate by giving examples.(15 Marks)
(c)"The policy of creating heterogeneous nobility by Muhammad Tughlaq started the
process of disintegration of Delhi Sultanate." Explain. (10 Marks)

Q7(a) Do you agree that convergence of politicalvacuum and impact of Islamicate culture and
polity (15 Marks)

Describe the new architectural features added by successive Sultans in the construction of
Tombs in India. ( 20 Marks)
What was the role of Sufi Folk literature in the diffusion of Islam in India in generaland
(c) in
Deccan in particular. (15 Marks)

Q8(a) Discuss the working of Zamindari System under the Mughal rulers. Also describe the role
played by the Zamindars in the agrarian Heconomy of Mughal India. (20 Marks)
(b) "The art of building was carried to the highest degree of perfection under Shahjahan".
Illustrate by giving architectural details of two of his most celebrated buildings. (15 Marks)
(c)"The Afghan invasions in the Eighteenth Century not only signified the military irrelevance of
the Mughal Empire but also hastened its decline." Explain.(15 Marks)

Paper-2 (SECTION - A)
Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: (10x5=50)

(a) "The Battle of Plassey (1757) thus marked the beginning of political supremacy of the English
East India Company in India." (10 Marks)
(b) "The passing of the land from the hands of the peasant proprietors into the hands of non
cultivating landlords brought about increasing polarization of classes in agrarian areas." (10
(c) "Faced with the challenge of the intrusion of colonial culture and ideology an attempt to
reinvigorate traditional institutions and to realize the potential of traditional culture developed
during the nineteenth century." (10 Marks)

(d)"An ideology of paternalistic benevolence, occasionally combined with talk of trusteeship

and training towards self-government, thinly veiled the realities of a Raj uncompromisingly
white and despotic." (10 Marks)
(e) "States" reorganization did not, of cOurse, resolve all the problems relating to linguistic
conflicts." (10 Marks)

Q2(a) Was the Moplah Rebellion in Malabar an expression of anti-landlord and anti-foreign
discontent? Discuss. (20 Marks)
(b) Analyse various trends in Dalit Movements in various parts of postindependent India. (20
(c) Could Dyarchy 1919 satisfy the national sentiments of the Indians? (10 Marks)

Q3(a) Underline the growth of various forms of Socialist ideologies in the Indian National
Movement between World Wars I and II. (20 Marks)

(b) Trace the development of land reforms in India between 1947 and early 1960's. (20 Marks)

What was the significance of Orientalist-Anglicist controversy in nineteenth century India?

Analyse. (10Marks)

Q4(a) Do you consider the suspension of Non-Cooperation Movement a "national calamity."? (20
Marks) DAATH. bhJ CCES
(b) Critically examine the turns and twists in the politics of partition in 1930"s and 1940's. (20
(c) Can methods and policies of the moderates be referred to as „political mendicancy"? (20

Q5. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: (10x5=50 Marks)
(a) "With the writings of Karl Marx, Socialism assumed the form of Scientific Socialism."
(b) "The American War of Independence transformed Europe as well as America."
(c) "The American War of Independence transformed Europe as well as America.
(d) At the end of the Battle of Sedan (1870), "Europe lost a mistress and gained a master".
(e) "UntilDecember 1941, the battlefield of the Second World War was exclusively European
and Atlantic; thereafter it became also Asiatic and Pacific."
Q6(a) Explain the major ideas of Enlightenment. Discuss the contribution of Rousseau in
(20 Marks)
(b)Discuss how Japan Industrialized after the Meiji Restoration, What were the
consequences for its neighbours? (20 Marks)
(c) Explain the features of Apartheid in South Africa. (15 Marks)

Q7(a) Examine the role of Bismarck in state building in

Germany. (20 Marks)
(b) Discuss the factors constraining development of Africa after decolonization (20 Marks)
(c) Qutline the circumstances leading to the adoption of the Marshall Plan. (15 Marks)

Q8(a) In the Chinese Revolution of 1949, the elements of communism and nationalism were
discernible. Explain the statement in the light Mao"s strategy which was different from that of
Lenin.(20 Marks)
(b)Discuss how far the United Nations has been successful in resolving global disptes from
year 1946 to1991. (20 Marks)
(c) Review the policy of Glasnost adopted by Gorbachev. (15 Marks)


Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplies to you and write a short note
of about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum-Answer Booklet. Locational hints
for each of the places marked the map are given below seriatim. (2.5x20=50 Marks)
() A Prehistoric cave-paintings site

(ii) ANeolithic-Chalcolithic site

(ii) An Early Harappan site
(iv) A

(v) An
Harappan site

ancient capital city

(vi) A Painted grey ware site
(vii) A Neolithic site

(vii) A site of Ashokan inscriptions

(ix) An ancient port and trade centre

(x) A Harappan site

(xi) A Chalcolithic site

(xii) An ancient capitacity
(xiii) A Rock-cut cave site

(xiv) A early fortified city

(xv) A Rock-cut temple site
(xvi) An ancient temple site
(xvi) An ancient capital city

(xvii) An ancient temple site

(xis) A Palaeolithic site

(xx) An ancient capital city

Q2 (a) Art and culture are reflected to a far greater extent than political history in the
epigraphic sources. Comment. (15 Marks)
(b)The second urbanization gave rise to the organized corporate activities that reached their
zenith during the Gupta period. Discuss. (20 Marks)
(c) The emergence of Non-Harappan Chalcolithic cultures in Central India and the Deccan mark
change not only inthe subsistence pattern of people but an overall transition from pre to proto
historic period. Critically analyze. (15 Marks)
Q3 (a) Critically examine various views regarding the Vedic-Harappan relationship in light of
the latest discoveries. (15 Marks)
(b) "Theconcept of Ashoka's Dhammaas found through his inscriptions had its roots in Vedic
Upanishadic literature." Discuss. (15 Marks)
(c) The period of Indian History form 3rd century B.C.E. to 5th century C.E., was the period of
innovation and interaction. How will you react ? (20 Marks)

Q4 (a) Trace the origin and development of temple architecture in India with reference to
regional styles and variations. (20 Marks)

(b) Buddhism and Jainism were social movements under the umbrella of religion. Comment. (15
(c) The accurate picture of the complex socio-cultural milieuof Peninsular India is presented
in the early Sangam literature. Delineate. (15 Marks)

Q5. Answer the following question in about 150 words each: (10x5=50 Marks)
(a) The 11th - 12th centuries C.E. saw eventful progression in the cultural history of India. Discuss.
(b) Evaluate the accounts of foreign travelers about the Vijayanagar Empire.
(c) Critically examine the 'blood and iron' policy of Balban.
(d) Do youconsider the Rajatarangini of Kaihana to bea reliable source of the political history
of Kashmir ? Why?
The religion of theSikhs was SS
the main forceaf their unity. Comment.

Q6 (a) To what extent was the Caliphate the source and sanction to the legal authority of the
Sultans of Delhi? (15 Marks)
(b) "Bhakti and Sufi movements served the same social purpose." Discuss. (15 Marks)
(c)Delineate non-agricultural production and urban economy in the 13th and 14th
centuries C.E.

Q7 (a) Do you agree that the schemes of Muhammad bin Tughlug were correctly conceived badly
executed and disastrously abandoned ? Discuss. (15 Marks)
(b) Do youthink that Akbar's Rajput policy was a
conscious attempt to incorporate the
Indian ruling elite with the Mughal Imperial System ? (15 Marks)
(c) "The political disintegration was responsible for the socio-economic decline in India
during the 18th century." Comment. (20 Marks)

Q8 (a) "Mughal paintings reflect social harmony in contemporary society." Discuss. (15 Marks)

(b) Assess the condition of peasants during the 13th to 17th centuries C.E. (15 Marks)
(c) How will you view the Maratha policy of expansion ? Delineate. (20 Marks)

Paper-2 (SECTION A)

Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: (10x5=50 Marks)
(a) "The Maratha polity disintegrated through internal stress."
(b) "The chief value of Raja's (Raja Rammohan Roy) labours seems to lie in his fight against
the forces of medievalismn in India."
(c) "The British railway construction policy in India benefitted British economy in the nineteenth

(d)The Arya Samajmay quite logically be pronounced as the outcome of condition imported
into India from the West."
(e) "Sri Narayana Guru's was a major intervention in the social reform movement from a

Q2 (a) Explain the factors responsible for the recurrence of famines in the nineteenth
century. What remedial measures were adopted by the British Indian Government ? (20
(b)Assess the role of the press in arousing awareness on important social issues in the second
half of the nineteenth century. (20 Marks)
(c) Underline the major considerations of the British imperial power that led to the
annexation of Punjab. (10 Marks)

Q3 (a) Trace the origin of the Ghadar movement and discuss its impact on the revolutionaries
in India. (20Marks)

(b) Explain why the efforts at finding a solution to India's constitutional impasse failed during
1942-1946. (20 Marks)
(c) Discuss the nature of peasant movements under the Kisan Sabhas during 1920-1940. (10
Q4. (a) Discuss how the Satyagrahas of Gandhi removed the spell of fear among Indians and
thus knocked off an important pillar of imperialism. (20 Marks)
(b) Howfar the developments in science and technology in post-Independence period put
India on the path of modernity? (20 Marks)
(c) Throw light on the nature of 'Instrument of ACcession' and 'Standstill Agreement' signed
by the Princely State with the Indian Union. (10 Marks)

Q5. Critically examine the following statements in about 150words each: (10x5=50 Marks)
(a)"Kant's redefinition of reason and his rehabilitation of conscience marked a high point in
the intellectual reaction against dominant rationalism of the Enlightenment."
(b) "The spirit behind the great reforms of Napoleon's Consulate at home was the
transference of the methods of Bonaparte the general task of Bonaparte the statesman."
(c) "Theroots of the Chartist movement in Great Britain were partly political and partly

(d) "18 January, 1871 hadbeen a day of triumph for the strength and pride of Germany and 28
June, 1919 was the day of chastisement."
(e) "The collapse of the Berlin Wall on 9 November, 1989 brought new meaning to the idea of
cooperation in Europe."

Q6 (a) Explain why England became the harbinger of industrial Revolution. Also throw light
on its social consequences, (20 Marks)

(b) Why was the First World War termed as the first 'total- war in modern history ? (20 Marks)
(c)Discuss how agrarian crisis accompanied by severe industrial depression triggered the
Revolutions of 1848. (10 Marks)

Q7 (a) What determinant factors, along with diplomatic, shaped the process of German
Unification ? (20 Marks)

(b) Examine the statement that "the danger of 'Bolshevism' dominated not only the history of
the years immediately following the Russian Revolution of 1917 but the entire history of the
world since that date." (20 Marks)

Examine why Bolivar's failed to fructify in bringing

(c) about united stand of the Latin
Americans. (10 Marks)

Q8 (a) Examine the circumstances which led to the overthrow of democracy and the
establishment of Fascist dictatorship in Italy. (20 Marks)
(b) "By the 1980s, the Communist System of Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining the
country's role as a Superpower." Substantiate. (20 Marks)

(c) Examine the nature of Dutch imperialism in Indonesia. (10 Marks)



Q1. Identify the following place marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note
about 30words on each of them in your Question-cum-answer booklet locational hints
for each of the place marked on the map are given blow. (2.5x20=50Marks)

(i) A mesolithic site

(ii) A Neolithic site

(iv) A
Mesolithic-Chalcolithic site

Neolithic site
(v) A Neolithic site
(vi) A Megalithic site
(vii) A site known for Buddhist remains

(vii) A Harappan site

(ix) A Harappan site

(x) A Harappan site

(xi) A Neolithic site

(xii) A Harappan site

(xii) A Capital city SAATH SUCCESS
(xiv) A Rock-cut cave site TO
(xv) A Late Harappan site
(xvi) An Educational center
(xvii) A Terra-cotta are center

(xvii) A Seaport

(xix) A capital city

(xx) A capital city

Q2 (a) Delineate and account for the regional characteristics of the Neolithic period in India.
(b) Explain why the majority of the known Harappan settlements are located in the semi
and areas with saline groundwater
(c)In what way was the egalitarian character of the early Vedic society changed during
the later Vedic period?

Q3 (a) Examine the relationship among economic growth, urbanization and State formation
from c. 7th century SCE to 3rd century BCE.
(b) How does the numismatic evidence of the period reflect the political and economic
outlook of the Kushanas and the Satay.anas?

"The changes in the field of art from the Kushana period to early medieval period are
mere reflection ofchanging outlook." Comment.

Q4. (a)Critically evaluate the theory and practice of land revenue system in ancient india.
(b) "The copious references to the preservation of Varnashrama system by the kings
eulogized in inscriptions are mere reflection of the Smriti tradition." Discuss.

(c) How did the temples of South India, as financial institutions, have deep impact on the
social institutions of early medieval period? Critically examine

Q5(a) Evaluate the contents of the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri as a source of medieval History

(b) Analyze the significance of the uttaramerur inscriptions of the Chola King Parantaka I.
(c) Evaluate Jonaraja's accOunt of the reign of Zain-ul-Abidin
(d) Comment on the veracity of AIberuni's account of the Indian society.
(e) Delineate the development of the Mughal painting during the reign of Jahangir.
Q6 (a) Explain the ingredients of th tansitory nature of the early medieval India.
(b) What measures were initiated by the Sultans for the consolidation of the DelhiSultanate?
(c) Identify the broad contours of the Mughal foreign policy and their impacts on the Mughal

Q7 (a) "The Advaita doctrine of Shankara cut at the very root of Bhaktivada."Do you agree?
(b) Do you think that the economic measures introduced by the Sultanate rules were
beneficial to the common people as well? Illustrate with examples.
(c) Assess the contribution of Firoz Shah Bahmani and Mahmud Gawan in the field of

Q8 (a) Do you think that the agrarian crisis of the 17th century led to the disintegration of the
Mughal empire? Discuss.

(b) Was it the weakening of the Mughal empire or the rise of the region. powers that led
to the British conguest of India? DiscuSS

Is it true that the court intrigues and weak revenue system led to the collapse i5 of the
Maratha empire? Comment.

Paper-2 (SECTION -A)

Q1 Answer the following in about 150 words each:

a) Comment on the French ambition of building a territorial empire, In India.

b) Afterthe Battle of Plassey, how did India transit from the medieval to the modern age?
c) Do you agree with the view that the growth of vernacular literature in the 19th and 20th
centuries pavedthe way for social reform and cultural revival in India?
d) "The Mutiny of 1857 was much moiréthana Mutiny of Sepoys and much less than a
National Rebellion," Comment.
e) Explain "Constructive Swadeshi" Characterised by atmashakti (self-reliance), which
propelled the SwadeshiMovement in Bengal.

Q2 a)How far is it correct to say

that if Clive was the founder of the British Empire in India,
Warren Hastings was its administrative organizer?

b) "Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war." Examine this statement with
reference to Lord William Bentinck.
c) "India's need for a federal system was more imperative than a political choice." Do you agree?

Q3 a)Critically examine the causes responsible for the phenomenon called 'de
industrialization' in India during the nineteenth century.
b) How far is it correct to say that the 19th Tribal uprisings are a part of subaltern nationalism?

c) How did Dr. B.R. Ambedkar try to seek a political solution to the Problem of caste in India?

Q4 a)"The need to impose greater parliamentary control over the Company's affairs increased
during the decades (1773 - 1853) after Plassey." Elucidate.

b) What significant role did women play in the Indian National Movement?
c) Critically examine the nature and scope of environmental movements in independent India.

Q5 Answer the following in about 150 words each:

a) "Karl" Marx applied his critical intelligence to Wealth of Nations... Where Smith had seen
only the sunlight, Marx saw only the shadows thrown upon the human scene by the
unimpeded exercise of individual liberty. (Elucidate.)

b) What is Metternich system? Assess its impact on Europe.

c) "League of Nations is League of Nations." Comment.
d) Explain the main features of
theUS Federal Constitution.
e) What factors contributed to the emergence of a unipolar world?

Q6 a) Critically examine the statement that the French Revolution was not caused by the
Frenchphilosophers but by the conditions of national life and by the mistakes of the
b) "A house divided against itself cannot stand, I believe this government cannot endure
permanently half slave and half free" Explain Abraham Lincoln's perspective.
c) Trace the significant role played by Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam's struggle for freedonm.

Q7 a) How did Lenin achieve an abrupt transition from a Monarchical autocratic to a Socialist

b) Do you agree with the view that the Treaty of Versailles was a bad compromise between a
treaty based upon force and a treaty based on ideas?
c) Trace the growth of British imperialism in South Africa from 1800 to 1907.

Q8 a) Trace the growth of Arab nationalism after the First World War. How far was it a
reaction to Oil Imperialism?

b) Inwhat way did the political changes in Soviet Union influence the events in Eastern
Europe during the closing decades of the 20th Century? e.SUCCES
c) Outline the circumstances Leading to détente.
Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you (on page 4 and write a
short note of about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum- Answer Booklet.
Locational hints for each of the places marked on the map are given below: 2.5x20=50

Neolithic site
II. Neolithic site


A Harappan

Megalithic site
Harappan site
VI. A painted-Grey-ware site

VI. An inscriptional site

VIII. An important ancient city
IX. An ancient port
X. A site of ancient cave-paintings

XI. Buddhist site
XII. An educational centre
Brahroadeya Milage
XIV. An ancient capital
XV. An ancient capital

XVI. A temple site

XVIL. An ancient capital
XVIII. An ancient sea-port
XIX. An archaeological temple site
XX. Harappan site
Q2 (a) How far can the ancient Indian Shruti literature be used as historical sources. The
decline of Harappan civilization was caused by ecological degradation rather than external
invasion. Discuss

(b) "Archaeology known of no Aryans.only literature knows of Aryans "Examine critically.

Q3 (a) How far it correct to say that changes in the post Vedic economy gave birth to
new religious movement* in India?

Delineate the nature and impact of India's contact with Wentern Ama and the
Mediterranean world during the Mauryan period
(c)"Not only does ancient Tamil literature furnish an accurate picture of widely disparate
classes, it also describes the social condition of Tamilcountry as it was" Discuss

Q4 (a) Trace the role of guilds and trade organisations in the development of early Indian
(b) Kailasa temple built at Ellora marks the cultivation of rock-cut architecture in India.
(c) How could the local self-government under the Cholas adjust with their centralised
administrative structure?

Q5. Answer the following questions about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Give a brief account of the early medieval temple architecture ofKashmir.
(b) Why is Mamallapuram famous? H TO SUCCL
(c) Mention the salient feature. of the polity of Vijaynagar Empire under Krishnadevaraya.
(d) What measures did Baiban adopt to combat the Mongol menace?
(e) How does Tuzuk-i-Babn testify that Babar had been a cultured man?

Q6 (a)Do the evidence' of land ownership at our disposal support the theory of the prevalence
of feudalism in early medieval India?
(b) Discuss in brief the land-revenue -system and judicial administration of The Delhi Sultanate.

(c) "Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or
the outward structure of Islamic/Hindu societies to any appreciable extent.

Q7 (a) Make an estimate of Rana Kumbha as a patron of literature and art.

(b) Why should the sixteenth century be regarded as the period of

theIndian Renaissance?
(c)"Tantrism, if not in practice, at least on a conceptual level challenged patriarchy;' Examine
Tantrismspecially keeping in mind the above context.

Q8 (a)'In medieval Indian history Akbar was unique for his religio-political ideas and policies."
Analyse thisstatement.

(b) Will it not be correct to say that the rural economy in Mughal India was relatively? Self

(c) Compare the Peshwas' bureaucratic management with that of the Imperial Mughal

Paper-2 (SECTION-A)
Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each. 10 x 5=50 marks
(a) 'Annexation of Punjab was part ofa broad nort motion after the exit of Maharaja Ranjit Singh."
(b) The Regulating Act(1773), the Pitt's India Act (1784) and eventually the Charter Act of 1833
left the East India Company as a mere shadow of itsearlier political and economic power in
(c) "The Indigo Revolt of 1859-60 holds a very significant place in our history of national
liberation movement. For the first time in the hitory of our anticolonial struggle, its two
independent currents spontaneous peasant Si stance and constitutional agitation in defence
of the peasantry-came into mutual contact."
(d)"The very idea of the bomb and the secret society and of propaganda through action and
sacrifice were imports from the west"
(e) "This retention of Rowlett legislation in the teeth of universal opposition repeal is an affront
to the nation. Its repeal is necessary to appraise national honour."

Q2 (a) Swami Dayanand's philosophy represents both elements of extremism and social
radicalism" Substantiate.
(b) To characterize the quit India Movement as Spontaneous revolution' would be partial
interpretation, so also would be to look up at it as the culmination of Gandhian Satyagraha
movements" Elucidate.
(c) powerful left-wing group developed in India in the late 1920s and 19 30s, contributing to

the radicalization of national movement." Critically examine.

Q3 (a) "Under the forceful

thrust of British colonialism, Indian economy was transformed into
colonial the structure of which was determined by the requirements of Britain's fast
developing industrial economy " Examine.
(b) "James Mill, the apostle of utilitarian philosophy, proposed a revolution of Indian society
through the Weapon of law' solely. But in actual policy framing, other influences and
considerations weighed much more than the colonialState." Elucidate.
(c)The Royal Indian Navy Revolt was seen as an event which marked the end of the British rule
almost as finally as Independence Day." Explain

Q4 (a) Analyze the nature of peasant movements during the nationalist phase and bring out
their shortcomings.
(b) "Jawaharlal Nehru, thougha declared socialist, was nr-ion focus on providing building blocks
to the making of a new India"Examine.
(c) 'Althoughthe Government of India Act 1935 replaced diarchy with Provincial Autonomy, the
overriding powers of the Governor diluted the spirit autonomy." Elucidate.

Q5. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words: 10x5=50 marks
"France was even more, fertile than Britain in producing new socialist theories and
movements, though bore less concrete results in France than Britain.
"The multiple contradictions that quickly undermined the new edifice, had been expressed
even before the meeting of the Estates General in France. The internal conflict among Estates
had manifested itself."
(c) "The whole episode that is known as the July Revolution (1830) was fought and won not for
the establishment of an extreme democracy but to get rid of the aristocratic and clericalist
attitude of the restored Bourbons."
(d) "Mazzini's conception of Italian nationality was not exclusive and his dominant ideal was the
recreation of moral unity of mankind."
(e) "The Constitutional blockade was a misconceived idea of economically defeating Great Britain."
Q6 (a) The Berlin congress (1878) failed to unlock the Eastern Question Though there was no
major war in Europe for nearly three decades after the Treaty contained the seeds of many future
wars" Critically evaluate.
appears to be simply an extension or mere sub-theme under historiography,
(b) History of Africa
Africa and American history. According to this scramble Elucidate without any history before
the European scramble"Elucidate.
"The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were considered by the Russian Bloc as a
weapon against Russia in order to restrict her influence" critically exami

Q7 (a) How far is it correct to say that the First World War was fought essentially for the
preservation of the balance of power?

(b)"The failure of Kuomintang against the communist onslaught was unimaginable and it was
Mao Tse-tung whose tenacity and innovative approach had accomplished the unthinkable."
(c) "The oppressive exploitation of the working class in the wake of the Industrial Revolution had
jolted the social conscience of England." Elucidate.

Q8 (a) The UNO was created in the light of experience of the 'League of Nations' but out spite of
the mandate contained in the UN0 constitution, its effective role maintaining world peace has
lacked cohesiveness and collective approach." Examine.
(b)"The European Union, a diplomatic marvel, continues to grapple with intermittent fissures
Arising qui oi economic contentious issues that pose a challenge to an effective integration of
the Union." Critically examine
(c)"The role of the Non-Alignment Movement in worid affairs has suffered greatly due to the
theatre of internecine conflicts among the Third World countries who spearheaded it" Elucidate.

Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note
of about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum Answer Booklet. Locational hints
for each of the places marked on the map are given below seriatim :
(i) An ancient capital
(ii) A Palaeolithic site
(ii) A
cultural centre
(iv) An ancient capital IAS
(v) A Palaeolithic site
(vi) A historical site
(vii) A Harappan site
(viii) An ancient capital
(ix) A political and cultural centre
(x) A Megalithic site
(xi) A Mesolithic site
(xii) A Chalcolithic site
(xiii) A prehistoric site
(xiv) A political and cultural centre
(xv) An ancient
(xvi) A lost port

(xvii) Rock-cave art centre

(xvii) An ancient capital

(xx) A political and cultural centre

(xx) An ancient town

Q2 (a) "While using the accounts of foreign writers, historians must distinguish between
statements based on hearsay and those grounded in perceptive observations." Elaborate with

(b) "The Upanishadic principles embody the epitome of the Vedic thought Discuss.
(c)Review critically the evolution of different schools of art in the Indian subcontinent between
the second century BCE and the third century CE, and evaluate the socio-religious factors
responsible for it.

Q3 (a) In what ways can the Megalithic culture be considered a foundational phase of the
history of peninsular India ?
(b) Do you think the Harappan civilization had a diversity of subsistence base?

(c) Discuss different interpretations of historians about the nature of Ashoka's Dhamma'. Did
his principleof 'Dhamma-vijaya' render the Mauryan Empire militaristically weak?

Q4 (a) Buddha's teachings to a large extent could be helpful in understanding and resolving the
problem of today's society. Analyse critically.
(b) Discuss the provincial and district administrative units of the Gupta Empire with the
designations and functions of the officers.
(c)What were the privileges granted to the donees in land - grant charters of early India?
How far were these charters responsible for integration or disintegration of socio-political

Q5.Answer the following question in about 150 words each
(a) Critically analyse the agricultural economy from 750 to 1200 CE.
(b) Evaluate the contribution of Vaishnavasaints to the growth of medievalBhakti literature.
(c) Analyse the ordinances mentioned by Barani which Alauddin Khilji promulgated for market
(d) Give a
brief account of resistance offeredd by Ahom State against the Mughal rule.
by Anomstate

(e) How was Cartaz system used by the Portuguese to maintain their control over the oceanic

Q6 (a)Evaluating various theories regarding the Chola State, throw light on its village assemblies.
(b) Trace the technological andstylistic development in the architecture of the Sultanate period.
(c) Analyse the Mughal monetary system and examine their policy of minting of coins.

Q7 (a) Evaluate the 'Kitab al-Hind' of Alberunias a source of history of India.

(b) Evaluating the theory of kingship of the Sultanate, discuss the deviations seen in the reigns
of differentSultans.
(c) "The Battle of Plassey that decided the fate of Bengal was won by Clive through intrigues."
08 (a) To what extent is 'Segmentary State model relevant for defining the Vijayanagar State?
Critically examine.
(b) How are Iqta system of the Sultans different from the Jagir system under the Mughals?

(c) "India had been for hundreds of years Lancashire of the Eastern world." Critically examine this


Paper-2 (SECTION-A)
Q1(a) 'Plassey did not complete the British conquest the English been convincingly
of India. Had

defeated in any subsequent battle in India, then (the battle of) Plassey would have remained as
minor episode in the history of India."
(b) "Montague-Chelmsford reform proposals introduced 'dyarchy' but blurred the lines of
responsibility. "
(c) "The military, feudal and traditional overtones of the Revolt of 1857 were overshadowed by
its nationalist or proto-nationalist character."

(d) "The 'safely-valve thesis' does not adequately explain the birth of the Indian National Congress in

(e) "M.K. Gandhi made a gross mistake in championing the Khilafat cause an extra-territorial
issue which cut at the very roots of Indian nationality."

Q2 (a) "The Dual System of Government was a complete failure from the outset. In the first place,
the abuse of the private trade reached a greater height than over. In the second place, the
demands of the Company for the increase led to gross oppression of the peasantry."
(b) plan (Cabinet Mission Plan), they (the Congress Leadership)
"...instead of rejecting the
resorted to a half-baked legalistic stratagem to reserve their position on its long-term
arrangements and accepted its short-term provisions." Critically examine.
(c)"Dalit Movements for empowerment in independent India have essentially been for carving
out politicalspace through electoral politics." "discuss.

Q3 (a) "Politics remained for the bulk of the Moderates very much a part-time affair. The Congress
was notapolitical party, but an annual three-day show..... Elucidate.

(b) "The Anti-Partition Agitation (1909) had an economiccharacter in Bengal unlike the Extremist
Agitation in Maharashtra which had a religious character." Examine.
(c) "Sardar Patel accomplished a silent revolution by ensuring the absorption and assimilation
of multitude of principalities without shedding even a drop of blood." Elucidate.

Q4 (a) "Though Sri Ramakrishna became the prophet of neo-Hinduism, he never claimed to have
founded a new religion." Elaborate.
(b) "Why did the British finally quit India on 15th August. 1947? The Imperialist answer is that
independence was simply the fulfilment of Britain's self-appointed mission to assist the Indian
people toself-government." Examine.
(c) To what extent did the Freedom Movement in India influence the Liberation Movement in

Q5 (a) "Rousseau strove to reconcile the liberty of the individual and the institution of
Government through a new vision of the Contract-Theory of Government."
(b) "The commercial and industrial interests created a veritable hothouse atmosphere in Europe
for the establishment of colonies."
(c) "Enlightened despots (Europe) were not necessarily politically liberal."
(d) "......the passing of the 'Reform Act' marked the real beginning of modern party
organization in England..... In a real sense, the present political system of England dates from
(e) The Russo-Japanese War helped in the rise of
japan as great power."

Q6 (a) "American Revolution seems to have come with remarkable suddenness. A roster of
talented leaders emerged during 1763 to 1775 to make it happen." Elucidate.
(b)"If we were to define our conception of the States, our answer would be that the State is the
banker of the poor. The government would finance and supervise the purchase of productive
equipments and the formation of social workshops." In light of the above statements of Louis
Blanc, throw light on the Pre-Marxist Socialist Thought in Europe.
(c) To what extent did the expansion of European Powers in the late 19th century help in the
modernization of Africa?
Q7 (a) "The Declaration of Rights was the death-warrant of the system of privilege, and so of
the ancient regime Yet in the history of ideas it belonged rather to the past than to the
future." Examine.
examine the socio-cultural and economic impact of migration in Europe and Asia in
(b) Critical
the 18th and 19th centuries.
(c) Discuss the circumstances leading the Suez, Crisis of 1956 and examine its repercussions
on global politics.

Q8 (a) "Europe was eclipsed through European folly due to the two world wars." Elucidate.

(b) "The language of narrow nationalism held at. Frankfurt destroyed the German Revolution;
as the fatal idea of aggrandizement of the House of Savoy. Destroyed the Italian Revolution."
(c) Discuss the nature of American overseas expansion in Asiaand explain the consequences.

Q1. Identity the following places marked on the outline map in the question-cum-Answer
Booklet supplied to you and write short notes of about 30 words on each of them in the space
provided in the Booklet. Locational hints for each of the place marked on the map are given
below seriatim:-2,5 x 20=50 marks

() A Paleolithic and Mesolithic site

(ii) A Mesolithic site

(ii) An important halting place.

(iv) A Pre-Harappan site.

(v) An important Harappan site

(vi) Site of important fossils

(vii) A Seat port
(vii) A Paleolithic site

(ix) A Neolithic, Megalithic a Chalcolithic site.

(x) A Harappan site.
(xi) A Palaeolithic site.
(xii) A NeolithicSite.

(xii) A Chalcolithic site SAATH SUCCESS

(xiv) A ChalcolithicSite TO
(xv) A site of Buddhist Monastery.
(xvi) Painted Grey Ware site.
(xvii) Site related to a famous Indian Philosopher.

(xvii) Historical Rock cut caves.

(xix) Famous Fort.

(Xx) Capital of famous Kingdom
Q2 (a) Evaluate various views regarding human settlements as gleaned from the Vedic sources.
20 marks

(b) Discuss the water management and its conservation planning in the Harappan (Indus
Saraswati) cities.
20 marks
(c) Inthe absence of a written script Chalcolithicpottery gives us a fascinating insight into the
culture andlifestyle of the people of those times. Comment critically 15 marks

Q3 (a) On the basis of contemporary sources assess the nature of banking and usury in ancient
India. 15marks
norms for women in the Dharmasastra and Arthasastra tradition were framed in
(b) Social
accordance with the Varnashrama tradition. Evaluate critically. 20 marks
(c)"The varna concept may always have been largely a theoretical model and never an actual
description of society." Comment in the context of Ancient India. 15 marks

Q4 (a) Evaluate the contribution of the Puranas is disseminating secular knowledge among
masses in ancient India. 15 marks
(b) Evaluate the ownership of land in ancient India on the basis of literary and epigraphic sources.
15 marks

(c)Explain as to how the early Buddhist Stupa art, while using folk motifs and narratives
and common cultural symbols, suCceeded in transforming these themes for expounding the
Buddhist ideals. 20 marks

- 10
Q5. Write short notes in not more than 150 words on each of the folowing:
x5 = 50 marks
(a) Evaluate the Malfuzat texts as sources of medieval history. 10 marks
(b)Discuss the state of society and economy of the Bahmani kingdom as gleaned from
historical sources.
10 marks

(c) Give a sketch of Indian trade with Europe during the Mughal period. 10 marks
(d) Analyzethe steps taken by Razia Sultan to strengthen her position as an independent ruler
despite thevarious obstacles. 10 marks

(e) Bhakti and mysticism of Lal Deb emerged as a social force in Kashmir. Comment 10 marks

Q6 (a) Evaluate the conditions of industries in India from 1200– 1500 CE. 20 marks
(b) On the basis of contemporary sources evaluate the system of agriculture and irrigation of the
Vijaynagar kingdom. 15 marks

(c) Critically evaluate the educational development during the Sultanate period. 15 marks

Q7 (a) On the basis of the accounts of Europeans bring out the agrarian crisis on the 17th century
CE India.
20 marks
Evaluate critically the conditions of labour 1200-1500
CE on the basis of historical sources. 15

(c) Discuss and evaluate critically various trends in the historiography of Bhakti. 15 marks

Q8 (a) Analyze how the political process of state formation of Mewar from 10th - 15th century
CE was challenged in the 16th century CE by the imperialist policy of Akbar. 15 marks

(b)Assess the Lekhapaddhati as an important source for evaluating the society and
economy of the thirteenth century CE with special reference to Gujarat. 15 marks
(c) Assess the development of Science and Technology in the Mughal period. 20 marks

Paper-2 (SECTION -A)

Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: 10 x 5 = 50 marks
(a)"Duplex made a cardinal blunder in looking for the key of India in Madras: Clive sought and
found it in Bengal."

(b)SwamiVivekananda opined that "We should give our ancient spirituality and culture and get
inreturn Western Science, technology, methods of raising the standard of life, business integrity
and technique of collective effort."
(c) "Ryotwari falls into three stages - early, middle and late, and the only description common to
all is that it is mode of settlernent with small farmers, so small, indeed, that their average holding
is, on recent figures, only about 6.5acres. "To SUCC
(d) "Many of us who worked for the Congress programme lived in a kind of intoxication during
the year 1921. We were full the excitement and optimism. We had a sense of freedom and a pride
in that freedom."

(e)"Gandhi's body is in jail but his soul in with you, India's prestige is in your hands, you must not
use anyviolence under any circumstances. You will be beaten but you must not resist, you must
not raise a hand to ward off blows."

Q2 (a) "Weaving", says R. C. Dutt, "was the national industry of the people spinning was the
pursuit of millions of women." Indian textiles went to England and other parts of Europe, to
Chinaand Japan and Burma and Arabia and Persia and parts of Africa. Elucidate. 25 marks
(b) "The first point to note is the continuing importance of religion and philosophy as vital
ingredients in the modern Indian Renaissance. Indeed, there is as much reason for regarding it as
a reformation as there is for treating it as a Renaissance." Critically examine. 25 marks

Q3 (a) "At the dawn of the twentieth century Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, was full of hostility
towards the Indian Congress and he confidentially reported to the Secretary of State in
November 1900; My own belief is that the Congress is tottering to its fall, and one of my greatest
ambitions while in India ís to assist it to a peaceful demise." Examine. 25 marks
(b) "Thought the Act of 1919 was superseded by that of 1935, the preamble to the former was not
- the preservation of the smile of the Cheshire cat after its disappearance, and the latter said
nothing about Dominion Status:" Elucidate. 25 marks

Q4 (a) "Notwithstanding the quest for modernity and the antagonism that guided Nehru's
attitude towardsthe inequalities inherent in the social structure in rural India, the Congress Party
did not carry out a concerted campaign against discrimination based on caste. Nehru's own
perception was the industrial growth was bound to break the stranglehold of this feudal
remnant. This, however, did not happen in India".
Examine. 25 marks
(b) "The reorganization resulted in rationalizing the political map of India without seriously
weakening its unity. If anything, its result has been functional, in as much at it removed what
had been a major source ofdiscord, and created homogeneous political units which could be
administered through a medium that thevast majority of the population understood. Indeed, it
can be said with the benefit of hindsight that language, rather than being a force for division,
has proved a commenting and integrating influence." Examine. 25 marks

Q5. Critically examine thefollowing statements in about 150 words each: 10 x5= 50 marks
(a) "For Kant, Enlightenment is mankind's final coming of age,the emancipation of the human
consciousness from an immature state of ignorance and error."
(b) "Sixhundred thousand men had died. The union was preserved, the slaves freed. A nation
'conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal' had
survived its most terrible ordeal."
(c)"Colonialism not only deprives a society of its freedom and its wealth, but of its very character,
leaving its people intellectually and morally disoriented."

the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (that resulted in the creation of the Union of Soviet
(d) "If
Republics or Soviet Union) inaugurated an international competition for the hearts and minds
of people all over the globe the Chinese Revolution raised the stakes of the struggle."
(e)"Decolonization has finished. It definitely belongs to the past. Yet somehow it has refused to
become history."

Q6 (a) "In spite of the careful framing of the Character, the role of UNO as peacekeeper
international mediator has been somewhat lackluster and muted and that continues to be so
even after the end of the Cold War." Elucidate. 25 marks

(b) "Change in Britain came comparatively peacefully through democratic process in the first
half of the nineteenth century and a model of a functioning democracy through the ballot box
was successfully put inplace." Elaborate. 25 marks

Q7 (a) "New imperialism was a nationalistic, not an economic phenomenon." Critically examine. 25
(b) "By the 1980s the Communist system of the Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining the
country's role as a Superpower." Elucidate. 25 marks

Q8 (a) "The European Union is the new sick man of Europe". Critically evaluate. 25 marks

(b) "There must be an end to white monopoly on political power, and a fundamental
restructuring of our political and economic systems to ensure that the inequalities of apartheid
and addressed and our societythoroughly democratized." Discuss 25 marks

Q1. Identifythe following places marked on the map supplied to you and write short notes of
about 40 words on each of them in your answer book. Locational hints for each of the places
marked on the map are given below seriatim: 3x 20 = 60 marks
A prehistoric state
chalcolithic site
(ii) A religious centre
(iv) A prehistoric

(v) An art centre

(vi) A prehistoric site
(vi) An art centre
(vii) A port

(ix) A capital town

(x) A prehistoric site

(xi) A post Mauryan town

(xii) An art centre

(xii) A prehistoric site

(xiv) A chalcolithic site

(xv) A chalcolithic site
(xvi) A chalcolithic site

(xvii) A prehistoric site

(xvii) An art centre

(xix) A chalcolithic site
(Xx) A chalcolithic site

Q2 (a) Evaluate the significance of seals and sealing in the reconstruction of socio-economic and
religious life of the Harappan people. 30 marks

(b) Justify Pliny's statement that Rome was being drained out of its gold by India during the first
century of the Christian era. 30 marks
Q3 (a) Discuss the extent, settlement patterns and subsistence economy of the megalithic
cultures. 30 marks

(b) Assess the education system in early India and identify important educational institutions of
the period.
30 marks
Q4(a) Examine the role of adhyaksa in the Mauryan administration. 30 marks

(b) Analyse the vibrant cultural activities in peninsular India during 550-750 CE. Compare and
contrast with the situation in contemporary North India. 30 marks

Q5. Write the short notes in not more than 150 words on each of the following: 12 × 5 = 60
(a) Evaluate Rajataranginias asource of history.
(b) Medieval Indian towns were merely an extension of villages, Comment.

(c) Assess the contribution of the Acharyas in the development of the ideological basis of Bhakti.
(d) Discuss the Caurapancasika and Jain styles of paintings. Can the Caurapancasika style truly
be called the precursor of pothi format?
(e) Give social background to the rise of
the Maratha movement during the seventeenth century.

Q6 (a) What kind of change were visualized by historians on Indian feudalism? Examine critically.
30 marks SAATE C CESS
(b) Analyse the racial composition and the role of nobility under the successors of IItutmish.
How did it affect the contemporary politics? 30 marks

Q7 (a) Evaluate the role of nadu and nagaram in the growth of urbanization under the Cholas. 30
(b) How did the Mongol invasions affect the Delhi Sultanate the north-western frontier policy
of the DelhiSultans? 30 marks

Q8 (a) State the structure of medieval village society in Northern India. What were the passive
forms of resistance of the peasants in the medieval period? 30 mnarks
(b) How was the Afghan nobility responsible for the decline of the Afghan empires? Discuss. 30

Paper-2 (SECTION -A)

Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: 12 x 5 = 60 marks
(a)"The current practice of categorization of 'Early Modern India' is based on a shift from the old
imperialist periodization of 'Muslim India' 'British India' to the more secularist one of 'Medieval
India' 'Modern India', which puts Indian history in a universalists chronological structure."
(b) "Conmpared to their English counterpart, the French East India Company enjoyed little
discretionary power and had to always look up to Paris for all major decisions. This partly
explains the failure of the French in India."
(c) "The peasant movement of the second half of the nineteenth century lacked a positive
conception of an alternative society -
a conception which would unite the people in a common
struggle on a wide regional and all-india plane and help develop long-term political
(d) "Plantations and mines, jute mills, banking, insurance, shipping and export-import concerns
in India were run through a system of interlocking managing agencies."
(e)"Nehru's policy of Non-Alignment came to symbolize the struggle of India and other newly
independent nations to retain and strengthen their independence from colonialism."

Q2 (a) "The forces of free trade and the British determination of create a political and
administrative environment conducive to trade and investment has shaped the British policy
towards Indian in the first half of the nineteenth century." Elucidate. 30 marks

(b) "The contact of the new Indian middle class with the West proved to be a catalyst. The social
and religious movements launched by Rammohan or Iswar Charidra Vidyasagar have to be
understood in context." Elaborate. 30 marks

Q3 (a) "The railways, instead of serving as the catalyst of the industrial revolution as in Western
Europe and the USA, acted in India as the catalyst of complete colonization"– Examine 30
(b) "The Santhal hool began in July 1855. The core of the movement was economic, the basic
cause of theuprising was agrarian discount." Elucidate. 30 marks

Q4 (a) "Nehru favoured the policy of integrating the tribal people in Indian society, of making
them an integral part of the Indian nation even while maintaining their distinct identity and
culture." Elaborate with special reference to Northeastern India. 30 marks
(b) "The Chipko became famous as the first major environmental movement in post-colonial
Indian and gave rise to the understanding that environmental issues are often women's issues
because they suffer most from its deterioration." – Explain 30 marks

Q5. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: 12 x 5 =60 marks
(a) "The despotic rules of Europe were influenced by the philosophy of Enlighten and began to
follow a benevolent policy toward their subjects."
(b) "The American Revolution was essentially an economic conflict between American
capitalism and British mercantilism.

(c) "The connection between the philosophers' ideas and the outbreak of the French Revolution
(1789) is somewhat remote and indirect."
(d) "The process of industrialization in some other countries of Europe was different from that in
(e)"With the Cold War over and the Soviet Union gone, the face of international diplomacy has
undergone a metamorphosis."

Q6 (a) "The impact of the French Revolution (1789) was initially confined to Europe, but that of
the Russian Revolution (1917) was global." Critically review. 30 marks
(b) "Any single explanation for the outbreak of the First World War is likely to be too simple. An
amalgam of factors intellectual, social, economic as well as political and diplomatic contributed
to this horrifying conflict of monumental proportions." Explain. 30 marks

Q7(a) How did Napoleon fuse the France of the ancient regime with the France of the post
revolutionary era? 30 marks

(b) Was German unification achieved more by 'coal and iron' rather than by 'blood and iron? 30
08 (a) "The announcement of certain of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949 by
Mao Zedongended the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the
Nationalist Party (KMT)."
Elaborate. 30 marks
(b) "The Arab nationalism hada peculiar character. It stood fornational independence for
separate Arab States as well as for the unity of all Arabs irrespective of their state boundaries."
Examine. 30 marks

Paper-2 (SECTION-A)
Q1. Mark the following places on the map supplied to you and write short descriptive notes
on them: 3 × 20 = 60 marks
(i) Chirand
(i) Kargil
(iii)) Basohli

(iv) Lalitgiri

(v) Mandu
(vi) Penukonda
(vii) Samugarh

(vii) Vilinam

(ix) Sigiria


(xii) Halebid
(xii) Sanghol

(xiv) Kumbharia
(xv) Sirpur LAS
(xvi) Pangudaria

(xvii) Amarkantak
(xvi) Kibbanhalli
(xix) Jorwe
(xx) Badaun

Q2. Trace the development of urbanization from the third millennium B.C.E. to 6th century B.C.E.
60 marks

Q3(a) Evaluate the conceptual basis of the Vedic deities. 30 marks

(b) Assess the importance of Jain tents and their relevance to humanity. 30 marks

Q4 (a) Evaluate the introduction of iron technology in the development of human history of
ancient India. 20 marks
(b) Discuss the type of lands and the science of agriculture mentioned in the literature and
epigraphs of ancient India. 20 marks
(c) Assess Ellora as a unigque art centre of the different culture streams. 20 marks

Q5. Write short notes in not more than 200 words on the following: 20 x 3 = 60
(a) Assess the contribution of IItutmish for the expansion and consolidation of the Delhi
(b) Examine critically the agrarian and economic reforms of Alauddin Khilji. How did it
strengthen the Sultanate?
(c) What is your assessment of Ibn battuta's Rihla as an important source of Indian history.

Q6. Evaluate the socio-economic conditions from the Gupta Period to 1200 C.E. as gleaned
from the various types of grants or dana shasana. 60 marks

Q7(a) Mughal paintings reflect the contemporary socio-political conditions. -Discuss. 30 marks

(b) Examine the mansab and jagir system by Akbar and its subsequent failure in the 18th century.
30 marks

Q8 (a) Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdom with special reference to
the Deccanin the 18the century. 30 marks
(b) Assess the contribution of the Cholas in the expansion of Indian culture outside India. 30

Paper-2 (SECTION -A)

Q1. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 x 3= 60 marks
(a) "Theneed for a unilateral transfer of funds to Britain was a constant factor and; in fact,
progressively increased over time,"
(b) "Young Bengal left little distinctive or permanent impression on the plane of religion and
(c) "The emergence of left-wing group in the Congress radicalized its social and economic
agendas." 1TH TO

The Charter Act of 1833 rung down the curtain on the Company's trade and introduced a
Q2 (a)
newconcept of government in India," Substantiate. 20 marks
(b) "Orientalismn produced a knowledge of the past to service the needs of the Colonial State."
Elucidate. 20 marks
(c)"The vernacular press in nineteenth century India served not just as newspapers but more
importantly as views-papers." Comment. 20 marks

Q3 (a) "In 1857, the robel sepoys showed a remarkable centripetal tendency to congregate at
Delhi." Do you agree? Substantiate. 30 marks

(b) "Tribals revolted more often and far more violently than any other community including
peasants in India." Elaborate. 30 marks
Q4 (a) "Nehru's 'Temple of Modern India' consisted not only of steel and power plants, irrigation
dams, butincluded institutions of higher learning, particularly in the scientific fields," Elaborate.
30 marks

(b) Would you agree that India's effort to pursue and independent foreign policy was a
highlight of post-1947 polities? 30 marks

Q5. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 x3 = 60 marks
(a) "The promptings of the heart are more to be trusted than the logic of the mind." Rousseau.
(b) "The peace of Versailles lacked moral validity from the start."
(c) "The collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989 brought new ideas of co-operation in Europe."

Q6 (a) "The roots of Chartism are party political and party economic." Elaborate. 20 marks

(b) "Whoever says Industrial Revolution, says cotton." Comment. 20 marks

(c) "By 1914, the sick man of Europe was no longer just Turkey: it was Europe itself," Explain. 20

Q7 (a) Explain how American imperialism in the Philippines differed with European imperialism
in Indonesia and Indo-China. 30 marks
(b) How did the policy of appeasement escalate the problem of Nazi aggrandizement? 30 marks
Q8 (a) Would you argue that Non-Aligned Movement played a crucial role in promoting a
climate of peace?
30 marks
(b) Examine the challenges confronted by the proponents of European unity after the
collapse of Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. 30 marks

Section-A (Modern India)

notes on them:
() Chirand
(i) Kargil
(ii) Basohli
3 x

Mark the following places on the map supplied to you and write short descriptive
(iv) Lalitgiri
(v) Mandu
(vi) Penukonda
(vi) Samugarh
(xi) Mukhalíngam
(xi) Halebid
(xi) Sanghol
(xiv) Kumbharia
(xv) Sirpur
(xvi) Pangudaria
(xvii) Amarkantak
(xvii) Kibbanhalli
(xx) Badaun
2.Trace the development of urbanization from the third millennium B.C.E. to 6th
century B.C.E. 60
3.(a) Evaluate the conceptul basis of the Vedic deities, 30
(b) Assess the importance of Jain tents ang their relevahce to humanity. 30
4. (a) Evaluate the introduction of iron technology in the development of human
history of ancient India. 20
(b) Discuss the type of lands and the science of agriculture mentioned in the
literature and epigraphs of ancient India. 20
(c) Assess Ellora as a unique art centre of the different culture streams. 20

Section 'B'
5. Write short notes in not more than 200 words on the following: 20 x 3 = 60
(a) Assess the contribution of Iltutmish for the expansion and consolidation of the
Delhi Sultanate.
(b) Examine critically the agrarian and economic reforms of Alauddin Khalji. How did
it strengthen the Sultanate?
(c) What is your assessment of Ibn batutah's Rehla as an important source of Indian
6. Evaluate the soico-economic conditions from the Gupta Period to 1200 C.E. as
gleaned from the various types of grants or dana shasana. 60

7. (a) Mughal paintings reflect the contemporary socio-political conditions. -Discuss.

(b) Examine the mansab and and jagir system by Akbar and its subsequent failure in
the 18th century. 30
8.(a) Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdom with special
reference to the Deccan in the 18the century. 30
(b) Assess the contribution of the Cholas in the expansion of Indian culture outside
India. 30

Paper-2 (SECTION - A)
1. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 x 3 = 60
(a) "The need for a unilateral transfer of funds to Britain was a constant factor and; in
fact,progressively increased over time."
(b) Young Bengal left little distinctive or permanent impression on the plane of
religion and philosophy."
(c) "The emergence of left-wing group in the Congress radicalized its social and

economic agendas."
2. (a) "The Charter Act of 1833 rung down the curtain on the Company's trade and
introduced a new concept of government in India," Substantiate. 20
(b) "Orientalism produced a knowledge of the past to service the needs of the
Colonial State." Elucidate. 20
(c) "The vernacular press
in nineteenth century India served not just as newspapers
but more importantly as views-papers." Comment. 20

3.(a) "In 1857, the robel sepoys showed a remarkable centripetal tendency to
congregate at Delhi. " Do you agree? Substantiate. 30
(b) "Tribals revolted more often and faf more violently than any other community
including peasants in India." Elaborate. 30

4. (a) "Nehru's 'Temple of Modern India consisted not only of steel and power plants,
irrigation dams, but included institutions of higher learning, particularly in the
scientificfields, " Elaborate. 30
(b) Would you agree that India's effort to pursue and independent foreign policy was
a highlight of post-1947 polities? 30

Section B

5. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each: 20 x 3 = 60

(a) "The promptings of the heart are more to be trusted than the logic of the mind."
(b) "The peace of Versailles lacked moral validity from the start."
(c) "The collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989 brought new ideas of co-operation in Europe."

6. (a) "The roots of Chartism are party political and party economic." Elaborate. 20
(b) "Whoever says Industrial Revolution, says cotton." Comment. 20
the sick man of Europe was no longer just Turkey: it was Europe itself,"
"By 1914,
Explain. 20

7. (a) Explain how American imperialism in Philippines differed with European

imperialism in Indonesia and Indo-China. 30
(b) How did the policy of appeasement escalate the problem of Nazi
aggrandizement? 30
8. (a) Would you argue that Non-Aligned Movement played a crucial role in
promoting climate of peace? 30
(b) Examine the chalenges confronted by the proponents of European unity after
the collapse of Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe. 30




(i) Korkai

(ii)) Eran
Mark the following places on the map supplied to you and write short descriptive notes on

(ii) Birbhanpur
(iv) Rakhigarhi

(vii) Dhanyakataka

(viii) Junnar
(ix) Edakkal
(x) Paithan
(xi) PanduRajar Dhibi
(xii) Karle

(xiii) Vatapi

(xiv) Porkalam
(xv) Kalanjar SAATH SUCCESS
(xvi) Multan TO
(xvii) Bairat

(xviii) Chanhudaro
(xix) Rajim

(xx) Tripuri

Q2.(a) To what extent archaeological materials are useful in understanding the progress of
neolithicman in India?

(b) Examine the significance of the deities depicted on the coins of the Kushanas.
Q3. (a) Examine the' view that the sacrifice was a ritual and a form of social exchange in Vedic

(b) Assess the role of guilds' and trade organizations in the development of early Indian economy.

Q4. What light do early inscriptions and literature throw on the status of women in politico-socio

economic spheres ?

Q5. Write short notes in not more than 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Provide acomparative analysis of the development of Arabic and Persian historiography.

(b) Discuss social dynamics in the Vijayanagara empire.

(c) Discuss different types of Karkhanas in Mughal India. How was the production
organized in the Karkhanas?
(d) Critically evaluate various approaches to study medieval Indian town.
Q6.(a) Examine the increasing importance of maritime trade of India during the thirteenth
to fifteenth centuries,

(b) To what extent "monetary anaemia" afflicted the erstwhile commercial economy during
the early medieval period?

Q7.(a) Comment on the Turco-Mongol theory of sovereignty. To what extent was it adopted by
Babur and Humayun?
(b) How did Shivaji organize his administration.and finances to consolidate his power?

Q8.(a) What was Indian response to European Technology?

(b) How far do you agree with the view that the temples in the early medieval period were
catalysts inspreading education?

Paper-2 (SECTION - A)
Q1. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each
(a)"The educated middle class iin the 19th century often found the domain of reason to be
oppressive, as it implied the historical necessity of 'civilizing' colonial rule."
(b) "Railway development in India provides an interesting instance of private enterprise at public
(c) "The active participation of Arena Asaf Ali in 1942 movement symbolized the role of
women in India's freedom struggle."

Q2.(a) "In terms of the administrative structure, the Government of India Act of 1858,
meant more continuation than change." Do you agree? Substantiate.
(b) "Punjab'sfate after Ranjit Singh was foredoomed as the impulse of neo Victorian
Imperialism was bound to overwhelm " Elucidate.

'The developments during 1937-1939 greatly undermined the ability of the Indian National
Congress topush through the agenda of national unity." Comment.

Q3.(a) What role did the economic ídeas play; the early phase of the British rule in the
shaping of land tenure policy?

(b) Discuss the extent to which the Indian Renaissance movement contributed towards the
rise of nationalist consciousness.

Q4.(a) To what extent did the process of commercialization of agriculture affect the rural scene in
(b) Discuss the factors that led to the growth of Dalit consciousness and mention the major
movements aimed at their empowerment.

Q5. Critically evaluate the following statements in about 200 words each:
- E.
(a) "He (Voltaire) was living in the Age of Enlightenment The age itself was not enlightened."
(b) "Alllong marches begin with small steps. TO
(c) "The essence of Perestroika is for people to feel they are the country's master."

Q6. (a) How far is it correct to say that every feature of American Constitution was ultimately
of English origin?
(b) What do youunderstand by Imperialism? State briefly its unique features in the case of Africa.

(c) To what extent did Napoleon's economic war with England become his undoing?

Q7.(a)Critically examine the Dutch colonial policy in Indonesia.

(b) "Europe faced peace in 1945 politically disorganized and economically crippled." Elaborate.

Q8.(a) "The Eastern Question has always been an international question." Elucidate.

(b) Explain the circumstances leading to the emergence of Third World and analyze its
impact on world affairs.




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