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3468 Uy
3468 Uy
Coverage of Important Facts
from NCERT Books (Class 6-12)
A Must for Civil Services (Pre) Examination,
State PCS & Other Competitive Exams
Coverage of Important Facts
from NCERT Books (Class 6-12)
Authored By
Rakesh Kumar Roshan
1. Introduction to Economics 1-4 MCX-SX (MCX Stock Exchange Limited)
Meaning of Economics Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI)
Types of Economies Other Investment Agents
Sectors of an Economy Banking in India
Other Sectors of Economy Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Methods of Credit Control
2. National Income 5-9 Scheduled Commercial Banks
National Income State Bank of India
Real National Income (RNI) Private Banks
Calculating National Income Foreign Banks
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) Regional Rural Banks
Indian Organisations Related to National Scheduled Co-operative Banks
Income Accounts Types of Banking System
National Income's Trend in Growth and Structure Inter-Bank Transfer
Banking Sector Reforms
3. Economic Growth and Development 10-16 Basel Norms
Economic Growth Banking Ombudsman
Economic Development Development Financial Institutions
Measurement of Economic Development Insurance Companies
Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 6. Inflation 48-52
Different Levels of Economic Development Types of Inflation
Economy and Environment Causes of Inflation
Environmental Taxes Effects of Inflation
12th Five Year Plan and Sustainability Measures of Inflation
Change in Reporting of Inflation
4. Economic Planning in India 17-25 Measures to Check Inflation
Meaning of Economic Planning
Strategies of Planning 7. Public Finance 53-64
History of Planning in India Public Revenue
National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog Types of Tax
Planning Commission Direct Tax Code (DTC)
National Development Council (NDC) Sources of Revenue
Five Year Plans in India Debt Management Strategy
Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) Finance Commission
Three Year Action Agenda (2017-18 to 2019-20) Fiscal Policy
India Vision 2020 Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act,
(FRBM) 2003
5. Money and Banking 26-47 Union Budget
Money Deficit
Measures of Money Supply in India
Financial Sector 8. India’s Balance of Payments 65-71
Financial Markets Balance of Payments (BoP)
Regulatory Framework Foreign Capital
Reforms in Capital Market of India Foreign Exchange
Qualified Foreign Investor (QFI) Capital Account Convertibility in India
Stock Exchanges in India India’s External Debt
National Stock Exchange (NSE) NRI Deposits
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
Important topics from examination point of view are causes of supply side and demand side
inflation, role of Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy in inflation management, its ill effects on
economy and other related concepts such as deflation, hyper-inflation and stagflation. Questions
asked in previous year exams include causes of inflation, effect of liquidity on inflation, impact of
inflation on bond yield and debtors etc.
This chapter assumes greater significance in the background of demographic dividend in India.
Key concepts such as demographic transition theory, birth and death rates, age structure,
population density, sex ratio and literacy are pertinent from examination point of view. Further
questions can also be asked from census data, Population Policy and family welfare programmes.
Earlier questions asked in competitive exams include how demographic dividend can be reaped,
age structure-composition of India etc.
From an examination perspective, important topics are New Industrial Policy, MSMEs, PSEs,
industrial sickness, Disinvestment Policy, role of CCI, National Manufacturing Policy, NIMZs, and
recent trends in industrial growth. Questions have been asked in previous exams regarding skill
development, labour laws and reforms, measures to promote MSMEs, Index of Industrial
Production, core sectors of manufacturing etc.
Significant topics in this chapter are performance and trends of various services sectors such as IT
and ITeS, real estate, communications, construction, tourism sectors etc, issue of FDI and
liberalisation of services sector and services employment in India. East years examination have
focused on Contitution and performance of services sector in economic growth.
Important topics in this chapter are classification and significance of infrastructure, problems in
infrastructure development, issue of investment and financing, PPPs and their advantages,
performance of energy sector and reforms therein, urban infrastructure and transport, critical
This chapter deals with minerals, water, land and forest resources. Essential topics in this chapter
are concerned with mineral resource’s distribution, use, conservation and management. Pertinent
to this is issue of environment management and climate change. Trends of previous Years exams
suggests questions about watershed management, land use policy, national mining policy, social
and agro forestry, application of S and T in conservation and management climate change
negotiations etc.
This chapter is a recent addition in economy section and significant weightage has been given in
the examination. The important topics are related to concept, need and strategies of inclusive
growth. Important government policies and schemes relating to health and sanitation, education,
skill development, rural development, women and child development etc are important from
examination point of view.
Chapter one
Introduction to Economics
Meaning of Economics
“Economics is a social The term ‘economics’ comes from the Greek term Oikonomos, which is composed of
oikos (house) and nomos (custom or law), meaning Rules of the Household.
science, which tries to
Economics is the social science that studies economic activities to gain an
study how to achieve the understanding of the processes that govern the production, distribution and
maximum benefits using consumption of goods and services in an economy.
limited resources. Initially, the study of economics concentrated mainly on wealth by concentrating on
factors of production and consumption. This emphasis on wealth excluded from its
study, those who were not directly connected with the formal economic system. Thus,
economics is important the needs of poor, senior citizens, children etc. were neglected. It was corrected with
to provide for the the emergence of welfare economics, which focused on welfare needs of the whole
maximum welfare of society instead of just the production of wealth.
Micro Economics
It examines the economic behaviour of individual actor at the level of the individual
economic entity — the individual firm, the individual consumer and the individual
It is concerned with how supply and demand interact in individual market and how
these interactions determine the price level of goods and services.
Macro Economics
It studies the economy as a whole and its features like national income, employment,
poverty, balance of payments and inflation.
It is concerned with how the overall economy works. It studies such things as
employment, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and inflation.
Behavioral Economics
This branch studies the effects of social, cognitive and emotional factors on the
economic decisions of individuals and their consequences for market prices, returns
and resource allocation.
Magbook ~ Introduction to Economics 3
Chapter two
National Income
as a whole is not based on accurate reporting and — Challenges like difficulties in getting information, especially
hence, national income is underestimated. those related to underground economy.
Double Counting It is also a hurdle to accurate GDP
estimates. Though, there are some corrective measures, Gross Fixed Capital Formation
but it is difficult to eliminate it. (GFCF)
Estimation of National It refers to net additions of capital stock such as
equipment, buildings and other intermediate goods.
Income in India The term fixed signifies that only fixed capital is counted
The first attempt to calculate National Income of India and financial assets, stocks of inventories etc are excluded.
was made by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1867-68, who GFCF also excludes land sales and purchases.
estimated Per-Capita Income to be ` 20.
Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR)
The first scientific method was made by Professor VKRV
Rao in 1931-32, but was not very satisfactory. ICOR is used to assess a country’s level of production
efficiency. ICOR equals Annual Investment or Annual
The first official attempt was made by National Income
Increase in GDP. Higher levels of ICOR means that capital
Committee headed by Professor PC Mahalanobis in
is not being used efficiently to increase production.
Generally, for most countries ICOR is at around 3.
According to the National Income Committee Report
(1954), National Income of India was ` 8710 crore and Indian Organisations Related to
Per-Capita Income was ` 225 in 1948-49.
In India, the National Statistical Office (NSO) under
National Income Accounts
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is Ministry of Statistics and Programme
responsible for estimation and publication of National Implementation
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
Limitations in the Measurement (MOSPI) is a ministry of Government of India concerned with
of National Incomes coverage and quality aspects of statistics released. The surveys
conducted by the Ministry are based on scientific sampling
Whilst measuring National Income, we need to be aware methods. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme
of some of the following limitations, challenges, problems
Implementation (MOSPI) came into existence as an Independent
which are discussed below
Ministry on 15th October, 1999 after the merger of the
— National Income measures domestic economic
performance, not social welfare, but there should be a Department of Statistics and the Department of Programme
strong positive correlation. Implementation.
— National Income understates social welfare, non-market
transactions like home-makers service and do-it-yourself
National Statistical Office
projects are not counted. The government has merged the Central Statistical Office (CSO)
— National Income does not measure an increase in leisure or and National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) under the Ministry of
work satisfaction changes in product quality.
Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) into a single
— National Income does not accurately reflect changes in
entity on 23rd May, 2019. The new merged entity has been
environment like oil spills clean-up is measured as positive
output, but increased in pollution is not measured as named the National Statistical Office (NSO) and will continue to
negative. be headed by the secretary of MOSPI.
— Per-Capital Income is a more meaningful measure of living
standards than total National Income. The National Statistical Office (NSO) headed by a Director
— Problem of double counting, however, problem of double General is responsible for conduct of large scale sample surveys
counting could be avoided by utilising the value added in diverse fields on All India basis.
The NSO has four divisions :
— Problems of depreciation estimation.
Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) : This division,
— Different methods of calculating or estimating depreciation.
— Arbitrary definition.
located at Kolkata is responsible for technical planning of
surveys, formulation of concepts and definitions, sampling
— Inclusion or exclusion of certain items in National Income
accounting can cause confusion. design, designing in inquiry schedules, drawing up of
tabulation plan, analysis and presentation of survey results.
Self Check
Build Your Confidence
1. The term National Income represents [IAS 2001] 7. Which one of the following sectors is the major
(a) Gross National Product (GNP) at market prices minus contribution towards the Gross Domestic Saving in
depreciation India in recent time?
(b) Gross National Product (GNP) at market prices minus (a) Public Sector (b) Private Sector
depreciation plus net factor income from abroad (c) Corporate Sector (d) Household Sector
(c) Gross National Product (GNP) at market prices minus
8. Which one of the following the most appropriate method
depreciation and indirect taxes plus subsidies
to measure the economic growth of a country?
(d) Gross National Product (GNP) at market prices minus net
factor income from abroad (a) National Income
(b) Net National Product
2. Consider the following statements (c) Gross Capital Formation
1. GDP is a better measure of national income than GNP. (d) Gross Domestic Product
2. GNP is always higher than GDP.
9. Consider the following statements with reference to
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? Indian economy. [UPSC 2015]
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
1. The rate of growth of Real Gross Domestic Product has
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
steadily increased in the last decade.
3. Which of the following is not included in the estimates 2. The Gross Domestic Product at Market Price (in rupees)
of National Income? has steadily increased in the last decade.
(a) Sale of collector’s item
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(b) Addition to inventory, but not sale of the company’s
(a) Only 1
(b) Both 1 and 2
(c) Market rent of self owned house
(c) Only 2
(d) Cost of government services
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. Consider the following statements with reference to
10. The National Income of a country for a given period is
Indian economy. [IAS 2010]
equal to the [UPSC 2013]
1. The GDP has increased by four times in the last 10 years. (a) total value of goods and services produced by the
2. The percentage share of public sector in GDP has nationals
declined in last 10 years. (b) sum of the total consumption and investment
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? expenditure
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) sum of personal income of all individuals
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) money value of final goods and services produced
5. Consider the following statements 11. In which of the following sectors, growth in GDP
1. National Income is same as Net National Product at continuously decreasing from 2013-14?
factor price. (a) Agriculture, forestry and fishing
2. The National Income of India is estimated mainly through (b) Industry
production and income methods. (c) Manufacturing
Which of the statement (s) given above is/are correct? (d) Financing, real estate, professional services etc.
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 12. The government has merged the CSO and NSSO under
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 the MOSPI into a single entity from May, 2019. The new
6. Which one of the following institution prepares the merged entity has been named
National Income estimates in India? [UPPCS 2006] (a) National Statistical Office
(a) Planning Commission (b) Survey Design Office
(b) Reserve Bank of India (c) National Sample Office
(c) Central Statistical Organisation (d) National Statistical Office.
(d) India Statistics Institute
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (a)
Magbook ~ Economic Growth and Development 11
Fifth Plan Original approach to plan prepared by Targeted growth 4.4% and achieved growth 4.8%.
(1974-79) C Subramaniam, who proposed economic growth Fifth Plan cost calculations based on 1971-72, prices
alongwith direct attack on poverty. proved to be wrong.
However, final draft prepared by DP Dhar with Fifth Plan terminated 1 year before the plan period in
objectives of removal of poverty (Garibi Hatao) and March, 1978.
attainment of self-reliance. Brought to the fore problem associated with coalition
To step-up domestic rate of saving. government making a mockery of formulation of Five Year
Introduction of minimum needs programme. Plan.
Rolling Plan Rolling plan (Gunnar Myrdal) was brought out by Janata Party Government under Morarji Desai in 1978. The focus of
(1978-80) the plan was enlargement of the employment potential in agriculture and allied activities to raise the income of the
lowest income classes through minimum needs programme. Annual Plan period was 1979-80.
Sixth Plan Removal of poverty through strengthening of Indian economy made an all round progress and most of
(1980-85) infrastructure for both agriculture and industry. the targets fixed by the plan was achieved.
The emphasis was laid on greater management, Targeted growth 5.2%.
efficiency and monitoring of various schemes. Achieved growth 5.4%.
Involvement of people in formulating schemes of
development at local level.
Seventh Plan To accelerate foodgrains production. Foodgrain production grew by 3.23% as compared to a
(1985-90) To increase employment opportunities. long-term growth rate of 2.68% between 1967-68 and
To raise productivity. 1988-89.
Outward looking strategy with gradual liberalisation
The Indian economy finally crossed the barrier of the
over of economy. Hindu rate of growth of 3% given by Professor Raj
Average annual growth rate was 6.0% as against the
targeted 5.0% and average of 3.5 % in the previous plans.
It saw the beginning of liberalisation of Indian economy.
Annual Plan The Eighth Plan could not take off due to fast changing political situations at the centre. Therefore, from 1990-92,
(1990-92) Annual plans were formulated.
Eighth Plan Process of fiscal reforms and economic reforms Higher economic growth rate of 6.8% achieved as against
(1992-97) initiated by Narasimha Rao Government to prevent the targeted 5.6%.
another major economic crisis. Improvement in trade and current account deficit.
To increase the average industrial growth rate to Significant reduction in fiscal deficit.
7.5%. Agriculture growth and industrial growth increased.
To provide a new dynamism of the economy and Unshackled private sector and foreign investment control
improve the quality of life of the common man. was the prime reason for high growth.
Also called as Rao-Manmohan Singh model. Overall socio-economic development indicators low.
First indicative plan. The growth became jobless and fruitless.
Magbook ~ Economic Planning in India 23
Base line of child sex ratio in the 0-6 year age group was 914 and Annual GVA growth in tertiary sector of FY
achievement was 919 (2015-16) as per NITI Aayog. 2012-13 to 2016-17 were 8.3% (2012-13), 7.7%
(2013-14), 9.8% (2014-15), 9.4% (2015-16) and
Annual Growth Rate of GVA by Economic 8.5% (2016-17).
Activity at constant (2011-12) Basic Prices of FY 2012-13 to
Share of primary sector in GVA at current prices
from FY 2012-13 to FY 2016-17 were 21.3%,
Sl. Item 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 21.4%, 20.9% 20.1% and 20.4% respectively.
No. Share of secondary sector in GVA at current
1. Agriculture, 1.5 4.2 -0.2 0.8 6.3 prices from FY 2013-13 to FY 2016-17 were
forestry and 28.7%, 27.9%, 27.3%, 27.6% and 27%
fishing respectively.
2. Mining and -0.5 3.0 10.8 12.3 13.0
Share of Tertiary sector in GVA at current prices
from FY 2012-13 to FY 2016-17 were 50%,
3. Manufacturing 6.0 5.6 5.5 10.6 7.9
50.6%, 51.8%, 52.3% and 52.6% respectively.
4. Electricity, gas 2.8 4.7 8.0 5.1 9.2
& water supply,
& other utility Three Year Action
5. Construction 0.6 4.6 4.4 2.8 1.3 Agenda (2017-18 to 2019-20)
6. Trade, hotels, 9.7 7.8 9.8 10.7 7.2 The first Three Year Action Agenda, a NITI Aayog
transports, document, is based on extensive discussions with
communication and inputs from the Central ministries and State
and services governments on 23rd April 2017.
related to
broadcasting The Agenda is a part of a longer-term 15-year
7. Financial 9.5 10.1 10.6 10.8 6.0 Vision and 7-year Strategy outlined in a separate
services, real document. The Action Agenda proposes a path to
estate, achieve all-round development of India and its
ownership of people. The objective of eliminating poverty in all
dwellings and its dimensions such that every citizen has access
professional to a minimum standard of food, education,
health, clothing, shelter, transportation and
8. Public 4.1 4.5 10.7 6.9 10.7
energy has been at the heart of India’s
and defence and development efforts since Independence.
other services Farmers make up nearly half of India’ workforce.
Total GVA at 5.4 6.1 7.2 8.1 7.1 Therefore, for India to flourish, its farmers and
Basic Prices the farm economy must prosper. It is against this
Industry (2-5) 3.6 5.0 5.9 7.4 7.5 background that the Prime Minister has called for
Services (6-8) 8.1 7.8 10.3 8.9 8.4 doubling farmer’s income by 2022.
Water demand for irrigation, drinking and
industrial use has been increasing with growth in
Sector Wise Growth and Share in 12th incomes and population under this agenda.
Five Year Plan Digital connectively has become an important
Annual GVA growth data in all sectors of 12th five year plan i.e. driver of economic growth. The Action Agenda
2012-13 to 2016-17 were based upon 2011-12 prices at constant discusses the Digital India campaign and the
prices. actions related to enhancing digital connectivity.
Annual GVA growth during Financial Year (FY) 2012-13 to 2016-17 Important aim of the Action Agenda is education,
in Primary Sector were 1.4% (2012-13), 4.8% (2013-14), 1.2% skill development, health and reducing issues
(2014-15), 2.6% (2015-16) and 7.4% (2016-17) respectively. facing specific groups such as Scheduled Castes,
In secondary sector; Annual GVA growth during FY 2012-13 to Scheduled Tribes, women, children, differently
2016-17 were 3.6% (2011-12), 4.2% (2013-14), 6.7% (2014-15), abled and senior citizens.
9.4% (2015-16) and 7.5% (2016-17) respectively.
Magbook ~ Economic Planning in India 25
Self Check
Build Your Confidence
4. In recent plans, certain words/phrases were used in the 10. Match the following
title of the plan along with ‘Growth’. They are List I List II
1. Inclusive, 2. Faster, (Plan Model) (Proposer)
3. More Inclusive, 4. Sustainable, A. Bombay plan 1. Jai Prakash Narayan
5. More sustainable. B. Gandhian plan 2. MN Roy
Which combination is true of the Twelfth Five Year plan? C. People’s plan 3. Sriman Narayana
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 4 and 5 D. Sarvodaya plan 4. Birla and Tata Group
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4
5. Inclusive growth as enunciated in the Eleventh Five Year
Plan does not include which one of the following? (a) 4 3 2 1 (b) 1 2 3 4
(a) Reduction of poverty (c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 1 4 2 3
(b) Extension of employment opportunities
(c) Reduction of gender inequality 11. The Rolling Plan concept in Nation planning was
(d) Strengthening of capital market introduced by [BPSC 2008]
(a) Indira Gandhi government
6. Consider the following statements (b) The National government
1. In the Eleventh Five Year Plan, the agriculture sector (c) The Janata Party government
contributed more than 25% in the overall GDP of the India. (d) Rajiv Gandhi government
2. In the Twelfth Five Year Plan the growth rate of the
agriculture sector was above 4%.
12. The Government of India has established NITI Aayog to
replace the [UPSC 2015]
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) Human Rights Commission
(a) Only 1
(b) Finance Commission
(b) Only 2
(c) Law Commission
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Planning Commission
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (d)
Magbook ~ Money and Banking 27
one physical location. The money market is a key investment created by a non-financial firm and
component of the financial system, as it is the function of guaranteed by a bank to make a payment. Acceptances
monetary operations conducted by the Central Bank in its are traded at discounts from face value in the secondary
pursuit of monetary policy objectives. market.
Magbook ~ Money and Banking 29
Unorganised Money Market Besides helping diversify funding sources, the cost of
borrowing could also turn out to be lower than domestic
The sector consists of unregulated non-bank financial
markets. In 2013, the first masala bonds were issued
intermediaries such as money lenders Chit funds, Nidhis etc.
by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an arm
Chit funds are savings institutions. They are of various types
of the World Bank. IFC then named them Masala bonds
and don’t have any standardised form. Chit funds have
to give a local flavour by calling to mind Indian culture
regular members, who make periodic contributions.
and cuisine.
At periodic intervals funds are given to a member based on Masala bond will help the Indian corporates to reduce
a pre determined criterion, usually on the basis of bids or
its interest cost burden on the debt amount on its
draw of lots. All members are assured of their turn before
balance sheet. The more of foreign funds can be used
the round ends.
for infrastructural development in the country. Overall,
Chit funds are prevalent in almost all states, but Kerala and the development of a Masala bond market would be
Tamil Nadu account for the major part. They exist in both positive for Indian firms, opening up potentially
organised and unorganised form. significant new sources of funding over External
Organised Chit funds are regulated by registrar of Chit funds Commercial Borrowings (ECBs).
and the relevant legislation in this regard is the Chit Funds
Act, 1982. There is however, regulatory confusion since Capital Market
Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) are to be registered It is one of the most important segments of the Indian
and regulated by SEBI. Many Chit funds take advantage of financial system. It is the market available to the
the regulatory loopholes. companies for meeting their requirements of the
Nidhis are a kind of mutual benefit funds. Their dealings are long-term funds. These are markets for buying and
restricted to members only and they operate in the selling equity and debt instruments.
unregulated credit market. The market consists of a number of individuals and
Deposits mobilised by them are not much. Their principal institutions (including the government) that channelise
source of funds is from the members and they provide loans the supply and demand for long -term capital and
to members at relatively reasonable rates and are secured. claims on it.
Money lenders and loan companies are present all across The demand for long-term capital comes predominantly
the country. They generally give loans to wholesale traders, from private sector manufacturing industries,
artisans and other self-employed persons. They charge high agriculture sector, trade and the government agencies,
rates of interest from 26% to 48% and 50 people who while the supply of funds for the capital market comes
approach them are generally unable to get loans from largely from individual and corporate savings, banks,
Commercial Banks. insurance companies, specialised financing agencies
Promissory Note and the surplus of governments. The Indian capital
market is broadly divided into the Industrial Securities
It is a legal document between a lender and a borrower,
Market and Gilt-edged Market.
whereby the latter agrees to certain conditions for the
repayment of the sum of money borrowed.
(i) Industrial Securities Market
Promissory note is signed when one borrows from a
The industrial securities market refers to the market,
Commercial Bank.
which deals in equities and debentures of the
Particular forms of promissory notes, known as commercial corporates. It is further divided into primary market and
paper, can be bought and sold. secondary market.
Dated Government Securities Primary Market
These are securities issued by the Government of India and Primary market (new issue market) deals with new
State Governments. The date of maturity is specified in the securities, i.e. securities, which were not previously
securities, therefore, they are known as dated securities. available and are offered to the investing public for the
Masala Bond first time. It is the market for raising fresh capital in the
form of shares and debentures.
Masala bonds are rupee denominated overseas bonds.
Masala bonds will help to internationalise the Indian rupee It provides the issuing company with additional funds
and also deepen the Indian financial system( Public and for starting a new enterprise or for either expansion or
Private Sector). By issuing bonds in rupees, an Indian diversification of an existing one and thus, its
company is shielded against the risk of currency fluctuation, contribution to company financing is direct. The new
typically associated with borrowing in foreign currency. offerings by the companies are made either as an Initial
Public Offering (IPO) or rights issue.
Magbook ~ Money and Banking 31
—Growing Mutual Fund Industry The growing of mutual funds in India Secondary Market
has certainly helped the capital market to grow. A big diversification in
Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme On 23rd
terms of schemes, maturity etc has taken place in mutual funds in
India. It has given a wide choice for the common investors to enter the November, 2012, the government notified a new
capital market. tax saving scheme called the Rajiv Gandhi Equity
—Growing Stock Exchanges Initially, the BSE was the main exchange, but Savings Scheme (RGESS) exclusively for first-time
now after the setting up of the NSE and the OTCEI, stock exchanges retail investors in the securities market.
have spread across the country. Recently, a new Inter-connected Stock The scheme provides a 50% deduction of
Exchange of India has joined the existing stock exchanges. amount invested during the year, upto a
—Investor’s Protection Under the purview of the SEBI, the Central maximum investment of ` 50,000 per financial
Government of India has set-up the Investors Education and Protection year, from his/her taxable income for that year, for
Fund (IEPF) in 2001. It works in educating and guiding investors and to three consecutive assesment years.
protect the interest of the small investors from frauds and also
malpractices in the capital market.
—Growth of Derivative Transactions Since, June 2000, the NSE has Qualified Foreign
introduced the derivatives trading in the equities. These
innovative products have given various options for investment leading to
Investor (QFI)
the expansion of the capital market. QFIs shall mean a person who fulfills the following
criteria are as follows:
New Law of SEBI Resident in a country that is a member of the
In August 2014, the Securities Laws (Amendment) Act, 2014, gave Financial Action Task Force (FATF) or a country
SEBI additional powers, including to order the arrest of violators that is a member of a group which is a member
and seek call data records of individuals under investigation. of FATF.
The new law gave SEBI the powers to search and obtain Resident in a country that is a signatory to
information, including call records, about any suspected entity IOSCOs MoU (Appendix a Signatories) or a
from within or outside the firm. signatory of a bilateral MoU with Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI). A QFI should
Merger of Forward Markets Commission with SEBI
neither be a person resident in India nor should
The government notified on 1st September, 2015 the merger of be registered with the SEBI as a Foreign
commodities market regulator Forward Markets Commission (FMC) Institutional Investor sub-account or Foreign
with SEBI with effect 28th September, 2015. Venture Capital Investor. A QFI should be set-up
As a result, of this notification Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, with a SEBI registered Qualified Depository
1952 will get repealed and regulation of commodity derivatives Participant (QDP) to commence activities. The
market will shift to the Securities and Exchange Board of India QDP shall provide inter alia custody services.
(SEBI) under Securities Contracts Regulation Act (SCRA) 1956
Recent Initiatives for Further Development of
with effect from 28th September, 2015.
Corporate Bond Markets
The commission allows commodity trading in 22 exchange in
To permit banks to take limited membership in
India, of which 6 are national. Currently, there are three national
SEBI-approved stock exchanges for the purpose
and six regional bourses for commodity futures in the country.
of undertaking proprietary transactions in the
corporate bond markets.
New Policy Initiatives To enhance liquidity in the corporate bond
In the overall context of the evolving macro-economic situation in markets the Insurance Regulatory and
the country and global financial developments, the government in Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has
close collaboration with the RBI and SEBI has recently taken a permitted insurance companies to participate in
number of initiatives to meet the growing capital needs of the Indian the repo market. The IRDAI has also permitted
economy. insurance companies to become users of Credit
Some of the initiatives are as follows: Default Swap (CDS).
Primary Market Mutual funds have been permitted to participate
in CDS in corporate debt securities, as users.
SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 With a
view to extending the reach of regulation to unregulated funds, Revised guidelines on CDS for corporate bonds
ensuring systemic stability, increasing market efficiency, by the RBI provide that in addition to listed
encouraging new capital formation and providing investor corporate bonds, CDS shall also be permitted on
protection, SEBI has notified new regulations covering Alternate unlisted, but rated corporate bonds even for
Investment Funds (AIFs). issues other than infrastructure companies.
Magbook ~ Money and Banking 33
Narasimham Committee
Recommendation ◆
A major financial inclusion initiative was formally
Deregulation of interest rate. launched as ‘Swabhiman’ on 10th February, 2011,
Reduction in reserve requirement. which aims at providing branchless banking through
Prudential norms. the use of technology. Banks will provide basic
Supervision of Commercial Banks. services like deposits, withdrawal and remittances
Measures to improve the competitive efficiency in banking sector. using the services of Business Correspondents.
The initiative enables government subsidies and
Narasimham-I social security benefits to be directly credited to the
accounts of the beneficiaries, enabling them to draw
The purpose of the Narasimham-I Committee was to study all
the money from the business correspondents in their
aspects relating to the structure, organisation, functions and
village itself.
procedures of the financial systems and to recommend
improvements in their efficiency and productivity.
The committee submitted its report to the Finance Minister in Khandelwal Committee Report
November, 1991. Government constituted a Committee on Human
Resources issues of Public Sector Banks (PSBs)
Narasimham-II under the Chairmanship of Dr AK Khandelwal,
The Narasimham-II Committee was tasked with the progress who has submitted its report.
review of the implementation of the banking reforms since, 1992 The committee made 105 recommendations on
with the aim of further strengthening the financial institutions of matters related to Manpower and Recruitment
India. Planning, Training, Career Planning, Performance
Management, Reward Management, Succession
It focussed on issues like size of banks and capital adequacy ratio
Planning and Leadership Development,
among other things. M Narasimham, Chairman, submitted the
Motivation, Professionalisation of HR, Wages,
report of the committee in April, 1998.
Service Conditions and Welfare etc.
As 49 recommendations required further
Damodaran Committee
deliberations, the remaining 56 recommendations
The committee, headed by former SEBI Chairman M Damodaran, were forwarded to PSBs with the request that an
was set-up by the Central Bank to look into the issues of customer HR Plan for each bank be prepared and got
services and evaluate the existing system of grievance redressal approved by the respective Board of Directors.
mechanism prevalent in banks, its structure and efficacy and
recommend measures for expeditious resolution of complaints. Nachiket Mor Committee
Recommendations The RBI appointed committee on comprehensive
Bank should offer no-frill savings accounts with certain basic financial services for small business and low income
facilities such as cheque book and ATM card without prescribing under the Chairmanship of Sri Nachiket Mor.
any minimum balance. Recommendation of committee are as follows:
—Every adult (above 18 years) of over country should
Bimal Jalan Committee have a bank account by 1st January, 2016. This
The Bimal Jalan Committee constituted in 2019 to review the account will be known as Universal Electronic Bank
Economic Capital Framework (ECF) for the Reserve Bank of India Account (UEBA).
Magbook ~ Money and Banking 43
These institutions have been playing a crucial role in
Basel III
channelising credit to the needy sectors and
It seek to strengthen the existing capital requirements and addressing the challenges or issues faced by them.
introduce a global liquidity standard to enable the banks to The four financial institutions - EXIM Bank, National
weather financial storms. It mandates the banks to increase the
Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
loss absorbing capital from 2% to 4.5% by January, 2015. Also,
(NABARD), National Housing Bank (NHB) and Small
banks will be required to hold a capital conservation buffer of 2.5%
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) are under
of withstand future period of stress.
full-fledged regulation and supervision of the Reserve
Basel III Guidelines, 2015 As in the case of Commercial Banks, prudential norms
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released on 28th May, relating to income recognition, asset classification and
2015, the draft guidelines on the Net Stable Funding Ratio provisioning and capital adequacy ratio are applicable
(NSFR) under Basel III framework on liquidity standards of to these financial institutions as well. These institutions
banks. also are subject to on-site inspection as well as off-site
The NFSR is defined as the amount of available stable surveillance.
funding relative to the amount of required stable funding. Since, all the banks are directly or indirectly
In draft guidelines released, the Central Bank said that banks contributing to the development works in the country,
will have to maintain Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) from thus, all are development financial institutions.
March 2019, but in the view of the corona virus, the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF),
implementation of Basel-III norms for banking services has established in 2015 is the first Sovereign Wealth Fund
been deferred by 1 January, 2023. of India. It manages three separate funds, namely
Basel III norms define the capital of the banks in different Master Fund, Fund of Funds and strategic Fund. They
ways. It consider common equity and retained earnings as primarily aimed for investing in infra-related projects of
the predominant component of capital, but restrict the the country through formation of capital from both
inclusion of items such as-deferred tax assets, mortgage domestic and international investors.
service rights and investments in financial institutions to no The Union Government through the Budget 2021
more than 15% of the common equity component. announced creation of Development Financial
Institution with an initial capital infusion of ` 20,000
Banking Ombudsman crores. The government expects to rope in marquee
pension funds, sovereign funds to come in through
Banking Ombudsman Scheme was introduced by the RBI in DFI to fund infrastructure projects in the country.
1995 under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. It is a senior
official appointed by the RBI to redress customer complaints Financial Stability and
against deficiency in certain banking services. Development Council (FSDC)
Decision of Banking Ombudsman can be appealed against to Financial Stability and Development Council is an
the appellate authority (vested in a Deputy Governor of RBI).
apex-level body constituted by the Government of
Banking Ombudsman can award compensation to the India. The idea to create such a super regulatory body
complainant. In this, it takes into account the loss of the was first mooted by the Raghuram Rajan Committee in
complainant’s time, expenses incurred and the harassment 2008. Finally in 2010, the then Finance Minister of
and mental anguish suffered. India, Pranab Mukherjee, decided to set-up such an
It has jurisdiction over all Commercial Banks, RRBs, autonomous body dealing with macroprudential and
Scheduled primary co-operative banks, NBFCs etc. It deals financial regularities in the entire financial sector of
with matters less than or equal to ` 10 lakh. India. The council is headed by the Finance Minister
and has the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor and
Development Financial chairpersons of the Securities and Exchange Board of
India, Insurance Regulatory and Development
Institutions (DFI) Authority and Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority as other members alongwith
Financial institutions are an important part of the Indian
finance ministry officials.
financial system as they provide medium to long-term finance
to different sectors of the economy. FSDC will perform following roles
The institutions have been set-up to meet the growing To engage in macroprudential supervision of the
demands of particular segments, such as export, rural housing economy, including the functioning of large financial
and small industries. conglomerates and address inter-regulatory
coordination issues.
Magbook ~ Money and Banking 45
Formation of MUDRA Bank So, MUDRA can be seen as an initiative to reach the last
mile for underfinanced small scale units that could not
The MUDRA banks will be set-up under the Pradhan
benefit from insitutional sources of finance.
Mantri MUDRA Yojana Scheme. The bank will intially
function as a non-banking financial company and a
subsidiary of the Small Industries Development Bank of
Industrial Investment Bank of
India. Later, it will be made into a separate company. India Limited (IIBI)
It will also serve as a regulator for other Micro-Finance It was set-up in 1985 under the Industrial Reconstruction
Institutions (MFIs) and provide them refinancing Bank of India Act, 1984, as the principal credit and
servies. It will provide guidelines for MFIs and give reconstruction agency for sick industrial units. It was
them ratings. converted into IIBI on 17th March, 1997, as a full-fledged
The bank would partner with state level/regional level development financial institution. It assists industry mainly in
co-ordinators to provide finance to Last Mile Financer medium and large sector through wide ranging products and
of small/micro business enterprises. services. Besides project finance, IIBI also provides short
duration non-project asset-backed financing in the form of
Objectives of MUDRA Bank underwriting or direct subscription, deferred payment
The objectives of the MUDRA Bank are as follows: guarantees and working capital or other short-term loans to
Regulate the lender and the borrower of microfinance companies to meet their fund requirements.
and brings stability to the microfinance system through
regulation and inclusive participation.
Export-Import (EXIM) Bank
Extend finance and credit support to Microfinance ◆
Recognising the important role of exports in maintaining the
Institutions (MFI) and agencies that lend money to
viability of external sector and in generating employment, the
small businesses, retailers, self-help groups and
Reserve Bank had sought to ensure adequate availability of
Concessional Bank credit to exporters. It took the lead role in
Register all MFIs and introduce a system of setting up the Export Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) in
performance rating and accreditation for the first time. January, 1982.
This will help last mile borrowers of finance to evaluate ◆
In recent years, with the liberalisation of real and financial
and approach the MFI that meets their requirement sectors of the economy, interest rates on export credit have been
best and whose past record is most satisfactory. This rationalised within the overall monetary and credit policy
will also introduce an element of competitiveness framework.
among the MFIs. The ultimate beneficiary will be the ◆
In order to provide adequate credit to exporters on a priority
borrower. basis, the Reserve Bank has also prescribed a minimum
Differences Between SIDBI and proportion of banks’ adjusted net bank credit to be lent to
exporters by Foreign Banks.
It is very important to understand certain
things/context/facts and differences between SIDBI and New Gold Investment Schemes
The Government had launched Sovereign Gold Bonds and Gold
Difference between SIDBI and MUDRA bank are as Monetisation Schemes on 5th November, 2015. The main
follows: objective of the schemes is to reduce the demand for physical
SIDBI is an apex small units development bank where gold and shift a part of the gold imported every year for
MUDRA will initially be started as a department of investment purposes into financial savings.
Sovereign Gold Bonds
The role of SIDBI remains to promote and finance the
small scale sector, implement government plans and These are issued by the RBI on behalf of the Government of
co-ordinate with other organisations while the role of India in rupees and denominated in grams of gold and
MUDRA has been conceived more in the context of restricted for sale to the resident Indian entities only both in
present state of microfinance sector. demat and paper form.
Over a period of time, MUDRA, replacing RBI, may The minimum investment in this scheme is one gram with a
emerge as a regulatory body for Microfinance sector maximum limit of subscription of 4 kg for individual, 4 kg for
housed by emerging NBFC-MFIs. (This is vehemently HUFS and 20 kg for trusts and similar entities notified by the
protested by MFIs who wish to function under government from time to time per fiscal year from April to
regulatory powers of RBI.) March. The rate of interest for the year 2020-21 is 2.50%
per annum, payable on a half yearly basis.
MUDRA may refinance other MFIs to finance SHGs
(Self Helf Groups) to promote micro entrepreneurship.
Magbook ~ Money and Banking 47
Self Check
Build Your Confidence
1. Consider the following statements Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
1. Indian depository receipt is an instrument denominated in Indian correct?
Rupees in the form of a depository receipt created by the (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
custodian of securities registered with the Securities and (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Exchange Board of India against the underlying equity of issuing 7. What is ‘NIKKEI’? [BPSC 2000]
company. (a) Share Price Index of Tokyo Share Market
2. Standard Chartered PLC became the first global company to file for (b) Name of Japanese Central Bank
an issue of Indian depository receipts in India. (c) Japanese Name of Country’s Planning
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? Commission
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (d) Foreign Exchange Market of Japan
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
8. The minimum and maximum investment limits
2. ‘Basel III Accord’ after seen in the news, seeks to [UPSC 2015] under sovereign gold bonds are gm and
(a) Develop national strategies for the conservation of biological gm of gold per person per fiscal year
diversity respectively.
(b) Improve banking Sector’s ability to deal with financial risk (a) 5 and 200 (b) 2 and 500
management (c) 15 and 700 (d) 50 and 800
(c) reduce the green house gas emisssions
(d) Transfer technology from developed countries to poor countries
9. Consider the following statements [IAS 2004]
1. The National Housing Bank (NHB), the apex
3. With reference to Indian Capital market, consider the following institution of housing finance in India, was set-up
statements as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the RBI.
1. CRISIL was set-up in the 8th Five Year Plan. 2. The Small Industrial Development Bank of
2. CRISIL rates the debt instruments of the public sectors. India (SIDBI) was established as a wholly-owned
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? subsidiary of the Industrial Development Bank of
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 India (IDBI).
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
4. Which one of the following Companies is eligible for the (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
financial assistance and loans from the Industrial Finance
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Corporation of India (IFCI)?
(a) Limited Public Companies (b) Public Co-operatives 10. A rise in SENSEX means [IAS 2000]
(c) Private Limited Companies (d) All of these (a) a rise in prices of shares of all companies
registered with Bombay Stock Exchange
5. Consider the following statements
(b) a rise in prices of shares of all companies
1. A committee, under the chairmanship of former RBI Governor registered with National Stock Exchange
Bimal Jalan, was constituted to scrutinise the application for new (c) a rise in prices of shares of all companies
Banks in India. belonging to group of companies registered
2. The committee recommended to give banking licenses to with Bombay Stock Exchange
Bandhan Micro Finance and Infrastructure Development and (d) None of the above
Finance Corporation (IDFC).
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
11. Consider the following with policy reference to
Indian Economy [UPSC 2015]
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 1. Policy rate
2. Open market operations
6. Consider the following statements about the Indian Capital
3. Public debt
4. Public reverse
1. The Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was set-up in the 7th
Which of the policies given above is/are components
Five Year Plan.
of monetary policy are correct?
2. The Capital Issue (Control) Act, 1947 was repealed and replaced
(a) Only 1 (b) 2, 3 and 4
by the SEBI.
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 3 and 4
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (c)
Magbook ~ Inflation 49
—Rise in the prices of crude oil, fertilizers etc.
—Rise in labour costs.
—Higher costs of imported materials.
Other Inflation Related Concepts
—Higher costs of capital due to squeezing of credit by the Deflation A general decline in prices, often caused by a
Central Bank. reduction in the supply of money or credit. Deflation can be
—Cartelisation by a few big suppliers to fix prices arbitrarily to also caused by a decrease in government, personal or
make undue profits. investment spending. The opposite of inflation, deflation has
—Monopoly of a single supplier in the market, enabling him to the side effect of increased unemployment since, there is a
set arbitrary prices. lower level of demand in the economy, which can lead to an
—Pushing up of profits by the management of a company by economic depression.
increasing the prices also leads to inflation. Stagflation When you have a slow economy with high inflation
—It has to be understood that it is not always easy to rates and unemployment, stagflation is usually the result.
differentiate between demand and supply side inflation and an When the economy does not grow and prices continue to rise
example from the demand side can also be explained from the
you have a stagflation cycle in the economy.
supply side and vice-versa.
Disinflation This is a reduction in the rate of inflation over time,
even though inflation itself may be positive.
Effects of Inflation Reflation It is an attempt to bring back inflation in an economy,
The effect of inflation is different on different communities. which is in deflation so as to induce growth.
When price rises or the value of money falls, some groups
of the society gain, some lose and some stand in between.
Let us discuss the effects of inflation on distribution of
income and wealth, production on the society as a whole Measures of Inflation
Inflation refers to the changes in general price level in the
On Business Community
country over a period of time. There are three standard
Inflation is welcomed by entrepreneurs and businessmen measures of inflation, viz
because they stand to profit by rising prices. (i) Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
They find that the value of their inventories and stock of (ii) Consumer Price Index (CPI)
goods is rising in money terms. They also find that prices (iii) GDP deflator.
are rising faster than the costs of production, so that their In India, to measure the price level, the Wholesale Price
profit is greatly enhanced. Index (WPI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are used.
It is an integrated scheme of taxation that does not GST, (IGST) levied on international commodities and
discriminate between goods and services and is a part of services. It is imposed and recovered by the Central
the proposed tax reforms that centre on evolving an Government.
efficient and harmonised consumption tax system in the The amount of taxes received under this tax is distributed
country. Key features of the GST are as follows : to the state for the loss of revenue generated to the States.
(i) Two components one levied by the centre (referred to as Union Territory GST (UTGST) Arrangement or provision
Central GST) and the other levied by the states (referred under the UTGST and Tax system is for the Union
to as State GST), rates for which would be prescribed Territory where they do not have their own Legislative
appropriately. Assemblies, such as Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
(ii) The Central GST and the State GST would be applicable Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu (DNHDD)
to all transactions of goods and services except the and Ladakh etc. These Union Territories have the
exempted goods and services. provision to and collect taxes by the Central Government.
(iii) The Empowered committee has decided to adopt a Taxes Out of GST
two-rate structure a lower rate for necessary items and
goods of basic importance and a standard rate for goods
Taxes that are not included in any of the provision of the GST,
in general. There will also be a special rate for precious they contain alcohol, real estate, crude oil, petrol, natural gas
metals and a list of exempted items. and the fuel for turbine. All these items will be out of GST
provision and the current taxation system will be applicable on
(iv) The GST will be levied on import of goods and services
into the country.
(v) The administration of the Central GST to the Centre and Direct Tax Code (DTC)
for State GST to the states would be given.
DTC was proposed by the United Progressive Alliance
(vi) Central Taxes replaced by GST Central Excise Duty,
(UPA) Government to consolidate the law relating to the
Additional Duties of Excise and Customs, Special
direct taxes. The bill seek to replace the Income Tax Act,
Additional Duty of Customs (SAD), Service Tax and
1961 and Wealth Tax Act, 1957. The bill, in its original
Cesses and Surcharges on supply of goods and
form, widened the tax slabs and lowers corporate tax
rates. It also removed a number of exemptions and grant
(vii) State Taxes Subsumed in the GST VAT, Central Sales for some other. DTC provision introduced in the Budget
Tax, Purchase Tax, Luxury Tax, Entry Tax, 2012-13 are as follows :
Entertainment Tax, Taxes on advertisements, lotteries, —General Anti- Avoidance Rule (GAAR).
betting, gambling and State Cesses and Surcharges. —Advance Pricing Agreement (APA).
Types of GST —Income tax exemption limit rose to ` 2 lakh.
Under the GST form, four types of GST are —Upper limit of 20% tax slab rose to ` 10 lakh.
Central GST (CGST) Under the CGST, there is a provision —20% cut in Securities Transaction Tax (STT).
to impose tax on the supply of goods and services by the
Central government. Earlier, Central Excise, Excise (Drugs GAAR
and Toilet construction), Excise duties on the taxes The General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) was proposed in
imposed by the Central Government, (Goods of special mid-March as a hart of budget for fiscal year 2013.
importance), additional duty of custom duty (known under GAAR was scheduled to come into effect from 1st April,
CVD), Special Duty of Custom Duty (SAD), Service tax and 2013. In the Budget 2013-14, it was announced that a
gratuity surcharge related to the supply of goods or modified version of GAAR provisions will come into effect
services were separate taxes. All these included in CGST. from April, 2016.
State GST (SGST) Taxes imposed and collected by the
GAAR aims to target tax evaders partly by stopping Indian
State government on goods and services are levied under companies and investors from routing investment to
State GST system. Earlier, State governments pay VAT Mauritius or other tax heavens for sole purpose of
under State taxes, purchase tax, entry tax, entertainment avoiding tax.
tax, advertisement tax including State excise and
GAAR was scheduled to come into effect from 1st April,
surcharge related to State sub-tax and imposition, lottery
2013. In the Budget 2013-14, it was announced that a
taxes, tax on speculation and gambling. All these taxes
modified version of General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR)
now included in SGST.
provisions will come into effect from April, 2016. A
Integrated GST (IGST, State Indemnification) The
number of representation were received against GAAR
proposed Goods and Services tax provides an integrated provisions introduced in the last budget.
Magbook ~ Public Finance 57
Duties Levied by the Union, but Collected and Transfer Pricing It is the price at which divisions of a company
Appropriated by the States (Article 268) transact with each other. Transactions may include trade of
Stamp duties and duties of excise on medicinal and supplies or labour. It is used when individual entities of a larger
toilet preparations (those mentioned in the Union firm are treated as separately run entities.
list) shall be levied by the Government of India but Specific Duty Tax is levied based on weight or quantity.
shall be collected. Ad Valorem Tax is levied based on value and not an weight or
—In the case, where such duties are leviable within any quantity.
Union Territory, by the Government of India. Withholding Tax It means withholding tax of certain payments
—In other cases, by the States within which such duties such as salary to employees, payments to contractors, interest
are respectively leviable.
etc. It is the same as Tax Deducted at Source (TDS).
Taxes Levied and Collected by the Union, but Assigned Capital Gains Tax It is the tax on gains made from buying and
to the States (Article 269) selling assets such as land, shares etc. Gain made on assets
Duties in respect of succession to property other held for over three years (one year for shares) is called
than agricultural land. long-term capital gain.
Estate duty in respect of property other than Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) It is of major
agricultural land. significance for developing countries due to their heavy reliance
Taxes on railway fares and freights. on corporate income tax, particularly from multinational
Taxes other than stamps duties on transactions in enterprises. BEPS refers to tax planning strategies that exploit
stock exchanges and future markets. gaps and mismatches in tax rules to artificially shift profits to low
or no-tax locations where there is little or no economic activity.
Taxes on the sale or purchase of newspapers and
on advertisements published therein.
Tax Related Primary Concepts
Terminal taxes on goods or passengers carried by
railways, sea or air. Tax Evasion It is the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals,
Taxes on the sale or purchase of goods other than
corporations and trusts. Tax evasion often entails taxpayers
deliberately misrepresenting the true state of their affairs to the
newspapers where such sale or purchase takes
tax authorities to reduce their tax liability and includes dishonest
place in the course of inter-state trade or commerce.
tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains
Taxes which are Levied and Collected by the Union, than the amounts actually earned or overstating deductions.
but which may be distributed between the Union and Tax Shifting Transferring some or all of a tax burden of an entity
the States (Articles 270 and 272) (such as a subsidiary) to another (such as the parent firm) is tax
—Taxes on income other than agricultural income. shifting. Tax shift or tax swap is a change in taxation that
—Union duties of excise other than duties and taxes eliminates or reduces one or several taxes and establishes or
referred to in Articles 268, 268A and 269. increases others while keeping the overall revenue unchange.
Taxes on income does not include corporation tax. Tax Avoidance It is the legal usage of tax regime to one’s own
The distribution of income tax proceeds between the advantage to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means
union and the states is made on the basis of the that are within the law. Tax shattering is very similar term and
recommendations of the Finance commission. tax havens are jurisdictions which facilitate reduced taxes. The
term tax mitigation is sometimes used, its original use was by
Important Terms Related to tax advisers as an alternative to the pejorative term tax
Taxation avoidance.
Tax Haven It is a country or territory where certain Fiscal Space It is a relatively new term that refers to the
taxes are levied at a low rate or not at all. Tax haven flexibility of a government in its spending choices and more
lead to loss of revenue for governments, money generally, to the financial well-being of a government. Peter
laundering etc. Cayman islands, Gibraltar, Haller (2005) defined it ‘‘as room in a government’s budget that
Liechtenstein etc are some of the tax havens. allows it to provide resources for a desired purpose without
jeopardising the sustainability of its financial position or the
Pigouvian Tax It is a tax, which is imposed on
stability of the economy.’’
bodies having negative externalities. An example of
pigouvian tax is the carbon tax levied in some
* Higher fiscal deficits usually lead to rising public debt.
countries for causing pollution. India’s Central Government liabilities GDP ratio has
infact come down since 2002-03.
Tobin Tax It is a tax levied on foreign exchange
* The government appointed a committee headed by
transactions both when foreign capital enters a
Dr Vijay Kelkar to check out a roadmap for fiscal
country and when it leaves. It is meant to check
speculative flows.
Magbook ~ Public Finance 59
Fiscal Deficit It is the difference between what the Government budget deficit that is deficit spending.
government earns and its total expenditure. Primary deficit, the pure deficit derived after deducting
Fiscal Deficit = Difference between country’s expenditures and the interest payments and structural and cyclical deficit
earnings. part of the public sector deficit.
Fiscal Deficit = Revenue Receipts (Net tax revenue + Non-tax Income deficit (the difference between family income and
revenue) + Capital Receipts (only recoveries of loans and other the poverty threshold).
receipts) – Total expenditure (Plan and Non-plan) Trade deficit ( when the value of imports exceed the value
of exports).
Budget Deficit It considers only the difference between
the total budgeted receipt and the expenditure. It was Introduction of new schemes would entail more spending
abolished in 1997. and it goes just opposite to what we are trying to do, i.e.
reduce deficit. Import duty is a tax collected on imports
Monetised Deficit It is the borrowing made from the RBI,
and some exports by the customs authorities of a country.
through printing fresh currency. It is resorted to, when
It is usually based on the value of the goods that are
government cannot borrow from market.
imported. There are two distinct goals to import duties :
Gross Fiscal Deficit The Gross Fiscal Deficit (GFD) of to raise income for Local Government, and to give a
government is the excess of its total expenditure, current market advantage to locally grown or produced goods that
and capital, including loans net of recovery, over revenue are not subject to import duties.
receipts (including external grants) and non-debt capital
—Gross Fiscal Deficit = Total Expenditure – (Revenue Receipts Financial Stability and
+ Non-debt Creating Capital Receipts). Development Council
Net Fiscal Deficit The Net Fiscal Deficit (NFD) is the gross
It is an apex-level body constituted by Government of
fiscal deficit reduced by net lending by government.
India, which was first mooted by Raghuram Rajan
Primary Deficit Amount by which a Government’s total
committee in 2008. It envisages to strengthen and
expenditure exceeds, its total revenue, excluding interest
institutionalise the mechanism of maintaining financial
payments on its debt.
stability, financial sector development, inter-regulatory
—Primary deficit = Fiscal deficit – Interest payments.
coordination alongwith monitoring macro-prudential
Gross Primary Deficit The Gross Primary (GFD) Deficit
regulation of economy.
(GPD) is the Gross Fiscal Deficit less interest payment
while the primary revenue deficit is the revenue deficit Financial Sector Legislative Reform
less interest payments. Commission
Action of the Government to It is a body set-up of Ministry of Finance by Government
of India to review and rewrite the legal-institutional
Reduce the Deficit architecture of the Indian financial sector, which is
A deficit is the amount by which a sum falls short of some chaired by a former judge of the Supreme Court of India
reference amount. In economics, a deficit is an excess of and have an electric mixer of expert members drawn
expenditures over revenue in a given time period. In more from the fields of finance, economics, public
specific cases, it may refer to administration, law etc.
Balance of Payments (BOP) deficit, when the Balance of
Payments is negative.
Chapter eight
India’s Balance of
Components of Capital Account
Balance of There are the principle forms of capital account
India’s balance of
Payments (BoP) transactions :
When the difference in the value of —Foreign Investment It has two sub-components
payments has been which are as follows:
imports and exports of all the three
under increasing items i.e. visible, invisible and (i) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) referring to
stress recently. Exports capital transfers, is taken into the purchase of assets in the rest of the
account, it is called Balance of world, which allows control over that assets.
have declined while e.g. purchase of a firm by TATA in the rest of
Payments (BoP).
imports have not the world.
Thus, an overall record of all
fallen significantly, (ii) Portfolio Investment referring to purchase of
economic transactions of a country
resulting in increasing an asset in the rest of the world, without any
in a given period, with rest of the
control over that asset. Portfolio investment
trade and current world. into India also consists of Foreign Institutional
account deficits. Balance of Payments (BoP) account Investment (FII).
India’s growing broadly comprises of the following e.g. purchase of the some shares of a
components: company by TATA in the rest of the world.
external exposures
Current Account of Balance of —Loans It has two sub-components which are as follows:
can also be attributed Payments consist of all transactions (i) Commercial Borrowings referring to
to the increasing relating to goods, services and borrowing by a country (including
integration of India’s income. It is functionally classified government and the private sector) from the
into merchandise or visible and international money market. This involves
economy with the rest
invisibles. Current account deficit is market rate of interest without considerations
of the world. the situation where payments on of any concession.
the current account out of the (ii) Borrowings as External Assistance referring
country are more than the to borrowing by a country with considerations
payments into the country. In of assistance. It involves lower rate of interest
current account surplus, there is a compared to that prevailing in the open market.
net inward payment into the —Banking Capital Transactions referring to transactions
country on the current account. of external financial assets and liabilities of
Commercial Banks and Cooperative Banks operating
Capital account is that account
as authorised dealers in foreign exchange. These
which records all such transactions include NRI deposits.
transactions between residents of
—Reserve Account The official reserve account records
a country and rest of the world, the change in stock of reserve assets (also known as
which causes a change in the foreign exchange reserves) at the country’s monetary
asset or liability status of the authority.
residents of a country or its —Net Errors and Omissions This is the last component
government. Investments (FDI and of the Balance of Payments and principally exists to
FII) and Borrowings External correct any possible errors made in accounting for the
Commercial Borrowing (ECB) are three other accounts. They are often referred to as
part of the capital account. balancing items.
Magbook ~ India’s Balance of Payments 67
Sectors which are Open to FDI FIPB is Abolished
Most sectors are at least partially open to FDI, subject to a cap and The Union Cabinet has approved the abolition of 25
year old FIPB. Henceforth, concerned ministries will
specific conditions. There are two entry routes for FDI in India.
be responsible for direct approval of foreign
In sectors where FDI is allowed up to 100%, FDI enters under the
investment proposals. The decision falls in line with
automatic route, subject to sectoral regulations and other
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s proposal to scrap
FIPB 2016-2017 Union Budget. FIPB was
In this instance, no approval is required from the Reserve Bank of constituted in the mid-nineties under the Prime
India (RBI) or the government however, the investment must be Minister’s office following economic liberalisation.
notified to the RBI’s regional office within 30 days. Rationale behind this move is that over 90% of the
In sectors, where FDI is allowed under the government route, prior FDI inflows in value terms enters through automatic
approval from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) was route. The government expects that scrapping of
required. FIPB would help in ease of doing business.
1. BOP (Balance of Payment) refers to than 10% of the post issue paid up equity capital of a
(a) transactions in the flow of capital. company shall be treated as FPI.
(b) transactions relating to receipts and payment of invisible. (d) On NRI investors, the committee recommended treating
(c) transactions relating only to exports and imports. non-repartriable investment as FDI.
(d) systematic record of all its economic transaction with the 6. Which one of the following countries is the largest
rest of the world. source of the Foreign Direct Investment in the Indian
2. Which of the following does not form part of current Economy?
account of Balance of Payments? (a) United States (b) Switzerland
(a) Export and import of goods (c) Singapore (d) Mauritius
(b) Export and import of services 7. Which of the following is/are not FDI policy changes
(c) Income receipts and payments after 2010? [NDA 2016]
(d) Capital receipts and payments
1. Permission of 100% FDI in automotive sector.
3. Which one of the following is the investment in 2. Permitting foreign airlines to make FDI upto 49%.
securities that is intended for financial gain only and 3. Permission of upto 51% FDI under the government
does not create a lasting interest in or effective approval route in multi-brand retailing, subject to
management control over an enterprise? specified conditions.
(a) Foreign Direct Investment 4. Amendment of policy on FDI in single-brand product
(b) Portfolio Investment retail trading for aligning with global practices.
(c) Equity Direct Investment Select the correct answer using the code given below
(d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’ (a) Only 1 (b) 2 and 4
4. In which of the following years was the trade balance (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
favourable to India? [BPSC 2015] 8. Which one of the following factors is taken account to
(a) 1970-71 and 1974-75 calculate the Balance of Payment (BOP) of a country?
(b) 1972-73 and 1976-77 (a) Current Account
(c) 1972-73 and 1975-76 (b) Changes in the Foreign Exchange Reserves
(d) 1971-72 and 1976-77 (c) Error and Omissions
(d) All of the above
5. Which of the following is not the recommendation of
the Arvind Mayaram Committee on rationalising the 9. Which one of the following is not correct in the context of
FDI/FPI definition (June, 2014)? balance of payments of India during 2013-14?
(a) Foreign investment of 10% or more in a listed company (a) India’s exports were less than its imports
will be treated as Foreign Direct Investment. (b) Trade balance was negative
(b) In a particular company, an investor can hold the (c) Net invisibles were positive
investments either under the FPI route or under the FDI (d) Capital account balance was negative
route, but not both.
(c) Any investment by way of equity shares, compulsorily
convertible preference shares/debentures which is less
Service Exports from India Scheme Top Export Destinations (2019-20 in % Share)
(SEIS) United States 16.95%
Served from India Scheme (SFIS) has been United Arab Emirates 9.21%
replaced with Service Exports from India Scheme China 5.3%
(SEIS). Now, all service providers located in India Hong Kong 3.5%
and earning foreign exchange, regardless of the Singapore 2.85%
Constitution or profile of the service provider, who is UK 2.8 %
exporting notified services, would be eligible for the Netherlands 2.67%
benefits at the rate of 3% or 5% of net foreign Germany 2.65%
exchange earnings. Bangladesh 2.62%
The reward issued as Duty Credit Scrip under this Nepal 2.29 %
scheme and goods imported by using this scrip will
Indian Imports
be freely transferable and usable for all types of
goods/services for payment of custom duty, excise An import is any good or service brought into one country from
duty and service tax. Incentives (MEIS and SEIS) another country in a legitimate fashion, typically for use in trade.
now are available to units located in SEZs also. Import goods or services are provided to domestic consumers by
foreign producers.
India’s Foreign Trade Position An import in the receiving country is an export to the sending
India’s participation in foreign trade was continuously country. Import of goods normally requires involvement of the
declining till 1980. Since 2001, it has continually custom authorities in both the country of import and the country
improved. As per the current ranking (2018), India is of export and is often subject to import quotas, tariffs and trade
the 16th largest exporter and 11th largest importer of agreements.
foreign trade. Imports in India are reported by the Directorate General of
According to Economic Survey 2020-21, among India’s Commerce. Among the major items of import, the value of
trading partners, the top 5 countries with which India Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL) grew in the financial year of
has negative bilateral trade balance are China, 2019-20. The other major items of import are gold, pearl/stones,
Switzertand, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and South Korea while petroleum products, coal/coke, telecom instruments, iron and
the top 5 countries with which it has surplus trade steel in the financial year of 2019-20. Capital goods is the other
balance are USA, UAE, Bangladesh, Nepal and UK. major import category.
India has the highest trade deficit with China. In 2020-21, Indian imports were valued at $ 388.92 billion, an
18% drop from 2019-20, when the country imported goods and
India’s Trading services worth $ 474.71 billion.
India’s overall exports (Merchandise and Services Top Import Destinations (2019-20 in % Share)
Combined) in 2019-20 are estimated to be USD$ China 13.7%
528.45 billion. Overall imports in April, 2019-March United States 7.5%
2020 are estimated to be USD$ 598.61 billion. United Arab Emirates 6.3%
Saudi Arabia 5.6%
Indian Exports Iraq 5%
Exports measure the amount of goods or services that Hong Kong 3.5%
domestic producers provide to foreign consumers. It is Switzerland 3.5%
good that is sent to another country for sale. In the past, South Korea 3.3%
export of commercial quantities of goods normally Indonesia 3.1%
required involvement of the custom authorities in both Singapore 3.1%
the country of export and the country of import.
More recently, with the advent of small trades over the Trade Composition
internet such as through Amazon and E-bay, exports Export Composition
have largely by passed the involvement of customs in
The commodity composition of India’s trade has undergone
many countries due to the low individual values of these
many changes since liberalisation and has been driven by trade
trades. Nonetheless, these small exports are still
subject to legal restrictions applied by the country of policy, movements in international prices, and the changing
export. pattern of domestic demand.
Indian exports averaged 246.76 INR billion from 1978 Trade Composition Exports
until 2013. India is also one of Asia’s largest refined The merchandise export stood at US$ 314.31 billion in
product exporters with petroleum accounting for around
2019-20. The estimated value of services export for 2019-20
18% of total exports.
stood at US$ 214.14 billion. Petroleum products, precious
Magbook ~ India’s Foreign Trade 75
Self Check
Build Your Confidence
1. The present demographic transition of India is Codes
indicative of (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 1, 3, 2
(a) high population growth potential but low actual growth. (c) 3, 1, 2 (d) 2, 1, 3
(b) high population growth potential and high actual growth.
7. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(c) Partial industrialised economy.
(d) typically increasing urbanisation.
1. As per the 2011 census, the population of India has more
than tripled since independence.
2. Arrange the following states in decreasing order of their 2. India’s 2011 census showed that the country’s population
respective literacy rates. had grown by 181 million people in the prior decade.
1. Goa 2. Mizoram Which of the statement(s) given below is/are correct?
3. Kerala 4. Lakshadweep (a) Only 1
(a) 3, 1, 2, 4 (b) 3, 2, 1, 4 (b) Only 2
(c) 4, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 4, 2, 1 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Consider the following statements regarding census of
India. 8. Which of the following statement deals with the benefit
1. Census is held all places in India simultaneously. of National Population Register?
2. Census, 2011 shows decline in population for the first (a) Strengthen security of the country and improve planning
time in history of India. and prevent indentity theft
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? (b) Gives the basic biometric information
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Estimated the community based population
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) None of these (d) Provision for population education in educational
4. Which of the following causes are major hurdle in
tapping demographic dividend in India? 9. What percentage of the total population of the world
1. Appropriate labour policy of India. resides in India, as estimated in 2011? [UPPCS 2012]
2. Less female practice pation in workforce. (a)15 (b) 17.5
(c) 20 (d) 22.5
3. Migration.
4. Low inclusiveness and less employment generation. 10. During which decade did the population record a
Which of the following statements is/are correct? negative growth rate in India? [UPPCS 2012]
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (a) 1921-1931 (b) 1911-1921
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) All of these (c) 1941-1951 (d) 1941
5. Factors affecting population change are 11. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) Births, migration and deaths. 1. Share of population of 0 to 14 years is low in 2011 but
(b) Births and deaths only. high in 1961, as a percentage of total population.
(c) Births, deaths and marriage. 2. According to 2011 census, sex ratio in India was 940
(d) Births, deaths and life expectancy. females to 1000 males.
6. Which arrangement of following would show the correct 3. Child sex ratio (0-6 age group) has dropped in the country
sequence of demographic transition as typically by 13 points between 2001 and 2011.
associated with economic development? [UPSC 2013] Which of the statement(s) given below is/are correct?
1. High birth rate with high death rate. (a) Only 2
(b) 1 and 2
2. Low birth rate with low death rate.
(c) 1, 2 and 3
3. High birth rate with low death rate.
(d) 2 and 3
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (c)
Magbook ~ Agriculture 85
—The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights (PPV and The total irrigation potential in the country has
FRs) authority established in November 2005, at New Delhi, has increased from 81.1 million hectare in 1991-92 to
been mandated to implement provisions of the PPV and FR Act, about 139.9 million hectare in 2018-19.
—PPV and FR Act has been passed within the context of Sui Initiation of the Accelerated Irrigation
Generis System of the WTO, so as to effectively block the efforts Benefit Programme (AIBP)
of MNCs to capture the seed market by getting patents in their
favour and gradually buying out small seed growers in the
From 1996-97, to extend assistance for the completion
country. of incomplete irrigation schemes. Under this
programme, projects approved by the Planning
Sui Generis System Commission (Now NITI Aayog) are eligible for
TRIPS Agreement offers three options for plant varieties and assistance. Monitoring of the projects covered under
their protection, viz, Patent System, Sui Generis Systems and the AIBP is periodically done by the Central Water
combination of two. Commission.
Under Sui Generis System, farmer has the right to save, use, National Mission on Micro Irrigation
exchange share or sell the farm produce including seeds. (NMMI)
However, farmer cannot sell the branded seeds. Irrigation consumes more than 80% of the water
Seed Bank resources of the country. Availability of adequate
quantity and quality of water is the key to achieve
A scheme for the establishment and maintenance of a seed
higher productivity levels.
bank has been in operation since, 1999-2000.
This mission will result in 2.85 million hectare to be
The basic objective of the scheme is to make available seeds
brought under micro irrigation; savings in use of
for meeting contingent requirements and also develop
irrigation water, fertilizer and electricity; increase in
infrastructure for production and distribution of seeds.
production and productivity of crops; convergence with
The scheme is being implemented through National Seed other on going schemes of Department of Agriculture
Corporation of India and 12 State Seeds Corporations of and Cooperation (DAC) and other ministries on creation
various states. of water harvesting structures and linking the same with
Micro Irrigation System for higher water use efficiency
Fertilizers and enhanced return to the farmers.
India is meeting 85% of its urea requirement through
indigenous production, but depends heavily on imports for its
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana
phosphatic and potash (P and K) fertilizer requirements. (PMKSY)
Fertilizer Subsidy
With an eye on improving farm productivity, the
government has decided to spend ` 50,000 crore over
Fertilizer subsidy is borne by the Union Government. The two the next 5 years under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi
objectives of providing fertilizer subsidy are as follows: Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) launched in 2015.
(i) Making fertilizers available to the farmers at affordable The major objective of the PMKSY is to achieve
prices so as to encourage intensive cultivation. convergence of investments in irrigation at the field
(ii) Attracting more investment to the domestic fertilizer level expand cultivable area under assured irrigation
industry. improve on farm water use efficiency to reduce
Since 2010, government is implementing a Nutrient Based wastage of water, enhance adoption of precision
Subsidy Scheme (NBS) in which a fixed subsidy is irrigation and other water saving technologies.
announced on per kg of nutrient annually. Additional subsidy
is given to micro-nutrients. The prices of urea however,
Neeranchal Watershed Yojana
remain under statutory price control. The project is implemented by the Union Ministry of
Rural Development over a six-year period (2016-21) to
Irrigation achieve objectives of PMKSY on 7th October, 2015. It
will support the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee
It is one of the most important inputs for enhancing
Yojana (PMKSY) in hydrology and water management,
productivity and is required at different critical stages of plant
agricultural production systems, capacity building and
growth of various crops. The Government of India has taken
monitoring, and evaluation. It seeks to ensure access to
up irrigation potential creation through public funding and is
irrigation to every farmland (Har Khet Ko Pani) and for
assisting farmers to create potential on their own farms.
efficient use of water (Per Drop More Crop).
Magbook ~ Agriculture 89
Targeted Public Distribution States may choose to provide additional subsidy to the
beneficiaries by reducing prices below CIP.
System (TPDS) Price support through MSP and procurement prices is
The TPDS as it operated earlier had been widely criticised extended only for specific crops. This has led to a change
for its failure to serve the population below the poverty in cropping pattern in the country towards certain specific
line. Therefore, on the basis of the recommendations of crops such as rice and wheat whose MSP has increased a
the Chief Ministers Conference held in July, 1996, an lot. It has also benefitted farmers in those states where
effort was made to streamline the PDS, through the such crops are produced in a larger number.
introduction of the Targeted Public Distribution System
(TPDS) in June, 1997. Decentralised Procurement Scheme
This system follows a 2 tier subsidised pricing structure In view of a this, a decentralised procurement scheme
for families, Below Poverty Line (BPL) and for those Above was started in 1997, under which State Governments
Poverty Line (APL). themselves procure and distribute foodgrains. The
The identification of poor under the scheme is done by difference between the economic cost fixed for the State
the states as per the state-wise poverty estimates of and the Central Issue Price (CIP) is passed on to the
Planning Commission. states as subsidy.
In order to make the TPDS more focused and targeted The objectives of this scheme are to cover more farmers
towards the poor, the Antyodaya Anna Yojana was under MSP operations, improving efficiency of PDS,
launched in December 2000. providing foodgrains suited to local tastes and reducing
transportation costs.
The scheme contemplates identification of 10 million poor
families and providing them with 25 kg of foodgrains per
family per month at a low price of ` 2 per kg for wheat
National Food Security Act 2013,
and ` 3 per kg for rice. (NFSA)
NFSA is the biggest intervention of its kind in the world in
Agricultural Prices and the realm of food security. If implemented property this
Procurement law can improve the lives of millions in this country.
The Government of India undertakes an agricultural Some of the highlights of this act are as follows:
pricing policy and procurement programme to provide —It extends to the whole of India.
reasonable returns to the farmers and instil certainty and —Priority households are entitled to 5 kgs of food grains per
confidence in them. person per month and Antyodaya households to 35 kgs per
household per month.
The procurement programme is also essential to the
—Combined coverage of priority and Antyodaya households will
functioning of the Public Distribution System (PDS). extend to 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban
Price Fixation population.
—PDS issue prices will be 3/2/11 per kg for rice/wheat/millets.
Another method of intervention in the market mechanism These may be revised after 3 years.
has been the announcement of different administered —For children in the age group 6 months to 6 years, an age-
prices viz minimum support prices statutory minimum appropriate meal will be provided through the local Anganwadi.
prices procurement prices issue prices. —For children aged 6-14 years, one free mid-day meal in all
These prices are announced for different agricultural government and government aided schools up to class VII.
crops by the Government of India on the —For children below 6 months ‘exclusive breast feeding will be
recommendations of Commission for Agricultural Costs promoted’.
and Prices (CACP). —Every pregnant and lactating mother is entitled to a free meal
Minimum Supports Prices (MSP) These are in the nature at the local Anganwadi (during pregnancy and 6 months after)
and maternity benefits of ` 6000 t o b e p a i d i n i n s t a l l m e n t s .
of a guarantee to the producers in that prices paid to the
farmers cannot be lower than the MSP. —The act does not specify criteria for identification of eligible
households. Central Government will determine state-wise
Procurement Prices These are higher than the MSP and coverage and states will then identify the beneficiaries.
are the prices at which government buys from farmers. In —State food commissions will be created to monitor
recent years, government has been announcing endless implementation of the act.
procurement so, that farmers have been selling to the —Grievance Redressal System consists of the district.
government at procurement prices. Grievance Redressal officer and the State Food Commission.
Central Issues Prices (CIP) It indicate the prices at which —Transparency provisions include placing PDS records in the
government supplies produce to the fair price shops and public domain, conducting periodic social audits, use of
ration depots. Wheat and rice are issued to the State information and communication technology and setting up of
Governments/UTs at CIP for distribution through the PDS. vigilance committees.
Magbook ~ Agriculture 91
country, the Co-operative Credit Institutions, both in short Banking Regulations Act, 1949, the Banking
and long-term structure, are the main institutional agencies Regulations Act empowers NABARD (National Bank for
for the dispensation of agricultural credit. Agriculture and Rural Development) to undertake the
After nationalisation, Commercial Banks have also started inspection of RRBs.
giving loans for farming operations. Regional Rural Banks Area of RRBs is limited to a specified region comprising
and farmer service societies also strengthen the rural credit one or more districts of a state. They grant direct loans
programmes. and advances only to small and marginal farmers, rural
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development artisans, agricultural labourers and others of small
(NABARD) has been established as an apex agricultural means for productive purposes. Lending rates of RRBs
finance institution. cannot be higher than those of co-operative societies in
any particular state.
Co-operative Credit Societies RRB (Amendment) Act, 2015
Rural co-operative credit institutions in India have been
organised into short-term and long-term structures. The Regional Rural Banks (Amendment) Act seeks to
amend the existing Act so as to increase the authorised
The short-term co-operative credit structure consists of
capital of each Regional Rural Bank (RRB) from ` 5
three-tiers–Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) at the
crore to ` 2000 crore divided into ` 200 crore of fully
village level, District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCB) at
paid shares of ` 10 each.
the district level and State Co-operative Banks (SCB)
organised at the state level. The bill also provides that the authorised capital of any
Regional Rural Bank shall not be reduced below `
For long-term credit requirements of the farmers long-term
1crore and shares in all cases to be fully paid up
credit co-operatives have been set-up. These are organised
shares of ` 10 each. It also provides that the issued
at two levels and differ from state to state. Generally they are
capital of each rural bank shall not be less than
of four types which are as follows
` 1crore.
(i) Unitary structure in which State Co-operative Agricultural
At present, there are 43 RRBs and they are doing well.
and Rural Development Banks (SCARDBs) operate at state
The amendment to raise the authorised capital of the
level through their branches and have direct membership
RRBs from ` 5 crore to ` 2000 crore, will strengthen
of individuals.
these institutions and further deepen financial inclusion.
(ii) Federal structure in which Primary Co-operative
Agricultural and Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs) Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme
operate as independent units at the primary level and Kisan Credit Cards were started by the Government of
federate themselves into SCARDS at the state level. India, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and National Bank
(iii) Mix of federal and unitary types. for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) in
(iv) No separate banks exist and long-term credit is provided August 1998, to help the farmers access timely and
by the long-term section of State Co-operative Banks adequate credit. Since 1998, about 10.78 crore KCCs
(SCBs) co-operatives accounted for 17.2% of institutional had been issued up to October 2011.
agricultural credit in 2011-12. The scheme includes reasonable components of
consumption credit and investment credit within the
Commercial Banks and Rural overall credit limit sanctioned to the borrowers, to
Credit provide adequate and timely credit support to the
Share of commercial banks in rural credit was meagre just after farmers for their cultivation needs. Budget 2012-13,
independence. has expanded the scope of KCCs as now they can be
used as smart cards and ATMs. The card is valid for 3
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) years and subject to annual renewals.
RRBs were set-up to supplement the efforts of co-operatives
and commercial banks. NABARD : An Overview
In 1976, the Parliament enacted the Regional Rural Banks NABARD was set-up by the Government of India as a
Act, 1976 to provide for the incorporation, regulation and development bank with the mandate of facilitating
winding up of Regional Rural Banks. The Act has been made credit flow for promotion and development of
effective from the 26th September, 1975. agriculture and integrated rural development.
The equity of the RRBs is contributed by the Central The mandate also covers supporting all other allied
Government, concerned State Government and the sponsor economic activities in rural areas, promoting
bank in the proportion of 50:15:35. sustainable rural development and ushering in
Besides the Reserve Bank, which is the regulatory authority prosperity in the rural areas.
for the RRBs in accordance with the provisions of the
Magbook ~ Agriculture 93
Agriculture Insurance In 2015 FMC was merged with Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) which became single regulator of
There are various major crop insurance schemes under stock and commodity market in India.
implementation in the country:
As of 1st August, 2021, there are 22 Mega Food Parks (iv) NFSM-Coarse cereals and (v) NFSM-Commercial
functioning in the country. crops.
Objectives of the Mega Food Park Scheme are as follows:
National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
—To provide state of the art infrastructure for food processing in
the country on a pre-identified cluster basis. It was launched in 2005-06 for the holistic development of
—To ensure value addition of agricultural commodities. the horticulture sector through ensuring forward and
—To establish a sustainable raw material supply chain for each backward linkages and with the active participation of all
cluster. To facilitate induction of latest technology. the stakeholders.
—Quality assurance through better process control and capacity 18 States and the 3 Union territories of Andaman and
building. Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep and Puducherry are
covered under the mission and the mission covers 372
National Mission on Food districts.
Processing (NMFP) National Bamboo Mission (NBM)
NMFP has been launched under the 12th Plan for a
decentralised implementation of various schemes under The NBM is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme which was
the ministry of food processing with the help of State launched in 2006 -07 for harnessing the potential of the
Governments. bamboo crop in the country. At present, it is being
It consists of the following main schemes technology up implemented in 27 States with a total outlay of ` 568.23
gradation of food processing industries, cold chain crore. ` 1200 crore have been allotted for this mission in
facilities for non-horticultural produces, modernisation of the budget of 2018-19.
abattoirs, primary processing centres/collection centres in
rural areas, upgradation of quality of street food etc. Horticulture Mission for North-East and
Himalayan States (HMNEH)
National Food Processing The technology mission for North-Eastern states including
Development Council (NFPDC) Sikkim, aimed at the holistic development of all the
horticulture crops, has now been renamed as HMNEH.
NFPDC has been set-up to provide guidance to all schemes of
the ministry of food processing including NMFP. It will comprise The main objective of the mission is to set-up nurseries
the Agriculture Minister as Chairman, representatives of State for production and distribution of quality planting
Government, industry associations and related government materials.
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
The RKVY was launched in 2007-08, with an outlay of
National Food Security Mission
1. The Government of India fixes the Minimum Support 7. Consider the following statements
Prices after taking into account the recommendations 1. Agriculture and allied sectors contribute more than 15% of
of which among the following bodies? Gross Domestic Product of India.
(a) Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution 2. Share in total employment by agriculture as high as
(b) Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs 48.9%.
(c) Planning Commission Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(d) Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
2. Consider the following statements. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. The concept Evergreen Revolution was given by 8. Consider the following statements.
renowned agricultural scientist Norman Borlaug. 1. The accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme was
2. Evergreen Revolution emphasises on organic agriculture launched during 1996-97 to provide loan assistance to
and green agriculture with the help of integrated post poor farmers.
management, integrated nutrient supply and integrated 2. The Command Area Development Programmes was
natural resource management. launched in 1974-75 for the development of water use
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? efficiency.
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 Which of the statement (s) given above is /are correct?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
3. Government of India established TRIFED in August (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1987, with an objective to save tribals from exploitation 9. National Horticulture Mission was launched in which of
by private traders. Which among the following is the the following Five Year Plans?
precise full form of TRIFED?
(a) Ninth Five Year Plan (b) Tenth Five Year Plan
(a) Tribal Federation of India Limited (c) Eleventh Five Year Plan (d) None of these
(b) Tribal Marketing Development Federation of India Limited
(c) Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of
10. The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) aims to
India Limited
enhance the production of
(d) Tribal Co-operative Federation of India Limited 1. Rice 2. Wheat
3. Pulses 4. Coarse Cereals
4. The importance of agriculture in Indian economy is
indicated by its contribution to which of the following? 5. vegetables.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(a) National income and employment [UPPCS 2006]
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 5
(b) Industrial development and international trade
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(c) Supply of foodgrains
(d) All of the above 11. Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India in a sub
5. The Green Revolution in India has contributed to scheme of
(a) inter-regional inequality [WBPCS 2007]
(a) National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology
(b) inter-class inequality
(b) National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
(c) inter-crop inequality
(c) Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
(d) All of the above
(d) It is not a sub-scheme.
6. The price at which the government purchases foodgrains 12. Consider the following statements about the National
for maintaining the Public Distribution System and for Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS).
building up buffer Stocks are known as [IAS 2001] 1. The Scheme has been implemented from Rabi 1999-2000
(a) Minimum Support Prices
(b) Procurement Prices 2. The scheme is available non-loanee farmers only.
(c) Issue Prices Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(d) Ceiling Prices (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (c)
Magbook ~ Indian Industry 101
The main aims of the industrial licensing policy were the
Industrial Policy Resolution,
development and control of industrial investment and
1948 (IPR) production as per national priorities, checking the concentration
The 1st Industrial Policy was announced in April 1948, by of industries and ensuring balanced regional development.
then Industrial Minister, Late SP Mukherjee. Its historic However, from time-to-time, many deficiencies in the
importance lies in the fact that it ushered in the system of licensing system came to light. The government set-up
‘Mixed Economy’ in the country i.e. it entrusted the task of several committees for the study of the licensing system and
industrial development on both private and public sectors. giving suggestions for its improvement.
Salient Features of IPR, 1948 Such committees included RK Hazari Committee, 1964 and
Dr Subimal Dutt Committee, 1967. On the basis of Subimal
Development of mixed economy.
Dutt Committee recommendation, government enacted the
State programmes for the development of industries. Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practises (MRTP) Act, 1969.
Promotion of small-scale and cottage industries.
Foreign investment was allowed, but effective control Monopolies and Restrictive Trade
should be with Indians. Practises Act, 1969 (MRTP)
Industries classified into four categories: ◆
MRTP Act was enacted in 1969 and MRTP Commission was
(i) Public Sector
constituted in 1970, to prevent the concentration of economic
(ii) Mixed Sector power and to prohibit restrictive or unfair trade practices.
(iii) Controlled Private Sector ◆
Under the act, companies having assets beyond the threshold limit
(iv) Private and Co-operative Sector
(i.e. ` 20 crores in 1985) were placed under the purview of the act.
Certain restrictions are imposed on such companies like prior
Industrial Policy Resolution,
Reservation of Items for SSIs —Its entire net worth (i.e. paid-up capital and reserves)
was eroded.
The policy to reserve certain items for the small-scale sector A company is regarded, as weak or incipiently sick on
was introduced in 1967. It aims to promote the SSIs by the erosion of 50% of its peak net worth during any of
protecting them from competition with the large-scale units. preceding five financial years. Industrial sickness has
In April 1967, there were only 47 items in the reserved category, been covered in the Companies (Second Amendment)
which were increased in several phases to 873 in 1984. Act, 2002 and Companies Act, 2012.
New Small Enterprise Policy, 1991
Causes of Industrial Sickness
Government announced a separate industrial policy for the The causes of industries sickness can be classified
small enterprise sector on 6th August, 1991. It was titled as, into two categories i.e. internal and external causes.
“Policy Measures for Promoting and Strengthening Small, Tiny
and Village Enterprises”. Internal Causes
Salient Features Originate within the unit, so they can be controlled by
the unit. These include
The ceiling of investment for the ‘tiny sector’ was raised from
—faults at planning and construction stage
` 2 lakh to ` 5 lakh.
—inappropriate plant and machinery
Large units including foreign firms were allowed to purchase —management problems
upto 24% equity (shares) of the small-scale industries. Scope —entrepreneurial problems
of tiny sector was enlarged to include all industry related —labour problems
service and business enterprises. —financial problems etc
Introduction of a new legal form of business organisation,
limited partnership. In this form, the liability of atleast one
External Causes
partner is unlimited whereas other partners have their liability Supposed to originate outside the unit, so are not
limited to the invested capital. under the control of the unit.
Such factors include
Current Policy on SSIs —erratic supply of inputs
The report of the Task Force on micro, small and medium —power cuts
enterprises, presented to the Honorable PM on 30th —demand and credit constraints
January, 2010, provides a roadmap for the development and —changes in government policies etc
promotion of MSMEs.
Magbook ~ Indian Industry 111
The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with 2004-05 as India, compared with 34% in China and 40% in Thailand.
base is the leading indicator for industrial performance in The slow pace of growth in the manufacturing sector
the country. Compiled on a monthly basis, the current IIP at this stage of India’s development is not an
series based on 399 products or product groups is acceptable outcome. Manufacturing must provide a
aggregated into three broad groups of mining, large portion of the additional employment
manufacturing and electricity. The IIP as an index shows opportunities as opposed to agriculture, for India’s
both the level of production and growth. increasing number of youth.
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) of the Ministry of The challenges to developing and implementing a
Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) cohesive manufacturing strategy :
released the new series of the IIP with 2004-05, as its new —There is a multiplicity of ministries dealing with different aspects
base on 10th June, 2011, replacing the IIP series with of industry e.g. commerce, labour, environment, science,
1993-94 as base. finance etc. The states have a major role in facilitating the
growth of manufacturing in terms of provision of infrastructure,
Core Sector management of various local regulations and managing labour
The Core Sector consists of eight core industries in the related laws.
economy having a weightage of 40.27% in the IIP. These —Industry associations lobbying for their members’
eight sectors are Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Petroleum (often conflicting) interests are important stakeholders.
Refinery Products, Fertilizers, Steel, Cement and Electricity. —Other stakeholder groups, who must be involved in the
consultations in a more systematic and productive way are
The weightage of Core Industries as follows
unions, land owners etc.
Natural Gas (8.98%). —There are many over-sight bodies and committees, perhaps
Fertilizers (2.63%). too many. There is need to sharpen their roles and improve
Steel (17.92%). co-ordination amongst them.
Crude Oil (6.88%).
National Manufacturing Plan as
Coal (10.33%). Suggested by the 12th Plan
Refinery Products (28.04%).
India’s strategic objectives for the manufacturing sector
Cement (5.37%). in the next 15 years should be to bring about a
Electricity (19.85%) quantitative and qualitative change through a set of
policies and plans with the following five objectives.
Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) (i) Increase manufacturing sector growth to 12-14%,
The PMI is a composite index of 5 ‘sub-indicators’, which over the medium term to make it the engine of
are extracted though surveys of purchasing managers form growth for the economy.
around the country, chosen for their geographic and (ii) The 2-4% differential over the medium term growth
industry diversification benefits. rate of the overall economy will enable manufacturing
In India, the most widely followed PMI is the one prepared to contribute at least 25% of GDP by 2025.
by HSBC called the India Manufacturing PMI. (iii) Increase the rate of job creation in manufacturing
to create 100 million additional jobs by the year
The five sub-indexes in this system and their weightage are
2025. Emphasis should be given to creation of
as follows:
appropriate skill sets among the rural migrant and
(i) New orders-0.3, (ii) output-0.25, (iii) employment 0.2, (iv) urban poor to make growth inclusive.
suppliers delivery times 00.15, (v) stock of items (iv) Increase domestic value addition and technological
purchased 00.1. ‘depth’ in manufacturing.
A PMI of more than 50, represents expansion of the (v) Enhance global competitiveness of Indian
manufacturing sector, compared to the previous manufacturing through appropriate policy support.
month. A reading under 50, represents a contraction,
Ensure sustainability of growth, particularly with regard to
while a reading at 50 indicates no change.
the environment.
India is the fourth largest producer of the Crude Steel Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) and after
in the world after China, Japan and the USA in 2010. consulting the State Governments, Association of Sugar
In 2019, India was ranked 2nd. India is the largest Industry and cane growers.
producer of Sponge Iron since, 2002. Dual price mechanism with partial control is applied to sugar
industry. Under this, the government fixes the ratio levy and
Cotton and Synthetic Textile free sale sugar quota in the ratio 28 : 72. The levy sugar is
Industry sold to consumers through fair price shops at lower price and
free sale sugar quota is sold by sugar factories at higher
It is the largest industry in India, accounting for about
prices in the open market.
20% of industrial output, provides employment to
20 million persons and contributes 33% to total export
Cement Industry
The foundation of stable Indian Cement Industry was laid in
The Indian Textile Industry is predominantly cotton based
1914, when the Indian Cement Company Limited started
with 65%.
manufacturing of cement at Porbandar in Gujarat.
The organised Textile Industry comprises of (i) spinning India is the second largest producer of cement in the world.
mills; (ii) coarse and medium composite mills and (iii) The per capita consumption of cement in India is just 68 kg.
fine and superfine composite mills.
Average per capita consumption of cloth has increased Petrochemical Industry
steadily since eighties. It stood at 39 m in 2008-09. The real thrust to this industry came with the establishment
Textile Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL) was of Indian Petrochemical Corporation Limited at Baroda.
established by the government to strengthen and Petrochemical industry mainly, comprises synthetic fibres,
facilitate the textiles exports. polymers, elastomers, synthetic detergents and performance
The Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) was plastics. The main source of feedstock and fuel to this
launched in July 2005, merging two schemes, i.e. Apparel industry are natural gas and naptha.
Parks for Export Scheme (APES) and Textile Centre National Policy on Petrochemicals was announced in 2007 with
Infrastructure Development Scheme (TCIDS). the objective of increasing investment, demand and achieve
environmentally sustainable growth.
In Global Textiles Exports (2019), India now stands at
2nd position. Fertilizer Industry
India’s share in Global Textiles has increased by 25% The first fertilizer industry was set-up in 1906 in Ranipat near
in the year 2019. Chennai.
India meets 85% of its requirement through indigenous
Jute Industry production, but is largely import dependent for meeting the
Jute industry was started in 1885 and India is the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.
largest producer and second largest exporter of jute in India is the second largest producer of fertilizer after China
the world. and second largest consumer after China.
Jute Technology Mission was launched on 2nd June, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) consumption ratio in
2006. 2008-09 was 4.6:2:1. The ideal ratio is 4:2:1.
The revival package of National Jute Manufactures Urea is the only fertilizer under statutory price control.
Corporation (NJMC) envisages operationalisation of With effect from 1st April, 2010, Nutrients Based Subsidy
three jute mills viz. Kinnison and Khardah in West
(NBS) Policy is implemented. The nutrients covered are NPK
Bengal and Rai Bahadur Hadrut Mill, Katihar (Bihar).
and Sulphur.
Government has enacted Jute Packaging Materials
(compulsory use in packing commodities) Act, 1997 to
broaden the usage of jute.
Automotive Industry
India is the 2nd largest manufacturer of motorcycle and fifth
Sugar Industry largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in the world.
India is the largest producer of sugar in the world with
In 2009, India was the forth largest exporter of passenger
a 22% share. cars after Japan, South Korea and Thailand.
It is the second largest agro-based industry in the
Automotive industry was delicensed in July 1991, however,
country. Statutory Minimum Price (SMP) of sugar is passenger cars industry was delicensed in 1993. India is the
fixed by the government on the recommendation of largest manufactures of tractor in the world.
Magbook ~ Indian Industry 115
modernisation. Investment limit of tiny industries or micro Measures Adopted for Globalisation
enterprises has also been increased to ` 25 lakh. Under economic reforms, limit of foreign capital
Under the policy of liberalisation, Indian industries will be free investment has been raised. In many industries,
to buy machines and raw materials from abroad in order to foreign direct investment to the extent of 100% has
expand and modernise themselves. been allowed without any restriction and red-tapism.
Earlier, for regulating foreign exchange transactions, To achieve the objective of globalisation, partial
government had enacted Foreign Exchange Regulation convertibility of Indian rupee was allowed. It was in
Act—FERA. This act was very restrictive in nature. It involved conformity with economic reforms.
various checks and controls on transactions involving foreign This convertibility is valid for the following transactions
exchange. —import and export of goods and services;
Privatisation —payment of interest or dividend on investment;
“Privatisation is the general process of involving the private —remittances to meet family expenses.
sector in the ownership or operation of a state owned It is called partial convertibility because It does not
enterprise.” It implies parting with government ownership or cover capital transactions.
management of the public sector enterprises. All restrictions and controls on foreign trade have been
It may happen in two ways: removed. Open competition has been encouraged.
(i) outright sale of the government enterprises to the private Administrative controls have also been minimised.
entrepreneurs or. Custom duties and tariffs imposed on imports and
(ii) withdrawal of the government ownership and exports are being reduced gradually.
management from the mixed enterprises (the
enterprises jointly owned and managed by the
government and the private entrepreneurs).
Make in India
Make in India compaign aims at reviving the job
Measures Adopted for Privatisation creating manufacturing sector, which is being seen as
Number of industries reserved for the public sector has been the key to taking the Indian economy on a sustainable
reduced from 17 to 3 only. high growth path. It is being seen as the key to taking
Public sector industrial units are treated in the same way as the Indian Economy on a sustainable high path. It
sick industries of private sector. In this respect, Sick Industrial aims to take manufacturing growth to 10% on a
Companies Act, 1985, has been amended in December sustainable basis.
1991. Some of the important features of make in India are as
With a view to improve the working of public sector follows:
enterprises, a system of MoU has been introduced. Under it, —It aims to attract foreign companies to set-up factories in
management of public sector enterprises will be given more India and invest in the country’s infrastructure.
freedom and they will be accountable for the results. —It aims to transform the economy from the services-driven
National Renewal Fund was established for protecting the growth model to labour-intensive manufacturing-drive
interest of employees on account of privatisation. The growth. This is expected to create over 10 million new
jobs annually.
employees were offered Voluntary Retirement under this
scheme. Upto March 2009, more than 6 lakh employees —25 key sectors have been identified, in which India has
the potential of becoming a world leader. These include
had sought voluntary retirement from public sector units.
automobiles, chemicals, IT, pharmaceuticals, textiles,
This fund is even used for providing social security
ports, aviation, leather, tourism and hospitality, wellness,
measures to retrenched employees of PSUs. railways etc.
Globalisation —A dedicated new portal (www.makeinindia. com )has been
especially created to answer queries from business
Globalisation means integrating the economy of a country with
the economies of other countries in an environment of free flow
—Top executives from 3000 top companies and
of goods and services across the borders.
corporations world wide were invited to be part of the
It is a process, associated with increasing openness, campaign.
growing economic inter-dependence and deepening —Indian embassies around the world also became part of
economic integration with the world economy. this global campaign.
Owing to globalisation, it was expected that capital and —The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP)
technology will flow from developed countries of the world into constituted an eight-member expert panel to redress
India. Accordingly, India would have access to the fruits of grievances and queries and handle queries of global and
global growth. domestic investors within 24 hours.
Self Check
Build Your Confidence
1. Which one of the following committees recommended 7. Consider the following statements
the abolition of reservation of item of small-scale sector 1. Startup India initiative aims to celebrate the country’s
in industry? [UPPCS 2006] entrepreneurial spirit.
(a) Abid Hussain Committee 2. Income tax has been exempted for 3 years in Startup
(b) Narsimhan Committee India Scheme.
(c) Nayak Committee Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(d) Rakesh Mohan Committee (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. Which one of the following Industrial Policies has
abolished (with a few exception) the Industrial 8. Consider the following statements
Licensing? 1. World Investment Report is published by World Bank.
(a) Industrial Policy, 1970 (b) Industrial Policy, 1980
2. Bokaro Steel Limited was established with the assistance
(c) Industrial Policy, 1991 (d) Industrial Policy, 1985
of Soviet Union.
3. A labour intensive industry is one that [UPPCS 2006] Which of the statement given above is/are correct?
(a) require hard manual labour (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(b) pay adequate wages to the labour (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) employs more hands 9. Consider the following statements
(d) provide facilities to labour
1. The first cement industry in India was the Indian Cement
4. Why is Government of India disinvesting its equity in the Company Limited.
central public sector enterprises? 2. The per capita consumption of cement in India is one of
1. The government intends to use the revenue earned from the highest in world.
the disinvestment mainly to pay back the external debt. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
2. The government no longer intends to retain the (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
management control of the CPSEs. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Select the correct answer using the codes given below 10. Consider the following statements
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
1. India had no iron and steel industry at independence.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. The first iron and steel industry in independent India was
5. What is/are the recent policy initiatives of Government set-up in Raurkela.
of India to promote the growth of manufacturing sector? Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
1. Setting-up National Investment and Manufacturing (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
Zones. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2. Providing benefits of single window clearance. 11. The Companies Act, 2013 introduces a new type of
3. Establishing the Technology Acquisition and entity to existing list i.e. apart from forming a public or
Development Fund. private limited company. The 2013 Act enables the
Select the correct answer using the codes given below formation of a new entity is
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 (a) one person company
(c) 1 and 2 (d) All of these (b) two person company
6. Consider the following statements (c) more than five person company
(d) None of the above
1. Privatisation of public sector units occurs, when
government sells 5% of its share. 12. In the ‘Index of Core Industries’, which one of the
2. Abid Hussain Committee recommended the abolition of following is given the highest weight overlapping?
reservation of items of small-scale sector in industry. (a) Coal Production [UPSC 2015]
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? (b) Electricity Generation
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Fertilizers Production
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Steel Production
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (a) 12. (b)
Magbook ~ Services Sector 119
This sector has been pulling up the growth of the Indian
economy with a great amount of stability.
India ranked 22nd in the world in terms of international
As per the new method of India’s National Accounts tourist arrivals in 2018, improving from the 26th position
statistics, the service sector accounting for 55.3% of in 2017. India now accounts for 1.24% of world’s
India’s Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic prices (current international tourist arrivals and 5 per cent of Asia and
prices) in 2019-20. Pacific’s international tourist arrivals. India ranks 13th in
the world and 7th in Asia and Pacific in terms of tourism
Growth of India’s Services Sector foreign exchange earnings, accounting for close to 2 per
(GVA at Basic Price) cent of the world’s tourism foreign exchange earnings.
2019-20 2020-21 Looking at tourism trends at the state level, the top five
states attracting domestic tourists are Tamil Nadu, Uttar
Total Services 6.9 8.8%
Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra,
Trade, hotels, transport 5.9 21.4% accounting for nearly 65 per cent of the total domestic
and communication tourist visits in the country in 2018. The top five states
Financial Services 6.4 3.68% attracting foreign tourists are Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra,
Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Rajasthan, accounting for about
Construction 1.3 12.6%
67 per cent of the total foreign tourist visits in the country
Total GVA/GFC in 2018.
Various initiatives have been taken by the government to
FDI in India’s Services Sector promote tourism include
the introduction of the e-Visa facility under three
Though there is ambiguity in the classification of FDI in
categories of Tourist,
services, it is the combined FDI share of the top 10
service sectors such as financial and non-financial
Medical and Business for the citizens of 163 countries;
services falling under the Department of Industrial Policy launch of Global Media Campaign on various Channels;
and Promotion (DIPP)’s services sectors definition; as well launch of ‘The Heritage trails to promote the World
as telecommunications; trading; computer hardware and Heritage Sites in India;
software; construction; hotels and tourism; hospital and launch of International Media Campaign on various
diagnostic centres; consultancy services; sea transport; international TV channels;
and infromation and broadcasting that can be taken as the Celebration of ‘Paryatan Parv’ having 3 components
best estimate of services FDI. FDI inflows into the services namely ‘Dekho Apna Desh’ to encourage Indians to visit
sector increased by 34 per cent year on year during their own country,
April-September 2020 to reach US $ 23.61 billion. ‘Tourism for All’ with tourism events at sites across all
states in the country, and
Two Phases of Growth Rate ‘Tourism and Governance’ with interactive sessions and
of Exports of Services workshops with stakeholders on varied themes.
The growth rates exports services of India and the world show Hotels and Restaurants
two distinct phases, the first till 1996, when the two growths
had a scissor-like movement and the second phase after 1996,
Tourism is a major engine of economic growth, an
important source of foreign exchange earnings and a
when the growth of India’s services exports was higher than that
generator of employment of diverse kinds in many
of the world in almost all the years except 2009. In this second
countries including India.
phase, the former was much above the latter in upswings, but
almost converged with the latter during downswings. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council
(WTTC), the total contribution of travel and tourism to
world GDP was US $ 8.9 trillion (10.3% of GDP) in 2019.
Some Major Services of India The latest World Tourism Barometer of the United
Nation's World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) also shows
The service sector is a vital cog in the wheel of Indian
that international tourist arrivals reached 1.2 billion in
economy. The sector accounting for 55.2% of the GVA. The
2015, a 4.4% increase over the previous year, and for
government has taken many initiatives in the different
2016 the forecast is a 3.5-4.5% increase.
services which include digitisation, e-visas, infrastructure
status to Logistics, Start-up India, Schemes for the housing
India’s share in ITAs is a paltry 0.7% compared to 7.4% of
sector, etc. which could give a further fillip to the Services France, 6.6% of the USA, 5.7% of Spain and 4.9% of China.
Sector. Major Services’ Sector-wise performance and some According to Indian Tourist Statistics released by Ministry
recent government policies to boost the growth of the sector of Tourism in October 2020, Uttar Pradesh attracted
are as follows: maximum number of domestic tourists followed by
Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Magbook ~ Services Sector 121
Buoyed by the government’s support which includes the US and other countries and encouraging setting up of
important schemes of different Ministries/Departments, back offices of foreign firms in India. Tie-ups of domestic
the R&D sector in India is all set to witness robust growth firms with foreign firms can help to gain expertise and
in the coming years. According to a study, engineering markets, which would otherwise not be individually
R&D market in India is estimated to grow at a CAGR of available for small domestic accountancy firms.
14% to reach US$ 42 billion by 2020. India is also This would also need relaxation in some domestic
expected to witness strong growth in its agriculture and regulations and obtaining due recognition to Indian
pharmaceutical sectors as the government is investing qualifications through Mutual Recognition Agreements
large sums to set up dedicated research centres for R&D (MRAs). As with legal services, FDI in accounting services
in these sectors. will help to improve the competitiveness of the Indian
market and link it better to global markets.
India spent about US$ 1.8 billion on space programmes Communication Services
in 2019-20. However, India's government space Telecom and Related Services
expenditure still lags behind that of the major players in
Telecom services is another sunrise sector, in which India
the space sector, such as USA,which spent about 10
has made a mark with the second largest telephone
times more than India in the space sector in 2019-20.
network in the world, after only China.
China, which has become a key player in the space sector
in the recent years, also spent about six times more than 12th Plan targets for the telecommunication sector–
India in 2018. Provision of 1200 million connections by 2017, Broad
band connection of 175 million by 2017, Mobile access to
India has launched around 5-7 satellites per year in the
all villages and increase rural teledensity to 70% by 2017,
recent years with no failures, barring one in 2017. On the
To increase domestic manufactured products in telecom
other hand, Russia, USA and China dominate the satellite
network to the extent of 60% with value addition of 45%
launching services with 20, 31 and 39 satellites
by 2017.
respectively in 2018. The global space economy for 2018
tallied about US$ 360 billion, which includes space Postal Services
systems manufacturing and space-based services. India Post is the largest postal network in the world and
provides access to affordable postal services to all citizens
Legal Services in the country through its vast network. Out of 1.55 lakh
Legal services have been growing at a steady rate of 8.2% post.offices, 1.39 lakh are in rural areas and the
in each of the years from 2005-06 to 2011-12. The Indian remaining 15736 in urban areas.
legal profession today consists of approximately 1.2 million The Department of Posts plays a crucial role in disbursing
registered advocates. wages to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Though, India’s rankings are better than most of the South Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) beneficiaries. Nearly 6.92
Asian and some South-East Asian countries in all the three crore MGNREGS accounts have been opened in post
parameters, there is a need for further improvement offices up to December, 2015.
particularly in speeding up disposal of cases. Towards financial inclusion, the number of Post Office
The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) has been Savings Bank (POSB) accounts has increased from 30.86
constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, to crore to 33.97 crore and total deposits in POSB accounts
monitor and evaluate implementation of legal aid and cash certificates to ` 6.53 lakh crore in the last one
programmes and to lay down policies and principles for year.
making legal services available under the act. More than 80 lakh Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana accounts
have been opened with a cumulative investment of more
Accounting and Audit Services ` 2900 crore since the launch of the scheme on 22nd
The accountancy service providers in India are January, 2015.
self-regulated through a combination of statutory bodies More than 1.84 crore Kisan Vikas Patras have been sold,
like the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), attracting an investment of more than ` 16,429 crore
the Institute of Cost and Work Accountants of India and since launch on 18th November, 2014.
the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). The Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Pradhan
Tapping the outsourcing market of the US and other Mantri Jeewan Jyoti Yojana and Atal Pension Yojana were
developing countries in niche areas like actuarial and rolled out for POSB account holders in Core Banking
accountancy services would depend on the availability of Solution (CBS) post offices. So, far more than 1,35,000
high quality experts in tax, insurance and pension laws of policies have been sold to POSB customers.
Self Check
Build Your Confidence
1. Which one of the following sub-sector of the services 6. Which one of the following services is included in the
sector in India has contributed the highest per cent in services sector of Indian Economy? [UPPCS 2008]
the annual growth rate of the GDP? [MPPCS 2000] (a) Transport, storage and communication
(a) Real estate, ownership of dwellings and business (b) Financing, insurance, real estate and business services
services (c) Community, social and personal services
(b) Community, social and personal services (d) All of the above
(c) Transport, storage and communication
(d) Trade, hotels and restaurants
7. Consider the following statements
1. In last decade, India is to China, in developing countries in
2. Consider the following statements the terms of Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in
1. Software is one sector, in which India has achieved a services sector.
remarkable global brand identity. 2. In the last decade, Russia had higher Compounded Annual
2. The contribution of the services sector to the national Growth Rate (CAGR) in services sector than India.
economy both in terms of value addition and Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
employment generation is growing over the year. (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
8. Which one of the following percentage of Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) is allowed in the Indian entities
3. Consider the following statements publishing newspapers and periodicals dealing with news
1. When a country progresses further the manufacturing and current affairs? [IAS 2005]
sector takes a back seat and give a way to service (a) 26% (b) 49%
sector in terms of both output and employment. (c) 74% (d) 100%
2. When a country progresses further manufacturing
9. Which one of the following service of the Indian Economy
sector become increasingly service sector.
has the highest percentage of share in the services sector
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? export?
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(a) Computer software (b) Financial and non-financial
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) Computer hardware (d) Legal consultancy
4. Consider the following statements
10. Consider the following statements regarding IT sector of
1. Computer software has the highest percentage of India.
share in service sector export in India.
1. India has achieved brand identity in this sector.
2. Communication services has highest growth rate in
2. Besides it’s impact on growth, it is also a provider of skill
service sector in 11th Five Year Plan.
employment both in India and abroad.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
Which of the statement (s) given above is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(a) Only 1
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(b) Only 2
5. Various initiatives have been taken by the (c) Both 1 and 2
government to promote tourism include (d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. the introduction of e-visa facility under three 11. In the Index of Eight Core Industries, which one of the
categories of tourism. following is has the highest weight?
2. Medical and business for the citizens of 163 countries. (a) Coal production
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? (b) Electricity generation
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) Fertilizer production
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Steel production
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (d)
Magbook ~ Infrastructure 125
Connect all villages with all weather roads by the end of * India Infrastructure Project Development Fund
12th Five Year Plan. Upgrade National and State Highways (IIPDF) was announced in Budget, 2007-08. The
to the minimum two-lane standard by the end of 12th Five IIPD fund will contribute up to 75% of the
Year Plan. preparatory expenditure in the form of interest free
Complete Eastern and Western dedicated Freight corridors loans that will be recovered from the successful
bidder. It has been set-up in Department of
by the end of 12th Five Year Plan.
Economic Affairs.
Increase rural teledensity to 70% by the end of 12th Five
Year Plan. Ensure 50% of rural population has access to Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs)
55 LPCD (litres per capita per day) piped drinking water Infrastructure Debt Fund was launched on 5th March,
supply and 50% of Gram Panchayats achieve the Nirmal
2012 by the government, though the announcement for it
Gram Status by the end of 12th Five Year Plan.
was made in the Union Budget 2011-12. It is a $ 2
billion fund to catalyse long-term lending to core sectors.
Funding of Infrastructure IDFs are investment vehicles which can be sponsored by
Public Private Partnerships in commercial banks and NBFCs in India, in which
Infrastructure domestic/offshon institutional investors, specially
The Planning Commission of India (now NITI Aayog) has insurance and pension fund can invest, through units
defined PPP in a generic term ‘‘the PPP is a mode of and bonds issued by the IDFs.
implementing government programmes/schemes in The fund would seek to raise debt capital from domestic
partnership with the private sector. It provides an and foreign resources in the form of long-term pension,
opportunity for private sector participation in financing, insurance funds and sovereign wealth funds.
designing, construction, operation and maintenance of
public sector programme and projects’’. Transport System in India
PPPs are expected to augment resource availability as well
as improve efficiency of infrastructure service delivery. Time Modes of transport include air, rail, road and water.
and cost over run in construction of PPP projects are also Transportation in India is a large and varied sector of the
expected to be lower compared to traditional public economy.
procurement. The government has also been emphasising
the need to explore the scope for PPPs in the development Road Transport
of the social sectors like health and education. India has the second largest road network in the world.
Some of the major PPP projects undertaken, thus so far The road network comprises of National Highways (NHs),
are Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru airports; 4 State Highways, major/other district roads and
ultra-mega power projects, container terminals at Mumbai, village/rural roads.
Chennai and Tuticorin ports. The share of road traffic in total traffic has grown from
12% freight and 31.6% passenger traffic in 1950-51, to
Viability Gap Funding Scheme an estimated 60% freight and 87% passenger traffic
during the 10th Five Year Plan period.
With a view to support the infrastructure projects, the
viability Gap Funding Scheme for support to PPPs in
infrastructure announced in 2004 and the modalities to National Highways
operationalise it put is place by 2005. National Highways comprise only 2% of the total length
It provides financial support in the form of grants, one time of roads, but they carry over 40% of the total traffic
or deferred to infrastructure project undertaken through across the country.
public private partnership with a view to make them Development and maintenance work of NHs is carried
commercially viable. out through 3 agencies, viz National Highways Authority
VGF Scheme provides total viability gap funding up to 20% of India (NHAI), State Public Works Departments (PWDs)
of the total project cost. and Border Road Organisation (BRO).
The government or statutory entity that owns the project National Highway Development Project (NHDP)
may, if it so decides, provide additional grants out of its It is the largest highway project undertaken in the country
budget up to further 20% of the total project cost. and is being implemented by NHAI in Phase I to VII. It is
* On 24th July, 2007, India’s first infrastructure a project to upgrade, rehabilitate and widen major
index series FTSE-IDFC launched. The series is highways in India to a higher standard.
aimed at bringing broad range of investors Phase I and II of NHDP Comprises Golden quadrilateral;
including retail investors into listed companies
North-South corridor and East-West corridor.
involved in the business of infrastructure.
Magbook ~ Infrastructure 127
In terms of route length, Indian Railway system is the (vi) Mumbai Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (MRVNL)
4th largest after USA, Russia and China. (vii) Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation
Of the two main segments, freights and passengers of the Limited (IRCTC)
Indian Railways, the freight segment accounts for roughly (viii) Railtel Corporation of Indian Limited (Rail Tel)
two-third of revenues. (ix) Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL)
Railway Budget was separated from the Union Budget in (x) Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited
the year 1921, on the recommendation of Acworth (DFCCIL)
Committee. However, the government in 2016 decided to (xi) Bharat Wagon and Engineering Corporation of India
merge them on the recommendations of Shankar Limited (BWEL)
Acharaya Committee. (xii) Burn Standard Company Limited (BSCL)
The railway network is divided into 17 zones. Divisions are (xiii) Braithwaite and Company Limited (BCL)
the basic operating units.
Rolling Stock and their Places
The 17 zones and their respective headquarters are as under:
Rolling Stock Places
Zonal Railway Headquarters Zonal Railway Headquarters
Diesel Locomotive Works Varanasi
Central Mumbai North-Western Jaipur
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Chittaranjan
Eastern Kolkata Southern Chennai
East-Coast Bhubaneshwar South-Central Secunderabad Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala
East-Central Hajipur South-Eastern Kolkata Integral Coach Factory Perambudur (Chennai)
Northern New Delhi South-East Bilaspur Rail Wheel Factory Bengaluru
Central Diesel Loco Modernisation Works Patiala
North-Central Allahabad South-Western Hubli Research, Design and Standard Organisation Lucknow
North-Eastern Gorakhpur Western Mumbai
North-Frontier Maligaon, West-Central Jabalpur Rail Coach Factory (RCF), rolled out the first proto type air
Guwahati conditioned Double Decker Coach in March, 2010.
Metro Railway Kolkata Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC)
With the present growth rate in GDP of over 8%, the
Types of Railway Lines Indian railways expects to carry 85 million tonnes of
There are four gauges in India. These are as follows: incremental traffic per year and about 1100 million tonnes
(i) Broad Gauge (1676 mm) This is the widest gauge in revenue earning freight traffic by the end of 11th Five Year
regular use. It is wider than the 1435 mm standard Plan. It has, thus, become necessary to augment the
gauge and also called Indian Gauge. freight carrying capacity of the railways.
(ii) Metre Gauge (1000 mm) It is one metre broad. About Railways and the 12th Plan
14500 route km of railway lines are metre gauge in
The 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) has envisaged an
2009. The metre gauge network is especially dense in
integrated approach for the transport sector as a whole.
the West.
The vision for transport is to be guided by a modal mix
(iii) Narrow Gauge (762 mm). The rationale for the narrow
that will lead to an efficient, sustainable, economic, safe,
gauges was economy in building the lines. It considered
reliable, environment friendly and regionally balanced
that narrow gauge lines would act as feeder lines to the
transport system, in line with the objectives of the plan.
broad and metre gauges. The most well known line is
probably the Kalka-Shimla route. Indian Railway aims at developing a strategy to build up
(iv) Narrow Gauge (610 mm) A few places in India have even the rail network to be part of an effective multi-modal
narrow 2-feet (610 mm) gauge e.g. New Jalpaiguri, transport system.
Darjeeling, Neral Matheran and the Gwalior branch lines. 5-digit Train Numbers
The Public Undertakings of the Railways It came into effect from 20th December, 2010.
Accordingly, all the Superfast, Mail/Express Rajdhani,
There are thirteen undertakings under the administrative
Garib Rath passenger trains and others have now uniform
control of the Ministry of Railways:
5 digit numbers, i.e. digit 1 has been prefixed to the
(i) Rail India Technical and Economic Services Limited,
existing 4 digit numbers.
(ii) Indian Railway Construction (IRCON) International Limited Railway Vision 2020 Highlights
(iii) Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited (IRFC) It envisages increasing the railway sector’s share in the
(iv) Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR) GDP from the existing level of 1% to about 3% and its
(v) Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) revenue to grow by 10% annually over the next 10 years.
Magbook ~ Infrastructure 129
High Level Safety Review Committee The first line of the metro in Chennai is opened in June,
(Railways) 2015. In the North, a metro in Jaipur also started in
June 2015. The long awaited first phase of Mumbai’s
The committee under Dr Anil Kakodkar recently presented
metro launched to the public in 2014.
its report. The total financial implication of the
recommendations over 5 years would be `100000 crore. Its In 2015, a new line for Bengaluru’s Metro was launched.
key recommendations and observations are as follows: Metros in Kochi in Kerala and in Hyderabad is opened in
—Indian Railways is at the brink of collapse unless some concrete 2017.
measures are taken. There are also metro systems planned for many other
—There is need for independent mechanism for safety regulation. cities like Ahmedabad in Gujarat, Pune in Maharashtra,
A statutory Railway Safety Authority needs to be created. Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, Patna in Bihar etc.
—A Railway Research and Development Council needs to be
set-up. Rapid Rail
—An advanced signaling system should be adopted for the entire National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB)
route length within 5 years. created a spearate entity – National Capital Region
—All level crossing (manned and unmanned) should be Transport Company (NCRTC) in 2013. Aim of this entity
eliminated over 5 years. to provide fast, safe and comfortable rapid transit in
—Switch over from ICF design coaches to LHB design coaches. NCR. It is possible by Regional Rapid Transit System
(RRTS). The RRTS are expected to have design speed of
Some Other Committees on 180 kmph with high acceleration and deceleration.
Railway Safety Bullet Train
Shahnawaj Committee (1954) Bullet train project is an initiative by Indian Government
Kunjaru Committee (1962) to build a high speed bullet train that would connect
Wanchu Committee (1968) Mumbai to Ahmedabad. This project expected to nearly
Sikari Committee (1978) 18.6 billion dollars and should be operational in about
Khanna Committee (1998) seven years.
Water Transport
Metro Rail Projects There are two kinds of water transport inland water
The metro railway system and service are operational in 10 transport or river transport and shipping which includes
cities in India. These are Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru, coastal shipping and overseas shipping.
Gurugram, Mumbai, Chennai, Jaipur, Kochi, Hyderabad
and Lucknow. The Kolkata Metro rail is the oldest (1984) Inland Water Transport (IWT)
metro service in the country. India has over 14500 km of navigable waterways. Inland
The Delhi metro is rapid transit system serving Delhi, Water Transport (IWT), has certain inherent advantages
Gurgaon, Noida and Ghaziabad in the NCR. The network namely: fuel efficiency, environment friendliness, cost
consist of Eight lanes with a total length of 296 Kilometres effectiveness and decongestion of road etc.
with 214 stations. —Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), was set-up in
Delhi metro is being built and operated by the Delhi Metro 1986, for regulation and development of inland waterways
for the purpose of shipping and navigation.
Rail Corporation (DMRC), which is a joint company of
—Out of total transport IWT accounts for 32% in Bangladesh,
Government of India and the Government of Delhi. After the
20% in Germany, 14% in the US, 9% in China and only
Phase IV total length of Delhi metro will be 413 km. It is the 0.15% in India.
second oldest metro in India after the Kolkata metro. —IWT is best suited for the movement of bulk cargo,
Metro Railways Amendment Act, 2010, with effect from overdivisional cargo and hazardous goods. It is also an
September, 2009, provides an umbrella ‘statutory’ safety environmentally friendly made.
cover for metro rail work in all the metro cities of India.
The act was extended to National Capital Region,
Shipping plays an important role in the transport sector
Bengaluru, Mumbai and Chennai metropolitan areas with
of India’s economy. Approximately, 95% of the country’s
effect from 16th October, 2009.
trade volume (68% in terms of value) is moved by the
Metro rail projects have also been taken up on PPP basis in sea.
Mumbai for Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar (11.07 km), —India has one of the largest merchant shipping fleet among
Charkhup to Mankhurd via Bandra (31.87 km) and the developing countries and ranks 16th amongst the
Hyderabad metro (71.16 km) with viability gap funding countries with the largest cargo carrying fleet.
support from the Government of India.
Magbook ~ Infrastructure 131
1. Among other things which one of the following was the 6. With what purpose is the Government of India promoting
purpose for which Deepak Parekh Committee was the concept of ‘Mega Food Park'? [UPSC 2011]
constituted? [IAS 2009] 1. To provide good infrastructure facilities for the food
(a) To study the current socio-economic conditions of processing industry.
certain minority communities 2. To increase the processing of perishable items and
(b) To suggest measures for financing the development of reduce wastage.
3. To provide emerging and eco-friendly food processing
(c) To frame a policy on the genetically modified organisms
technologies to entrepreneurs.
(d) To suggest measures to reduce the fiscal deficit in the
Union budget Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2
2. There has been a persistent deficit budget year after (c) 2 and 3 (d) All of these
year. Which of the following actions can be taken by the
government to reduce the deficit? 7. Name the scheme under which accidental death
1. Reducing revenue expenditure insurance cover for up to ` 2 lakh will be provided to the
2. Introducing new welfare schemes people of age group of 18-70 years?
3. Rationalising subsidies (a) Atal Jeevan Bima Yojana
(b) Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
4. Expanding industries
(c) Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(d) Atal Pension Yojana
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 2 and 3 8. Consider the following statements
(c) Only 1 1. Golden Quadrilateral is a National Highway Development
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Project connecting Delhi, Pune, Chennai and Kolkata.
3. Consider the following components 2. North-South Corridor which comprises 4-laning of
1. Bring an additional one crore hectares under assured National Highways connecting-Salem.
irrigation. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
2. To provide road connectivity to all villages that has a (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
population of 2000. (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. To give telephone connectivity to the remaining villages. 9. Which kind of the power accounts for the largest share
Which of the component(s) given above is/are included in the of power generation in India? [UPPCS 2008]
in the Bharat Nirman Scheme? (a) Nuclear
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 (b) Hydro-electricity
(c) 2 and 3 (d) Only 2 (c) Thermal
4. Which one of the following is not a nuclear power (d) Solar
centre? 10. Which one of the following statement is correct?
(a) Narora (b) Kakrapara [UPPCS 2008]
(c) Chamera (d) Kota (a) Singrsauli mines are located in Andhra Pradesh
(b) In India, majority of domestic coal supply comes from
5. Ten year old JNNURM Scheme named as
open cost mines
(c) Reliance is the only private sector refinery in India
(b) Housing for all
(d) None of the above
(d) UDAN Scheme
Chapter fifteen
Poverty and Unemployment
—Calorie Criteria The energy that an individual gets from
Poverty the food that he eats everyday is measured in terms
of calories. In India, Planning Commission was
Poverty is a social phenomenon,
“Goal of sustained of the opinion that an individual in rural area
wherein a section of society is unable to must get 2400 Kilo calories and in urban area,
poverty reduction cannot fulfill even its basic necessities of life. 2100 calories per day.
be achieved unless The UN Human Rights Council has —Minimum Consumption Expenditure Criteria
equality of opportunity defined poverty as a human condition An Expert Committee was appointed in
characterised by the sustained or 1962, by the Planning Commission to
and access to basic determine poverty line, by adopting
chronic deprivation of the resources,
services is ensured. Goal Minimum Consumption Expenditure
capabilities, choices, security and power
Criteria. As per this committee, those
of reducing inequality necessary for the enjoyment of an people will be treated as living below the
adequate standard of living and other poverty line, whose per-capita consumption
must be explicitly
civil, cultural, economic, political and expenditure at 2004, prices is below
incorporated in policies social rights. ` 368 per month in rural areas and below
and programmes aimed ` 559 per month in urban areas.
Global poverty had dropped at the rate
at poverty reduction.” of around 1 per cent point per year Relative Poverty
between 1990 and 2015. The World Relative poverty refers to poverty on the
Bank had developed $ 1.90 per day as basis of comparison of per-capita income
criteria for deciding International of different countries. The country, whose
Poverty Line. per-capita income is quite less in
According to UNDP’s Multidimensional comparison to other countries is treated
as relatively poor nation.
Poverty Index 2019, India was able to
lift 271 million people out of poverty In poor nations, that part of population,
between 2006 to 2016. However, still which is living at the bottom (whose
365.55 million poor people resides in income is less), is unable to fulfill the basic
requirements of life. In addition to the
the country.
$ 1.90 per-day international poverty line,
the World Bank measures poverty lines
Types of Poverty of $ 3.20 and $ 5,50, reflecting national
The poverty has two aspects: poverty lines in lower-middle income and
upper-middle income countries.
Absolute Poverty
It is a situation, in which the
consumption or income level of people
Poverty in India
There is substantial decline in poverty
is less than some minimum level ratios in India from about 45% in
necessary to meet basic needs as per 1993-94 to about 21.9% in 2011-12.
the national standards. It is expressed India lifted 271 million people out of
in terms of a poverty line. poverty between 2006 and 2016. If the
Economists have given many definitions trend continues, people below poverty line
of poverty in this regard, but in a large may come down to less than 20% in the
number of countries poverty has been next few years.
defined in the context of per capita In a given year in India, official poverty
intake of calories and minimum level of lines finds higher in some states than in
per capita consumption expenditure. others because price levels vary from
state to state.
Magbook ~ Poverty and Unemployment 137
—there are around 120 crore extremely poor persons in Lorenz Curve of Income Distribution
the world today.