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JK Apples Report

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© Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), 2010

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Published by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

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Feasibility Report for
Cold Chain Development
for Apples in J&K
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1

2 The Project 4
2.1 The Project Concept 4
2.2 Importance 5
2.3 Project Structure 5
2.4 Project Location 6
2.5 Demand Drivers for Setting up of integrated cold chain with reefer logistics 7
2.6 The Proposed cold chain infrastructure: 10
2.6.1 Collection Centers (CC) at production clusters 10
2.6.2 Reefer Trucks 10
2.6.3 Integrated Pack House in Jammu & Kashmir 10
2.7 Facilities 11
2.7.1 Facility at Jammu 11
2.7.2 Facility at Anantnag & Sopian 11
2.7.3 Need of Cold chain Logistics 11

3 Technology 13
3.1 Grading system 13
3.1.1 Internationally Accepted: Colour and Size Grading 13
3.1.2 Mechanised sorting and Grading: 14
3.1.3 Grading & sorting technologies to be set up at Jammu & Kashmir for Apples: 15
3.2 Cold Storages Vs Controlled Atmosphere: 16
3.3 ULO (Ultra Low Oxygen) 16
3.4 Thermal Insulation: 16
3.5 CA Door: 17

4 Cold Chain Infrastructure 18

4.1 Basis for selection 18

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 5

4.2 The Proposed Infrastructure and Processing Facilities at Jammu 18
4.2.1 CA and cold store 18
4.2.2 Ripening Centre 19
4.2.3 Administration 19
4.2.4 Utilities 19
4.2.5 Green area 19
4.2.6 Auction Centre 19
4.3 The Proposed Infrastructure and Processing Facilities at Anantnag and Sopian 20
4.3.1 CA store 20
4.3.2 Administration 20
4.3.3 Utilities 20
4.3.4 Green area 20
4.3.5 Auction Centre 20
4.4 Grading & sorting Area 21
4.5 Holding Area with weighing scales 21
4.6 Unloading Dock cum Reception area 21
4.7 Other requirements 21
4.8 Detail of facilities 21

5 Project Implementation 22
5.1 Setting up of a SPV: 22
5.2 Role of State Government 23
5.3 Facility Organizational Structure 23

6.1.1 Land & Site Development 25

6 Confederation of Indian Industry

6.6.1 Assumptions for Revenue realization 31


7.1 Supply 38
7.2 Technology and Equipment 38
7.3 Personnel 38
7.4 Quality Control 38
7.5 Distribution and Commercialisation 39
7.6 Financing 39
7.7 Induced Activities 39

Table 1 Storage capacity Vs Marketable Apple Production 2
Table 2 CA Store in Kashmir 2
Table 3 Project cost 24
Table 4 Land and Site Development Cost 25
Table 5 Building Construction Cost 26
Table 6 Plant & Machinery cost 27
Table 7 Miscellaneous Fixed Assets & Equipment 28
Table 8 Miscellaneous Fixed Assets 28
Table 9 Pre-operative Expenses 29
Table 10 Sources of Finance 30
Table 11 Working Capital Loan 30
Table 12 Basic Parameters 31

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 7

Table 13 Balance Sheet 32
Table 14P rofit & Loss Account 33
Table 15 Cash Flow & Repayment Schedule 34
Table 16 Investment Analysis & Key Indicators 35
Table 17 Key performance indicator 35
Table 18 Internal rate of return 36
Table 19 Average debt service coverage ratio 36
Table 20 Break even point 37
Table 21 Pay back period 37

Figure 1 Production of apple in last 5 years in India: 1
Figure 2 Production share of major Apple producing states 2
Figure 3 Location of facilities in J&K 6
Figure 4: Monthly trend of Apple arrival (MT) in the markets of Jammu, Srinagar and Delhi (2009) 7
Figure 5 : Monthly trend of Apple Prices (Rs/quintal) 2009 8
Figure 6: Monthly trend of Apple arrival (MT) in the southern markets Ahemdabad, Bangalore Chennai,
Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi (2009) 8
Figure 7: Monthly trend of Apple Prices (Rs/quintal) in the southern markets Ahmedabad, Bangalore Chennai,
Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi (2009) 9
Figure 8 Organizational structure 23

ANNEXURE 1 Government Assistance (State and central) 40-47
ANNEXUR 2 Details of facilities 48-62

8 Confederation of Indian Industry

1. Introduction

1.1 Background
Jammu & Kashmir is endowed with distinctive agro climatic conditions which clearly divide the
state into three zones viz. temperate, sub tropical and cold arid zone with a diverse range of crops
and vegetation. Main crops include Apple, Pear (Pome Fruits), Peach, Plum, Cherry (Stone Fruits)
and walnuts, almonds (Nuts). Apple tops the list as the horticultural production @ 87 % of the
total fruit production in the state.

Figure 1: Production of apple in last 5 years in India

Source: NHB

J&K accounts for 67 % of the total apple production in India and is competitive. Apple production in
state yields 10 MT / ha vs. national average of 7.4 MT / ha. The state produces mainly Red Delicious
type of apples that counts for ¾ of crop. Some 20 cultivars are commercially grown, prominent
varieties include Hazaratbali (Benoni), Maharaji (White Dotted Red), Delicious (Red Delicious),
American Trel (American Apirogue), Amri (Ambri Kashmir) and Kesri (Cox’s Orange Pippin).

Jammu & Kashmir, despite providing the majority of Apples supply faces a number of challenges,
in market access, packhouse & cold store infrastructure and dated post harvest and packaging
practices that results in lower earnings for growers and the allied trading community. The lack of
infrastructure means that the farmer sells in the flush of season, thereby reducing opportunities
of realizing higher price out of season.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 1

Figure 2: Production share of major Apple producing states

Source: NHB

Cold store space in state is estimated @19,600 MT storage or 1.7% of marketable crop compared
to 10% of total marketable Apple production of Himachal is stored in cold stores (including CA
Stores - Controlled Atmospheric Stores). CA Stores preserve quality and extend store life of apples
to beyond 180 days to provide premium grade fruit out of season. J&K has just 10,500 MT of CA
Stores operated by private investors versus 18,000 MT in Himachal and 12,000 MT in Haryana.

Table 1: Storage capacity Vs Marketable Apple Production

State Estimated CA Estimated Cold Cold store Total Ratio of Storage Capacity
capacity (MT) Store (MT) capacity for storage to the total marketable
Apple capacity production in the state

J&K 10500* 45500 9100*** 19600 1.7

Himachal 29700** 20000 20000 49700 9.4

*Includes Harshana Nature Pvt. Ltd. & Kohinoor Industries at Kashmir

**Includes Fresh & Healthy Enterprise (CONCOR) at Rai, Haryana
***Only 20 % of the total Cold storage capacity is used for Apple storage and Rest is used for making ice and
storing Vegetables

Out of this capacity, a few cold stores are used for Apple storage in Jammu & Kashmir rest of
them are used either for potatoes or for ice. Presently CA storage capacity for apple in the state
is about 10,500 MT.

Table 2: Table 2CA Store in Kashmir

Store CA Capacity (MT)

Harshna Nature Private Limited,Sopian 3,500

Kohinoor Industries, Srinagar 7,000

Hence 1.7% of total marketable apple is stored in Kashmir region. The proposed project (24000
MT) will almost double the storage capacity in the state.

The Apple growers in J&K are still using wooden boxes for packaging while corrugated cardboard
cartons are being used for Apple packaging in Himachal. Most of the apple from Kashmir is packed

2 Confederation of Indian Industry

in wooden boxes of 18 kilos. The boxes are made manually and quality fluctuates. To keep up with
the market trends as well as for environment reasons, Apple growers need to shift from wooden
boxes to corrugated cartons.

The projects will run on farm level sourcing (direct procurement from orchards through collection
centers), educate farmers on modern post harvest practices including picking, sorting and handling,
and build world class cold stores and grading systems that will preserve quality and reduce losses.
At Jammu, the project includes ripening centre that can be used for fruit such as banana, papaya
and mango, thus creating a hub for fruit processing in the state.

Global AgriSystem has proposed a modern system for procurement, processing and storage
supported by refrigerated logistics to create a cold chain infrastructure in state. The clear objective
is to develop infrastructure that will have a multiplier effect on inviting private investment in cold
chain projects in the apple belts of the state. These “projects” will create capacity for storage and
processing and provide domestic markets for the state’s apple growers. 3 projects are proposed,
one each at Anantnag and Sopian in the heart of apple orchards and a market hub at Jammu.

CA Stores of 6,000 MT with matching packhouse will be built at Sopian and Anantnag while the
Jammu Hub will include 2,000 MT of CA Stores with matching Packhouse, 10,000 MT of Cold
Stores and 100 MT of Ripening Chambers. In short, 24,000 MT of cold stores including 14,000 MT
of CA space and 10,000 MT of conventional cold stores will be built along with ripening chambers
of 100 MT.

The estimated project cost of Jammu hub is 5,495 lakhs and for Anantnag & Sopian , it is 5935.01
lakhs State govt will create a SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle to run this project. A special fund for
promoting Reefer trucks will be provided.

The projects require expertise in fruit procurement, technical skills for packhouse and cold store
operations and business skills for marketing, typically available in the private sector. For this project,
it is envisaged that the Govt of J&K will promote these projects by forming a SPV (Special Purpose
Vehicle) that will be divested to eligible private investors through a public bidding process. The
Govt through the SPV, shall acquire land, receive regulatory approvals including facilitating state
and local level clearances, and receive sanctions for grant / subsidy from the Horticulture Mission
for North East & Himalayan States (HMNH) so that the start up time for a private developer is

Global AgriSystem was contracted by National Task Force on Cold Chain Development at CII
(Confederation of Indian Industry) to prepare a detailed business plan for setting up the cold chain
infrastructure for apples in Jammu & Kashmir. Specific objectives include:

Identification of feasible projects in post harvest management, cold chain and packhouse infrastructure
and logistics for Apples that would integrate the supply chain from orchards to markets

Envision PPP development of projects at each of the 3 locations including a fund for subsidizing
a reefer truck base to cater to the cold store needs.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 3

2. The Project

2.1 The Project Concept

The concept for the project is to create post harvest infrastructure linking orchards to markets
through cold chain. Key motive is to develop cold stores and grading sorting facilities in state
so that there is a trickledown of benefits to farmers, trading community and local employment.
While J&K is the dominant provider of apples, the sale is done principally in flush season to
outside markets in view of a lack of cold stores. External markets including Delhi, Mumbai and
other metros control the purchase and distribution of the state crop. This project aims to develop
infrastructure that will provide additional benefits to growers and traders especially out of season
and also create local employment. As an added measure, with the cold stores in place, there will
be an immediate market in the vicinity of orchards that will motivate farmers for improving their
crop. There also emerges an opportunity for branding the state produce under an umbrella origin
brand for carton labels, pack and product labels and for promotions.

The total production of apple in J & K is 1.4 MMT, of which 20 % is in the culled apple category.
Marketable volumes are around 1.1 MMT. The total installed capacity of cold storage and J&K is
42869 MT including CA storage in Kashmir, however only about one third of installed capacity
are used for storage purposes and rest are used for ice and other purposes. In Kashmir total CA
storage capacity is about 10000 MT along 2500 MT of CS store.

Out of this storage capacity only 13000 MT of apple is stored in Kashmir from total 1.1 MMT of
marketable apple. The remaining quantity is sold as fresh, or stored in heaps or stored in other
markets of India. Delhi continues to be the key market handling over 50% of crop; recent trends
have shown that dispatches to other major markets are taking place directly. An estimated 0.6
MMT (1/2) of Kashmir apples enter Delhi market every season and about 45000 MT is stored
there only.

Delhi acts as a transit market for Kashmir apple and through Delhi market, Kashmir apple reaches
across India. 1.7% of the total production of apple can be stored in Kashmir region; so apple
cultivators in J&K can’t fetch the true value of their produce. A strong cold chain infrastructure and
integration between backward and forward linkage will ultimately make Kashmir apple available in
Indian market in the lean season also and the state can directly sell apple to the major markets.

4 Confederation of Indian Industry

2.2 Importance
The cold chain infrastructure in J&K will change the marketing scenario of Kashmir apple as
• Value addition to product: Currently no specific grading system is followed by the apple
farmers in J&K. Improper storage, drying, sorting and grading practices and handling system,
and lack of awareness about Phyto-sanitary conditions are some of the reasons for poor
quality of Kashmir Apple when it reaches to the market. Grading and sorting of the apple
at production centers as per market standards will add value to the produce and it will be
able to compete in the market. Similarly, storage of produce and off-season sales will further
fetch better price compare to sale during the peak season.
• Reducing wastage: Almost there is value loss of 30% of total apple produced in the state and
the main reason of wastage is lack of storage and logistic facility. The proposed infrastructure
in the state includes storage as well as logistic facility in an integrated manner, which will
lead to saving of wastage of apple at various stages in the supply chain. This benefit of
saving in wastage will be additional income for the farmers.
• Meeting seasonal fluctuations: The harvest season of Apple is from August to October.
The apple growers in Kashmir are forced to sell their produce to trader in the peak season
only because the state lacks in enough cold chain infrastructure to store the produce. The
infrastructure will enable adequate quality storage within the state. The growers in J&K
then can have a control over the supply and they can capitalize by selling Apple in the high
demand situations in lean season even in the distant markets.

2.3 Project Structure

The facilities proposed to be set up in Jammu & Kashmir include 2 CA Stores (capacity 6000MT
each) with pack house facility for apple in Kashmir Valley, serviced by three collection centers and
a horticulture hub at Jammu of 12000 MT capacity with CA store (2000MT) and one large Cold
store (10000 MT) is to be set up along with an Auction Centre. The Hub at Jammu also includes
ripening centre for Banana, Mango and Papaya. There is also a component of Reefer transport
model which can minimize the quality loss of apple during transport and Kashmir apple can directly
be made available to distant markets. Therefore, the proposed cold chain infrastructure network
in J&K for apples will enable adequate quality storage within the state to provide minimal weight
and quality losses. Implementation of this facility will fetch a high value price to the apple growers
in Kashmir.

The project is the combination of long term and short term storage along with grading, sorting
and processing facilities. The two CA stores are located next to the finest growing area and this
is done to capitalise on the long term gains in the markets from March onwards. As Kashmir NH
1 opens in March, these cold stores will provide much needed storage in the Valley for premium
quality. The hub at Jammu will act as a specialised market throughout the season and offers large
scale ripening for inbound fruit such as bananas, mango and papaya.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 5

2.4 Project Location
The locations for the cold chain infrastructure have been decided on the basis of the parameters
like production clusters, access to logistics and other infrastructure. The production clusters is the
main priority. The collection centres and even the three facilities are to be set up either in the
production clusters or nearby production clusters.

For this project three locations have been identified and details are given below.

Figure 3: Location of facilities in J&K

1. Sopian
Infrastructure Proposed Peak Capacity Number of units Collection centers

Pack House 10TPH 1 Pulwama, Kulgam, Chari-e-sharif

CA Storage 6000 MT 1

2. Anantnag
Infrastructure Proposed Peak Capacity Number of units Collection centers

Pack House 10TPH 1 Batingoo, Brakpora, Kulgam

CA Storage 6000 MT 1

6 Confederation of Indian Industry

3. Jammu
Infrastructure Proposed Peak Capacity Number of units Collection Centers

Pack House 5TPH 1

CA Storage 2000 MT 1
R.S.Pura, Batote, Udhampur
Cold Storage 10000MT 1

Ripening Chambers 20 MT 5

2.5 Demand Drivers for Setting up of integrated cold chain with reefer
Under this project, it has been envisaged to create storage capacity 24000 MT apples in Kashmir.
Out of which 14000 MT of Apple will be stored in CA and 10000 MT in cold stores. The capacity
can be well justified by a detailed analysis of arrival and prices of Apple throughout the year.
Arrival of apple starts in August, peaks in October due to huge arrivals from almost all the apple
producing belts of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal and Uttranchal and then gradually declines as
the season draws to an end in about mid December or early January. The arrivals in the market
after that are mainly from cold storage and some late arrivals. The price trend generally follows
demand and supply patterns, with highest price in August at the start of the season and then
going down with increase in arrivals in the following month and then going up in the late season
(March onwards due to minimum supply).

The supply of Apple in six months preceding August is almost negligible leading to large demand
and supply gap. So the market treats the fresh crop with enthusiasm and also the arrival in August
is dominated by a superior crop from Himachal, which fetches a good price.

Figure 4: Monthly trend of Apple arrival (MT) in the markets of Jammu,

Srinagar and Delhi (2009)

Source: NHB

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 7

Figure 5: Monthly trend of Apple Prices (Rs/quintal) 2009

Source: NHB

Delhi is the major market of apple in the country; it is also a transit market. The maximum arrival
of the produce is in Delhi market in the month of October when the produce from Jammu and
Kashmir starts coming and it decreases slightly in November and then there is a steep decline in
the month of December which reduces further in January and in the month of April the arrival
is almost negligible.

In the year 2009 the total arrival in the month of October was 1, 03,381 MT and the average price
was Rs. 4,597 per quintal in Delhi market. The price of Apple was highest in the month of August
i.e. Rs. 5,978 per quintal; it declined to Rs. 3,889 per quintal in September and further increased
in the month of October to Rs. 4,597 per quintal.

Figure 6: Monthly trend of Apple arrival (MT) in the southern markets

Ahemdabad, Bangalore Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi (2009)

Source: NHB

8 Confederation of Indian Industry

Figure 7: Monthly trend of Apple Prices (Rs/quintal) in the southern
markets Ahmedabad, Bangalore Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi (2009)

Source: NHB

In markets like Ahmedabad, Bangalore Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai (2009), the price and arrival
trend of year 2009 shows a huge demand and supply gap, January onwards till July, which is evident
from high prices prevailing during this time. Particularly as in Chennai market price of Apple is
Rs 7800/quintal in the month of March where the arrival is almost negligible that is 40MT. same
goes for Mumbai market the Apple price touches up to Rs 6000/quintal and the arrival again is
negligible from March to July. The prices are higher March onwards, as fresh arrival is negligible
and trade is mainly in the stored crop which demands a high price.

Analysis of weekly arrival and wholesale price data for the five major markets for 2009-2010
indicates that India’s apple market is poorly integrated. There appears to be no strong relationship
between price levels and fluctuations in the Delhi market—which handles about 70 percent of India’s
domestic apples—and prices in the other regional markets. Some market imperfections are to be
expected given India’s large size and stage of development, as well as the regional concentration
of apple production. The degree to which the markets are not integrated is, however, somewhat
surprising. In contrast to an efficient market, where spatial differences in prices primarily reflect
transport and transaction costs, the spatial price variations in India are suggestive of weak market
infrastructure and institutions, and a lack of competition between domestic suppliers.

Analysis of weekly wholesale price and domestic market arrival data for the major urban markets
for 2009 and 2010 indicates that Delhi prices do not significantly affect prices elsewhere—that
the other major markets are not well integrated with the Delhi market. And, except for Mumbai
prices’ affecting prices in Bangalore and Kolkata, none of the other markets are integrated. With
widespread improvements in telecommunications in India, poor information flow across the markets
is unlikely to be the cause of poor price linkages. More likely explanations include poor supply chain
infrastructure for perishable commodities and the tendency of traders in more distant markets,
such as Chennai, Bangalore, and Mumbai, to contract directly with growers and circumvent the

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 9

Delhi market. Another factor may be the cascading effect of large trading margins that obscure
price differences. The lack of price integration between the Delhi market and the other major
markets indicates the potential gains from investments in infrastructure and institutions that
improve marketing efficiency.

In these months, the crop from the cold storage fetches good price. The proposed cold chain
infrastructure in Jammu & Kashmir has the capacity of storing 24000 MT of apple. 14000 MT of
which stored in CA storage which can be supplied in Reefer vans to these markets directly also
bypassing Delhi market and can meet the high demand. This will fetch the true and high price of
Kashmir Apple.

2.6 The Proposed cold chain infrastructure:

Proposed project will have four different levels of infrastructure / facilities to integrate the supply
chain for Apple sold across the Indian market. These facilities will include:
• Collection centers at production clusters (Pulwama, Kulgam, Chari-e-sharif
Batingoo, Brakpora, R.S.Pura, Batote, Udhampur)
• Reefer trucks
• Integrated pack house with controlled atmospheric conditions at Jammu, Anantnag, and
• Ripening centre for banana at Jammu

2.6.1 Collection Centers (CC) at production clusters

Proposed CCs shall have basic infrastructure for handling produce at the field level during
season. Facilities at the CCs will include weighing machine (Platform) with 1000 Kgs of
capacity, and manual grading / sorting. Nine CCs have been proposed under this project,
three for each facility namely Pulwama, Kulgam, and Chari-e-sharif for in Sopian, Batingoo,
Brakpora, and Kulgam for Anantnag and R.S.Pura, Batote, Udhampur for Jammu.

2.6.2 Reefer Trucks

Reefer trucks of varying capacity for transportation of fresh produce from facility to
distant markets.

2.6.3 Integrated Pack House in Jammu & Kashmir

The proposed facilities at Jammu, Anantnag & Sopian will serve as pack house cum hub
where products will be brought after harvesting, to prepare them as per the market
requirements in terms of grading, packing, cold storage, CA storage and transportation.
The infrastructure will be having facilities for performing various post harvest functions in

10 Confederation of Indian Industry

such a manner that products are prepared with utmost care to avoid injury or bruising.
At this place, value addition will also be done without modifying the ultimate shape and
utility of the product. Thus, not only cosmetic appearance of the produce is enhanced,
but also there is considerable increase in shelf life of the product. Similarly, corrugated
packaging is done rather than wooden packaging, which is safe for the produce to be
transported over long distance plus it maintains the quality standards. CA storage facility
is provided to store fresh produce for long duration as per requirement.

2.7 Facilities
After the primary sorting and grading, the produce is brought to the cold storage / CA storages
and stored as per recommended temperature, humidity level and other criteria to extend their
shelf life.

The development of cold storages including cold chain for transport has an important role to play
in reducing the wastage, and thus providing remunerative prices to not only to growers but also
for the developers.

2.7.1 Facility at Jammu

The Hub will have CA stores (10*200 MT), MA stores (10*1000 MT) and pack house
with Apple Optical Sorting Grading line of 5 TPH. Main crops will be apples and potato
followed by other produce. Ripening facility has been proposed to meet the demand
of Banana in J&K as well as in nearby other smaller markets. Banana will be brought
from distant production areas such as Gujarat and Maharashtra as per availability and
will be ripened for distribution. Five (5) chambers, with capacity of 20 MT each will be
developed to ripen 20 MT of banana every day. Other fruit like mango and papaya will
be processed in season. the facility for apple destined for CA storage. The capacity of
the proposed sorting grading line is 10MT per hour.

2.7.2 Facility at Anantnag & Sopian

Each facility shall include CA stores (30 * 200MT) that will serve lean season demand
of Apple in distant market. Apple will be procured in the peak season from August to
September and sold after March. Since there is a huge demand and supply gap from
the month April to August, the apple growers can have an advantage of time and price
arbitrage and can fetch the true value of their produce. The packhouse will include 10
TPH optical Sorting / Grading lines at each location.

2.7.3 Need of Cold chain Logistics

In this cold chain infrastructure project in J & K, there is a proposal of storing 14000MT
of Kashmiri Apple in CA (Controlled Atmosphere) store. CA stored produce has to be

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 11

transported in temperature controlled conditions to maintain the freshness, firmness,
quality, and moisture content. To make this project feasible, CA infrastructure is to be
followed by the Reefer logistics to maintain the continuity in the cold chain. The project
concept is to have a price and time arbitrage in southern markets. Reefer logistics is a
primary requisite to fulfil this objective.

A component of subsidy will be needed to create a pool of reefer trucks, which is available
from HMNH (Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan States) under condition
that outbound reefer service would be made available to the 3 units for transport of CA
Apples. Applicants would need to confirm availability of Reefer transport at all the three
facilities (Jammu, Anantnag and Sopian) as per unit needs from April onwards.

12 Confederation of Indian Industry

3 Technology
The Indian market has grown quality conscious over the past decade due to various reasons,
namely availability of high quality imported Apples and an economic upswing. The project concept
has been developed with a view to improve quality of produce in the supply chain, by specific
interventions starting from the field level, packhouse and cold storage technology, grading and
sorting systems, reefer transport and packaging.

3.1 Grading system

J&K producers follow an outdated grading system of producing two main grades (A & B quality) and
a culled grade while Himachal has adopted internationally accepted norms of grading. Therefore,
there is an immediate need of upgrading the standards and educating the farmers. J&K follows three
recognized grades of apple commonly known as A, B and C grades. The first two are marketable,
while the C grade apples are not considered fit for table purposes and are classified as ‘culled’
apples for being sold for processing purposes only.

3.1.1 Internationally Accepted: Colour and Size Grading

Colour Grading
A Grade: This grade has further been subdivided into the following three categories:

AAA Grade Fruits must have attained or developed more than 80% colour characteristics
of the variety, having normal shape typical of the variety and should be clean
bright and free from blemishes or defects.
AA Grade Fruits must have attained or developed 70 - 80% colour characteristics of the
variety, having normal shape typical of the variety and should be clean bright
and free from blemishes or defects.
A Grade Fruits must have attained or developed 60 -70% colour characteristics of the
variety, having normal shape typical of the variety and should be clean bright
and free from blemishes or defects.

B Grade: Fruits with 50% colour characteristics of the variety, with slightly abnormal shape and
with two or three headed spots.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 13

C Grade: Fruits with fresh injuries and spots, which are likely to rot immediately in transit. Shapeless
and not fit for the fresh market.

Size Grading

Grading is carried out on the basis of the diameter of the fruit.

Size Minimum diameter of fruit in mm

Super Large 85 & Above

Extra large 80-85 mm

Large 75-80 mm

Medium 70-75 mm

Small 65-70 mm

Extra Small 60-65 mm

Pittoo 60 & Below

3.1.2 Mechanised sorting and Grading:

The fruit is graded on the basis of colour, weight and size.

J & K Apple needs to have a more elaborate grading system and be at par with the International
norms as given above (both for colour and size grades). Under this project it has been planned
to set up 8-10 lane optical camera grading system for apples. To grade the fruit on international

14 Confederation of Indian Industry

standards instead of manual grading, a mechanised grading system would be installed which not
only improve the quality of the fruit Apple but speedup the grading process too.

Waxing of Apple:
The apple can be coated with wax to improve its aesthetic appeal and reducing the loss of water
hence ameliorating weight loss. The waxes applied on apples can either be animal wax, vegetable
wax or mineral and synthetic wax. After applying wax, the fruit assumes glossy and firm appearance
which is considered as an important quality in apples. Preventing the loss of water in apples also
helps to maintain firmness and juiciness. If apples lose water through respiration and transpiration
they lose the desirable characteristic crispy texture, shrink and become hard. Wax coated J&K
apple can be transported over long distances such as to distant markets in the South or can be
exported also as the wax coated reduces the ripening process. The most common wax used on
apples is a vegetable wax called carnauba wax or shellac.

3.1.3 Grading & sorting technologies to be set up at Jammu & Kashmir

for Apples

Grading line for weight Operating screen for shape & colour grading

2 lane colour grader for Apples 8-10 lanes shape & colour grader for Apple Storage

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 15

3.2 Cold Storages Vs Controlled Atmosphere:
For this particular project of cold chain in J & K, in Kashmir there is a proposal of setting up
Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storages of capacity of 12000 MT. For High quality produce, harvesting
of fruit just before the triggering of ripening and pre-cooling /rapid cooling are some of the
prerequisites of CA storage. Pre-cooling is not needed for the CA storage in Kashmir due to the
low ambient temperature. Fruit can be stored for a long period in CA storage and the quality is
also maintained because of gaseous composition control. Therefore only apples of good quality
and long storage potential should be stored in CA stores. Immature or over mature apples should
not be held in this manner. The CA stored apple should be protected from mechanical damage
and extreme temperatures during transport.

3.3 ULO (Ultra Low Oxygen)

Controlled atmosphere storage is a well-established technique used to extend the storage life of
apples and maintain the quality too. Firmness, acidity, colour and other quality parameters are
maintained in CA, whereas the ability of apples to produce volatile compounds is suppressed during
and after CA storage. The aroma suppression depends on both the atmosphere composition and the
length of storage time. Improved fruit quality and extended storage life are achieved by lowering
the oxygen concentration to less than 1%, i.e. storing in ultra-low oxygen (ULO) atmosphere. The
lower limit for oxygen, at which no accumulation of anaerobic respiration products (acetaldehyde,
ethanol, and lactate) occurs, is connected to the cultivar, growing area conditions and climate. In
countries like Italy, ULO storage is used to reduce physiological disorders in Red Delicious Apple.
Therefore ULO is better technique for Apple storage.

3.4 Thermal Insulation:

It is recommended that appropriate BIS standards are adopted for selection of design parameters
and method of application of thermal insulation (IS 661 & 13205). For fresh F & V are stored at
0oC, it is recommended to design thermal insulation for (-4oC to + 2oC) temperature condition
to have lower heat load.

16 Confederation of Indian Industry

Materials of thermal insulation and its application-
Cold chambers have to be insulated on walls, ceilings / roofs & floors with proper insulating material
of adequate thickness, with provision for vapour barrier on outer side & proper cladding/ cover
on inner side. The commonly used insulation materials are:
a) Expanded polystyrene
b) Rigid Polyurethane foam
c) Rigid phenolic foam
d) Mineral wool in composite panel form
e) Extruded polystyrene

Among them the main insulation material for the panel is Polyurethane and expanded polystyrene.
If we compare then polyurethane is better than Polystyrene because of following reasons:
• PUF has a better R-value than EPS per inch thickness of insulation. Since PUF has the highest
rated insulation in this world and comparatively more rigid than EPS.
• PUF has one of the lowest moisture permeability ratings. The permeance rating on PUF is 1.2
while that of EPS is 5.0.
• PUF is resistant to most counter chemicals while EPS reacts violently to petroleum.
• Mechanical strength of PUF panel is better than EPS.
• The compression strength and bonding strength of PUF panel is better than EPS.
• The density of a product will determine the strength of it. The PUF has a density of 2.2 lb
while that of EPS is 1lb.

3.5 CA Door:
The door of the CA store should possess these qualities:
• High insulation efficiency
• Effective Perimeter hermetic sealing
• Easy and fast to operate
• Gas leak proof
• Preference to sliding doors

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 17

4 Cold Chain Infrastructure

4.1 Basis for selection

All the components of the proposed project has been selected based on availability of raw material
in production cluster (for collection centers) and linking this to the markets through optimizing use
of infrastructure. For maintaining continuity of cold chain, refrigerated trucks have been proposed
for transportation of perishable commodities.

Minimal infrastructure has been proposed at the collection centers (CCs) to take care of product
handling at the field level for safe transportation of the same to the pack house. The design of
various facilities such as site plan, buildings, waste disposal area, area for parking of vehicles and
environmental features of the pack house facility has been undertaken as per specific technical

4.2 The Proposed Infrastructure and Processing Facilities at Jammu

The proposed distribution centre broadly consist of
• CA and Cold store
• Ripening centre
• Administration
• Utilities
• Green area
• Auction centre

4.2.1 CA and cold store

The facility will have 10 CA chambers with 200 MT capacity each with dimensions as
(15*7*9) cubic metre. The total CA storage capacity of the facility is 2000MT. It also
includes 10 conventional cold store chambers with 1000 MT capacity each with dimensions
(28*25) sqm. The total CS capacity is 10,000MT.

18 Confederation of Indian Industry

4.2.2 Ripening Centre
The ripening centre includes 5 ripening chambers each with capacity of 20MT and
dimensions of (10.5*5) sqm. The ripening centre will work for 12 months a year. Rationale for installing Ripening chambers

Generally banana is sold as green. Modern banana ripening facilities are
conspicuously absent in Jammu and Kashmir. Ripening of banana is done by
traditional method in closed chambers or rooms by using acetylene which is
hazardous to health and not considered as good practice. A very few ripening
facilities are available in the existing markets. Therefore ripening facility at
Jammu would help retailers / users of the facility to provide uniformly ripened
banana to the target consumers. Additional fruits that can be ripened are
Papaya and Mango.

4.2.3 Administration
It will consist of office block. This will be at entrance of the facility.

4.2.4 Utilities
This area around 962.5sqm will consist of change rooms, canteen etc. It will also consist
of area for Genset, Electric room, and Rest room, Crate washing facility, Security post and
weigh bridge, loading and unloading bays, parking area, cash & carry and green area. A
guest house is also there for the vendors, traders etc.

4.2.5 Green area

Taking into consideration the environmental aspect, green area is also kept in the proposed
facility. it is around 945sqm in Jammu.

4.2.6 Auction Centre

There is also a provision of auction centre for auctioning of produce. The total area given
to the auction centre is 945sqm.

Apart from these facilities there is also a provision of constructing a logistics block
(350sqm), packaging area 866.25 sqm, and guest house at the Jammu facility.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 19

4.3 The Proposed Infrastructure and Processing Facilities at Anantnag
and Sopian
The proposed infrastructure at Anantnag and Sopian is same. Each of the facility will broadly
consist of
• CA store
• Administration
• Utilities
• Green area
• Auction centre

4.3.1 CA store
At each facility in Anantnag and Sopian there are 30 CA chambers with capacity of 200
MT each and dimensions of (15*7*9) cubic metres.

4.3.2 Administration
It will consist of office block. The total area given to the administration block is 490

4.3.3 Utilities
This area around 525sqm will consist of sub station etc. It will also consist of area for
Genset, Electric room, Canteen and Rest room, Crate washing facility, Security post and
weigh bridge, loading and unloading bays, parking area, cash & carry and green area. A
guest house is also there for the vendors, traders etc.

4.3.4 Green area

Taking into consideration the environmental aspect, green area of 1575sqm is also kept
in the proposed facility.

4.3.5 Auction Centre

There is also a provision of auction centre for auctioning of produce. The total area given
to the auction centre is 840sqm.

Apart from these facilities, Sopian and Anantnag, each of them will be having logistics
block (315sqm), and a parking area of 1575sqm.

20 Confederation of Indian Industry

Other facilities which are common to each cold chain infrastructure at Jammu, Anantnag
and Sopian are

4.4 Grading & sorting Area

This hall will consist of one line for sorting and grading line would be used for grading and sorting
of Apple on the basis of size, colour and shape. During sorting and grading, undesirable produce
will be separated manually while the acceptable ones will be allowed to continue and fill directly
into the crates or bin. The area given to pack house in Jammu facility is 1750sqm including lab
and an area of 1680sqm is given for the same at each of the facility at Anantnag & Sopian.

4.5 Holding Area with weighing scales

Holding hall will have controlled temperature range of 18 to 24 degree. In addition to temperature
management, humidifier will also be installed to maintain the desired humidity level. There is also
provision of weighing scale in the holding area.

4.6 Unloading Dock cum Reception area

The unloading and transfer of horticulture produce will be carried in the plastic crates from this
zone. Each user will have its own unloading and loading area with sufficient parking area. For
common users, sufficient space is kept for unloading and loading to feed the produce in the sorting
grading line, from where users can take sorted and graded produce to the respective areas.

• Produce from trucks will be un- loaded here before feeding it into the grading line.
• The plastic crates containing produce would be received at reception area. From the reception
area, crates would be moved to sorting grading lines through roller conveyers after weighing
and inspection of the produce.

4.7 Other requirements

A separate area is kept for DG set location, Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) etc. in the proposed
facility. A provision of overhead water tank was also kept in the DC. There is a provision of Security
post and weigh bridge at the entry of the area.

4.8 Detail of facilities

The facility details are given in Annexure II

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 21

5 Project Implementation
The project proposes a demand driven/pre-marketed model with strong backward/forward
linkages and sustainable supply chain. The primary objective of the proposed project is to facilitate
establishment of integrated value chain, with processing at the core and supported by requisite
forward and backward linkages. The project includes centre-cum- cold chain in identified clusters,
processing of intermediate products, collection centre cum cold chains, centralized infrastructure
to take care of processing activities, which require cutting edge technologies and testing facilities,
besides the basic infrastructure for water supply, power, environmental protection systems,
communication etc. The supply chain will establish on-Farm Primary Processing Centre cum cold
chain facilities for aggregation of the produce, which will be linked, to the retail outlets/processing
parks through appropriate produce aggregation facility and collection centre cum cold chain and
Reefer van transportation net works.

Government of J&K will create Special Purpose Vehicle/s either for individual or all 3 projects (SPV)
that will be divested to private investors through a public bidding process. The SPV shall acquire
land and land related permissions including CLU, apply for and receive statutory approvals and
clearances and sanction of subsidy. In parallel, J&K Govt or its nodal agency for the project shall
move forward the PPP process through development of project specific DPR’s / Project Information
Memorandum, Bidding Documents including RfQ and RfP either internally or through independent

It is proposed that private investors shall bid in a public call for tender and the highest bidder
may be awarded the project subject to having the necessary technical, business knowledge and
financial strengths and committing to implementation of the project in a specific period.

5.1 Setting up of a SPV:

The proposed project would be implemented on a PPP basis through project specific Special Purpose
Vehicles (SPV) owned and managed by the members. The state Government is responsible for
forming this SPV that will be divested to private investors. An SPV shall ordinarily be a Company
registered under Companies act 1956. There shall be one nominee of the State Govt. (Department
of Agriculture/Horticulture), one nominee of CII on the Board of Directors of the SPV till completion
of the project.
• Acquire land for each facilities along with cleranaces and registration
• Obtain local approvals, registrations and clearances

22 Confederation of Indian Industry

• Apply for financial assistance and receive sanction under RKVY, the norm of assistance will
match HMNH

5.2 Role of State Government

The project envisages pro-active involvement of the State Government in the following areas:
• Providing project and bidding documentation for the PPP
• Providing requisite land to the project, wherever needed, in appropriate mode, to the
• Providing necessary external infrastructure to the such as power, water supply, roads, effluent
disposal etc, wherever needed
• Providing necessary project related clearances on expeditious basis

5.3 Facility Organizational Structure

Figure 8: Organizational structure

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 23

6 Project Financial

6.1 Cost Estimates

The project is consisting of three facilities which is primarily CA/MA storage at three different
locations the state in the growing area of the apple. The proposed facilities shall be created at
Jammu with 2000 MT CA, 10,000 MT CS and 100 MT Ripening Chambers. At Anantnag and Sopian,
6000 MT CA storage facilities at each centre is proposed to be created. A fleet of 150

Trucks are also proposed for ensuring Integrated Cool chain in the State. Financial model has
been developed with total project cost estimates at Rs. 22,075.87 lakhs. All the components of
the project, aimed at achieving the estimated operational efficiencies based on assumed various
operational parameters of economies, are assessed and featured below:

Table 3: Project cost

Total Project Cost (Rs in Lakhs)

Project Cost

Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Reefer Total

Land & Land Development 803.40 742.51 742.51 – 2,288.42

Building 1,315.80 882.55 882.55 – 3,080.91

Plant & Machinery 2,070.35 2,113.02 2,113.02 4,650.00 10,946.39

Other Machinery & Equipment 836.59 1,744.30 1,744.30 60.00 4,385.20

Total Fixed Assets 5,026.15 5,482.39 5,482.39 4,710.00 20,700.92

Pre-Operative Expenses 206.24 203.20 203.20 – 612.64

Margin Money For Working Capital 263.48 249.42 249.42 – 762.31

Total 5,495.86 5,935.01 5,935.01 4,710.00 22,075.87

24 Confederation of Indian Industry

6.1.1 Land & Site Development
Land measuring 7 Acres for facility at Jammu and 5.5 Acres each for facilities at Anantnag
and Sopian are calculated to be adequate for the establishing the project. The cost of
land is highly variable in terms of geographical preference of the storage location and
hence provided indicative costs @ Rs 80 lakhs per acre for Jammu and Rs 90 lakhs each
for Anantnag and Sopian has been taken into the account. Total cost on this account
has been taken into consideration is Rs 2288.42lakhs, including cost of all development
activities like land levelling, roads, external lighting, boundary wall, green area, parking
slots, security gates etc.

Table 4: Land and Site Development Cost

 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Total

Land Cost 560.00 496.80 496.80 1,553.60

Registration Fee & Transfer Expenses 44.80 39.74 39.74 124.29

Land Levelling & Greenery 2.91 2.30 2.30 7.50

Greenery & Landscape 1.41 0.79 0.79 3.05

Road & Drainage 63.22 57.24 57.24 177.70

Parking Slots, Reception Area & Corridors 100.10 116.48 116.48 333.06

Complex Lighting 17.68 15.91 15.91 49.50

BOUNDARY WALL (Running Meters) 4.60 4.26 4.26 13.11

Security Gate 1.04 1.04 1.04 3.12

Architect Fee 7.64 7.92 7.92S 23.48

TOTAL 803.40 742.51 742.51 2288.42

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 25

6.1.2 Building Construction
Construction of facilities; Cold Store Chambers, CA stores, moving corridors, Sorting,
Grading & Processing Hall, Lab, Loading & Unloading ways, Stores and Utility area are
proposed to be constructed as per the drawing. Administrative Office, Security Cabin,
Canteen, change rooms and Toilets etc are also designed to be constructed as a supportive

Table 5: Building Construction Cost

 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Total

Pre Engineered Building 401.66 251.23 251.23 904.12

Cold Store Structure 473.20 189.28 189.28 851.76

Process Hall & Grading Area 114.27 127.92 127.92 370.11

Lab Area 1.30 1.30 1.30 3.90

Packing Material Store & Holding Area 103.74 114.66 114.66 333.06

Cash & Carry 42.59 35.49 35.49 113.57

Change Room & Labour Convenience 5.07 5.07 5.07 15.21

Administrative Building 22.65 29.74 29.74 82.13

Guest House 21.63 28.05 28.05 77.74

Security & Time Office 3.38 3.38 3.38 10.14

Canteen 6.76 5.07 5.07 16.90

Auction Centre 39.31 34.94 34.94 109.20

Logistic Park 14.56 13.10 13.10 40.77

Utilities, Sub-station & DG Room 7.80 5.20 5.20 18.20

Power House open Area 7.28 4.16 4.16 15.60

Architect Fee 50.61 33.94 33.94 118.50

TOTAL 1315.80 882.55 882.55 3080.91

Total amount including the contingency provisions @ 4% has been provided at Rs 3080.91

26 Confederation of Indian Industry

6.2 Plant & Machinery

6.2.1 Plant & Machinery

Refrigerated units, Cooling Towers, Puff Panels, Doors, CA equipment, Sorting & Grading
lines are proposed to be installed for the best quality solutions.

Table 4: Plant & Machinery cost

 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Reefer Total

Refrigeration Equipment (Blue Star Make:

Flooded Screw Brine Chiller, Model No.
LCWX1-180EEF, 4 W+1 S), Air Cooling 364.00 291.20 291.20 946.40
Units, Air Handling Units with UVC
Emitters etc.

Cooling Tower (with BacComber), Pumps,

Plumbing, Ethylene Generator, Humidifier, 291.20 187.20 187.20 665.60
Ventilation & Accessories etc.

PUF Panels & Doors 780.00 468.00 468.00 1,716.00

CA Equipment including doors (10

234.00 598.00 598.00 1,430.00
Chambers x 200 MT)

Grading/ Sorting Line 312.00 468.00 468.00 1,248.00

Installation Charges 89.15 100.62 100.62 290.39

Reefer Trucks 4650.00 4650.00

TOTAL 2070.35 2113.02 2113.02 4650.00 10,946.39

In case of machinery, the consultants have had discussions with leading suppliers and
accordingly design and specifications are frozen. The cost estimates that include erection
and commissioning costs have been taken at Rs 10,946.39lakhs.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 27

6.2.2 Miscellaneous Fixed Assets & Equipment
DG Set for power back up. Material handling equipment, Pallet Trucks, Bins, Crates and
Office Furniture are required for smooth operation and administration. A total provision
for the same has been made with an outlay of Rs 4211.32 lakhs (Rs in Lakhs)

Table 7: Miscellaneous Fixed Assets & Equipment

 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Total
Stackers 43.68 29.12 29.12 101.92
Pallet Trucks 13.00 10.40 10.40 33.80
Underground Water Tank (50,000 Ltrs) 11.44 11.44 11.44 34.32
Electricity Equipment (KVA ) 62.40 52.00 52.00 166.40
Electricity Installation 17.69 12.05 12.05 41.80
DG Back-up (KVA each) 93.60 72.80 72.80 239.20
Fire Fighting Equipments 20.80 20.80 20.80 62.40
Lab Equipment 1.04 1.04 1.04 3.12
Digital Electronic Weighing Machines
0.26 0.78 0.78 1.82
2000 Kgs Capacity
Digital Electronic Weighing Machines 20
0.18 0.18 0.18 0.55
Kg, Metal Body, Inbuilt Battery Backup
Bins 482.56 1,447.68 1,447.68 3,377.92
Crates 51.98 48.05 48.05 148.08
TOTAL 798.63 1706.34 1706.34 4211.32

6.2.3 Office Equipment

Office Furniture and other various equipments are required for smooth administration.
A total provision for the same has been made with an outlay of Rs 173.88 lakhs.

Table 8: Miscellaneous Fixed Assets

 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Reefer Total
Furniture & Fixtures 15.60 15.60 15.60 30.00 76.80
Car / Jeep 8.32 8.32 8.32 10.00 34.96
Computers & Communication System 2.60 2.60 2.60 6.00 13.80
Laptop 1.04 1.04 1.04 2.00 5.12
Office Equipments 10.40 10.40 10.40 12.00 43.20
TOTAL 37.96 37.96 37.96 60.00 173.88

28 Confederation of Indian Industry

6.2.4 Pre-Operative Expenses
The project is proposed to go commercial by the end of the year zero and thus expenses
during the preoperative are provided on various accounts like Interest on Term Loan,
Professional Charges and Establishment administrative expenses amounting to Rs

Table 9: Pre-operative Expenses

 (Rs in Lakhs)

Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Total
Start up & Administrative Cost 20.80 17.20 17.20 55.20
Preliminary & Start up Expenses 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00
Salaries & Supervision Cost 22.95 22.95 22.95 68.85
Insurance 25.05 28.23 28.23 81.51
Professional Charges 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00
Security Deposits 40.00 30.80 30.80 101.60
Interest 82.44 89.03 89.03 260.50
TOTAL 206.24 203.20 203.20 612.64

6.3 Margin For Working Capital

Margin for working capital is assessed at Rs 762.31 Lakhs at first year’s operations. The balance
requirement at higher capacities is proposed to be met through internal accruals. The inventories
are calculated on the basis of 15 day’s investment on procurements, two months inventory of
packing materials and two months debtors

6.4 Contingencies
Contingency provisions @ 4% on construction and equipments are directly added to the cost of
respective components.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 29

6.5 Sources of Finanace
The means of finance for total cost amounting to Rs. 21,907.67 lakhs are proposed as indicated

Table 10: Sources of Finance

 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Jammu Anantnag Shopian Reefer Total

Promoter’s Funds 1,894.93 1,217.50 1,217.50 555.00 4,884.93

Financial Assistance 853.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,800.00 6,153.00

Term Loan 2,747.93 2,967.50 2,967.50 2,355.00 11,037.93

Total 5,495.86 5,935.01 5,935.01 4,710.00 22,075.88

The project being an infrastructure project is to be set up as a vital link for value addition at the
production zone for the large number of orchard owners in PPP mode of investment; it is proposed
to create a SPV for extending the desired assistance from Government. The financial assistance
calculation is done on the basis of Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan States (HMNH)
but the state government will apply for the financial assistance from Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna
(RKVY), then the norm of assistance will match HMNH to make it a self sustainable venture inviting
the investments from private investors with reasonable returns.

Term loan is proposed to avail as 50% of the project cost at 12% rate of interest per annum.
Repayment is proposed in 10 half yearly equal instalments with moratorium of about a year.

6.5.1 Working Capital Loan

Table 11: Working Capital Loan
 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Period Days Jammu Anantnag Sopian Total
Procurement 15.00 168.88 180.08 180.08 529.03
Packing Material 60.00 143.50 134.40 134.40 412.30
Sundry Debtors 60.00 741.53 683.20 683.20 2,107.93
TOTAL 1,053.91 997.68 997.68 3,049.26
Margin 263.48 249.42 249.42 762.31
MPBF 790.43 748.26 748.26 2,286.94

Working capital is assessed and proposed to be financed from scheduled Bank. Proposed
attaining higher capacities gradually, the requirement of working capital too shall increase
simultaneously. Margin assumed at 25% for the first year is built up in the project cost

30 Confederation of Indian Industry

and the increased requirement during forthcoming years shall be met through internal
accruals. Rate of interest is assumed at 12% per annum. Basis of computing the working
capital are assumed at extreme comfort level which by way of efficient realization of
debtors, could further be controlled and brought down. The margin has been built in
the project to the extent of initial requirement of first year’s operations and additional
requirements in the subsequent years are proposed to be met from internal accruals.

6.6 Operations & Revenue

6.6.1 Assumptions for Revenue realization

The facilities are created to take the maximum benefits of mechanized controlled
atmosphere for shelf life enhancement of the Product through long term storage. The
capacities so introduced are proposed to be utilized by the promoters through trading
operations. The capacities of normal cold storage and ripening at Jammu facility are
proposed to be offered to small growers to service and promote the farming and trade
as well.

The detail break up of revenue projection is given in the following two tables:

Table 12: Basic Parameters


Particulars Capacity Location
CA Storage Trading
CA Storage 2000 MT Jammu
6000 MT Anantnag
6000 MT Sopian
CS & Ripening Service Income & Trading
Normal CS 10000 MT Jammu, Service Income 50% Trading 50%
Ripening 100 MT Jammu, 100% Service Income
Reefer Transport Service Contract
Reefer Trucks 150 Trucks At all three Facilities

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 31

6.7 Balance Sheet
Starting from the reserves on account of financial assistance at Rs 6153 lakhs, project shall
accumulate these reserves to Rs 20,164 lakhs, translating over threefold rise.

Table 13: Balance Sheet

 (Rs in Lakhs)


Particulars Year 0 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7


Promoter’s Funds 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94

Reserves & Surplus 6,153.00 7,098.36 8,741.58 10,649.73 12,822.82 15,731.79 17,951.28 20,164.40

Term Loan 11,037.94 9,934.04 7,726.24 5,518.44 3,310.64 1,102.84 – –

Bank Borrowings-W C - 2,286.94 2,613.65 2,613.65 2,613.65 2,613.65 2,833.46 2,833.46

TOTAL 22,075.87 24,204.28 23,966.40 23,666.76 23,632.05 24,333.21 25,669.68 27,882.80


Fixed Assets 20,700.92 20,700.92 19,116.87 17,532.81 15,948.75 14,364.70 12,780.64 11,196.58

Less Depreciation - 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06

Net Block 20,700.92 19,116.87 17,532.81 15,948.75 14,364.70 12,780.64 11,196.58 9,612.53

Current Assets - 3,049.26 3,484.87 3,484.87 3,484.87 3,777.95 3,777.95 3,777.95

Preoperativ Exp.Not W/O 612.64 490.11 367.58 245.06 122.53 – – –

Cash & Bank Balance 762.31 1,548.04 2,581.14 3,988.08 5,659.96 7,774.62 10,695.15 14,492.32

TOTAL 22,075.87 24,204.28 23,966.40 23,666.76 23,632.05 24,333.21 25,669.68 27,882.80

32 Confederation of Indian Industry

6.8 Profitability
Overhead costs have been estimated by consultants based on their experience in other projects
of similar nature and capacity. Profitability of the project is worked out for 7 years, till the project
attain its debt free status, is given below:

Table 14: Profit & Loss Account

Profit & Loss Account

Particulars Year 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7

NET REVENUE 11,522.35 13,168.40 13,168.40 13,168.40 14,375.26 14,375.26 14,375.26

TOTAL EXPENSES 7,271.42 8,379.11 8,379.11 8,379.11 9,088.65 9,088.65 9,088.65

GROSS PROFIT 4,250.93 4,789.29 4,789.29 4,789.29 5,286.60 5,286.60 5,286.60

DEPRECIATION 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06

INTEREST 1,588.89 1,439.49 1,174.55 909.62 671.06 406.19 340.02

PREOP. EXP. W/O 122.53 122.53 122.53 122.53 122.53 – –

PROFIT BEFORE TAX 945.36 1,643.22 1,908.15 2,173.09 2,908.96 3,296.36 3,362.53

INCOME TAX 1,076.87 1,149.42

PROFIT AFTER TAX 945.36 1,643.22 1,908.15 2,173.09 2,908.96 2,219.49 2,213.11

Tax is considered as exempted for first 5 years and 30% exempted for next 5 years. The tax is
calculated @ 30 %. The change in applicable rates shall be put in effect time to time.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 33

6.9 Cash Flow & Repayment Schedule
Table 15: Cash Flow & Repayment Schedule
 (Rs in Lakhs)

OPENING BALANCE – 945.36 1,643.22 1,908.15 2,173.09 2,908.96 2,219.50 –

SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 945.36 1643.22 1,908.15 2,173.09 2,908.96 2,219.50 2,213.11 945.36

Sources of Funds Year 0 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7

4,884.94 – – – – – – –

RESERVE & SURPLUS 6,153.00 – – – – – – –

NET PROFIT 2,544.35 3,082.71 3,082.71 3,082.71 3,580.02 2,625.68 2,553.13

DEPRECIATION 1,567.04 1,567.04 1,567.04 1,567.04 1,567.04 1,567.04 1,567.04

PRELIMINARY EXP.W/O 121.80 121.80 121.80 121.80 121.80 – –

11,037.94 – – – – – – –

– 2,286.94 326.71 – – – 219.81 –

Deployment 22,075.88 6,540.12 5,119.89 4,793.18 4,793.18 5,290.49 4,428.86 4,137.11

20,700.92 – – – – – – –

612.64 – – – – – – –

– 1,103.90 2,207.80 2,207.80 2,207.80 2,207.80 1,095.24 –

– 3,049.26 435.61 – – 293.08 – –

– 1,598.99 1,439.49 1,174.55 909.62 671.06 406.19 340.02
(TL & WC))

TOTAL 21,313.56 5,752.15 4,082.90 3,382.35 3,117.42 3,171.94 1,501.43 340.02

Generating sufficient cash at its operations, the project is capable of serving it’s interest and debt
retiring obligation, retaining sufficient surplus to meet any unseen requirement of process updating
or meeting the needs of sensible factors

34 Confederation of Indian Industry

6.10 Investment Analysis
Table 16: Investment Analysis & Key Indicators


Particulars Year 0 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7

Gross Sales – 11,522.35 13,168.40 13,168.40 13,168.40 14,375.26 14,375.26 14,375.26

Profit Before Tax – 945.36 1,643.22 1,908.15 2,173.09 2,908.96 3,296.36 3,362.53

Project Cost 22,075.87 22,075.87 22,075.87 22,075.87 22,075.87 22,075.87 22,075.87 22,075.87

Promoter’s Funds 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94 4,884.94

Rotation Factor – 0.52 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.65 0.65 0.65

GP Margin 0.00% 36.89% 36.37% 36.37% 36.37% 36.78% 36.78% 36.78%

NP Margin 0.00% 8.20% 12.48% 14.49% 16.50% 20.24% 22.93% 23.39%

Return On
0.00% 4.28% 7.44% 8.64% 9.84% 13.18% 14.93% 15.23%
Investment (ROI)

Return On Capital
0.00% 19.35% 33.64% 39.06% 44.49% 59.55% 67.48% 68.83%

6.11 Key Performance Indicators:

Table 17: Key performance indicator


Particulars Envisaged

IRR (Internal Rate of Return) 23.02

Average DSCR 1.96

Break Even Point % 42.91

Pay Back Period (Yrs) 4.42

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 35

6.12 Internal Rate of Return
Table 18: Internal Rate of Return

Internal Rate of Return

Particulars Year 0 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7

Capital Cost 15,922.87

Gross Revenue – 11,522.35 13,168.40 13,168.40 13,168.40 14,375.26 14,375.26 14,375.26

Prod & Other Costs 7,271.42 8,379.11 8,379.11 8,379.11 9,088.65 9,088.65 9,088.65

Salvage Value

Gross Surplus (15,922.87) 4250.93 4789.29 4789.29 4789.29 5286.60 5286.60 5286.60

IRR 23.02

6.13 Average Debt Service Coverage Ratio

Table 19: Average debt service coverage ratio


Particulars Year 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7

Net Profit 945.36 1,643.22 1,908.15 2,173.09 2,908.96 3,296.36 3,362.53

Depreciation 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06 1,584.06

Preliminary Exp.W/O
122.53 122.53 122.53 122.53 122.53 122.53 122.53
Added Back

Interest 1,598.99 1,439.49 1,174.55 909.62 671.06 406.19 340.02

Total 4,250.93 4,729.89 4,729.89 4,729.89 5,286.60 5,286.60 5,286.60

Term Loan Interest 1,324.55 1,125.85 860.91 595.98 331.04 66.17 –

Interest on Working Capital 274.43 313.64 313.64 313.64 340.02 340.02 340.02

Term Loan Repayment 1,103.90 2207.80 2207.80 2207.80 2207.80 1102.84 –

Total 2,702.89 3,647.29 3,382.35 3,117.42 2878.86 1,509.02 340.02

Dscr 1.57 1.31 1.42 1.54 1.84 3.50 15.55

Average Dscr 1.57 1.42 1.42 1.45 1.52 1.69 1.96

36 Confederation of Indian Industry

6.14 Break Even Point
Table 20: Break even point

Break even point

Particulars Year 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7

Gross Sales 11,522.35 13,168.40 13,168.40 13,168.40 14,375.26 14,375.26 14,375.26

Fixed Cost (Incl Dep.& Int.) 3,770.40 3749.62 3,484.69 3,219.75 2,981.19 2,593.79 2,527.62

Variable Cost 6,806.59 7,775.56 7,775.56 7,775.56 8,485.10 8,485.10 8,485.10

Contribution 4,715.76 5,392.84 5,392.84 5,392.84 5,890.15 5,890.15 5,890.15

Break Even Point (%) 79.35 69.53 64.62 59.70 50.61 44.04 42.91

Cash Bep (%) 43.76 37.88 32.97 28.06 21.64 17.14 16.02

6.15 Pay Back Period

Table 21: Pay Back Period

Pay Back Period

Particulars Year 0 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7

Gross Sales 15,922.87

Fixed Cost (Incl

2,651.94 3,349.80 3,614.74 3879.67 4,615.55 3,803.55 3797.17
Dep.& Int.)

Variable Cost 2,651.94 6,001.75 9,616.48 13,496.16 18,111.71 21,915.26 25,712.43

Contribution 4.42

Operational strength of the project, with sensibility tested on various financial and risk parameters,
is worked out to be satisfactory and safe.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 37

7 Key Factors For The Project Success
There are several factors which determine the success of the project; however some of these are
the designated as the key factors, discussed below

7.1 Supply
It is necessary to have access to abundant raw materials at a competitive price, with a time lapse
between harvest and processing of not more than 8 to 12 hours. The duration and schedule of
harvest determine the occupation rate of the unit and its economic return.

7.2 Technology and Equipment

The most subtle point in the process in found at the level of technology, packaging without
condensation, constant level of temperature and humidity, which affects the quality of final products,
if fails there would be risk of, condensation and chance of fungus growth.

7.3 Personnel
This is relatively delicate fresh fruits and vegetable industry that necessitate a training programme
for team leader and maintenance personnel (Refrigeration, CA and mechanical). There are two
sensitive areas: reception of raw material and packaging without condensation.

7.4 Quality Control

Raw material test: sample analysis to determine harvest date and time and act upon farming
technique, maturity of the essence and yields are to be tested. Finished products tests: establish
precise identity guides for each lot, which helps improve the power of negotiation and product
quality stabilization.

38 Confederation of Indian Industry

7.5 Distribution and Commercialisation
Market for fresh fruits and vegetables is international and domestic. It is essential to have international
and domestic partners who are either distributors or users. The setting up of this unit in an area
is well known for the specific products with exclusive production window.

7.6 Financing
This depends on the quantity and diversity of raw material as much as the possible sale price.
Nonetheless, in normal working conditions (more than 6 months out of 12 months), and with
average prices, the annual turnover/investment ratio is more than double. The working capital
needed on the method of paying the farmers and the user’s term of payments (Payments with
order, upon delivery, etc.)

7.7 Induced Activities

This activity allows for the development and stabilisation of diverse agricultural production. The
industry can create a market for intermediate food products, the cardboard for boxes, service
industry for supply and distribution.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 39


Government Assistance (State and central)

Horticulture is the one of main segments of agriculture in India, with important sub-segments being
fruits, vegetables, aromatic and herbal plants, flowers, nuts, spices and plantation crops. Different
parts of India are endowed with different agro-climatic conditions which facilitate growing of a wide
variety of horticultural crops, including root and tuber crops, mushroom, ornamental crops, and
plantation crops like coconut, areca nut, cashew and cocoa. As Jammu and Kashmir is endowed
with a wide variety of temperate fruits and vegetables in which Apple tops the list.

The Government of India has been encouraging adoption of horticulture as a means of diversification
from the traditional grains and cereal crops, which is not only eco-friendly but also ensures more
efficient use of land and other natural resources. Several policy measures and promotional schemes
have been introduced, for end to end development of the sector. Presently, India is the second
largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, though its share in world trade is very small.
India has also made noticeable advancement in the production and exports of flowers. Further, it
is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices.

With this backdrop, government of India launched the National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in
2005-06, with the objective of facilitating holistic and integrated development in the Horticulture
sector. It is based on cluster approach, focused development of selected crops, improvements in
production and productivity, adoption of good agricultural practices aimed at promotion of exports
and focus on Post Harvest Management. To enhance the productivity and to promote horticulture
in India and particularly in difficult states like J& K, National Horticulture Mission has been providing
financial assistance under many Schemes. One of the Scheme under which this particular project
is being implemented is Technology Mini Mission III. The pattern of financial assistance under
these schemes is as follows:

40 Confederation of Indian Industry

S. No Item Pattern of Assistance#
Permissible Cost
A. Mini Mission- I
Seed and Planting material – Production and
supply of parental lines, quality seeds, rootstocks, Rs.15 lakh/ project
motherstocks (scion blocks)
1 Technology Standardization / refinement and
Rs.20 lakh/ project
2 Acquisition of technologies including import of
Rs.10 lakh/ project
planting material from other countries
3 Imparting training through on farm trials / front
Rs.5 lakh/ project
line demonstrations
Mini Mission – II
Production of planting material
Model nursery / Big Nursery (2-4 ha) Rs.6.25 lakh/ha 100 % of the cost for Public sector
and 50% for private sector having
production capacity of 50,000 plants
per ha per year. Assistance could be
availed upto Rs. 25.00 lakh by public
sector and Rs. 12.50 lakh by private
sector for an area of 4 ha.
(ii) Small nursery (1ha) Rs.6.25 lakh 100 % of the cost for Public sector
and 50% for private sector having
production capacity of 50,000 plants
per ha per year for 1 ha.
Setting up of TC Units Rs.100 lakh/unit 100 % of the to Public sector and 50%
of cost to private sector units having
production capacity of 15 lakh plants
of mandated crops for which protocols
are available for commercial use.
(iv) Rehabilitation of existing Tissue Culture (TC) Rs. 15 lakh per unit-as 100% of the cost to public sector
units. Project based activity and in case of private sector 50% of
the cost.
True Potato Seed Center Rs. 25 lakh per center 100% of the cost to public sector and
50% of the cost to private sector.

(vi) Progeny and Herbal Gardens Rs. 5 lakh/unit 100% of the cost to public sector
and in case of private sector @ 50%
of the cost.
Seed production for vegetables and Rhizomatic
a) Open pollinated crops Rs. 30,000/ha For public sector 100% for private
sector, 75% of the cost, limited to 5
ha. Output target of seed for each
crop will be fixed by the individual
state for each beneficiary, before
releasing funds.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 41

S. No Item Pattern of Assistance#
Permissible Cost
Hybrid seeds Rs. 1,33,000/ha For public sector, 100% and for private
sector, 75% of the cost limited to 2
ha. Output targets of seed for each
crop will be fixed by the individual
State for each beneficiary, before
releasing funds.
Import of planting material for trial and demon- Rs. 10 lakh 100% of the cost for state Govt./ PSUs
stration purpose (By State Government, Growers’ and 75% of the cost to Recognized
Associations recognized by NHB/MOA, PSU) Growers’ Association.
(ix) Seed infrastructure for handling, processing, Rs. 200 lakh 100% of the cost to public sector and
packing, storage etc. of seeds of horticulture 75% of cost to private sector.
Area expansion under Hort. Crops
I. Fruits (for a maximum area of 4 ha per
Cost Intensive Crops
a) Fruit crops like Grapes, Strawberry, Kiwi, Passion
fruit, etc.
Fruit crops like TC Banana & Pineapple

c) Fruit crops like Banana sucker & Papaya

(ii) High density planting (apple, pear, peach, mango,

guava, litchi, ber, etc.)

Fruit crops other than cost intensive crops using

normal spacing
II. Vegetable (for maximum area of 2 ha per beneficiary)
Open pollinated Rs. 30,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 32500/ha.

(ii) Hybrid Rs. 45,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 33750/ha.
III Mushroom
I n t e g ra t e d m u s h ro o m u n i t Rs.50 lakh/unit 100% of the project cost for public sector
consisting of composting, spawn 50% for Private sector.
production unit and training
(ii) Spawn making unit Rs. 15 lakh/unit 100% of the cost to public sector and 50%
of the cost to private sector.
Compost making unit Rs.20 lakh/unit. 100% of the cost to public sector 50% of
the cost to private sector.
IV. Flowers (for a maximum area of 2 ha per beneficiary)
Cut flowers Rs. 70,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 52500/ha. Provision
of protected cultivation can also be availed
in addition to the above.
(ii) Bulbous flowers Rs. 90,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 67500/ha. Provision
of protected cultivation can also be availed
in addition to the above.
(iii) Loose Flowers Rs. 24,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 18000/ha.
Model Floriculture Centre Rs. 100 lakh per centre 100% of the cost to public sector.

42 Confederation of Indian Industry

S. No Item Pattern of Assistance#
Permissible Cost
V. Spices (for a maximum area of 4 ha per beneficiary)
Seed spices and Rhizomatic spices Rs. 25,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 18750/ha.
(ii) Perennial spices (black pepper, cinnamon, clove Rs. 40,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 30000/ha.
and nutmeg)
Cost intensive spices viz. Saffron Rs. 80,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 60000/ha.
VI. Aromatic Plants (for a maximum area of 4 ha per beneficiary)
Cost intensive aromatic plants (patchouli, geranium Rs. 75,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs.56250/ha.
rosemary, etc.)
(ii) Other Aromatic Plants Rs. 25,000/ha 75% of the cost i.e. Rs. 18750/ha.
Rejuvenation/Replacement of senile plantations Rs. 30000/ha 50% of the cost subject to a maximum
of Rs. 15000/ha limited to 2 ha per
4 Creation of water sources
Community tank/on farm pond / on farm water Rs. 17.25 lakh/ unit 100% of the cost for 10 ha of command
reservoirs with use of plastic / RCC lining area, with size of 100m x 100m x 3m or
any other size depending upon pro rata
basis, owned & managed by a community/
farmer group. Cost for non-lined ponds/
tanks only in black cotton soils will be
33% less. Assistance under the mission
will be restricted to the cost of plastic/
RCC lining. However, for non NREGA
beneficiaries, assistance on entire cost
including construction of pond as well as
lining can be availed
(ii) Water harvesting system for individuals- for Rs. 1.38 lakh / unit 75% of the cost i.e. Rs.1.03 lakh per
storage of water in 20mx20mx3m pond / tube beneficiary
wells / dug wells
Protected Cultivation
I Green House Structure
Fan and pad system Rs. 1465/Sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 1000 Sq.m per
b) Naturally ventilated system
Tubular Structure Rs. 935/ Sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 1000 Sq.m per
Wooden Structure Rs. 515/ Sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 1000 Sq.m per
(iii) Bamboo Structure Rs. 375/ Sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 1000 Sq.m per
Plastic Mulching Rs. 20,000 / ha 50% of the cost limited to 2 ha per
III Shade Net House
Tubular Structure Rs. 600/sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 1000 Sq.m per

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 43

S. No Item Pattern of Assistance#
Permissible Cost
(ii) Wooden Structure Rs. 410/sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 1000 Sq.m per
Bamboo Structure Rs. 300/Sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 1000 Sq.m per
IV Plastic Tunnels Rs. 30/sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 5000 sq.m per
Anti Bird / Anti Hail Nets Rs. 20/Sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 5000 sq.m per
VI Cost of planting material of high value vegetables Rs. 105/ sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 500 sq.m per
grown in poly house beneficiary

Cost of planting material of high value flowers Rs.500/sq.m 50% of the cost limited to 500 sq.m per
for poly house beneficiary
6 Precision Farming development and extension Project based 100% of the cost to PFDCs
through Precision Farming Development Centers
Promotion of INM/IPM
(i) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Infrastructure (Public Rs.500 lakh/unit 100% of the cost.
Promotion of INM/IPM Rs. 2000/ha 50% of cost subject to a maximum of Rs.
1000/ha limited to 4 ha/beneficiary.
(iii) Disease forecasting unit (public sector) Rs. 4 lakh/unit 100% of the cost
Bio Control Lab Rs. 80 lakh/ unit 100% of the cost to public sector and 50%
of the cost to private sector
(v) Plant Health Clinics Rs. 20 lakh/ unit 100% of the cost to public sector and 50%
of the cost to private sector
Leaf / Tissue analysis labs. Rs. 20 lakh/ unit 100% of the cost to public sector and 50%
of the cost to private sector
8 Organic Farming
Adoption of organic farming Rs. 20,000/ha 50% of cost limited to Rs. 10000/ha for
a maximum area of 4 ha per beneficiary,
spread over a period of 3 years involving
assistance of Rs. 4000/- in first year
and Rs. 3000/- each in second & third
year. The programme to be linked with
(ii) Organic Certification Project based Rs. 5 lakh for a cluster of 50 ha which will
include Rs. 1.50 lakh in first year, Rs. 1.50
lakh in second year and Rs. 2.00 lakh in
third year.
Vermi-compost unit Rs. 60,000/unit 50% of cost conforming to the size of the
for permanent unit of 30’x8’x2.5’ dimension of permanent
structure and Rs. structure to be administered on pro-rata
10,000/unit for basis. For HDPE Vermibed, 50% of cost
HDPE Vermibed conforming to the size of 96 cft (12’x4’2’)
to be administered on pro-rata basis.
9 Certification for GAP, including infrastructure Rs. 10,000 / ha 50% of the cost
Center of Excellence for Horticulture Rs. 500 lakh/centre 100% of the cost.

44 Confederation of Indian Industry

S. No Item Pattern of Assistance#
Permissible Cost
11 Pollination Support through Bee Keeping
Production of nucleus stock (Public Sector) Rs. 10 lakh 100% of the cost.
(ii) Production of bee colonies by bee breeder Rs. 6 lakh 50% of cost for producing minimum of
2000 colonies / year
Honey bee colony Rs. 1400 per 50% of cost limited to 50 colonies /
colony of 4 frames beneficiary
(iv) Hives Rs. 1600 per hive 50% of cost limited to 50 hives / beneficiary
Equipment including honey extractor (4 frame), Rs. 14,000 per set 50% of the cost limited to one set per
food grade container (30 kg), net, etc. beneficiary
12 Horticulture Mechanization
Power operated machines / tools including Power Rs. 35,000/set 50% of cost limited to one set per
Saw and Plant Protection equipments etc. beneficiary.
(ii) Power Machines (upto 20BHP) with rotavator / Rs. 1.20 lakh/set 50% of cost limited to one set per
equipment beneficiary.
Power machines (20 HP & above) including Rs. 3 lakh/set 50% of cost limited to one set per
accessories / equipments beneficiary.
(iv) Import of new machines & Tools for horticulture Rs. 50 lakh/ 100% of the total cost
for demonstration purpose (Public sector) machine
13 Human Resource development (HRD)
Training of Farmers including women
a) within the district Rs. 400/day per farmer excluding 100% of the cost
b) Within the State Rs. 750/day per farmer excluding 100% of the cost
c) Outside the State Rs. 1000/day per farmer excluding 100% of the cost
Exposure visit of farmers including women
a) Within the district Rs. 250/day per 100% of the cost
farmer excluding
b) Within the State Rs. 300/day per 100% of the cost.
farmer excluding
c) Outside the State Rs. 600/day per 100% of the cost
farmer excluding
d) Outside India Rs. 3 lakh/ Project based. 100% of air /rail travel
participant cost
Training / study tour of Technical officers / field
functionaries involved in implementation of the
scheme at central / state level including women
a) within the State Rs.200/day per 100% of the cost.
participant plus TA/
DA, as admissible.
Study tour /training in progressive states / units Rs.650/day per 100% of the cost
(group of minimum 5 participants) including participant plus TA/
women DA, as admissible

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 45

S. No Item Pattern of Assistance#
Permissible Cost
c) Outside India Rs. 5 lakh/ 100% of the cost on actual basis.
Information dissemination through publicity, Rs. 0.40 lakh per 100% of the total cost
printed literature etc and local advertisements block
(v) Development of technology packages in electronic Rs. 1.00 lakh per 100% of the total cost
form to be shared through IT network district
Technical Collaboration with International agencies Project based, on 100% assistance.
like FAO, World bank etc actual cost

14 Special Interventions
Special interventions: such as land development, Rs. 200 lakh Project based and restricted to 10% of
transportation on case to case basis (from farm- outlay for the State proposal under the
gate to processing units / market places and scheme.
transportation centers) projects of need based.
II. Tackling of emergent/unforeseen requirements of Rs. 10 lakh 100% of the total cost.
State Government/ implementing agencies
15 Mission Management
Project management including additional Project based 100% assistance
manpower & project preparation cost, Institutional
strengthening, hire / purchase of vehicle, hardware
/ software etc.
(ii) Technical Support Group (TSG) at Head Quarter Project based 100% of the total cost
at TM Cell and at SHM
Seminars, Conferences, exhibitions, Kissan Mela,
Horti. Expo, Honey Festivals etc.
a) State Level Event Maximum of Rs.3 100% of cost limited to Rs. 3.00 lakh per
lakh/ event event to public sector / State Governments
/ SAUs / Research institutions / Recognized
Growers Association by MOA
District Level Event Maximum of Rs.2 100% of cost limited to Rs. 2.00 lakh per
lakh/ event event to public sector / State Governments
/ SAUs / Research institutions / Recognized
Growers Association by MOA
16 Support to Technology Mission Cell at DAC HQ
Technical Support Group i.e. evaluation/monitoring/ Project based 100% of the cost, maximum limit of Rs.
printing campaign/data base generation/ services/ 500.00 lakh
infrastructure to TM cells /other misc. activities
C. Mini Mission – III
Post Harvest Management
(i) On farm collection and sorting unit (pack house) Rs. 3 lakh/unit with 50% of the capital cost
size of 9Mx6M
Pre-cooling unit Rs. 15 lakh for Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50%
6MT capacity of the cost of project.

46 Confederation of Indian Industry

S. No Item Pattern of Assistance#
Permissible Cost
(iii) Mobile pre cooling unit Rs. 24 lakh/ unit Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50%
for 5 MT capacity of the cost of project.
Cold storage units (construction / expansion / Rs. 6000/MT for Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50%
Modernization) with insulation, humidity control, 5000 MT capacity of the cost of project.
fin foil cooling system with multi chamber
(v) Integrated CA chamber with facilities like pre Rs. 70,000/MT Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50%
cooling, cleaning, sorting & grading etc. for maximum up to of the cost of project.
5000 MT capacity
(vi) C.A Storage units Rs. 32,000/MT Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50%
for 5000 MT of the capital cost of project.
(vii) Reefer vans / containers Rs. 24 lakh/unit for Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50%
6 MT capacity of the cost of project.
Primary/Mobile /Minimal processing unit Rs. 24 lakh/unit. Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50%
of the cost of project.
(ix) Ripening chamber Rs. 6000/MT for 50% of the cost of project.
5000 MT capacity

Evaporative / low energy cool chamber (8 MT) Rs. 4.00 lakh per 50% of the total cost.
(xi) Preservation unit (low cost) Rs. 2.00 lakh/unit 50% of the total cost.
for new unit and
Rs. 1.00 lakh/unit
for upgradation
Low cost onion storage structure (25 MT) Rs. 1.00 lakh / unit 50% of the total cost.
(xiii) Pusa Zero energy cool chamber (100 kg) Rs. 4000 / unit 50% of the total cost
Integrated project on production and post harvest Rs.50.00 lakh 50% of the project cost
management of horticultural crops.
2 Establishment of Marketing Infrastructure for horticultural produce in Govt./ Private / Cooperative sector
Terminal Markets Rs. 150 crore/ 25% to 40% (limited to Rs.50.00 crore) as
project Public-Private Partnership mode through
competitive bidding, in accordance with
operational guidelines issued separately.
(ii) Wholesale Markets Rs. 100 crore Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 33.33%
of the capital cost of the project.
Rural Markets / Apni mandies/Direct markets Rs. 20.00 lakh/unit 50% of the capital cost.
(iv) Retail Markets / outlets (environmentally Rs. 10.00 lakh / 50% of the capital cost.
controlled) unit
Static / Mobile Vending Cart / platform with cool 30,000/unit 50% of the total cost.
(vi) Functional Infrastructure:
For collection, grading, etc. Rs. 15 lakh 50% of the total cost.
b) Quality control/analysis lab Rs. 200 lakh 100% of the total cost to public sector and
50% of the cost to private sector.
Market extension, quality awareness & market led Rs. 3 lakh/event 100% assistance to State Government /
extension activities for fresh products SHM/ Public Sector Agencies

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 47

Details of facilities

Basis of Design of CA Store in Kashmir

BASIS OF DESIGN (6000 MT Cold Store

Cold Store (Apple) 30 x 200 MT

Sl. No. Description Parameters

1 Chamber Size in mt. 15.0 Mtrs (L) x 7.0 Mtrs (w) x 9.0 Mtrs (ht).

2 Chamber Temperature in deg.C +0 to 2 deg.C

3 (a) No. of Chambers Thirty (each Chamber 200 MT Capacity)

3 (b) No. of Sub Floors 4

4 Products details Apple

5 Total Products Capacity in MT 200 MT

6 Products Incoming rate in MT / day 20 MT

7 Incoming Products Temperature in deg.C +30 Deg.C

8 Final Products Temperature in deg.C +0 to 2 Deg.C

9 Ambient Temperature in deg.C 35 Deg.C

10 Wall Insulation 100 mm thk PUF

11 Ceiling Insulation 100 mm thk PUF

12 Floor Insulation Mm thk PUF slab finished with 100 mm VDF

13 Material operation Door 2.0 m (w) x 3.0 m (ht) x 80mm thk

14 Door type Manual Sliding type

15 Refrigeration Load/ per Chamber 13.2 TR

16 Total Refrigeration Load for 30 Chambers 396 TR

48 Confederation of Indian Industry

Sorting Grading Line 10 TPH (with Optical Component for Size, Weight & Color)


Capacity 10-12 Tons/hour

01 01 WATER TANK mod. 1.500 x 6 .000 in Stainless Steel

Complete with:
– pump, pipes and filter
– hot water generator
– leaves collector
– By-pass roller table mod. 1.500 x 6.000

Crates are pushed by hands
With adjustable guides

03 01 ROLLER ELEVATOR mod. 1.300 x 2.500

Complete with:
– Speed variator;
– Galvanized frame
– Electric installation


Machine for washing, brushing of the fruits.
It is provided by a plane of cylindrical brushes with transversal, soft, synthetic bristles fixed to
lateral rests and rotating in the same direction of the fruits. The fruits themselves rotate and
move forward on the plane without collisions and abrasions. To allow the fruits drying the
last brushes are rollers made of sponge complete with inferior squeezing gears. The machine
emptying occurs by a gear which accompanies the fruits placed on an inox chain.
Width: 1.300 mm.
– speed variator for the brushes rotation;
– Galvanized frame
– motorized emptier;
– metering pump with nozzles for soap.
– washing pipes;
– Gathering tank for water in Stainless steel;
– Electric installation.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 49

05 01 SORTING TABLE mod. 1.300 x 5.000
Complete with:
– Aluminium rollers;
– Speed variator;
– Electric installation;
– Sorting Platforms;
– Chutes for culls;

06 01 BELT CONVEYOR FOR REJECTED mod. 300 x 4.500

07 01 BELT CONVEYOR FOR REJECTED mod. 300 x 2.500

08 02 LATERAL PLATFORM with stairs


– speed variator for brushes rotation;
– motorized emptier
– waxing device with metering pump;
– electric installation.

10 01 DRYING TUNNEL MOD. 1.500 X 7.000

Complete with:
– speed variator ;
– hot air generator (burner excluded )
– hot air recycling device;
– motorized brush for roller cleaning;


Belt conveyor with lining system for fruits.
The machine is composed by couples of belts with different speeds, placed on reduced
diameter pulleys to reduce the passages.
– Motorization with different speeds;
– Electric installation.

50 Confederation of Indian Industry

Electronic grading machine with cups in soft rubber for the grading of delicate fruits .
Sized fruits are unloaded by means of motorized brushes or plastic flaps or directly to the
packing bins.
Complete with:
– Recycling belts.
– Feeding brush.
– Solenoids “waterproof” for trolley inclining.
– Cleaning device for trolleys.
– Frequency inverter for speed regulation.
– Unit power supply
– Pc with video, keyboard and printer.
– Electric board

Fruit Grading System

Computers and several types of electronic sensors are used in combination with dedicated software.
The system is capable of measuring weight, colour, dimensions (length, width, surface) and other
product properties (e.g. quality, orientation, curvature). These measurements can be combined to
classify the product in several classes.

A user friendly interface with which an operator is able to add different products to the system.
This enables very rapid production switches.

Feedback of measurements for easy adjustment of system parameters.

Real-time operating system enabling user commands to be executed during the sorting process.

Main technical features:

– Remote service through telephone connection
– Easy to connect to the customer network
– Extended statistic information
– Possibility to define packages and see how many packages have been graded
– Extended exit control to control groups
– Possibility to connect weighing belts (for 2nd class) and weighing hoppers (culls)
– Results are shown per fruit for all measuring methods
- Flexible distribution of fruit of one class on several exits
– Possibility to interface the labelling system driven by the grader computer

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 51

Weight grading System.
– Digital signal processing eliminates the vibrations of the machinery.
– Transmission of that signal in tension.
– Multi-reading system of weight for each fruit (program from 1 to 100 reading).
– Each empty cup is measured dynamically to get an accurate empty weight is subtracted
from the measurement of the cup with fruit .
– All temperature and empty weight variation of the cup are compensated.
– Testing to check and to program the exact weights of the fruits.
– Max tolerance: +/- 2 gr. at the speed of 11 trolleys/second.

Colour grading system

– Based on colour CCD cameras allowing detection of: basic/main colour and secondary colour
– Percentage of red on the total area of an apple).
– The fruit is rotated under the camera to show every part of the surface.
– Direct processing of selected colours on the fruit
– colour reading by means of flexible strip width and number of images
– The scans can be observed on the monitor.

16 08 PACKING BELT mod 450 x 5000

5 packers each
Complete with:
– packing benches
– Gravity conveyor for empty packages
– Motorized chain conveyor for full packages
Each machine is provided with an instruction and maintenance manual and declaration of
conformity in compliance with the CEE regulations in force.


CELL N°. Tons/ea. Length M Width m. Height m. Volume mc.
30 200 15 7 9 945
Considering the number of rooms, we have preferred to install 2 units of CO2 adsorbers (each
one on 15 rooms) and provide the centralized computerized control system of GC5000.

52 Confederation of Indian Industry

The INTELLIGEM® adsorbers represents the most avant-garde system for CO2 adsorption
in ULO stores. The apparatus consists of two tanks filled with active carbons which give
continuous adsorption on the room.
The advantages of the system are the following:
– Energy saving using a patented system for the optimal application of the regeneration and
the adsorption cycles
– Interception valves already pre assembled inside the machine to connect several rooms
– Electronic control panel complete with touch screen and PLC that can be connected to the
analysis and management system via network cable
– Oxygen control inside the rooms using our patented system (this means that there is not
necessity to have a supplementary hole inside the room to push fresh air thanks to our
patented system)
– Touch screen (that is not present on the machines of our main competitor) includes also
the possibility to increase the pressure simply pushing a botton to make the gas-tightness
of the room.

The machine is complete with interface for the external main control board GAC5000 and PC.
Technical Data:
− Dimensions: cm. 240 x 325 x 200 h
– Weight 2500 KG
– Yield: 660 Kg CO2/ 24H at 3% in cell
– Electric supply: 3-phase network 380 V - 50 Hz
– Compressed air supply: 6 bar pressure connection with 6 x 8 piping
– Cell connection: delivery and return to be executed using PVC piping
– Electrical energy: KW/h 6.2
The machine it’s ready to be connected to the external GAC5000 +PC for check and program
the system.

The connection of the GEM series of absorbers to the cells is carried out using PVC piping. For
the passage of the pipes through the cell walls special iron crop ends and plate ,suitable for
gas tightness, are provided.

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 53

These valves make it possible to limit the small positive or negative variations in pressure (10÷20
mm. of a column of water), which can be created during the conservation period, between
the values tolerated by the structure, according to the calibration fixed by the operator. The
calibration of the valves is carried out by modifying the level of antifreeze liquid inside the
valves themselves

These manometers make it possible to measure the pressure differential, expressed in millimeters
of a column of water, between the cell and the external environment.
It is foreseen that the manometer will be already mounted on the hydraulic security valve,
connected to the cell by means of a section of tube of diameter 10 mm.


The compressor has a capacity of 25 lt. at 8 bar and is equipped with a thrust meter of minimum
and of maximum, overload cut-out and manometer.


Connection between the pneumatic valves, the electric pneumatic valves and the compressor,
is made using calibrated semi-rigid rylsan pipes Ø 6x8mm.
The pipe joints are made using super rapid gas tight joints. Working precision is regulated, during
start-up, using a regulator fitted with manometer.

Realized in a special lightweight polyester material, gas-tight, of a volume equal to 5‰ of the
cell volume, so as to limit greatly the variations in pressure, either negative or positive, that
may occur inside the cell itself.
The compensation lungs are normally mounted above the cells, and connected to the cell with
a special appropriately dimensioned sleeve.

54 Confederation of Indian Industry

Consisting of a compact containing:
The gas sample to be analyzed is passed through the analysis cell of the instrument which is
situated between an infrared ray source and the detector.
The carbon dioxide present in the sample absorbs the energy from the source, reducing the
amount of rays which reach the detector.
The output of the detector is therefore dependent on the concentration of carbon dioxide
present in the sample.
An optic filter ensures the selective response of the detector to carbon dioxide.
a) Precision: +/- 1% full scale
b) Field of measurement: 0 to 10% CO2
c) Ambient temperature: from 5 to +35 deg C


The measurement of the percentage of oxygen present in the sample of air is carried out using
an electrochemical cell.
A diffuser permits the air to flow over the cathode where oxygen is reduced to ions.
During this phase the metal anode is oxidized generating an electric signal proportional to the
analyzed oxygen concentration.
a) Precision: +/- 1% full scale
b) Field of measurement: 0 to 25% O2
c) Ambient temperature: from 5 to +35 deg C


APPARATUS consisting of an electronic Compact as follows:
Technical Characteristics
− Industrial PLC master connected with bus cable to the PLC slave of the plant and connected
to the supervisor PC for recorder and set up of all the parameters
− Microprocessor PENTIUM IV
− Color video 17”
− Keyboard
− Digital cards I/O for the control and regulation of the analog input parameters
− Modem for data transmission (option)

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 55

Basic Functional Characteristics
− In the industrial computer we are using a new programme specifically designed for data
management of an industrial plant or an experimental C.A. plant.
− 8 Analog input terminals with the possibility of insertion of an alarm set-point on all channels,
in increase and decrease and relative print-out.
− Control and scanning of the analysis of analog inputs
− The equipment checks, at predetermined intervals, the zero of the analyzers and if necessary
automatically corrects them (zero check)
− Imposition of fixed parameters (configuration of the machine) and for the operator with video
menu driven by the equipment.
− Programming of the CO2 plant with dynamic set-point functioning of the user machines is
piloted by the computer with the possibility of varying the established data set-point.
Data Management Characteristics
Configuration of the plant parameters
− Possibility of registering the plant
− Set-up of the number of channels and the real numbering of the cells
− Time variation of the analyses of each cell, depending on distance
− The programme may be visualized in the language desired (standard: Italian/English/French/
− Possibility to correct the errors on the temperature values due to the distance between the
sensor and the computer. (Also with MT card)
Configuration of the operator parameters
− Cell programming (set point, regulation band, alarm band, alarm print-out, volume, quality
and quantity of stored products)
− Possibility of exclusion of one or more cells from the analysis cycle
− Programming of the automatic zero calibration (analysis interval, analysis time)
− Programming of data memorization (sampling times)
− Possibility of five automatic print-outs of the last values memorized
Visualization and printing
− Visualization of all alarms with specifications for the cell and for the input channnel
− Visualization of the values of the last analyses for all the cells and for all channels
− Visualization of all the data memorized for the cell indicated during the period “x”
− For each specific cell, all data relative to the functioning of the output requested (ON and
OFF positions with relative data, duration of the period and values analyzed) are visualized.
Graph of a cell for a period requested: this is the graph of the analog entities.
− Histograms relative to the state of the output
− Graph showing the respiration rate of the fruit
− Print-out on an 80 column printer of all that is available in the visualisation phase.
− Possibility of telephone connection via modem and data transmission for tele-assistance

56 Confederation of Indian Industry

Electrical Data
− Power supply 110/220 V ± 10%
− Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz
− Power: 300 W
− Operating temperature: 5-35 °C.
− 1 MEMBRANE PUMP for the removal of the samples of gas from the cells
− 1 COLLECTOR provided with 1 electro-valve for each cell)
− 1 ELECTRICAL VALVE for the entry of the sample gas to set the full scale of the carbon dioxide
− 1 ELECTRICAL VALVE to draw the gas sample to set the full scale of the oxygen analyzer
− 1 ELECTRICAL VALVE for the entry of the sample gas to set the zero of the two analyzers.
CALIBRATION KIT consisting of:
1 GAS CYLINDER complete with reducer for end of scale calibration of the CO2 analyzer
1 GAS CYLINDER complete with reducer for zero calibration of the two analyzers (99, 99 N2)
All the above mentioned equipment is mounted in an appropriately dimensioned pack, to be
installed in the machine room, preferably in a location where the temperature is not subject to
sudden or frequent variations, and in any case does not go below zero.
The GAC 5000 is complete with:
− ACS: automatic scrubber control
− AVC: automatic ventilation control (air emission)
− AAC: automatic analyzer control (zero check)
− FCS: Fruit Control Show 3 (software)

The equipment has been developed to resolve definitively and using avant-garde technical methods
the problem of rapid regulation of cells in controlled atmosphere (RAPID CA) as a function of
the U.L.O. formula in the complete absence of CO2 during the processing phase.
The apparatus consists of one or more modules containing the tightly assembled hollow fiber
The modules are contained in an appropriately dimensioned cylinder, in which the separation of
oxygen from the nitrogen occurs by means of filtering, under a pressure of 13 Bars, generated
by an appropriately powered air compressor as specified below.
Length cm 55
Width cm 95
Height cm 200
Weight Kg 178

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 57

Operating characteristics:
The system operates at the maximum pressure of 13 Bars at environmental temperature with
the following yields:
Nitrogen – 40 mc/h with purity adjustable 95%
Carbon dioxide – 0,0%
Carbon monoxide – 0,0 p.p.m.
Nitric oxide – 0,0 p.p.m.
The purity of the nitrogen may be regulated according to the minimum level of O2 to be reached
in the cell.
The equipment obviously does not need fuel and is powered solely by the atmospheric air at
13 Bars which is separated into the two components of nitrogen and oxygen.
The equipment is complete with electronic control panel.

The compressed air groups have been projected and constructed conforming to the most
advanced technology in this field.
They guarantee:
− maximum sturdiness and therefore reliability
− high efficiency and reduced working cost thanks to the electronic regulation system
− noise level below that of international and national standards
The oil circuit is equipped with 2 highly efficient oil-trap filters which permit that only a small
amount of oil residue remains in the out-going air.
The pressure and volume are automatically regulated by the electrical circuit.
Technical Characteristics Of The Compressor
− Maximum working pressure: 13 bar
− Installed power: 22 kw approx.
Fighter Installation
With relative connecting piping to the cells realized using PVC pipes, in by pass with the pipes
For each cell the following are foreseen:
− n° 1 pneumatic valve for insertion of the cell onto the delivery circuit of the generator
− n° 1 pneumatic valve for over pressure discharge, pressure created inside the cell during the
gaseous pull-down. Recirculation system will be provided for better work of the system.
Resins And Fiberglass
We forecast that the materials necessary for the gas tightness of the joints of the panels, the
corners between ceilings/wall and the corners between floors/wall of the cold stores.
In order to guarantee a perfect application of the resin we will supply also fibre glass to reinforce
the joints of the cold rooms. The fibreglass will be applied in combination with the resin to
guarantee perfect gas tightness for very long time.

58 Confederation of Indian Industry

The doors are made of pre-painted iron sheeting and are thermally insulated with 90 mm. of
insulating material.
The doors are equipped with locking devices that guarantee hermetic closure.
Each door is provided with a Plexiglas hatch which allows entry into the cell for eventual product
sample extraction.

Dimension MT 2 x 3

Basis of Design of CA/MA Store in Jammu

Basis of Design (2000 MT Cold Store)

Cold Store (Apple) 10 x 200 MT

Sl. No. Description Parameters

1 Chamber Size in mt. 15.0 Mtrs (L) x 7.0 Mtrs (w) x 9.0 Mtrs (ht).

2 Chamber Temperature in deg.C +0 to 2 deg.C

3 (a) No. of Chambers Ten (each Chamber 200 MT Capacity)

3 (b) No. of Sub Floors 4

4 Products details Apple

5 Total Products Capacity in MT 200 MT

6 Products Incoming rate in MT / day 20 MT

7 Incoming Products Temperature in deg.C +30 Deg.C

8 Final Products Temperature in deg.C +0 to 2 Deg.C

9 Ambient Temperature in deg.C 42 Deg.C

10 Wall Insulation 100 mm thk PUF

11 Ceiling Insulation 100 mm thk PUF

12 Floor Insulation mm thk PUF slab finished with 100 mm VDF

13 Material operation Door 2.0 m (w) x 3.0 m (ht) x 90mm thk

14 Door type Manual Sliding type

15 Refrigeration Load/ per Chamber 13.2 TR

16 Total Refrigeration Load for 10 Chambers 132 TR

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 59

Basis of Design (10000 MT Cold Store)
Cold Store (Fresh Fruits & Vegetables) 10 x 1000 MT

Sl. No. Description Parameters

1 Chamber Size in mt. 27.4 Mtrs (L) x 24 Mtrs (w) x 9.0 Mtrs (ht).

2 Chamber Temperature in deg.C +2 to 6 deg.C

3 (a) No. of Chambers Ten (each Chamber 1000 MT Capacity)

3 (b) No. of Sub Floors 4

4 Products details Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

5 Total Products Capacity in MT 10000 MT

6 Products Incoming rate in MT / day 1000 MT

7 Incoming Products Temperature in deg.C +30 Deg.C

8 Final Products Temperature in deg.C +2 to 8 Deg.C

9 Ambient Temperature in deg.C 42 Deg.C

10 Wall Insulation 100 mm thk PUF

11 Ceiling Insulation 100 mm thk PUF

12 Floor Insulation mm thk PUF slab finished with 100 mm VDF

13 Material operation Door 1.8m (w) x 2.1m (ht) x 80mm thk

14 Door type Manual Sliding type

15 Refrigeration Load/ per Chamber 33 TR

16 Total Refrigeration Load for 10 Chambers 330 TR

BASIS OF DESIGN (100 MT Ripening Chamber)

Design Assumptions for 5 x 20 MT Ripening Chambers

Sl. No. Description Parameters

1 Products Banana/ Mango

2 Crates Size 600mm (l) x 400mm (w) x 300mm (ht)

3 Capacity per Crate 16 Kgs

4 No. of Crates per Pallet 5 x 6 = 30 Crates

5 Pallet Size 1200mm (l) x 1000mm (w) x 150mm (ht)

6 Capacity per Pallet 16 x 30 = 480 Kgs ( 0.48 MT )

60 Confederation of Indian Industry

Basis of Design
Sl. No. Description Parameters

1. Room Size in mt (External) 5.0 (L) x 10.0 (W) x 3.5 (H)

2. Room Temperature in deg.C +10 to +16 deg.C

3. Room RH in % 85 to 95%

4. Products details Banana/ Mango other fruits

5. Total Products Storage Capacity In MT 20 MT

6. Products Incoming rate in MT /Batch 20 MT

7. Product Incoming Temperature in deg.C 30 Deg C

8. Final Pre-Cooler Air Temperature in deg.C +10 to +16 deg.C

9. Pull Down period in hours 24 hrs

10. Light Load in watts 0.50 watt / sq.ft

11. Amb. Temp. in Deg. C 42 Deg C

12. Infiltration Air temperature in deg.C 35 Deg C

13. Wall Insulation 80 mm thk PUF Panels

14. Ceiling Insulation 80 mm thk PUF Panels

15 Floor Insulation 50 mm thk PUF Slab

16 Floor Finish 100 mm RCC

17 Door Size in mtr 1.8 (w) x 2.4 (ht)

18 Door thickness in mm 80 mm thk PUF

19 Door Type Manual Sliding type

20 No. of Doors / Room Two

21 No. of Ripening Rooms of similar Capacity Five

22 Refrigeration Load per Room 10 TR

23 Total Refrigeration Load (5 Ripening Chambers) 50 TR

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 61

BASIS OF DESIGN (16 MT Pre Cooling)
Ambient Temperature Max. : 40°C

Dimension : 10.0 (L) x 6.0 (W) x 4.0 (H) Mtr

No. of Chambers : Two

Product to be Stored : Fruits & Vegetables

Room temp to be maintained. 3 to 6 Deg. C.

Pull Down Time : 4 to 6 Hours

Product Incoming rate in MT / Batch : 8 MT / Batch

Product Incoming Temperature : 35 Deg. C

Refrigeration load per Chamber. : 16.0 TR

Total Refrigeration Load : 32.0 TR

Wall Insulation : 100 mm thick PUF Panel

Ceiling Insulation : 100 mm thick PUF Panel

Floor Insulation : 100 mm thick PUF Slab

Door Size : 2.0 M (W) x 3.0 M (H)

Door thickness : 80 mm thick PUF Panel

Door Type : Manual Type Sliding Door

No of Doors per Chamber : One

62 Confederation of Indian Industry

Feasibility Report for Cold Chain Development for Apples in J&K 63
Back Cover Inside Blank
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive
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Looking ahead, the focus for 2010-11 would be on the four key Enablers for Sustainable
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