Bylawpdf 1
Bylawpdf 1
Bylawpdf 1
1. Name: The name of the association shall be “Shanthi Nagar Welfare Society” here
in after referred to as the “SOCIETY”.
1. The membership be given to:
i. Person should be above 18 years of age.
ii. Person shall be admitted in accordance with these rules and regulations.
iii. Every member on admission shall pay Rs. 200 as admission fee which shall
not be refunded in any case.
General body shall consist of all members of the society.
i. To consider any business brought forward by the governing body.
ii. To consider any of the business brought forward, which shall be determined
to be decided or turned down by simple majority after voting.
iii. A simple majority shall decide all other questions before the general body.
iv. To elect President, Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary,
Treasurer by voting.
i. The first governing shall consist of the person whose names are given in
the memorandum of association. The first governing body shall hold office
till the new elections are held. The governing shall consist of the following
ii. President, Vice President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and
two of five members.
iii. The strength of the governing body shall not be less than five and not more
than 25. The members of the governing body shall hold the office for two
iv. The Governing body shall be responsible for making necessary
amendments in the memorandum of association or bye laws or constitution
or name or location of the society with a majority of 3/5.
i. The ordinary term of the governing body will be two years after which
election will be held. In case, the election does not take place after two
years for any reason whatsoever the office bearers of the previous shall
continue to act as such for a period of maximum one year thereafter.
a. Elections shall be held once in two years. No member shall be eligible
to cast his/ her vote in any election if he/ she is in arise of his/ her
subscription or other shall be questioned/ audited in the general body
meeting of the society.
b. Voting in all elections of the society be through secret ballot.
In the absence of the President, Vice President shall enjoy all power and duties
entrusted to the President. He shall take care/supervise functioning of the society.
The term of the Vice President shall be 2 years and shall be elected by General
Joint Secretary be subordinate to general secretary and help him to discharge duties
of Gen. Secretary. The Gen Secy may give duties as to them from time to time and
the joint Secretary shall enjoy all the powers and duties entrusted to the General
Secretary during the absence of General Secretary.
He shall keep and maintain all books of accounts of all receipts and payments of the
society and to furnish all necessary information to governing body. The treasurer
shall be responsible for getting the accounts of the society audited from the certified
chartered accountant annually.
Any office bearer or a member or governing body may be removed from the office of
the society if no confidence motion is passed against incumbent by at least two third
majority of General body.
Any amendment to memorandum and rules and regulations or name or location of the
society shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations of the society
and societies Registration Act of Telangana Govt.
Subscription, membership fee, donations, special contribution, Grant in Aid, Gifts, local
donation. Note: Income of the society shall be utilities for the attainment of the aims
and objectives of the society.
a) By way of reeceiving and collection any gift subscription and donation either in cash
or kind or aquire funds and property moveable or immovable by lawful means and
to spend and utilize the same for the fulfillment of all or anyone of the aims and
objects of the society.
b) To sell transfer mortgage hypothecate pledge assign gift raise loan form financial
institutions and settle or otherwise dispose off or charge the properties of the society
either moveable or immovable for the purpose of attaining the aims and objectives
of the society.
c) All the income earning from moveable or immoveable properties of the society shall
be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of aims and objects only set
forth in the memorandum of Association- No portion thereof shall be paid or
transferred either directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, profits of, any
manner whatsoever be to the present or past member of the society or any person
claiming through any or more of the present or past members.
d) To seek and accept financial assistance from government, NGO’s foundation banks
business houses and such other organization for undertaking development projects
and to fulfill the aims and objects of the society.
Certified that this is the true and correct copy of the original
(President) ________________