2019 Sarfaesi Petition
2019 Sarfaesi Petition
2019 Sarfaesi Petition
C/o. D & D Law and Tax Firm
14B, A.C.Banerjee Road,
Kolkata – 700057
E-mail – ddlawtaxfirm@gmail.com
Contact - 9804214281
Date of Receipt :
Registration No : of 2019
DRT III ,Kolkata
General Index
4. Vakalatnama 111
Details of application :
i. Name of the Applicant : Shilpi Chakraborty Ghosh
The applicant declares that this application is filed within the limitation
prescribed under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of the Financial Assets
and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002. The sale notice dated 27-07-2019
(pg 103) issued by defendant no. 2, being the authorised officer the of defendant
no.1, was received by the applicant on 29-07-2019.
1. All that piece and parcel of Flat no. D. admeasuring about 650 sq. ft.
approximately on the 2nd floor in the apartment named “Panthaneer”
comprising of land under Mouza Natagar, J.L. No 15, Dag no. 3080 under
Khatian no. 932 within the limits of Panihati Municipality, Holding no. 10,
Barasat Road, Ghola check post, P.O – Ghola Bazar, P.S – Ghola in the
District N 24 Pargana together with undivided proportionate share of right
and interest on the said land is the “subject property” of the instant
5. The applicant further paid the following sum on various dates and factually
the developer received more than price fixed for the subject property :
7. That sometime in January, 2005 your applicant got married and conceived
around September,2005. Soon after conceive the medical condition of
applicant was not favourable as she was carrying high risk pregnancy , she
had to resign from her job in December, 2005. But there was no delay
and/or default in repayment of the subject loan by the applicant.
9. As the applicant had to resign from her job was facing financial crunch and
such facts were sometime discussed during casual talks with the partners
of the concerned developer firm who advised to transfer the balance of
the existing lability/ loan due to the defendant no.1 to ICICI Home Finance
Co. Ltd. (IHFC) to enjoy better rate of interest by applying source as said
partners had good contacts due to their business with the said bank.
Relying upon the words of the said partners the applicant decided to
transfer her concerned loan account from HDFC to IHFC. As the applicant
was advised to complete bed rest at the relevant time all documentations
and paper work were done at her residence for the said purpose.
10. Accordingly the applicant did signature upon some blank proposal from
but instead of balance transfer, IHFC Chowringhee branch taking
advantage of pending registration from the side of defendant no.1 ,
purportedly sanctioned fresh housing loan in favour of the applicant vide
it’s letter of sanction dated 30-12-2005 for a sum of Rs. 4,36,004/- (Rupees
four lac thirty six thousand and four) only @ interest of 8.75% p.a. on
floating rate basis on EMI of Rs. 3513/- p.m. for a term of 20 years, by
issuing a cheque dated 31-12-2005 for Rs. 4 Lac only in favour of the
concerned developer which was duly encashed.
12. After registration of the said property the applicant immediately started
repayment to IHFC.
13.The applicant humbly submits that it is a fact that the applicant was
victimised by the burden to pay-off two housing loans for the same
property whereas all the partners of the concerned developer knowingly
and intentionally enjoyed wrongful gain by receiving a total sum of Rs.
9,55,187/- ( Rupees eight lacs fifty five thousand one hundred and eighty
seven) only for the subject property by accepting Rs. 4 Lac from HDFC and
further Rs. 4 Lac from IHFC and the rest of the Sum of Rs. 1,55,187/- from
in-pocket of the applicant as stated above.
14. That since after birth the child of the applicant was suffering from severe
kidney problem ‘Reflux level -5’ which was treated for years. During this
period the applicant and her husband was passing their days under great
trauma for the baby and was not in a mental condition to peruse/ follow
up with IHFC for balance transfer. Your applicant craves leave to produce
relevant medical documents in this regard, if necessary.
15. It is pertinent to mention that on and from 2007 the applicant did not
receive any statement of accounts from the end of the defendant no.1 ,
HDFC which gave an impression to the applicant completion of the process
of balance transfer from defendant no.1 to IHFC.
16. But the applicant was bewildered when on or about 05-01-2018 she came
to know from the tenant in possession of the subject property , that the
representatives of the defendant no.1 visited the subject property and
asked to vacate such property in view of order passed by the Ld. District
Magistrate , N 24 Pargana in favour of the defendant no.1, to take over
physical possession of the same, but no copy of such order was supplied
at that moment.
17. Thereafter the applicant was advised to file an application u/s 144(2) for
Cr.P.C. for obtaining an order of injunction against the defendant no.1, its
men, agents and servants from disturbing peaceful possession of the
applicant over the subject property , when upon hearing an order was
passed on 08-01-2018 inter-alia directing the concerned P.S- Ghola to file
enquiry report and also to ensure peaceful possession. Copy of such
petition being no. 94 of 2018 filed on 08-01-2018 before the Ld. Executive
18.In contest to such application the defendant no.1 duly appeared in the
said proceeding on 19-03-2018 and filed an application u/s 144(5) of
Cr.P.C. challenging the said order dated 08-01-2018, copy of the same
without annexures is annexed hereto and marked ‘H’.
19.The applicant states that only after filing of said application u/s 144(5) of
Cr.P.C. , it came to the knowledge of the applicant from the documents
annexed and relied upon by defendant no.1, the series of serious fraud
that it perpetrated upon the applicant with an intent to deceive and garb
the subject property by adopting illegal and unlawful means. Such facts or
rather particulars of fraud are detailed herein below :
c) That the said defendant no.1 also published the said fictitious
demand notice in ‘Times of India ‘ and ‘Ei Samay’ on 31-08-2012
under Rule 3(1) of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002,
which the applicant never came across, copies of which are annexed
hereto and collectively marked ‘K’.
d) The said defendant no.1 also relied upon a purported notice u/s
13(4) dated 14-11-2012 which was also not served upon the
applicant and such copy relied upon was neither supported by any
postal receipt and/or track result in prof of despatch and delivery.
20. In the proceeding u/s 144 of C.P.C. after hearing both the parties the Ld.
Executive Magistrate was pleased to dispose of the matter on 18-06-2018
giving liberty to the parties to approach the appropriate forum being the
matter civil in nature, copies of the certified copy of all orders passed in
M.P. Case No. 94 of 2018 are annexed hereto and collectively marked ‘O’.
cause title above. Copy of the said letter dated 28-06-2018 together with
postal receipt and track report showing delivery are annexed hereto and
collectively marked ‘P’.
22.Thereafter further letter was sent to the defendant no.1 by the applicant
itself on the same contention, copy of the said letter dated 29-08-2018
along with postal receipt is annexed hereto and marked ‘Q’.
But no response to any of these two letters was received by the applicant.
I. FOR THAT the defendants had purportedly issued the demand notice in
violation to rule 3(i) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
II. FOR THAT the purported demand notice was never served upon the
III. FOR THAT the copy of notice u/s 13(2) dated 13-07-2012 as annexed
incomplete in application u/s 144(5) of Cr.P.C. , which being the only
IV. FOR THAT the defendants had purportedly issued the notice of symbolic
possession dated 14-11-2012 in complete evasion of Rule 8(1) of the
Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
V. FOR THAT the purported notice for symbolic possession was never served
upon the applicant.
VI. FOR THAT the defendants had caused paper publication of notice of
symbolic possession on 28-11-2012 in violation of Rule 8(2) of the Security
Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002
VII. FOR THAT in view of such unabridged violation of the relevant rules and
provisions by the defendants as aforesaid the demand notice, the notice
for symbolic possession and paper publication are all null and void in the
eye of law.
VIII. FOR THAT the order dated 06-03-2017 passed in application filed u/s 14 of
Sarfaesi Act, 2002 , being Case no. 390/14/MN before the District
Magistrate , N 24 Pargana are null and void as the same has been obtained
by misleading and perpetrating fraud upon the Ld. Court.
IX. FOR THAT all subsequent actions taken by the defendants to enforce the
security, specifically the notice for physical possession dated 26-07-2019,
notice under Rule 4(2A) dated 27-07-2019 and notice of sale dated 27-07-
2019 , axiomatically turns bad and non-effective under the special statute
of 2002.
X. FOR THAT the entire action of the defendant no. 2 are without jurisdiction
and liable to be set aside and/or withdrawn.
XI. FOR THAT the defendant no. 2 issued the sale notice for depletion of the
money from the applicant.
XII. FOR THAT the defendant no. 2 failed to mention any rate of interest in its
sale notice dated 27-07-2019 resulting which the applicant could not be able
to understand the actual amount due and payable to the bank.
XIII. FOR THAT the defendant no. 2 levied excessive amount of claim upon the
applicant and initiated the procedure only to grab the valuable property of
the applicant.
XIV. FOR THAT the defendant no. 2 issued an illegal possession notice dated 14-
11-2012 and 26-07-2019 in terms of an illusory demand notice and hence
failed and neglected to follow the procedure of Rule 8 (1) of the said rules.
XV. FOR THAT the defendant no. 2 published the said illusory demand notice in
the newspaper. Publication of such possession which is totally illegal and
incomplete are also the erroneous and mischief from the part of the
defendant no. 2 and the same is liable to be withdrawn.
XVI. FOR THAT the defendant no. 2 published the said defective and illegal notice
for symbolic possession in the newspaper. Publication of such possession
which is totally illegal and incomplete are also the erroneous and mischief
from the part of the defendant no. 2 and the same is liable to be withdrawn.
XVII. FOR THAT the acts and no. 2 on behalf of the defendant no. 1 are illegal,
arbitrary, perfunctory and the deliberate violation of the statute, hence, the
said act and omissions of the defendant no. 2 initiated on behalf of the
defendant no. 1 liable to be set aside and/or withdrawn.
XVIII. As stated more fully in the grounds for filing the instant application, the
applicants crave leave to treat these as the integral part hereof to avoid
prolixity and further repetition.
24.Unless the relief (s) as prayed for herein, are granted even in the interim
order the ad-interim forms, the applicant would be deprived of her right of
property as guaranteed under Article 300A of the Constitution of India.
25.The applicant has very strong privacy case on record and on facts. The acts
of the defendants are illegal and wholly without jurisdiction for which
immediate interim reliefs should be granted without putting the applicant to
27.The applicant crave reference to the provisions of the statute aforesaid and
crave leave to make appropriate submission of law that the time of hearing.
28. That it is apparent on record that the defendant no.1 has acted with all its
high -handedness and arbitrariness by adopting dishonest and illegal
means to make wrongful gain by causing wrongful loss to the applicant.
29. It is submitted that the acts , deeds and things done by the defendant no.1
being not in conformity with the real intention of the legislation and
devoid of the provisions and rules made there under, are completely
invalid and the same are to be declared as non-binding upon the applicant
in any manner whatsoever and the defendant no.1 be directed not to take
any action in pursuance of notice of sale dated 27-07-2019 under
provisions of the Sarfaesi Act clinging upon said purported demand notice
dated 13-07-2012, possession notice dated 14-11-2012 and order dated
06-03-2017 passed by the Ld. DM, N 24 Pargana and notice for physical
possession dated 27-07-2019.
30. The applicant submits that unless said demand notice dated 13-07-2012,
possession notice dated 14-11-2012 and order dated 06-03-2017 passed
by the Ld. DM, N 24 Pargana and notice for physical possession and notice
for sale both dated 27-07-2019 all are declared as null and void and the
defendant no.1 is restrained by an appropriate order not to sale and/or
take any adverse steps against the subject property without complying the
provisions of relevant laws and rules framed thereunder , the applicant
will suffer serious prejudice and irreparable loss which can’t be quantified
and will attract multiplicity of proceedings.
31.The applicant submits that the applicant is a victim of the swindling deeds
of the defendant no.1 as mentioned herein above as well as destiny.
32. That this application is made bonafide and for the ends of justice.
In view of the facts mentioned in paragraph 5 above, the applicant prays
for the following reliefs :
i. To declare that the demand notice dated 13-07-2012 under section 13(2)
of the Sarfaesi Act, 2002 as null and void as the same was never served
upon and/or transmitted at the permanent address of applicant updated
with the defendant bank neither the said notice was affixed on the outer
door or any conspicuous space of the subject property as per Rule 3 of
Security Interest ( Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
ii. To declare that the act of issuance of possession notice dated 14-11-2012
is also invalid as the same was never served upon and/or transmitted at
the permanent address of applicant updated with the defendant bank
neither the said notice was affixed on the outer door or any conspicuous
space of the subject property as per Rule 8(1) of Security Interest (
Enforcement) Rules, 2002 and is wholly contrary to the provisions of the
Sarfaesi Act, 2002 and the same is non-binding upon the applicant in any
form and thus liable to be cancelled.
iii. To declare that the publication 28-11-2012 under Rule 8(3) Security
Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 as null and void as the same was
published beyond the prescribed period.
iv. To declare the order dated 06-03-2017 passed by the Ld. DM, N 24 Pargana
in Case No. 390/14/MN as null and void as the same has been obtained by
misleading and perpetrating fraud upon the Ld. Court by the defendants.
vi. To declare the notice under Rule 4(2A) dated 27-07-2019 as null and void
being action taken in continuity to such purported demand notice and
notice of symbolic possession and paper publication.
vii. To declare the notice of sale dated 27-07-2019 as null and void being
action taken in continuity to such illusory and purported demand notice
and notice of symbolic possession and paper publication.
ix. Any other direction/s, order/s and relief/s to which the applicant is
entitled under the law, equity and good conscience and for the neds of
Pending final decision on the application, the applicant seeks issue of the
following interim orders :
i. To stay notice of sale dated 27-07-2019 till the disposal of the application
along with order restraining the defendants and its men , agents and
servants not to deal with the subject property or to create any third party
interest thereto and therein in any form whatsoever till the disposal of the
application and if such prayer for interim relief are not granted
immediately then there is every apprehension that the defendant bank
with all haste will create third party interest in or upon the subject
property prejudicially affecting the right, title and interest of the applicant
pertaining to the subject property.
ii. To grant an order of stay restraining the defendant bank and its men,
agents and servants from taking any further recourse in respect of the
subject property on the basis of said order dated 06-03-2017 passed by
the Ld. DM, N 24 Pargana in Case No. 390/14/MN till the disposal of the
iii. To stay demand notice dated 13-07-2012 till the disposal of the
iv. To stay notice of symbolic possession dated 14-11-2012 till the disposal of
the application.
1. That I am the applicant in the instant application and well acquainted with
the facts and circumstances of the instant case
2. That the statements contained in paragraph 1 to 5 are true to my
knowledge and rest are the humble submissions before this Ld. Tribunal.
3. That all the statement made above are true to best of my knowledge and
In the matter of :
Advocate-on -Record
Debisree Adhikary
C/o. D & D Law and Tax Firm
14 B, A.C.Banerjee Road,
Kolkata – 700057
E-mail :
Contact : 9804214281