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Original Article
Physico-chemical standardization of
Sitopaladi churna
Inder Kumar Makhija, Chandrashekara Shastry Shreedhara, Holavana Hally Nanjundaiah Setty Aswatha Ram
Department of Pharmacognosy, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India
is reported to have as an antidepressant, hepatoprotective, total ash, water -soluble ash, acid-insoluble ash, water-
anti-metastatic, antithyroid, immunomodulatory, soluble extractives, alcohol-soluble extractives, foaming
a n t i t u m o r, [ 9 ] a n t i p l a t e l e t , [ 1 0 ] a n t i o x i d a n t , [ 11 ] a n d index, loss on drying, and pH (10% aqueous solution) as
antiamoebic[12] activities. Cinnamaldehyde is reported per standard techniques.[21] Micromeritic characteristics
to show antidiabetic,[13,14] antifungal,[15] antibacterial,[16] like bulk density, tap density, angle of repose, Haussner
anticancer,[17] antimutagenic,[18] and anti-inflammatory[19] ratio and Carr’s index were determined for SPC samples.
activities. [22,23]
Aqueous and methanol extracts of SPC samples
prepared by hot extraction were used for screening of
constituents like alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins,
MATERIALS AND METHODS sterols, terpenes, fixed oil, resin, protein, and gums.[20] Total
percentage of reducing sugar, tannins, and flavonoids of
Collection and identification of plant materials
SPC samples was determined.[24-26] Fluorescence analysis
The raw drugs used in the in-house SPC-I formulation were was carried out as per the method of Chase and Pratt.[27]
procured from the local market of Udupi, Karnataka, India, SPC samples were analyzed for presence of heavy metals
and authenticated by botanist Dr. K. Gopal Krishna Bhat, like lead (Pb), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and mercury
Professor, Department of Botany, Poorna Prajna College, (Hg) by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AA 240, Varian,
Udupi, Karnataka. A voucher specimen of the same was The Netherlands).[28]
deposited in the museum of Department of Pharmacognosy,
Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Commercially
Quantification of piperine and cinnamaldehyde by HPTLC
available brands of SPC [Baidynath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt.
Ltd., Kolkata, India (SPC-II) and Dabur India Ltd., New densitometry
Delhi, India (SPC-III)] were procured from local market. TLC conditions
SPC-I was prepared according to Ayurvedic Formulary of Silica gel 60 F254 TLC plates with aluminum sheet support
India by mixing equal parts by weight of each of the five (0.2 mm thickness) (E. Merck) were used. The syringe was
ingredients of formulation [Table 1].[7] a 100 µL one (Hamilton) and spotting device used was
Camag Linomat V spotter (Camag, Muttenz, Switzerland).
Chemicals The developing chamber was a Camag glass trough
chamber (20 × 10 cm) previously saturated with mobile
All the solvents and chemicals of analytical grade were
phase vapor for 30 min. Densitometry was performed with
purchased from E. Merck and S. D. Fine Chemicals,
a Camag TLC Scanner 3 and Camag Reprostar 3 linked
Mumbai. Piperine (purity 97%) and cinnamaldehyde (purity
to Wincats software (V 3.15, Camag). The experimental
98%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, Bangalore, India.
conditions were temperature of 25 ± 2°C and relative
humidity of 40%.
Physico-chemical evaluations
Organoleptic parameters such as varna (color), gandha Preparation of standard solution
(odor), ruchi (taste), aakruti (shape), and parimana (size) Piperine:
were analyzed and recorded. Powder microscopy of Stock solution of 1000 µg/mL of piperine was prepared
shade-dried powder was carried out using Olympus in methanol. Aliquots (0.1–1 mL) of stock solution were
BX 41 microscope.[20] Physico-chemical characteristics of transferred to 10 mL volumetric flasks and the volume of
SPC samples were analyzed by quantitative analysis for each was adjusted to 10 mL with methanol, so as to obtain
standard solutions containing 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, SPC-I, SPC-II, and SPC-III was spotted in duplicate on
90, and 100 µg/mL of piperine, respectively. a TLC plate using an automated Linomat V applicator.
The plates were developed, scanned, and peak areas
Cinnamaldehyde: and absorption spectra were recorded. The amounts of
Stock solution of 100 µg/mL of cinnamaldehyde was prepared piperine and cinnamaldehyde were calculated using their
in methanol. Aliquots (0.1–1 mL) of stock solution were respective calibration curves. The identity and purity
transferred to 10 mL volumetric flasks and the volume of of the bands of piperine and cinnamaldehyde in the
each was adjusted to 10 mL with methanol, so as to obtain sample extract track were checked by overlaying their
standard solutions containing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 µg/ UV absorption spectra at start, middle, and end positions
mL of cinnamaldehyde, respectively. of the band.
less than 50% passed through 85 mesh size. Microscopic methanolic extracts of SPC samples were studied
characterization [Figures 2a-i] revealed the presence of spectrophotometrically for spectrum measurement, and
big siliceous crystals (Bambusa arundinacea); epidermis of colorimetric analyses like total carbohydrate sugar by
testa was composed of yellow-brown prosenchymatous phenol sulfuric acid reagent, total tannin by Folin–Denis
cells with pitted walls, and globules of volatile oil with reagent, and total flavonoid by aluminum trichloride
underlying hypodermis and epidermis were present reagent were carried out [Table 4]. Fluorescence analysis
(Elettaria cardamomum); phloem parenchyma was was carried out to check the chemical nature of drug with
associated with occasional phloem fiber and big isolated different reagents; data are depicted in Table 5. Heavy
oil cell, and group of lignified cork cells was associated metal contents of SPC samples were found to be within
with pericyclic fiber, tannin contents (Cinnamonum permissible limits, except Pb in SPC-I [Table 6].
zeylanicumm); stone cell with a broad lumen was present
and group of spiral vessels formed a vascular strand and
perisperm cells (Piper longum). Quantitative physico-
TLC fingerprint and co-chromatography
chemical analysis for the SPC samples was performed TLC fingerprint profile is a systematic representation
for the parameters like total ash, water-soluble ash, acid- of all the constituents of sample resolved in the given
insoluble ash, water-soluble extractives, alcohol-soluble chromatographic system. It gives a semi-quantitative
extractives, loss on drying, and pH [Table 2]. Micromeritic sketch of the chemical profile of the sample. In the present
parameters of SPC samples were also analyzed and the work, we developed simple, convenient, and time-saving
data are depicted in Table 2. Phytochemical constituents TLC methods for co-chromatography with two marker
like alkaloid, carbohydrates, flavonoid, tannins, saponins, compounds, viz. piperine and cinnamaldehyde. The
and fats in each of the SPC samples [Table 3] were proposed methods were further validated and used for the
identified through qualitative analysis. Aqueous and quantification of these compounds. The spot at Rf 0.69 was
a b c
d e f
g h i
Figure 2: Powder microscopy of Sitopaladi churna
Table 4: Total carbohydrate, tannin, and flavonoid content of Sitopaladi churna samples
Parameter SPC-I* SPC-II* SPC-III*
Aqueous extract Aqueous extract Aqueous extract
Total carbohydrate 50.293 ± 1.28 52.861 ± 1.803 49.375 ± 1.167
Total tannin content 9.297 ± 0.205 8.548 ± 0.360 8.901 ± 0.239
Total flavonoid 2.396 ± 0.137 3.774 ± 0.267 2.432 ± 0.220
Mean (n = 3) ± SD
identified as piperine with the help of TLC chromatograms in [Figures 4-6]. The identity of the band of piperine
of its standard using toluene:ethyl acetate:formic acid and in SPC-I, SPC-II, SPC-III extracts was confirmed by
(5:3.5:0.5 v/v/v) as the mobile phase [Figure 3]. The overlaying its UV absorption spectra with that of the
separation of piperine in SPC sample extracts is depicted standard compound [Figure 7].
Ancient Science of Life / Jan-Mar 2012 / Vol 31 / Issue 3 111
[Downloaded free from on Monday, November 05, 2012, IP:] || Click here to download free Android application for
Figure 4: TLC densitometric chromatogram of SPC-I at 342 nm; peak Figure 5: TLC densitometric chromatogram of SPC-II at 342 nm; peak
4: piperine (Rf 0.69) 7: piperine (Rf 0.69)
Figure 6: TLC densitometric chromatogram of SPC-III at 342 nm; peak Figure 7: Overlaying UV absorption spectra of piperine with corre-
6: piperine (Rf 0.68) sponding band in the SPC sample extracts and standards
Figure 8: TLC densitometric chromatogram of standard cinnamalde- Figure 9: TLC densitometric chromatogram of SPC-I at 310 nm; peak
hyde at 310 nm (Rf 0.35) 5: cinnamaldehyde (Rf 0.32)
Figure 10: TLC densitometric chromatogram of SPC-II at 310 nm; Figure 11: TLC densitometric chromatogram of SPC-III at 310 nm;
peak 4: cinnamaldehyde (Rf 0.32) peak 3: cinnamaldehyde (Rf 0.33)
confirmed by comparing the absorption spectra recorded cinnamaldehyde, were quantified from SPC samples by
at start, middle, and end positions of the band. The video TLC densitometric methods by HPTLC. The methods were
densitometric images of chromatoplate are depicted in validated for precision, repeatability, and accuracy. The
[Figure 13]. Preliminary TLC and co-TLC indicated the linearity ranges for piperine and cinnamaldehyde were
possible presence of piperine and cinnamaldehyde due found to be 100–1000 and 10–100 ng/spot with correlation
to the presence of P. longum and C. zeylanicumm in SPC. coefficients (r values) of 0.998 and 0.995, respectively
Hence, we quantified these two compounds from SPC [Table 7].
The TLC densitometric methods were found to be precise
TLC densitometric quantification of piperine and with %RSD for intra-day in the range of 0.98–1.18 and
cinnamaldehyde by HPTLC 1.50–1.76 and for inter-day precision in the range of 1.19–
1.44 and 1.89–2.13 for different concentrations of piperine
The two standard compounds, viz. piperine and
and cinnamaldehyde, respectively [Table 8]. This indicates
that the methods were precise and reproducible. The LOD
Table 7: Method validation parameters for the quantification of values for piperine and cinnamaldehyde were found to
piperine and cinnamaldehyde by the TLC densitometric method
be 50 and 20 ng, respectively, and LOQ values were 150
Parameter Piperine Cinnamaldehyde
and 40 ng, respectively [Table 7]. The average recoveries
Linearity range 100–1000 ng/spot 100–1000 ng/spot
at three different levels of piperine and cinnamaldehyde
Correlation coefficient 0.998 0.995
were 99.36 and 97.99%, respectively [Table 9]. Piperine
Accuracy (average % 99.36 97.99
and cinnamaldehyde were quantified from SPC-I, SPC-II,
Instrumental precision 1.15 1.62
and SPC-III at 342 and 310 nm, respectively [Table 10]. The
(%RSD, n = 7) analytical specifications for SPC based on the above results
Repeatability (%RSD, 1.22 1.77 have been presented in Table 11.
n = 5)
LOD (ng) 50 20
LOQ (ng) 150 40 CONCLUSION
Specificity Specific Specific The present work was carried out for the formulation
and standardization of SPC. The in-house formulation
was studied for various physico-chemical parameters,
Table 8: Intra-day and inter-day precision of piperine and
cinnamaldehyde in comparison with the marketed samples. A TLC
Standard Concentration Intra-day Inter-day
densitometric method has been developed for quantification
(ng/spot) precision* precision* of piperine and cinnamaldehyde from SPC using HPTLC.
Piperine 300 1.18 1.44 The developed and validated HPTLC methods are simple,
500 1.09 1.19 precise, and accurate, and can be used for the quantification
700 0.98 1.27 of piperine and cinnamaldehyde in herbal raw materials as
Cinnamaldehyde 30 1.76 2.13 well as in their formulations. Hence, these quality-control
50 1.50 1.89 parameters and the developed HPTLC methods may be
70 1.64 1.97 considered as a tool for assistance for scientific organizations
*%RSD; mean (n = 3) and manufacturers in developing standards.
Table 9: Recovery study of piperine and cinnamaldehyde by the TLC densitometric method
Standard Amount of standard Amount of standard Amount of standard Total amount of Recovery Average
present (µg) added (%) added (µg) standard found (µg)* (%)* recovery (%)
Piperine 500 50 250 745.6 ± 0.99 99.4 ± 0.14 99.36
500 100 500 989.5 ± 2.51 98.99 ± 0.25
500 150 750 1246.47 ± 2.01 99.7 ± 0.17
Cinnamaldehyde 100 50 50 146.59 ± 1.38 97.73 ± 0.92 97.99
100 100 100 195.77 ± 0.89 97.88 ± 0.44
100 150 150 245.97 ± 1.5 98.38 ± 0.6
*Mean ± SD (n = 3)
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SPC-II 10.97 ± 0.508 4.64 ± 0.403 REFERENCES
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polystyrene-PAN ion exchanger. Anal Sci 2000;16:493. Physico-chemical standardization of Sitopaladi churna. Ancient Sci Life
29. International Conference on Harmonisation quidelines Q2A on: 2012;31:107-16.
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Harmonised Tripartite Guideline; Geneva 1994. Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.