BS 01706 1990 1998
BS 01706 1990 1998
BS 01706 1990 1998
Amendment No. 1
Licensed Copy: University of Edinburgh Educational Use Only, University of Edinburgh, 16 January 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Electroplated coatings
of zinc and cadmium on
iron and steel
UDC 669.1.056:669.587:669.738:006.3/.8
BS 1706:1990
© BSI 12-1998
Amendments issued since publication
First published March 1951
Second edition July 1960 Amd. No. Date Comments
Third edition July 1990
Licensed Copy: University of Edinburgh Educational Use Only, University of Edinburgh, 16 January 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Table 7 — Recommendations for heat treatment for hydrogen
embrittlement relief after electroplating
Publications referred to
Inside back cover
© BSI 12-1998 i
BS 1706:1990
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Surface
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for any object likely to come into contact with food or beverages. Attention is also
drawn to the danger arising from welding, soldering or heating as its vapour is
The surface condition of the basis material is not specified in this standard.
Chromate conversion coatings on top of electroplated coatings of cadmium or zinc
give additional protection against corrosion and should normally be specified.
Zinc or cadmium electroplated articles to be painted may require alternative
treatment such as phosphating to promote good adhesion.
CAUTION. Chromates can cause dermatitis so skin contact with chromated
components should be avoided as much as possible.
Zinc and cadmium electroplated articles are subject to attack by certain organic
materials, e.g. cardboard, wood or certain electrical insulating materials which
emit reactive vapours. Cognizance of this should be taken when articles are
packed, stored or transported.
Attention is drawn to the fact that electroplated cadmium is more readily
soldered than electroplated zinc.
It is essential that the purchaser specifies all his requirements and provides at
least all the essential information (see 3.1) to the electroplater; merely to ask for
electroplating to be carried out in accordance with BS 1706 without this
information is insufficient.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 6, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 1706:1990
1 Scope 2.1
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significant surface
This British Standard describes a method for
specifying electroplated coatings of cadmium or zinc the part of the article covered or to be covered by the
on iron or steel for protection against corrosion. It coating and for which the coating is essential for
does not apply to coatings applied to sheet, strip or serviceability and/or appearance
wire in the unfabricated form. 2.2
It gives information to be supplied by the purchaser local thickness
to the electroplater and information on coating the mean of the thickness measurements, of which
thicknesses and chromate treatments. It also a specified number is made within a reference area
includes requirements for heat treatment both
before and after electroplating.
minimum local thickness
NOTE 1 The coating thickness that can be applied to threaded
components may be limited by dimensional requirements, the lowest value of the local thicknesses found on
including class or fit. Attention is drawn to BS 3382 which the significant surface of a single article
includes tables specifying the maximum thicknesses that can be
applied to standard threads.
(see also 7.3.1)
NOTE 2 The titles of the publications referred to in this 2.4
standard are listed on the inside back cover. reference area
2 Definitions the area within which a specified number of single
measurements is required to be made
For the purpose of this British Standard the
following definitions, as given in BS 5411-1, apply. 3 Information to be supplied by the
purchaser to the electroplater
NOTE A summary of clause references pertaining to this
information is given in Table 1.
Table 1 — Summary of information required
Information required Relevant clauses Other related
© BSI 12-1998 1
BS 1706:1990
(see 8.2). a indicates the chemical symbol, i.e. Fe, for the
i) The sampling procedure to be used, any special basis material (iron or steel);
inspection requirements and details of the b indicates the chemical symbol for cadmium,
sampling and acceptance levels (AQL) required Cd, or for zinc, Zn, as appropriate;
(see clause 6).
c indicates the minimum local thickness (in
j) If appropriate, the area to be used for the micrometres) of the cadmium or zinc coating;
determination of local thickness on small articles
of complex shape and the method of measuring d indicates the chromate conversion coating
such an area (see 8.1 and appendix B). required. This is indicated by a lower case c
followed by the class and designation of the
3.2 Additional information coating (see Table 3). It is omitted if a chromate
The additional information listed in a) and b), as conversion coating is not required. Details of
applicable, shall be supplied by the purchaser, if other types of conversion coating are given
necessary in consultation with the electroplater. separately.
a) The location of areas of surface that can be 5.3 A typical example of a complete classification
used for connecting parts to jigs or racks and code is
where contact marks are acceptable (see 7.2). Fe/Zn 8 c 1A
b) An indication of those parts of the surface of i.e. a coating on steel of zinc of minimum local
the article that cannot be touched by a ball of thickness 8 mm with a class 1A chromate conversion
diameter 20 mm but which are to be included in coating.
the significant surface (see 7.1).
5.4 Table 2 shows the coating classification code and
4 Basis material the corresponding minimum local thickness
(see 7.3) of coatings prior to chromate treatment, if
The nature of the basis material shall be specified carried out, and an indication of their relationship
by the purchaser to the electroplater (see 3.1 d)). to service conditions and to service life. It should be
NOTE This British Standard does not specify requirements for noted however that equal thicknesses of cadmium
the surface condition of the basis material before electroplating and zinc do not normally give the same service life
with zinc or cadmium but agreement should preferably be
reached between the interested parties that the surface finish of under identical service conditions.
the basis material is not too rough to prevent the appearance
and/or the serviceability of the coating from being satisfactory.
2 © BSI 12-1998
BS 1706:1990
Unless otherwise specified, the sampling procedure 7.3.1 Minimum local thickness
shall be selected from BS 6001 or BS 6041. The The minimum local thickness requirement of the
sampling and acceptance levels (AQL) required coating, as indicated by the classification code
shall be agreed between the purchaser and the (see 5.2), applies to any part of the significant
electroplater. surface (see 7.1).
7.3.2 Thickness of coatings on small articles
7 Coatings
In the case of articles having a significant surface
7.1 Significant surface area less than 100 mm2 the minimum local
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser those thickness is deemed to be the minimum value of the
parts of the surface of an article which cannot be average thickness determined by the method
touched by a ball of diameter 20 mm shall not be specified in 8.1.
considered part of the significant surface 7.4 Adhesion
(see 3.2 b)).
The coating shall continue to adhere to the basis
Table 2 — Typical coating classification codes,
metal when subjected to the test described in B.2.
thickness, service condition and service life
7.5 Application of conversion coatings
Service Classification Classification Minimum
condition or code, code, zinca local Conversion coatings, particularly chromate
service life cadmiuma thickness coatings, enhance the corrosion resistance of the
mm electrodeposited cadmium and zinc coatings, and
Increasing Fe/Cd 5 Fe/Zn 5 5 chromate coatings shall only be omitted, or replaced
severity of by other conversion coatings, if specified by the
service Fe/Cd 8 Fe/Zn 8 8 purchaser (see 3.1 g)). The types of chromate coating
which can be produced on electrodeposited cadmium
condition or Fe/Cd 12 Fe/Zn 12 12
life and zinc coatings are summarized in Table 3 and
described more fully in BS 6338. (See also 5.4).
required Fe/Cd 25 Fe/Zn 25 25
7.6 Heat treatment
Followed by the appropriate symbol (see 7.5) for the
chromate conversion coating, when present. Details of other If the purchaser specifies that stress relief or
conversion coatings shall be given separately. hydrogen embrittlement relief is required
NOTE 1 In any particular environment, the protective value (see 3.1 f)), the necessary heat treatment shall be
of a zinc coating is directly proportional to its thickness. carried out in accordance with appendix A. The
Therefore a zinc coating of 40 mm thickness may also be used for
special purposes. purchaser shall also indicate the maximum tensile
NOTE 2 When a very long service life is required, as for strength of steels if they form the basis material.
example on structural steel components, the thicker zinc NOTE Attention is drawn to the note to appendix A.
coatings required are usually applied by hot-dip galvanizing
(see BS 729), by zinc spraying (see BS 2569) or by sherardizing Table 3 — Classification of chromate coatings
(see BS 4921).
Class Designation Type Typical appearance
7.2 Appearance A Clear Transparent clear,
Over the significant surface, the electroplated sometimes with a
article shall be free from clearly visible plating 1 bluish tinge
defects such as blisters, pits, roughness, cracks or B Bleached Transparent with
unplated areas. On articles where a contact mark is slight iridescence
unavoidable, its position shall, if appropriate, be
specified by the purchaser, preferably by the C Iridescent Yellow iridescent
provision of a suitably marked sample (see 3.2 a)). 2 D Opaque Olive green, shading
The articles shall be clean and free from damage. to brown or bronze
Unless specified otherwise by the purchaser NOTE 1 Finishes may be characterized by class alone or by
(see 3.1 e)), the coatings shall be bright. class and type designation (see BS 6338).
NOTE 2 In addition, black coatings can be produced by several
NOTE Heat treatment may cause a slight dullness in the methods. Such coatings may have different degrees of corrosion
coating appearance. protection.
© BSI 12-1998 3
BS 1706:1990
8 Tests NOTE Parts made from steels with maximum tensile strengths
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values given in Table 4. The chromate coatings shall respectively, and the heat treatment conditions
be allowed 24 hours to harden before testing is shall be selected accordingly.
carried out.
A.3 Heat treatment before electroplating
NOTE The edges of the test specimens should be excluded from
the test area. A.3.1 Non-surface hardened parts
Table 4 — Requirements for corrosion The conditions given in Table 6 are recommended if
resistance of chromate coatings the purchaser requires the parts to be stress
Designation Possible Minimum time to relieved before electroplating. Different conditions
(see Table 3) classifications formation of white from those given in Table 6, i.e suitable
corrosion products combinations of shorter times at appropriate higher
temperatures may be used if they have been shown
to be effective. The treatment shall be carried out
A 1, 1A 6 before the commencement of any preparation or
B 1B 24 cleaning treatment using aqueous solutions.
C 2, 2C 72 Table 5 — Categories of steels and maximum
tensile strengths corresponding to specified
D 2D 96 minimum tensile strengths
Appendix A. Heat treatment Specified minimum tensile Corresponding maximum
strength tensile strength
NOTE Work is at present being undertaken that may further
refine the contents of this appendix. MPa MPa
4 © BSI 12-1998
BS 1706:1990
If stress relief is given after shot peening or other treatment for hydrogen embrittlement relief
cold working processes, the temperature shall not after electroplating
exceed 220 °C. Specified maximum tensile Heat treatment
A.4 Heat treatment after electroplating
A.4.1 Heat treatment conditions after electroplating
Up to 1 050 None required
shall be in accordance with Table 7, and heat
treatment shall be carried out not later than 4 h More than 1 050, up to 8 h minimum at
after electroplating and before any chromate and including 1 450 between 190 °C and
treatment. 220 °C
A.4.2 Surface-hardened parts shall be heat treated More than 1 450, up to 18 h minimum at
at 190 °C to 220 °C for not less than 2 h. and including 1 800 between 190 °C and
A.4.3 Other temperatures and durations may be 220 °C
specified by the purchaser and used if they have More than 1 800 24 h minimum at
been shown to be effective for the particular coated between 190 °C and
part, but parts shall not be heat treated above a 220 °C
temperature 50 °C below their tempering
temperature. WARNING. The stripping solutions have hazards
Annex B Test methods associated with them and the precautions given
in B.1.2 should be carefully observed.
B.1 Measurement of thickness on small Rinse the articles in running water, if necessary
articles brushing to remove any loose dark deposit (of
antimony when using solutions a) or b)) from the
B.1.1 Procedure
surface, dry carefully, and reweigh to the nearest
Take a sufficient number of articles to give a mass of milligram, noting the loss in mass. Calculate the
coating of not less than 100 mg. If the article is of a thickness d, in micrometres, of the coating from the
complex shape, an area and method of measuring formula:
the area shall be agreed between the interested 3
parties. Weigh the articles to the nearest milligram, m × 10
d = −−−−−−−−−−−−
and strip off the coating at room temperature using Ar
one of the solutions in B.1.2. When testing for where
referee purposes, use either solutions a) or b) for
zinc and solution d) for cadmium. m is the loss in mass (in mg);
Table 6 — Recommendations for heat A is the area of the surface under examination
treatment for stress relief before (in mm2);
electroplating r is the density of the zinc or cadmium coating
Specified maximum tensile Heat treatment (in g/cm3), as follows:
strength r = 7.1 for zinc
MPa r = 8.6 for cadmium
Up to 1 050 None required B.1.2 Examples of suitable stripping solutions
More than 1 050, up to 1 h minimum at and precautions to be taken
and including 1 450 between 190 °C and WARNING. Antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) dissolved in
220 °C hydrochloric acid solution and antimony trichloride
(SbCl3) are poisonous. Avoid contact with the skin.
More than 1 450, up to 18 h minimum at
Stibine (SbH3), which is a very poisonous gas, may
and including 1 800 between 190 °C and be released during the stripping process when using
220 °C either solution a) or b) and stringent precautions
More than 1 800 24 h minimum at should be taken to avoid breathing it. Carry out the
between 190 °C and stripping process in a fume cupboard.
220 °C Formaldehyde solution is toxic, irritant and causes
burns. Avoid breathing the vapour. Avoid contact
with the skin and eyes.
© BSI 12-1998 5
BS 1706:1990
The following solutions may be used for stripping. B.2 Burnishing test for adhesion
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r > 1.16 g/mL 500 mL
water 500 mL
d) (for cadmium only)
ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) 300 g
with water to make 1 litre
6 © BSI 12-1998
BS 1706:1990
Publications referred to
BS 729, Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles.
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© BSI 12-1998
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