BS 4206 PDF
BS 4206 PDF
BS 4206 PDF
02 June 2003
Methods of testing
Co-operating organizations
Aluminium Federation
Associated Offices Technical Committee*
Association of Consulting Engineers
Board of Trade*
British Acetylene Association
British Constructional Steelwork Association
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association
British Iron and Steel Federation
British Railways Board
British Welding Research Association*
Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations
Institute of Welding*
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Licensed Copy: Tom Magee, Howden Power, 02 June 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Co-operating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 General 1
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Definitions 1
1.3 Recommended non-destructive tests 1
1.4 Recommended destructive tests 1
2 Non-destructive tests 1
2.1 Visual examination 1
2.2 Radiographic examination 1
3 Destructive tests 3
3.1 Separation of test specimens 3
3.2 Transverse tensile test 3
3.3 Macroscopic examination 3
3.4 Side bend test 4
3.5 Transverse and longitudinal bend tests 4
3.6 Fracture test 4
3.7 Fillet weld fracture test 4
Licensed Copy: Tom Magee, Howden Power, 02 June 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 08-1999 i
BS 4206:1967
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 5 and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
ii BSI 08-1999
BS 4206:1967
BS 499, Welding terms and symbols, Part 1, Glossary for Welding, brazing and thermal cutting.
BSI 08-1999 1
BS 4206:1967
Welded joints of the backing strip type may be Interception of unwanted and scattered
radiographed without removing the backing strip radiation. The cassette shall be shielded from all
provided that the image of the latter is not radiation other than that part of the primary beam
significantly detrimental to the interpretation of the passing through the region under examination. If
radiographs. masking is used for this purpose it shall be so
2.2.3 Identification of radiographs. Numerals arranged as not to obscure any of the radiographic
shall be marked on the work alongside the welded detail.
joints so that each radiograph may be identified Image quality indicators. A wire-type image
with the portion of joint represented. quality indicator complying with BS 39712) shall be
Where radiographs are required of the entire length placed at one end of every radiograph on the surface
of a welded joint, sufficient overlap shall be provided facing the source of radiation. It shall be positioned
to ensure that the radiographs cover the whole of across the weld with the finest wire in the outermost
the welded joint, and each radiograph shall exhibit position. A lead marker shall be placed alongside
a number near each end. the I.Q.I. indicating the wire having a thickness
equal to or immediately below a value of 2 % of the
Lead numerals shall be placed on the opposite side
thickness of the material under examination. The
of the weld to the appropriate stamped numerals to
sensitivity of the radiographic technique shall be
provide ready identification of the radiograph with
better than 2 % of the thickness penetrated.
the portion of welded joint represented. Density of radiographs. The photographic
The width of the weld shall be indicated by suitable
density of the radiographs shall be within the
lead pointers placed on each side of, and clear of, the
range 1.5 to 2.5.
Licensed Copy: Tom Magee, Howden Power, 02 June 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
D ultra-fine-grain
BS 2600, Radiographic examination of fusion welded butt
joints in steel, Part 1, Methods for steel 2 mm up to and
including 50 mm thick.
BS 3971, Specification for image quality indicators for industrial radiography (including guidance on their use).
2 BSI 08-1999
BS 4206:1967
Licensed Copy: Tom Magee, Howden Power, 02 June 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BSI 08-1999 3
BS 4206:1967
3.4 Side bend test (for material of 3.7 Fillet weld fracture test (for
thickness 10 mm and over) material of thickness 3 mm and over)
Side bend tests shall be carried out in accordance 3.7.1 Object. The object of the fracture test on fillet
with BS EN 910. welds is to reveal the depth of root penetration and
Figure 5 Figure deleted. the presence of root flaws, or, if a saw cut is made
along the weld face, to break the joint through the
Figure 6 Figure deleted.
weld to permit examination of the fracture surfaces.
The test is of limited usefulness for welds in copper
3.5 Transverse and longitudinal bend and copper alloys, however, because of the high
tests ductility of these materials.
Transverse and longitudinal bend tests shall be 3.7.2 Preparation of test specimen. The test
carried out in accordance with BS EN 910. specimen shall be prepared according to one of the
Figure 7 Figure deleted. forms shown in Figure 10. To ensure fracture in the
Figure 8 Figure deleted. weld a central saw cut 1.5 mm deep may be made
along the length of the weld face.
3.6 Fracture test 3.7.3 Testing. The specimen shall be fractured by
bending or by blows applied in the direction
Fracture tests shall be carried out in accordance
indicated in Figure 10.
with BS EN 1320.
3.7.4 Reporting of results. The following shall be
Figure 9 Figure deleted.
reported as results of the test:
Licensed Copy: Tom Magee, Howden Power, 02 June 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
4 BSI 08-1999
BS 4206:1967
either with water, industrial alcohol, or white spirit, should be taken to avoid inhalation of the toxic
and the specimen carefully rubbed on it, with the brown fumes, consisting of oxides of nitrogen, which
application of moderate pressure, until all traces of are evolved during the etching.
the surface scratching from the previous treatment
are removed. The specimen is then washed to When the structure has been adequately revealed,
remove all traces of abrasive, and the procedure the acid is washed off in running water, and the
specimen dried as quickly as possible, to avoid
repeated with the next finer grade of abrasive
paper, the direction of abrading in each case being
at right angles to the marks made by the If difficulty is experienced in obtaining sufficient
previous paper. contrast using the nitric acid etch alone, it can be
In cases where the specimen size is such that the improved by swabbing the specimen, after etching
above procedure is inconvenient, the abrading may in nitric acid and washing, with a cotton wool pad
soaked in a 5 % aqueous ferric chloride solution.
be carried out by employing rotating abrasive disks
Washing and drying is then carried out as before.
in a suitable hand tool. This operation will of
necessity be carried out dry, and successively finer
grit sizes should be used, as in the wet method. Care
should be taken to avoid exerting undue pressure on
the surface, since this will cause metal to flow over,
and obscure any fine porosity which may be present.
See BS 871, Specification for abrasive papers and cloths.
BSI 08-1999 5
BS 4206:1967
It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services.
We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using
this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee
responsible, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover.
Tel: 020 8996 9000. Fax: 020 8996 7400.
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