PT 2
PT 2
PT 2
Non-destructive testing is the use of physical methods which will test materials, components and
assemblies for flaws in their structure without damaging their future usefulness. NDT is concerned
with revealing flaws in the structure of a product. It, however, cannot predict where flaws will
develop due to the design itself. All NDT methods have the following common characteristics:
a) The application of a testing medium to the product to be tested.
b) The changes in the testing medium due to the defects in the structure of the product.
c) A means by which it detects these changes.
d) Interpretation of these changes to obtain information about the flaws in the structure of the
NDT plays an important role in the quality control of a product. It is used during all the stages of
manufacturing of a product. It is used to monitor the quality of the:
a) Raw materials which are used in the construction of the product.
b) Fabrication processes which are used to manufacture the product.
c) Finished product before it is put into service.
Use of NDT during all stages of manufacturing results in the following benefits:
The methods of NDT range from the simple to the complicated. Visual inspection is the simplest of
all. Surface imperfections invisible to the eye may be revealed by penetrant or magnetic methods. If
really serious surface defects are found, there is often little point in proceeding to more complicated
examinations of the interior by ultrasonics or radiography. NDT methods may be divided into
groups for the purposes of these notes: conventional and non-conventional. To the first group may
belong the methods which are commonly used and include visual or optical inspection, liquid
penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing, radiographic testing and ultrasonic
testing. The second group of NDT methods is those used only for specialized applications and
consequently is limited in use. Some of these methods which are being mentioned here merely as a
curiosity for the reader include neutron radiography, acoustic emission, thermal and infrared testing,
strain sensing, microwave techniques, leak testing, holography etc. It must also be remembered that
no one of these methods can give us solutions to all the possible problems, i.e. they are not optional
alternatives but rather complementary to each other. The basic principles, typical applications,
advantages and limitations of the methods of group one will now be briefly described. testing (VT)
Often overlooked in any listing of NDT methods, visual inspection is one of the most common and
most powerful means of non-destructive testing. Visual testing requires adequate illumination of the
test surface and proper eye-sight of the tester. To be most effective visual inspection does however,
merit special attention because it requires training (knowledge of product and process, anticipated
service conditions, acceptance criteria, record keeping, for example) and it has its own range of
equipment and instrumentation. It is also a fact that all defects found by other NDT methods
ultimately must be substantiated by visual inspection. Visual testing can be classified as direct
visual testing, remote visual testing and translucent visual testing. The most common NDT methods
MT and PT are indeed simply scientific ways of enhancing the indication to make it more visible.
Often the equipment needed is simple Fig. 1.1 a portable light, a mirror on stem, a 2x or 4x hand
lens, one illuminated magnifier with magnification 5x or 10x. For internal inspection, light lens
systems such as borescopes allow remote surfaces to be examined. More sophisticated devices of
this nature using fibre optics permit the introduction of the device into very small access holes and
channels. Most of these systems provide for the attachment of a camera to permit permanent
Penetrants used are either visible dye penetrant or fluorescent dye penetrant. The inspection for the
presence of visible dye indications is made under white light while inspection of presence of
indications by fluorescent dye penetrant is made under ultraviolet (or black) light under darkened
conditions. The liquid penetrant processes are further sub-divided according to the method of
washing of the specimen. The penetrants can be: (i) water-washable, (ii) post-emulsifiable, i.e. an
emulsifier is added to the excess penetrant on surface of the specimen to make it water-washable,
and (iii) solvent removable, i.e. the excess penetrant is needed to be dissolved in a solvent to
remove it from the test specimen surface.
In order of decreasing sensitivity and decreasing cost, the liquid penetrant processes can be listed
a) Test surface must be free of all contaminants (dirt, oil, grease, paint, rust, etc.).
b) Detects surface discontinuities only.
c) Cannot be used on porous specimens and is difficult to use on very rough surfaces.
d) Removal of all penetrant materials, following the test, is often required.
e) There is no easy method to produce permanent record.
FIG. 1.2. Different stages of liquid penetrant process.
to create a visual indication approximating the size and shape of the flaw. Fig. 1.3 illustrates the
basic principles of this method.
Depending on the application, there are different magnetization techniques used in magnetic
particle testing. These techniques can be grouped into the following two categories:
a) Direct current techniques: These are the techniques in which the current flows through the test
specimen and the magnetic field produced by this flow of current is used for the detection of
defects. These techniques are shown in Fig 1.4 (a, b & c).
b) Magnetic flux flow techniques: In these techniques magnetic flux is induced into the specimen
either by the use of a permanent magnet or by flowing current through a coil or a conductor.
These techniques are shown in Fig 1.4 (d–g).
FIG 1.4. Different magnetizations used in magnetic particle testing.
The limitations of magnetic particle testing include the following:
There are three types of probes Fig. 1.6 used in eddy current testing. Internal probes are usually
used for the in-service testing of heat exchanger tubes. Encircling probes are commonly used for the
testing of rods and tubes during manufacturing. The uses of surface probes include the location of
cracks, sorting of materials, measurement of wall and coating thickness, and case depth
The limitations of eddy current testing include the following:
a) The theory requires a good academic background in electrical principles and in mathematics.
b) Extremely sensitive to surface variations and therefore requires a good surface.
c) It is applicable to conductor materials only.
d) Can be used on non-magnetic and magnetic material but is not reliable on carbon steel for the
detection of subsurface flaws.
e) Its depth of penetration is limited.
f) Crack tightness and orientation of eddy current flow to a crack or linear discontinuity will
affect detectability.
FIG 1.6. Types of probes used in eddy current testing.
(a) Internal Coil
(b) Encircling Coil
(c) Surface Probe
The advantages of radiographic testing include:
a) X-rays and gamma rays are hazardous to human health. The Agency’s Radiation Safety Series
are referred for personal safety and radiation protection.
b) It cannot detect planar defects readily.
c) Access to both sides of the specimen is required.
d) Thickness range that can be inspected is limited.
e) Certain areas in many items cannot be radiographed because of the geometric consideration.
f) Sensitivity of inspection decreases with thickness of the test specimen.
g) It is more costly.
h) It cannot be easily automated.
i) It requires considerable skill for the interpretation of the radiographs.
j) Depth of discontinuity not indicated.
(a) (b
FIG 1.8.Basic components of an ultrasonic flaw detection system.
(a) Pulse echo method(top).(b) Through transmission method(bottom).
These have been given under respective NDT methods in Section 1.1.1.
These have been given under respective NDT methods in Section 1.1.1.
1.1.6. New developments in NDT
Some recent developments in the individual areas of NDT are briefly reviewed below:
AE tools have been designed for monitoring acoustic emissions produced within the material during
failure and part failure can be documented during unattended monitoring. The monitoring of the
level of AE activity during multiple load cycles forms the basis for many AE safety inspection
methods that allow the parts undergoing inspection to remain in service. In materials under active
stress, such as some components of an airplane during flight, transducers mounted in an area can
detect the formation of a crack at the moment it begins propagating. A group of transducers can be
used to record signals and then locate the precise area of their origin by measuring the time for the
sound to reach different transducers. The technique is also valuable for detecting cracks forming in
pipelines transporting liquids under high pressures.
potential development is estimated. Being able to manage the service life of buildings in this way is
very cost effective.
Most of the conventional NDT methods have, with adequate modifications, been adapted for use in
this sector. These include Visual Testing (VT), Electrical Potential Method, Schmidt Rebound
Hammer Test, Windsor Probe Test, Electromagnetic Covermeters, Radiographic Testing (RT),
Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Infra-red Thermography, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Radioisotope
Thickness, Density and Moisture Gauges. Special bridge scanners using a combination of several
non-destructive test methods which enable testing and imaging of bridge surfaces of several square
meters have been developed along with a non-destructive method for fixing the scanners to the
structure. Portable equipment has been developed for the measurement of damaging salts (e.g.
chlorides and sulphates). The analysis uses the LIBS-method (Laser Induced Breakdown
Spectroscopy). The equipment represents an alternative to conventional chemical analysis of
building material samples, because the results are directly available on site. Its use is intended both
for damage assessment and quality assurance.
Commonly used standards for qualification and certification of personnel define the responsibilities
of certified persons as follows.
An individual certified to Level 2 has demonstrated competence to perform non-destructive testing
according to established procedures. Within the scope of the competence defined on the certificate,
Level 2 personnel may be authorized by the employer to:
1.3.1. Quality
Quality of an industrial product does not mean the best or excellent. On the other hand it is defined
as the fitness of the product to do the job required of it by the user. It may also be said to be the
ability of the product to meet the design specifications which usually are set keeping in view the
purpose and the use to which the product is expected or intended to be put. As stated earlier it
would be better to set or define an optimum quality level for a product rather than trying to make it
of best possible quality which will unnecessarily make the product more expensive which may not
be acceptable to the customer.
Quality control can be defined as the controls applied at each manufacturing stage to consistently
produce a quality product or in another way it is said to be the applications of operational
techniques and activities which sustain quality of a product or service that will satisfy given needs,
also the use of such techniques and activities.
The word "control" represents a management tool with four basic steps, namely, setting quality
standards, checking conformance with the standards, acting when the standards are not met and
assessing the need for changes in the standards.
1.3.3. Standardization
In any manufacturing, fabrication or production process, the quality of the structure or component
produced (or service provided) is a key factor in the long term economic and engineering success of
that process. Increasing awareness of the importance of quality in every area of technology has
resulted from sensitivity to growing pressure of international competition, more discriminating
demands from the marketplace and stricter consumer protection and product liability legislation.
Part of this awareness is that consistent quality requires much more than product testing. The need
to identify and correct inadequacies well before the final product is ready for shipping or handover
has become an economic priority in many industries. Quality Control is required because of
changing buyer-producer relationships and major marketplace demands for quality.
The social and economic demands for effective use of materials and production processes to turn
out higher technology based products assure the need for quality assurance. Similarly the changing
work practices in factories and offices and the need to compete in international markets require total
quality control of all products and services.
Because the human factor is of great importance in the quality control operation, special attention
must be paid to the personnel in the organization. They need to be educated to the benefits of
quality control, they need to feel involved in the quality control process and they must be able to
communicate with other personnel on quality control. This allows them to develop a quality control
spirit and improved morale necessary to the success of any quality control programme.
1.3.5. Responsibility for quality
Quality is not the responsibility of any one person or department; it is everyone's job. It includes the
assembly line worker, the typist, the purchasing officer and the managing director. The
responsibility for quality begins when marketing department determines the customer quality
requirements and continues through to the satisfied customer.
The responsibility for quality is delegated to all departments. Each has the authority to make quality
decisions. The ideal place for an effective quality control department; it is independent, reporting
directly to upper level management.
Inspection and test department has the responsibility to appraise the quality of purchased and
manufactured items and to report the results. These results can be returned to other departments so
that corrective action can be taken when necessary.
In order to perform inspection, accurate equipment is necessary. This means it must be maintained
and regularly calibrated.
It is necessary to continually monitor the performance of inspectors. Some defects are more difficult
to find and require more patience. Inspectors vary in ability and the defect level affects the number
of defects reported. Samples with known defects should be used to evaluate and improve the
inspectors' performance. The reliability of inspection can usually be quantified and is most often
affected by the operator and not the possible defects in the component presented for inspection.
Education (training) is the most effective way of improving reliability.
The quality control department does not have direct responsibility for quality. It assists or supports
the other departments as they carry out their responsibilities. The relationship between the
departments and quality control is similar to a line-staff organizational relationship.
Quality control appraises the current quality, determines quality problem areas and assists in the
correction or minimization of these problem areas. The overall objective is the improvement of the
product quality in co-operation with theresponsible departments.
However, if the same information can be obtained without destroying the part, even if only as
indirect measurement, then the part can be sold for a profit after it has been tested. The commercial
incentive to test non-destructively is large when small quantities and large profit margins are
involved and is crucial with one of a kind products.
Various methods have been developed for accurately and reliably measuring characteristics of parts
without affecting their commercial value. Many of these are indirect methods, but they have gained
wide acceptance as tools that can aid both management and production personnel in reducing costs
and improving product quality. Also use of non-destructive inspection has become necessary as a
means of meeting certain legal and contractual requirements affecting the production and sale of a
wide variety of manufactured products. Factors that contribute to the reliable application of several
of the major processes of non-destructive inspection are considered later.
1.3.7. Quality manuals
A quality manual is a document which lays down the basic policies and principles on which the
inspection group functions and provides the co-ordination links with the others. More detailed
collections of operating procedures, resource information and data upon which the inspection
group's quality depends are also included. It is a working document describing the reality of the
group's operations for use by both management and staff.
Typical elements of a quality manual are:
a) Table of contents.
b) Amendment of records.
c) Introduction.
d) Management of quality system.
e) Description of group and its function
f) Staff.
g) Equipment.
h) Testing environment.
i) Test methods.
j) Operational procedure.
k) Control of test items.
l) Test records.
m) Diagnostic and corrective actions.
n) Test reports.
o) Subcontracting.
p) Occupational health and safety.
q) Proprietary rights and confidentiality.
r) Accreditations held.
As the name suggests quality system is a method for quality assurance which means taking of all
those planned and systematic actions necessary to assure that the item is being produced to
optimum quality level and it will, with adequate confidence, perform satisfactorily in service.
Quality assurance is aimed at doing things right the first time and involves a continuing evaluation
of the adequacy and effectiveness of the overall quality control programme with a view to having
corrective measures initiated where necessary. For a specific product or service this involves
verification audits and evaluation of quality factors that affect the production or use of the product
or service.
The quality assurance system is an evaluation or audit to determine how effectively the functions
are being performed. Evaluations are usually conducted each year to determine which elements and
subsystems need improvement. The overall rating provides a comparison with past performance or
with other plants of a multi-plant corporation. These subsystems are:
a) Independence of quality assurance department
b) Establishment of quality standards
c) Written procedures
d) Control of document flow
e) Maintaining identity and traceability of materials
f) Non-conforming material and corrective action
g) Calibration of equipment
h) Retention of records
i) Personnel training and qualification
j) Control of purchased material
k) Manufacturing, assembly and packaging
l) Quality audit
2.2.1. Viscosity
Liquids have the ability to flow because molecules of the liquid can slide over each other. The
resistance of liquid to its flow is called viscosity Fig. 2.2. In other words, viscosity of a liquid is a
measure of its internal resistance to flow.
The resistance to flow is because of the internal friction among the layers of molecules.Liquids
which flow very slowly like honey or glycerine, have high viscosities as compared to ether and
water having low viscosities.
FIG.2.2: Viscosity of a liquid. The velocity of flow of liquid nearer to the sides of tube isless than
the velocity of flow in the centre of tube.
If a liquid flowing in a tube is considered as made up of a series of layers, the layer of the liquid in
contact with the walls of the tube remains stationary. The layer in the centre of the tube has highest
velocity. Each layer exerts a drag on the next layer and causes resistance to flow. High viscosity
penetrants have a disadvantage of a slower rate of penetration; conversely too-low viscosity
penetrants can drain away too rapidly and have a tendency to drain out of shallow defects.
The Newton's law of viscous flow.
F = S dv/dr (1)
The proportionality constant is the co-efficient of viscosity which is defined as the force required
per unit area to maintain a unit difference of velocity between the two adjacent layers which are a
unit distance apart. The dimensions of are (mass) (length)-1 (time)-1. The SI unit is kg. m-1 s-1. The
C.G.S. unit called the poise (p) is equal to 1/10th of SI unit of viscosity. The reciprocal of co-
efficient of viscosity is called Fluidity and it is given by the symbol (Phi).
Fluidity = 1/ (2)
Fluidity is a measure of the ease with which a liquid can flow.
Now in case of liquid penetrants viscosity does have an important practical consideration in their
choice. It is an important factor in determining the speed with which a penetrant will enter the
defect. Fluidity is the reciprocal of viscosity and thus a viscous penetrant will penetrate or emerge
more slowly than a less viscous one. If on the other hand the viscosity is too low, the excess
penetrant on the surface of the penetrant will drain away too quickly and not leave a pool of
penetrant to act as a reservoir to top up the defect as penetration takes place. Furthermore the ‘thin’
penetrants can also be more easily washed out of defects during cleaning.
Surface tension in a liquid is an example of cohesive force, where the molecules are attracted to like
molecules. The cohesive force tends to bind them together, having affinity for each other. Two
examples are water and mercury. When either of these liquids is spilled, they tend to form spherical
shapes, the cohesive force binding them together by surface tension.
Surface tension is one of the two most important properties which determine whether a liquid
makes a good penetrant but is not in itself the controlling factor. The term surface tension can be
described as force per unit length on an imaginary line drawn on the surface of a liquid. The
formation of penetrant indication on development is a reverse capillary action. The rise of liquid in
capillary tubes when dipped in it is due to surface tension and its wetting ability.
Thevalue of surface tension can be calculated by the formula:
T = g r/2 (h + r/3) (3)
g = acceleration due to gravity = 980 cm/sec2
= density of the liquid (gram/cm3)
h = height of liquid rise in capillary tube
r = radius of the capillary tube (cm)
T = surface tension (dynes/cm).
The surface tension of the liquids is affected by change in temperature, density of liquid and nature
of surface in contact. With rise in temperature surface tension of a liquid decreases. At a
temperature close to the critical temperature, the surface tension becomes very small as the greater
thermal agitation reduces the attractive forces which are pulling the molecules inward. Generally, a
high surface tension is desirable, but water which although has a high surface tension in its pure
form is not a good penetrant due to its poor wetting ability. The wetting ability can however be
improved by adding a wetting agent which reduces the contact angle drastically, and even though
surface tension is also reduced the resulting combination can make water a good penetrant.
Angle of contact refers to Figure 2.3 determines the wetting ability of the liquid. It is defined as the
angle made between the surface of the liquid and the point of contact as the liquid advanced along
the surface. The magnitude of contact angle determines the penetrativeness of fluids. Liquids with
high contact angle make them poor penetrants.
Water though has a high surface tension but due to high contact angle is a poor penetrant. The
contact angle between a liquid and surface varies widely with the material, surface roughness,
cleanliness, etc. of the surface under test.
2.2.4. Capillarity
The mechanism of entry and coming out of fine discontinuities is due to capillary forces. The
capillary pressure is a function of the surface tension of the liquid and its ability to wet the surface
of the tube. A liquid will rise to a considerable extent if the upper end of the tube is open and to a
lesser extent if the upper end is closed. It would seem that a sealed tube is similar to a fine crack,
and that some air will be trapped. For a given penetrant and crack-like defect the pressure
developed may be expressed by the formula:
P = 2T cos /w (4)
T = surface tension
= contact angle between the liquid and crack surface
w = width of the crack.
It is evident from the above relation that larger values of surface tension and smaller contact angles
or crack widths, will increase this pressure. It is also possible at these pressures that the entrapped
air may in time dissolve into the penetrant and diffuse out to surface to escape. It has-been shown
that a good penetrant can enter an opening 5 micro inches wide (127 μm).
FIG.2.3: Wetting ability, a function of contact angle.
2.3.1. Wettability
Wetting ability has an important effect on overall performance of the penetrant. A penetrant that has
good wetting properties will spread completely over the surface of the treated part. On the other
hand, a liquid of poor wetting characteristics will pull back on itself, leaving areas of the test
surface completely devoid of penetrant. When this occurs, defects which may be present in the
uncovered areas will not be shown since there is no indicating material available to enter them.
Wetting ability refers to the angle of contact with the surface, e.g. water is an excellent solvent, with
a very high surface tension. However, the addition of a surfactant can decrease the contact angle,
improving its penetrating properties while still maintaining its solvent properties.
2.3.2. Penetrability
A good penetrant is the one which has a high penetrativeness. Parameters such as viscosity and
wetting ability have an influence on the liquid to be a good or bad penetrant. Low viscosity
materials run off parts more rapidly and may not remain on the test surface long enough to permit
complete penetration. On the other hand, high-viscosity materials may be dragged out in such
quantity as to be non-economical in use.
2.3.3. Washability
An important requirement for a good penetrant is its suitable removability from the surface of the
part after the penetration into defects has taken place. This implies that the penetrant must be
soluble in the solvent, remover, or in water to achieve this. Removal performance is very important
since surplus penetrant must be removed from the surface of the part or the entire part will have a
high background/fluorescence. This will greatly reduce the contrast between the defect indication
and the rest of the surface area. On the other hand, if the penetrant can be removed too easily, it will
be washed out of the defects. This will cause greatly reduced flaw detection sensitivity capability,
particularly for the shallower discontinuities.
A penetrant should posses the ability to penetrate readily into fine and relatively coarse openings
and resist cleaning out of them. Similarly, it should have tendency to spread or bleed out of
discontinuities on development. The process of bleeding can be described as to be a reverse
capillary action. The developer acts as blotter helping the penetrant sitting in fine surface-open
discontinuities to come up to the surface to form an indication. The rate and extent of the action
associated with capillary depends upon such factors as forces of cohesion and adhesion, surface
tension and viscosity. Liquid penetrants in non-destructive testing should have low surface tension
and high capillarity.
2.3.5. Influence of surface state of the sample, the contamination and temperature
The principle of all penetrant processes is that the penetrant must enter the surface openings of
discontinuities if it is later to identify them. Therefore unless the part is clean and free from foreign
materials that may cover the discontinuities, or perhaps later confuse the indications, reliable
inspection cannot be made. Scale and rust as contaminations have to be got rid of from the surface
of the test part. They tend to cover defects or may cause confusing indications by trapping and
holding penetrant on the surface of the part. For soft materials, the methods such as shot blasting,
sandblasting, emery cloth, wire brushing or metal scraping are not recommended as they may cover
the defects by peening or cold working the surface. Solid contamination such as carbon, varnish,
paints, and similar materials should be removed by vapour blast, chemical dip and other acceptable
methods. Oil and grease on surface should also be completely removed from the test part as many
oils are somewhat fluorescent and are also good penetrants. They can thus fill the discontinuities
and also produce false indications due to fluorescence under black light.
Acids and chromates should also not be left on the surface of the test parts or within the surface
discontinuities because these chemicals adversely affect some penetrants. It is essential that the
parts pre-cleaned for inspection should be thoroughly dry. Any liquid residue will hinder the
entrance of the penetrant. Drying may be accomplished by drying the parts in drying ovens with
infrared lamps, forced hot air, or exposure to ambient temperature. Parts’ temperature should not
exceed 125ºF (52ºC) prior to the application of the penetrant. The requirement of inspection to be
carried out within 5ºC–52ºC is mainly because of the following facts:
a) In case of fluorescent dyes, their fluorescence is reduced by heat. Resistance to heat
istherefore, of greater importance. This is so, as loss of fluorescence mean loss of sensitivity
tofine or any defect.
b) In situations where colour contrast penetrant with red dye are shipped or stored at 0ºF or low,
there may occur possibility of the separation of the dye out of solution. This may reduce the
brilliance of the penetrant due to loss of dye content. If this occurs then warming of the can up
to (70ºF or above) and agitation can help in re-dissolving the dye.
c) At higher temperatures the volatile constituents of the carrier fluid may evaporate
significantly, thus there can be no fluid left to make the tracer dye get into the defects as its
2.4.1. Solvents
The primary purpose of the solvent removers is removal of excess (non-water-soluble) liquid
penetrant prior to application of the developer. Solvent removers are often used also for pre-
cleaning and for post-cleaning of test objects to remove penetrant processing residues.
Solvents are also used as carrier fluid for colour and fluorescent type tracer dyes of the penetrant. In
such penetrants, dyes are selected to be soluble in the solvent used as their carrier fluid. Such
penetrants are thus easily removable from the surface of the test part during the removal process of
excess penetrant by the particular solvent used as a cleaner. Usually such cleaners are organic
The high sensitivity visible dye penetrants contain maximum amount of dark red dye suspended in
the vehicle without precipitation. Similarly, the sensitivity of fluorescent penetrant is influenced by
the dye concentration and colour shade. It is thus essential for the carrier or vehicle to dissolve the
dye and be its solvent.
The liquids used in the penetrant making should also possess the ability to distribute the dye evenly
and completely over the surface to be inspected and carry it to the defects present on the test
surface. This ability is in addition to the above mentioned characteristic of the penetrant which
should be of strong wetting ability to be a strong dispersive agent. The carrier material with good
wetting ability will help spread the penetrant evenly and smoothly over the surface even in the
presence of surface contamination.
2.4.3. Emulsifiers
Emulsifier is a liquid that combines with an oily penetrant to make the penetrant water washable. In
penetrants which are water-washable, this emulsifier is already incorporated into them. If washing
of parts becomes noticeably difficult, the emulsifier should immediately be checked. The most
possible cause of deterioration of emulsifier is its contamination with water. The loss of
effectiveness in removing excessive penetrant is generally accompanied by a change in appearance
or physical properties. The low-tolerance (water-tolerance) materials generally become viscous or
gel completely. The high tolerance emulsifiers may become cloudy or show a tendency to thicken.
The emulsifiers are essentially of two types such as oil based (lipophilic) and water-based
(hydrophilic). emulsifier
Lipophilic emulsifiers have three basic properties that must be balanced to assure the proper
washing characteristics. The emulsifier must diffuse or interact with the penetrant oil at a somewhat
slow rate to allow for handling time during processing and to provide time so that the washing of a
range of surface roughness’ can be controlled. The three properties of emulsifiers that control the
washing characteristics are (1) activity, (2) viscosity, and (3) water tolerance. These properties must
be factored against the characteristics of the oil base of the penetrant. If the penetrant vehicle is
highly insoluble in water, a more active emulsifier is needed. A highly active emulsifier with a low
viscosity can be adjusted by blending with a more viscous emulsifier to provide the desired washing
Emulsifier activity is defined as the rate that the emulsifier interacts with the penetrant sufficiently
in order to be removed with water. The interaction is related to the ability of the emulsifier to act as
a solvent for the oil of the penetrant. Viscosity and activity of the emulsifier are interrelated. A
more viscous emulsifier will diffuse into a penetrant at a slower rate. Balancing the activity with the
viscosity provides the control necessary to meet a prescribed emulsifier dwell time. The viscosity
can range from 10 to 100 centistokes. The higher the viscosity, the more emulsifier is used due to
drag-out on the parts during processing. If a lower viscosity emulsifier can be used to produce the
desired results, it will be more economical.
Water tolerance is another property of emulsifiers. In practice, the emulsifier tank is normally
situated near the wash station. If water is accidentally splashed or sprayed into the emulsifier, the
emulsifier takes on a cloudy appearance. A common specification requirement is that emulsifiers
must tolerate the addition of up to 5% of water. Some will tolerate up to 15–20%of water. The
addition of water will reduce the activity of the emulsifier. However, water reduces the viscosity of
the emulsifier and thereby increases its activity. emulsifier
Hydrophilic emulsifiers used in penetrant testing are essentially surface-active agents (surfactants)
or detergents. The word "hydrophilic" means water-loving or water-soluble. Hydrophilics have an
infinite water tolerance. In practice, the emulsifier is supplied as a concentrate and is mixed with tap
water to the desired dilution.
The primary purpose of a developer is to form an indication detectable to the unaided eye from
penetrant being held in a surface discontinuity. The developer has four basic functions:
a) Drawing out a sufficient amount of penetrant from the discontinuity to form an indication;
b) Expanding the width of the indication enough to make it visible;
c) Increasing the brightness of a fluorescent dye above its bulk brightness; and
d) Increasing the film thickness of the indication to exceed the dye’s thin film threshold in
order to make it detectable.
The developer action appears to be a combination of solvency effect, absorption and adsorption
(adsorption implies collection by adhesion to a surface). Absorption refers to assimilation of liquid
into the bulk of an absorbent material. The developer powder exerts a combination of adsorptive-
absorptive effects on penetrant residues, drawing entrapped penetrants to the test surface. As the
penetrant disperses in the developer powder, it forms test indications that can be readily observed
by the inspector.
In the case of non-aqueous wet and film type developers, solvent action has been shown to play a
part in promoting the withdrawal action and enhancing the penetrant indication. As regards their
nature, the first powders to be used were simply chalk or talc. Later as the action of developers and
their desired characteristics were understood, these developers were found to be unsatisfactory.
Recently much lighter amorphous silica powders are used and they are in many ways superior.
Today the best dry powder developers are the combination of powders carefully selected to give all
the characteristics in a developer.
Dry powders were the type first to be used with fluorescent penetrants. Today the powders are still
very widely used with fluorescent methods, though they have little application with colour contrast
penetrants. As regards their nature, the first powders to be used were simply chalk or talc. Later as
the action of developers and their desired characteristics were understood, these developers were
found to be not satisfactory. Recently much lighter amorphous silica powders are used and they are
in many ways superior. Today the best dry powder developers are the combination of powders
carefully selected to give all the characteristics in a developer. For safe and effective performance
dry powder should be:
a) Transparent to ultraviolet and fluorescent radiation.
b) White or essentially colourless.
c) Uniform in particle size.
d) Low in bulk density.
e) High in refractive index.
f) Chemically inert.
g) Non-toxic; free from sulphur and halogen contamination.
h) In some cases hydrophobic (water repellent).
Two types of aqueous wet developers are in common use in penetrant inspection. The first consists
of insoluble developer particles suspendible in water, while the second contains a developer that is
actually soluble in water. Aqueous wet developers usually contain wetting agents and corrosion
inhibitors to minimize attack on test objects and penetrant processing equipment. The solvent based
developers are generally used in connection with visible dye penetrants.
Aqueous wet developers are normally supplied as dry powders to be suspended or dissolved in
water, depending on the type of the wet developer. They differ from dry and other non-aqueous
developers in that the developer is applied directly after washing and before drying of the test parts.
A typical aqueous suspendible developer is composed of the following constituents:
a) Inert insoluble pigment.
b) Dispersing agent.
c) Wetting agent.
d) Corrosion inhibitors.
The developer particles are inert, insoluble, transparent pigments such as metallic oxides, insoluble
carbonates, and selected clays. Dispersing agents are required to avoid particle lumping together.
The wetting agents act to provide good wetting properties. They also aid in post removal of the
dried developer, at the time of post cleaning.
Solvent-suspendible developers are composed of a dispersion of selective developer particles in a
volatile solvent system which also acts as a solvent for the penetrant within the defect, thus
enhancing the flaw detection capability. The characteristics desired are in general like those of the
aqueous wet developers.
Dispersants which are essentially dispersive agents, and surfactants, are employed to ensure
uniform developer particle distribution within the developer suspension. These chemicals also serve
to reduce the developer particle to make lump by collecting many powder particles within
themselves. The solvent suspendible developers, when used properly are the most sensitive
developers available today.
For viewing the developed penetrant indications of colour dye liquids the inspection area should be
luminous and posses a certain intensity. The luminous intensity is described as the amount of light
emitted for a second in unit solid angle by a point source in a given direction. The SI unit (System
International Units) of luminous intensity is the ‘candela’. The term is restricted to a point source.
The unit candela is the new international unit replacing the old unit for luminous intensity the
candle power. The candela is defined as the luminous intensity, in per surface of 1/600,000 square
metre of a black body at a temperature of freezing platinum under a pressure of 101325 N m -2.
Black light is essential to the viewing of indications with fluorescent penetrants. Typical value of
wavelength of black light radiations employed is 3650 Å. The visible light which is a form of
electromagnetic spectrum constitute the other wave lengths as in the Fig. 2.4.
FIG.2.4: Spectrum of light through the visible, "black light" and ultraviolet wave lengths.
2.6.2. Colours
Colour is the visual sensation resulting from the impact of light of a particular wavelength on the
cones of the retina of eye. Light has three characteristics hue, which is determined by its
wavelength, saturation, the extent to which a colour departs from white and luminosity, a measure
of its brightness (for a light or other emitting source). If the source is a pigment, dye etc. that
reflects rather than emits light this characteristic is called lightness.
The observation of indications arising due to discontinuities for fluorescent penetrants is due to
absorption of light. The phenomenon of fluorescence occurs when fluorescent penetrants absorb
light of typical wavelength and emit light of other wave length of visible colour. Use of black light
is made to observe such indications which glow as greenish yellow.
If two solutions of the same coloured compounds are made in the same solvent one of which, say, is
twice the concentration of other, the absorption of light due to a given thickness of the first solution
should be equal to that of twice the thickness of the second. Mathematically, this may be expressed:
I1 c1 = I2 c2 (5)
When the intensity of light passing through the two solutions is constant and if the intensity and
wave length of light incident upon each solution is the same.
Fluorescent dyes are selected for high fluorescence and permanence under ultraviolet light.
Fluorescent pigments used as tracer in liquid carrier of the penetrant make it more sensitive than to
visible dye penetrant for minute indications such as cracks or pinholes. The indications appearing
because of surface open discontinuities fluorescence under black light.
The penetrants for use in the water-washable process are not simple dye solutions but rather
complicated formulations of a number of ingredients. These include penetrating oils, dyes,
emulsifying agents and stabilizing agents. The constituents are added or incorporated into such
proportions so as to give a penetrant with high penetrativeness, dye solubility, ease of washing and
stability of dye i.e. it does not separate itself under wide variations in temperatures and other
operating conditions.
In visible dye penetrants, there is a dye, usually red, used as tracer in the carrier or vehicle fluid. In
the case of fluorescent penetrants, there is added a brilliant fluorescent dye into the carrier fluid.
The carrier fluid can be oily base or non oily. Water washable penetrants contain an emulsifier so
that they are self emulsifiable or water washable. In addition they also contain dispersive agents and
corrosion inhibitors. The function of dispersive agents is to help in distributing the dye evenly and
completely over the surface to be inspected and carry it to any surface open defects. This ability is
in addition to the characteristic of retaining the dye in solution or suspension. In case of post
emulsifiable and solvent removable penetrants, there is no emulsifier incorporated into them. These
are designed to be insoluble in water and cannot be removed with water rinsing alone. They are
designed to be selectively removed from the surface of a part by the use of a separate emulsifier,
which makes the excess surface penetrant water washable after a given proper emulsification time.
In case of solvent removable penetrants, the excess surface penetrant is removed by the use of a lint
free cloth moistened with solvent.
The removers are required in the following three stages of the penetrant processes:
a) Pre-cleaning.
b) Removal of excess penetrant.
c) Post cleaning (following penetrant inspection).
Removal of light oil or grease on the surface of the test piece is usually carried out by treatments
such as degreasing, emulsion cleaning, solvent wiping or alkaline cleaners. The removers used in
dye penetrant processes are organic solvents, which include, aliphatic petroleum or chlorinated
hydrocarbons (similar to those used in vapour degreasing), or blends of two or more solvents.
Aliphatic petroleums include such familiar fluids as kerosene, naphtha, mineral spirits and Stoddard
solvent. Other solvents include alcohols, ketones, benzol, toluol, 1, 1, 1, –trichloroethane, glycol
and other as well as unsaturated chlorinated hydrocarbons such as trichloroethylene.
2.8.2. Emulsifiers
The use of emulsifiers is made in case of post-emulsifiable penetrant process to make the excess
surface penetrant water-washable. The proper control of emulsification time is critical as can
minimize the chances of over-washing and thereby increasing the sensitivity and reliability for the
detection of shallow discontinuities. The test conditions which influence the selection of
emulsification time are as under:
a) Penetrant and emulsifier being used.
b) Type of surface condition.
c) Performance desired.
d) Type of rinse used.
The lipophilic or oil base emulsifiers were the early type of emulsifiers to be used in the post
emulsification of the penetrant. These emulsifiers being oil base dissolve readily and diffuse into
oily penetrant at a somewhat uniform rate. They are used as supplied by the manufacturers. Fig. 2.5
shows the basic action of the lipophilic emulsifiers during the removal of surface penetrant.
A red dye is incorporated in the emulsifier fluorescing pink under black light so that when washing
a part under black light it is easy to follow the progress of removal of both emulsifier and penetrant.
The most recent development is that of water-based or hydrophilic emulsifier. It is usually made of
non-ionic surfactant concentrates. This type of emulsifier is dry powder or concentrated liquid, and
must be dissolved or diluted in water before use. The desirable concentration depends upon the
method by which the emulsifier must be applied to the test parts. Hydrophilic emulsifiers when
applied by spraying, function by their detergent and scrubbing action.
FIG.2.5: Mechanism of action of lipophilic emulsifier.
3.1.1. Treatment
The success of any penetrant inspection procedure is greatly dependent upon the surface and the
discontinuity being free of any contaminant that might interfere with the penetrant process. The
contaminants can result in failure of penetrant to (a) wet the test object surface, (b) enter into
discontinuities, and (c) bleed out of discontinuities. All parts or areas of parts to be inspected must
be clean and dry before the penetrant is applied. By the word 'clean' we mean that the area under
test be free of any rust, scale, welding flux, spatter, grease, paint, oily films, dirt etc. The treatment
processes involved for removing such contamination should be carefully chosen and adopted.
Residues from cleaning processes can adversely react with the penetrant and reduce its sensitivity
and performance greatly. Acids and chromate’s, in particular, greatly reduce the sensitivity of
fluorescent penetrants.
3.1.2. Identification
The materials to be inspected by dye penetrant inspection method can be identified and classified as
to be metallic (ferrous and/or non-ferrous), non-metallic such as plastics, ceramics and glass.
Among metallic materials they can be further recognized or categorized to be as forged, as-rolled,
as-welded and as-cast.
The materials to be inspected are further identified keeping in view their initial procedural
requirements such as:
a) The material shapes or sizes to be examined, and extent of examination.
b) Type (number or letter designation if available) of each penetrant, remover, emulsifier and
c) Processing details for pre–examination cleaning and drying, including the cleaning materials
used and minimum time allowed.
d) Processing details for applying penetrant; the length of time that the penetrant will remain
on the surface and temperature of surface and penetrant.
e) Processing details for removing excess penetrant and for drying the surface before applying
the developer.
f) Processing details for applying the developer and length of development time before
g) Processing details for post–examination cleaning. The areas not to be examined should be
protected from the penetrant processing materials.
There are a variety of solvent cleaners that can be effectively utilized to dissolve such soils as
grease, oily films, waxes and sealants, paints and in general organic matter. These solvents should
be residue free, especially when used as a hand wipe solvent or as a dip tank degreasing solvent.
Solvent cleaners are not recommended for removal of rust, scale, welding flux, spatter and in
general inorganic soils. In solvent cleaning, test objects are immersed and soaked in tanks of
common organic liquid solvents. Organic solvents are normally used at or near room temperature.
Oil, grease and loose metal chips are removed from metal surfaces, with or without agitation. After
solvent cleaning the parts are dried at room temperature or by external heat. Since contamination
removed from test parts is retained in the solvent, both cleaning efficiency and the final cleanliness
of the test objects can decrease with continual use. Nearly all metals and alloy scan be cleaned in
common solvents unless acid or alkaline contamination is introduced into the solvents. Solvent
cleaning is often used in combination with separate acid or alkaline cleaning procedures for removal
of complex soils. Common organic solvents include aliphatic petroleum or chlorinated hydrocarbon
or blends of two or more solvents. Aliphatic petroleum’s include such familiar fluids such as
kerosene, naphtha, mineral spirits and stoddard solvent. Other solvents include alcohol’s (ethanol,
methanol or isopropanol), ketones benzol, toluol, 1, 1, 1,–trichloroethene, glycol ethers as well as
unsaturated chlorinated hydrocarbon such astrichloroethylene. degreasing
Vapour degreasing is a preferred method of removing oil or grease type soils from the surface of the
parts and from open discontinuities. It will not remove inorganic-type soils (dirt, corrosion, salts
etc.) and may not remove resinous soils (plastic-coatings, varnish, paint, etc.).Because of the short
contact time, degreasing may not completely clean out, deep discontinuities and a subsequent
solvent soak is recommended.
Since vapour degreasing usually employs a chlorinated solvent, the aerospace and nuclear industries
have become concerned about the effects of vapour degreasing on titanium, austenitic, stainless
steels and other chloride–sensitive alloys. Some specifications forbid use of vapour degreasing
method of cleaning for such materials.
The hot vapours of a chlorinated solvent such as 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane (which is less toxicthan tri-
chloroethylene or perchloroethylene) are used to remove oils, greases, or waxes from metallic test
objects in preparation for penetrant inspection. An open steel tank contains the heated liquid solvent
which boils and generates the solvent vapour. This vapour condenses upon the relatively cool metal
surfaces of parts placed in the vapour zone above the heated tank. Some vapour degreaser units
provide means also for immersing the test objects in the warm or boiling solvent or for spraying
clean solvent upon the parts.
The preferred solvent is 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) which boils at 72.2ºC (167ºF).
During vapour degreasing, the contaminated solvent condensate drips back into the heated tank,
carrying contaminants into the bath. During evaporation, only clean solvent vapours are produced,
so that test parts are given adequate final rinsing in clean vapour. The test objects come out of the
vapour degreasing operation both clean and dry, but warm. After adequate cooling, they are ready
for application of the liquid penetrant if no other forms of contamination exist. solutions
Detergent cleaning may be used to clean almost any specimen. They can be alkaline, neutral, or
acidic in nature, but must be non-corrosive to the item being inspected. The cleaning properties of
the detergent solutions facilitate complete removal of soils and contamination from the surface and
void areas, thus preparing them to absorb the penetrant. Cleaning time should be on an average 10
to 15 minutes at 170 to 200°F (77 to 93°C) with moderate agitation, using concentrations (normally
6 to 8 0z/gal. or 45 to 60 kg/m3) as recommended by the manufacturer of the compound. having a chemical action (acid and alkali removers, etc.)
Alkaline cleaners are non-flammable water solutions containing specially selected detergents for
wetting, penetrating, emulsifying and sponifying various types of soils. Hot alkaline solutions are
used for rust removal and descaling to remove oxide scale which can mask surface discontinuities.
Parts cleaned by alkaline cleaning process must be completely free of cleaner and thoroughly dried
by heat prior to the penetrant inspection process. Inhibited acid solutions (pickling solutions) are
routinely used for descaling part surfaces. Acid solutions etchants are also used routinely to remove
the smeared metal that peens over surface discontinuities. Etched parts and materials must be rinsed
completely free of etchants, the surface neutralized and thoroughly dried by heat prior to the
application of penetrants. While making use of alkaline cleaners, paint removers (solvent type) and
acids, the parts must be rinsed thoroughly and dried before application of penetrants. Some cleaning
solvents are flammable and can be toxic too, observe all safety precautions in their use. cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaning method adds ultrasonic agitation to solvent or detergent cleaning to improve
cleaning efficiency and decrease cleaning time. It should be used with water and detergent if the
soil to be removed is inorganic (rust, dirt, salts, corrosion products etc.) and with organic solvents if
the soil to be removed is organic (grease and oily films etc.). After ultrasonic cleaning the parts
should be heated to remove the cleaning fluid, then cooled to at least 125°F(52°C). means (grinding, sand blasting, brushing, etc.)
Metal loose scale removing processes such as filing, grinding, brushing, sand blasting etc. are often
used to remove such soils as carbon, rust, scale and foundry adhering sands, as well as to deburr or
produce a desired cosmetic effect on the part. These processes may decrease the effectiveness of the
penetrant examination by smearing or peening over metal surfaces and filling discontinuities open
to the surface, especially for soft metals such as aluminium, titanium, magnesium and beryllium
alloy. Generally, abrasive methods are used on surfaces that are file hard. However, such techniques
must minimize plastic metal flow to avoid covering defects at the surfaces. If it is suspected that
discontinuity openings may have been closed, some method such as etching should be used to
reopen the imperfection prior to testing.
The conditions or the choice of a suitable cleaning method is based on such factors as:
a) Type of contaminant to be removed since no one method removes all contaminants equally
b) Effect of cleaning method on the parts.
c) Practicality of the cleaning method for the part (for example, a large part cannot be put into
a small degreaser or ultrasonic cleaner).
d) Specific cleaning requirements of the purchaser.
The cleaning processes have to be carefully chosen, as no harm to the sample can be tolerated.
Detergents can be alkaline or acidic in nature and as such should be employed for metals which do
not show a strong reaction to acids and alkalis. Similarly abrasive blasting maybe used only to the
extent that the surface does not become peened to a degree that could seal a defect or contaminate
the opening with abrasive residue. Use of steel wire brushes either flat or rotary are not used on
non-ferrous metals. Vapour degreasing is the preferred method of final precleaning. An exception to
vapour degreasing is titanium where chlorinated solvents are prohibited. The final pre-cleaning of
titanium parts is with stoddard or dry-cleaning type solvent followed by oven drying at 52°C
3.2.3. Comparison of the effectiveness of the different techniques in relation to the surface
state of the specimen
The cleaning effectiveness of respective methods for precleaning of the surface for liquid penetrant
testing has been summarized in a tabular form as given in Table 3.1.
Drying of the parts before any penetrants process is necessary for the following reasons:
- Water traces present within leaks or discontinuities will minimize or prevent the penetrants’
entry into leaks or surface defects.
- The parts are also to be dried for the applicability of a particular process, for example, the part is
dried after the removal of excess penetrant and prior to the application of dry or non-aqueous wet
developer. When water-based wet developer is used, the specimen is dried after the developer
has been applied.
3.4. INSPECTION PROCESS techniques
It does not matter how penetrant is applied to surfaces, provided that it covers the entire surface to
be inspected. Methods which an be used include immersion, flow-on, electrostatic spray, aerosol
spray, conventional spray, brush-on, wipe-on or application as a fog. Small parts are quite often
placed in a suitable basket and dipped into a tank of penetrant. On larger parts and with complex
geometries, penetrant can be applied effectively by brushing or spraying. Both conventional and
electrostatic spray guns are effective means of applying liquid penetrant to the test part. Fig.3.1 (a),
The temperature of the test part surface should be between 5C to 52C.When it is not practically
possible to make a liquid penetrant examination within the temperature range 5 to 52C (40 to
125°F), the examination procedure at the proposed temperature requires further qualification. This
shall be accomplished by producing quench cracks in an aluminium block.
FIG.3.1: Penetrant application (a) by spray can, and (b) by brushing. time
A broad guide to correct time is contained in Table 3.2. The specimen size, composition, nature of
discontinuities sought and the temperature of the test area, all affect penetration time which is also
called dwell time or residence time.
Table 3.2: Typical minimum penetration times
* For temperature range from 50°F to 125°F (10°C to 52°C). For temperatures from 40°F (5°C) up
to 50°F (10°C), minimum penetrant dwell time shall be 2 times the value listed.
Care must be exercised in rinsing to avoid over-washing or the removal of the penetrant from the
discontinuities. Excess spraying time or excess spray pressure, as well as complete immersion of
parts in rinse water, may cause removal of penetrant from discontinuities and should be avoided.
This is in particular for wide and shallow defects where the chances of removal of penetrant outof
such defects are more Fig. 3.2.
c) Solvent soluble penetrants
The volatile organic solvents used for penetrant removal are the most aggressive reagents used for
this purpose, consequently great care must be taken in their use. When solvent removers are used in
manual systems, they must only be applied by the wipe method. The excess penetrant is to be
cleaned off, by using wipes of clean lint free material, repeating the operation until most traces of
penetrant have been removed. Then lightly moisten with solvent a lint-free cloth and wipe the
surface until all remaining traces of excess penetrant have been removed. On rough surfaces it may
be necessary to apply cleaner to the rag or towelling prior to wiping part surfaces. Flushing the
surface with solvent following the application of penetrant and prior to developing is prohibited
FIG.3.2:Angled coarse warm water spray for removal of excess water-washable penetrant.
emulsifier with brush is not acceptable. Effective rinsing of the emulsified penetrant can be
accomplished in the maximum as for directly water-washable penetrant. The length of the time that
the emulsifier is allowed to remain on the part and in contact with penetrant called the
emulsification time is dependent on the type of emulsifier (fast acting, slow acting, oil base or
water) and the surface condition of the part. In general the emulsification time is from few seconds
to several minutes depending on the activity of the emulsifier, surface of the part and the type of
discontinuities sought. The average emulsification time should be about 30 seconds. Fig. 3.4 (a)–(f)
explains various steps for a post-emulsifiable process.
(c) Surface penetrant is emulsified. (d) Water spray removes emulsified penetrant.
(e) Developer draws penetrant from discontinuity.(f) Depending on type penetrant, indication is
viewed under visible light or black light.
Figure 3.4: Post-emulsification process. for the application of lipophilic and hydrophilic emulsifiers
Application of lipophilic emulsifier
The most common method of application of lipophilic emulsifying agent is by immersion followed
by drainage. Spray application followed by drainage has also been used successfully. Brush
application of lipophilic emulsifier is forbidden, since this will cause loss of penetrant from
discontinuity sites. Flowing on of a lipophilic emulsifier is not recommended since the contact time
for this process is very critical and it is not possible to cover any but small components rapidly
enough to ensure uniform processing. It is essential that complex-shaped components are rotated
during the drainage stage so that the various surfaces receive similar processing.
Specific contact times for lipophilic emulsifier should be established for each application and are
extremely important. Those values can vary between 60 and 180 seconds depending on the actual
emulsifying agent, the penetrant in use and the surface state of the components. Lipophilic
emulsifiers are used undiluted at temperatures between 15°C and 25°C.
Application of hydrophilic emusifier
Application of such emulsifier is by immersion in an aqueous solution. The normal concentration is
within the range 2.5 to 20% v/v. Specifications vary as to whether agitation is forbidden, allowed or
required. If agitation is used, it should be mechanical rather than by use of compressed air, since
compressed air can cause heavy foaming and may not be clean and may introduce contaminants.
Maximum contact times are given in specification as being approximately 2–4 minutes, depending
on application.
Hydrophilic emulsifier (detergent) solutions can also be applied by spray or as foam. The
concentration of the solutions tends to be much lower (up to 2.5% v/v maximum) when these
methods of application are used. Once conditions have been established, they should be strictly
observed in practice.
The drying requirements are the same as discussed in Section 3.2.
Requirements and precautions in the removal stage
a) Care should be exercised to minimize the chances of over-washing and over emulsification.
b) When using solvent cleaner, flushing with solvent is prohibited.
c) Cloth used for cleaning should be lint free.
d) The coarse water spray is recommended. The water spray pressure should be kept constant
and not be more than 50 PSI. The temperature of water for effective cleaning should be
within a minimum of 50 to 100°F (10 to 38°C).
Some penetrants provide sufficient discontinuity indications without a developer. They are self-
developing. But generally, when maximum sensitivity is desired, a developer is required. The
developer assists in the detection of penetrant retained in discontinuities by aiding in the capillary
bleed-out process (the developer acts as a blotting agent), and by accentuating the presence of
penetrant in a discontinuity. Developer accentuates the presence of a discontinuity because it causes
the penetrant from the discontinuity to spread out over a greater area. It also serves as a colour
contrast background for the visible dye used in the visible dye processes and for the fluorescent
material used in the fluorescent processes. Developer is available in both dry and liquid forms and
the selection of developer is in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation for the type of
penetrant used. When a dry or non-aqueous wet developer is used, the specimen must be completely
dry before the developer is applied. When a water-based wet developer is used, it is applied
immediately after penetrant removal is accomplished and prior to the drying operation.
38 developer
Dry developer, being a loose, fluffy talc powder with high absorbent properties, is applied to a
specimen by dusting, blowing, or dipping the specimen. The application is usually accomplished in
a booth with a blower or fan arrangement that removes loose powder from the atmosphere. No
preparation of the powder is necessary and the only requirement is that it be evenly distributed over
the test surface, which must be completely dry Fig. 3.5. wet developer
Non-aqueous wet developer is a suspension of absorptive white powder in a solvent vehicle. It is
usually applied by spraying from a pressurized spray can or other spraying device such as a paint
spray gun Fig. 3.6. When used in bulk form, care must be exercised to keep the powder thoroughly
mixed in the specimen without soaking the test surface. When properly mixed and applied, non-
aqueous wet developer is the most sensitive of all the developers in detecting fine discontinuities. wet developer
Water-based wet developer may be either a suspension of absorptive white powder in water, or a
water-soluble absorptive white powder mixed with water. The suspension type requires mild
agitation prior to and during use to keep the powder particles in suspension; the water-soluble
developer does not. The water-soluble powder, once mixed with the water, remains in solution.
After excess penetrant is removed from the specimen, and while it is still wet, wet developer is
applied by either dip (immersion), flow-on, or spray techniques. These fast and effective methods of
application, combined with the time saved by applying developer to the wet specimen, make water-
based wet developer well suited for use in rapid, production line testing. Wet developer is applied
so as to form a smooth, even coating, and particular care is taken to avoid concentrations of
developer in dished or hollowed areas of the specimen. Such concentrations of developer mask
penetrant indications and are to be avoided. treatment of the developer
The developers to be used are maintained and stored with care to keep their performance
satisfactory. Dry developers require little care however they should be watched not to be badly
contaminated with foreign matter. If insufficiently dried parts are continually placed in dry
developer, lumps or balls of dry developer can form which will eventually ruin the effectiveness of
developer. Slight contamination can also occur when lumps of penetrant soaked developer fall from
heavy indications or poorly washed parts. When fluorescent penetrants are being used, developers
should also be checked with black light periodically to ensure that developer tanks have not become
contaminated with fluorescent material.
The other type of developers, for example, aqueous wet developers are prepared by mixing dry
developer, powders or liquid concentrates with water in the proportions recommended by the
manufacturer. The proper consistency of aqueous wet developer suspensions must be maintained by
replacing water lost through evaporation or powder lost through drag out. The solvent suspendible
developers exist in two types namely:
a) Non-aqueous plastic (lacquer) developers.
b) Non-aqueous solvent suspendible developers.
Plastic or resin developers are characterized by their inherent ability to produce a high resolved
penetrant indication in a strippable plastic film which can be stored as a permanent record if so
desired. Chemically, the plastic film developers are composed of a variety of organic polymers of
varying molecular weights, dispersed or dissolved in selective solvents. Functionally, plastic —
solvent developers act by dissolving penetrant from the flaw into the amorphous plastic film where
it is fixed when all of the solvent is evaporated. To avoid masking fine defects, a fine coating of
white lacquer is applied first and then plastic film developer is applied by spraying in very thin light
FIG.3.5: Application of dry developer by dipping method.
3.5.1. Lighting conditions for coloured liquids and UV radiation for fluorescent liquids
Visible penetrant indications can be inspected in either natural or artificial white light. According to
ASME Code (Section V) the recommended minimum light intensity for visible dye indication to be
inspected is 100 foot candles (1000Lux). Similarly for the inspection of fluorescent indications to
be made under black light source, the allowed value of ambient white light is a maximum of 3 foot
candles for critical inspection. It is recommended that the operator be in the darkened area for at
least 5 minutes prior to inspection so that his eyes adopt to dark viewing.
For viewing fluorescent penetrant indications under black light, lamp intensity should be a
minimum of 1000 μWatt/cm2 on the surface of the part. There is not a constant factor that relates
milliWatt/cm2 to the candela/cm2.
The length of time the developer should remain on the part prior to inspection should not be less
than 10 minutes nor more than 60 minutes. Developing time begins as soon as the dry developer is
applied and as soon as the wet (aqueous and non-aqueous) developer is dry (i.e. the solvent carrier
have evaporated to dryness). If bleed out does not alter the inspection results, longer development
periods are permitted.
By interpretation we mean to assess the cause of an indication or the evaluation of the significance
of discontinuities from the stand point of whether they are detrimental defects or inconsequential
blemishes. Penetrant indications provide the experienced operator with qualitative data on which to
base a decision in all obvious cases. He must know the kind of flaw and its approximate magnitude
before attempting to solve the problem of estimating probable damage to the part. If fluorescent
penetrant is used and the examination is made under black light (ultraviolet), sound areas appear as
a deep violet-blue, while discontinuities glow with a brilliant yellow-green light. If dye penetrant is
used, the examination is made in ordinary white light, the developer forms a white back-ground and
the defects are visible by a red colour indication. indications
Relevant indications are those caused by discontinuities. The interpretation of an indication as
relevant is a matter in observing the indication, eliminating the possibility of its being a false
indication and then further determining that it is relevant.
A true indication immediately becomes subject to interpretation of the type of discontinuity and
evaluation on the basis of the relevant acceptance standard or engineering decision based on the
effect of the indicated discontinuity on the service life of the specimen. Definite appraisals require
knowledge of the processes used in fabricating or in the case of a component in service, knowledge
of its operation and the stresses to which it has been subjected.
wavy lines. Scratches and die marks appear in a variety of linear patterns but are readily
recognizable when all penetrant traces are removed. Seams provide a continuous line that differs
from a crack in that the line is straight rather than jagged.
FIG.3.10: Round indications.
Round indications usually are caused by porosity. The porosity may be the result of gas holes or pin
holes. Deep cracks may also appear as round indications since they trap a large amount of penetrant
that spreads when the developer is applied. dots
Small dot indications result from fine openings such as pin holes, or may be the result of coarse
grain in a cast alloy. or weak indications
Diffused or weak indications are particularly difficult to interpret. When they appear, the workpiece
is to be thoroughly cleaned and re-tested. While weak diffused indications may be caused by
surface porosity, they are more often the result of insufficient early cleaning incomplete penetrant
removal or too thick a layer of developer. indications
False indications are those which are not associated with a discontinuity of any sort. The most
common source of false indications is poor washing of water-washable and postemulsifiable
penetrant. When using fluorescent penetrant, the use of black light during the washing process is
very important.
The operator can easily tell whether a good rinse is obtained by noting whether patches of
fluorescence remain on the specimen. Care must be taken so that no outside contamination occurs.
Typical sources of contamination are:
a) Penetrant on hands-off operator.
b) Contamination of wet or dry developer.
c) Penetrant rubbing from an indication on one specimen to the surface of another specimen.
d) Penetrant spots on the inspection table.
e) Lint or threads.
43 indications
As well as the truly false indications there is a category of non-relevant indications which testing
personnel can recognize. These are true indications in the sense that they are caused by surface
design and therefore not flaws. Most of such non-relevant indications are easy to recognize since
they are related directly to some feature of the assembly that accounts for their presence. They
include those that appear on articles that are press-fitted, keyed, splined, riveted or spot welded and
those appearing on castings as a result of loosely adherent scale or a rough surface due to burned-in
sand. Such non-relevant indications must be carefully noted, since they may interfere with correct
The test report forms should contain the necessary information on the type of chemicals used and
the methods employed. The indication observed have to be categorized as linear or rounded. Linear
indications are those in which the length is more than three times the width. Rounded indications on
the other hand are those in which the length is equal or less than three times the width. The
recording of indications as relevant should be made for those arising from unacceptable mechanical
discontinuities. Only indications with major dimension greater than1/16 inch (1.5 mm) are
considered as relevant. The test report form should also indicate the location of defects.
For welds the location of defect is determined by two co-ordinates L and W. L is the distance from
certain mark of weld. W is measured from the weld centre line. The different sides of the weld are
identified by letters A and B. The location of the defect is measured from the centre of the defect.
The orientation of the defect is reported in relation to the weld. A defect shall be recognized as
longitudinal if it is parallel to the weld and transverse if perpendicular to the weld. Fig. 3.12
illustrates the scheme for localization of the defects.
For maintaining a record for later reference or presentation in a report the respective indications can
be transferred into sketch forms, photographs and diagrams. Such diagrams should illustrate the
location, direction and areas of discontinuities. Recording of such indications for report writing
purposes are through a transparent cellulose tape transfer method.
3.6.4. Photographic techniques
Liquid penetrant indications observed using visible dye or fluorescent dye can easily be
photographed. For fluorescent penetrant indications use of black light filters has to be made. The
specimen test area is under black light which help pronouncing the indication through their
fluorescence. A typical photographic arrangement for this purpose is shown in Fig. 3.13.
The inspection report should contain complete information detailing the size, number and location,
of indications as well as interpretation of the defect type. To assist in determining the acceptability
of a component when working documents do not give acceptance criteria, it is necessary to know
the position of the imperfections with respect to the most highly stressed areas. Sketches should be
used to illustrate the location, direction and frequency of defects.
Testing for leaks is a distinctly separate application where penetrant inspection is very successful.
Any thin walled casting, weld, or tank which must be leak proof in its final assembly may be
inspected for leaks at any stage in its manufacture. The essential procedure of testing is to apply or
coat one side of the assembly with penetrant and time is allowed for the penetrant to draw through
the leaks by capillary forces. Any fine leak will show as a bright colour spot on the outer surface.
Increased contrast is obtained by applying developer to this opposite face after the elapse of
penetration time. The leak detected can be repaired before assembly or the part rejected before it
has been expensively machined.
Penetration time depends on the nature of the leak and thickness of section. Coarse porosity in the
path provides little capillary force and will slow up penetration by a considerable factor. Normal
penetration rate is very rapid. The process works extremely well through thin sections such as
welded sheet metal but rapidly drops in efficiency through sections over 1/4 inch unless penetrant is
applied under pressure. It is important that the leaks must be free of foreign material. It is important
that no water test be tried before using penetrant as the water will plug all the fine passages. Even
pressure tests with high moisture content may markedly reduce later penetration by penetrant.
FIG.3.13: Diagram of set-up for black light photography.
The reliability of any penetrant test is determined in large part by the condition of the materials
used. Even the best procedures are worthless if test materials are faulty. Quality control of incoming
penetrant processing materials, as well as quality control of in-use inspection materials on a
periodic basis, is essential to a reliable penetrant inspection programme. Many simple tests are
available whose use could ensure that liquid penetrants do meet the applicable quality standards, as
they are received from their manufacturer. The overall performance capabilities are evaluated to
check the following common properties.
a) Visual appearance.
b) Viscosity.
c) Specific gravity.
d) Thin film penetrant brightness or colour.
e) Sensitivity shown on penetrant comparators or reference panels.
f) Emulsifier tolerance for penetrant contamination.
g) Ease of washability of excess penetrant.
h) Infrared spectrophotometric analysis.
i) Water tolerance of penetrants and emulsifiers.
j) Wetting ability.
k) Bulk density for developers, or apparent gravity for suspensions of wet developers.
l) Flash or fire points.
m) Capillary rise.
n) Sulphur and halogen content.
o) Liquid oxygen (LOX) impact sensitivity.
Since many of the tests used in the control of penetrant materials are comparison tests in which
"used" materials are compared with "new" materials, control samples are taken at the time the
materials are received from the supplier. These samples are kept in sealed containers and stored
where they are not subject to deterioration from heat, light, or evaporation. properties
There are a number of methods for comparing the viscosity of two materials such as a ball setting
test or tests using instruments specifically designed for measuring viscosity. Such instruments are
called viscometers. Water can radically change the viscosity of water-washable penetrants,
depending on their water tolerance. Solvents or oils can increase or decrease the viscosity of
The change in viscosity affects the speed of washing characteristics. The increase in penetrant
viscosity will increase dragout on test parts, slow penetration into discontinuities, and change the
wash characteristics.
Density/Specific gravity
Specific gravity is a comparison of the density of a penetrant with the density of distilled water at
4°C. This is a characteristic which has no direct influence on the penetrating properties of a liquid.
Most commercial penetrants have specific gravity less than one. This is because the principal
constituents of penetrants are organic liquids of naturally low specific gravity. Some of the non
flammable colour contrast type penetrants have a relatively high specific gravity. One advantage of
a specific gravity of less than one is that water which may get into a tank of penetrant during use
will drop to the bottom of the tank and not tend to interfere with the proper functioning of the
Surface tension
Surface tension of the liquid penetrant, resists capillary flow into a crack. Any liquid contamination
affects the penetrability of the penetrant by modifying its surface tension. Since water has a much
greater surface tension than most oil base penetrants, water contamination will result in an increased
surface tension and a reduced infiltration capacity and test sensitivity.
It is difficult to measure surface tension by any simple test; however, it is closely related to the
contact angle and wettability, as discussed in chapter 2. There are two tests that can be used to
compare the wettability of a penetrant: (a) a drop test on a flat surface and (b) a capillary test using
capillary tubes.
a) The drop method
The liquid is allowed to drop through a capillary orifice. The size of the drop is governed by the
surface tension of the liquid. The instrument used is called stalagnometer. It is a pipette with a
capillary tube at lower end as shown in Fig. 4.1. The tube is thoroughly cleaned and the liquid is
sucked up to the mark A. The drops are counted for the liquid between marks A and B.
The surface tension of the liquid is measured by using the relation:
T1 = (1n2/ 2n1) xT2 (4.1)
Where n1and n2are the number of drops formed for volume of liquids between A and B.
FIG.4.1: A stalagnometer.
b) The capillary rise method
Surface tension enables a liquid to rise up in a capillary tube. This phenomenon can be used for its
measurement. When a clean capillary tube of radius r is dipped into a liquid in a beaker, the liquid
will rise up the capillary to a height h, till the force due to surface tension which pulls the liquid
upwards is counter balanced by the force of gravity pulling it downward. The surface tension T of
the liquid with density P is given by the formula:
T = 1/2 (h + r/3) gr (4.2)
Ignition point
A satisfactory commercial penetrant should have a high flash point. Flash point and fire point
should not be confused. Flash point of a liquid is defined as that temperature at which sufficient
combustible vapour, under standard conditions, is given off to form an explosive mixture with the
air immediately over the liquid when a flame is present. Fire point a higher temperature is the point
at which the liquid will take fire and continue to burn if a flame is introduced into the vapour cloud
over the liquid surface.
Flash points of volatile liquids are usually measured in an apparatus called the "tag" closed cup, or
in a similar one called the Pensky-Martens closed cup. Closed cup flash points are lower than open
cup flash points, since the former apparatus prevents stray air currents from blowing vapours away,
and instead collects them in a closed chamber. Usually the tag closed cup test is used up to 175°F
(80°C), while the Cleveland Open Cup Test is used above 175°F.
In the Tag closed test the liquid is placed in a brass container or cup heated electrically or by a gas
flame at a specified rate. The cup is covered, the cover supporting a fixture which holds the
thermometer with bulb in the liquid and supports the small test flame. At intervals, by moving a
lever, a window in the cover is opened and the test flame brought to the opening. The temperature is
recorded when this application of the flame ignites the vapour in the cup.
A penetrant with a low flash point may give off enough vapour when it gets warm, to flash, over the
surface with explosive force if a flame is brought near it and penetrants do get warm, from mere
ambient heat in the shop or from immersion of hot parts fresh from a vapour degreaser. Low flash
point liquids almost invariably have a low fire or ignition point and so constitute a definite fire
The flash point of a liquid affects the conditions under which it may be shipped in interstate
commerce. Liquids with flash points lower than 80°F open cup (which corresponds usually to 60°F
to 70°F closed cup) are classed as flammable, require a special red label, and must be shipped in
small quantities by railway express or air freight. If the flash point is lower the restrictions are
stiffer. Table 4.1 illustrates flash point values of some liquids. Many industrial and government
specifications now limit the flash point of a desirable penetrant. It is considered that, under the
average conditions of industrial use a penetrant with a closed cup flash point of 130°F or over is not
a very serious fire hazard.
Halogen and sulphur content
When using penetrant inspection materials on austenitic stainless steels and titanium alloys total
chlorine fluorine contents and for nickel base alloys sulphur contents shall be considered. Even
though penetrants and processing materials are removed following inspection, residues may be
retained in crevices, joints and blind holes or other inaccessible areas. With inadequate cleaning,
such residues may react detrimentally with the alloy surface after the components are placed in
service. The continued incidence of stress-corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steels has
focused the attention on the halogens and sulphur content in liquid penetrant materials used for non-
destructive testing. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code limits the presence of the sulphur and chlorine contents to 1%. The same has to be
determined/ analyzed in accordance with the methods described in standards ASTM D129 and
Table 4.1: Flash points of different materials.
Material Flash Point F- Material Flash Point F-closed Cup
closed Cup
Ethyl Ether -49° Stoddard Solvent 100°
Carbon Disulphide -22° Cellosolve 104°
Acetone 0° Cyelohexanol 154°
Ethyl Acetate 24° Ethylene Glycol 232°
Naphtha 30° Di-butyl phthalate 315°
Toluene 40° Glycerine 320°
Methyl Alcohol 54° SAE-10-Lub-Oil 450° (open cup)
Ethyl Alcohol 57° Chloroform Non-flammable
Turpentine 95°
Visible dye penetrants contain red dye as tracer to give optimum contrast for high sensitivity
inspection. This gives a red indication against the white background of the developer. The red
visible dyes are stable, inert pigments; their concentration in the penetrant influences the total
sensitivity. The dye concentration can be compared with a standard sample by using a light
transmission comparison.
Inspection with fluorescent penetrants is highly sensitive. In such penetrants the tracer is of or
coated with fluorescent material. The fluorescent material absorbs the black light and re-emits the
absorbed energy as visible light in the yellow green region of the visible light spectrum.
Fluorescent dyes have a number of properties that, if changed, can reduce the fluorescent brightness
and, thus, the overall sensitivity. Contamination and exposure to sunlight or black light can cause
the following conditions:
a) Loss of initial brightness.
b) Loss of brightness after drying.
c) Increase in fading rate when exposed to black light. drop expansion
One of the necessary condition for a penetrant liquid to enter into fine discontinuities is to wet the
test surface and thus disperse evenly on it. Now for liquids of non-wetting type, the contact angle
exceeding 90°, the high surface tension of the liquid contracts the liquid droplet into a ball with
minimum area of contact with the solid surface. For liquids where contact angle is very large (near
170°), the liquid does not spread. On the contrary contact angles for most liquid penetrants and
liquid leak tracer is very close to 0°.
Now for a liquid to spread over a solid surface, the spreading coefficient, SSL is given by the
equation 4.3. Fig. 4.2 illustrates the schematic diagram of liquid drop on an ideally smooth, clean
surface at equilibrium showing contact angle.
SSL= SG- (L+ SL)(N/m) (4.3)
SSL is the spreading coefficient of liquid on solid.
L is the surface energy of the liquid - gas interface.
SL is surface energy of the solid - liquid interface.
SG is the surface energy of the solid - gas interface.
SI units for each of the above parameters are N/m (dyne/cm in cgs system).
A necessary, but not sufficient, condition for spreading of the liquid on the solid surface requires
that the surface energy of the solid — gas interface, SG exceed the surface energy of the solid -
liquid interface, SL as indicated by the inequality.
Spreading condition, SG>SL (4.4)
FIG. 4.2: Schematic diagram of liquid drop on an ideally smooth, clean surface,
atequilibrium, showing contact angle q. With poor wetting, liquid drop has large contact angle
q,while with better wetting, liquid drop has smaller contact angle q.
One of the requirements for a good penetrant is its washability. It should be soluble in water or a
solvent or should become water washable through emulsification action. To achieve maximum
contrast between indications and background, excess surface penetrant must be readily removable.
In the water washability test, the washability performance of the penetrant being tested is compared
to that of the reference penetrant. The penetrants are applied to separate test panels. After normal
dwell and draining periods, and emulsification (if applicable), the penetrants are washed from the
panels using a uniform water spray. If washing is found to be difficult, or retention of background
dye is noticeably different from that of the reference penetrant, the penetrant is discarded.
Liquid penetrants are also incorporated with corrosion inhibitors among other additives. This is
done so as to prevent the deterioration of the metal by their chemical or electrochemical reaction
with its environment. Control of residues percentages and of halogen contents is of special
importance in selection of a particular penetrant for a specific job.
Proper maintenance is more difficult with liquid penetrants that are used in the open tanks where
parts are dipped into them than when sprayed from storage cans. When expended as used
particularly in the small portable kits, liquid penetrants are subject to very little contamination or
degradation. There are also temperature limitations applicable to liquid penetrants. Test
temperatures may vary widely with inspection conditions but must not exceed limits. Penetrants
used in open tanks can withstand temperatures of up to 40°C (100°F) and above. If the penetrant is
heated to a point where some of its light constituents are driven off its flaw detection capability will
be greatly reduced. Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures will degrade the fluorescence or
visible dyes in penetrants, greatly reducing them to a level below which they are visible.
Materials packaged in aerosol spray containers are also not affected by normal storage conditions.
Cold storage reduces the internal pressure so the can must be warmed to nearly room temperature to
spray properly. Conversely, high storage temperatures raise the pressure, and extremely high
pressures can cause bursting of the can. Therefore, aerosol can temperatures should never exceed
55°C (130°F).
Aerosol packages do not have infinite shelf life, largely because there is always some slight leakage
of propellant through the valve. This leakage normally does not cause a significant change of spray
performance until at least 2 years after the date of manufacture, but eventually there will be a loss.
Some cans may be completely depressurized after storage for 3 to 5 years.
Stability under light and ultraviolet radiation
Penetrants are exposed to the ultraviolet radiation contained in ordinary light when kept in open
tanks. They are again so exposed during the draining or penetration time after they have been
applied to surfaces of parts. Black light is used during the step of washing or cleaning so as to
ensure satisfactory removal of penetrant. Black light is again applied during inspection and in many
cases a part is examined more than once under black light before its disposition is decided.
Progressive loss of fluorescent intensity during this process is obviously highly undesirable and
could be critical, especially in the case of very fine cracks. Fortunately the best dyes which
havebeen developed for penetrant uses, do have excellent resistance to fading under black light,
though nearly all show some fading under such exposure. The poor dyes, however, fade so rapidly
that they are generally unsatisfactory for penetrant purposes for this reason.
The fluorescent brightness test is usually performed with a modified photofluorometer. In this test,
a small amount of the penetrant to be tested and the reference penetrant are diluted with a
nonfluorescent highly volatile solvent such as methylene chloride. Test papers, cut to fit the sample
holder of the photofluorometer, are then dipped into the solutions, withdrawn, and allowed to air
dry. Following drying, the samples are placed in a preheated oven at 225°F (107°C) for 5 minutes.
Five samples are prepared of the penetrant being tested and six of the reference penetrant (the extra
reference penetrant sample is used as the master for setting up the photofluorometer). The samples
are then alternately read on the photofluorometer and the results compared. If the fluorescent
brightness of the penetrant being tested should drop below 85% of the reference penetrant, the
penetrant is discarded.
4.1.2. Removers
4.1.3. Emulsifiers
4.1.4. Developers
Another test for evaluating the performance of the developer in the penetrant process is the
measurement of concentration of aqueous wet suspendible developer. The powder concentration in
water suspensions generally range from 40 to 120 g of dry powder concentrated per litre of water.
The specific gravity test for concentration is run by placing hydrometer directly in the developer
tank or in a jar or cylinder. Any cracking of the developer coating during the drying operation in the
normal inspection procedure indicates.
- A serious loss of water.
- An excessive over-concentration of the developer powder.
The third test that should be applied to wet developers is a check for fluorescence. Wet developer
becomes fluorescent mainly from penetrant carried into it on test parts or which otherwise enters the
developer. There is no way to reclaim penetrant contaminated developer so replacement is the only
answer to such a problem. developer
Dry developers used in open tanks are usually tested only by observation. Since they are not
hydroscopic, they do not absorb moisture from the air, and are relatively trouble-free if they do not
come in contact with water. Any dry developer that is found lumpy or caked instead of light and
fluffy, or that shows any other sign of having been wet, is discarded. Additionally the developer is
visually examined for dirt. It is also checked under black light for fluorescent dry contamination.
Should either condition exist, the developer is discarded. developer
Wet (aqueous) developers are usually tested only for proper density and possible contamination
from dirt or penetrant. Specific gravity is measured with a hydrometer. If reading differs from
specification requirements either powder or vehicle is added to the developer in sufficient quantities
to bring the density within acceptable limits. Additionally, a small sample of the developer is taken
from the tank and visually examined for dirt. It is also checked for fluorescent dye contamination
under black light. If either condition is in evidence, the developer is discarded.
Use of standardized work pieces
The use of test blocks, plates, or panels is often specified in the performance of test procedures used
in testing penetrant materials. Depending on the particular test, the materials used in the
manufacture of test blocks include aluminium, steel, nickel, glass, and ceramic. Some of the blocks
are designed primarily for checking penetrant or "system" sensitivity and performing comparison
tests, etc., while others are designed specifically for testing penetrant or emulsifier washability. All,
however, are prepared to rigid specifications as detailed in the following paragraphs.
Aluminium test blocks measure 2 by 3 inches (50 by 75 mm) and are cut from 5/16-inch thick (8-
mm) bare 2024-3T aluminium alloy plate, with the 3-inch dimension in the direction of rolling. The
blocks are heated non-uniformly and water quenched so as to produce thermal cracks. This is
accomplished by supporting the block in a frame and heating it with the flame of a gas burner or
torch in the centre on the underside of the block. The flame remains centered and does not move in
any direction during the heating process. A 950 to 980°F (510 to 527°C)Tempilstik, Tempilac, or
equivalent, is applied to an area the size of a penny on the top side and directly in the centre of the
block. The heat of the torch or burner is adjusted so that the block is heated approximately 4
minutes before the Tempilstik or Tempilac melts, after which the block is immediately quenched in
cold water Figure 4.3. The same operation is then repeated on the other side of the block. A groove
approximately 1/16-inch by 1/16-inch deep (1.5 by 1.5 mm) is cut in the 2-inch direction across the
centre of the heat-affected zone on both sides of the block. This forms two specimen areas on each
side of the block and permits the side-by-side application and comparison of two penetrants without
cross-contamination. This type of block is widely used for comparing the performance of penetrants
under actual crack-finding usage.
(a) Preparation for use: Prior to use, aluminium test blocks are scrubbed with a bristle brush and
liquid solvent, followed by vapour degreasing.
(b) Preparation for reuse: After a test block has been used it is cleaned prior to reuse. The block
is heated slowly with a gas burner to 800°F (426°C) as determined by an 800°F Tempilstik, or
equivalent, after which the block is quenched in cold water. It is then heated to approximately
225°F (107°C) for 15 minutes to drive off any moisture in the cracks, and is allowed to cool to
room temperature.
Ceramic test block are flat circular disks of unglazed ceramic that, although quite solid and
impervious to liquids, have micro-pit surfaces that entrap liquid penetrants. Inasmuch as the micro-
pit structure provides a range of pore sizes, a performance comparison can be made of two or more
penetrants merely by noting the number or distribution of porosity indications and their brightness
in a side-by-side comparison test. Indications appear as a large number of microscopic specks of
fluorescence or colour, the number increasing as the sensitivity of the penetrant increases.
Anodized/Plated test panels
Stress-cracked anodized aluminium and chrome-plated nickel test panels are frequently employed
in determining penetrant sensitivity and washability. The panels are classified according to the size
of the cracks they contain. The grades are; coarse, medium, and fine. The coarse panels provide a
low sensitivity level; the medium panels, a medium sensitivity; and the fine panels, a high
sensitivity. The panel used depends on the level of sensitivity desired. See Figure 4.4.
Usage: A line is usually drawn along the centreline of the panel and parallel to the lengthwise
dimension using a wax pencil or narrow vinyl tape. This forms two specimen areas and permits the
side-by-side application and comparison of penetrant materials without cross-contamination.
Aluminium test plates or panels are used in testing the washability of water-washable visible dye
penetrants. The panels may be of any convenient size, 2 by 4 inches (50 by 100 mm) or larger, and
are cut from clad aluminium alloy. The test surfaces are used in the "as-rolled" condition. Prior to
use, the panel is degreased, after which it is heated to approximately 225°F (107°C), then cooled to
room temperature in a dessicator.
Steel test plates or panels are used in testing the washability of water-washable fluorescent
penetrants, and visible dye or fluorescent penetrants involving the use of an emulsifier or solvent
remover. The panels are prepared from annealed type 301 or 302 stainless steel and measure 2 by 4
inches (50 by 100 mm) or larger. Each is sandblasted on one side with 100-mesh average size grit,
using 60 pounds air pressure (414 kPa), with the gun held approximately 18 inches (457 mm) from
the surface. The sandblasting is continued until a uniform matte surface is obtained. It is the
sandblasted surface that is used in performing tests.
Preparation for use: Prior to use, the panels are cleaned by vapour degreasing, heated to 225°F
(107°C), and then allowed to cool to room temperature in a desiccator.
Cleaning for reuse: After each use, the panels are vapour degreased and resand-blasted.
Glass plates
One-quarter-inch thick (6 mm) glass plates (black for fluorescent penetrants and clear for visible
dye penetrants) are also used to test the washability of penetrants. They are fabricated by
sandblasting sheets of glass using 100-mesh average size grit at 60 psi air pressure (414 kPa), so as
to provide a uniform matte surface.
One of the most common methods of preparing test parts for liquid penetrant inspection is vapour
degreasing. This process is particularly suitable for removal of soluble organic contaminants such as
mineral oils and greases. Unfortunately, vapour degreasing is not effective for removal of solid
contaminants such as carbon, varnish, paints, scale, corrosion products or oxides. Other means of
removal should be used instead of or in addition to vapour degreasing if any of these contaminants
are involved. When steel or other ferrous metal parts are vapour degreased, the metal is usually
highly susceptible to atmospheric corrosion if the air has high humidity or contains acid vapours,
combustion products, or other corrodents. The hot vapours of a chlorinated solvent such as 1, 1, 1-
trichloroethane (which is less toxic than trichloroethylene or perchloroethylene) are used to remove
oil, greases, or waxes from metallic test objects in preparation for penetrant inspection. An open
steel tank contains the heated liquid solvent which boils and generates the solvent vapour. This
vapour condenses upon the relatively cool metal surfaces of parts placed in the vapour zone above
the heated tank. Some vapour degreaser units provide means also for immersing the test objects in
the warm or boiling solvent or for spraying clean solvent upon the parts.
The preferred solvent is 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform) which boils at 72.2°C (167°F)
This solvent eases parts handling problems during the later step of penetrant application, which is
normally done at room temperature. During vapour degreasing, the contaminated solvent
condensate drips back into the heated tank, carrying contaminants into the bath. During evaporation,
only clean solvent vapours are produced, so that test parts are given adequate final rinsing in clean
vapour. The test objects come out of the vapour degreasing operation both clean and dry, but warm.
After adequate cooling, they are ready for application of the liquid penetrant, if no other forms of
contamination exist. Figure 4.5 refers to a unit for precleaning by vapour degreasing.
Ultrasonic cleaning method adds ultrasonic agitation to solvent or detergent cleaning to improve
cleaning efficiency and decrease cleaning time. It should be used with water and detergent if the
soil to be removed is inorganic (rust, dirt, salts, corrosion products etc.), and with organic solvents
if the soil to be removed is organic (grease and oily films etc.). After ultrasonic cleaning the parts
should be heated to remove the cleaning fluid, then cooled to at least 125°F (52°C) before
application of penetrant.
There is a need of having supplies of cold and hot air available during penetrant inspection at the
time of drying the parts after the removal of excess penetrant and for precleaned parts.
Blow guns for compressed air are of different forms and purposes, few of the types are illustrated as
FIG.4.6: Typical flex air pistols.
Penetrants and developers may be applied by electrostatic spray. While the equipment is more
costly than that required for immersion or normal air spraying techniques the method has the
following advantages.
a) High speed operation.
b) No overspray.
c) Uniform coverage, which can be adjusted so that there is no drainage and only the minimum
penetrant required for the process is applied. (Hence there is economy in the use of the high
cost penetrant).
d) Absence of dust when spraying dry powder developer.
Principles of electrostatic spraying
The process is based on the fundamental law that electrically charged particles of opposite polarity
attract one another, when these particles are placed within an electrical field they align themselves
to the lines of force of that field. In practice, this electrical field is obtained by creating a potential
difference between the workpiece, which is connected to ground, and the hand gun which is
connected to the electrical generator. The negative charge on the particles is produced via a rotating
atomizer in the liquid gun, and by a charged electrode surrounding the nozzle in the powder gun.
The result is a wrap-round which allows all shapes of components to be evenly coated on the front
and back with one pass of the gun.
Developers can also be electrostatically applied. However, solvents used as a vehicle in spray type
developers should be non-polar or chlorinated.
The application of a high potential to the penetrant at the point of application has the following
(a) To cause the penetrant to break up into small electrically charged droplets due to the repulsion
of electrical charges of the same sign. This may be assisted by discharging the penetrant from
a rotating cup or disc and/or by the application of compressed air (though at a much lower
energy than normal spray guns).
(b) To produce an electrical field between the charged application and grounded component or
area to be coated. The charged penetrant or developer particles then travel from the applicator
to the grounded surface and since the field extends all around the grounded component,
particles will deposit on the sides and behind the component giving the 'wrap around' effect.
As particles are deposited on the surface of the components they shield that particular area from the
electric field, and deposition is enhanced on uncoated areas. Thus rapid uniform coverage is
attained over the whole of the component or area.
Deep re-entrant shapes cause what is known as the Faraday Cage effect. This effect is the absence
of charge on the inside of a hollow charged conductor. Thus, there would be no tendency for
charged particles to enter such a region. This effect is overcome in practice by the use of a gentle
compressed air assistance to the spray formation, giving the droplets sufficient energy to enter such
charge free zones. An electrostatic gun for dry developer is shown in Figure 4.7.
4.3.5. Aerosoles
Penetrant materials such as penetrants, developers and solvent removers are also available in
pressurized cans or aerosols. They have a storage life of about 2 years for normal use. Aerosol cans'
temperature should however not exceed 55°C (130°F) as excessively high resulting pressures can
cause their bursting.
FIG. 4.7: Electrostatic spray application minimizes consumption of penetrant material and gives
added assurance of full surface coverage. This technician is applying a fluorescent penetrant with a
hand-held electrostatic spray gun.
The stationary equipment used in liquid penetrant testing ranges from simple to fully automatic
systems and varies in size depending on the requirements of specific tests. Depending on the type of
the penetrant and processing employed Figures 4.8 and 4.9, liquid penetrant test facility requires
certain stations as shown in Figures 4.10 to 4.14.
4.4.1. Stations
In a typical testing facility for a post emulsification process, the following stations are required.
a) Precleaning station, usually set at a remote place from the penetrant test station.
b) Penetrant station (tank).
c) Drain station (used with a penetrant tank).
d) Emulsifier station (tank).
e) Rinse station (tank).
f) Developer station (tank).
g) Dryer station (usually an oven type).
h) Inspection station, enclosed booth or table with lighting facilities.
i) Post cleaning (usually remote from penetrant test station).
FIG. 4.8: Visible dye and fluorescent penetrant process.
FIG.4.10: Typical small-sized test equipment employing fluorescent post-emulsified penetrant and
dry developer.
FIG.4.12: Typical large-sized test equipment employing fluorescent water-washable penetrant and
wet developer.
FIG.4.13: Typical medium-sized test equipment employing visible dye water-washable penetrant
and dry developer.
FIG.4.14: Typical medium-sized test equipment employing visible dye post-emulsified penetrant
and dry developer.
4.5.1. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation sources (black light) and meters for measuring UV
radiation intensity
Mercury vapour lamps are gaseous discharge devices in which an electric arc takes place in a
controlled atmosphere and emits light whose characteristics depend on the nature of the atmosphere.
The construction of a typical mercury vapour lamp is as shown in Fig. 4.16.
Here, MC represents a quartz or hard-glass cartridge in which the mercury vapour is confined. E1
and E2 are the main electrodes that carry current to the arc stream which takes place along the
length of the cartridge. E3 is an auxiliary starting electrode. R represents a current limiting resistor.
The entire assembly is sealed in an outer protective bulb, B, which may be either evacuated or filled
with air or an inert gas, depending on the design of the bulb. The lamp is fed from a current
regulating ballast reactance or transformer. This is required because the arc tube shows negative
resistance characteristics and would quickly destroy itself if not throttled by an external device. A
typical look of commercially available mercury arc black light source is as given in Fig. 4.17.
A black light mercury arc bulb requires a housing and fixture:
- To prevent leakage of unwanted visible light and to permit the operator to direct the beam
onto the area to be inspected. Mercury vapour arc lamps up to an intensity of 400 watt are also
commercially available, but are normally not portable.
FIG.4.17: Portable 100 W mercury arc black light source.
The second type of black light source used for inspection is the black light fluorescent bulb.
Electrically and mechanically, these are standard fluorescent bulbs that come in sizes from 2 to 60
input watts and over. These cold discharge tubular lamps contain low-pressure mercury vapour
glow discharges. Their primary radiation is hard ultraviolet of 253.7 nm (2537 Ao) wavelength. This
is used to excite a special cerium-activated calcium phosphate phosphor which is coated on the
inside of the tube. This phosphor, when activated by the ultraviolet, emits black light with a range
of 320 to 440 nm wavelengths peaking at 360 nm. Because a significant amount of visible light is
emitted along-with the black light, these bulbs are often made of a purple-red filter glass similar to
that used over the high-pressure arc lamps previously described. This greatly reduces the black light
emitted, but still leaves what is often an excessive amount of visible blue light, considering the
relatively low intensity of the black light produced. A look of commercially available such lamps is
as shown in Fig. 4.18.
Advantages and limitations of fluorescent tubular black light sources
Fluorescent black light bulbs put out reasonable amounts of black light, but because of their
configuration they cannot be easily focused. Therefore, their intensity per unit area illuminated is
much lower than that provided by the high-pressure mercury arc lamps. Thus, fluorescent black
lights are not usually considered adequate for critical fluorescent penetrant inspections. Fluorescent
lamp sources of black light for fluorescent penetrant inspection offer the significant advantages of
instant starting, cool operation, and low cost as compared to the commonly used mercury arc lamps.
This type of source of black light comes in 75 and 150 watt sizes. It comes as standard incandescent
bulb with a filter glass envelope. These sources give a considerable portion of visible light along
with black light, as such are thus even less usable and suitable than the fluorescent black light
As far back as 1942, selenium cell photoelectric meters were being used to measure black light
intensity. The most common, easily used foot-candle meters made by Weston and General Electric
were designed for use by illumination engineers. The foot-candle was used as a unit of visible light
as seen by the human eye under photic conditions. There is no such thing as a foot-candle of black
light. For convenience, black light was incorrectly measured in foot-candles for many years, with an
unfiltered Weston 703 foot-candle meter. Even though these readings did not make sense, they did
give reproducible numbers. Further, no other meter capable of true measurements in the near-
ultraviolet wavelength range was then available.
An integral part of the fluorescent penetrant system is the ultraviolet light source (black light), the
intensity of which is vital to a reliable result. It is recommended that this intensity be checked
weekly or more often if the light is being operated at an intensity level close to the minimum. The
instrument commonly used for measurement of black light intensities is the Ultra Violet Products
Model J-221 Black-Ray Ultraviolet Intensity Meter. Measurements are taken at distances of 38 cm
(15 inch) from the face of the filter on the black light, in the centre of the ultraviolet light beam.
Various specifications call for minimum black light intensities of 8.6 to 10.2 W/m 2 (865 or 1020
mW/cm2) when using the Black Ray J-221 Meter.
Once having established a level of illumination necessary for a particular job, it is important to
observe precautions to ensure that this level is maintained. Several things can cause reduction in
light from a black light source. Experience and tests have shown that light output decreases
gradually with age and use of black light source. A tremendous reduction in output can result from
improperly maintained enclosures. Oil and dust if collected at filter glass and external reflector can
reduce light intensity at the work surface by 50% or even more.
For best results, inspection for fluorescent indications should be done in darkened area. The darker
the area of inspection, the more brilliant the indications appear. This is extremely important,
particularly when inspection is being performed for very fine, crack-like defects which may have
trapped only a small amount of penetrant. It is also desirable that the inspection table or darkened
area should be free of random fluorescent materials. If penetrant has been spilled in the inspection
area, on the table, or on the operator's hands, it will fluorescence brilliantly and is likely to distract
the operator's attention from defects.
The visible light intensity in an inspection area has a dramatic effect on inspection performance and
reliability. More visible light makes fluorescent indications harder to see, requiring higher black
light intensity to permit detection of indications.
Black light booths do not have less than 10 to 20 lux (1 to 2 foot-candles) visible light intensities
because black lights (with filters) have some visible light output, and because of the induced
fluorescence form the test parts, the inspector's clothing and spills of fluorescent material within the
inspection booths.
The intensity of black light at the inspection surface can be altered by adjusting the distance. A
typical black light test to meet most specifications, when using a J-221 meter, calls for distance of
38 cm (15 inch) and a minimum intensity not less than 10 W/m2.
A black light booth or cabinet is considered to be best if the ambient visible light present is up to 10
lux or 1 foot-candle.
Auxiliary equipment is defined as the equipment located at penetrant test stations (other than
cleaning stations) required to perform penetrant testing. The auxiliary equipment being discussed
below may be in some cases 'built in' at one or more of test stations.
4.6.1. Pumps
Various pumps installed at the penetrant, emulsifier, rinse, and developer stations are required to
agitate the solutions, to pump/drain-off materials into the proper tank for reuse, and to pump hand
held sprayers and applicators.
Sprayers and applicators are frequently employed at the penetrant, emulsifier, rinse and developer
stations. They reduce test time by permitting rapid and even application of penetrant materials and
water rinse. Both conventional and electrostatic sprayers are used.
4.6.3. Lights
White lights as well as black lights are installed as required to ensure adequate and correct lighting
conditions at all the stations. When fluorescent materials are used, black light is installed at both the
rinse and inspection stations.
4.6.4. Timers
One or more 60-minute timer with alarm are used to control penetrant, emulsifier, developing and
drying processes.
These items are required and used to control the temperature of the drying oven and penetrant
Exhaust fans are used when testing is performed in controlled areas to remove fumes and dust.
4.6.7. Hydrometers
The hydrometers as shown in Fig. 4.20 are used to measure the specific gravity of the water-based
wet developers. Normally floating type instruments are used.
Of all the tools currently used to evaluate penetrants and to judge the continued serviceability of a
penetrant inspection system, the quench-cracked aluminium comparator block is the most popular.
The cracked aluminium test block is described in both the ASME Code Section V and in the U.S.
MIL-I-25135 specifications.
parallel to the 75 mm (3 in.) dimension. A second procedure used to produce 10 by 75 by 100 mm
(3/8 by 3 by 4 in.) 2024-T3 aluminium panels involved heating in a furnace to 540°C (1000°F) for
30 min and quenching in ice water. These specimens were quenched individually and checked after
each quench in order to obtain an acceptable crack pattern with a minimum number of severe cracks
extending through the specimens. The specimens that did not show an adequate crack pattern after
twelve cycles of heating and quenching were then heated with a torch and quenched in the same
manner as the 50 by 75 mm (2 by 3 in.) specimens until an acceptable crack pattern was obtained.
These panels, which were cut from bar stock, represented an end grain condition (the grain direction
was parallel to the 10 mm, or 3/8 in. thickness dimension).
The use of the Aluminium cracked block produced can then be made by following standard
procedures as specified in specifications such as ASME Code, article 6. chromium-plated test panels
The cracked chromium-plated reference panel provides a surface containing cracks of known
dimensions and these flaws fall within a range of magnitudes close to the limit of the ability of test
penetrants to reveal them. The chromium-plated test panels are useful for evaluation of a penetrant
system's flaw detection performance. They can provide useful results in qualitative side-by-side
comparisons of penetrant performance. This type of panel is made by burnishing a brass or copper
panel to a mirror finish, then electroplating a thin layer of nickel followed by a layer of chrome
upon this polished surface. The chrome layer is brittle, and cracks can be generated in it by bending
the panel over a curved form. Crack depth is controlled by the thickness of the layer of chrome
plating, but there is no control over crack width. Crack depth may range from 1 or 2 to nearly 50
um. Crack width is determined by the degree of deformation of the panel during bending and
straightening. The width varies from a fraction of a micrometer (for thin chrome layers) to up to
about 2 μm for chrome layers having a thickness in the range of 50 μm.
Variations in the composition of the plating baths and plating techniques determine the type and
size of cracking in the nickel chrome test panels. Particulars on the preparation of three different
crack size panels were published in MIL-I-8963.
(a) Coarse crack panel with cracks measuring about 10 μm in width and 50 μm in depth.
(b) Medium crack panel with cracks about 2 to 3 μm in width and 40 μm in depth.
(c) Fine crack panel with cracks about 0.5 μm in width and 2 μm in depth. of nickel-chrome test panels in evaluating penetrant system
Since the nickel-chrome sensitivity panel can be used over and over again, it is possible to compare
one penetrant system to another sequentially by first testing one system and accurately recording
results and then, after cleaning and drying, testing the second system.
A simultaneous comparison test of two different penetrant systems can also be made by dividing the
chrome panel into two equal sections by means of a longitudinal wax line or narrow vinyl tape. One
penetrant is applied to one half and a second on the other half of the panel. Using this technique, it
is possible to obtain a side-by-side comparison of two penetrants or process materials. However,
evaluation of variations in processing times and techniques is not so feasible. Penetrant systems
should be compared not only as to the completeness of the flaw patterns but as to brightness and
legibility of indications on the cracked chrome test panels. and handling of nickel-chrome test panels
Do not bend the nickel-chrome panels. Flexing or bending will increase the size of the existing
cracks and may create new cracks. Post-cleaning is important after each test. A suggested procedure
for cleaning the panels between tests is as follows:
a) Scrub the panels with a soft cloth saturated with a mild liquid detergent solution. A typical
hydrophilic emulsifier would be a suitable detergent. Then rinse the panels thoroughly with a
water spray. This removes developer and some of the penetrant.
b) Immerse the panels in acetone for several minutes with some agitation. This removes crack-
entrapped penetrant. Replace the acetone at frequent intervals.
c) Dry the panel. If cleaning does not seem complete, repeat steps b and c.
Penetrants have been shown to enter cracks or spaces as small as 5 micro-inches (127 nm) or even
smaller. How fine a crack can a penetrant enter? If one can produce a very fine crack of given size
or a graduated series of cracks, one might find the limit of penetrability. In Fig. 4.21 the glass plate
experiment aimed at producing cracks of known width is shown.
To produce cracks of known width, two pieces of heavy plate glass are clamped together. Each
plate is 10 inches (254 mm) long by 1.5 inches (38 mm) wide by 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) thick, and is
transparent. The extent of penetration can thus be determined by observation through the glass.
When clamps are sufficiently tight and specimens are viewed under sodium light (5986A) dark
areas indicating plate contact appear between the plates under and adjacent to the clamps.
Interference fringes extend outward from these areas making a convenient measure of the small
opening between the plates. The distance between any two consecutive fringes represents a change
in separation equal to one half the wave length of the light used to produce the fringes. Under
sodium light, the separation at the last fringe before the black contact area would be 13 micro inches
(330 nm). Fluorescent penetrant is swabbed onto the exposed edge of the interface between the
glass plates, with the specimen in a horizontal position. The liquid penetrates the entire space
between the plates up to the black contact area, where it feathers out. This demonstrates penetration
into a space at least as narrow as 13 micro inches (330 nm) and is estimated at a minimum of 5
micro inches (127 nm). It has since been shown that modern "super bright" penetrants can be seen
to a point well within this last interference ring.
73 fluorometer
These instruments normally contain the photometer sample holder and ultraviolet light source all in
one package. They are normally designed to measure test tubes full of fluorescent liquid. When
fluorometers are used for penetrant brilliance measurements, they must be equipped with proper
filters, primary and secondary. The primary filters to absorb visible light and at low passage of
ultraviolet light and secondary which corrects the photo detector to the correct wave length
response. Fig. 4.22 illustrates a laboratory type fluorometer specified by MIL-I-25135. instruments for measuring fluorescence brilliance
The most accurate measurement of fluorescent penetrant colour and brightness requires spectro-
photometer. Spectrophotometers are instruments that separate light into many narrow spectral bands
for measurement. Spectrophotometers are, however, seldom used for measurement of brilliance of
actual penetrant test indication because the light available in one colour band is very low in
intensity. Only very expensive spectrometers have sensitivity high enough to measure such low
light levels. Many spectrophotometers are not possibly arranged to measure only spectra of lights
emitted by the penetrant sample, instead they also receive the black light incident upon the sample
to excite it.
Because of difficulties encountered in the use of such spectrophotometers, use of filter photometer
is made for determining the fluorescent brilliance of the penetrants. Filter photometers in general
include a light-sensitive cell, a meter activated by the cell, and provisions for installation of light
filters to exclude unwanted portions of the spectrum.
The meters used to measure the fluorescent brilliance of the penetrant materials should be filtered in
such a way that the total response is as nearly equivalent as possible to the response of the normal
5.1.2. Materials for the test Specifications
When penetrant testing is used for US military or government material or application, penetrant
materials must conform to specifications (usually cited in contracts and purchase orders). The
specification MIL-J-25135 covers materials used in the penetrant inspection of metal, non porous
ceramics and plastic parts to determine material defects open to the surface. Specifications
ASTM code describes the method for the determination of contaminant in the penetrant materials
such as D-129 test for sulphur in petroleum product, D-808 test for chlorine in new and used
petroleum products and D-1193 specifications for reagent water.
The standard on inspection BS 6443 describes the requirements of materials. One of the essential
requirements being their compatibility with the materials to be inspected and the ultimate use of the
component. In the absence of a peculiar requirement, it is recommended that the residual halogen
content of penetrant process materials should be limited to 1%.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers set up a committee in 1911 to formulate standard
rules for the construction of steam boiler and other pressure vessels. This committee is now called
the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee.
The committee's function is to establish rules of safety governing the design, fabrication and
inspection during construction of boilers and unfired pressure vessels; and to interpret these rules
when questions arise regarding their intent. The committee has published the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (BPV code) as an American Standard. The first code was published in 1914
and revised and updated editions have been issued at regular intervals since. The ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code contains the following sections:
Section I: Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
This section includes rules and general requirements for all methods of construction for power,
electric and miniature boilers and high temperature water boilers used in stationary service. This
section also includes power boilers used in locomotives, portable and traction service.
Subsection NB — Class 1 Components
Subsection NC — Class 2 Components
Subsection ND — Class 3 Components
Subsection NE — Class MC Components
Subsection NF — Supports
Subsection NG — Core Support Structures
Subsection NH — Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Service
Division 2 — Code for Concrete Containments
Division 3 — Containments for Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level
Material and Waste
Division 5 — High Temperature Reactors
Section IV: Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
This section covers minimum safety requirements for designing, fabrication, installation and
inspection of steam generating boilers, and hot water boilers intended for low pressure service that
are directly fired by oil, gas, electricity or coal.
Section VI: Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers
This section covers the latest specifications, terminology, and basic fundamentals applicable to steel
and cast iron boilers limited to the operating ranges of section IV, Heating boilers. This section also
includes guidelines for associated controls and automatic fuel burning equipment.
Section IX: Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications
This section covers rules relating to the qualification of welders, brazers, and welding and brazing
operators in order that they may perform welding or brazing as required by other code sections in
the manufacture of components.
Section X: Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
This section covers minimum safety requirements for construction of FRP pressure vessels in
conformance with a manufacturer's design report. The production, processing, quality control and
inspection methods are prescribed to assure the quality of the vessel.
Section XI: Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
This section provides rules and requirements for in-service inspection of Class 1, 2 and 3 pressure
retaining components and their supports, and in-service testing of pumps, valves and components in
light-water cooled nuclear power plants. This division categorises the areas subject to inspection
and defines responsibilities, provisions for accessibility, examination method and procedures,
personnel qualifications, frequency of inspection, record keeping and reporting requirements,
procedures for evaluation of inspection results and subsequent deposition of results of evaluation,
and repair requirements. This division provides for the design, fabrication, installation and
inspection of replacements.
Section XII: Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
This section provides rules and requirements for construction and continued service of transport
Section V contains requirements and methods for NDE, detailed in 24 articles which become
ASME code requirements when referenced by other sections. These methods are intended to detect
surface and internal discontinuities in materials, welds and fabricated parts and components.
Article-1serves as an introduction and covers general requirements such as manufacturers
examination responsibility, duties of the authorized inspector, written procedures, inspection,
examination and qualification of personnel. The balance of section V is organized in two sub-
sections, A and B, Mandatory appendix-I & II Non-mandatory appendix- A. Subsection A (Articles
1 & 2 and 4 to 17) defines the specific NDE methods required by the ASME code. Subsection B
(Articles 22 to 26 & 29 to 31) contains the basic standards, procedures and recommended practice
documents of each of the NDE techniques as adopted from the American Society for Testing of
Materials (ASTM).
Specifications means "mentioned particularly, set down as requisite, being specific etc."
Specification: A statement in relevant document of a set of requirements to be satisfied by a
product, a material or process indicating the means by which it may be determined whether the
requirements given are satisfied. In non-destructive testing, a procedure is an orderly sequence of
rules that describes how a specific technique shall be applied.
5.2.1. Interpretation
The terms "interpretation" and "evaluation" refer to two entirely different steps in the testing
process. To interpret an indication means to decide what type of discontinuity caused it. It may be a
crack, porosity, lack of bond, or merely some surface anomaly. To evaluate an indication means to
assess its potential effect on the usefulness of the article. The inspector is required to process each
specimen, interpret indications, evaluate the seriousness of discontinuities, and determine the
disposition of the specimen. He or she is normally provided with an acceptance standard which
covers the type, size and spacing of discontinuities which are rejectable.
The successful use of liquid penetrant inspection method calls for the operator to follow a set of
instructions as laid down in the written procedure. This procedure can be a general type or specific
depending upon the nature of test. The procedure should however have at least the following
(a) The materials, types, shapes, or sizes to be examined, and the extent of the examination;
(b) Type (number or letter designation if available) of each penetrant, penetrant remover,
emulsifier, and developer;
(c) Processing details for pre-examination cleaning and drying, including the cleaning materials
used and minimum time allowed for drying;
(d) Processing details for applying the penetrant; the length of time that the penetrant will remain
on the surface (dwell time) and the temperature of the surface and penetrant during the
examination if outside 60°F to 125°F (16°C to 52°C) range;
(e) Processing details for removing excess penetrant from the surface, and for drying the surface
before applying the developer;
(f) Processing details for applying the developer, and length of developing time before
In principle, a liquid penetrant is applied to the surface to be examined and allowed to enter
discontinuities. All excess penetrant is then removed, the part dried, and a developer is applied. The
developer functions both as a blotter to absorb penetrant that has been trapped in discontinuities,
and as a contrasting background to enhance the visibility of penetrant indications. The dyes in
penetrants are either colour contrast type (visible under white light), or fluorescent type (visible
under ultraviolet light).
The procedure is adaptable for the three techniques:
a) Water washable.
b) Post-emulsifying.
c) Solvent removable.
The use of either colour contrast technique or fluorescent technique will be made. Fluorescent
penetrant inspection will not be carried out after the colour contrast penetrant.
Surface preparation
In general, satisfactory results are obtained when the surface of the part is in the as-welded, as-
rolled, as-cast, or as-forged condition. Surface preparation by grinding, machining, or other
methods may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask indications of unacceptable
discontinuities. Blasting with shots or dull sand may peen discontinuities at the surface and should
not be used.
Prior to all liquid penetrant examinations, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within
at least 1 in. (25 mm) shall be dry and free of all dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux, weld spatter,
oil, and other extraneous matter that could obscure surface openings or otherwise interfere with the
Typical cleaning agents which may be used are detergents, organic solvents, descaling solutions,
and paint removers. Degreasing and ultrasonic cleaning methods may also be used.
Technique requirement
As a standard technique, the temperature of the penetrant and the surface of the part to be processed
should, not be below 40°F (5°C) nor above 125°F (52°C) throughout the examination period. Local
heating or cooling is permitted provided the part temperature remains in the range of 40°F to 125°F
(5°C to 52°C) during the examination. Where it is not practical to comply with these temperature
limitations the procedure should be established or qualified for such temperatures.
Application of penetrant
The penetrant may be applied by any suitable means such as dipping, brushing or spraying. The
minimum penetration time shall be as given in Table 3.2.
Water washable penetrants. Excess water washable penetrant will be removed with a water spray.
The water pressure shall not exceed 50 PSI (350kPa), and the water temperature will not exceed
110°F (43°C).
absorbent paper moistened with solvent. To minimize the removal of penetrant from discontinuities,
care will be taken to avoid the use of excess solvent. Flushing the surface with solvent, following
the application of the penetrant and prior to developing, is prohibited.
For the water-washable or post-emulsifying technique, the surfaces may be dried by blotting with
clean materials or by using circulating warm air, provided the temperature of the surface is not
raised above 125°F (52°C).
For the solvent-removable technique, the surfaces may be dried by normal evaporation, blotting,
wiping, or forced air.
The developer will be applied as soon as possible after penetrant removal, the time interval should
not exceed that established in the procedure. Insufficient coating thickness may not draw the
penetrant out of discontinuities, conversely, excessive coating thickness may mask indications.
With colour contrast penetrants, only a wet developer shall be used. With fluorescent penetrants, a
wet or dry developer may be used.
Dry developer application. Dry developer will be applied only to a dry surface by a soft brush,
hand powder bulb, powder bulb, powder gun, or other means, provided the powder is dusted evenly
over the entire surface being examined.
Wet developer application. Prior to applying suspension type wet developer to the surface, the
developer must be thoroughly agitated to ensure adequate dispersion of suspended particles.
(a) Aqueous developer application
Aqueous developer may be applied to either a wet or dry surface. It will be applied by dipping,
brushing, spraying, or other means, provided a thin coating is obtained over the entire surface being
examined. Drying time may be decreased by using warm air, provided the surface temperature of
the part is not raised above 125°F (52°C). Blotting is not permitted.
The true size and type of discontinuities are difficult to evaluate if the penetrant diffuses excessively
into the developer. Consequently, the surface will be closely observed during the application of the
developer to monitor the behaviour of indications which tend to bleed-out profusely. Final
interpretation should be made after allowing the penetrant to bleed-out for 10 to 60 min. If bleed-
out does not alter the examination results, longer periods are permitted. If the surface to be
examined is large enough to preclude complete examination within the prescribed time, the surface
will be examined in increments.
Colour contrast penetrants. With a colour contrast penetrant, the developer forms a reasonably
uniform white coating. Surface discontinuities are indicated by bleed-out of the penetrant which is
normally a deep red colour that stains the developer. Indication with a light pink colour may
indicate excessive background, making interpretation difficult. Adequate illumination is required to
ensure adequate sensitivity during the examination and evaluation of indications.
Fluorescent penetrants. With fluorescent penetrants, the process is essentially the same as above,
except that the examination is conducted in a darkened area using filtered ultraviolet light, called
black light. The black light intensity at the surface under examination shall be measured prior to
use, whenever the light’s power source is interrupted or changed, and at the completion of the
examination or series of examinations using a metre which is sensitive to light in the ultraviolet
spectrum, centred on 365 nano metre (nm) (3650 Å). Two readings shall be taken; the first without
a filter and the second with an ultraviolet (365 mm) absorbing filter over the sensing element of the
meter. The second reading shall be subtracted from the first and the difference shall be minimum of
1000 μW/cm2. The black light shall be filtered ultraviolet radiation of wave lengths within the range
of 330 nm to 390 nm. The bulb shall be turned on and allowed to warm up for not less than
5minutes prior to use in the examination.
Evaluation of indications
All indications will be evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards of the referencing code
Discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by bleed-out of penetrant, however, localized surface
irregularities due to machining marks or other surface conditions, may produce false indications.
Broad areas of fluorescence or pigmentation which could mask indications of discontinuities are
unacceptable, and such areas will be cleaned and re-examined.
Qualification of techniques for non-standard temperatures
When it is not practicable to conduct a liquid penetrant examination within the temperature range of
40°F to 125°F (5°C to 52°C) the examination technique at the proposed temperature requires
qualification. This will require the use of a quench cracked aluminium block, which is designated as
a liquid penetrant comparator. One section of the block shall be examined at the proposed
temperature, and the other section shall be examined at a temperature in the range of 40°F to 125°F
(5°C to 52°C).
Report writing
The test indications observed will be recorded and reported as a report. The test report form should
have all the necessary details on processing and processing materials used i.e. type, make etc.
Some of the organizations whose standards are commonly used in liquid penetrant testing
internationally are:
j) DOD - Department of Defence USA
k) API - American Petroleum Institution.
Some of the well known international standards for qualification and certification of NDT personnel
are the following:
The quality control during the liquid penetrant testing method can be achieved through making tests
for evaluating and controlling the penetrants, emulsifiers and developers. These tests are of the
following four types and have different objectives.
The quality assurance programme has certain functions to perform which become requirements for
any organization to incorporate them. Some of the important functions are:-
The safety considerations are to be realized and practised while making use of the chemicals and
inflammable products at the time of precleaning and removal of excess penetrant. Vapour
degreasing, solvent cleaning, acid and alkaline use are the few among the precleaning methods
where special care should be exercised to combat the harmful effects of such chemicals. The
specific possible problems associated with respective precleaning procedures are discussed in brief
in the paragraphs to follow:
Personnel using vapour degreasing systems should be aware of health hazards, including the
possibility of excessive inhalation of chlorinated hydrocarbon vapours. These vapours adversely
affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Symptoms of excessive inhalation or
absorption include headaches and fatigue. Long-term exposure may result in kidney and liver
damage. High temperatures and high intensity ultraviolet light, such as produced by arc welding,
can oxidize or decompose chlorinated hydrocarbon vapours to produce the highly toxic and
dangerous gas phosgene (a poison gas once used in warfare). Other products of such decomposition
include hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide, and dichloroacetyl chloride, which aid corrosion and are
strong irritants as well. Like other fluids used in penetrant testing, prolonged exposure of the skin to
vapour degreasing solvents can extract oils from the skin, resulting in cracking of the skin and
Personnel using solvent cleaning methods should be aware of the hazards of fire (with flammable
solvents) and toxicity (with chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, ketones, and alcohols), the flash
points and permissible toxicity concentrations and should ensure operation in a well ventilated
Personnel using acid cleaning techniques should be aware of the hazards associated with use of
acids, particularly during hand wiping operations. Operators should be protected with face shields
and rubber gloves, aprons, and boots. Nonslip floor coverings are recommended in areas used for
hand wipe or acid spray cleaning. The work areas should be adequately ventilated to remove acid
fumes and mists. Operators handling chemicals should wash their hands and faces before eating and
before leaving the work areas at the end of a shift. If chemicals come into contact with the hands or
body, immediate and thorough washing with cold water is required. If significant exposure has
occurred, emergency treatment may be necessary. Eye fountains and showers are usually located
adjacent to acid cleaning work areas for immediate use in case of accidents. Even dilute acids are
dangerous and cause serious injuries if they contact the human eye. Immediate and thorough
washing of the eyes at an eye fountain is vital in minimizing such injury. Mist from spray systems
can contain all of the ingredients of the acid cleaners, and gassing can be a health hazard.
Electrolytic acid cleaning systems can contribute to mist formation and are especially dangerous.
Rubber shoes and gloves are recommended for operators working with electrolytic cleaning
5.4.4. Personnel hazards and safety precautions with salt bath descaling
Salt bath descaling equipment should be operated only by trained personnel fully aware of the
hazards involved. Fused salts at 370 to 540°C (700 to 1000°F) are dangerous and produce severe
burns and attack if splashed onto the human body. Eyes must be fully protected from the caustic.
Test objects must be totally free of water when immersed in a salt bath, since the molten caustic
will react violently and spatter when contacted with water. The highly reactive metal sodium is used
in the sodium hydride cleaning process. Extreme caution is required to prevent water from coming
into contact with sodium. Sodium fires are very intense and the operator should never use water,
acid soda pyrene or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers on sodium fires. Instead, sand or earth, or
special proprietary products only should be used to extinguish sodium fires.
The organic base solvents used as cleaning of test parts and removal of excess penetrant are
hazardous for their flammability and toxic effects. The organizations such as US Department of
Health Education and Welfare, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have
laid down the flash points and toxicity values as standards of common cleaning solvents for safe use
during inspection by liquid penetrant testing method.
Table 5.1: Flash points and relative toxicity values of common Cleaning solvents
Solvent Flash 1977 Federal 1977 Federal
Point Standard Standard
°C °F ppm mg/m3
Kerosene 65 145
Mineral Spirits 15 57
Naphtha, Hi-Flash 45 110
Naphtha, VM and P 10 48 500 2000
Stoddard Solvent 40 105 500
Chloroform None None 50 240
Methylene Chloride None None 500 1740
Perchloroethylene None None 100 670
1, 1, 1, Trichloroethane None None 350 1900
Trichloroethylene None None 100 535
Trichlorotrifluoroethane None None
Ethanol SD (denatured) 14 57 10000 1900
Isopropanol 12 50 400 980
Methanol 12 54 200 260
Acetone 18 64 100 2400
Benzol (benzene) 11 12 1 ppm/8 h day
Cellusolve (2-ethoxyethanol) 44 104 200 740
Toluol (toluene) 8 40 200 740
When an operator is making use of black light source for inspection purposes, he should be sure of the
a) The filter glass is in place and is not cracked or damaged such that white light is emitted.
b) Gloves and the otherwise necessary safety clothing may be worn.
c) After prolonged running of the lamp, housing gets very hot and can cause burning. Do not
touch this lamp housing with unprotected flesh.
d) Do not, under any circumstances, shine the ultraviolet light onto the eyes.
e) Direct viewing of the lamp may, with certain people, cause an irritation of the eyes known as
fluorescence of the retina. This is a temporary condition and can be overcome by wearing sodium
f) When using kerosene based inks with the hood in place, always have the ventilation fan operating.
The operators involved in the inspection work by penetrant method should be aware of necessary
safety aspects of the chemicals and penetrant materials. The brief instructions worth bearing in
mind are outlined as under:
Operators should not expose hands or skin to solvents since they dissolve skin oils and can lead to
dermatitis or cracking of skin. Protective gloves and ointments to restore skin oil should be used,
when operators must be in contact with solvents.
Areas used for solvent cleaning should have adequate ventilation to remove fumes and prevent
accumulation of vapours in explosive or toxic concentrations. This is very important as vapours of
chlorinated hydrocarbons can have potentially lethal anaesthetic actions when they are inhaled.
Smoking should be prohibited in all areas used for precleaning by vapour degreasing or solvents.
Disposal of sludge residues from cleaning operations must follow federal, state and local
regulations. The sludge residue is toxic and may be flammable since it contains oil and grease
collected during the degreasing operations. Direct contact with hot residue is dangerous. Sludge
residues should be disposed of in covered containers which should not be airtight.
When making use of acids and alkali for descaling purposes, the operator should follow the normal
precautions as are recommended. Few of the precautions are outlined as under:
5.4.8. Safety factors applicable to the test
The following safety requirements are not uniformly held throughout the world. These requirements
are based on north American and European Union regulations. Each individual country, city or
municipal authority should be contacted to ensure compliance with their own specific safety
This information is not intended to cause an alarm with regard to these long-established materials.
Rather, it is to alert users to the need for a safer working environment. Adequate skin and eye
protection, together with good ventilation, will make for a healthy working environment.
5.4.9. Problems of industrial safety in the use of chemical and inflammable products
Surface examinations are performed in locations or use a type of material that could cause safety
problems and so make precautions necessary. The easiest way to get information about the testing
materials is to ask the manufacture of the testing materials.
The labels on the packages of the testing materials, for example, aerosols, tanks, barrels, etc. are an
important source of information for the tester, on the label, we read:
- The name of the product.
- The batch number and/or the date of expiration.
- Application data.
The labels must have a minimum size, depending on the volume of the packaging. symbol
If a hazard symbol must be affixed, it must not be smaller than 10% of the size of the signification
The name of the compounds of a product must be given, if according to the different signification
rules, a hazard symbol (i.e. flammable irritant etc.) must be printed on the label).
The manufacturer must give the user a technical description of his testing system, which must
- Description of each working step.
- Handling tips for the testing materials.
- Information about possible dangers which can occur during the application of the testing
- Storage conditions and date of expiration.
The user must get a safety data sheet according to the national/local requirements, which must be
written correctly, be complete and updated.
87 instructions
The user should be introduced to the possible hazards of the testing materials by
manufacturer/supplier. He should get the following information:
- Handling of the testing materials.
- Safety clothes.
- Disposal of the testing materials.
The testing materials must be stored according to the newest transport and storage orders. In
addition to the storage conditions and the storage duration on the label or the package, the date of
expiration is also given. Some manufacturers also give information about the range of the storage
temperature and advise that testing materials must not be kept near acids and alkalis, the storage
places must be kept specifically for PT and MT materials and must adhere to local regulations.
Employers are obligated to instruct their personnel according to the degree for hazardous
The level 2 or 3 qualified person who is responsible for the testing is obligated to instruct his co-
workers about handling the testing materials. He must also ensure that his co-workers have
thorough knowledge of the safety orders of the testing materials. Written notation must be made of
the date at which this safety training is given. Personnel must be reintroduced to the safety
requirements at regular intervals.
Closed rooms or areas could be tanks, pressure vessels, small rooms, pipes, etc. Because of the
number of sources of danger in such areas, several safety orders must be followed closely. The
person in charge is also obligated to take the following measures.
- Appointing a supervisor.
- Choosing and training co-workers.
- Ascertaining the given hazards.
- Choosing working procedures, working tools and working areas.
- Following the safety measures required by special personnel.
- Issuing working instructions.
In each area, there is a safety technician who is responsible for safety in the areas where testing
materials are being used or stored. The persons responsible for no-destructive testing should have
close contact with these safety technicians.
88 supervision of the work area
The work area must be supervised in accordance with the required safety regulations, to avoid
accidents and must be carefully controlled. Choice of testing materials according to environment protection and workplace safety
The choice of testing materials is governed not only be technical and other specific regulations but
also by:
- The safety data sheets.
- The work area.
- The number of test pieces.
- The expected usage of the testing materials.
- The disposal possibilities (special waste disposal firms, office for water economy).
This new order with regard to hazardous working materials is to ensure the protection of workers
and end-users from the hazards generated by chemicals.
The new health and safety regulations must be observed at:
- The manufacture.
- The warehouse.
- The application.
It is also valid for the inspection materials
The risk (R) phrase should make sure that the characteristic hazards are clearly exposed. The safety
(S) phrase is chosen for hazardous substances and preparations.
Occupational exposure limits (maximum allowable concentrations) are a guide for the user working
with liquids which evaporate quickly or are toxic. Marking
According to many authorities, hazard marking must appear on the labels of containers, bottles etc.
and on the packages (see also the paragraph on labels). The markings must consist of the hazard
symbol (e.g. skull and crossbones), hazard information (e.g. toxic), and the hazard identification
letter (in our example T). They must be black with orange-red background. The letter chosen
depends on the greatest percentage of hazardous substance present, the substances themselves and
the size of the barrels.
The several laws for water disposal describe the new minimal requirements for direct waste-water
introduction into creeks and rivers and indirect waste-water introduction into creeks and rivers and
indirect waste-water introduction into sewage systems.
89 Accident prevention orders
For each workplace, Accident Prevention Orders (APOs) can be ordered at the trade inspection
offices. When penetrant testing is being carried out in confined areas, it is vital to adhere to safety
rules and regulations. These include:
- Hollow spaces in machines.
- Rooms without windows.
- Boilers.
- Tunnels and pipes.
- Tanks.
- Mines and pits.
- Box carriers.
Confined areas can be defined as work areas which are surrounded almost or totally with solid walls
and where the substances, preparations or installations in them cause or can cause special hazards
because of the type of work area. Special note is made of the increased hazards from gases and
electricity. Working under conditions where gas may cause increased danger
Safety clothing must be worn in the work area where penetrant testing is being conducted, just as
they are anywhere products are being sprayed or chemicals handled. This avoids the penetrant
material coming into contact with any part of the body. Most of the chemical testing materials
remove the natural oils from the skin or have other negative medical effects, such as anaesthetic
- Face protection: Safety goggles or face shield.
- Hand protection: Gloves, skin-protection cream.
- Body protection: Work over-all and /or apron.
- Foot protection: Safety shoes.
If chemical contact occurs with eyes or skin, the instructions of the manufacturer must be followed.
If no such instructions are available, the follow procedure should be followed:
Chemical contact with the skin:
- Remove the clothes.
- Wash with soap and plenty of water.
- Dry the skin.
- Rub in skin protection cream.
- Get medical attention if there is a problem.
Contact with the eyes:
- Wash off with soap and plenty of water.
- Get medical attention immediately.