Carbon Compounds: Build
Carbon Compounds: Build
Carbon Compounds: Build
BUILD Vocabulary
A. The chart below shows key terms from the lesson with their definitions. Complete the chart
by writing a strategy to help you remember the meaning of each term. One has been done for
Term Definition
A small unit that joins with other small units to form polymers
Name Class Date
Term Definition
BUILD Understanding
Compare/Contrast Table Use a compare/contrast table when you want to see the
similarities and differences between two or more objects or processes. Complete the table
below comparing and contrasting carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins.
Amino acids are the monomers of proteins. Each amino acid has three distinct parts: an
amino group, an R group, and a carboxyl group. An amino group has the formula –NH2, a
carboxyl group is –COOH, and the R group varies from one amino acid to another. Two
amino acids are joined in a chemical reaction that links them by a peptide bond.