This material safety data sheet provides information about natural rubber. Natural rubber is not considered a hazardous material. It is a solid amber material with a slight odor. It is not water soluble and has a density of 0.92. Natural rubber is flammable when exposed to heat or oxidation above 300°C and may emit toxic fumes. Personal protective equipment is recommended when processing rubber.
This material safety data sheet provides information about natural rubber. Natural rubber is not considered a hazardous material. It is a solid amber material with a slight odor. It is not water soluble and has a density of 0.92. Natural rubber is flammable when exposed to heat or oxidation above 300°C and may emit toxic fumes. Personal protective equipment is recommended when processing rubber.
This material safety data sheet provides information about natural rubber. Natural rubber is not considered a hazardous material. It is a solid amber material with a slight odor. It is not water soluble and has a density of 0.92. Natural rubber is flammable when exposed to heat or oxidation above 300°C and may emit toxic fumes. Personal protective equipment is recommended when processing rubber.
This material safety data sheet provides information about natural rubber. Natural rubber is not considered a hazardous material. It is a solid amber material with a slight odor. It is not water soluble and has a density of 0.92. Natural rubber is flammable when exposed to heat or oxidation above 300°C and may emit toxic fumes. Personal protective equipment is recommended when processing rubber.
Natural Rubber is not a hazardous material. This Data
Sheet is supplied to our customers as a courtesy. Date updated: November 14, 2011 Section I - Material Identification and Use Material Name All Natural Rubber Grades (TSR, SMR, SIR, ADS, RSS, Crepes, DPNR, PA, SP, Hyflo) Manufacturer Various in South East Asia Supplier's Name Astlett Rubber Inc. Chemical Name Cis 14 Polyisoprene Street Address Suite 205, 277 Lakeshore Road East Chemical Family Diene City Oakville Chemical Formula (C5H8)n Province Ontario Molecular Weight Ca 10 6 Postal Code L6J 1H9 Material Use Construction Telephone 905-842-2700
Section II - Hazardous Ingredients of Material
Approximate C.A.S. N.A. or U.N. LD50/LC50 Species Hazardous Ingredients Exposure Limits Concentration % Numbers and Route Hydroxylamine < 0.01
Constant Viscosity grades [CV] only.
CV grades not recommended for use with foodstuffs or pharmaceutical goods
Section III - Physical Data for Material
Physical State Odour Appearance Odour Threshold Specific Gravity Solid Slight Amber N/A 0.92 Vapour Pressure Vapour Density (Air=1) Evaporation Rate Boiling Point (°C) Freezing Point (°C) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Solubity in Water (20°C) % Volatile (by Volume) pH Density (g/ml) Water/Oil distribution N/A < 0.5 N/A 0.92 N/A
Section IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard of Material
Flammability Yes Flammability Conditions Heat; oxidation Extinction Means Sprinkler Installation Special Procedures Flashpoint and Method Upper explosion limit (% by volume) Lower explosion limit (% by volume) > 300 °C Unknown Unknown Auto Ignition Temperature TDG Flammability Classification Hazardous Combustion Products > 300 °C Unknown Carbon Monoxide Sensitivity to Chemical Impact Rate of Burning Explosive Power Sensitivity to Static Discharge Varies Unknown Unknown
Section V - Reactivity Data
Chemical Stability Yes Incompatibility to other substances Heavy metals (eg: Cu) acting as pre-oxidants Reactivity and under what conditions Starts to decompose above 220°C, finally emitting vapours which may be toxic and flammable at temperatures near 300°C Hazardous Decomposition Products Isoprene derivatives; carbon monoxide Section VI - Toxicological Properties of Product Route of Entry Ingestion Effects of Acute Exposure to Product Unknown, but avoid ingestion Effects of Chronic Exposure to Product Unknown, but avoid ingestion LD50 of Product (Route) Irritancy of Product Exposure Limits of Product Unknown Unknown Unknown LD50 of Product (Species) Sensitization to Product Synergistic Materials Unknown Unknown Unknown
Section VII - Preventive Measures
Personal Protective Equipment Clothing when processing Gloves (specify) Respiratory (specify) Eye (specify) Footwear (specify) Yes Yes Clothing (specify) Other (specify) Yes Engineering Controls Ventilate during processing. Leak and Spill Procedure N/A Waste Disposal Bury or burn under controlled conditions. Reclaim Handling Procedure and Equipment Storage Requirements Avoid heat, direct sunlight and contact with oxidation-catalysts Special Shipping Information
Section VIII - First Aid Measures
Skin Wash with warm water and mild soap Eye Irrigate with water Inhalation Seek medical assistance Ingestion Seek medical assistance; avoid consuming food in working area General Advice Handling of solid rubber is not a serious health hazard and does not require special first aid facilities. If in doubt, seek medical assistance.
Section IX - Preparation Date of M.S.D.S.
Additional Information/Comments Natural Rubber is not a hazardous material. This M.S.D.S. is supplied as a courtesy. Sources Used BRMA Toxicity and Safe Handling of Rubber Chemicals, British Rubber Manufacturers Association. Also, "Health and Safety", Malaysian Natural Rubber. Prepared by: Tun Abdul Laboratory, England Phone Number: 0992 - 584966 Supplied by: Astlett Rubber Inc. Suite 205, 277 Lakeshore Road East Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6J 1H9 Phone: (905) 842-2700 Fax: (905) 842-2701 Website: November 14, 2011