BS 5896-1980
BS 5896-1980
BS 5896-1980
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Specification for
Cooperating organizations
The Iron and Steel Standards Committee, under whose direction this
British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives from the following
Government departments and scientific and industrial organizations:
The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the
preparation of this British Standard:
© BSI 02-2000
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
Section 1. General
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Types of prestressing wire and strand 1
5 Steel making 1
6 Properties of prestressing steels 1
7 Inspection 2
8 Material not covered by a certification scheme 3
9 Test methods 3
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
10 Delivery conditions 3
11 Transport and storage 4
12 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 4
Section 2. Specific requirements for cold-drawn wire
13 Introduction 5
14 Designation 5
15 Manufacture 5
16 Delivery by the manufacturer 5
17 Inspection 5
18 Properties 7
Section 3. Specific requirements for strand
19 Introduction 10
20 Designation 10
21 Manufacture 10
22 Delivery by the manufacturer 10
23 Inspection 10
24 Properties 11
Appendix A Test methods 13
Appendix B Fatigue and stress-corrosion 13
Figure 1 — Indentations 6
Figure 2 — Crimps 6
Table 1 — Nominal indentation dimensions 6
Table 2 — Crimp dimensions 7
Table 3 — Nominal internal diameter of coil 7
Table 4 — Dimensions and properties of cold-drawn wire 8
Table 5 — Dimensions and properties of cold-drawn wire in mill coil 9
Table 6 — Dimensions and properties of strands 12
Table 7 — Fluctuating stress range 14
Publications referred to 15
© BSI 02-2000 i
BS 5896:1980
This British Standard, prepared under the direction of the Iron and Steel
Standards Committee, supersedes BS 2691:1969 “Steel wire for prestressed
concrete” and BS 3617:1971 “Seven-wire steel strand for prestressed concrete” both
of which are now withdrawn. The standard closely follows the appropriate parts
of Euronorm 138 “Prestressing steels”, but some minor changes have been made
in order to make it applicable to the requirements of the United Kingdom.
Requirements for high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete are
specified in BS 4486.
Certification. Attention is drawn to the certification facilities described on the
inside back cover of this standard.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 14, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
ii © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
Section 1. General
© BSI 02-2000 1
BS 5896:1980
6.3.2 Maximum standard deviation. For the Longitudinal surface defects are acceptable
statistical interpretation of data (see 8.4) a provided that their depth is less than 4 % of the
maximum standard deviation is given for the tensile nominal diameter of the wire.
strength and 0.1 % proof stress, or breaking load Rusted steels, apart from those with a thin film of
and 0.1 % proof load, in sections 2 and 3 for each rust, shall not be supplied.
product. NOTE Coatings for specific purposes are to be applied to the
The maximum standard deviation for each product surface of the steel only if previously agreed between the
is the maximum value of the standard deviation purchaser and the manufacturer. Such coatings are not specified
in this standard.
based on the entire production of each product of one
manufacturer for a sufficiently long period using the 6.5.2 Welds. The limitations on the presence of
same process and technique. welds for each product are specified in sections 2
and 3.
Specified characteristic values associated with
maximum standard deviations indicate the desired 7 Inspection
level and degree of consistency of the property under
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
2 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
7.4 Test certificates. Each consignment shall be 8.4 Acceptance. If the purchaser is satisfied with
accompanied by a test certificate containing: the manufacturer’s ability to supply material to the
a) all the information necessary to identify the specification (see 8.1), but wishes to have further or
consignment; independent inspection in addition to that given by
the manufacturer’s test certificate, the details shall
b) a summary of test results from the
be agreed at the time of ordering the material.
manufacturer’s records.
NOTE On request, purchasers may obtain from the
Such purchasers’ acceptance tests for the same
manufacturers maximum and minimum load-extension properties shall be made on a sample selected in
diagrams (showing maximum and minimum values of modulus of accordance with the appropriate requirements for
elasticity), covering the testing of material used to make up a each product (see sections 2 and 3).
Analysis of the results of the breaking load (or
7.5 Compliance. A consignment shall be deemed to
comply with the requirements of this standard on tensile strength) and proof load (or proof stress)
the basis of the manufacturer’s test certificate, tests made on the sample shall show compliance
with the specified characteristic values and
normally without the need for further testing. This
maximum standard deviation. Statistical
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 3
BS 5896:1980
4 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
clause 12 and be designated as follows: maximum bow height from a base line 1 m in length,
a) BS 5896-2; measured from the inside of the curve, shall not be
greater than 30 mm for all wire diameters.
b) wire;
c) nominal tensile strength; 17 Inspection
d) nominal diameter;
17.1 General. The inspection procedures shall be in
e) D = as drawn; P = straightened; accordance with clauses 7, 8 and 9 and 17.2, 17.3
f) E = smooth, I = indented, C = crimped and 17.4.
(see 15.2.3); 17.2 Unit of production for sampling. The unit
g) class of relaxation (relax 1 or relax 2). of production, from which a test piece is selected, is
Example the amount of wire manufactured from one original
coil of rod.
Straightened indented wire of nominal
diameter 7 mm and nominal tensile 17.3 Sample size and frequency for each test
strength 1 770 N/mm2, with class 1 relaxation is 17.3.1 Manufacturer’s inspection (see 7.2). Tests for
designated: property nos. 1, 2, 3 and 7 shall be carried out on
BS 5896-2 wire-1770-7-PI-relax 1 every unit.
Tests for property nos. 4, 5, 6 and 8 shall be carried
15 Manufacture out on one unit in five.
15.1 Material. The wire shall be manufactured The tests to be carried out depend upon the type of
from non-alloy steel (high carbon content) in wire, see Table 4 and Table 5.
accordance with 4.1, clause 5, 6.5, 15.2 and 15.3. 17.3.2 Purchaser’s acceptance testing for
15.2 Type of deformation non-certified material (see 8.4).
15.2.1 General. When indented or crimped wire is The consignment shall be divided into
specified, the type of deformation shall be agreed inspection lots of 50 t and a test piece shall be
between the purchaser and the manufacturer. The selected from each unit in a random selection of
examples given in 15.2.2 and 15.2.3 are for fifteen units of production in the inspection lot.
information purposes. If there are less than fifteen units in the
15.2.2 Indentations. Figure 1 indicates the consignment, then each coil of wire in the
preferred arrangement of indentations. The consignment shall be tested.
nominal dimensions of the indentations related to Tests for property nos. 1 to 8, appropriate to
nominal wire diameter are as shown in Figure 1 and the type of wire (see Table 4 and Table 5), shall be
Table 1. Other forms of indentation are permissible. carried out on each test piece.
15.2.3 Crimps. Figure 2 indicates two methods of 17.4 Retests
crimping, helical and uni-planar. The total wave
17.4.1 Tests for compliance with specified
height (excluding the wire diameter) and pitch of
characteristic values (see 6.3.1). No retests are
crimping are as shown in Figure 2 and Table 2.
permitted, except where there has been a
Other forms of crimping are permissible.
malfunction in the test procedure.
15.3 Welds. There shall be no welds in the wire as
supplied to the purchaser.
© BSI 02-2000 5
BS 5896:1980
17.4.2 Tests for compliance with all other Purchaser’s testing of non-certified
mechanical properties material. In the case of material inspected according Manufacturer’s inspection. If any test piece to, if any test piece fails, the purchaser’s
fails any of the specified tests, two additional test inspection lot shall be deemed not to comply with
pieces shall be taken from the same unit of the requirements of this standard until the same
production. These test pieces shall be subjected to test or tests have been satisfactorily completed on a
the same test or tests that the original test piece further random selection of fifteen units of
failed. If both test pieces pass the tests then that production in the lot.
unit of production shall be deemed to comply with In the case of material inspected according
the requirements of this standard. If one of the to, if any test piece fails, the corresponding
retest pieces fails then the unit of production shall coil shall be rejected.
be deemed not to comply with the requirements of Table 1 — Nominal dimensions of
this standard. indentations
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
mm mm mm mm
Figure 2 — Crimps
6 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
© BSI 02-2000 7
Table 4 — Dimensions and properties of cold-drawn wire
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 5896:1980
Nominal Nominal Nominal Tolerance on Ductility tests Relaxation
Nominal Specified Specified Load at 1 %
Nominal tensile 0.1 % proof cross- Minimum
mass Cross- characteristic characteristic 0.1 elongation Reverse bends Initial Max. relaxation
diameter strength stress section elongation at
(see note Dia. sectional Mass breaking load % proof load (see (see notes 4, 6 load (% of after 1 000 h
(see note 1) (see notes (see notes (see note max. load Constriction Bend
2) area (see notes 6 and 7) notes 4, 6 and 7) and 7) actual
1 and 3) 2 and 3) 2) Lo = 200 mm at break Min. radius
breaking Relax Relax
load) class 1 class 2
mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm2 g/m mm mm2 g/m kN kN kN mm
7 1 570 1 300 38.5 302 ± 0.05 ± 0.55 ± 4.3 60.4 50.1 51.3 For all wires For all wires: 4 for 20 For all For all For all
7 1 670 1 390 64.3 53.4 54.7 3.5 % a ductile smooth wires wires wires
break visible wires 60 % 4.5 % 1.0 %
6 1 670 1 390 28.3 222 ± 0.05 ± 0.47 ± 3.7 47.3 39.3 40.2 to the naked 15 70 % 8% 2.5 %
6 1 770 1 470 50.1 41.6 42.6 eye 3 for 80 % 12 % 4.5 %
5 1 670 1 390 19.6 154 ± 0.05 ± 0.39 ± 3.1 32.7 27.2 21.8 indented 15
5 1 770 1 470 34.7 28.8 29.5 wires 15
4.5 1 620 1 350 15.9 125 ± 0.05 ± 0.35 ± 2.7 25.8 21.4 21.9 15
4 1 670 1 390 12.6 98.9 ± 0.04 ± 0.25 ± 2.0 21.0 17.5 17.9 10
4 1 770 1 470 22.3 18.5 19.0
NOTE 1 The nominal diameter and nominal tensile strength are for designation purposes only.
NOTE 2 The nominal 0.1 % proof stress, nominal cross-section and nominal mass are for information only.
NOTE 3 The nominal tensile strength is calculated from the nominal cross-section and the specified characteristic breaking load (see note 7).
NOTE 4 The specified characteristic 0.1 % proof load is approximately 83 % of the specified characteristic breaking load. By agreement, alternatively the characteristic load at 1 % elongation
may be specified, which is approximately 85 % of the specified characteristic breaking load.
NOTE 5 The modulus of elasticity is to be taken as 205 + 10 kN/mm2, unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer.
NOTE 6 The maximum standard deviations are:
tensile strength: 55 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2)
0.1 % proof stress: 60 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2).
NOTE 7 In view of the close tolerance on diameters and areas, specified characteristic loads have been specified rather than stresses.
© BSI 02-2000
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
5 1 570 19.6 154 ± 0.05 ± 0.39 ± 3.1 30.8 24.6 For all 4 for 15 For all For all
5 1 670 32.7 26.2 wires: smooth wires wires
5 1 770 34.7 27.8 a ductile wires 60 % 8%
4.5 1 620 15.9 125 ± 0.05 ± 0.35 ± 2.7 25.8 20.6 break 15 70 % 10 %
visible to 3 for
4 1 670 12.6 98.9 ± 0.04 ± 0.25 ± 2.0 21.0 16.8 the naked indented 10
4 1 720 21.7 17.4 eye wires
4 1 770 22.3 17.8
3 1 770 7.07 55.5 ± 0.04 ± 0.25 ± 1.5 12.5 10.0 7.5
3 1 860 13.1 10.5
NOTE 1 The nominal diameter and nominal tensile strength are for designation purposes only.
NOTE 2 The nominal cross-section and nominal mass are for information only.
NOTE 3 In order to prove the suitability of this material, which is only used in certain applications, e.g. railway sleepers, there is a requirement for a load at 1 % total elongation to be
at least 80 % of the specified characteristic breaking load.
NOTE 4 The nominal tensile strength is calculated from the nominal cross-section and the specified characteristic breaking load (see note 6).
NOTE 5 The maximum standard deviation are:
tensile strength: 55 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2);
stress at 1 % elongation: 60 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2).
NOTE 6 In view of the close tolerance on diameters and areas, specified characteristic loads have been specified rather than stresses.
BS 5896:1980
BS 5896:1980
10 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
characteristic values (see 6.3.1). No retests are and required properties are given in Table 6.
allowed, except where there has been a malfunction 24.2 Diameter. The diameter of seven-wire strand
in the test procedure. shall be measured across a diametrically opposite
23.4.2 Tests for compliance with all other pair of outer wires.
mechanical properties In case of dispute a rope gauge shall be used for the Manufacturer’s inspection. If any test piece measurement.
fails any of the specified tests, two additional test The diameter shall be within the limits given
pieces shall be taken from the same unit of in Table 6.
production. These test pieces shall be subjected to
the same test or tests in which the original test piece
failed. If both test pieces pass the tests then that
unit of production shall be deemed to comply with
the requirements of this standard. If one of the
retest pieces fails then the unit of production shall
be deemed not to comply with the requirements of
this standard.
© BSI 02-2000 11
Table 6 — Dimensions and properties of strands
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 5896:1980
Tolerance on Specified Specified Relaxation
Nominal Load at 1 %
Nominal Nominal steel characteristic characteristic Minimum
tensile Nominal mass Cross- elongation Initial Max. relaxation
Type of dia. area breaking load 0.1 % proof load
strength (see note 2) Dia. sectional Mass (see notes 4, elongation at Constriction load (% of after 1 000 h
strand (see note 1) (see note 2) (see notes 6 (see notes 4, 6 max. load
(see note 1) area 6 and 7) at break actual
(see note 1) and 7) and 7) Lo W 500 mm Relax Relax
mm N/mm2 mm2 g/m mm mm2 g/m kN kN kN load) class 1 class 2
7-wire 15.2 1 670 139 1 090 + 0.4 For all For all 232 197 204 For all For all For all For all For all
standard 12.5 1 770 93 730 – 0.2 strands strands 164 139 144 strands strands strands strands strands
+4% +4% 3.5 % ductile wire 60 % 4.5 % 1.0 %
11.0 1 770 71 557 + 0.3
–2% – 2 % 125 106 110 breaks visible 70 % 8% 2.5 %
9.3 1 770 52 408 – 0.15 92 78 81 to the naked 80 % 12 % 4.5 %
7-wire super 15.7 1 770 150 1 180 + 0.4 265 225 233 eye
12.9 1 860 100 785 – 0.2 186 158 163
11.3 1 860 75 590 139 118 122
9.6 1 860 55 432
+ 0.3 102 87 90
8.0 1 860 38 298
– 0.15 70 59 61
7-wire 18.0 1 700 223 1 750 380 323 334
drawn 15.2 1 820 165 1 295
+ 0.4 300 255 264
12.7 1 860 112 890
– 0.2 209 178 184
NOTE 1 The type of strand, nominal diameter and nominal tensile strength data are given for designation purposes only.
NOTE 2 The nominal steel area and nominal mass data are given for information only.
NOTE 3 The nominal tensile strength is calculated from the nominal steel area and the specified characteristic breaking load (see note 7).
NOTE 4 The specified characteristic 0.1 % proof load is approximately 85 % of the specified characteristic breaking load. Alternatively, by agreement between the manufacturer
and the purchaser, the characteristic load at 1 % elongation may be specified, which is approximately 88 % of the specified characteristic breaking load.
NOTE 5 The modulus of elasticity is to be taken as 195 ± 10 kN/mm2, unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer.
NOTE 6 The maximum standard deviations are:
tensile strength: 55 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load;
0.1 % proof stress: 60 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load.
NOTE 7 In view of the close tolerance on mass and areas, specified characteristic loads have been specified rather than stresses.
© BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
© BSI 02-2000 13
BS 5896:1980
1) Provisionally, wire in mill coil would be tested from a maximum stress of 70 % for the same fluctuating stress as the
corresponding type of straight wire.
14 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
Publications referred to
Further particulars may be obtained from the Certification and Assessment Department, British
Standards Institution, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 4SQ.
© BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980
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this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee
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Tel: 020 8996 9000. Fax: 020 8996 7400.
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