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BS 5896-1980

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British Standard

Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

A single copy of this British Standard is licensed to

Sheffield University
25 March 2003

This is an uncontrolled copy. Ensure use of the most

current version of this document by searching British
Standards Online at bsonline.techindex.co.uk

Specification for

High tensile steel wire

and strand for the
prestressing of
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

UDC [669. – 426 + 669. – 427.4]:666.982.4

BS 5896:1980

Cooperating organizations

The Iron and Steel Standards Committee, under whose direction this
British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives from the following
Government departments and scientific and industrial organizations:

British Cast Iron Research Association

British Constructional Steelwork Association
British Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers’ Association
British Ironfounders’ Association
British Railways Board
British Shipbuilders
British Steel Industry*
British Steel Industry — Wire Section*
Concrete Society Limited*
Council of Ironfoundry Associations
Department of Industry — National Physical Laboratory
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales*

Engineering Equipment Users’ Association
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors*
Greater London Council
Institute of Marine Engineers
Institute of Quality Assurance
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Institution of Production Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
International Tin Research Institute
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping
Ministry of Defence
National Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers
Oil Companies’ Materials Association
Process Plant Association
Royal Institute of British Architects
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited
Steel Casting Research and Trade Association
Water-tube Boilermakers’ Association

The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the
preparation of this British Standard:

British Steel Corporation

British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd.
Cement and Concrete Association
Concrete Pipe Association
Department of the Environment (PSA)
Prestressing Equipment Manufacturing Association
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the
direction of the Iron and Steel
Standards Committee, was
published under the authority of
the Executive Board and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
30 April 1980

© BSI 02-2000
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference ISE/9
Draft for comment 78/76181 DC

ISBN 0 580 11288 8

BS 5896:1980


Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword ii
Section 1. General
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Types of prestressing wire and strand 1
5 Steel making 1
6 Properties of prestressing steels 1
7 Inspection 2
8 Material not covered by a certification scheme 3
9 Test methods 3
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

10 Delivery conditions 3
11 Transport and storage 4
12 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 4
Section 2. Specific requirements for cold-drawn wire
13 Introduction 5
14 Designation 5
15 Manufacture 5
16 Delivery by the manufacturer 5
17 Inspection 5
18 Properties 7
Section 3. Specific requirements for strand
19 Introduction 10
20 Designation 10
21 Manufacture 10
22 Delivery by the manufacturer 10
23 Inspection 10
24 Properties 11
Appendix A Test methods 13
Appendix B Fatigue and stress-corrosion 13
Figure 1 — Indentations 6
Figure 2 — Crimps 6
Table 1 — Nominal indentation dimensions 6
Table 2 — Crimp dimensions 7
Table 3 — Nominal internal diameter of coil 7
Table 4 — Dimensions and properties of cold-drawn wire 8
Table 5 — Dimensions and properties of cold-drawn wire in mill coil 9
Table 6 — Dimensions and properties of strands 12
Table 7 — Fluctuating stress range 14
Publications referred to 15

© BSI 02-2000 i
BS 5896:1980


This British Standard, prepared under the direction of the Iron and Steel
Standards Committee, supersedes BS 2691:1969 “Steel wire for prestressed
concrete” and BS 3617:1971 “Seven-wire steel strand for prestressed concrete” both
of which are now withdrawn. The standard closely follows the appropriate parts
of Euronorm 138 “Prestressing steels”, but some minor changes have been made
in order to make it applicable to the requirements of the United Kingdom.
Requirements for high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete are
specified in BS 4486.
Certification. Attention is drawn to the certification facilities described on the
inside back cover of this standard.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 14, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

ii © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

Section 1. General

1 Scope Strand is given a final stress-relieving treatment in

the same way as for cold-drawn wire and is wound
This British Standard specifies requirements for
into coil form. Drawn strand is strand that has been
high tensile strength steel wire and seven-wire
drawn through a die and given a stress-relieving
strand that are to be used for the prestressing of
treatment before winding into coil form.
concrete, and is applicable only to material in the
condition as supplied by the manufacturer. 5 Steel making
Requirements for other materials that may be
associated with the steel in a prestressing tendon The steel may be made by any process except that
are not specified in this standard. the air and mixed air/oxygen bottom blown
The types of prestressing steel, the associated processes shall not be used.
methods of manufacture, and general requirements The chemical composition shall be related to the
are specified in section 1. The specific properties for type of product and its size and tensile strength. If
each type of prestressing steel are specified in required by the purchaser, a chemical analysis of
sections 2 and 3. the steel shall be provided by the supplier. The cast
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

analysis shall not show more than 0.040 % sulphur

2 References or more than 0.040 % phosphorus.
The titles of the publications referred to in this 6 Properties of prestressing steels
standard are listed on the inside back cover.
6.1 Introduction. The properties specified
3 Definition in 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 are significant and those to be
determined for the appropriate type of inspection
For the purposes of this British Standard the
are given in clause 7. The specific type of test for
following definition applies.
each product is specified in sections 2 and 3.
consignment 6.2 Geometrical properties. The geometrical
any quantity of material prepared at any one time properties are defined by a nominal dimension,
for delivery to one location characteristic of the section, with specified
4 Types of prestressing wire and Where this is insufficient or inappropriate, it is
strand permitted to define the geometrical properties by
4.1 Cold-drawn wire. Cold-drawn wire is nominal cross section with specified tolerances and
produced in coil form from hot rolled rod treated to appropriate details of the configuration of the wire
make it suitable for cold drawing. The surface is or strand (see sections 2 and 3).
smooth and may be covered by a residue of drawing 6.3 Mechanical properties
lubricant. 6.3.1 Specified characteristic value. In this standard
By subsequent mechanical processes the wire may specified characteristic values are shown as either:
be indented or crimped and a final stress-relieving specified characteristic breaking loads and
treatment is carried out on the wire in one of the specified characteristic 0.1 % proof loads; or
following ways:
specified characteristic tensile strength and
a) stress-relieving by heating to a suitable specified characteristic 0.1 % proof stress.
temperature for a short time to improve certain
mechanical properties; For prestressing steel the specified characteristic
value is the lower limit of the one sided statistical
b) a similar stress-relieving heat treatment tolerance interval for which there is a 95 %
carried out under plastic deformation, for probability that at least 95 % of the values will be
example under conditions of longitudinal strain, equal to or greater than this lower limit. For the
additionally to improve the relaxation practical application of this criterion it is arbitrarily
characteristics. assumed that the distribution is normal
4.2 Strand. Strand is made from cold-drawn wires. (see BS 2846-3).
The seven-wire strand consists of a straight core In manufacturer’s inspection the criterion may be
wire around which are spun six helical wires in one considered to be met if, in each homogeneous
layer. production lot, not more than 5 % of the test results
are less than the specified characteristic value and
no test result is less than 95 % of this value.

© BSI 02-2000 1
BS 5896:1980

6.3.2 Maximum standard deviation. For the Longitudinal surface defects are acceptable
statistical interpretation of data (see 8.4) a provided that their depth is less than 4 % of the
maximum standard deviation is given for the tensile nominal diameter of the wire.
strength and 0.1 % proof stress, or breaking load Rusted steels, apart from those with a thin film of
and 0.1 % proof load, in sections 2 and 3 for each rust, shall not be supplied.
product. NOTE Coatings for specific purposes are to be applied to the
The maximum standard deviation for each product surface of the steel only if previously agreed between the
is the maximum value of the standard deviation purchaser and the manufacturer. Such coatings are not specified
in this standard.
based on the entire production of each product of one
manufacturer for a sufficiently long period using the 6.5.2 Welds. The limitations on the presence of
same process and technique. welds for each product are specified in sections 2
and 3.
Specified characteristic values associated with
maximum standard deviations indicate the desired 7 Inspection
level and degree of consistency of the property under
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

consideration. 7.1 General. Procedures for the following are

specified in this clause:
The maximum standard deviations specified are
intended for application in: Manufacturer’s inspection.
a) manufacturer’s inspection for the verification Material covered by a certification scheme.
of the degree of consistency of the production; and The manufacturer’s testing records covering the
b) acceptance tests of material not covered by a output as a whole shall be accessible to the
certification scheme, for comparison with the purchaser or other authorized person.
standard deviation of the sample in accordance 7.2 Manufacturer’s inspection
with 8.4.
7.2.1 The manufacturer shall carry out an
6.3.3 Breaking load. The specified breaking load inspection for those items in the following list that
value is the characteristic breaking load, defined are appropriate to the product. The unit quantity for
in 6.3.1. sampling and the frequency of each test are
Tensile stress, if required, shall be calculated from specified for each product in sections 2 and 3, except
the load and the actual or nominal area as specified for tests on long-term behaviour. Relaxation tests
for each product. shall be carried out periodically on the minimum
6.3.4 Proof load. The specified proof load value is the number of pieces necessary to verify the established
characteristic 0.1 % proof load, defined in 6.3.1. data.
Proof stress, if required, shall be calculated from the 1) The appropriate geometrical properties
load and the actual or nominal area as specified for 2) Wire condition
each product. 3) Breaking load or tensile strength
6.3.5 Elongation. The percentage elongation under 4) Proof load or proof stress
maximum load shall be determined on a gauge
5) Elongation at maximum load
length appropriate to the product.
6) Load-extension diagram
6.3.6 Ductility. The prestressing steel shall be
proved to have suitable ductility by means of reverse 7) Ductility (constriction)
bending or constriction or both, depending upon the 8) Ductility (reverse bend)
product, as specified in sections 2 and 3. 9) Relaxation
6.4 Long-term behaviour NOTE For special purposes, test evidence may be required on
fatigue and stress corrosion (see Appendix B).
6.4.1 Isothermal relaxation. Curves for relaxation of
load shall be established at a nominal temperature 7.2.2 Products with satisfactory test results shall be
of 20 °C for a period of 1 000 h from initial stresses considered to comply with the requirements of this
of 60 %, 70 % and 80 % of the actual strength, standard.
determined on an adjacent test piece (see A.4). 7.3 Material covered by a certification scheme.
6.5 Technological properties Where the manufacturer and his products are
required to be approved under a certification
6.5.1 Wire condition. The finished material shall be scheme acceptable to the purchaser, control
free from defects, which may have occurred at any procedures shall be carried out to the satisfaction of
stage of manufacture, to a degree that would impair the certifying authority.
the performance as a prestressing tendon.
The manufacturer’s inspection shall be in
accordance with 7.2.

2 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

7.4 Test certificates. Each consignment shall be 8.4 Acceptance. If the purchaser is satisfied with
accompanied by a test certificate containing: the manufacturer’s ability to supply material to the
a) all the information necessary to identify the specification (see 8.1), but wishes to have further or
consignment; independent inspection in addition to that given by
the manufacturer’s test certificate, the details shall
b) a summary of test results from the
be agreed at the time of ordering the material.
manufacturer’s records.
NOTE On request, purchasers may obtain from the
Such purchasers’ acceptance tests for the same
manufacturers maximum and minimum load-extension properties shall be made on a sample selected in
diagrams (showing maximum and minimum values of modulus of accordance with the appropriate requirements for
elasticity), covering the testing of material used to make up a each product (see sections 2 and 3).
Analysis of the results of the breaking load (or
7.5 Compliance. A consignment shall be deemed to
comply with the requirements of this standard on tensile strength) and proof load (or proof stress)
the basis of the manufacturer’s test certificate, tests made on the sample shall show compliance
with the specified characteristic values and
normally without the need for further testing. This
maximum standard deviation. Statistical
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

does not preclude the purchaser’s option to carry out

interpretation of data shall be in accordance with
further tests to verify that the specified properties
Table 3 of BS 2846-3:1975 and Table E of
have been attained.
BS 2846-4:1976 both for one sided tolerance interval
8 Material not covered by a of 0.95 and for confidence level of 0.95.
certification scheme For all other properties, all test results shall show
compliance with the requirements of this standard.
8.1 Documentation. Documentary evidence of the
Where sufficient data is available on long-term
manufacturer’s ability to comply with the
behaviour (see 6.4), these properties shall be
requirements of this standard is required as follows.
excluded from purchaser purchaser’s acceptance
The manufacturer shall provide a survey of his tests.
recent inspection tests for all the properties
appropriate to the product specified in this 9 Test methods
standard. If the manufacturer has not previously or
recently supplied material complying with the The methods of test employed shall be in
requirements of this standard, by agreement with accordance with Appendix A.
the purchaser recent data on material to a similar
specification may be submitted. 10 Delivery conditions
It is permissible for data on long-term behaviour 10.1 Identification. Each coil of wire or strand
normally covered by periodical testing to be taken shall carry a label stating the following information
from manufacturer’s records of tests on recent or such other details as may be agreed between the
production of similar material (see 7.2). purchaser and the manufacturer:
8.2 Inspection of consignments. Each separate a) the number of this standard and the
consignment shall be subject to inspection by the appropriate section number (2 or 3),
manufacturer in accordance with 7.2, with the e.g. BS 5896-2;
exception of the tests for long-term behaviour b) the product (wire or strand);
(see 6.4). c) the specified characteristic breaking load (or
8.3 Test certificates. Each consignment shall be equivalent nominal tensile strength);
accompanied by a test certificate containing: d) the nominal diameter;
a) all the information necessary to identify the e) in the case of wire, the type of surface (smooth,
consignment; indented or crimped);
b) all the test results obtained in testing the f) the class of relaxation (relax 1 or relax 2);
consignment (see 8.2);
g) the coil number related to test certificate;
c) maximum and minimum load-extension
diagrams covering the testing of materials used h) the manufacturer’s name and plant;
to make up the consignment; 10.2 Coil size. Unless otherwise agreed, the coil
d) cast analysis of the steel. size shall be in accordance with 16.2 (for wire),
and 22.2 (for strand).
The diameter of the coil shall be sufficiently large to
ensure that the material can be uncoiled without
difficulty. A maximum curvature of the prestressing
steel is specified in 16.3 (for wire) and 22.3
(for strand).

© BSI 02-2000 3
BS 5896:1980

11 Transport and storage

Prestressing steels in transport and storage shall be
protected against damage and contamination.

12 Information to be supplied by the

When ordering material to this standard the
purchaser shall state:
a) the number of this standard and the
appropriate section number (2 or 3),
e.g. BS 5896-2;
b) the type of material (as drawn or straightened
wire, or seven-wire strand);
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

c) specified characteristic breaking load (or

equivalent nominal tensile strength);
d) nominal diameter;
e) wire surface (smooth, indented or crimped);
f) class of relaxation (relax 1 or relax 2);
g) packing and protection requirements.

4 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

Section 2. Specific requirements for cold-drawn wire

13 Introduction 16 Delivery by the manufacturer

Section 2 gives specific requirements for round 16.1 General. Delivery conditions shall be in
cold-drawn high tensile steel wire, either plain, or accordance with clause 10, clause 12, 16.2 and 16.3.
indented or crimped, supplied in coils, either: 16.2 Coil diameter. The nominal internal
a) as drawn on the wiredrawing machine in coils diameter of mill coils shall be agreed between the
of internal diameter approximating to that of the purchaser and the manufacturer.
wire-drawing capstan; or Straightened wire, after stress-relieving, shall be
b) straightened and stress-relieved with two wound into large diameter coils. The preferred coil
classes of relaxation. The straightened wire may diameters are given in Table 3.
be supplied in cut lengths. The manufacturer shall state the coil size on the test
14 Designation
16.3 Curvature of straightened wire. When a
The wire shall be ordered in accordance with length of wire is lying free on a flat surface, the
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

clause 12 and be designated as follows: maximum bow height from a base line 1 m in length,
a) BS 5896-2; measured from the inside of the curve, shall not be
greater than 30 mm for all wire diameters.
b) wire;
c) nominal tensile strength; 17 Inspection
d) nominal diameter;
17.1 General. The inspection procedures shall be in
e) D = as drawn; P = straightened; accordance with clauses 7, 8 and 9 and 17.2, 17.3
f) E = smooth, I = indented, C = crimped and 17.4.
(see 15.2.3); 17.2 Unit of production for sampling. The unit
g) class of relaxation (relax 1 or relax 2). of production, from which a test piece is selected, is
Example the amount of wire manufactured from one original
coil of rod.
Straightened indented wire of nominal
diameter 7 mm and nominal tensile 17.3 Sample size and frequency for each test
strength 1 770 N/mm2, with class 1 relaxation is 17.3.1 Manufacturer’s inspection (see 7.2). Tests for
designated: property nos. 1, 2, 3 and 7 shall be carried out on
BS 5896-2 wire-1770-7-PI-relax 1 every unit.
Tests for property nos. 4, 5, 6 and 8 shall be carried
15 Manufacture out on one unit in five.
15.1 Material. The wire shall be manufactured The tests to be carried out depend upon the type of
from non-alloy steel (high carbon content) in wire, see Table 4 and Table 5.
accordance with 4.1, clause 5, 6.5, 15.2 and 15.3. 17.3.2 Purchaser’s acceptance testing for
15.2 Type of deformation non-certified material (see 8.4).
15.2.1 General. When indented or crimped wire is The consignment shall be divided into
specified, the type of deformation shall be agreed inspection lots of 50 t and a test piece shall be
between the purchaser and the manufacturer. The selected from each unit in a random selection of
examples given in 15.2.2 and 15.2.3 are for fifteen units of production in the inspection lot.
information purposes. If there are less than fifteen units in the
15.2.2 Indentations. Figure 1 indicates the consignment, then each coil of wire in the
preferred arrangement of indentations. The consignment shall be tested.
nominal dimensions of the indentations related to Tests for property nos. 1 to 8, appropriate to
nominal wire diameter are as shown in Figure 1 and the type of wire (see Table 4 and Table 5), shall be
Table 1. Other forms of indentation are permissible. carried out on each test piece.
15.2.3 Crimps. Figure 2 indicates two methods of 17.4 Retests
crimping, helical and uni-planar. The total wave
17.4.1 Tests for compliance with specified
height (excluding the wire diameter) and pitch of
characteristic values (see 6.3.1). No retests are
crimping are as shown in Figure 2 and Table 2.
permitted, except where there has been a
Other forms of crimping are permissible.
malfunction in the test procedure.
15.3 Welds. There shall be no welds in the wire as
supplied to the purchaser.

© BSI 02-2000 5
BS 5896:1980

17.4.2 Tests for compliance with all other Purchaser’s testing of non-certified
mechanical properties material. In the case of material inspected according Manufacturer’s inspection. If any test piece to, if any test piece fails, the purchaser’s
fails any of the specified tests, two additional test inspection lot shall be deemed not to comply with
pieces shall be taken from the same unit of the requirements of this standard until the same
production. These test pieces shall be subjected to test or tests have been satisfactorily completed on a
the same test or tests that the original test piece further random selection of fifteen units of
failed. If both test pieces pass the tests then that production in the lot.
unit of production shall be deemed to comply with In the case of material inspected according
the requirements of this standard. If one of the to, if any test piece fails, the corresponding
retest pieces fails then the unit of production shall coil shall be rejected.
be deemed not to comply with the requirements of Table 1 — Nominal dimensions of
this standard. indentations
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Nominal wire Depth

Length Pitch
diameter d a

mm mm mm mm

5.0 and below 0.12 ± 0.05 3.5 5.5

Over 5.0 0.15 ± 0.05 5.0 8.0

NOTE One line of indentations is at a contrary angle to the others.

Figure 1 — Indentations

Figure 2 — Crimps

6 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

Table 2 — Crimp dimensions

Total wave height (excluding the wire diameter)
Type of crimp Pitch
Helical Uniplanar

Short pitch 5d to 10d 5 % d to 10 % d 10 % d to 20 % d

Long pitch 8d to 12d 6 % d to 12 % d 12 % d to 25 % d
Table 3 — Nominal internal diameter of coil 18.3 Indented wire
Nominal wire diameter d Coil diameter 18.3.1 Diameter. The nominal diameter of indented
wire is the diameter of the smooth wire having the
mm m
same nominal cross-section. The actual diameter of
4.0 and 4.5 1.25 indented wire shall not be subject to checking.
5.0 1.5
18.3.2 Cross section. The actual cross section of
6.0 and 7.0 2.0
indented wire shall be calculated from the mass, in
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

accordance with the method described in A.1.

18 Properties 18.3.3 Depth of indentation. The depth of
18.1 Data. The designations, data for information indentation shall be measured on one unit of
and required properties are given in Table 4 and production in ten.
Table 5, subject to the qualifications given 18.4 Crimped wire. The total wave height of the
in 18.2, 18.3 and 18.4. crimp (excluding the wire diameter) and the pitch
18.2 Geometrical properties of smooth wire. shall be measured on one unit of production in ten.
Where the diameter measurements of smooth round
wire (taken in two directions at right angles in the
same plane) show an ovality of not more than one
half of the total diameter tolerance, no checks on
section by weighing shall be necessary.

© BSI 02-2000 7
Table 4 — Dimensions and properties of cold-drawn wire
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 5896:1980
Nominal Nominal Nominal Tolerance on Ductility tests Relaxation
Nominal Specified Specified Load at 1 %
Nominal tensile 0.1 % proof cross- Minimum
mass Cross- characteristic characteristic 0.1 elongation Reverse bends Initial Max. relaxation
diameter strength stress section elongation at
(see note Dia. sectional Mass breaking load % proof load (see (see notes 4, 6 load (% of after 1 000 h
(see note 1) (see notes (see notes (see note max. load Constriction Bend
2) area (see notes 6 and 7) notes 4, 6 and 7) and 7) actual
1 and 3) 2 and 3) 2) Lo = 200 mm at break Min. radius
breaking Relax Relax
load) class 1 class 2
mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm2 g/m mm mm2 g/m kN kN kN mm

7 1 570 1 300 38.5 302 ± 0.05 ± 0.55 ± 4.3 60.4 50.1 51.3 For all wires For all wires: 4 for 20 For all For all For all
7 1 670 1 390 64.3 53.4 54.7 3.5 % a ductile smooth wires wires wires
break visible wires 60 % 4.5 % 1.0 %
6 1 670 1 390 28.3 222 ± 0.05 ± 0.47 ± 3.7 47.3 39.3 40.2 to the naked 15 70 % 8% 2.5 %
6 1 770 1 470 50.1 41.6 42.6 eye 3 for 80 % 12 % 4.5 %
5 1 670 1 390 19.6 154 ± 0.05 ± 0.39 ± 3.1 32.7 27.2 21.8 indented 15
5 1 770 1 470 34.7 28.8 29.5 wires 15
4.5 1 620 1 350 15.9 125 ± 0.05 ± 0.35 ± 2.7 25.8 21.4 21.9 15
4 1 670 1 390 12.6 98.9 ± 0.04 ± 0.25 ± 2.0 21.0 17.5 17.9 10
4 1 770 1 470 22.3 18.5 19.0
NOTE 1 The nominal diameter and nominal tensile strength are for designation purposes only.
NOTE 2 The nominal 0.1 % proof stress, nominal cross-section and nominal mass are for information only.
NOTE 3 The nominal tensile strength is calculated from the nominal cross-section and the specified characteristic breaking load (see note 7).
NOTE 4 The specified characteristic 0.1 % proof load is approximately 83 % of the specified characteristic breaking load. By agreement, alternatively the characteristic load at 1 % elongation
may be specified, which is approximately 85 % of the specified characteristic breaking load.
NOTE 5 The modulus of elasticity is to be taken as 205 + 10 kN/mm2, unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer.
NOTE 6 The maximum standard deviations are:
tensile strength: 55 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2)
0.1 % proof stress: 60 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2).
NOTE 7 In view of the close tolerance on diameters and areas, specified characteristic loads have been specified rather than stresses.
© BSI 02-2000
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Table 5 — Dimensions and properties of cold-drawn wire in mill coil

© BSI 02-2000

Nominal Tolerance on Ductility tests Relaxation

Nominal Specified Specified
Nominal tensile Nominal
cross- Cross- characteristic characteristic load Reverse bends
diameter strength mass Initial load
section Dia. sectional Mass breaking load at 1 % elongation Max.
(see note 1) (see notes 1 (see note 2) Constriction at Bend (% of actual
(see note 2) area (see notes 5 and 6) (see notes 3, 5 and 6) relaxation
and 4) break radius breaking
Min. number after 1 000 h
mm N/mm2 mm2 g/m mm mm2 g/m kN kN mm

5 1 570 19.6 154 ± 0.05 ± 0.39 ± 3.1 30.8 24.6 For all 4 for 15 For all For all
5 1 670 32.7 26.2 wires: smooth wires wires
5 1 770 34.7 27.8 a ductile wires 60 % 8%
4.5 1 620 15.9 125 ± 0.05 ± 0.35 ± 2.7 25.8 20.6 break 15 70 % 10 %
visible to 3 for
4 1 670 12.6 98.9 ± 0.04 ± 0.25 ± 2.0 21.0 16.8 the naked indented 10
4 1 720 21.7 17.4 eye wires
4 1 770 22.3 17.8
3 1 770 7.07 55.5 ± 0.04 ± 0.25 ± 1.5 12.5 10.0 7.5
3 1 860 13.1 10.5
NOTE 1 The nominal diameter and nominal tensile strength are for designation purposes only.
NOTE 2 The nominal cross-section and nominal mass are for information only.
NOTE 3 In order to prove the suitability of this material, which is only used in certain applications, e.g. railway sleepers, there is a requirement for a load at 1 % total elongation to be
at least 80 % of the specified characteristic breaking load.
NOTE 4 The nominal tensile strength is calculated from the nominal cross-section and the specified characteristic breaking load (see note 6).
NOTE 5 The maximum standard deviation are:
tensile strength: 55 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2);
stress at 1 % elongation: 60 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load (see 6.3.2).
NOTE 6 In view of the close tolerance on diameters and areas, specified characteristic loads have been specified rather than stresses.

BS 5896:1980
BS 5896:1980

Section 3. Specific requirements for strand

19 Introduction 21.5 Stress-relieving heat treatment. The

strand shall be subjected to a low temperature heat
Section 3 gives specific requirements for high tensile
treatment as a continuous linear process by
steel wire strand that has been given a stress
uncoiling and running the strand through any
relieving heat treatment to produce either of two
suitable form of heating, as described in 4.1. The
classes of relaxation. strand shall be rewound into coils or on to reels.
The strand may be: Strand-forming operations and the stress-relieving
a) seven-wire standard strand, treatment shall ensure either that the wires do not
b) seven-wire super strand, unravel when the strand is cut, or that they may be
c) seven-wire drawn strand. put back into position without difficulty.
21.6 Drawn strand. The seven-wire strand before
20 Designation drawing shall comply with the requirements of 21.4,
and after drawing and the stress relieving
The strand shall be ordered in accordance with
treatment shall have a lay length of 14 times
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

clause 12 and be designated as follows:

to 18 times the nominal strand diameter.
a) BS 5896-3;
b) seven-wire strand, e.g. standard, super or 22 Delivery by the manufacturer
drawn strand; 22.1 General. Delivery conditions shall be in
c) nominal tensile strength; accordance with clauses 10 and 12 and 22.2
d) nominal diameter; and 22.3.
e) class of relaxation (relax 1 or relax 2). 22.2 Coil size. The preferred coil dimensions are as
Example follows.
Seven-wire super strand, nominal Internal diameter: 800 ± 60 mm or 950 ± 60 mm.
diameter 12.9 mm and nominal tensile Width: 600 ± 50 mm or 750 ± 50 mm.
strength 1 770 N/mm2, class 2 relaxation is
designated The manufacturer shall state the coil size on the test
BS 5896-3 super strand-1770-12.9-relax 2. certificate.
22.3 Curvature of strand. When a length of
21 Manufacture seven-wire strand is lying free on a flat surface, the
maximum bow height from a base line 1 m in
21.1 Material. The strand shall be manufactured
length, measured to the inside of the curve, shall not
from non-alloy steel (high carbon content) wire in
be greater than 25 mm.
accordance with 4.2, clause 5, 6.5 and 21.2 to 21.6.
21.2 Stranding process. The diameter of the 23 Inspection
straight centre wire of seven-wire strand shall be at
least 2 % greater than the diameter of the outer 23.1 General. The inspection procedures shall be in
helical wires. The latter shall be tightly spun accordance with clauses 7, 8 and 9, as appropriate,
around the centre wire with a lay length or pitch of and 23.2, 23.3 and 23.4.
between 12 times and 18 times the nominal strand 23.2 Unit of production for sampling. The unit
diameter. The preferred direction of lay of the outer of production from which a test piece is selected is
wires is right hand. the manufacturing length of strand of mass
21.3 Defects. Longitudinal surface defects are equivalent to seven original rod coils.
acceptable provided their depth is less than 4 % of 23.3 Sample size and frequency for each test
the nominal size of the component wires. 23.3.1 Manufacturer’s inspection (see 7.2). Tests for
21.4 Welds. The normal production lengths may property nos. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 shall be carried out on
contain welds made in the individual wires before every unit, except that for property no. 5 it is only
drawing, but shall not contain any welds made necessary to confirm that the minimum specified
during or after wiredrawing. Not more than one value has been achieved. The actual value of
weld in any component wire shall be permitted in elongation at maximum load shall be determined on
any 50 m of strand. one unit in three.
Tests for property nos. 4 and 6 shall be carried out
on one unit in three.

10 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

23.3.2 Purchaser’s acceptance testing for Purchaser’s testing of non-certified

non-certified material (see 15.3) material. In the case of material inspected according The consignment shall be divided into to, if any test piece fails, the purchaser’s
inspection lots of 100 t. A test piece shall be selected inspection lot shall be deemed not to comply with
from each unit in a random selection of fifteen units the requirements of this standard until the same
of production in the inspection lot. test or tests have been satisfactorily completed on a
further random selection of fifteen units of If there are less than fifteen units in the production in the lot.
consignment, then each coil of strand in the
consignment shall be tested. In the case of material inspected according
to, if any test piece fails, the corresponding Tests for property nos. 1 to 7 shall be coil shall be rejected.
carried out on each test piece.
23.4 Retests 24 Properties
23.4.1 Tests for compliance with specified 24.1 Data. The designations, data for information
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

characteristic values (see 6.3.1). No retests are and required properties are given in Table 6.
allowed, except where there has been a malfunction 24.2 Diameter. The diameter of seven-wire strand
in the test procedure. shall be measured across a diametrically opposite
23.4.2 Tests for compliance with all other pair of outer wires.
mechanical properties In case of dispute a rope gauge shall be used for the Manufacturer’s inspection. If any test piece measurement.
fails any of the specified tests, two additional test The diameter shall be within the limits given
pieces shall be taken from the same unit of in Table 6.
production. These test pieces shall be subjected to
the same test or tests in which the original test piece
failed. If both test pieces pass the tests then that
unit of production shall be deemed to comply with
the requirements of this standard. If one of the
retest pieces fails then the unit of production shall
be deemed not to comply with the requirements of
this standard.

© BSI 02-2000 11
Table 6 — Dimensions and properties of strands
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 5896:1980
Tolerance on Specified Specified Relaxation
Nominal Load at 1 %
Nominal Nominal steel characteristic characteristic Minimum
tensile Nominal mass Cross- elongation Initial Max. relaxation
Type of dia. area breaking load 0.1 % proof load
strength (see note 2) Dia. sectional Mass (see notes 4, elongation at Constriction load (% of after 1 000 h
strand (see note 1) (see note 2) (see notes 6 (see notes 4, 6 max. load
(see note 1) area 6 and 7) at break actual
(see note 1) and 7) and 7) Lo W 500 mm Relax Relax
mm N/mm2 mm2 g/m mm mm2 g/m kN kN kN load) class 1 class 2

7-wire 15.2 1 670 139 1 090  + 0.4 For all For all 232 197 204 For all For all For all For all For all
standard 12.5 1 770 93 730  – 0.2 strands strands 164 139 144 strands strands strands strands strands

+4% +4% 3.5 % ductile wire 60 % 4.5 % 1.0 %
11.0 1 770 71 557  + 0.3
 –2% – 2 % 125 106 110 breaks visible 70 % 8% 2.5 %
9.3 1 770 52 408  – 0.15 92 78 81 to the naked 80 % 12 % 4.5 %
7-wire super 15.7 1 770 150 1 180  + 0.4 265 225 233 eye
12.9 1 860 100 785  – 0.2 186 158 163

11.3 1 860 75 590 139 118 122
9.6 1 860 55 432
 + 0.3 102 87 90
8.0 1 860 38 298
 – 0.15 70 59 61

7-wire 18.0 1 700 223 1 750 380 323 334
drawn 15.2 1 820 165 1 295
 + 0.4 300 255 264
12.7 1 860 112 890
 – 0.2 209 178 184

NOTE 1 The type of strand, nominal diameter and nominal tensile strength data are given for designation purposes only.
NOTE 2 The nominal steel area and nominal mass data are given for information only.
NOTE 3 The nominal tensile strength is calculated from the nominal steel area and the specified characteristic breaking load (see note 7).
NOTE 4 The specified characteristic 0.1 % proof load is approximately 85 % of the specified characteristic breaking load. Alternatively, by agreement between the manufacturer
and the purchaser, the characteristic load at 1 % elongation may be specified, which is approximately 88 % of the specified characteristic breaking load.
NOTE 5 The modulus of elasticity is to be taken as 195 ± 10 kN/mm2, unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer.
NOTE 6 The maximum standard deviations are:
tensile strength: 55 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load;
0.1 % proof stress: 60 N/mm2, or the equivalent value expressed as a load.
NOTE 7 In view of the close tolerance on mass and areas, specified characteristic loads have been specified rather than stresses.
© BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

Appendix A Test methods d) Overstressing of the test piece during the

loading operation shall not be permitted.
A.1 Dimensions
e) The duration of the test shall be 1 000 h.
The dimensions shall be measured in accordance
with 18.2, 18.3 and 24.2. Where the actual f) For strand, the test gauge length shall be at
cross-sectional area is required, this is to be least equal to one lay length of the strand.
obtained as follows. Take three test pieces of not less The above standard conditions of test piece
than 500 mm in length and measure the length of temperature, initial load, overstressing and
each piece to an accuracy of 1 mm. Determine the duration of test may be varied to provide
mass of each test piece to the nearest gram. information on other conditions, but such variations
Calculate the cross-sectional area of each test piece shall be quoted against the test result and the test
from the following relationship: result shall not be stated to be in accordance with
this British Standard.
A = ------ A.5 Strand testing
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

where A.5.1 Breaking load. The strand shall be held in

grips, which shall not cause excessive damage to the
A is the cross-sectional area (in mm2) of the wires. If any wire break occurs at a distance from
test piece; one of the grips of less than the strand diameter, the
m is the mass (in g) of the test piece; test shall be discarded.
A.5.2 Elongation at maximum load. The elongation
l is the length (in mm) of the test piece;
of the strand under maximum load shall be
d is the density (in g/mm3) of the product. measured on a gauge length of not less than 500 mm
by means of a suitable extensometer. The elongation
The actual cross-sectional area is taken to be the shall be measured prior to fracture of any of the
mean of the three values obtained. component wires.
Unless otherwise specified for the product, the Where the extensometer cannot be left on the test
density shall be taken as 0.00785 g/mm3. piece to failure, the elongation can be measured as
A.2 Tensile properties follows.
Tensile properties of strand shall be measured in Proceed by the method for measuring load at 1 %
accordance with BS 18-2 and the tensile properties extension and continue loading until the
of wire shall be measured in accordance with extensometer records an elongation equivalent
BS 4545, except where qualified in A.5. to 3.5 %. At this point, remove the extensometer and
note the distance between the testing machine
A.3 Reverse bend
cross-heads. Continue the loading until fracture of
Reverse bend testing shall be carried out in one or more wires of the strand occurs and then note
accordance with BS 4545. the final distance between the cross-heads.
A.4 Relaxation Calculate the difference between the cross-head
Relaxation testing shall be conducted under the measurements as a percentage of the original test
following conditions. length between the cross-heads and add this value
a) The temperature of the test piece shall to the 3.5 % obtained by extensometer.
be 20 ± 2 °C and the temperature shall be
maintained within this range for the duration of Appendix B Fatigue and
the test. stress-corrosion
b) The test piece shall not have been subjected to Fatigue and stress-corrosion are not specified in this
any loading or temperature treatment standard, but, if test evidence is requested, note
subsequent to manufacture. should be taken of the following points.
c) The initial load equivalent B.1 Stress-corrosion behaviour
to 60 %, 70 % or 80 % of the specified The test method and principles of assessment are to
characteristic load shall be applied uniformly be agreed between the manufacturer and the
over a period of not more than 5 min. Thereafter, purchaser or other authority. In general terms, the
the gauge length shall be maintained constant most favoured method involves testing the wire or
and load relaxation readings shall commence strand in straight tension at 80 % of tensile
one min after application of the total load (for strength, with the test piece completely immersed in
wire) or of the initial load (for strand). a 20 % solution of ammonium thiocyanate at a
slightly elevated temperature.

© BSI 02-2000 13
BS 5896:1980

B.2 Fatigue behaviour Table 7 — Fluctuating stress range

Subject to the admission of an occasional failure, the Fluctuating
material should withstand two million cycles of stress range
stress fluctuating down from a maximum stress N/mm2
of 80 %1) of the actual strength, determined on an
adjacent test piece. The fluctuating stress range, 200 straight smooth wire
i.e. twice the stress amplitude, is to be in accordance 180 straight indented wire and
with Table 7. provisionally crimped wire
195 strand
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

1) Provisionally, wire in mill coil would be tested from a maximum stress of 70 % for the same fluctuating stress as the
corresponding type of straight wire.

14 © BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

Publications referred to

BS 18, Methods for tensile testing of metals.

BS 18-2, Steel (general).
BS 2846, Guide to statistical interpretation of data.
BS 2846-3, Determination of a statistical tolerance interval.
BS 2846-4, Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and variances.
BS 3518, Methods of fatigue testing.
BS 3518-1, General principles.
BS 4486, Specification for hot rolled and hot rolled and processed high tensile alloy steel bars for the
prestressing of concrete.
BS 4545, Methods for mechanical testing of steel wire.
Enronorm 138 Prestressing steels.
Licensed Copy: Sheffield University, University of Sheffield, 25 March 2003, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BSI certification marks

A licence to use the Kitemark or “Safety Mark” on or in relation to a product will be granted to any
manufacturer or producer who demonstrates that he can and will be able consistently to make that
product to the requirements specified in the British Standard. His capability of doing so is initially
assessed by inspection of his production process, quality control organization and test facilities, and by
independent testing of a sample of the product against all the criteria of the relevant standard. The
licensee is required to accept, and to operate in accordance with, a BSI scheme of supervision and control
which identifies the minimum level of quality control to be exercised during manufacture and the tests to
be carried out on the completed product. BSI carries out unannounced inspection visits to the
manufacturer’s works and audit testing of the product, and may withdraw the licence for any failure of
the manufacturer to comply with the relevant standard or the requirements of the scheme of supervision
and control. The presence of the mark on or in relation to a product is an assurance that the goods have
been produced under a system of supervision, control and testing, operated during manufacture and
including periodical inspection of the manufacturer’s works in accordance with the certification mark
scheme of BSI.

Further particulars may be obtained from the Certification and Assessment Department, British
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© BSI 02-2000
BS 5896:1980

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