XL-Power Ebook Part-2 by Amigo Automations
XL-Power Ebook Part-2 by Amigo Automations
XL-Power Ebook Part-2 by Amigo Automations
amigo automations
Even if you learn a single tip a day you can learn 30 new things in a
It's a lot.
amigo automations
But the point is, you must have a list which you can refer to every day.
Well, you don’t need to worry about this anymore, I’m here to help. I have
listed Top 100 Excel Tips and Tricks for you.
Yes, it is.
All the tips and tricks are listed under a specific category which makes
easy to follow the entire list.
In this entire list, I have marked some of my favorite tips 🔥 which I love to
amigo automations
use and I’m sure you’ll also love them.
…with love
P.S. This copy is purely dedicated to you. You can use it in several ways. Save it in your laptop, mobile, take a
printout, and please, no need to say thanks. If you like this guide, don’t forget to share it with your buddies.
II. Formatting
amigo automations
III. Formulas PART 1
IV. Charting
V. Printing
VI. Advanced
X. Time Saver
amigo automations
Advanced Tips
There are some options in Microsoft Excel which are meant to perform a
specific function and can help you to get better at Excel in no time and
here I have listed some of those tips and tricks which you can use in your
amigo daily
...and for this, the best way is to use the watch window.
In the watch window, you add those important cells and then get some
specific information about them in one place (without actually navigating
to each cell).
amigo automations
After that select the cell or range of cells which you want to add and click
Once you hit OK you’ll some specific information about the cell(s)...
It’s like a copycat, perform the task which you have performed.
amigo automations
You have dates in the range A1: A10 and now, you want to get the month
from the dates in the B column.
All you need to do is to type the month of the first date in the cell B1 and
then come down to cell B2 and press the shortcut key CTRL + E.
amigo automations
Once you do this it will extract the month from the rest of the dates, just
like below.
In this case, the best solution is to combine all of those worksheets using
the “Consolidate” option and here are the steps for this.
• First of all, add a new worksheet and then go to Data Tab ➜ Data Tools
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➜ Consolidate.
• Now in the “Consolidate” window, click on the upper arrow to add the
range from the first worksheet and then click on the “Add” button.
• Next, you need to add references from all the worksheets using the
above step.
amigo automations
• While saving a file when you open a “Save As ” dialog box go to Tools
General Options.
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• Add a password to for “Password to Open” and click OK.
...and to create a live image there are two different ways which you can
One is camera tools and the second is the paste special option.
…here the steps to use camera tool and for paste special use the below
amigo automations
• Select the rage you want to paste as an image and copy it.
• Go to the cell and right click, where you want to paste it.
• Go to Paste Special ➜ Other Paste ➜ Options Linked Picture.
amigo automations
Make sure to read this guide about camera tool to learn more about
linked images.
And the best part is there is no need to write a single line of code for this.
amigo automations
• First, make sure you have a table with headings where you want to
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enter the data.
• After that select any of the cell from that table and use the shortcut
key Alt + D + O + O to open the user form.
Make sure to read this guide about camera tool to learn more about
linked images.
To access all those options in one place you create tab and add them to
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amigo automations
amigo automations
here is the complete guide to learn about it.
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amigo automations
amigo automations
• Select the column/row for which you want to create a named range.
• Right click and click on “Define name…”.
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• Select the option to add the name for the named range and click OK.
amigo automations
That's it.
amigo automations
amigo automations
If can simple help you to remove extra spaces from a text string.
All you need to do is refer to the cell from where you want to remove
amigo automations
leading and trailing spaces and it will return the text without those extra
Once you hit OK you’ll some specific information about the cell(s)...
• First of all, select any of the cells from the data or select the entire
amigo automations
amigo automations
• At this point, you have “Remove Duplicates” window and from this
window, select/de-select the columns which you want to
consider/not consider while removing duplicate values.
• In the end, click OK.
Once you click OK, Excel will remove all the rows from the selected data
where values are duplicate...
...and show a message with the number of values removed and unique
values left.
It’s one of the less used options in Excel, but worth not to be missed for
any reason.
Let say you have words in the range A1: A5 and you want to concatenate
all of them in a single cell.
amigo automations
Here’s how to do this with fill justify.
• First, make column A enough wide so that the entire text can be
combined into one cell.
• After that, select the entire range.
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• Now, go to Home Tab ➜ Editing ➜ Fill ➜ Justify.
• All you need to do is select that column and open the find and replace
dialog box.
• After that click on the “Replace” tab.
amigo automations
• Now here, in “Find What” enter the character you want to replace and
make sure to leave “Replace with” blank.
• Now click on “Replace All”.
The moment you click on “Replace All” Excel will remove that particular
character from the entire column.
If you use Office 365, there is new function TEXTJOIN which is a game
changer when it comes to the concatenation of text.
amigo automations
All you need to do is to add a delimiter (if any), and TRUE if you want to
amigo automations
ignore empty cells, and in the end, refer to the range.
But if you convert this table in something like below you can you can use
it easily anywhere.
amigo automations
amigo automations
But if you convert this table in something like below you can you can use
it easily anywhere.
So how to do this?
Power Query
The easiest way to deal with these error values is select them and delete
them and these are the simple steps.
amigo automations
Once you click OK it will select all the errors and then you can simply
delete all by using “Delete” button.
In Excel, you can sort columns just like you sort rows and by using the
same methods you can arrange them in a custom order.
amigo automations
To simply convert them back to valid dates you can use DATEVALUE
amigo automations
Learn more about this function and other ways to convert text to date.
amigo automations
amigo automations
amigo automations
amigo automations
Mouse Tricks
We all are eager to learn more keyboard shortcuts so they can work fast.
But there are some tricks which we can perform with a mouse as well
and these are some mouse tricks which you can use to speed up your
amigo automations
...cell formatting, I was using paste special with the shortcut key.
• Select the cell or a range from where you want to copy cell
• Go to ➜ the Home Tab ➜ Clipboard.
amigo automations
• Now, make a double click on “Format Painter” button.
amigo automations
All you have to do is just double click on the sheet tab and enter a new
amigo automations
Let me tell you why this method is fast 💨 than using a shortcut.
Suppose if want to rename more than one worksheet using shortcut key.
Before you change the name of a worksheet, you need to activate it.
But if you use the mouse it will automatically activate that worksheet and
edit the name with only two clicks.
amigo automations
But using a fill handle is more impressive than using a shortcut key.
• Select the cell in which you have a formula or a value which you want
to drag.
• Make a double click on the small square box at the right bottom of the
cell selection border.
amigo automations
⚠️ This method only works if you have values in corresponding column
and it works only in the vertical direction.
amigo automations
Just make a double click on the active tab in your ribbon and it will
collapse the ribbon.
amigo automations
amigo automations
Besides the typical method, you can use double click to edit a shape and
insert the text into it.
amigo automations
You can also use this method to edit and enter text in a checkbox or into
a chart title.
amigo automations
amigo automations
amigo automations
By using a double click, you can go to the last cell in the range which has
You have to click on the right edge of the active cell to go to the right side
& on the left edge if you want to go to the right side.
amigo automations
amigo automations
All you have to do is just make a double-click on the border of the graph
to open formatting option.
amigo automations
amigo automations
As you already know Excel stores data in pivot cache before creating a
pivot table.
amigo automations
You can extract data from a pivot table by double-clicking on data values.
As soon as you do this Excel will insert a new worksheet with the data
which has used in the pivot table.
amigo automations
To use this menu all you need to do is select a cell or a range of the cell...
...and then right-click and while holding it, drop the selection to
somewhere else.
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amigo automations
amigo automations
From now onward, when you open “Save As” dialog box Excel will show
you the location you have specified.
It takes time depending on your system’s speed and add-ins you have
Here are the steps to disable the start-up screen in Microsoft Office.
amigo automations
amigo automations
Now when you come back to your Excel window you’ll have developer
tab on the ribbon.
• First of all, go to the File tab and click on the “Trust Center” category.
• From here click on “Trust Center Settings”.
• Now in “Trust Center Settings”, click on macro settings.
amigo automations
• After that, click on “Enable all macros” and tick mark “Trust access to
the VBA project object model”.
amigo automations
With the auto correct option, you can tell Excel to change a text string
into another when you type it.
My name is “Puneet” but sometimes people write it like “Punit” but the
amigo automations
correct spelling is the first one.
So what I can do is, use auto correct and tell Excel to change “Punit” into
• First of all, go to the File tab and go to options and click on “Proofing”
• After that, click on “AutoCorrect Option” and this will open the auto-
correct window.
amigo automations
• Here in this window, you have two input bars to specify the text to
replace and text to replace with.
Whenever you need to insert those product name you can insert them
using a custom list.
amigo automations
Now in this window, you can enter the list or you can also import it from a
range of cells.
Now, to enter the custom list you have just created, enter the first entry
of the list in cell and then drill down that cell using fill handle.
With a table, there is no need to update pivot table’s data source and it
drag-down formulas automatically when you add a new entry.
amigo automations
To apply table to the data just use Ctrl + T keyboard shortcut key and click
amigo automations
amigo automations
The thing is instead of going to start menu to open Microsoft Excel, the
best way is to pint it to the taskbar.
amigo automations
This way you can open it by clicking on the icon from the taskbar.
amigo automations
But the easiest way to run a macro code is to add it to the quick access
amigo automations
Now you have a button on QAT which you can use to run the macro code
you have just specified.
amigo automations
amigo automations
So instead of selecting each cell one by one, you can select all the cells
where you have a formula.
amigo automations
Once you click on this it will instantly select all the cells with formulas.
[know more]
amigo automations
amigo automations
• First, select the range of where you want to highlight the duplicate
• After that, go to Home Tab ➜ Styles ➜ Highlight Cells Rule ➜
Duplicate Values.
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amigo automations
• Now from the dialog box, select the color to use and click OK.
• Once you click OK, all the values which are duplicate will get
amigo automations
When you click on this icon you can see some of the options which are
there on the ribbon which you can directly use from here to save you
amigo automations
• For this, all you have to do is open RUN (Window Key + R) and then
type “excel” into it.
amigo automations
amigo automations
There is an option in Excel which you can use to open a specific file(s)
every time when you start Excel in your system.
amigo automations
• In the end, click OK.
You can simply add or remove files from that folder, if you need.
Well, I’ve got a better idea here You can add Excel to your system’s
startup folder.
• After that, open the Start Screen, right-click the Excel App, and click
Open file location.
• From the location (Excel App Folder), copy the Excel App icon and
paste it into the “StartUp” folder.
amigo automations
Now every time when you open your system, Excel will automatically
All you have to do is, select a cell or a text from a cell, and go to Review ➜
Insights ➜ Smart Lookup.
amigo automations
Once you click on it, it opens a side pane where you’ll have information
about that particular text which you have selected.
amigo automations
And for this, Excel has an option which can capture screen instantly, and
you can paste it into the worksheet.
amigo automations
Once you click on this you get a clipping tool which you can use to clip
the screen the way you want.
amigo automations
If you are using Excel 2007 to Excel 2016, then you can locate a keyboard
shortcut by pressing ALT key.
Once you press it, it shows the keys for the options which are there on
the ribbon, just like below.
amigo automations
Let say, you want to press “Wrap Text” button, the key will be ALT + H +
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