Pharos Installation Manual - PharosLinux
Pharos Installation Manual - PharosLinux
Pharos Installation Manual - PharosLinux
Installation Manual
Pharos 7.9 – PharosLinux
Installation Manual - PharosLinux
Poseidon Simulation AS -
Table of Contents
PharosLinux Installation 7
Installing on the Linux platform 8
Choosing network setup 12
Configuration 23
Network 24
Graphics 24
Screen layout 25
Keyboard 25
Various 26
Instruments 26
Fixed instruments placement 26
Addition SW user interfaces for hardware instruments 26
Mini instruments order 26
Debriefing 26
Dot matrix printer 26
Use parallel printer port 26
Left margin spaces 27
Maintenance 27
About 27
Keyboard shortcuts 28
USB magic 28
Please note that the physical key will show a small red/orange light when connection is
established with the driver.
Beware that if you forget to insert the dongle, the server program won’t work. The same
applies if the dongle is restricted due to USB protection software.
If the license will expire within a short period of time (2-3 weeks), you will get a warning
and you should contact Poseidon ( in order to get a new license file.
PharosLinux Installation
To install Pharos GMDSS simulator on Linux system, please make sure that the computer
is specified according to our recommended specifications. Especially note that there must
be a DVD player in the computer.
PharosLinux installer
Press YES for installing the simulator
Disk choice
Choose a disk drive for installing the Poseidon Pharos simulator on.
Please note that the DVD-ROM is usually listed here (always about 1Gb in size), so avoid
choosing this!
Erasing disk
You will be warned that you are about to erase all content on the disk in question. Please
observe this!
For a network without DHCP server press NO
Figure 2: DHCP
Example of IP address
Instructor uses
Student 1 is
Student X is 192.168.160.(100 + X)
Default Gateway
Default Gateway: leave empty
At the end of the Pharos installation process you will be asked to choose a host name
(computer name) for the PC.
For Instructor station, use the name Instructor
For students we recommend you to match this with unique names of the ships in the ship
Isabel Rose
When you insert a ship that fits one of the host names into an exercise, the simulator will
automatically assign the instruments on that ship to the student station (computer) with the
same host name.
Installation complete
Simulator is now installed, press ENTER to reboot. Remember to remove bootable device
(DVD or USB) before rebooting.
When starting the server, remember that the USB license key must be connected. See
own chapter in this document “Install USB License Key (dongle)”
If you press Native Sound Preferences in the Sound Preferences window, you may adjust
the sound on operating system level. For Linux, we have included a program QasMixer
from For Windows, we use the built in sound dialogues.
QasMixer settings
Sound settings
Start the simulator on each computer; do not start any exercise yet.
Press SHIFT + ALT + S to enter sound settings. The sound preferences dialogue window
will pop up.
In this dialogue you may select which instruments are directed to which sound device. On
the above figure there is only one sound device, called PCH. I/O for all instruments will be
directed to this device (all instruments are tagged).
You may control the volume level for each audio device. Please press the Playback test
button. This will play some music through the loudspeakers connected to the selected
audio device and you will be able to adjust the volume level.
Likewise you may do a Recording test in order to test the volume of the microphone
connected. When you talk, you will hear yourself in the loudspeakers and you will be able
to set the microphone volume.
The above screenshot is from the Instructor station. Only the Instructor may set noise and
sampling frequency.
Recording Test
Run the Recording test to test the microphone, press Test button and talk, you will now
hear yourself from the headset
GMDSS Target
Choose targets for the sound card, normally choose all for you soundcard if you have no
hardware connected.
Hardware devices needs its own soundcard, sound configuration will be described in the
manual belonging to the hardware.
Playback Test
A song is played
Enable background noise for the instruments in order to train the students in using the
Sample Frequency
Previously we were experimenting using lower frequency in order to reduce the LAN
traffic. We recommend using 44 kHz as standard.
To activate dual screen support for Pharos GMDSS simulator, press Shift + Alt + Del and
a “Shutdown station and PC” window is displayed.
Press Launch Nvidia Settings and a ”NVIDIA X Server Settings” window is displayed.
Reboot computer.
Log Files
Log files are automatically collected if you insert a USB flashdrive into the USB port of the
computer. You may then inspect the log files or send them to be analyzed by Poseidon.
Press Shift + Alt + Del and the “Shutdown station and PC” window is displayed.
This menu may also be reached from the System preferences button on the startup
screen. Select System…
Restart station means restart the program (instructor or student). For Linux installations
the program will load again, for Windows installations you have to restart the program
Shutdown the station means close all programs and power off.
Reboot the station means reboot and load the operating system just like if the station was
powered off and on again.
Press the System button and the “Configuration” window is displayed. This window has got
7 tabs which we will explain below.
The first tab shows the network settings. If you are running Linux, you may change the IP
address, Subnet mask and the default Gateway for the computer. The host name and
MAC address cannot be changed here. If you want to change the hostname, this must be
done in the operating system.
The lower part of the window (only at the instructor station) makes it possible to turn on
one, some or all the computers in the simulator by sending a Wake on LAN (WOL)
package to the computers.
In order to make WOL work, you have to enter the BIOS settings of the computer and
enable WOL. Then the LAN card will be able to receive a wakeup signal and power on the
PC. Shortcut to the client programs may be copied to the startup folder.
Here you may start an external program for controlling the monitor(s). See Dual Screen
Screen layout
In this tab you may choose to show the simulator in full screen or in a window. If you have
got two monitors (the picture to the right), you may swap the monitors and you may select
to show the picture on only one monitor.
Not shown in image above, but when available, this setting lets you choose where to store
debrief data (which can become quite large). Useful for cases where Linux and Pharos
runs on a smaller SSD disk, and another disk is used for storage.
In this window, the instructor may clean up log files or Inmarsat files. This may be done for
all stations or for a selected station.
Keyboard shortcuts
USB magic
In Pharos Linux, the operating system is surveying the USB ports. If you insert a USB
memo stick into a USB port, the following will happen, depending on the contents on the