Pharos Installation Manual - Windows
Pharos Installation Manual - Windows
Pharos Installation Manual - Windows
Installation Manual
Pharos 7.9 - Windows
Installation Manual - Windows
Poseidon Simulation AS -
Table of Contents
Install Pharos 8
Configuring Pharos 24
Accessing configuration 24
Network 26
Screen layout 27
Various 28
Instruments 28
Fixed instruments placement 28
Additional SW user interfaces for hardware instruments 29
Mini instruments order 29
Debriefing 29
Printing – Use dot matrix 29
Use parallel printer port 29
Left margin spaces 29
Printing – Use system default printer 29
On demand only 29
Maintenance 30
Further configuration 30
Keyboard shortcuts 31
First, Pharos GMDSS simulator requires that only one cabled network adapter is enabled.
All other network adapters should be disabled, including any virtual-, Bluetooth-, 1394
Firewire-, 3G-/4G- and wireless adapters (unless otherwise agreed with Poseidon).
Windows 10 example:
To disable a network adapter, right click the appropriate icon and click “Disable”
To set a static IP for your network card, right click the appropriate icon and click
“Properties”. A dialog is presented, showing the items used by this connection. Select
“Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” as the left figure illustrates, then click the
“Properties” button. You are then displayed a new dialog, illustrated by the right figure.
Any valid private network ip range may be used. These are allowed: - - -
If you set up a network range where you just change the last number in the ip address, the
network mask should be
The instructor will discover the server process and the student processes when it has been
When you use the ship’s names for the computers, this will ease the assignment of ships
when you create an exercise. When you insert the ship Bella, this ship could automatically
be assigned to the computer with the name Bella if it exists and is running the client
program (instructor or student).
For the Instructor station, you may use the name Instructor or similar, to easily identify the
role. It is not recommended to use one of the default ship names for the instructor station.
Changing the computer name is done through Control Panel -> System.
Scroll down until you find the computer name, click Change setting and follow the
instructions. When the name is changed, restart the computer for the change to take
Below you will see that we have made one ship for each letter in the alphabet.
Install Pharos
Start the install process by running the setup program. (E.g. pharos-7.9.3-win32.exe)
When you are about to install Pharos, the first thing to consider is where to install the
server. Usually, the most intuitive choice is to set this up on the same PC as the instructor
The server does not take much resource (RAM/CPU). However, you should choose the
most powerful PC for the instructor/server.
The debriefServer is installed if you at any point wish to run Debrief or Assessment
(usually on the same PC as the server).
These features are subject to own licenses, but notice that the Debrief feature is available
for free from Pharos version 7.6, so if your license does not allow this, but you want to use
it, please contact
● For stations that are solely used for students, choose “Student Only”.
● For the typical instructor PC, choose “Instructor, server, debriefServer”, or if you
wish to run a student as well (e.g. for demonstrating features on a big screen),
choose “Student, instructor, server, debriefServer”
● For Single-Trainer installations, you will usually want all components, “Student,
instructor, server, debriefServer”
● Or simply choose the combination that suits each computer best.
Figure 6: All choices have been made. Proceed with the installation.
Click Install.
Please note that the physical key will show a small red/orange light when connection is
established with the driver.
Beware that if you forget to insert the dongle, the server program won’t work. The same
applies if the dongle is restricted due to USB protection software.
If the license will expire within a short period of time (2-3 weeks), you will get a warning
and you should contact Poseidon ( in order to get a new license file.
Press SHIFT + ALT + S to enter sound settings. The sound preferences dialogue window
will pop up.
In this dialogue you may select which instruments are directed to which sound device. On
the above figure there is only one sound device, called Speakers. I/O for all instruments
will be directed to this device (all instruments are tagged).
You may control the volume level for each audio device. Please press the Playback test
button. This will play some music through the loudspeakers connected to the selected
audio device and you will be able to adjust the volume level.
Likewise you may do a Recording test in order to test the volume of the microphone
connected. When you talk, you will hear yourself in the loudspeakers and you will be able
Recording Test
Run the Recording test to test the microphone, press Test button and talk, you will now
hear yourself from the headset
Playback Test
A song is played
GMDSS Target
Choose targets for the sound card, normally choose all for you sound card if you have no
hardware connected.
Hardware devices needs its own sound card, sound configuration will be described in the
manual belonging to the hardware.
Enable background noise for the instruments in order to train the students in using the
First of all it is crucial that the audio devices (headset, loudspeaker and microphone) are
connected before you start up the simulator. If you disconnect the microphone after
startup, you should reconnect and then restart the client program.
Make sure that all sound cards not in use are disabled, as they can conflict with the active
cards used with Pharos (especially if they have the same name/brand).
This should be done for both “Playback” and “Recording” tabs. Simply right click the card
you wish to disable and click “Disable”. They can just as easily be enabled later.
If Windows adds sound enhancements by default, be sure to turn this off, as it can affect
how Pharos records and outputs sound. This is especially sensitive on Windows 10, as
such enhancements can lead to Pharos not being able to use the sound card at all, and
crashes already before the application has started properly.
Disabling such properties must be done for all relevant sound cards, and both for inputs
and outputs. Look for settings under Properties for each device, such as “Enhancement”
tab (”Disable all sound effects”) or “Advanced” tab (“Enable audio enhancements”). Other
enhancements can sometimes be disabled through the supplier’s sound software/drivers.
In Pharos, press Shift+Alt+Delete, then press the “System” button. Navigate to “Screen
Layout” tab, and choose whether to use dual screen, or only left/right screen. You also
have the possibility to run one or both screens in window mode, but fullscreen is
recommended for normal users.
Especially for the instructor it is a nice feature that CRS, RCC, MSI and traffic ship
instruments can be displayed on one screen and the exercise map on the other. If only
one screen is present, the Instructor will use tabs to switch between the map view and the
other views.
If the student station is set up with dual screens, one instrument may be shown on one
screen, another instrument on the other. Left click one mini instrument in order to display
that particular instrument on the left screen, right click to display it on the right screen.
Log Files
On Windows, the log files, together with other types of files that need to be saved by the
client programs will end up in the "home" directory of the logged on user, in a directory
called C:\Users\<Windows-Username>\AppData\Local\Poseidon\GMDSS\
Here you will find two sub-directories. One is the log directory, where all logs from the
instructor and student programs will reside, and the other one is the persistence folder
where local copies of for example the ships database, Navtex messages and exercises will
reside. You may want to back up the exercises from time to time.
If you would like to undo the changes that have been made to the ship database, you may
delete the ships.xml. A new file will be created the next time you run the simulator.
Before you upgrade, please make sure that you have updated Windows with the latest
updates from Windows Update. We recommend keeping the PCs updated by connecting
them to the Internet and visiting Microsoft Update from time to time. Before installing a new
version, this is a good opportunity to do it.
Configuring Pharos
Accessing configuration
Press Shift + Alt + Del and the “Shutdown station and PC” window is displayed.
This menu may also be reached from the System preferences button on the startup
● Restart station means restart the program (instructor or student). For Linux
installations the program will load again, for Windows installations you have to
restart the program manually.
● Shutdown the station means close all programs and power off.
● Reboot the station means reboot and load the operating system just like if the
station was powered off and on again.
Press the System button and the “Configuration” window is displayed. This window has got
4 tabs which we will explain below.
Wake on LAN allows you to start other computers in a network from the Instructor Station.
In order to make WOL work, you have to enter the BIOS settings of the computer and
enable WOL. Then the LAN card will be able to receive a wakeup signal and power on the
Shortcuts to the client applications may be copied to the startup folder, so that this will start
all the stations and applications of the simulator
Screen layout
In this tab you may choose to show the simulator in full screen or in a window. If you have
got two monitors, you may decide whether to use both, and if so, set window/full-screen
mode for each, and you also have the option to swap these. For more info, see subchapter
“One or two screens?” above.
This setting lets you choose where to store debrief data (which can become quite large).
Useful for cases where Windows and Pharos runs on a smaller SSD disk, and another
disk is used for storage.
NB: For line printing, use OKI Microline 280 Elite 9-pin matrix printer (or similar). Windows
users use a parallel cable between the printer and the computer.
On demand only
Default not checked. Use this if only printing on demand.
In this window, the instructor may clean up log files or Inmarsat files.
Further configuration
For further installation configurations, like ensuring that the simulator’s DNV-GL
certification is valid for this installation, some more technical configuration is needed. Get
more details by contacting
Keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + F1 – F9 Select instrument on ship
Shift-Alt-Delete Shutdown alternatives or access
sound settings/System configuration
Shift-Alt-S Sound Preferences
Shift-Alt-H Hardware Configuration
Shift-Alt-Pause/Break Shut down the program or access the hardware or
sound dialogue