Speaking lv1
Speaking lv1
Speaking lv1
SPEAKING – Level 1
ENG 119
The Test of English for International Communication, TOEIC®,is a standard and objective
assessment for English language proficiency in the workplace. The TOEIC®is the most used
test for Business English with more than 7 million worldwide test-takers each year. The
TOEIC®is recognized as proof of a person’s English language competence by businesses,
universities, technical colleges and business schools, when considering potential candidates
for admission to their organizations. In countries such as the United Kingdom, the TOEIC®
is a requirement for Visa applications.The TOEIC® 4 Skills testoffers a common standard of
measurement for listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Test Format
• Non-incremental placement test (no pass-or-fail system)
• Paper and pencil (Listening & Reading)
• Online test (Speaking &Writing)
• Administered in authorized TOEIC® test centers
• Individual test sittings available by appointment
Language Level
A1-C1 in accordance with the Common European Frame of Reference
Evaluation and certification of English language skills are usedat a specific point in time for
students, graduates, employees, job applicants and professionals, who may require evidence
of their language skills for their studies or jobs. The test can also be used as an aid to monitor
the learning progress of individual’s participating in language training programs.
Listening: 100 multiple choice questions in 45 min.
Reading: 100 multiple choice questions in 75 min.
Speaking: 11 tasks (6 types of questions) in 20 min.
Writing: 8 tasks (3 types of questions) in 60 min.
Test Length
200 min. test duration plus a break of 30 min. between Listening & Reading, Speaking &
• Score reports for Listening & Reading and Speaking & Writing
• Individual analysis of strengths and weaknesses
• Correlation table with CEFR* mapping and Can-Do-Statements
• Certificate for all four skills (optional)
• Score evaluation within 15 business days, excl. postal time
The TOEIC Speaking test certification offers an international standard for measuring and
determining language skills of non-native speakers in the daily life and global workplace. The
tests use common everyday vocabulary, phrases and key expressions that reflect real-world
tasks and provide information that enables score users to fairly and easily:
• Save time and resources by knowing immediately in the recruitment process who has
effectively in the international workplace
• Help businesses train, develop and promote the most qualified employees who can
interact effectively with colleagues and clients around the world
• Help Language schools give added value to their training and development
• Give job seekers and employees a competitive advantage
• Enable universities to better prepare students for today’s international workplace
• Help Individuals enhance their value and succeed in the global job market
In addition, Governments use the TOEIC Listening and Reading test and the TOEIC
Speaking and Writing tests as a valid accreditation to help them make vital decisions for
immigration and naturalization purposes.
This text book is designed to give students basic knowledge about the first 4 parts in Toeic
Speaking Text and then give students lots of practice to improve their skills. The book
includes 14 lessons with lots of theories and practice. Among them, the first 12 lessons
provide students with lots of useful languages and practice to help them improve their
speaking skills in the first 4 parts in Toeic Speaking; the last 2 lessons are the 2 model tests
for students in their final test for Speaking Level 1.
y and the time to deal with all the tasks in the Toeic Speaking Test is approximately 20
• Grammar
Describe a picture
• Vocabulary
• Cohesion
Tasks 4-6 All of the above, plus
Tasks 10
Tasks 11
Possible topics may include:
» Advertisements, announcements, and news broadcasts
» Tour information, traffic reports, and weather reports
» Entertainment, health, housing, shopping, and travel
QUICK GUIDE: Read a Text Aloud
Definition Questions 1 and 2 test your ability to pronounce words
clearly and speak English in a comprehensible way. You
will read a short text aloud, and your reading of the text
will be recorded for scoring.
Targeted Skills In order to do well on Questions 1 and 2, you must be able
• pronounce common words correctly.
• use correct intonation when reading sentences.
• use correct stress on syllables and words.
Text Types A good response will:
• reflect an accurate pronunciation of the words.
• contain smooth connections between words.
• contain accurate phrasing of groups of words and
“chunks” of language.
• include correct stress for emphasis, new information, and
• include appropriate intonation to indicate the attitude or
tone of the text.
Things to Remember 1. Scan the entire text before reading so you have an idea
of the content.
2. Read clearly and in a voice that can be easily heard.
3. Remember to pause for commas and periods.
4. Be sure to use intonation that matches the meaning of
the sentences.
5. Be careful to pronounce the words correctly.
- Short vowels
- Long vowels
- Dipthongs
[i:] be, eve, see, [i] it, kiss, tip, [e] let, tell,
meal, read, system, busy bread, dead
[ei] aim, wait, [æ] cat, apple, [a:] army, car,
eight, weight, last, class father, calm
[ai] ice, find, my, [au] out, about, [o] not, rock,
style now, brown more, order
[o:] saw,bought, [oi] oil, voice, [ou] go, note,
law, thought noise, boy open
III. Practice:
Identify the vowels and consonants in the following words and phrases
3. A.
1. have an open book
2. paying the cashier
3. using a pay phone
4. using a public phone
5. performing outdoors
6. reaching to pick up the tools
7. picking some flowers
8. walking along the pier
9. pointing at the document
10. pouring water for the customer
11. using a projector
12. putting fuel in the vehicle
13. raking the leaves
14. reaching for something on the shelf
15. rearranging the furniture
16. looking at her reflection in the mirror
17. relaxing by the river
18. taking a break
19. watering the plant
20. weighing the luggage
21. working on the computer
22. working on the farm
23. sitting in alternate seats
24. hanging on the wall
25. hanging from the ceiling
26. is at the intersection
27. lined up on the shelf
28. lying on the ground
29. overlook the water
30. are partially shaded
31. arranged in the patio
32. piled up on the steps of the houses
1. short /i/ and / æ/
Ban can dan fan jan pan tan
Bin kin din fin gin pin tin
2. /f/ and /v/
Fat fete fan life leaf fife
Vat vet van live leave five
3. / /
Asian closure collision decision diversion division
Erosion immersion intrusion lesion measure pleasure
Television treasury version vision visual
[t] vs[θ]
[t] Tree Team Tie Taught
[θ] Three Theme Thigh Thought
[θ] vs [s]
[s] Face Worse Gross Sick
[θ] Faith Worth Growth Thick
[l] vs [r]
[l] Long Walking Light Late
[r] Wrong Working Right Rate
[b] vs [v]
[b] Belly Boat Best Ban
[v] Valley Vote Vest Van
[p] vs [f]
[p] Pan Peel Pork Pink
[f] Fan Feel Fork Fine
[e] vs [æ]
[e] Men Left Said Pen
[æ] Man Laughed Sad Pan
[i] vs [i:]
[i] Ship Fill Live Hill
[i:] Sheep Feel Leave Heel
[o:] vs [ou]
[o:] Hall Saw Walk Called
[ou] Hole Sew Woke Cold
TASK 1 Look at the words and analyze the suffixes. Underline the syllables that you think
are stressed.
Knowing prefixes (the small parts that come before the root of the word) can also help you
predict the stress pattern of a word. When the word is a verb or has more than two syllables,
the stress is usually on the second syllable of the word. Here are examples of some common
TASK 2 Look at the words and analyze the prefixes. Underline the syllables that you think
are stressed.
TASK 3 Read the sentences and notice the boldfaced words. Circle the boldfaced words that
are nouns, and underline the boldfaced words that are verbs. Then double-underline CJ the
>>TIP 2 Stress words in sentences to emphasize or contrast information.
Use stress within a sentence to show that certain information is new or important. You
can also use stress to contrast information.
A: Would you like some tea?
B: I ’d like some black (1) tea.
A: Sure, here you are.
B: Sorry, but this is green (2) tea. I asked fo r black (2) tea.
You should also use stress to give more emphasis to the words that naturally carry meaning in
sentences— the content words. Function words, or the words in a sentence that are used to
give grammatical structure, don’t usually receive as much stress unless the speaker wants to
give some sort of contrast or emphasis.
The employees are the ones to thank.
There’s really not a lot to say about that.
Finally, adverbs are frequently stressed to add emphasis.
We really don’t have much time.
I completely forgot the conference.
TASK 1. Underline the words that receive stress on the first syllable.
1. The correct numbers are 13 and 17, not 30 and 70.
2. We strongly suggest that you back up your computer files at the end of the day.
3. Our genealogists will conduct a very thorough search of your family tree.
4. On the new schedule, you will see that the bus departs on Tuesday at 1 p.m.
5. Your estimated wait time to speak to a representative is ten minutes.
6. The parking spaces are clearly marked “visitor.”
TASK 2 Read the sentences. Which boldfaced words do you think should be stressed?
Underline your choices.
1. The real estate office is located in the green house on the left.
2. You will receive a credit card within ten days after receipt of your application.
3. The message said to phone their office between 9 and 5, Monday to Friday.
4. We are currently reviewing your request and will respond within 30 days.
5. Please turn down the volume on the TV, not up.
I/ Intonation:
Sentence intonation helps the listener understand the speaker’s meaning, in addition to
the speaker’s attitude or mood. The most common intonation patterns are rising-falling for
statements and information questions and rising for yes-no questions.
1. Falling tune:
Statements typically have falling intonation, meaning the speaker’s voice lowers slightly at
the end of the sentence.
Within a sentence, speakers may use rising or higher intonation in different situations. When
giving a series of numbers or a list of three or more items, the speaker will often use rising
intonation to let the listener know there is more to come. The speaker will then usually use
falling intonation on the last item to indicate the list is complete.
Hotel management, health care, accounting, and education are all good career options.
Speakers will also use rising or higher intonation when there are clauses in a statement
to show that more information is to come. Notice the underlined clauses, the boldfaced
signpost words used to introduce them, and how the clauses affect intonation.
Because we don’t have the reports yet, we can’t have the meeting.
I really wanted to go to the conference, until I saw the huge entry fees.
Although I usually enjoy mv job, this past month has been tough.
- Information questions usually start with the word Who, What, Where,
When, Why, or How. These types of questions have falling intonation at the end of the
2. Rising tune:
Yes-No questions usually start with some form of an auxiliary verb, such as do, have, can, or
be. These types of questions have an up intonation. Listen to the yes-no questions below and
notice the intonation.
B – Practice:
TASK : Do these questions have rising or falling intonation? Write for rising intonation
or for falling intonation. Then listen to check your answers and practice.
TASK 1: In the following words, the final -s always makes a /s/ sound. Practice reading the
words aloud
Bats blocks cats fruits licks lights
Mats plants sheets socks tacks trucks
Notice that all the words above end in either a /k/ sound or a /t/ sound in their singular form.
Most other plural words end in a /z/ sound. Now practice reading pronouncing plurals that
end in /z/.
Animals apples computers dogs eyes glasses
Kisses oranges pencils pillows tables tires
Now, pronounce the plural words below. Some will end with a /s/ sound, and others will end
with a /z/ sound.
Babies boats books candleschairs desks signs
Drawers jerks plumbers shirts shoes
TASK 2: Identify /s, z, iz / in the plural form of nouns in the following sentence.
1. I saw the birds fly away.
2. What time did the guests leave?
3. He broke his arms in the accident.
4. She sang the songs her father wrote.
5. Where does she park her cars at night?
6. I read the books very quickly.
7. The bags fell on the floor.
8. The shops will be closed.
9. When will the classes begin?
10. The boxes won’t be big enough.
TASK 3: Write the pronunciation of –ed, /t, d, Id/ ending after each of the following words
and read them:
1. 2. 3.
.4. 5. 6.
emptied his glass closed the door walked away
Read the sentences below. Which boldfaced words do you think should be stressed?
Underline your choices.
1. The real estate office is located in the green house on the left.
2. You will receive a credit card within ten days after receipt of your application.
3. The message said to phone their office between 9 and 5, Monday to Friday.
4. We are currently reviewing your request and will respond within 30 days.
5. Please turn down the volume on the TV, not up.
1. What is physical health?
2. What is mental health?
3. Do you think that you are a healthy person?
4. Do you eat healthy food? Name your favorite healthy food.
5. Do you eat junk food? Name your favorite junk food.
6. Is typical food of your country healthy?
7. Do you ever lose your appetite?
8. How much exercise should a person do?
9. Do you exercise often? What do you like the most?
10. How much sleep should people get? How about you?
Good morning, it is my pleasure to welcome you to National Airlines Flight 2737 to New
York’s JohnF. Kennedy Airport. We will be taking off shortly. At this point, I need to ask
you to turn off all electronic devices and return your tray tables and seats to their upright
positions. Thank you
Hello, and welcome to dog obedience class! I’m going to ask everyone to take at seat in the
semicircle of chairs in front of me. Please get your dog to sit, and do whatever you need to do
to keep him or her sitting. It isn’t easy to get your dog to obey in such an exciting
environment, but it’s important if you want your dog to listen to you at the park.
Good morning, students. In five minutes, we will begin the test. You will have one hour to
complete the first two essays. I will warn you when you have 5 minutes remaining and then
again when you have 1 minute left. When I call time, you must put your pencils down. You
will not be allowed to return this section.
I. Introduction:
1. In this question, you will be given a picture to describe in as much detail as you can.
2. You will have 30 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to speak about the picture.
3. The focus of the picture may be one of the following areas: free-time activities,
eating, drinking, entertainment, health, household tasks, shopping, travel, or street
4. Speak slowly and clearly, but say as much as you can in the time allowed.
II. Picture Types:
There are many types of pictures in Part 2: Pictures about big cities, scenery, shops,
offices, public, etc. However, the main type is people and scenery (outside and inside)
1. Shopping:
2. Events:
3. Public/ offices:
4. Activities in free time:
5. Other activities:
III.Test Techniques
1. Brainstorm vocabulary and plan introductory sentences (30 seconds).
2. After your introduction, describe what you see using adjectives, adverbs, and
3. Expand your answers with speculation on the character scene.
4. Use uncertain and speculative language when you aren’t 100% sure.
5. Say as much as you can in the time allowed.
TASK: Identify the type of each following picture and make one sentence to talk about
each picture
P1. P2.
P3. P4.
P5. P6.
P7. P8.
P9. P10.
P11. P12.
P13. P14.
P15. P16.
P17. P18.
P19. P20.
P21. P22.
P23. P24. P25.
P27. P28.
P29. P30.
I. Some useful language:
1. Use the present continuous or ‘there is / are + to describe the activities you can
see in the picture.
A. Present continuous
Ø Positive
- I + AM
- HE, SHE, IT + IS
Ø Negative
- I + AM
- HE, SHE, IT + IS
Ø Interrogative
- AM +I
- IS + HE, SHE, IT
B. There is / are
- THERE IS + (A / AN) + NOUN (Singular)
• AT for a POINT
• ON for a SURFACE
At the corner In the garden On the wall
At the bus stop In London On the ceiling
At the door In France On the door
At the top of the page In a box On the cover
At the end of the road In my pocket On a page
At the entrance In a building On the carpet
At the crossroads In a car On the menu
Some other expressions:
At home In a car On a bus
At work In a taxi On a train
At school In a helicopter On a plane
At university In a boat On a ship
At college In a lift (elevator) On a bicycle, on a motorbike
At the top In the newspaper On a horse, on an elephant
At the bottom In the sky On the radio, on television
At the side In a row On the left, on the right
At reception In the Street On the way
*** Other prepositions of place: under, over, between, among, in front of, behind, next to,
near, beside, below, above, opposite, across from, beneath.
3. Use the present simple or ‘there is / are’ to talk about objects and people in the
Simple present
Ø Positive:
- I, WE, YOU, THEY + VERB (without TO)
TASK 2: Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in
parentheses. Use the simple present, present continuous, or There is/There are.
1.The woman ______________ (stand) in the kitchen.
2. The man ______________ (walk) to work every day.
3.He______________ (wait) for the baker to bring the bread.
4________________(be) two people in this photo.
5. The woman ______________ (wear) a white coat and a black hat.
6________________(be) a man standing at the counter.
TASK 3: Look at the photo. Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the correct
prepositions in the box.
TASK 4: Use different grammar points above to talk about these pictures
P1. P2.
P3. P4.
P5. P6.
P7. P8.
P9. P10.
glasses _
cables __
older man
Listen to the sample response. As you listen, number the sentences from 1-6 in the
______On the left, there is a young man with a white shirt leaning over a desk. He’s
______An older man is sitting behind the desk. He’s wearing glasses.
______The older man is watching the younger man fix his computer.
______The computer cables are at the back of the computer unit, where the young man is
TASK 3: Look at the photo. Then read the sentences. Number the sentences from 1-6 to put
them in the correct order.
____The man and the woman are standing in a mail room or a copy room, in front of a
photocopy machine and near some mailboxes.
____And it looks like they have just made copies, which they’re looking over.
____Next to the woman is a young man wearing a white shirt and casual slacks.
____Well, there are two people in the picture, a man and a woman
TASK 4: Describe some pictures. Try to make as many sentences as you can
P1. P2.
P3. P4.
P5. P6.
P7. P8.
P9. P10.
P11. P12.
P13. P14.
P15. P16.
P17. P18.
P19. P20.
P21. P22.
P23. P24.
P25. P26.
P27. P28.
P29. P30.
P31. P32.
II. Question Types:
Yes/No questions
Sometimes the only answer that we need is yes or no. Look at these examples:
auxiliary main answer:
verb Subject not verb yes or no
Is Anne French?
WH-word questions
Sometimes we want more than yes or no for an answer. When asking for information, we
usually place a question-word at the beginning of the sentence. The question-word indicates
the information that we want, for
example: where (place), when (time), why (reason), who(person). Look at these examples:
question auxiliary main answer:
word verb Not Subject verb information
Where Is Bombay?
Choice questions
Sometimes we give our listener a choice. We ask them to choose between two possible
answers. So their answer is (usually) already in the question. Look at these examples:
auxiliary verb Subject main verb or in question
III. Practice:
A- Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given question word.
9. She teaches us grammar. What ?
10. He gets up at seven every morning. When ?
11. Those girls sell newspapaer there. What ?
Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have
agreed to participate in a telephone interview about vacations.
Q4: How long do you spend a vacation?
Q5: Where do you usually go on vacation?
A6: What is the most amazing site you’re ever seen?
2. Type 2: Hobbies
Imagine that a U.S marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed
to participate in a telephone interview about listening to music.
Q4: How often do you listen to music?
Q5: When do you usually listen to music?
A6: What kind of music do you usually enjoy listening to?
3. Type 3: Life
Imagine that a British marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have
agreed to participate in a telephone interview about television
Q4: How often do you watch TV?
Q5: What is your favorite program on TV?
A6: Do you watch TV more or less than in the past? Why?
Work in pairs, practice asking and answering the questions mentioned above
III. Practice:
TASK 1: Practice with questions about hobbies
1. Do you have enough free time?
2. What do you do with your free time?
3. What takes up most of your time in your life?
4. Do you ever feel like you are just wasting your time?
5. Who do you like to spend your free time with the most?
6. Do you ever spend your free time with your family?
7. Where do you spend most of your free time?
8. Describe the perfect weekend.
9. Do men and women spend their free time differently?
10. Name one way young people spend their free time in a bad way.
11. Name one way young people spend their free time in a good way.
12. Do you have any hobbies?
13. Can you make money from a hobby?
14. Do you spend money on your hobby?
15. Does your hobby ever get in the way of school/work?
16. Name a hobby that does not cost anything.
17. Name an expensive hobby.
18. What is a popular hobby in your country?
19. Name a dangerous hobby.
20. Is there a hobby that you want to start, but don’t have enough time or money for?
Drill 01: Identify the topic of the question
Imagine that a Canadian marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have
agreed to participate in a telephone interview about eating out.
Drill 02: Base on the question, predict the content of the question using the question
word provided
Use available words and write questions:
1. How often ?
2. Where ?
3. What are the advantages of ?
Drill 03: Understand the meaning of the question word . Choose suitable answers
1. How often do you eat out in a week?
a. I eat out twice a week.
b. I go to a restaurant by bus.
2. Where is the closest restaurant from your house?
a. The closest restaurant from my house is two blocks away.
b. It takes 5 minutes by car to get to the closest restaurant from my house.
3. What are the advantages of eating out?
a. The Chinese restaurant around the corner serves delicious dishes.
b. I can have delicious food without spending time cooking.
9. Have you ever traveled by ship? If so, do you like it. If not, would you want to?
10. What do you think is the safest way to travel?
11. What is the most dangerous way to travel?
12. What is the most common form of transportation in your country?
13. Are taxis expensive in your country?
14. Would you ever like to go on a cruise?
15. Should the government provide good public transit?
16. What could your country do to improve your public transit?
17. Should people stop using fossil fuels for transit and start using renewable energy
18. Is gasoline/petrol expensive in your country?
19. Do you ever spend your free time with your family?
20. Where do you spend most of your free time?
21. Describe the perfect weekend.
22. Do men and women spend their free time differently?
23. Name one way young people spend their free time in a bad way.
24. Name one way young people spend their free time in a good way.
25. Have you ever been outside of your country?
26. Could you live in a foreign country for the rest of your life?
27. Would you rather fly or take a train?
28. Would you rather take a train or take a bus
Topic : Imagine that an American marketing firm is doing research in your country.
You have agreed to participate in a telephone survey about food shopping.
TASK 4: Practice answering the following questions
1. Do you like to travel?
2. Describe your dream vacation.
3. Have you ever been outside of your country?
4. Could you live in a foreign country for the rest of your life?
5. Would you rather fly or take a train?
6. Would you rather take a train or take a bus?
7. Would you rather plan a trip or just go and see what happens?
8. Which country that you have not been to would you like to visit the most?
9. What do you like most about traveling?
10. What do you like the least about traveling?
11. Would you rather visit a city or go somewhere out in nature?
12. Do you prefer relaxing or busy trips/vacations?
13. Would you rather go on a cruise or a safari?
14. Where would/do you most like to travel within your country?
15. What is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
16. Do you buy souvenirs when you travel?
17. Do you pack lots of stuff when you travel, or do you travel light?
18. Have you ever gotten lost on a trip?
19. Do you like to take guided tours or explore a place by yourself?
20. Would you like to work in the tourism industry?
21. Is education important to you?
22. Is education in your country good?
23. Do you like going to school?
24. What is your favorite thing about school?
25. What is your least favorite thing about school?
26. Which grade has been the best grade for you so far?
27. Do you like your school?
28. What is one thing that you like about your school?
29. What is one thing that you do not like about your school?
30. What is your favorite subject? Why?
31. Do you have any special customs related to your culture?
32. Do you think that your culture is becoming lost?
33. Do you feel the need to preserve your culture?
34. How do you feel when someone makes fun of your culture?
35. Do gender roles exist in your country?
36. Do you see yourself as a typical man or woman?
37. What are the responsibilities of a father?
38. What are the responsibilities of a mother?
39. What do you think about stay at home mothers?
40. What do you think about stay at home fathers?
I. Introduction:
This part of the Speaking Test provides information in the form of a schedule or an agenda
followed by three questions. You will have 30 seconds to read the information. Then you will
hear each question and respond. You will hear each question only once, and you will not be
able to read the questions. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 7 and 8 and 30
seconds to respond to Question 9. Your responses will be evaluated on pronunciation,
intonation and stress, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion, and completeness and relevance of
Question 9: I may not be available for the full day. Could you give me information about the
activities in the morning, before lunchtime?
7. Where is the event going to be held?
8. Could you tell me the schedule for after lunch?
9. When is the due date for my registering and handing in the fee?
2. Type 2: Tourism:
7. Where will participants meet before starting the tour?
8. What will participants do in the morning?
9. I’d like to know the rest of the schedule after lunch?
3. Type 3: Seminar
7. How long does the workshop take place?
8. How many participants are allowed to join? (Minimum – Maximum)?
9. Could you tell me about the contact information?
7. How long does it take to get to Hotel Compton from the airport?
8. When will the presentation about “Global Environmental Issues” happen?
9. Is there anything I should be aware of?
QUESTION 7: Where is the employee workshop taking place?
>> ANSWER: It is taking place in __________________________the Seattle headquarters.
QUESTION 8: When is the employee workshop being held?
>> ANSWER: It will be held________________________________________________.
QUESTION 9: When does the employee workshop begin?
>> ANSWER: It begins ____________________________________________________.
There's something for everyone's tastes at our 3 day event starting at 8:00 AM Friday, March
We've expanded this year to cover all 6,000 square feet of Mercer Stadium.
Browse hundreds of stalls with vendors demonstrating and selling all the latest products.
Get all the help you need from our eager experts.
Celebrity guests: Allen Landis, Julie Ty, Ryan Bliss and the Dawson brothers of Helping
Each guest will appear each day for an hour on the center stage.
Admission at the door: $15 for one day, $25 for 2 days, $35 for 3 days.
Children under age 12 get in for free.
For further details visit us online at www.hometogrowwith.net
7. What day will the event begin and when will it end?
8. How much is each of the grand prizes worth?
9. I'm a big fan of Helping Hand. When and where will I be able to see the Dawson
brothers? Are there any other celebrity guests attending?
Questions 7-9 on the Speaking Test are scored on a scale from 0-3. Your responses will be
graded based on pronunciation, intonation and stress, grammar, vocabulary, cohesion,
relevance of content, and completeness of content. You will also be graded on your ability to
politely convey accurate information.
Conveying information accurately and politely is very important for Questions 7-9. For
these questions, you are expected to speak politely to a person calling to ask questions about
an event or a plan. You should try to use language that is appropriate for speaking with
someone you don’t know and avoid speaking too informally or being impolite.
A Good Response: Just a moment, sir. Let me check that for you. I’m really sorry, but the
3:00 presentation has been canceled. There’s a similar presentation at 2:00. It covers
increasing sales, motivating employees, and improving your work environment. I can give
you more information on that, if you’d like.
1. Understanding the information texts and questions
TIP 1: Familiarize yourself with the types of information texts you may find on the test.
The types of information texts you see before the questions are usually some sort of
schedule, agenda, announcement, invitation, advertisement, or itinerary. See below for
examples of the types of information texts you may see.
TASK 1: Read the definitions of text types below. Then write the number of the correct
information text example
a.An itinerary is a plan for a trip, including the travel and hotel arrangements and the places
that will be visited____________
b.An announcement, invitation, or advertisement gives details about an event__________
c.A schedule or agenda is a list of things that will happen and when ______________
Look at the three information texts in TIP 1, What is the main focus of each text?
Circle the correct focus.
Text 1: a gathering of professional writers / a party for a publisher / an exhibition of books
Text 2: a conference schedule / a self-guided tour / a tour of a work site
Text 3: a meeting at Government Center / a presentation schedule / travel plans for a speaker
» TIP 2 Practice scanning for detailed information.
You have 30 seconds to scan the text before answering the questions. During this time, you
should scan for the kinds of important information you may need to answer the questions.
For example, you should locate or note any prices, dates, times, activities, or other
information the caller might ask about. This way you will be prepared to find information
quickly when answering questions.
Look at the information texts in TIP 1 and answer the questions below.
Text 1
1. Who are the main speakers at the conference?___________________________________
2.What things can a person do in the afternoon?____________________________________
Text 2
1. When can someone take the tour?_____________________________________________
2.How long does the tour last, and what do you see?________________________________
Text 3
1. What time does the delegation arrive, and who’s picking them up? __________________
2. How long does the delegation have for lunch? __________________________________
TIP 3 Get to know the types of introductions and questions you might hear.
You will usually hear a short introductory statement by the caller before you hear the
questions. This often gives general information about the situation. As you listen to the
statement, think about the types of related information that the caller might ask for. After that,
you will hear the first question.
TASK 1: Practice quickly finding the topic of the schedule. Scan the schedule. Then answer
the question below.
What is this information mainly about?
(A) Dining room service hours
(B)A special dinner
(C) A business meeting
B. Read each question. Scan the schedule above to find the information requested. Circle the
information on the schedule. Then check ( / ) the correct answer.
Question 7: Where will appetizers be served?
□ Appetizers will be served in the Green Room.
□ Appetizers will be served in the hotel lobby.
□ Appetizers will be served in the East Dining Room.
Question 8: Will there be dancing immediately following dinner?
□ Yes. Peter Harris will lead the band.
□ No. There will be an awards ceremony first.
□ No. There won’t be any music or dancing.
Question 9: Will there be any speakers during the banquet?
□ No. But there will be a slide show.
□ Yes. There will be five speakers.
□ Yes. Both the membership secretary and the president will speak.
C. Read each question below and scan the schedule from Part A to find the information
requested. Then complete the template to answer the questions. Practice your responses
aloud and record them if you can. Be sure to check the amount of time you use!
Question 7: When will the main meal begin?
The_______________________ ? Just let me check that for you. OK.
________________________________ will be served in the East Dining Room at
Question 8: Will the Radford Orchestra provide the music?
>> No, I don’t think so, but let’s see here. There will be music and dancing, but the
music will be played by ______________________
Question 9: What will happen during the awards ceremony itself?
So you’d like to know what will happen during the ceremony? OK. Well, let me
take a look. There are several parts to the ceremony. First, there will be a
________________________________by _________________________ Then
________________________will________________________________ Finally,
everyone will enjoy a________________________________ I hope that answers
your question.
When trying to find the answer for the questions, students could use some following
techniques to give themselves some more time to find out the answer:
- Repeat the key words in the questions or the whole questions
- Add some phrases as followed:
+ Ok, let me see
+ Let me check the information for you
+ Let me take a look
TASK 1: Look at the information provided and do the tasks below
Northern Star Charity Golf Classic
Time Event
11:00 a.m. Registration
11:30 a.m. Driving range & Warm-up
12:00 p.m. BBQ Lunch*
1:00 p.m. Guest Speaker, John King, Pro Golfer
After lunch,_____________________, who is a pro golfer, will tell you how to improve your
golf game,__________________there will be the 19th Hole Reception. After that, there will
be an ___________________. Lastly, you will have_________________________.
TASK 2: Look at the table for 30 second, listen and fill in the blanks in the questions
below with the correct information (Track 103)
Let’s Dance
Saturday, September 15
Elementary School
11:00 a.m. Special Performance by International Dance
* All contestants in the dance contest should register one week in advance at www.
Question 7: ____________________is free for everyone who comes to the dance
competition. But _______________will not be served. You’ll have to make your own
arrangements for lunch.
Question 8: _______________. You and your wife have to register first at _____________ at
least ______________before the competition.
Question 9: Three dance performances by the international dance competition winners will be
staged at ________________for one hour. _______________will show Modern dance.
A. Scan the schedule. What is the information mostly about?
B. Listen to the questions. As you listen to each one, scan the schedule in Part A and
the information you will need for your answer. Can you find all the information needed
each response? Listen to the model responses to check your answers.
7. Can you tell me the exact date and time of Mr. Green’s arrival?
8. If I pick up Mr. Green at 12:15 to his lunch with the Board of Directors, would that be
early enough?
9. What about after lunch? Will he be needing transportation to any other places that
afternoon or evening?
C Listen to the questions in Part B again and complete the templates to answer the
questions. Then practice your responses aloud and record them if you can. Be sure to
check the amount of time you use!
7. How many performances of Romeo and Juliet will there be throughout the summer?
8. I understand that the plays will be performed in the outdoor theater, so that means that
performances will be canceled if it rains, right?
9. I will be out of town for most of July, so I’m wondering whether there will be any
plays performed in August?
Question 7: What kind of experience do you have with animals?
Question 8: My dog's face never looks clean. Will there be any tips for dealing with this?
Question 9: Is there any sort of fee for taking your workshop?
8. Yes, we will be showing our workshop participants how to shampoo and bathe their pets
properly. We will also show you how to remove tear stains from your dog's face. I believe
that is the problem you are referring to.
9. The workshop itself is free and we do not require registration. However, we do ask that
participants bring a donation for the animal shelter. This could be pet food or money. There
are some other ideas for donations on the Chicago Pet Workshop website. You can check
them out at www.chicagopetworkshops.com. That's www.chicagopetworkshops.com.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about things you do in your
free time, jobs you like or dislike and reasons why. For each question, begin responding
immediately after the question has finished. No preparation time is provided. You will have
15 seconds to respond to each question.
If you're shopping, sightseeing and running around every minute, your vacation can seem like
hard work. To avoid vacation stress, come to the Blue Valley Inn on beautiful Lake Mead.
While staying at our inn, you'll breathe clean country air as you view spectacular sights.
Spectacular [spek'tækjulə]
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Question 2: How much does a person have to pay when they join in the event?
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about means of
transportation you use or some information about travel. For each question, begin responding
immediately after the question has finished. No preparation time is provided. You will have
15 seconds to respond to each question.
Welcome to Rock Talk 88.3 FM. On today’s show, we will be meeting with the famous
singer and songwriter Adam Ryan. After the debut of his first album, On the Right Side, in
1997, Adam has toured Europe, North America, and Asia.
Preparation Time = 30 seconds Assessment criteria: Fluency, intonation, stress, final
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Question 2: Do you like travelling? Which city do you like to visit most?
Question 2: How many men’s T-shirts can you get for $40?
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about daily activities or
what you do to keep fit and stay healthy. For each question, begin responding immediately
after the question has finished. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to
respond to each question.
Are you a global company needing to deal with many foreign currencies? Do you find your
bank's exchange rates too low, and their service fees too high? Then take your business to
Rapid Exchange. We'll satisfy all your foreign exchange requirements with our one-to-one
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Question 2: What do you often do to keep your body fit and healthy?
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about leisure activities or
computer using. For each question, begin responding immediately after the question has
finished. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each
Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for visiting the Greater Vancouver Zoo. The zoo will be
closing in twenty minutes, at 7 o’clock. We would like to ask you to begin making your way
back to the main gate of the zoo at this time. Don’t forget to stop by our gift shop near the
main gate.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about daily activities or the
ways you learn English. For each question, begin responding immediately after the question
has finished. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each
It’s time to register for our (fall or spring) season! Let Me Run is a running program for (4th-
5th grade or 6th-8th grade) designed to inspire boys through the power of running to be
themselves, to build healthy relationships and to live an active lifestyle. The season begins on
(enter start date) and will run 7 weeks.
Preparation Time = 30 seconds
Relationship [ri'lei∫n∫ip]
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about leisure activities or
reading in free time. For each question, begin responding immediately after the question has
finished. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each
You can send an e-mail message to any person with an e-mail address. The message arrives
in the recipient's e-mail inbox within seconds or minutes—despite whether he or she is your
next-door neighbor or lives halfway around the world. You can receive messages from
anyone who knows your e-mail address, and then read and reply to those messages.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about shopping or eating
out. For each question, begin responding immediately after the question has finished. No
preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each question.
One advantage that e-mail has over the telephone or regular mail is its convenience. You can
send a message at any time of day or night. If the recipients aren't in front of their computers
or online (connected to the Internet) when you send the message, they'll find it waiting for
them the next time they check their e-mail. If they are online, you might get a reply within
Advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about important events or
clothes for these event. For each question, begin responding immediately after the question
has finished. No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about birthday and how to
celebrate. For each question, begin responding immediately after the question has finished.
No preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each question.
Lost VIP Classic Briefcase of black colour while travelling by DTC bus route No.114 from
Lawrence Road to Red Fort on 24 January 2011 in the morning at 9:40 a.m. Contains
valuable documents including certificates for graduation and post graduation.
Graduation [,grædʒu'ei∫n]
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Question 2: Who would be the best person to help you schedule the meeting?
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions about food and drink or
cooking. For each question, begin responding immediately after the question has finished. No
preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each question.
If you’re a morning walker or jogger, it may be time to pick up the pace a little. Try cycling.
If you thought the stifling heat without a whiff of breeze is tough then cycling will help you
change your mind. You’ll be zipping around so fast that you will find it delightfully cool
while moving.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe a picture in as much detail as you can.
You will then have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to
speak about the picture.
PART IV: Responding to the questions using information provided (3 marks)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer two questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Question 1: Do you like cooking and can you cook for yourself?
Question 2: How many things that John concerned about are there?
1. Collins (2012) Skills for the Toeic Test – SPEAKING. NXB TP Ho Chi Minh
2. Grant Trew (2011) Tactics for TOEIC – SPEAKING. Oxford -University Press
3. Jay Koo (2011) New TOEIC – Speaking Coach. San Francisco Education Consulting.
NXB TP Ho Chi Minh
4. Lee Se-yeong (2010) Toeic Speaking. NXB TP Ho Chi Minh