Level2 Unit 5 Lesson1 - How To Spend Weekend
Level2 Unit 5 Lesson1 - How To Spend Weekend
Level2 Unit 5 Lesson1 - How To Spend Weekend
Describing where to spend the weekend
Objectives 3
Appendix 23
Sample Spiels 23
English beginners with little or no experience.
make simple statements on personal details and very familiar topics;
manage very short, isolated, mainly pre-packaged utterances; and
search for expressions and articulate less familiar words independently,
albeit with much pausing.
―Be‖ verbs
Simple Present
Present Continuous Tense
Yes-No Questions with Do
English users who have basic knowledge of grammar, structure, and know
some situational conversations.
relate basic information on familiar matters using simple terms;
make himself understood in very short utterances
use some simple structures correctly, but may systematically make basic
Regular Verbs—Simple Past Tense
Irregular Verbs—Simple Past Tense
Simple Future Tense
Leveling System
English users who have limited expression patterns but can conduct daily
conversations with ease.
relate comprehensibly the main points he/she wants to make;
link simple elements into a connected sequence to discuss familiar
subjects within his/her field of interest; and
use a general repertoire associated with more predictable situations.
Present Perfect Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Should/have to/ought to
English users who can use English expressions and conduct conversation
fluently using good grammar.
express points of view at length without noticeable strain;
interact on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest;
correct his/her communication errors independently.
Future Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Modals of Obligation
Used to
Leveling System
English users who can communicate in English confidently and have
mastered professional and business English.
show fluent, spontaneous expression in clear, well-structured
speech; and
give clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects with high
degree of accuracy and minimal errors.
Past Perfect Tense
Present perfect Continuous Tense
Subjunctive Mood
Mixed Conditionals
Adjective + Preposition Pairs
English users whose skills are the same as those of native speak-
ers‘ skills.
convey finer shades of meaning precisely and naturally;
interact spontaneously and fluently; and
produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured descriptions.
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Mixed Conditionals
Discourse Markers
Subjunctive Mood
Free Trial Lesson Flow
3-minute Warm-up
19-minute Textbook Teaching
3-minute Wrap-up
25-minute Lesson
Ask the following questions one at a time. Pay attention to the student‘s answer.
* Please make sure you give the student enough time to respond. Para-
phrase the student‘s answer to verify your understanding.
Before we start our lesson, I would like
Tell the student that you will give you to know that I will give corrections
corrections during the lesson. when needed. Is it okay with you?
19-minute Textbook Teaching
Ensure a good transition from the
warm-up to the textbook teaching.
You reserved “Comprehensive
English Lesson — Describing
where to spend the weekend,”
am I right? Have you opened
Proceed to the lesson that the stu- the textbook?
dent has chosen. Speak confidently
as you confirm the lesson.
Introduce the lesson by asking questions related to the topic. You may ask
simple questions which will help you gauge the level of the student.
Thank the student for answering your questions and introduce the lesson.
Teacher: Thank you for answering all my questions. That was a great start. You
chose ―Comprehensive English Lesson– Describing where to spend the
Set the objective/s of the lesson. Make sure that your objective/s can be
achieved in 25 minutes. For this type of student, you should state that you
will be focusing on their pronunciation and vocabulary definition.
Teacher: For today‘s lesson, we will focus on your pronunciation and the words
we use to describe where you spend the weekends. By the end of the les-
son, you should be able to use these new words in sentences of your own
by describing where you spend your weekends.
For this type of student, you should speak slowly and you should give sim-
ple instructions. For the vocabulary, you can ask the student to repeat after
You will need to explain the meaning of the words to your student. Your
definitions should be easy for your student to understand.
Describing where to spend the weekend Sample Dialogue
Teacher: Look at the words on the first page. The first four pictures are famous
places in China and the next four are means of transportation. Please re-
peat after me. The Summer Palace.
Student: The Summer Palace
Teacher: Good! Next, The Temple of Heaven
Student: The Tempr of Heaven.
Teacher: You should make the /l/ sound. Temple. It should be /templ/ not /tempr/,
For this type of student, you may ask the student to repeat after you again.
You should focus on their pronunciation and give definitions of the phrases.
You can also ask one follow up question to check if your student can under-
stand. But never bombard your student with too many questions.
Teacher: Let‘s look at Exercise B. Please repeat after me….. ―going on foot‖ is to
go to a place by walking. ―Going by bike or riding a bike‖ means that you go
to a place using a bike. Do you like riding a bike?
Student: Yes. Many people ride bike in China.
Teacher: Right! You should say, many people ride bikes in China. You need to
have ―s‖ at the end of ―bike‖ because many people have them. Please say
that again.
Student: Many people ride bikes in China.
Teacher: Good.
Teacher: Let‘s practice the phrases that we learned. Let‘s read the dialogue on
Page 2. I will be Mike and you will be Lisa, okay?
Student: Okay.
Teacher: Where do you want to go today?
Student: I want to go to Summer Palace.
Teacher: Wait, you need to say ‗the‘ before Summer Palace. Please read that
Student: I want to go to the Summer Palace.
Teacher: Oh, we can go there by subway.
Student: Fist, we can go to the subway station by bus.
Teacher: You should say, ―first‖ not ―fist.‖ Could you say that again? You should
make the ―r‖ sound.
Describing where to spend the weekend Sample Dialogue
NOTE: Continue the dialogue with your student. Give corrections and address the
student‘s questions as needed. You can exchange roles with your student. You
should also ask the student one to two simple comprehension questions about the
For Part I, guide the student to make dialogues like in the example. But do
not force the student to follow the pattern. Focus on the student‘s pronuncia-
tion and vocabulary.
Teacher: Let‘s make our own dialogues. You can answer my questions using the
phrases in the box, okay? Let‘s start. How do you usually go to work?
Student: I go to work on foot.
Teacher: How do you go to the hospital?
Student: I go to the hospital by bus.
Teacher: This time you ask the question and I will answer.
Student: How you go to the airport?
Teacher: You should say, ―how do you go to the airport?‖ Please say that again.
Student: How do you go to the airport?
Teacher: I go to the airport by taxi.
For Part II, it may be difficult for a student in this stage to make a dialogue
on his own. You can therefore ask the student and guide him to make sen-
tences using the given words.
You can read the passage aloud first. After reading it, you may ask the stu-
dent to read it. You will have to focus on the student‘s pronunciation and vo-
cabulary. You can ask one or two comprehension check questions from the
exercise at the end of the lesson material.
Describing where to spend the weekend Sample Dialogue
Teacher: I will read the passage first, then you will read it after me, okay?
Student: Okay.
Teacher: (reads the passage) Okay, your turn.
Student: To—day is Saturday. Mike and I are going to trawer in the city..
Teacher: Say that again? Travel. /v/. Tra—vel.
Student: Traber.
Teacher: Nearly there. Tra--/vuh/--el. Travel.
Student: Traver.
Teacher: Good. You can practice more on your own. Please continue reading. We
can practice some more when you enroll at 51Talk!
Describing where to spend the weekend— Dealing with other Stages
N T !
Your WRAP-UP should include:
Ask the student for feedback of What do you think of our lesson today?
the lesson.
So join 51Talk and book my next lesson. I’ll be waiting for you, okay?
You did well today, Sky. You learned the proper pronunciation and
meaning of words we use to describe where we spend our weekends.
You need to practice more on how you say some words like “first,”
“temple,” and “travel.” Please say them again… Alright, based on to-
day’s lesson, I think you are in the Beginner Stage because of your
pronunciation and long pauses. I can continue to help you practice, if
you study with me here at 51Talk. I hope to see you in my future les-
sons, Sky!
That was a good lesson, Sky. You learned the proper pronunciation
and meaning of words we use to describe where we spend our
weekends. You also learned to use these new words in sentences
of your own by describing how you spend your weekends. But, be
careful with your grammar. You should say, “How do you go to the
airport?” instead of “How you go to airport?” Alright, based on our
conversation on today’s lesson, I think you are in the Elementary
Stage. You need to practice more if you want to improve and I be-
lieve I can help you with that. I hope to see you in my future les-
sons, Sky!