Studyguide Speakingtest PDF
Studyguide Speakingtest PDF
Studyguide Speakingtest PDF
the Speaking
The key to doing well in
examiner is
test is to know what the looking for.
The basics
The Speaking test is the same for Academic and General Training. It is a
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face-to-face interview with an IELTS examiner lasting between 11 and 14
minutes. In Part 1, you answer general questions about yourself, your family,
and other familiar topic areas. In Part 2, you give a talk for one to two minutes
based on a topic card. You have one minute to prepare. The examiner may ask
one or two questions. In Part 3, the examiner will ask you questions related to to get the band score you need.
the topic in Part 2. This is an opportunity for you to develop ideas raised earlier.
Background preparation
You need to be aware of the language areas the examiner is looking for:
tips for your Speaking test
When you run a race, you warm up beforehand. So, you can warm up your mind
by thinking in English before you go into the test. Talk to other candidates in
English while you are waiting.
Most people are nervous in the Speaking test, and the examiner understands
this. If you have an attack of nerves, pause and say, “I’m sorry, I’m very nervous.
Can you give me a second?” Then take a deep breath and carry on.
Don’t learn your answers by heart. The examiner will spot this and will give zero
marks for prepared answers.
Don’t get too stressed about getting everything absolutely correct. Everyone
makes mistakes – including native speakers.