RPP Bu Titiek
RPP Bu Titiek
RPP Bu Titiek
A. Learning Outcomes
Being able to apply English in written communication fluently, accurately, and acceptably
through different patterns of essay organizations both in an academic and social context.
B. Learning Objectives
1. To deliver written and spoken ideas of a certain case.
2. To improve critical thinking.
3. To write and speak about hortatory exposition.
C. Learning Method/Strategy
1. Think Pair Share
2. Project-Based Learning
D. Learning Media
1. Media : Videos and printed text
2. Tools : Laptop, LCD, and Whiteboard
E. Learning Source
1. http://typeoftext.blogspot.com/2009/01/hortatory-exposition.html
2. http://britishcourse.com/hortatory-exposition-text-definition-generic-structures-
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_JgSIKCmsc
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOl6h3GWqU8
5. https://sriwismajayanti.wordpress.com/hortatory-text/
F. Learning Activity
Scoring Rubrics Text Max. Score
• There is a title. 1
• The title is centered 1
• The first line is indented. 1
• There are margins on both sides. 1
• The work is tidy. 1
Total 5
• There is a period after every sentence. 1
• Commas are used correctly. 2
• Capitalization & other punctuations are used correctly. 1
• The spellings are correct. 1
Total 5
• The text fits the assignment. 5
• The text is interesting to read. 5
• The text is coherent. 10
Total 20
• The text begins with a clear topic sentence that has both topic and
controlling idea.
• The text contains several specific and factual supporting
sentences that explain or prove the topic sentence.
• The text ends with an appropriate concluding sentence. 5
Total 35
Estimate a grammar and sentence structure score. 35
Grand Total 100
Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (2007). Introduction to Academic Writing 3rd ed. White Plains, New
York: Pearson Education, Inc.
2. The Scoring Rubric for Speaking
Aspects Score Description
Pronunciation 1 Makes frequent errors in pronunciation that cannot be understood
by the listeners.
2 Makes errors in pronunciation but can be understood by the
3 Makes small errors in pronunciation but do not disturb the
4 Has quite rare errors in pronunciation.
5 Able to sound like native speakers.
Fluency 1 Stops during the speech and often makes long pauses. Has difficulty
in delivering the idea.
2 Often stops and makes pauses.
3 Makes mistakes that distract the fluency.
4 Able to use the language fluently but pauses a bit when making
5 Has a complete fluency in the language and continues to speak
without any hesitation.
Intonation 1 Speaks in flat intonation and clumsy.
2 Speaks in the wrong intonation that cannot be understood by the
3 Able to speak in quite accurate intonation but sometimes is
misunderstood by the listeners.
4 Can speak in the appropriate intonation.
5 Able to speak in expressive intonation confidently.
Comprehension 1 Does not understand the topic
2 Can understand the topic that requires no specialized knowledge,
but unable to retell.
3 Has a quite complete understanding about the topic but has a little
misinterpretation in retelling.
4 Understands the topics clearly and able to retell.
5 Completely understands the topics and able to retell without any
Grammar 1 Makes frequent errors in grammar that cannot be understood by the
2 Able to speak quite accurate but does not have a confident control
of the grammar.
3 Has a good control of grammar but sometimes inaccurate.
1. Read the text of Hortatory Exposition bellow. Please identify the generic structure
of the text!
A Campaign of the Importance of Reading
Reading habit is poor among Indonesians because most people haven’t realized
the importance of reading
Reading is important to transform knowledge and technology. By reading, one
knows the world. He or she will understand what he doesn’t see by himself or herself.
The lines of the paragraphs in an article contain pieces of knowledge. The knowledge
is needed to improve the quality of human life. Technology transformation from another
country can only be done by reading a lot various sources of literature. Valuable books
in libraries and bookstores mean nothing if they are not read.
Realizing the importance of reading will make someone motivated to read.
When we know that something is very important because it can give us valuable
information, we will try to get or do the thing. For example, a businessman who always
follows the latest information or news will know what to do in his/ her business. He
will make a good decision to make a transaction. Most people in all developed countries
have realized the importance of reading and they have good reading habits. In bus and
train stations, vehicles, waiting rooms, parks, people like reading. They enjoy reading
which gives them valuable knowledge and inspiration.
A good understanding of the importance of reading can be achieved by a well
organized and effective campaign. To plant an understanding in a generation’s minds
is not an easy job. It needs a hard work from all components of the nation, especially
the government. A serious campaign which is organized by the central and local
governments can help common people wake up and stand to face the real competition.
The campaign can be done through various kinds of mass media such as TV, radio,
booklets, bulletins, newspapers, magazines. It can also be conducted by teachers,
parents, and all people who care.
Therefore, a nation-wide effective campaign of the importance of reading by all
components of the nation should be done, facilitated by the government, to face the
tighter competition. The world has forced globalization. Those people with little
knowledge will be left behind. To speed up the better change in this country, a good
reading habit is really important.
Written by Cahyono KD
2. Please write a summary of the text above by using your own words. You have time
only 30 minutes to finish your work. Remember, plagiarism is not allowed.
B. Student Worksheet 2
1) Choose one topic that you interested in.
➢ Health
➢ Education
➢ Social
➢ Economy
2) Please find a partner and make a short project video about the topic that you
have chosen.
3) The video should related to Hortatory Exposition and fulfill the generic
4) The maximum duration of the video is eight minutes.
5) You have to upload it on Youtube using an interesting caption.
6) You have only one week to finish the project.
A. Answer Key and Scoring Rubric of Student Worksheet 1
1. Read the text of Hortatory Exposition bellow. Please identify the generic structure
of the text!
A Campaign of the Importance of Reading
Reading habit is poor among Indonesians because most people haven’t realized
the importance of reading. Thesis
Reading is important to transform knowledge and technology. By reading, one
knows the world. He or she will understand what he doesn’t see by himself or herself.
The lines of the paragraphs in an article contain pieces of knowledge. The knowledge
is needed to improve the quality of human life. Technology transformation from another
country can only be done by reading a lot various sources of literature. Valuable books
in libraries and bookstores mean nothing if they are not read.
Argument 1
Realizing the importance of reading will make someone motivated to read.
When we know that something is very important because it can give us valuable
information, we will try to get or do the thing. For example, a businessman who always
follows the latest information or news will know what to do in his/ her business. He
will make a good decision to make a transaction. Most people in all developed countries
have realized the importance of reading and they have good reading habits. In bus and
train stations, vehicles, waiting rooms, parks, people like reading. They enjoy reading
which gives them valuable knowledge and inspiration.
Argument 2
A good understanding of the importance of reading can be achieved by a well
organized and effective campaign. To plant an understanding in a generation’s minds
is not an easy job. It needs a hard work from all components of the nation, especially
the government. A serious campaign which is organized by the central and local
governments can help common people wake up and stand to face the real competition.
The campaign can be done through various kinds of mass media such as TV, radio,
booklets, bulletins, newspapers, magazines. It can also be conducted by teachers,
parents, and all people who care.
Argument 3
Therefore, a nation-wide effective campaign of the importance of reading by all
components of the nation should be done, facilitated by the government, to face the
tighter competition. The world has forced globalization. Those people with little
knowledge will be left behind. To speed up the better change in this country, a good
reading habit is really important. Recommendation
Written by Cahyono KD
2. Please write a summary of the text above by using your own words. You have time
only 30 minutes to finish your work. Remember, plagiarism is not allowed.
Scoring Rubrics Text Max. Score
• There is a title. 1
• The title is centered 1
• The first line is indented. 1
• There are margins on both sides. 1
• The work is tidy. 1
Total 5
• There is a period after every sentence. 1
• Commas are used correctly. 2
• Capitalization & other punctuations are used correctly. 1
• The spellings are correct. 1
Total 5
• The text fits the assignment. 5
• The text is interesting to read. 5
• The text is coherent. 10
Total 20
• The text begins with a clear topic sentence that has both topic and
controlling idea.
• The text contains several specific and factual supporting
sentences that explain or prove the topic sentence.
• The text ends with an appropriate concluding sentence. 5
Total 35
Estimate a grammar and sentence structure score. 35
Grand Total 100
Brown, H. D. (2004). Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. New York:
Pearson Education Inc