Biology Cells
Biology Cells
Biology Cells
- Basic unit of life, sharing many common mechanisms across different
Are of similar structure and functions
classes of organisms (plant, animals, microorganisms). but vary from different types of cells
- Every cell is composed of microscopic parts called ORGANELLES
- Came from tiny compartments called "cellulae" or small rooms which are inhabited by
the monks.
Discovery of Cells
- First discovered the cell in 1665 and can be found to be described in his book: Micrographia.
- Discovered a slice of cork made up of thousand tiny compartments
- This theory was further developed through the invention a microscope by Anton Van
-It is not him who invented the microscope but Zacharias Janssen
-Father of microscopy
Cell Theory
- This includes everything except the plasma membrane and the nucleus. It is a region where
materials are synthesized and broken down. This is also where the different organelles are
Rough ER
▪ The "roughness" of the rough ER is due to ribosomes that stud the outside of the
ER membrane
a. Producing proteins
b. Producing new membrane
Smooth ER
• Lysosomes
- Membrane-enclosed sac which contains digestive enzymes
-Produced by the Golgi apparatus; site of organelle recycling
• Vacuoles
- For storage of water and food or for excretion of waste materials
• Mitochondria
- Powerhouse of the cell
- Produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
• Ribosomes
- These creates proteins needed for repairing damage or for chemical process
• Cytoskeleton - Gives a cell its shape, offers, support, and facilitates movement
In contrast with animal cells, plants typically have a CELL WALL (which covers the
plasma membrane), and organelles to perform photosynthesis. These photosynthetic
structures are the chloroplasts, central vacuole, and the cell wall itself. The
CHLOROPLASTS are the sites of photosynthetic reactions. The rest of the organelles of
the plant cell has the same function with the animal cells.