Cell The Modern Cell Theory: Rudolph Virchow-1858
Cell The Modern Cell Theory: Rudolph Virchow-1858
Cell The Modern Cell Theory: Rudolph Virchow-1858
- is defined as the fundamental living unit of any - consists of three statements based on large body of
organism. scientific research. The original work was done by
Schleiden, Schwan and Virchow
- Cell is important to produce energy for metabolism (all
chemical reactions within a cell) Matthias Schleiden-1838
- Cell can mutate (change genetically) as a result of -A botanist who concluded that all plants are made of
accidental changes in its genetic material (DNA). cells.
Robert Hooke- 1665 -A zoologist who concluded that all animals are made of
-Used a microscope to examine cork (plant)
-Nerve Cells
-Hooke called what he saw "Cells“
Rudolph Virchow-1858
- He described the cells as tiny boxes or a honeycomb
-1858- Rudolf Virchow, Viennese pathologist, after
-He thought that cells only existed in plants and fungi
extensive study of cellular pathology, concluded that cells
must arise from preexisting cells.
-He observed that the cork resembled the structure of
honey comb consisting many empty box like cavities –
Plasma membrane Rough – active in the secretion of protein such
as pancreatic exocrine cells and liver cells.
- is the outer most covering of the cell separates it
contents from external environment. Smooth – site of synthesis of steroid hormones
such as that of adrenal glands.
- A semi permeable membrane and made up of fats and
proteins. Lysosomes
- is the fluid substance that fill the cell and contain various Vacuoles
organelle for various functions.
- Serves as a storage areas in cells. They may store water,
Organelles food, or waste products.
- Cells have parts that perform specific jobs. They perform Ribosomes
the actual work of a cell. These organelles are formed from
Tiny spherical structures scattered throughout the
various molecules.
cytoplasm. These are numerous, dark structures which are
MITOCHONDRIA/Chondrisomes found floating free in the cytoplasm.
- They trap the energy that results when food is broken Centrosome
- The region of centrosome is near the nucleus. Within it
- provide energy for the cell are pair of small rod-like structures called centrioles.
Around the centrioles are single microtubules called aster.
Golgi Apparatus/Golgi Body
- Made up of series of smooth membranes usually
continuous with endoplasmic reticulum. - Solid microscopic tubules with a property of contractility.
These are structural units of cilia and flagella, locomotory
- Enzymes are concentrated along the surface of the structures of the cell.
Cell wall
Endosplasmic Reticulum
- The outer covering of the plant cell is not soft and thin.
- Consists of series of parallel arrays of membrane creating Instead, it is surrounded by a rigid/tough structure that
canals like membranous tubules and vesicles which run supports and protects the plant cell.
through the cytoplasm of the cell.
Chloroplast Sexual
- Substances inside the chloroplast help a green plant trap - union of sex cells (sperm and egg) Ex: plants and animal
the sun’s energy and then produce food
Place to Place
- Biggest cell in our body is
- (ex: bear running, bird flying, etc)
- a kind of blood cell
External Part
Brain cell
- (ex: + phototropism, plants orient leaves toward sun)
- The smallest and longest living cell in our body
Differences of animal and plants cell parts
- (ex: cytoplasmic streaming)
- Cell wall
- Chloroplast Adaptation
- Centrioles
- Changing to meet the needs of the environment
Bird migration - behavioral adaptation
-Is the study of “LIFE”.
Human body temperature - Physiological adaptation
-“Bios” (life) and “logos” (reason or study).
Hibernation - physiological adaptation
Cellular Composition
Microbiology – the study of microorganism Physiology - study of functions and life processes of
Major Fields of Biology
Taxonomy - study of identification and classifications of
Botany – the study of plants organisms
Bryology - study of mosses and liverworts Anatomy - study of internal structures of organisms
Biophysics – is the use of physics in the of organisms - Organisms have a definite lifespan. Even though there
are species that can live for thousands of years they will
eventually die.
Biological Psychology – is the use of biology in the
psychological studies
- Ex: Frog produce more eggs.
Ontogeny - study of the developmental history of an - Development is the orderly production and unfolding of
individual structures and activities that allow organisms to cope
successfully with its environment.
Phylogeny - study of the ancestral history of organisms
Molecular Biology – the study of molecules that make
up the cells of living organisms - Even the smallest organisms are complex and require
multiple regulatory mechanisms to coordinate internal
Genomics – the study of the entire genetic material of functions, respond to stimuli, and cope with
an organism environmental stresses.
Proteomics – the study of the different proteins found - Ex: nutrient transport and blood flowHomeostasis
in a living organism
- Organisms are able to maintain internal conditions within
Bioinformatics – the study of biological data using a narrow range almost constantly, despite environmental
computer programs changes, through homeostasis.