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Biology Reviewer

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General Biology Water – only sub that can pass in and out

(kahit walang I.D)

Cell theory
- Protoplasm – cell contents in thick fluid
1. All animals and plants are composed of - Organelles – structures for cell function
cells and cell products - Control center with DNA (carries
2. Smallest unit having the properties of genetic info)
3. Continuity of life arises directly from he General Type
growth and division of single cells.
1. Prokaryotic – without true nucleus
Anton van Leeuwenhoek and Robert Hooke 2. Eukaryotic – with true nucleus
EU – true karyo- nuceus
(1839) Theodore Schwann and Matthias *true nucleus (pag may membrane sa
Schleiden labas)
- all living things are made of cells”
After 50 yrs. Rudolf Virchow
- all cells come from cells
- “before nucleus”; lacks a true
Cells – basic structural and functional unit of
membrane-bound nucleus
living organisms. - Independent, single-cell organism
Why are cells so small?
- Cytoplasm is not compartmentalized
- The smaller the size, the larger the surface
- no internal organelles like a nucleus
are - Include the two kingdoms of bacteria
-Bacteri are the simplest cellular
Human RBC – concave para mas kumapit ang
- Bacteria have diverse array of shapes
- They can adhere in chains and mosses,
Processes of Cells
although the cells remain separate
- need energy that occurs from chemical - First cell type on earth
reactions occurring in a cell - Cell type of Bacteria and Archaea
- No membrane bound
1. Nutrition - Nucleiod – region of DNA concentration
2. Biosynthesis - Organelles not bound by membrane
3. Digestion
4. Absorption Eukaryotes
5. Biosynthesis
6. Cellular Respiration - “true nucleus”; has a membrane-
7. Secretion
enclosed nucleus that houses the DNA
8. Response
9. Reproduction in a complex structures called
Characteristics of All Cells - Contain organelles
- Have special network of minute
- A surrounding membrane filaments and tubules )cytoskeleton)
3 chemicals which gives shape for the cells and
- carbohydrates – surface of the cell allows movement
- protein – embedded - Include all protests, fungi, plants, and
- phospholipids – hydrophobic – animals
- Much larger than prokaryotic cells
contains fatty acid, hydrophilic –
- complex internal
contains glycerol (Alcohol)
Modern Model – Fluid Mosaic Model - membrane bound organelles –
* Fluid – flows and behaves like specialized structure where particular
*Mosaic – combination of diff. chemical cell processes occur
components - Largest organelle – nucleus
Eukaryotic Prokaryotic - Filters materials coming in and out of
Contains a nucleus Deos not contain a the cell
and other membrane nucleus or other 2. Cell wall
bound organelles membrane-bound - Surrounds the plasma membrane of
organelles most plant cells
Rod shaped One circular - Found in plants, fungi and many protist
- Protects and support plant cells, gives
chromosomes chromosome
Found in all kingdoms Found only in the definite shape
- Contains pectin (jelly-like substance)
except monera kingdom monera
released during cooking and forms a
gel as it cools
Cell according to size 3. Protoplasm
- Jelly-like living substance of the cell
1. Microscopic that is translucent, grayish, and slimy
2. Macroscopic (colloidal suspension-often moves or
streams within the cell.)
According to shape - It may be foam-like or contain small
fibers or threads comprises water,
1. Oval – wbc of men minerals, salts and many kinds of
2. Spherical – rbc of men organic compounds
3. Cuboidal – kidney tubules 4. Nucleus
4. Columnar – stomach and intestine = control center of the cell; plays the
5. Stellate – nerve cell central role in cellular reproduction nd
6. Spindle shape – muscle cell
in conjunction with the environment in
According to Function determining what sort of differentiate a
cell undergo and why form it will
1. Somatic or pediative exhibit of maturity
2. Reproductive of sex cells Directs the metabolic activity of the
living cell
Means of Obtaining Energy Components
a. Nuclear membrane – double layer
1. Autotrophs – self feeders; use light- of lipids and proteins; separate the
energy on chemical energy to nuclear material for the cytoplasm
manufacture their own biomolecules, b. Nucleolus – atleast one is present
(some bacteria, plants) or not, nuclei; takes part in protein
2. Heterotrophs-other feeders synthesis
c. Chromatin – fine strands spread
Cell organization through the nucleoplasm
d. Chromosomes – contracted and
1. Unicellular – cell and organism are one distinct chromatin when a cell is
(bacteria and protist) dividing
2. Multicellular – cells are integrated for 5. Organelles
proper functioning and general starts - Highly organized structures contained
life as a single cell that divides and in the cytoplasm
grows - Cellular machinery
- Two general kinds
Cell Structures and organelles - Derived from membranes
Bacteria-like organelles
1. Cell membrane (Plasma membrane) *kakaibang DNA – plastids and
- Encloses, protects and separates a cell mitochondria ability to duplicate
from other cells and from surrounding a) Endoplasmic Reticulum
fluids - Systems of double membranes that live
- Holds the cell together and give shape parallel to one another, appearing to
- Selectively permeable; double layer of form channel
lipids and proteins - Separates different area of the cell;
- Outermost boundary of cells also provide surface
- Cell structures are attached, providing - Smaller than mitochoindria and have a
a chmical reaction simple membrane
- *Transports substances within cells - Bounded by a single membrane
- *produces membranes - Contain enzymes that breakdown
proteins (digestive enzymes)
Two types: - Aid in cell renewal
- Breakdown olad cell parts
- Rough – marami ribosome ~ protein - Digest invaders
synthesis g) Peroxisomes
- Smooth – lack ribosome ~ liver natin - Micobodies; participate in the oxidation
b) Ribosomes of certain nutrients
- Small units non membrane bound - Converts hydrogen peroxide to H2o
structures and O2
- Site for protein synthesis - Bounded by single membrane
- Attached to ER - Contain digestive enzyme
- Contain enzymes that carry out the - Detoxifies alcohol
synthesis of proteins - Breaks down fatty acid
- Contain large amounts of RNA mode - Produces hydrogen peroxide
c) Mitochondria h) Plastids
- Small, rod-shaped organelle, rounded - Largest cytoplasmic organelles found in
cylinders or globules enclosed by the cells of most plants but not in
membrane fungal or animal cells
- Have their own DNA - Derived from photosynthetic bacteria
- Bound by double membrane - Stores photosynthetic pigments
* ATP (cellular respiration) a) Chromoplasts – colored plastids;
- Break down fuel molecules (cellular contain pigments
respiration) b) Leucoplasts – colorless plastids;
* Glucose – Lysosome storage of starch, oils, and proteins
* Fatty acids Photosynthesis – takes place into
- Release energy chloroplasts, - makes cellular food –
*ATP glucose
c.1 Outer membrane – separates the i) Vacuoles
- Membrane-enclosed cavities filled with
mitochondrion from the cytoplasm
either fluid or granular material
c.2 inner membrane – increase the
- Membrane bound storage sacs
surface area of the inner for a chemical - More common in plants than animals
reactions - Food – contain food particles
- helps to control the amount of H2o, - Contractile – expel excess water and
cut, and other inorganic ions wastes from the cell
d) Golgi complex (Bodies or Apparatus) - Storage of materials
- Consist of a system of membrane- - *Plasmolysis – shrinking of vacuoles
enclosed vesicles arranged parallel to j) Cytoskeleton
each other - Interconnected system of fibers,
- Stacks of flattened sacs threads, and extends between the
- Packaging and shipping station of cell nucleus and plasma membrane of
- Modifies proteins eukaryotic cells, gives the cells their
- Wrap enzymes into separate organelles internal organization
e) Centrosome - Overall shape, and capacity to move
- Contains one to two centrioles which - >Reinforces plasma membrane
are small dark bodies located abouve 1. Microfilaments – part of cytoplasm
the nucleus in many eukaryotic animal - responsible for contraction of cell
cells 2. Microtubules – important in the
- Spindle during cell division maintenance of the shape of the
- Made up of a sets of microtubules with cell, cell division and the
3 microtubules in each set movement of inclusions, and
f) Lysosome
organelles within the cell
- Found in cytoplasm of most animal
- Cell locomotion
- main components of flagella and  Cytoplasm
centrioles - Viscous fluid containing organelles
3. Intermediate filaments – for cell to - Components of cytoplasm
cell junction - Interconnected filaments fibers
 Mechanical support - Fluid – cytosol
 Anchor organelles - Site of cell’s metabolic activities
 Help move substances  Centrioles – animals
k) Cilia - Pairs of microtubular structures
- Short and numerous movable hairlike - Move the chromosomes during cell
structures projecting from free surfaces division
- Move substances outsie human - Splitting done by mitotic spindle –
- Fare absorption produced by centrioles that pull the
l) Flagella chromosomes
- A few appendases and are relatively in - have cells and muscles (wala tayong
proportion to the size of the cell centriole)
m) Microvilli - di nagdidivide upon maturity
– minute fingerlike projections of the  DNA
cell membrane - Hereditary material
- sites of osmosis where fluids may - Chromosomes
pass in and out of the cell - contains DNA and proteins
n) Pinocytic Vesicles -terms for cell division
– in-pocketings of the cell membrane - Chromatin – when not yet divided
filled with water - contains DNA and protein present
- When water is needed by the cell, the during resting activity storage of the
plasma membrane engulfs a droplets cell
of water in a process of pinocytosis  Nucleolus
o) Pilus (pili) - Most cells have 2 or more
- Surface projections of bacteria that are - Direct synthesis of RNA
protein filaments which help many - Forms ribosomes
bacteria and various surfaces, either to
one another Nucleus
 Plasmodesma (plasmodesmata) – Mitochondria DOUBLE MEMBRANE
of multicelled plants, a junction Plastids
between linked walls of adjacent
cells through which nutrients and
other substances flow

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