English (Becky Sharp) With Answer Same To 2015
English (Becky Sharp) With Answer Same To 2015
English (Becky Sharp) With Answer Same To 2015
1. Becky Sharp, the main character of the novel “Vanity fair” by Thackeray, __________
to forget about her first love, but she knows that doing so takes a lifetime.
2. What can be the most appropriate follow-up sentence to the given statement below?
“I have been searching for love.”
4. Which among the sentences below follows the correct order of adjectives?
5. Only 35% of the total number of students ___________ able to pass the
comprehensive exam last year.
A. are C. is
B. was D. were
6. Neither F. Scott Fitzgerald nor his contemporaries __________ their real names in
their writing career.
A. use C. using
B. uses D. has used
7. The man in the mirror looks ___________.
A. strange C. stranger
B. strangely D. has strange
8. A number of endangered species living under water_____________ now extinct
because of illegal hunting and dynamite fishing.
A. are C. were
B.is D. was
10. In Benjamin Franklin’s “Poor Richard’s Almanac”, it was said that: “early to bed,
_______ makes man healthy.”
A. this C. think
B. gather D. there
12. Which word must have the primary stress in the sentence below if we want to
emphasize possession?
“That is my boyfriend.”
A. that C. my
B. is D. bag
13. What peach level must be used in emphasizing the main idea in a sentence?
A. 1 C. 3
B.2 D. 4
14. Which among the words below has the /sh/ sound?
A. sober C. shallow
B. leisure D. salient
A. is he C. has he
B. isn’t he D. hasn’t he
A. peach C. stress
B. junction D. intonation
17. I will not leave you come hell or high water. Base on a given sentence, we can
surmise that:
A. assumption C. synthesis
B. summary D. generalization
19. Complete the statement. “Blessed are ______ poor for ________ shall be
welcomed in heaven.”
21. A person with a negative outlook in life cannot __________ with depression.
A. cope up C. cope in
B. cope on D. cope
A. crane C. pristine
B. brine D. quarantine
23. The senator approached the podium with his spiel. His hands were shaking and he
was sweating tremendously. He experience:
24. “He was like a snake in the night.” What figure of speech is present?
A. personification C. metaphor
B. simile D. apostrophe
25. The Rubaiyat has three theme:
26. What is “true learning” as exemplify in this quotation:” Only one who bursts with
eagerness do I instruct. Only one who bubbles with excitement do I enlightened.”
Recall: “The Virgin,”, “May Day Eve,” and “The Small Key” written by Keirma Polotan
Tuvera, Nick Joaquin, and Paz Latorena, respectively, then answer the question below.
27. In Kerima Polotan Tuvera’s short story “The Virgin,” why did Miss Mijares fail to find
a man to marry?
28. In Paz Latorena’s short story “The Small Key” what is inside the chest when the
second wife Soledad opened it using the small key?
29. In Nick Joaquin’s short story “May Day Eve” what is the technique used by the
author in developing the plot?
Recall “The Bolo” by L. Paras Sulit, then answer the questions that follow.
30. In the Loreto Paras Sulit’s short story “The Bolo”, what is being treasured by the
main character?
A. The Bolo that was given to her by his husband
B. Their wedding ring
C. Their house and lot
D. The sword that his husband bought from Barcelona, Spain
31. What can be the obvious lesson in the short story “The Bolo”?
A. die C. died
B. will die D. would die
33. If the president listened to the wails of his people, he _______ the killings in
A. am C. will be
B. would be D. would have been
35. If the murder weapon is not found inside the bag of Aksionov, he _________
A Poison Tree
37. What interference can be drawn out of from the first stanza?
40. What can be inferred from the second stanza of the poem?
A. The persona is being true to true to his dealings with his foe.
B. The persona is trying to show his true emotions to his enemy.
C. The persona is masking his anger by being kind to his enemy.
D. The persona wants to exact vengeance against his foe.
41. The second stanza achieved vitality because of the use of:
43. What figure of speech is used in the second line of the fourth stanza?
A. Hyperbole C. Onomatopoeia
B. Personification D. Apostrophe
44. In the fourth stanza what word will constitute to tense inconsistency?
A. Pole C. See
B. Outstretched D. Stole
45. Which story by Edgar Allan Poe resembles the theme of a given poem above?
46. What reading technique is being utilized when a teacher ask his students to read a
particular passage, and he marks mispronounced words?
B. English Speaking D. Foreign Sounding
48. In the Second Paper, who is in- charge of the entire publication?
A. Editor-in-chief
B. Feature Editor
C. Managing Editor
D. News Editor
49. English has been the Lingua Franca of the world since America gained its
international power. Lingua Franca means:
A. Language of France C. Language of the World
B. Language of the Rich D. Language of the Powerful
A. she C. he
B. him D. her
52. If you chance upon the principal on your way out of the campus, please send _____
my best wishes.
A. him C. us
B. them D. it
A. ourselves
B. ours
C. them
D. us
54. Mr.Carillo, the head of the logistics committee, is concerned about the well-being of
the seminar participants and so he reports to _______ superior all of the things that he
may find compromising.
A. he C. them
B. her D. his
55. Whenever I do things in the kitchen, I make sure not to hurt _________.
A. herself C. myself
B. ourselves D. themselves
56. Some scientists and Bible scholars agree with the _______ that the Earth is coming
to an end.
A. prophet C. prophecy
B. prophetic D. prophesy
57. Fish and fries _______ my cousin’s favourite fast food meal.
A. is C. are
B. has D. have
58. The members of the congregation are ________ inside the conference room
A. altogether
B. together
C. all together
D. together all
59. It is ________ fitting that we organize a literary seminar to pay homage to a great
Filipino writer.
A. altogether
B. together
C. all together
D. together all
60. Neither Ralph Waldo Emerson nor his friends _____ present in the meeting last
A. were C. was
B. is D. are
61. Neither his followers nor Walt Whitman _____ convinced that the ideas of Emerson
are out of this world.
A. are C. was
B. were D. has
62. The audience exhibited enthusiasm for the play; they seem _________.
A. offended C. interested
B. disgusted D. mad
63. The representative of the president had issued a public apology before the victims
______ the cases.
A. file C. filing
B. filed D. have filed
64. According to the report done by the fire department, the explosion was caused by
_________ connection.
A. lost C. loose
B. lose D. losing
65. You ______ finished writing your novel before the winter comes.
66. Charlotte Bronte ________ finishing her novel when death arrives.
67. Technology in the field of medicine _______tremendously since the beginning of the
21st century.
A. does improve
B. has improved
C. is improves
D. had improved
68. Some of our relatives _________ to visit our great-grandfather in the States.
A. has decided
B. had decided
C. have decided
D. will have decided
69. I have written my report last Monday. What makes this sentence wrong?
A. have C. written
B. last Monday D. my
70. In one of his poems, the Filipino author Zulueta da Costa said that the Filipinos are
like the Molave. What figure of speech was used?
A. simile C. metaphor
B. personification D. hyperbole
71. Helen of Troy is the face who launched a thousand ships. What figure of speech is
used in the given sentence?
A. ellipsis C. alliteration
B. synechdoche D. irony
72. “The rusting trees during winter” inspired Robert Frost in writing most of his
inspirational poems. What figure of speech is used in the given phrase?
A. metonymy C. asyndeton
B. apostrophe D. onomatopoeia
73. What figure of speech is used in the given lines that follow:
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dares to dream before
A. euphemism C. personification
B. alliteration D. oxymoron
74. The lines given in item number 73 are from what canonical and widely read poem?
The lines below are taken from the ode “Intimations of Immortality from
Recollections of Early Childhood”.
A. haiku C. Sonnet
B. Free Verse D. Rhyme Verse
A. William Shakespeare
B. Robert Frost
C. William Wordsworth
D. Willa Cather
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
A. The Captain
B. The Brave and the Free
C. Invictus
D. The Brave
A. six C. eight
B. four D. five
80. The last line of the given poem above presents the determination of an individual
who is __________.
A. brave C. fearful
B. lonely D. boastful
81. The Greek goddess Aphrodite is an exemplification of feminine PULCHRITUDE in
the antiquity.
A. homeliness C. plain
B. loveliness D. ugliness
82. Emily Dickenson is known for her CANDOR about some issues on poetic freedom.
The word CANDOR means _________.
A. appeal C. opinions
B. frankness D. tact
84. Most experts agree that climate change is an APOCALYPTIC event that must be
feared by the inhabitants of this planet. Apocalyptic means ___________.
A. encouraging C. attractive
B. climacteric D. careless
For score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in the great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so
conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that
war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those
who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper
that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate – we can not consecrate – we can not
hallow- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have
consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor
long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us
the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought
here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the
great task remaining before us – that from these honoured dead we take increased
devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we
here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under
God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
85. What is being said on the first paragraph of this widely known oratorical piece?
A. The speaker states that America is only for the early colonizers from Europe.
B. The speaker posits that America belongs to that native red Americans.
C. The speaker asserts that America is a nation of people from different origins.
D. The speaker argues that America is a nation where all the citizens are
A. The speaker is trying to convince the listeners to forget about war and just give in
to the demands of the opponents.
B. The speaker wants to persuade the listeners to stand and fight for equality
and justice.
C. The speaker wants the listeners to appreciate the efforts done by the heroes of
the past.
D. The speaker wants the listeners to remember the sacrifices done by the heroes
who fought for America’s freedom in the past.
87. Which part of the third paragraph summarizes the entire oratorical piece?
A. That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that
government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish
from the earth.
B. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate – we can not consecrate – we can not
hallow- this ground.
C. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far
above our poor power to add or detract.
D. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never
forget what they did here.
A. Victor Hugo
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. John F. Kennedy
D. Carl Sandburg
90. Agamemnon, the leader of the Acheans has fondness for women. The underlined
word has the synonym:
A. aversion C. defiance
B. penchant D. dislike
91. Edgar Allan Poe feels like a fish out of water upon arriving in a foreign land. The
italicized phrase mean:
92. He is a Filipino poet who in using punctuation marks extensively in his pieces –
most especially “commas.”
A. Poem 10 C. Poem 15
B. Poem 11 D. Poem 17
95. What figure of speech was used extensively in the given poem?
A. hyperbole C. metaphor
B. personification D. simile
96. William Shakespeare showed composure in front of his critics amidst countless
derision. The underlined word means:
A. agitation C. aplomb
B. fear D. nervousness
97. There are times when we are forced to do things against our own violations. The
underlined word means:
A. opinion C. will
B. intuition D. fate
The poem “In a Station of the Metro” was published in the literary magazine “Poetry” in
the year 1913. This poem is a classic example of Imagism as the poet, Ezra Pound,
describes a moment in the Underground Metro Station in Paris.
A. The Apparition and the Bough C. The Crowd and the Petals
B. In a station of the Metro D. The Crowded Metro Station