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LET Reviewer - Questions Only

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CBRC - Final Coaching – Part 1 15.

A Filipino migrant writer whose fiction stories

1. Dancing ___ to be the most interesting co- reflect the Filipino’s concepts of American culture.
curricular activity of the school-year. A. Bienvenido Santos B. Ricky Lee
A. Appear B. Appearing C. Alejandro Roces D. Ambeth Ocampo
C. Appears D. Appearing.
16. Egyptian literature is identified as ___ literature.
2. We admire ____ when Sarah speaks Spanish A. European B. Mediterranean
fluently with ____. C. African D. Asian
A. Her, us B. Him, me
C. Him, us, D. Him, them 17. Who was the foremost French short story
3. ___ I known you before, I would have loved you. A. Balzac B. George Eliot
A. Had B. Have C. Anatole France D. De Maupassant
C. Has D. Did
18. What is the greatest lyric poem in the literature
4. Iah hurt ____ when she was slicing the onions. of the world?
A. Myself B. Himself A. The Power of Music B. The Psalms of Praises
C. Herself D. Her self C. Sonnets from the Portuguese
D. The Psalms of King David.
5. Mrs. Calamlam has issued the memorandum
before she ____ the student’s request. 19. Who has always been called the Morning Star of
A. Will be receiving B. Will received English literature?
C. Received D. Receives A. Lord Tennyson B. Sir Walter Scott
C. Shakespeare D. Geoffrey Chaucer
6. I can’t find ___ calculator; may I use ___,
Prince? 20. Who is the first the man to replace myth natural
A. My, yours B. His, yours laws and causes observing that all living things are
C. My, his D. Your, mine elements of nature?
A. Thales of Mellitus B. Aristotle
7. The empty board ___ on the table. C. Plato D. Socrates
A. Were leaving B. Was leaving
C. Was left D. Were left 21. Which of the following should be avoided in
conserving energy while simplifying work?
8. Many a child ___ experiencing hunger and A. Use a circular arm motion
poverty. B. Work with jerk action
A. Is. B. Are C. Work slowly but surely
C. Has D. Will D. Work with natural rhythmic movements

9. Let us campaign for the total ban ___ of harmful 22. When you carry a heavy load with one arm, you
pesticides. tend to hold your free hand away from your body in
A. On the use B. With using order to ___.
C. On using D. With the use A. Be ready to grab something in case you fall.
B. Change the weight of your body and load.
10. The proposed project ___ within the budget of C. Change the mass of your body
the company. D. Change the center of gravity of your body and
A. Are appearing B. Is appearing load.
C. Is D. Are
23. Which explains why work is done when
11. I thought the task was heavy for Janus and ____. blowing a balloon?
A. Us B. Me A. The balloon moves outward as the blowing force
C. Her D. Myself is exerted on it.
B. The force of gravity on the balloon increases.
12. Vanessa’s family lives ___ Ipil Street. C. Balloon has potential energy which is changed to
A. At B. To kinetic energy.
C. On D. In D. The balloon is filled with air which has weight
and occupies space.
13. Who was the first Filipino National Artist of
Literature in 1973? 24. Element X has an electron configuration of 1S2
A. Nick Joaquin B. N.V.M. Gonzales 2S2 2P2 . Based on information, element X belongs
C. Bienvenido Santos D. Jose Garcia Villa to a/an ___ family.
A. Alkali metal B. Coinage
C. Halogen D. Inert Gas
25. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 and 34. Patients suffering from malfunction of the
an atomic number of 14. How many protons are in kidney are now assisted by a machine that serves as
this atom? artificial kidney is called ____.
A. 28 B. 7 A. Homeostatic machine B. Pacemaker
C. 12 D. 14 C. Hemoscope D. Hemodializer

26. Which element has Ca as its symbol 35. After two pregnancies some of these mothers
A. Calcium B. Carbon loose of teeth or so. What could be the cause?
C. Cadmium D. Californium A. Lack of iron and other minerals in diet during
27. Soda acid type fire extinguisher is B. Diet during pregnancy lacks sulphur
recommended for putting out fires which involves C. Too much sweets in the diet
burning: D. Poor brushing habits
A. painted woodwork
B. Dry chemicals 36. All of the following contribute to the
C. Fats or vegetable oil greenhouse effect, EXCEPT:
D. Insulation on wires. A. Extensive deforestation
B. Excessive use of detergents
28. Which of the following is a colloid solution? C. Forest fires
A. Milk B. Alcohol D. Uncontrolled burning of wastes
C. Hydrogen D. Kerosene
37. Noise can be a pollution of the air. When is it a
29. Which of these characterizes organic nuisance?
compounds? A. Noise above 140 dB cause pain in the eardrum
A. They are compounds of any element B. Noise caused by percussion affects hearing
B. They cannot be broken down to simpler C. Sound waves can be destructive to the ear
substances D. Decibels (dB) can be loud or soft
C. They always require electrical means of separate
D. They are compounds containing carbon 38. Tides, caused by the moon’s gravity, create a
frictional force that is gradually slowing down
30. Which is the BEST evidence that helium gas is Earth’s rotation. One million years from now,
lighter than air? scientist may discover that compared to today,
A. Helium hast the lowest boiling point of all Earth’s
elements. A. Day is longer B. Year is shorter
B. Helium atoms do not combine with other air C. Day is shorter D. Year is longer
C. Helium-filled balloons rise in air. 39. A Social Networking Service available through
D. By volume, helium makes up only 0.0005% of the computer is ___.
air. A. I-pad B. Facebook
31. What is the MOST likely reason for a desert C. Wikipedia D. Google
plant to have a few or no leaves?
A. To increase photosynthesis 40. The information highway is called ___.
B. To decrease photosynthesis A. ICT B. Interchange
C. To decrease transpiration C. Internet D. Information technology
D. To decrease transpiration.
41. Which of the following illustrates a particular
32. Without the process of meiosis, we can infer data series through rectangles?
that offspring from sexual reproduction would A. Line graph B. Circle graph
A. Have a high degree of genetic variety C. Pie graph D. Bar graph
B. Have twice the assigned number of
chromosomes. 42. It illustrates how a portion of the data relates
C. Be identical with the whole.
D. Have a number of mutations A. Line graph B. Pie graph
C. Bar graph D. Area Diagram
33. Not all micro-organisms are harmful. Which of
these are done by yeasts? 43. How many twenty thousands are there in one
A. Promote the rising of bread for baking million?
B. Cause mild to become cheese A. 500 B. 50
C. Cause Yakult to be milky C. 100 D. 1000
D. Encourage disease food
44. A pancake was cut into 8 pieces. Three brothers C. 3 days D. 3 ½ days
ate one piece each. How many part of the cake was
left? 54. A receipt calls for 2 eggs for every cup of flour.
A. ½ B. 2/8 If a head chef uses 28 cups of flour, how many eggs
C. 5/8 D. ¼ will he need?
A. 56 eggs B. 14 eggs
45. There are 18 north maids and 12 south maids C. 65 eggs D. 55 eggs
serving in a hotel. Give the ratio of the north to the
entire group and express them in simple terms? 55. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the ____.
A. 3/5 B. 2/5 A. Area B. Volume
C. 3/2 D. 2/3 C. Legs D. Perimeter

46. A meter stick was cut into two pieces at the 64 56. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its
cm mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to supplement. What is the measure of the larger
the largest piece? angle?
A. 16:25 B. 13:50 A.110.5 degrees B. 95.5 degrees
C. 9:25 D. 9:1 C. 102.5 degrees D. 77.5 degrees

47. Give the final percentage rate of commission 57. The first day of September is Wednesday. What
gained by Martha. She sold an appliance for 258, day will the last day of Semptember be?
000. Her commission was P37, 520 minus P5, 3000 A. Wednesday B. Monday
for transportation. C. Thursday D. Friday
A. 12.48% B. 12.05%
C. 14. 54% D. 14. 13% 58. Jason is 10 years older than his sister. If Jason
was 25 years of age in 1983, in what year could he
48. The youth is considered 55% of the voting have been born?
population. Marikina has 1,360, 000 million voters. A. 1963 B. 1958
How many voters are the youth? C. 1953 D. 1948
A. 750,000 B. 788,000
C. 768,000 D. 748,000 59. A couple got married when the groom is three
scores older than the bride. How old is the bride if
49. The price of gasoline has gone high suddenly. she is one score younger?
The gas station ordered 120,000 liters before the A. 20 years B. 40 years
price increase. However, only 1,500 liters were C. 50 years D. 30 years
sold. How many liters are now sold on the new
price? 60. If each of the five members in a basketball team
A. 112, 000 B. 11,500 shakes hands with every other member of the team
C. 118,000 D. 108,500 before the game starts, how many handshakes will
there be in all?
50. The school cafeteria raised the price of a plate A. 8 B. 10
of rice from P8 to P10. If the same rate of increase C. 6 D. 9
was applied to a regular order to viand which used
to cost P20, how much does an order of viand cost? 61. Which of the environmental law requires
A. P 25 B. P 22 industries to install anti-pollution devices and bans
C. P 26 D. P 24 the use of incinerators?
A. Clean Air Act B. Environmental Security Act
51. Del Rosario Company manufactures beds. In its C. Greenpeace Act D. Anti-Pollution Act
catalogue, a double bed is priced at P5,000.00 less a
discount to the trade of 20%. What will Seraspi 62. Who was the Spanish governor-general who
Department Store have to pay for the bed? established the “tobacco monopoly” in 1781?
A. P4,000.00 B. P4,500.00 A. Basilio Agustin B. Jose Basco
C. P5,000.00 D. P4,980.00 C. Rafael Izquierdo D. Francisco Rizzo

52. What is the total amount after adding interest of

8% on P10,000 for 3 years? 63. What is a dramatic presentation that originated
A. P12,400.00 B. P11, 000.00 from the traditional armed encounter between the
C. P13,400.00 D. P15,000.00 Christians and Muslim Filipinos?
A. Cenaculo B. Comedia de Lara y Espana
53. How long will it take Iah and Prince to finish a C. Moro-moro D. Zarzuela
job which can be done by Iah alone in 6 days and
Prince alone in 3 days?
A. 2 ½ days B. 2 days
64. Which policy of the state provides preferential 73. Democracy refers to the involvement of all the
attention to the welfare of the less fortunate citizens in the control of government. On the other
members of Philippine society? hand, oligarchy delegates control of government to:
A. Criminal justice B. Distributive justice A. The mother country B. An autocrat
C. Bill of Rights D. Social Justice C. A religious group D. A select few

65. Artcile XIV of the 1987 Phil. Constitution 74. With the Batasang Pambansa performing
states: They (education institutions) shall inculcate legislative and executive powers in the Marcos
patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, regime, which form of government was
respect for human rights, appreciation of the role of implemented?
national heroes in the historical development on the A. Dictatorial B. Parliamentary
country, teach the rights and duties of citizenship, C. Monarchial D. Presidential
strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop
moral character and personal discipline, encourage 75. Since Philippines is a republic, democratic
critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and country, it elects its president directly. What is the
technological knowledge, and promote vocational smallest electoral unit of the government?
efficiency. What does the provision imply? A. Electoral Tribunal B. Election Precinct
A. Christian and Catholic schools are expected to be C. COMELEC D. Representative District
lead implementers of Values Education
B. Values Education in schools is the foundation of 76. Which statement is guaranteed by the Civil
a strong republic. Code of the Philippines?
C. The teaching of Values Education is school has a A. Both husband and wife are given freedom to
legal basis. choose their occupation.
D. The teaching of Values Education is voluntary B. The husband has the right to object to the
on the part of schools. occupation of the wife.
C. The wife also has the right to object to the
66. Based on the poem, “Sa Aking Mga Kababata” occupation of the husband.
written by Jose Rizal as a young poet, what has he D. Both husband and wife are co-equal
A. The use of bilingual languages 77.Philippines economy indices are closely related
B. The use of multilingual languages to the rise and fall of the:
C. the use of both the native tongue and the A. London Pounds B. German Mark
multilingual languages C. US Dollars D. Japanese Yen
D. The use of one’s native tongue (mother tongue)
78. The government wants a piece of private land
67. What was the title of Rizal’s work considered to for a government project. The owner resisted the
be his crowning glory as a young poet? government’s demand. How may the government
A. Mi Ultimo Adios B. A Las Flores del Heidelberg own the land?
C. A La Juventud Filipina D. A Mi Madre A. Right of eminent domain
B. Right of government ownership
68. Gregoria de Jesus saw her husband ___ charged C. Right of habeas corpus
for the treason by fellow Filipinos who have formed D. Right of a sovereign over the governed
the Philippine Revolutionary force to fight Spain.
A. Andres Bonifacio B. Marcel H. del Pilar 79. Who among the Presidents promised to “make
C. Jose Rizal D. Emilio Aguinaldo this country great again”?
A. Garcia B. Magsaysay
70. Where did the ancient civilization of China C. Marcos D. Macapagal
A. Bay of Bengal B. Indus River 80. Ang mga pamilang na isahan, waluhan, animan
C. Nile River D. Yellow River ay pamilang na ___.
A. Patakaran B. Palansak
71. What was the name of forced labor imposed C. Patakda D. Panunuran
during the Spanish regime?
A. Reciprocal B. Bandala 81. Tumutukoy ito sa mga salitang nakapag-iisa at
C. Servicio Manual D. Polo may kahulugan. Kilala rin itong salitang-ugat.
A. Morpemang leksikal B. Malayang morpema
72. Who was the second editor of “La Solidaridad” C. Paglalapi D. Di-malayang morpema
with the penname Dolores Manapat.
A. Marcelo H. del Pilar B. Graciano Lopez Jaena 82. Uri ng pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagpili,
C. Jose Rizal D. Mariano Ponce pagbubukod at pagtatangi.
A. Paninsay B. Pamukod
C. Panlinaw D. Panapos
94. Siya ay MAY KUTSARANG PILAK nang
83. Pahalagahan ang pangaral ____ hindi malihis ng ipinanganak. Ano ang ipinapahayag nito?
landas. Ano ang pangatnig na angkop sa pahayag na A. Siya ay mahilig sa pilak
ito? B. Marami siyang kagamitang pilak
A. Sakali B. Kahit C. Gustong gusto niya ang kutsara
C. Nang D. Habang D. Siya ay mayaman

84. Huwag makisama kay Zoilo dahil buwaya siya. 95. Ano ang kahulugan ng idyomang ginamit sa
Ang salitang BUWAYA ay tumutukoy sa pangungusap na “Marami sa mga magsasaka
kahulugang ANALAT dahil sa patuloy na pagbuhos ng ulan”?
A. Etimolohiya B. Pampanitikan A. Minalas
C. Denotasyon D. Konotasyon B. Nawalan ng pag-asa
C. Nagalit
85. Ibigay ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob D. Nanibago
sa “Bakit gabi na’y hindi pa siya dumarating?”
A. Pagkatakot B. Pagkatuwa 96. Kung kilala ang Cebu sa kanilang Sinulog,
C. Pagkapoot D. Pagkagalit kilala naman ang Kalibo sa kanilang ___.
A. Dalampasigan
86. Isa, dalawa, tatlo, ang tatay mong kalbo. Ito ay B. Kadayawan
halimbawa ng: C. Ati-atihan
A. Panunudyo B. Bulong D. Dinagyang
C. Bugtong D. Bayabangan
97. “Kung anong bukambibig siyang laman ng
dibdib.” Ito ay isang usi ng ?
A. Tula
87. Ang wastong salin ng “You are the apple of my B. Tugmaan
eye” ay: C. Sawikain
A. Ikaw ang mahalaga sa akin D. Salawkain
B. Katuwa-tuwa ka
C. Mansanas ang paborito ko 98. Sino ang nangungusap sa quotation na “Ang
D. Masayahin ka pala pag-ibig ay hindi pag-ibig kapag nagbabago kung
nakakakita ng pagbabago”?
88. Ang kahulugan ng: My bank account is in the A.Genoveva Matute
red B. William Shakespeare
A. Nanakawan B. Bale-wala C. Robert Frost
C. Nakapag-ipon D. Malapit na maubos D. Jose Rizal

89. Sa pagsasanay tungkol sa pagkilala sa kasarian 99. Saan tumatalakay ang akdang Ang
ng mga pangalang ipakikita, mabisang gamitin ang: Sampaguitang Walang Bango?
A. Flow chart B. Plaskard A. Pagtataksil sa asawa
C. Ginupit na larawan D. Diorama B. Mapanlinlang sa kapwa
C. Nalantang sampaguita
90. Kung ang awit ng pag-iibigan ay kundiman, ano D. Kawalang malay ng mga kababaihan
naman ang sa Bisaya?
A. Sambotani B. Kumintang 100. Ano ang uri ng pangungusap na UMUULAN
C. Talindaw D. Dioma NA?
A. Panawag
91. Kailan ginagamit ang IKA na may gitling? B. Pormulasyong Panlipunan
A. Kung ang bilang ay isinusulat na buo. C. Sambitla
B. Kung mismong bilang ang susunod na isusulat D. Penomenal
C. Kung ginagamit na panlapi sa isang salita
D. Kung ang ikakabiut ay isang panlapi

92. Anong bahagi ng pananalita ang nasa malaking

titik: Malungkot ANG MGA nagtapos na wala pang
A.Pangatnig B. Pang-ukol
C. Parirala D. Pananda

93. ---

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