ZPD Planning Tool Hat
ZPD Planning Tool Hat
ZPD Planning Tool Hat
Zone of Actual Development How do I know this? Can I add depth and Zone of Proximal
Planned Teaching and Expected Evidence of
Topic: Students (What students can do (What assessment did I complexity to current Development (What is
Learning Activities Progress
unassisted) use) skill level? just out of grasp)
Link to Zone of Actual Development How do I know this? Can I add depth and Zone of Proximal
Group Planned Teaching and Expected Evidence of
Topic: Reading Comprehension Students (What students can do (What assessment did complexity to current Development (What is
1 Learning Activities Progress
unassisted) I use)? skill level? just out of grasp)
Level 7 – English (Literacy) The student can interpret PAT R The student will - Discussion about narrative
Megan, text by linking information Running records classify information poetry as a genre - Student identifies
The student is learning
Dhanesh, presented, with relevant presented with types story in each version
ZPD to identify fine - Students compare and
Link to Aditya, external knowledge. They can of external knowledge.
Grou nuances in text with contrast two similar poems - Student identifies
Curriculum Brenton, Use knowledge of text
p1 unfamiliar context or - Students annotate text wording changes that
Ryder, Julie, structure to evaluate the
2 styles. illustrating how wording change the story
Mark, Josef, relevance of the information
Link to Victorian Curriculum - Use prior presented. alters meaning
knowledge and text processing
strategies to interpret a range of types PAT R The student will The student is learning
Running records discuss fine nuances in - Student identifies
of texts (VCELY377). This lesson to interpret underlying - Discussion about narrative
text with unfamiliar nuances in each
focuses on interpreting two versions of Lucia, Seb themes, causes and poetry as a genre
ZPD The student can identify fine context or styles. version of poem
the Waltzing Matilda poem ZPD Melody, points of view in the - Students compare two
Grou nuances in text with - Student identifies
Group Nicole, Hilary, text. They are learning similar poems
p2 unfamiliar context or styles. underlying themes in
3 Artem to Interpret ambiguous - Student researches themes
both stories, using
text in view of social in relation to the period
PAT R The student can The student is learning - Student lists
- Discussion about narrative
Kat, Deng, The student can interpret Running records analyse underlying to recognise the examples of where
poetry as a genre
Milena, Zac, underlying themes, causes themes, causes, and methods used by the text changes have
ZPD - Students compare two
ZPD Susie, Daniel, and points of view in the text. points of view in a text. author to influence been made to
Grou similar poems
Group Christian, They can interpret and persuade the influence reader
p3 - Students work in pairs to
E.g. The teacher decides that 4 Amir, Sarah, ambiguous text in view of reader. - Student explains how
list words that influence the
although Zac scored similarly to Seb Maya social context. language has this
(Group 2) on the assessment items, effect
Zac’s performance in class ZPD Planning for another lesson might
discussion and written work Grou be based on introducing this
samples she places Zac in Group 3 p4 thinking skill.
Group Note that five groups do not need to be
5p 5 used – the number of groups is ideally
dependent on the number of ZPD levels in
the class