Annotation and Bibliography
Annotation and Bibliography
Annotation and Bibliography
Luther, David, et al. Forest is a habitat to The IUCN developed The results showed In conclusion, this
“Global Assessment many species of a red list which consist that 8% of the study showed what
of Critical Forest and animals. And the loss of threatened and near threatened and near actions should do to
Landscape Restoration of this kind of habitat threatened species threatened species restore and preserve
Needs for Threatened can be a big loss in the these only includes such as terrestrial the forests. that the
Terrestrial Vertebrate biodiversity around terrestrial mammals, mammals, birds, forests can still be
Species.” Global the world and a birds, amphibians. amphibians have saved by proper
Ecology and currently responsible ArcMap v 10.6.1 is habitat restoration. actions. And for us,
Conservation, vol. 24, for the endangerment used to determine the Two hundred and nine humans, we should
no. 2351-9894, Dec. and extinction of range of threatened territories have at least never abuse the forest
2020, p. e01359, many species and near threatened one threatened and and extinction is not especially those who forest species that can near threatened impossible to happen
/j.gecco. live in the forest still be restored. The species and most of if these forests will be
2020.e01359. (Brooks et al., 2014, researchers only this habitat restoration destroyed.
2018, 2018, & Diaz et focused with the areas recommended are
al., n.d.). Even though that has a much larger Philippines (67
forest biomes are percentage of species), United States
essential mostly for reforestation to (49 species), and
the animals and determine and Mexico (90 species).
species, sadly, it is confirmed that the
still destroyed and it is forest reforestation
very alarming. (Song was correctly aligned
et al. & 2020, n.d.) on the ground.
(Luther, David, et al.) “Global Assessment of Critical Forest and Landscape Restoration Needs for Threatened Terrestrial
Vertebrate Species.”
Annotation: Forests are crucial habitats for various animal species, but their loss can lead to biodiversity loss and species
extinction. The IUCN developed a red list of threatened and near threatened species, including terrestrial mammals, birds,
and amphibians. Researchers used ArcMap v 10.6.1 to determine areas that can be restored. Results showed that 8% of
threatened and near threatened species have habitat restoration, with the Philippines, United States, and Mexico being the
most recommended areas. Proper actions and human responsibility are essential to preserve forests and prevent extinction.
Peters, Ferdinand, et Forests, specifically Data were collected Agroforestry in the This study finds the
al. “Forest Ecosystem the tropical ones, with 24 landscapes Philippines had higher effect of landscape
Services at Landscape provides a large from Ecuador (12 value than the dynamics and forest
Level – Why Forest percentage of benefits landscapes) and Ecuador. But the types in different FES.
Transition Matters?” to humankind (MEA). Philippines (12 endangered species This showed that not
Forest Ecology and But half of these landscapes) due to have higher only the logging
Management, vol. forests have been having humid tropical percentage in the affects the decline of
534, no. 0378-1127, affected by human biome and are Philippines than FES in the forests but
Apr. 2023, p. 120782, pressure ((Hansen et biodiversity hotspots Ecuador. In planted also transition al.). This study aims to (Mittermeier, 1997, forest, FES (Forest landscapes. Therefore,
/j.foreco.2023.120782. investigate how forest Myers et al., 2000). Ecosystem Services) we should also
transitions changes the Land use mapping; reacted differently to consider in forest
supply of forest variables, such as forest cover transition the demand
ecosystem services mean dbh and stem fragmentation than of forest depended
(FES). Forest type and density; mixed linear natural forests. people.
landscape effect models; and
characteristics is also landscape transition
considered in this gradient, forest types,
study to identify the and their
proper management in interaction were used
enhancing forest to locate different
ecosystem services for forest types; and to
a long period of time. determine the range of
And the basis of this diameter distributions
study is from Ecuador and stocking densities
and the Philippines along the gradient of
which have high old growth forest to
number of forest the young ones.
inventory data.
(Peters, Ferdinand, et al.) “Forest Ecosystem Services at Landscape Level – Why Forest Transition Matters?”
Annotation: Forests benefits not only animals but also us, humans. So enhancing, preserving, and having proper
management in the forests will be a big help especially for ones that is dependent on the forests.
Research Paper Introduction Methods Results Conclusion
Romeroso, Roanne B, Habitat fragmentation Study site 5087 total of plant The study shows that
et al. “Floral and destruction has a individuals were Homonhon Island
Composition and big impact in the - Homonhon collected in the Island have high floral
Diversity of substantial loses in Island, part of and contains 181 diversity. And many
Ultramafic Forests in biodiversity. (Wilson the species from 148 factors were affecting
Homonhon Island, et al. 2016) Municipality genera and 83 the high diversity of
Eastern Samar, Homonhon Island is a of Guiuan, families. 178 species the Island such as soil
Philippines.” Journal home for highly Eastern were identifying and content and its quality.
of Asia-Pacific threatened species Samar, east 72 of this is endemic And the importance of
Biodiversity, 2023, such as the Philippine side of Leyte in the Philippines. On preserving Eagle and the Gulf. the latest list of IUCN, biodiversity and
m/science/article/pii/S Philippine Cockatoo, Plot it shows three are nearly reforestation
2287884X23001097, and to effectively Establishment classified as Data can be a big help in preserve and protect and collection Deficient, 50 are Least preserving the island
/j.japb.2023.10.001. Islands’ biodiversity, Concerned, seven are with the help of
limited floristic - Off-trail Near Threatened (NT), collaboration with
studies were made. On within the eight are Vulnerable, scientists, government,
the other hand, Samar forest seven are Endangered and local community
Island is where oldest (EN), and the in conservation and
and largest old growth Plant remaining taxa were management plans.
trees can be found. identification not evaluated.
(Patindol 2016) And and
this research aims to conservation
study floristic status
composition, structure, - All samples
and diversity of the tar are
ultramafic forests in collected and
Homonhon Island, identified
Philippines. using species
descriptions, t
keys, type
specimen com
parison, and
resources such
as the Co's
Digital Flora
(Pelser et al.
(Romeroso, Roanne B, et al.) “Floral Composition and Diversity of Ultramafic Forests in Homonhon Island, Eastern Samar,
Annotation: Homonhon Island is a home for Philippine Eagle which nearly endangered, so preserving its natural habitat is
important. And aside from Philippine Eagle, the island is also a home for unique plants such as Rubiaceae,
Euphorbiaceae, Myrtaceae, Apocynaceae, and Fabaceae. The article’s author made this study possible by identifying the
study site, plot establishment and collection, and Plant identification and conservation status. And the results showed the
numerous number of species that has been studied and located from the island.
Research Paper Introduction Methods Results Conclusion
Liu, Yaofei, et al. The forest area of Theoretical China’s development The coordinated
“Evaluation of the China reached 231 basis in resources, development’s level
Coordinated million hectares in Index system economy, and shows an upward
Development of 2022 which has Coordination development shows an trend and environment
China’s Forest 24.02% forest degree model increasing rate from subsystems shows the
Resources-Economy- coverage rate, and construction 2006 to 2020. And due lowest. China’s
Environment System.” ranked 5th globally for Data sources to rapid development resources, economy,
Chinese Journal of forest resource area. of China’s forestry, and development
Population, Resources However, since China caused the overall showed good results,
and Environment, vol. is making some development level to however, the
21, no. 2325-4262, economic be going back and environmental
2023, pp. 249–256, transformations, it forth. The large subsystem displayed affects their forest fluctuation in lower degree of
m/science/article/pii/S economy causing their development of forest coordination but
2325426223000517, ecological resources may be forestry development environment damages. caused by forestry focusing on improving
/j.cjpre.2023.11.007. To have high quality production in the it.
development, forestry previous period and
development should some problems caused
focus on economic forest resources from
benefits, protect the overexploitation and
ecological harvesting and caused
environment, reduce big impacts in the
the waste of forest environment that
resources, and results in large
maintain the overall fluctuations. (Hu and
ecological balance. Shen, 2014)
(Liu, Yaofei, et al.) “Evaluation of the Coordinated Development of China’s Forest Resources-Economy-Environment
Annotation: China has a large scale of forestry but because they were developing and making some economic
transformations, it caused them to have environment damages. The researchers use Theoretical basis, Index system,
Coordination degree model construction, and Data sources for the effectiveness of their study. And with that, they viewed
China’s development of forestry for 2006 to 2020. And the country’s resources, economy, ad development showed good
results and even though there were some problems, the forestry development is now focusing on how to improve it.
Research Paper Introduction Methods Results Conclusion
Wiset, Kanchana, et The aim of this Qualitative method is POs signed contracts The study assesses the
al. “Assessing the research is to examine used to investigate and collect funds for four People
Effectiveness of the and gain more account data. member’s Organization that
Engagement of Local on how Peoples participation and for participates in
People in Restoring decentralisation, Organizationfinancial transparency. reforestation projects
Degraded Forest devolution, and power (PO) Cases POs with Community- particularly in
Landscapes in Leyte have played roles in Data Based Forest National Gren
and Biliran Provinces, Forest Landscape collection Management Program. The study
the Philippines.” Restoration. Data analysis Agreements showed that even
Environmental Community (CBFMAs) reported to though their projects
Science & Policy, vol. engagement is have high scores were effective, there
148, no. 1462-9011, 1 important in this kind which had secured were underlying issues
Oct. 2023, p. 103545, of matter and it refers rights in forest that affects their to a community of resources. Some POs projects. The findings
m/science/article/pii/S people rather than that have legal were consisted as the
1462901123001843, individuals (Cavaye agreements received other studies here in (2004). In this study, benefit on harvested the Philippines and
/j.envsci.2023.07.005. we examine and products while some suggests more
Accessed 6 Feb. 2024. compare four different faced challenges efficient community-
cases of engagement because of lack of based reforestation.
of local people in the tenure rights. POs also But generalizing other
National Greening received support that contexts is quite
Program (NGP), the leads in having challenging because of
Philippine’s activities that they can some factors affecting
reforestation initiative. gain income such as is such as local
This study asses the agroforestry, poultry, conditions, laws, and
participation of groups and furniture making. governance structures.
of local people in four They were also
reforestation projects supported by partner
in Leyte and Biliran agencies in project
Provinces. implementation even
though they lack of
funds. They gained
high scores in tree
planting and skills and
other activities. They
needed to have
management in the
long run.
(Wiset, Kanchana, et al.) “Assessing the Effectiveness of the Engagement of Local People in Restoring Degraded Forest
Landscapes in Leyte and Biliran Provinces, the Philippines.”
Annotation: The research aims to know decentralization, devolution, and power in Forest Landscape Restoration that
focused in participation of participation of community in reforestation particularly in National Green Program. They
investigate PO’s cases, data analysis, and data collection. POs signed contracts and contribute funds for the effectiveness of
their projects and financial transparency. Overall, the study highlighted the effectiveness and the importance of participation
of group of people in this kind of projects even though there were underlying issues that hinders their success.
Annotation: This study focuses on Anonotong which commonly known as scaly tree ferns. There were 40 species of this
tree that found in the Philippines particularly in Marilog District, Southern Philippines and 65% of this were found endemic.
People uses this tree as decorations, medicine, fertilizers, handicrafts, and household implements. Because of being essential
for gaining profit from this tree, the locals were lack of understanding and awareness of its endangered status. So the
authorities should have prohibitions in abusing this tree and must have awareness campaign.
(Lillo, Edgardo P., et al.) “Plant Diversity and Structure of Forest Habitat Types on Dinagat Island, Philippines.”
Annotation: Dinagat Island, an extension of Mindanao's mountains formed during the Pliocene Epoch, connects Northern
Mindanao and Eastern Visayas, facilitating species migration. Despite threats like logging and mining, its unique
biodiversity persists. Key biodiversity areas like Mount Kambinlio and Redondo harbour endangered species like the
Philippine flying lemur and tarsier. This study explores forest habitat diversity and structure on Dinagat Island. Six habitats
were identified, hosting 432 native plant species across 87 families and 203 genera. Dinagat Island exhibits high species
diversity (Shannon index 3.32), with lower diversity in mangrove and beach forests. Twenty-two threatened species were
identified. Analysis reveals significant differences among forest types. Lowland evergreen forests boast larger trees and
basal area compared to others, highlighting ecological variations essential for conservation efforts.
Research Paper Introduction Methods Results Conclusion
Ferrer Velasco, The study identified Study design: The study represented
Rubén, et al. six distinct forest selection of forest classification
“Towards Accurate habitats: lowland landscapes, accuracies globally
Mapping of Forest in evergreen forest, regions and based on forest
Tropical Landscapes: mangrove forest, countries transition theory.
A Comparison of beach forest, FOL, Data There’s a pressing
Datasets on How UMF, and LMF, collection need to accurately
Forest Transition hosting a total of 432 Digitization of measure the
Matters.” Remote native plant species the training & effectiveness of global
Sensing of categorized into 203 validation initiatives like Agenda
Environment, vol. genera and 87 dataset 2030 for Sustainable
274, no. 0034-4257, families. Dinagat Creation of Development and the
June 2022, p. 112997, Island exhibited a high LaForeT Paris Agreement. This species diversity, with forest maps study also highlights
/j.rse.2022.112997. a Shannon diversity Remote the accuracy in
Accessed 6 Apr. 2022. index value of 3.32, sensing data monitoring tropical
while mangrove and Supervised forest cover and
beach forests showed classification accurate estimations in
lower diversity values. and post- associated ecosystem
Out of the 432 species, processing services. Additionally,
22 were classified as Secondary the results highlight
threatened species, sources: the importance of in
including those national and situ verification as a
categorized as global forest method for
Critically Endangered, datasets Monitoring,
Endangered, Quality Reporting, and
Vulnerable, and other analysis Verification in regions
threatened species. with advanced
This represented 2% deforestation and early
of the total threatened reforestation. This
plant species in the implicated that there
Philippines. Cluster must be policy-
analysis and similarity making and research
indices suggested for forest protection
substantial differences and rehabilitation
among forest habitat masures.
types. Additionally,
variations in tree
diameter, height, and
basal area were
observed, with
lowland evergreen
forests showing larger
trees and greater basal
area coverage
compared to other
habitat types,
particularly UMF and
forests over ultramafic