II. 1. Numbers of culture 2. Having a law 3. Helps to improve the community III.
Interaction of people 1. Relationship of people 2. Unity
Dominique P. Quiom 12 STEM-1
Thesis Statement:
Let all people be aware about the importance of all species in the ecosystem, educating
how and what can we do to preserve all species.
Topic Outline:
I. Endangered Species
As the time and years passes the number of endangered species also
increases. All living organisms are important in balancing the ecosystem, then the
continuous increasing number of species becomes endangered is a great threat to the
ecosystem. If we still continue our fainty the increasing number of endangered species
might get into no existence of those species anymore.
By the early 21st century it could be said that human beings are the greatest
threats to biodiversity. Roughly 99 percent of threatened animals are at risks because of
human activities. The most pervasive of these threats are habitat loss and degradation,
the large scale conversion of lands in previously undistributed areas driven by growing
demand for commercial agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development. When the
animal's ecosystem ruined they either adapt to new surrounding or perish. Population,
over-exploitation, diseases, climate change and as well as human activities are the
considered factors in threatening species..
The IUCN Red list brings into focus the ongoing decline of Earth's biodiversity
and influences humans have on life in the planet provides globally accepted standard
with which to measure the conservation status of species over time. The Endangered
species act (ESA) of 1973, obligates federal and state government to protect all life
threatened with extinction. One thing humans fail at is seeing the big picture; we are
often blind to the interconnectedness of everything that supports life. The food chain, we
must give importance to the tiniest microorganisms to the largest creature on Earth. The
only way to conserve biodiversity of the planet is to take consideration to the reasons
why species become endangered.
It’s our responsibility in caring for our ecosystem, and conserving nature.
Conserving all species and let them exist until the last day of days. Those species plays
a great role in balancing the ecosystem which humans also benefited. Together we can
change the trajectory of the threats to the nature and help ensure nature's ability to
provide for the sake of every living things. Respect, love and care for all creatures that
were given by our greatest creator. Once they're gone, they wouldn't exist anymore.