Article 1
Article 1
Article 1
intensity. Valorising these small-scale agricultural habitats could not only help to meet conser-
vation targets by maintaining a more heterogeneous landscape for bird communities; it could
also enhance their own ecological functions, since birds can control arthropods pests [23], dis-
perse seeds, and pollinate plants [24].
Here we use lowland rainforest as a reference to investigate the effect of conversion to differ-
ent land-use types on the total bird abundance, the abundance within feeding guilds, different
measures of species richness, and species composition of bird communities, and evaluate the
conservation value of these habitats. We conducted bird point counts in 32 plots of 4 different
systems: lowland rainforest, jungle rubber, rubber plantations and oil palm plantations, which
are the main land-use systems in the landscape mosaic in Jambi. We additionally sampled
birds in 16 homegardens that represent small-scale traditional systems, situated in the same
study region to evaluate their contribution to conservation. We expect that bird species rich-
ness is highest in forest due to the more diverse food resources and structural complexity, and
lowest in the monocultures. Homegardens and jungle rubber may have intermediary biodiver-
sity levels and thus act as refuges for forest species because of their high plant species diversity
and structural heterogeneity. We also expect that some groups, such as feeding generalists
(omnivores), reach higher abundances in the monocultures because these species are more
flexible in their diets and can thus take advantage of disturbed systems food resources.
Study sites
The study sites are situated near two protected forests in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia
(Fig 1). Thirty-two plots, 5050m in size, with 16 plots per region, were established on lowland
rainforest and 3 transformed habitats: jungle rubber, rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantation and
oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantation in the frame of the CRC 990 (EFForTS) project. Our
lowland rainforest sites are natural forests that have experienced some disturbance such as
clearing and logging. Jungle rubber is planted rubber with secondary forest re-growth and min-
imum management practices [16]. Rubber plantations and oil palm plantations are intensively
managed monoculture plantations covering an extensive area of the province. The study design
and region is described in detail by Drescher at al. [25]. The mean pair-wise distance between
sites was 11.5 km and 18.2 km for the Bukit Duabelas and Harapan regions, respectively.
Fig 1. Map of the plots and homegardens in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. The first letter of plot and homegarden codes
indicates the region (H: Harapan, B: Bukit Duabelas), the second letter the land-use type (F: forest, J: jungle rubber, R: rubber, O: oil
palm, G: homegarden). Forest cover is derived from Landsat 2013 (data from USGS/NASA Landsat, imagery interpretation courtesy
of Dian Melati).
We additionally selected 8 homegardens, which were not part of the core study sites of the
CRC 990, in each region. Homegardens were separated by a minimum distance of 100 m and it
was not possible to have larger separation between them since they are invariably tied to
human settlements along roads. The selected homegarden areas ranged between between 100
to 300 m2, smaller or larger homegardens (observed range 50800m2) were either too small for
meaningful bird surveys, or, for the larger ones, too rare and unrepresentative to include in our
sample. The typically small size of homegardens compared to plots prompted us to double the
amount of homegardens (16 homegardens vs. 8 plots per land-use type).
Bird survey
We conducted point count surveys in the centre of the plots in forest, jungle rubber, and rubber
and oil palm plantations. Each plot was visited four times, except five plots (BF1, BF2, BJ2, BJ4,
and BO1, see Fig 1) which could only be visited three times due to time constraints. Each
homegarden was also visited four times, except two homegardens (BG1 and BG2) which could
only be visited three times due to time constraints. Each point count visit lasted 20 minutes. In
the homegardens, birds were observed from the best possible vantage point. Individuals flying
through or above the plot or homegarden were excluded. Each site was surveyed from June
until July 2013, during non-rainy days. Cloud cover during the visit was estimated by eye and
expressed in percent as clouded weather can possibly affect bird activity [26].
Birds were surveyed by sound and sight between 6:00 and 10:00 by the first author using
742mm binoculars (Nikon Monarch). Species identity, number of individuals, used vegeta-
tion layer (only for plots: ground, understory, middlestory, canopy, emergent trees) or used
plant species (only for homegardens), horizontal distance from the observer (measured by a
digital rangefinder Nikon Laser 1000AS) were recorded. The timing of bird data collection ran-
domly alternated between early to late morning to minimize a bias due to the observation time
[27, 28]. Unfamiliar bird calls were recorded using a directional microphone (Sennheiser ME-
66/K6) coupled to a digital sound recorder (Olympus LS-3). The recordings were later com-
pared with online databases: the public bird call database Xeno Canto (
and our own database SoundEFForTS ( Bird species
identification in the field followed Mackinnon, Phillips & van Balen [29], but we used Birdlife
international [30] taxonomy in the analysis.
Homegarden survey
Semi-structured interviews (S1 Questionnaire) with the homegarden owners showed they were
tended by people aged 21 to 71 years, and mostly by women or both genders (13 out of 16
homegardens). Homegarden products were used for personal consumption and only occasion-
ally sold (3 households). Fertilizer and herbicides were used in 13 homegardens, with insecti-
cides used in 8 homegardens. On average, the ground cover consisted of 65% of vegetation and
litter, while the rest was mostly bare ground. We could identify a total of 109 cultivated plant
species, of which 42 were tree species. An average of 18 (sd: 7) identified cultivated plant spe-
cies per homegarden was found, of which an average of 7 (sd: 4) species were trees. The most
common plants (found in more than half of the plots) were chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens),
papaya (Carica papaya), coconut trees (Cocos nucifera), turmeric (Curcuma longa), lemongrass
(Cymbopogon sp.), sweet potato (Ipomea batatas), mango (Mangifera indica), cassava (Mani-
hot esculenta), banana (Musa sp.), sugarcane (Saccarum officinarum), katuk (Sauropus andro-
gynus), and ginger (Zingiber sp.). Generally, homegardens had few tall trees and they were
never integrated in remnant forest habitat (for an example see S1 Fig),
Due to their inevitably smaller areas (mean sd = 220 51 m2), the 16 homegardens bird
abundance, richness, feeding guilds, and communities were not comparable statistically to
those from the plots (area: 2500 m2). In one homegarden (HG8), the owner cleaned all vege-
tation so that the bird survey could not be conducted.
Data analysis
Diet, stratum, habitat and Red List status. All birds were classified into feeding guilds
(insectivores, frugivores, granivores, omnivores, and nectarivores) based on their primary diet.
The classification is mainly based on Thiollay [10] and was completed with data from the
Handbook of the Birds of the World [31]. We used the same sources, as well as Beukema et al.
[12], to complement the data with the birds preferred habitat use as defined by Thiollay [10]
(primary and old secondary forest interior; forest gaps, edges, or upper canopy; little wooded
and cultivated areas). Data about the foraging strata were extracted from Wilman et al. [32]
(tree crown; bark and wood at any height; understory, mostly foliage and epiphyte; grass shrubs
in open areas). We plotted the abundance per feeding guild, habitat type, or foraging strata in
each land-use type and region and only used the data from the first three visits to avoid a bias
due to several sites missing the fourth visit. We supplemented the bird data with information
from the IUCN Red List [33] to show the number of species of conservation importance.
Response variables. We used the sum of the maximum of simultaneously detected indi-
viduals per species as a conservative measure of abundance. Abundance was computed per
point count visit to be comparable with our measure of species richness per point count visit.
We also analysed the abundance in each feeding guild and the rarefied richness per plot after 3
visits, and the total richness per land-use type after 3 visits was visualised. For the per-visit rich-
ness and abundance, we also counted birds that were only identified to genus level if they dif-
fered from the genera of the other observed birds during the same visit.
For homegardens, we computed the average number of species and abundance of birds,
counted after three visits. We also pooled data from all 16 homegardens, obtaining a total area
of 3297 m2, which is more similar to the area covered by our point counts in core plots, to
count the total species richness.
Statistical models. All analyses were carried out using R software version 3.2.1 [34] and
graphs were made using the ggplot2 R package [35].
For all per-visit count data (abundance and richness), we fitted generalized linear mixed-
effects models (GLMER, glmer function from R package lme4) with plot as a random effect
and Poisson family. Rarefied species richness yielded one data point per plot and as a conse-
quence, it was modelled using a generalized linear model (GLM) with Poisson family (without
random effects). For all models, we started with the full set of explanatory variables, including
land-use type and region (categorical variables) as well as their interaction, and scaled cloud
cover (z-transformed to avoid convergence issues in GLMERs). The full models overdisper-
sion, homoscedasticity and residual normality assumptions, as well as outliers, were checked
using diagnostic plots. We generated all possible models based on all combinations of predic-
tors included in the full model and ranked them by AICc [36] (dredge function from R package
MuMIn). All variables that were included in the best models (models within 2 AICc scores
from the best model) were used to construct a model which served in a subsequent post-hoc
pairwise comparison of land-use types with forest (glht function from R package multcomp
[37]), and we report the results whenever a global Chi-square-test was significant (P<0.05).
Total richness per land-use type was not analysed statistically since it is an aggregated measure.
Community composition. We visualized the bird community composition using non-
metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on Bray-Curtis distances derived from an
abundance community matrix (R package vegan [38]). We performed permutational multivar-
iate analysis of variance tests (adonis function from R package vegan) to detect the difference
of each transformed land-uses community with forest.
Based on our point counts, we detected 451 birds representing 71 species and 24 families, as
well as 74 birds from 13 species and 7 families, respectively in core plots and in homegardens.
Sampling intensity was comparable between land-use types, and rarefaction analysis supports
our finding (S2 Fig), although forest appears to have been under-sampled. Among all detec-
tions, 25 were only identified to genus level and 9 detections remained wholly unidentified.
Twenty genera were only found in forest, 4 only in jungle rubber, 6 only in rubber, and 5 only
in oil palm. Birds were usually recorded more often close to and also far away from the
observer in the plantations (S3 Fig). The estimated cloud cover was highest in forest and lowest
in rubber (S4 Fig), but we did not test for statistical significance.
Fig 2. Bird abundance and species richness per 20 minute visit, split up by land-use type for two regions in the
province of Jambi, Sumatra. Black dots represent visits, red dots represent mean values per land-use type, error bars
represent the mean standard error, asterisks denote statistical significance in post-hoc multiple comparisons with forest.
different trends among regions (Fig 2). The best models (within 2 AICc) for bird abundance
per feeding guild (using only insectivores and omnivores for which we had enough detections)
did not contain land-use type or region as predictors, so no global test for assessing differences
between land-use type and region was conducted. The best models for species richness per visit
contained land-use type and region predictors. The global Chi-square test for the contrasts
between land-use types was significant (P<0.05) and the multiple comparison showed signifi-
cantly (P<0.05) higher values in forest than in the rubber and oil palm plantations for the Har-
apan region. The best model for rarefied species richness contained only land-use type as a
predictor: there were no other models within 2 AICc. The global test for the contrasts between
land-use types was significant (P = 0.01) and showed significantly (P<0.05) higher values in
forest than in the rubber and oil palm plantations (Fig 3). For all responses, cloud cover was
dropped from the predictors as it was never contained in the best models within 2 AIC.
In both regions, the total species richness per land-use type was highest in forest (see Fig 4).
The species richness in rubber sites of Bukit Duabelas was relatively high, even surpassing the
species richness in jungle rubber. In both regions, species of conservation concern (near
threatened category according to IUCN Red List) were increasingly rare along the land-use
conversion gradient and mostly absent in plantations.
In 4 of the 15 homegardens, we did not find any bird even after four visits. After 3 visits, the
average total species richness per homegarden was 1.6 (sd: 1.4) with a maximum of 5 species,
Fig 3. Rarefied species richness after three 20 minute visits, split up by land-use type for both regions
combined in the province of Jambi, Sumatra. Grey dots represent plots, red dots represent mean values
per land-use type, error bars represent the mean standard error, asterisks denote statistical significance in
post-hoc multiple comparisons with forest.
and the mean number of detections per visit was of 1.15 individuals. All 15 homegardens
pooled together had a species count of 11 after three visits.
Community composition
Two dimensional ordination visualization of bird communities based on abundance data
showed that the forest community was different from the other communities in the converted
land-use systems (Fig 6). Clear overlap was visible between jungle rubber and rubber planta-
tions, and to a lesser extent between rubber and oil palm plantations. The ADONIS analyses
revealed that land-use type was significant in partitioning the bird communities, and that forest
communities were significantly different from each of the other communities in converted
land-use types (all p<0.001).
Fig 4. Total bird richness after three 20 minute visits in each land-use type and IUCN Red List threat status for
two regions in the province of Jambi, Sumatra. For some unidentified birds, the threat status was not available (NA).
We found no differences in terms of abundance between the land-use types, but both richness
per visit and rarefied richness per plot were significantly lower in plantations compared with
forest. Frugivores were absent from monocultures; the trends in abundance of insectivores and
omnivores are statistically not significant, so we do not interpret them further. Richness per
land-use type decreased along the transformation gradient, with almost no bird species of con-
servation concern present in monocultures. Bird communities in jungle rubber, rubber and oil
palm monocultures were significantly different from forest communities.
Fig 5. Bird abundance after three 20 minute visits in each feeding guild per land-use type for the two different regions of the
province of Jambi, Sumatra. Feeding guild categories were based on Thiollay et al. (1995).
less detrimental for birds, due to their inherently smaller sizes contributing to a higher diversity
of habitats in the landscape mosaic. Species groups that went missing after conversion of forest
are hornbills, trogons, barbets, woodpeckers, flycatchers, and some babblers. The lack of large
canopy trees (for hornbills), standing dead trees (for woodpeckers), woody understory growth
(for babblers and understory foragers), might have greatly affected these forest species [10, 39].
We expected that monoculture rubber would be more hospitable to birds than oil palm
plantations: the branched rubber tree structure may provide more space for foraging, perching,
or nesting. Even though rubber is harvested more frequently, tapping takes place at the trunk
base, while harvesting in oil palm occurs in the middle of the canopy, which is potentially more
disturbing. Although several bird species are able to shift their foraging height in response to
disturbance [40], oil palm plantations clearly cannot harbour tree crown species, integrating
open-land species instead (S5 Fig). However all in all, we could not detect differences in abun-
dance or richness between the rubber and oil palm plantations, and their communities were
relatively similar (Fig 6), which was also found by Aratrakorn et al. [9]. Both plantation types
are novel, simplified monocultures with a high disturbance regime due to human management
activities, explaining the high prevalence of similar generalist species in both systems.
Fig 6. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling of bird communities in different land-use types of Jambi, Sumatra. Graph based
on abundance data from both regions.
all insectivores found in oil palm are open land and common species such as Prinia and Ortho-
tomus. Forest-dependent insectivores, such as Grey-chested Jungle-flycatcher Rhinomyias
umbratilis, Scarlet-rumped Trogon Harpactes duvaucelli, and Banded broadbill Eurylaimus
javanicus were never found outside the forest sites. At the same time, a large portion of under-
story insectivores, such as babblers, were found almost exclusively in forest and jungle rubber,
as they are sensitive to habitat degradation [46]. They could not be found entering deep into
the plantations, even when observed in nearby jungle rubber fragments (pers. obs. WEP). The
absence of undergrowth vegetation on plantation plots seems to be affecting this group greatly
[9]. Bark gleaning insectivores like woodpeckers and nuthatch were entirely missing in oil
palm. Under these circumstances, we are unsure whether pest predation serviceswhich might
be relevant for oil palms [47]are hampered or enhanced in plantations. There are indications
that common species (like Pycnonotus, Orthotomus and Prinia species) comsume a broad vari-
ety of insects in oil palm, but not specifically pests [48]. Consequently, biocontrol effects could
be positive or negative, as birds may affect pests as well as their natural enemies. Note that
overall, the diversity of the insectivorous feeding guild is strongly reduced (S6 Fig, 16 species in
plantations combined versus 29 in forest and jungle rubber combined).
In rubber and oil palm plantations, we generally observed similar species compositions with
omnivores such as Pycnonotus goiavier and Dicaeum trigonostigma dominating. Overall, omni-
vores were more than twice as abundant in the plantations compared to the forest, but they
had only slightly lower observed richness (13 species in plantations combined versus 16 in for-
est and jungle rubber combined). Forest omnivores such as leafbirds, fulvettas, and scimitar-
babblers, were replaced by other species that have adapted well to anthropogenic habitats, such
as bulbuls (Pycnonotus spp.). In summary, our results show that there is a feeding guild compo-
sition change towards less specialized birds in the simpler habitat types such as plantations [43,
44, 49]. It is uncertain whether the omnivorous birds can still fulfil the seed dispersal function
of the missing frugivores in plantations, as only dietary analyses could reveal that.
survey when rubber was blooming. Another possible influencing factor is the distance from the
forest fragments. Aratrakorn et al. [9] did not find any evidence for this in their commercial
plantations, but Azhar et al. found effects for arboreal omnivores and terrestrial frugivores
[20]. In our Bukit 12 region however, plots from converted land-uses were closer to the forest
border than in Harapan (on average 3.2 km versus 6.0 km for Harapan, Fig 1). We suggest that
the proximity to forest could explain the relatively high species richness and abundances in the
Bukit 12 converted land-use plots. All things considered, we recommend that during bird sur-
veys in rubber plantations, blooming events should be noted, and in plantations, understory
density should be quantified. A designed gradient in distance from the transformed plots to the
forest (as a reference system), combined with a more sophisticated land-use cover analysis,
could impart the influence of forest proximity on bird communities, which should ideally be
tested in different regions.
Conservation implications
Despite being perennial habitats, monospecific plantations are too simplified to harbour as
many species as forests. Our results show that among the transformed habitats on the study
site, jungle rubber still plays an important role in harbouring bird species, particularly forest
species that cannot survive in structurally much simpler habitat (S7 Fig): jungle rubber in both
regions harboured 14 forest species, which was more than twice the number in both monocul-
ture plantations combined (6 species). Strikingly, the entire feeding guild of frugivores was
missing from the moncultures. Jungle rubber communities were intermediate in composition
between forest and plantation communities (Fig 6), and almost half of the 15 near threatened
species from the forest were found in jungle rubber. As a buffer, jungle rubber favours forest
bird species due to its vegetation structural complexity and plant diversity (including fruiting
trees), as it resembles secondary forest more than the other types of land-use [51].
Despite encouraging evidence from other parts of the world that homegardens can sustain
bird communities and thus support conservation targets [52], we found that single homegar-
dens in our region were quite irrelevant for conserving bird communities. The gardens were
irregular in shape, leading to possibly stronger edge effects, markedly smaller in size than the
study plots, and located near to roads and households, which are a source of disturbance.
Homegardens may be attractive to birds for its food-resources. Therefore, owners may perceive
them as a threaten to the crops, and in some cases use visual methods such as birds-scarers to
dissuade birds from entering into the homegardens (pers. obs. MTH). Additionally, we found a
low plant species richness and structure and full-grown trees were rare (pers. obs. MTH). In
contrast, homegarden studies in Sulawesi and Java respectively recorded from 28 to 37 and
from 42 to 58 plant species per homegarden [53, 54]. In contrast however, when pooling home-
garden data for a fairer comparison of species richness with core plots at similar areas, we
found a high number of species (11). Although this number is inflated due to the geographical
separation between homegardens (high beta-diversity) it comes second after the highest species
richness recorded in plots. Therefore, although homegardens certainly do not provide breeding
habitat for birds due to their high disturbance regime, they can apparently provide resources
that are used by many bird species.
Bird communities can be preserved with several management practices. Favouring a more
diverse tree structure and habitat in plantations can be achieved by planting trees in cohorts of
varying ages, with intercropping of rubber [55] and oil palm [56], keeping remnant forest
treesespecially fruiting trees for the missing frugivorous trees [57]and standing dead trees
(snags) [58], and by maintaining a denser undergrowth [9, 17, 21]. Interestingly, some find-
ings by Azhar et al. suggest that polyculture may not necessarily be beneficial for the overall
bird species richness [59]. Finally at the regional scale, the matrix between the forested natural
habitat and transformed habitat can be improved by keeping plantations small and forested
systems connected [60].
Previously, the predicted land use development in Jambi incorporated a combination of jun-
gle rubber along with monoculture plantations [16]. However recent changes show a shift to
more profitable monoculture plantations[61]. Smallholders could maintain their jungle rubber
agroforestry due to the minimal management costs and limited capital, but oil palm offers
short term profits [16, 62]. The immediate challenge for conservation in the study area is the
change of forest and jungle rubber towards a homogenized region dominated by large scale
monoculture plantations.
Policies which support smallholders in maintaining the heterogeneity within the landscape
mosaic are required. With the growing eco-sensitive market, smallholder rubber certification
despite its complexityshould be developed further [63]. A multi-stakeholder approach provid-
ing incentives for smallholders to maintain their jungle rubber is feasible as has already been
implemented in the Bungo regency [64]. Favouring jungle rubber and mixed crop plantations,
along with practices which maintain structural complexity of the plantation will benefit the
environment and biodiversity more. Meanwhile, it is of utmost importance to protect and
maintain the remaining forest cover.
Supporting Information
S1 Fig. An example of homegarden (BG1) sampled in our study.
S2 Fig. Rarefaction curves for each land-use type. Total species richness was rarefied to the
lowest sample size occurring in jungle rubber, where 88 birds were observed. Total rarefied
richness forest: 38; jungle rubber: 27; rubber: 25, oil palm: 16.
S3 Fig. Histograms of bird detections in each land-use type depending on the distance
from the observer, divided in bins of equal area.
S4 Fig. Estimated percent cloud cover during each core plot visit in each land-use type.
Means are indicated in red, error bars represent the standard error of the mean.
S5 Fig. Bird abundance after three 20 minute visits in each stratum preference group per
land-use type for two regions of the province of Jambi, Sumatra. Strata preferences were
obtained from Wilman et al. (2014).
S6 Fig. Total bird species richness after three 20 minute visits in each feeding guild per
land-use type. Feeding guild categories were based on Thiollay et al. (1995).
S7 Fig. Bird abundance after three 20 minute visits in each habitat preference group per
land-use type for two regions of the province of Jambi, Sumatra. Habitat preferences were
mainly obtained from Thiollay et al. (1995).
S1 Questionnaire. Homegarden household questionnaire.
We would like to thank the field team of B09 sub-group, B.P.H. Hamonangan and Patrick M.
Diaz, for the kind field assistance. We thank the following persons and organizations for grant-
ing us access to and use of their properties: village leaders, local plot owners, PT Humusindo,
PT REKI, PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI, Bukit Duabelas National Park. We are grateful to
Louis-Felix Bersier, Pamla Lagrange, and an anonymous reviewer for stimulating us to
improve our manuscript. We acknowledge support by the German research foundation and
the open access publication funds of the Georg-August University of Gttingen.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: WEP KD YC MTH RA TT. Performed the experi-
ments: WEP MTH. Analyzed the data: WEP KD YC MTH. Wrote the paper: WEP KD YC
MTH RA YM TT. Research permit support: YM.
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