Tropical Forests in A Changing Environment: S. Joseph Wright
Tropical Forests in A Changing Environment: S. Joseph Wright
Tropical Forests in A Changing Environment: S. Joseph Wright
10 October 2005
Understanding and mitigating the impact of an ever- these forests might respond to increasing anthropogenic
increasing population and global economic activity on pressure. I evaluate local effects first because they are
tropical forests is one of the great challenges currently unequivocally detectable, vary widely among countries,
facing biologists, conservationists and policy makers. and set the stage for potential synergisms with global
Tropical forests currently face obvious regional changes, effects. The evidence for global effects suggests that a
both negative and positive, and uncertain global massive reorganization of the structure and dynamics of
changes. Although deforestation rates have increased tropical forests is already underway. The evidence comes
to unprecedented levels, natural secondary succession almost exclusively from repeated censuses of tree plots;
has reclaimed approximately 15% of the area deforested however, and additional independent evidence is needed.
during the 1990s. Governments have also protected
18% of the remaining tropical moist forest; however,
unsustainable hunting continues to threaten many Local anthropogenic influences on tropical forests
keystone mammal and bird species. The structure and Deforestation
dynamics of old-growth forests appear to be rapidly Land use and forest cover are changing throughout the
changing, suggesting that there is a pantropical response tropics (Box 1). Approximately half of the potential
to global anthropogenic forcing, although the evidence tropical closed-canopy forest has already been removed
comes almost exclusively from censuses of tree plots and and the land converted to other uses (Table 1). For
is controversial. Here, I address ongoing anthropogenic comparison, the extant forest cover of the eastern USA
change in tropical forests and suggest how these forests has never fallen below w40% of its potential area [4], a
might respond to increasing anthropogenic pressure. threshold that has already been passed in tropical Asia
and Africa (Table 1). The highest rates of tropical
deforestation yet recorded occurred during the 1980s
Introduction and 1990s [5], and have continued to increase in some
Tropical forest landscapes are changing rapidly as human areas. Across tropical Asia, deforestation rates increased
populations and economies grow. Tropical forests also significantly from 1.8!106 ha yK1 during the 1980s to
have a disproportionate role in global carbon and energy 2.6!106 ha yK1 during the 1990s [6]. In the Brazilian
cycles [1] and support w50% of described species and an Amazon, deforestation rates increased from 1.7!106 ha y–1
even larger number of undescribed species [2]. An under- during the 1990s to 1.8, 2.3 and 2.4!106 ha y–1 in 2001,
standing of anthropogenic change in tropical forests is 2002, and 2003, respectively [7]. The immense deforested
thus crucial to understanding global climate change and area, larger than the combined areas of Canada and
the conservation of nature. France, is just part of the story.
Anthropogenic effects on tropical forests can be grouped Deforestation creates a patchwork landscape, with
into two broad categories. Local effects include local land- forest fragments scattered among towns, pastures and
cover change, invasive species, and timber and bush meat fields and abrupt edges separating forests from other land
extraction. Global effects include changes to the atmo- uses. Each year, deforestation results in 20 000 km of new
sphere and climate caused largely by fossil-fuel consump- forest edge in the Brazilian Amazon alone [8], and the area
tion and remote land-cover change. The challenge is to of forest in fragments of !100 km2 or within 1 km of the
understand the overall impact of this mix of anthropogenic nearest forest edge is greater than the area deforested [9].
drivers, particularly because anthropogenic forcing is Globally, there was 45.3!106 ha of fragmented tropical
likely to only intensify. The population of tropical forest in 1997 [10]. Active deforestation is underway in
countries increased from 1.8 billion in 1950 to 4.9 billion close proximity (defined as 1% clearing in 106 ha) to 15%,
in 2000 and is projected to grow by a further 2 billion 12%, and 8% of the remaining closed-canopy forest in
before 2030 [3]. Tropical and global economies are both tropical Asia, America, and Africa, respectively [6]. This
projected to grow even more rapidly. brings loggers and colonists closer to previously remote
Here, I address ongoing anthropogenic change in forests and contributed to the degradation of an additional
tropical forests with an eye toward understanding how 2.3!106 ha of forest each year during the 1990s [10].
Corresponding author: Wright, S.J. (
Thus, deforestation fragments and facilitates the degra-
Available online 8 August 2005 dation of remaining forests. 0169-5347/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2005.07.009
554 Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.20 No.10 October 2005
Table 1. Potential and extant forest cover and recent rates of deforestation, reforestation and forest degradation in the tropics
DISCover 1-km resolution satellite imagery supplemented by the BIOME3 vegetation model [5] for countries whose geographical centers fall within the tropics [14].
National forest inventories compiled by the FAO [64] for countries whose geographical centers fall within the tropics [14].
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer 8-km resolution satellite imagery for all lands between the tropics [6].
LandSat 30-m resolution satellite imagery for the ‘evergreen and seasonal forest of the tropical humid bioclimatic zone’ for all continents plus the ‘dry biome of continental
Southeast Asia’ [10]. Excludes Mexico and the Atlantic coastal forest of Brazil.
Rates of deforestation, secondary forest succession and forest degradation are for 1990–1997.
Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.20 No.10 October 2005 555
Spatial variation in land-use change Still, protected forests suffer less degradation than do
The local loss of forest cover can be extreme. Myers et al. nearby unprotected forests throughout the tropics [24].
[18] identified 25 endemicity ‘hotspots’ that include the
entire ranges of 44% and 35% of all vascular plants and Poachers
terrestrial vertebrates, respectively. Of these, the 16 Few tropical protected areas exclude poachers and, as a
hotspots that support tropical forest have lost significant consequence, a pantropical bush meat crisis threatens
percentages of their original vegetation cover (Figure 1) many keystone species throughout the tropics. Forest
[19]. Simple species–area projections incorporating this ungulates, primates and other large vertebrates provide a
level of habitat loss indicate that extinction now threatens significant proportion of protein consumed by humans in
w50% of the tropical hotspot endemics that require old- many tropical settings [25]. Hunters routinely extirpate
growth forest cover [19]. Tropical dry forests are the most the more sensitive species, such as large primates and
endangered forests worldwide with, for example, !2% of cats, which are characterized by delayed maturation and
the original tropical dry forest remaining in Central few young, and reduce the abundances of less sensitive
America [20]. species, such as deer and forest pigs [26]. Game species
By contrast, old-growth forests have largely survived include granivores that eat large palatable seeds,
where human population density is low. Rural population browsers that eat palatable leaves, and frugivores that
density explains 66–83% of the among-country variation disperse seeds and are sometimes the only primary
in the percentage of potential closed-canopy forest dispersal agents of large-seeded plants. The primates,
remaining in tropical Africa, America and Indo-Malaya carnivores and rodents that disperse and consume the
[14]. For example, Bangladesh (975 people kmK2) and seeds of many coccosoid palms provide an example [26].
Haiti (293 people kmK2) support !10% of their potential Thus, hunting also indirectly alters the species compo-
closed-canopy forest, whereas French Guiana (2.0 people sition of regenerating plants, favoring species with
kmK2), Gabon (4.6 people kmK2), Papua New Guinea (10.4 palatable foliage, palatable seeds, and seeds that are
people kmK2) and Suriname (2.7 people kmK2) support dispersed by wind, bats and small birds [26]. Habitat loss
O90%. and unsustainable hunting could therefore result in
Old-growth forests also survive in protected areas. species extinctions that permanently alter remaining
Globally, 18% of all tropical and subtropical moist forests tropical forests.
and 9% of all tropical dry forests are nominally protected
[21]. Thus, tropical moist forests are potentially among the Invasive species
best protected biomes; of 14 major biomes, only temperate Africanized bees and feral pigs have successfully invaded
coniferous forest receives a greater level of global species-rich, old-growth tropical forests throughout the
protection [21]. Nevertheless, large numbers of tropical Neotropics and Australia, respectively. Invasive plants are
species have small ranges outside existing protected areas also important components of many secondary tropical
and tropical forests also comprise 65% of the global area forests [17,27]. With these notable exceptions, there are
prioritized for future protection [22]. Protected areas are relatively few reports of invasive species in tropical
also only as effective as the governments that protect them forests, particularly old-growth forests on continental
and can collapse during political and economic crises [23]. land masses. For plants, this might reflect the tendency
for humans to transport light-demanding species associ-
ated with agriculture and open habitats that are unable to
regenerate in closed-canopy forest [27]. However, planta-
tions of shade-tolerant, tropical hard woods are increas-
ingly being established outside their native range and will
Number of endemicity hot spots
Autotrophic plants require CO2, light, water and nutrients and their
metabolism varies with ambient temperature. Anthropogenic change 6
affects each of these factors either globally (CO2, temperature and light)
recruited trees and previously overlooked trees might not smaller suppressed trees gradually die and the survivors
be located. The RAINFOR plots were also established by grow.
many different investigators with many different objec- The use of minimum size thresholds when investi-
tives. For example, zoologists interested in stand-level gating closed-canopy forests could complicate this signal.
fruit production or botanists interested in local diversity Several small trees are likely to grow past the minimum
might have tended to overlook sterile trees near the size threshold and ‘recruit’ into the censused population
minimum size threshold. Many plots were subsequently for each canopy tree that dies and falls to form a forest gap.
recensused by RAINFOR personnel. The possible bias that Thus, recruitment will exceed mortality at the scale of a
might result could be evaluated by tracking changes in single treefall gap. At equilibrium, this localized burst of
census personnel and apparent plant community responses. recruitment would be offset by mortality elsewhere as
The implicit assumption of equilibrium and the use of recruits died in older, recovering gaps. When past
minimum size thresholds raises a second possible bias. disturbance has instead established an even-aged cohort
Forest dynamics and structure should be stable at equili- of canopy trees, suitably old gaps will be relatively rare
brium. Thus, any spatially consistent temporal trend and the rate of new gap formation and subsequent
becomes evidence for an effect of global change. Alter- recruitment will outpace mortality as the even-aged
natively, most forests might not be at equilibrium but cohort thins. Hence, recruitment will appear to increase
might instead be recovering from past disturbance. In this before mortality. This is a robust outcome of the RAINFOR
case, a spatially consistent temporal trend would be analyses [31]. Stem density will also increase because
consistent with widespread disturbance. Have sites several small recruits replace each canopy tree that fell to
scattered widely across the Neotropics been disturbed create a gap. Thus, the use of minimum size thresholds in
recently? More precisely, have disturbances occurred in closed-canopy forests complicates the familiar pattern of
the relevant past, but not since tree plots were first change expected for a thinning stand.
established during the 1970s (only one of 97 RAINFOR RAINFOR authors have previously discounted past
plots was established earlier, in 1967 [31])? The relevant disturbance as a cause of observed changes in forest
dynamics because increases in recruitment and stem
past reaches back several centuries because tropical trees
density could not be reconciled with recovering, thinning
routinely survive this long. For example, when 20
stands. This possibility now needs to be reevaluated.
emergent trees from the central Amazon were 14C dated,
RAINFOR authors have also discounted El Niño events as
the youngest individual was O200-years old, six indivi-
a source of disturbance because two very strong events
duals were O600 years old, and the oldest individual was
occurred during 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 after most tree
O1400 years old [41].
plots were established [31,39]. The most severe regional
At least three types of widespread disturbance have
drought coincided with the 1925–1926 El Niño event,
occurred over the past few centuries. First, the Spanish
however, when fires were widespread and the Amazon
Conquest precipitated the collapse of many Amerindian
reached the lowest level yet recorded at Manaus [48,49].
cultures and initiated widespread secondary forest succes-
More importantly, multiple sources of past disturbance
sion beginning 500 years ago in Mesoamerica and as
need to be evaluated. Soil charcoal deposits left by
recently as 300 years ago in parts of the Amazon [42–44]. prehistoric fires have been found near three RAINFOR
Second, climate fluctuations associated with a w200–year sites [42,50,51], which suggests that these, and possibly
periodicity in solar activity repeatedly destabilized pre- other sites, might be recovering from past disturbance.
Colombian cultures across the Neotropics and would have The implications for forest structure and dynamics could
impacted forests most recently during the early 1800s be evaluated by contrasting forest plots where the
[45]. Third, severe El Niño events have brought drought disturbance history is known. There are additional
that can increase tree mortality and the risk of forest fires reasons to question the RAINFOR estimates of rates of
across southern Mesoamerica, the Guiana Shield and the change in old-growth tropical forests (Box 3) and, thus,
northern and eastern Amazon Basin [46,47]. These three independent assessments of the stability of lowland
widespread disturbances combined could provide a suit- tropical forests are needed.
able composite of continental-scale disturbances, indicat-
ing that widely scattered forest plots might indeed be Independent evidence of change in lowland tropical
recovering from disturbances that occurred decades if not forests
centuries ago. To my knowledge, there have been four independent
Disturbance introduces cohorts of trees of similar age. attempts to detect long-term trends that might reflect
The even-aged cohort might include an entire stand after a global change in lowland tropical forests. On Barro
severe disturbance (i.e. fire or agricultural clearing) or a Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, the old-growth forest
modest proportion of the trees in a stand after a moderate has escaped fire and agriculture for at least 1500 years
disturbance (i.e. drought or flooding). In either case, the [52]. Here, aboveground biomass was almost constant
even-aged cohort joins the forest canopy and will thin between 1985 and 2000 over 50 hectares where all stems
through time. Given the long lifetimes of tropical trees O1 cm in dbh were censused at five-year intervals [38].
[41], the familiar signature of a thinning stand should be The contribution of lianas to total leaf litter production
detectable for centuries. Aboveground biomass and basal increased, however, from w9% to 13% between 1986 and
area should increase, recruitment should be infrequent, 2002, respectively [53]. In the Kibale National Park,
and stem density and mortality should decrease as the Uganda, a 30-year record compiled from four shorter
558 Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.20 No.10 October 2005
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