Lesson 1 - DLP
Lesson 1 - DLP
Lesson 1 - DLP
Division of Rizal
Detailed Lesson Plan in Creative Writing
I. Objectives:
At the end of the period, students should be able to:
a. Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in drama,
b. Define drama;
c. Distinguish the type of drama used in some movies;
d. Apply logical thinking before writing your own piece.
Let us start our day with a simple opening “Let us bow our head and feel the presence
prayer to be led by __.. of the Lord…”
B. Greetings
C. Checking of Attendance
D. Checking of Assignment
2. Review
B. Analysis
What is drama?
Types of Drama
A. Tragedy
A tragedy is a
drama that ends
unhappily for
the protagonist,
opposite of the
idea that
heroes in
always die at
the end.
Though most
tragic dramas
include heroes
who suffer from
extreme and
experiences no
one would
want, not all
heroes in tragic
dramas die.
A. Tragedy
A tragedy is a drama that ends unhappily for
the protagonist, opposite of the
idea that heroes in tragedies always die
at the end. Though most tragic dramas
include heroes who suffer from extreme and Answers may vary
unimaginable experiences no one would
want, not all heroes in tragic dramas die.
“Dran” which means to act or to do
Tragedies come in different types which
include: Comedy, tragedy, etc.
Greek Tragedy
Roman Tragedy
Elizabethan and Jacobean
B. Comedy
In its simple
definition, a
comedy is a
drama that
ends happily
for the
This is exactly
the opposite of
a tragedy.
B. Comedy
In its simple definition, a comedy is a
drama that ends happily for the
protagonist. This is exactly the opposite of
a tragedy.
romantic comedy
sentimental comedy
comedy of manners
tragic comedy
This type of
drama combines
of a comedy and
a tragedy.
Despite of all
the tragic events
that had
happened, the
story still ends
happily for the
C. Farce
This type of drama features exaggerated
or absurd forms of comedy. It is a
nonsensical genre of drama in which the
characters intentionally overact and get
themselves into a slapstick or physical
D. Melodrama
This is an exaggerated type of drama
which shows classic one-dimensional
characters like heroes, heroines, and
villains who deal with sensational,
romantic, and threatening situations.
E. Opera
This type combines theater, dialogue,
music and dance to tell grand stories of
tragedy or comedy; hence, it is known as
a versatile genre of drama. This genre
requires their performers to be both
actors and singers since they will be
expressing their emotions and intentions
through song instead of a dialogue.
F. Docudrama
This new genre involves dramatic
portrayals of historic events or non-
fictional happenings. It is more often
presented in movies such as Apollo 13
and 12 Years a Slave.
In simple
definition, a
drama is a story
enacted on stage
before an
Since it is a
story, a drama
(or more
nowadays as
‘play’) is
technically a
piece of writing.
However, a
drama is
through an
element called
The word
‘drama’ comes
from the Greek
word ‘dran’
meaning ‘to act
or to
C. Abstraction
What is drama?
D. Application
None yet
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Jumble the letters under Column
A to form the word and then match the word
to its corresponding concept or definition
under Column B. Number 1 is done for you.
V. Assignment
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher