Traditional Telugu Brahmin Marriage Ceremony
Traditional Telugu Brahmin Marriage Ceremony
Traditional Telugu Brahmin Marriage Ceremony
the 'lagna patrika' and reads it out. Mainly the 'lagna patrika'
contains the parent's names of the bride and the groom and
the 'sumuhurtam' (the auspicious time) of marriage. 'Lagna
patrika' is a pre-requisite for printing the 'pelli subhalekhalu' or
the wedding invitation cards by either parties.
The event is followed by the mutual exchange of new clothes
by the parents of the bride and the groom and usually
depending on the affordability, the groom's parents offer
jewelry to the bride who is the prospective daughter-in-law.
Wedding costumes
Purchasing wedding saris and gold jewelry for the bride is
another important thing which is a time consuming one. A
number of silk saris / 'pattu cheeralu' and gold jewelry are
purchased for various occasions in the ceremony the cost of
which depends on the affordability. In addition to the bridal
costume, it is customary to offer 'kotta battalu' or new clothes
to the close relatives who come for the wedding ceremony. And
also new clothes and gold / silver items are purchased to offer
these to the groom and his family members particularly parents
during various occasions in the wedding ceremonial events.
Pre-wedding events
ల కతర / ఫల
ఫల ల కడక /making of bride and the
Usually the wedding preparations including purchases in both
the households are started after installing pandiri / godhuma
When the groom and his party arrive the venue in the cars,
they are grandly welcomed by the bride's party amidst
traditional music of 'Nadaswaram' / 'Sannai Melam'. The groom
and his parents are specially welcomed by the bride's parents
when the bride's mother applies 'kumkum' on the groom's and
his mother's forehead followed by 'Harati' (waving the plate
with burning camphor) to the groom which is restricted to
certain sub-communities of Telugu Brahmins.
On receiving the groom and his party, they are taken to their
respective allotted rooms in the 'Kalyana Mandapam' where all
the necessary items including bath soaps / soap-nuts
(kunkudukai / rita), talcum powder, body and hair oil, comb
and other such stuff are placed ready in the trays for the
groom. While the groom and his party rest for a while, they are
offered with fresh fruit juices or soft drinks and then are invited
for breakfast (in case they happen to arrive the venue in the
Usually both the parties arrive the venue in the morning itself
as mostly the 'sumuthurum' is in the night time and
occasionally in the morning. When the 'sumurtham' is in the
morning, both the parties reach the venue, the previous day.
However, it depends on the affordability and availability of the
Kalyana Mandapam.
Totalo Digadam
This is one of the most exciting events of the wedding
ceremony where the bride and the groom meet face to face
prior to the wedding. In this event all the relatives of both the
parties gather and the 'lagna patrika' / invitation card is read
out in Telugu by the priest. There is a mutual exchange of new
clothes between the bride / groom and their parents. In this
event, 'panakam' (flavored jaggery syrup) which is brought in
two new silver / steel 'panakam bindelu' or pots is distributed to
all the guests by the bride's party. Thereby these new 'panakam
bindelu' are offered to the groom's sisters (mother if no sisters).
The event is one of the most enjoyable one by both the parties
with much of fun and laughter.
Ankurarpanam- అహకరరరనహ
This is basically an event in which the bride and her parent's
are involved and this usually takes place simultaneously with
'snatakam' / 'kasi yatra'. In this event, while the priest chants
mantras, the bride and the other women of the family sprinkle
grains of 9 different kinds (known as 'navadhanyalu' in Telugu)
in the earthen plates (known as 'palikalu') filled with soil collect
from ant-hill. As this soil is highly fertile, the grains sprout
within a short period and these sprouts are taken out and the
'palikalu' are cleaned on the 16th day after marriage which is
known as 'padaharu rojula (16th day) panduga' in the bride's
గర ఫజ-Gowri Pooja
Gowri Devi is widely worshiped by the Hindu married women
for a happy, successful and blissful married life. As per
Hinduism, performing Gowri Devi Pooja is considered highly
important for married women as the goddess blesses the
woman with long married life.
Meanwhile the groom gets ready in his traditional attire for the
ceremonial event in the perform and sits on a wooden plank
(known as peeta in Telugu). On completion of Gowri Pooja, the
bride who is seated in the 'Gowri gampa' / hand woven basket
with a tender coconut in her hands, is carried by her maternal
uncles to the 'mandapam'. When she is seated in the
'mandapam' facing the groom with a specially designed curtain
between the two to block them from viewing face to face.
Wedding events
కననధనహ / పనగ
గ హనహ_Kanyadanam /
While the bride performs Gowri Pooja, the groom who is
dressed in traditional attire, sits in the decorated 'mandapam'
and the priest starts the ceremonial ritual of the main event of
wedding by invoking Lord Ganesha. By the time the worship is
completed, the bride is carried to the 'mandapam' by her
maternal uncles and is seated in front of the groom with a
curtain between the two. The bride's parents who sit beside
her, place the groom's feet in a big brass plate from under the
curtain and wash his feet (their son-in-law). Then, while the
priest chants mantras, the bride's parents offer 16 varieties of
fruits to the groom from under the curtain. And finally, amidst
the chanting of mantras (sacred hymns) and 'sannai melam',
they place their daughter's (bride) hands along with the tender
coconut in her hands in the groom's hands and give away their
daughter in 'danam' (donation) to the groom. In return, they
seek promise from the groom that he will take care of their
daughter for life long. This event is known as 'Kanyadanam' or
giving away of the young lady (the bride) to the groom in
donation. As per Hinduism, 'Kanyadanam' is considered as a
highly noble act which has great returns.
గ ల హ -సమహరరహJeelakarra
భల Bellam or
All these events take place one after the other very fast amidst
the traditional music of 'Sannai Melam' and by the time
'kanyadanam' is completed, the bride and the groom still
separated with a curtain, hold 'jeela-karra bellam' (a thick paste
made of crushed cumin seeds or jeera and jaggery) placed in
betel leaves. 'Sumuhurtham' is the most important and awaited
event of the wedding ceremony. By this time, the marriage
venue is heavy crowded with relatives and guests who gather
to witness the sacred event and bless the newly wedded
After this event, the bride and the groom get into their
respective 'vididi' or rooms to change to traditional costume of
'Madhuparkalu'. These 'madhuparkalu' are basically white color
attire with red, yellow or green border and is the sacred attire
that is worn in the special way. In the rest of the events, the
bride and the groom remain in this sacred attire only.
For this sacred event, the bride and the groom change their
costumes and wear 'Madhu Parkalu' which is white costume
with red / green / yellow border. In the olden days this special
wear (cotton hand woven sari for the bride and pancha a
traditional men's wear for the groom) was smeared with yellow
turmeric powder (pasupu) but these days the bride's prefer
wearing white silk sari with border.
The bride who walks shyly with her head down sits beside the
groom in the Mandapam and the two plates of Varipindi Jyotulu
and two plates containing Talabrala Biyyam are placed in front
of the priests in the Mandapam.
Thus, the bride gets ready for Mangalya Dharana when the
groom ties the two Mangala Sutralu amidst the sacred chanting
of Mangalyam Tantunanena Mama Jeevana Hetuna' when the
sannai melam is played in fast rhythmic beat. With this sacred
event of Mangalya Dharana, the bride and the groom officially
become husband and wife as per the Hindu Marriage Act.
గ ల_Talambralu
This is an event which is enjoyed the most not only by the
newly wedded couple but by the guests as well who keep
encouraging the newly wedded couple with a highly
competitive spirit. 'Talambralu' are the rice grains mixed with
turmeric powder and saffron along with other things like flower
petals, pearls and colorful beads depending on the affordability
and interest of the party.
In this event, the newly wedded couple are made to sit facing
each other and initially they are made to pour 'tambralu' on
each other's head like a shower in turns. As it progresses, the
newly wedded couple are encouraged by the friends and
relatives to compete with the pouring of 'talambralu' on each
other's head. There is much of laughter and enjoyment all
around and the event signifies the happiness and contentment
of married life.
The Holy Fire or Homam which is lit, symbolizes purity and 'Agni
Deva' remains a 'Sakshi' or witness for the vows made by the
newly wedded couple which are read in Sanskrit by the main
priest. The newly wedded couple offer prayers to 'Agni Deva'
which has a special significance. They offer rice grains to 'Agni
Deva' / Homam which symbolizes fertility and it is believed that
Fire God removes ignorance and darkness if any from the
marital life of the newly wedded couple and lead them into a
more knowledgeable life.
By this all the customary rituals come to an end and finally the
newly wedded couple are taken out to the open air whence the
priest shows them the 'Arundhati Nakshtram (star) and seek
her (Arundhati's) blessings as she is exemplified as the ideal
wife and the embodiment of chastity.
Iaja Homam is yet another post-wedding event in which a
Homam is made by the priest and the newly wedded couple
offer oblations of puffed rice and popped grains to 'Agni Deva'
In this event, the bride's brother is involved who gives a
handful of parched rice grains to his sister (the bride) which she
hands over in turn to her husband (the groom) who offers the
grains in the Homam on the behalf of the bride. This is
repeated thrice by taking three rounds round the Homam by
the newly wedded couple.
గ హప
గ వశహ_Gruhapravesam
This event involves the usually farewell of the bride by her
family members and the newly wedded bride enters her new
marital home where she is received by her in-laws family with a
warm welcome. There is a final / mutual exchange of gifts and
household items that are given to the newly wedded bride by
her parents to start a new household / family life. They also
offer 3-4 varieties of sweets which mostly and must include
'Ariselu' (a sweet made of rice flour and jaggery), 'Mysore
Pakam', 'Laddu' (the most important sweet made of Gram flour
and sugar syrup), 'Kajalu' (a sweet made of maida and sugar
syrup) and most important 'Chalimidi' (a sweet recipe made of
rice flour and sugar syrup with shredded coconut) to the
groom's family / parents.
గ తహ _Satyanarayana Vratam
సతననరయన వ
And finally, the traditional wedding ceremonial events ends
with Satyanarayana Vratam by the groom's family in the
groom's house. The pooja is performed by newly wedded
couple to seek the blessing of the Lord for a happy and
prosperous married life. In this event, all the family members of
both the families, friends and relatives are invited for the
vratam which is followed by a feast.