Iyer Wedding
Iyer Wedding
Iyer Wedding
Iyer wedding
Iyers are a subsect of South Indian Brahmins and generally speak Tamil. Such weddings are known as kalyaanam or thirumanam in Tamil. For details about vedic rituals described below, see Vedic wedding. Iyer weddings, like other Hindu weddings, typically last about 23 days where it once used to last 7 days. While the main bulk of organizing a wedding falls on the bride's family's shoulders, the groom's side plays a significant role in the organization as well. It is a joyous celebration consisting of age-old traditions and religious rites admixed with lots of singing, dancing and fun-filled processions that typify the vibrant Indian culture. Dress code is usually barechested with a veshti for males and sarees or Madisaar for females. In the reception component of the wedding, it is not uncommon to see guests dressed in formal Western wear such as suits for males. Women still generally remain adorned with flowers and dazzle in silk sarees.
Iyer wedding "Thaamboolam" plates containing items required for the muhurtham are exchanged by both the groom's and bride's sides (generally the senior most male) during this function. Muhurtham - the wedding proper Muhurtham refers to the actual wedding ceremony itself. It typically occurs on the second day of a 2- or 3-day wedding ceremony and occurs generally early in the morning around 78 am depending on the priests' decree but may be even up to 11 AM. The muhurtham includes the "Kasi yaatrai", "maalai maatral", "oonjal ceremony" and the actual Muhurtham itself. Kasi yaatrai refers to an age-old Brahmin ritual where the groom "decides" to take up 'sanyaasam' (i.e. asceticism, monkhood) for spiritual pursuit. He would ultimately be 'convinced' by the bride's father to return and take up "grahastham" or family life and that the bride will assist in his subsequent spiritual pursuit. For the Kaasi Yaathirai, the bride's father would have to buy (as in general practice) an Umbrella, Hand fan, Bhagwad Gita book, Sandals. The maapillai (groom) will then agree and garlands will be exchanged by the bride and groom (maalai maatral). The process of maalai maatral may be complicated by the groom's side carrying the groom and the bride's side carrying the bride and each side making it difficult for the other side to correctly place the garland. Basically traditional family entertainment. They would then head to a swing (oonjal) in the mandapam. Respected womenfolk of the household will then perform short rituals with classical singing to ward off "evil eyes" as the bride and groom are seated on the oonjal. They then proceed to the podium in the mandapam where rites of the marriage - muhurtham - are performed. The climax is when the bride is seated on her dad's lap as her dad does (kannigadhaanam) and offers his daughter to be taken care of by the groom. As the priest then chants mantrams, the groom ties a "thaali" or "thirumaangalyam" as a necklace around the bride's neck where the groom put one knot (muduchu) and other two knots are put by the groom's elder or younger sister, as all the guests shower their blessings (symbolized by rice grains that are distributed to all guests to shower onto the bride and groom). This symbolizes the actual wedding and the newly-weds take their marriage vows in seven steps (sapthapathi) as they walk three rounds hand-in-hand around the holy fire (agni). Nalangu - wedding games Nalangu is a tradition that dates back to times when marriages used to occur at a younger age (early teens). This component was incorporated to keep the mood light-hearted and fun for the newly wed young teens. It has stayed on as an integral component of South Indian weddings. Traditional games include the newly-weds putting their hands into a small bowl to find a small object with the person finding the object first the winner. Other examples of games include breaking papadums over each other's heads and so on and so forth. It is an interesting component of the wedding gala. Wedding reception Photos may be taken with the newly weds with the backdrop of classical music. Typically South Indian / Carnatic musicians are called upon to provide the music entertainment as the reception goes on. Kattu Saatham This is on the day next to the Muhurtham. In early days the groom's family would have to travel for a long time to reach their place and so for their travel needs food would be packed and given. This is how the ritual came in to practice.
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