You are the Lord of Deivayanai, of pearl-like teeth; The anklets in the dancing feet sound “thith thith theya”;
You are valiant; Bhairavi moving her dancing feet, dances in all directions;
You were brought up in the SaravaNa poikai; The eagles and devils also dance;
You are the seed of salvation; In all eight directions the eight Bhairavas repeat “thokuth thogu thokkuth thogu thogu” to the tune of the beautiful
You are the Supreme Spiritual Preceptor – So praise Him. circular dance called “pavuri.”
To the three-eyed Lord Siva, You taught the meaning of “Om,” the mystic word that is chanted at the begiNing Several drums are sounded;
of the recital of the Vedas; In the battlefield, the aged eagle sound “kukku kugu kukkuk kugu kugu” and further utter sounds (as to mean)
The twain – Brahma and Vishnu, the thiry-three demi-gods, and their clan of celestials worship Your feet. “stab and bury”, “enter and catch” and rise up whirling.
He aimed the arrows to cut the ten heads of RaavaNa; Oh Lord! You slaughtered the inimical giants (asuras) and sacrificed them.
He churned (the ocean) using Mt. Mantharam as a churning staff; You are capable of fighting them causing the chief mountain range to be pierced.
He made the broad day light dark by the circular discus;
He drove the chariot of Arjuna, his devotee;
He is like a green-hued cloud;
He is Thirumaal (Vishnu) and He praises You!
Please do protect me and confer grace on me this day!