Mapeh 7 Week 2 DLL
Mapeh 7 Week 2 DLL
Mapeh 7 Week 2 DLL
I. OBJECTIVES NATIONAL HEROES DAY – The students are able to: ZAMBALES DAY – HOLIDAY The students are able to:
NATIONAL HOLIDAY Recall concepts on the basic Analyze art elements (color,
music elements and line, shape) in the production
processes. of arts and crafts.
Discuss the characteristics of Identify characteristics of arts
Philippine folk songs. in Luzon known for their
Sing examples of Philippine produc ts.
music alone and with others. Reflect on and derive the
Manifest nationalism through mood, idea, or message
singing. emanating from selected
Determine and evaluate the
effectiveness of an artwork by
the visual image and
combination of art elements
and principles.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding The learner…
of the musical characteristics art elements and processes
of representative music from by synthesizing and applying
the lowlands of Luzon prior knowledge and skills
the salient features of the
arts of Luzon (highlands and
lowlands) by showing the
relationship of the elements of
art and processes among
culturally diverse communities
in the country
the Philippines as having a
rich artistic and cultural
tradition from precolonial to
present times
B. Performance Standard Performs music of the The learner…
lowlands with appropriate Creates artworks showing
pitch, rhythm, expression, and the characteristic elements of
style the arts of Luzon (highlands
and lowlands)
Exhibits completed artworks
for appreciation and critiquing
C. Learning Competency / MU7LU-Ia-1 A7EL-Ib-1
Objectives Describes the musical The learner… Analyzes
characteristics of elements and principles of
representative music art in the production of
selections from the one’s arts and crafts
lowlands of Luzon after inspired by the arts of
listening Luzon (highlands and
II. CONTENT Philippine Folk Songs and Arts of Luzon (Highlands)
Musical Elements Processes;
A Review
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Music and Arts 7 pages 9-36 Music and Arts pages 146-152
3. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH in The 21st Century MAPEH in
Action 7 pages 4-10 Action 7 pages 86-96
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource MELCS page 263 MU7LU-Ia-1 MELCS page 294 A7EL-Ib-1
A. Reviewing previous Motivation: Ask learners about what they
lesson or presenting the Remember Me Folk know in the art of people from
new lesson Ask learners to name the Luzon.
symbols on the board.
Half note, whole rest, half rest, Complete the Knowledge
half note, quarter note and so Rating Scale chart. It will help
on.. the learners to start thinking on
what they know about the arts
Play a song”Manang Biday” of Luzon.
B. Establishing a purpose for Recall concepts on the basic The purpose of this lesson it
the lesson music elements and to:
processes. Analyze art elements (color,
Discuss the characteristics of line, shape) in the production
Philippine folk songs. of arts and crafts.
Sing examples of Philippine Identify characteristics of arts
music alone and with others. in Luzon known for their
Manifest nationalism through products.
singing. Reflect on and derive the
mood, idea, or message
emanating from selected
C. Presenting What kind of song is “Manang Ask these questions to the
examples/Instances of the Biday?” learners:
new lesson Describe the tempo of Manang 1. Why are the different
Biday. (Slow or Fast?) indigenous people of
the Philippines
excellent in arts and
2. Why is weaving
popular among tribal
3. Why do native
Filipinos create pots?
D. Discussing new concepts Ask learners to define folk Define the following:
and practicing new skills # song. 1. Mat weaving
1 2. Basket making
3. Line
4. color
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss the characteristics of Identify characteristics of arts
and practicing new skills # Philippine folk songs. in Luzon known for their
2 Discuss some types of folk products.
Ask learners to bring out their
assignments…WHAT ARE
F. Developing mastery Ask learners to bring out their Ask learners to analyze art
(leads to Formative assignments. Tell them to elements (color, line, shape) in
Assessment 3) share their assignment to the the production of arts and
class. crafts. Page 90.
Sing together.
Give them time to analyze the
distinctive designs, color
schemes, figures, and objects
coming from the cultural
communities found in Luzon.
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other