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Mapeh Week2

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K TO 12 School Grade Level Grade 7


Teacher Learning Area MAPEH
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter First/Week 2

I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Music Arts P.E Health
A. Content Standards The learner The learner… The learner The learner

demonstrates understanding  Art elements and demonstrates understanding

of the musical characteristics processes by of guidelines and principles
of representative music from synthesizing and in exercise program design demonstrates understanding of
the lowlands of Luzon. applying prior to holistic health and its
knowledge and skills management of health
achieve personal fitness. concerns, the
 The salient features of
the arts of Luzon growth and development of
(highlands and adolescents and how to
lowlands) by showing manage its challenges.
the relationship of the
elements of art and
processes among
culturally diverse
communities in the

 The Philippines as
having a rich artistic
and cultural tradition
from precolonial to
present times

B. Performance Standard The learner The learner… The learner The learner
 Creates artworks
showing the
characteristic elements
 Performs music of the of the arts of Luzon  Designs an
lowlands with (highlands and  Appropriately manages
individualized exercise
appropriate pitch, lowlands) concerns and challenges
program to achieve
rhythm, expression and during adolescence to
 Exhibits completed personal fitness.
style. achieve holistic health.
artworks for
appreciation and

C. Learning Competencies /
Write the LC code for each
The learner… Reflects on and derive the The learners… The learners… 
mood, idea, or message
identifies the musical emanating from selected  Undertake physical  Analyze the interplay
Objectives: characteristics of activity and physical among the health
artifacts and art objects.
fitness assessments. dimensions in developing
representative music (A7PL-Ih-1) (PE7PF-Ia-h23) holistic health (H7GD-
selections from the lowlands Ib-14)
of Luzon after listening.
(MU7LU-Ia-1) Appreciates the artifacts  Et goals based on
and art objects in terms of assessment results.  Practices health habits to
analyzes the musical their uses and their distinct (PE7PF-Ia24) achieve holistic health
elements of some lowland use of art elements and (H7GD-IC-15)
principles. (A7PL-Ih-2)
vocal and instrumental music
selections.  Recognizes barriers
(low level of fitness,
(MU7LU-Ia-2) Incorporates the design, lack of skill and time) to
form, and spirit of the exercise.

highland/lowland artifact (PE7PF-Ib26)

and object in one’s

creation. (A7PL-Ih-3)

The Music of Luzon ARTS and CRAFTS of Exercise Programs: Holistic health
and LOWLANDS) Training Guidelines, FITT

1.Vocal Music Arts and Crafts of Luzon Principles ,Endurance,

(Highlands and Lowlands) Muscle- and Bone
 Performance practice strengthening Activities
 Attire, Fabrics, and
 Folk songs Tapestries Note: Activities dependent
on teacher capability and
 Sacred (Liturgical and  Crafts and school resources.
Devotional) Accessories, and Body
Music: Mass, Pastores ,  Ornamentation
Senakulo , Pasyon ,
 Architectures
Salubong , Flores de Mayo ,
and  Sculptures
 Everyday objects

o Elements of Art

 Line
 Shape and Form
 Value
 Color
 Texture
 Space

II. Principles of Art

 Rhythm, Movement
 Balance
 Emphasis
 Harmony, Unity,
 5. Proportion


A. References

Teacher’s Guide Health 7

1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp.4-7

p. 10 - 46
2. Learner’s Material pages

3. Textbook pages Gonzales, C. , & Lacia G. et Lacia, G.C.; Limos, A.P.;

al. ( ed. 20 ) MAPEH in Callo, L. F.; et Al., (2015).
Action -7 Rex Bookstore,Inc. The 21st Century MAPEH In Lacia, G.C.; Limos, A.P.;
–( pp. 3-17 ) Action, REX Book Store, Callo, L. F.; et Al., (2015).
The 21st Century MAPEH In
Limjoco, Ma.F , & Lapuz , 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr. St. Action, REX Book Store,
Darci R. et al. Journey 1977 C.M. Recto Avenue,
towards MAPEH-7 KLEAFS Manila, Philippines, pp. 123 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr. St.
Publishing – ( pp. 7-12 ) – 141 1977 C.M. Recto Avenue,
Manila, Philippines, pp. 251 –
Lacia , G . , & Limos , A. et Muyot, F.R. ; Garcia, M.D.; 257
al. ( ed.2015 ) The 21st Baarde, M.G.; et.Al. (2013)
Century MAPEH in MAPEH on the GO 7, Muyot, F.R. ; Garcia, M.D.;
ACTION- ( pp. 4-21 ) Sunshine Interlinks Pub. Baarde, M.G.; et.Al. (2013)
MAPEH on the GO 7,
House. Inc. 3rd flr. Maine Sunshine Interlinks Pub.
City Tower, 236 Tomas
Morato Ave. Brgy. South House. Inc. 3rd flr. Maine
Triangle, Quezon City, pp. City Tower, 236 Tomas
Morato Ave. Brgy. South

228 – 245 Triangle, Quezon City, pp.

Bautista, J.V.; De Leon, 317 – 327

A.C.; Darilag, A.G.; et Al.
(2006) MAPEH For A Better Bautista, J.V.; De Leon, A.C.;
You, LG & M Corp. 1253 Darilag, A.G.; et Al. (2006)
MAPEH For A Better You,
Gregorio Araneta Ave. cor. LG & M Corp. 1253
Maria Clara St. Quezon City,
pp.211- 235 Gregorio Araneta Ave. cor.
Maria Clara St. Quezon City,
Copiaco,H.P.; Lugue, V.P.; pp.381- 399
Ramirez, V.E.; et Al. (2013).
Our World of MAPEH, Copiaco,H.P.; Lugue, V.P.;
Vibal group Inc., Ramirez, V.E.; et Al. (2013).
Our World of MAPEH, Vibal
Gregorio Araneta Ave., group Inc.,
Quezon City, pp.226 - 242
Gregorio Araneta Ave.,
Quezon City, pp.316 – 321

4. Additional Materials from OHSP Arts Module Q1 OHSP PE 1 – Module 1 OHSP in Health 1Q1 Module
Learning Resource (LR) portal 1 pp.5-6

OHSP Arts Module Q1-

Lesson 2

B. Other Learning Resources Video and Pictures Copiaco, H.P.; Lugue, V. P.; Physical Fitness Test https://www.youtube.co
Ramirez, V. E.; et. Al.
(2013). Manual m/watch?v=F3go

Our world of MAPEH. Dr. Aparicio H. Mequi Xnphc8

Vibal group, Inc.,

Gregorio Araneta Ave.,

Quezon City.

Muyot, F. R.; Garcia, M. D.;

Baarde, MC. G.; et. Al.

MAPEH on the Go 7.
Sunshine Interlinks
Publishing House, Inc.,

3/F Maine City Tower, 236

Tomas Morato Ave.,

Brgy. South Triangle

Quezon City.

Limjoco, M.F.; Lapuz, D.

M.; Jeniebre, J.L.; et. Al.

Journey towards MAPEH.

KLEAFS Publishing.

Block 609, Lot 1 Phase 6,

Metrogate, Meycauyan II

Loma de Gato, Marilao,


Copiaco, H.P.; Lugue, V. P.;

Ramirez, V. E.; et. Al.

Ejoy life with Music and

Arts. SD Publications, Inc.,

Gregorio Araneta Ave.,

Quezon City.


A. Reviewing previous lesson or The students will render Name the origin of the Activity: MATCH, What are the dimensions
presenting the new lesson
folksongs with the sacred following arts and crafts: MATCH, MATCH! of holistic health?

music by group. They will be   Tattoo The teacher will show What are the activities in
  Paper Mache
divided into four groups.   Banig images that illustrates attaining the dimensions
  Pottery products
  Bahay Kubo   Bulul physical activities that of holistic health?
  Pasyon
  Leron Leron Sinta 5 minutes displays the different
  Flores De Mayo
With the help of a laptop or components of Physical 5 minutes

5 minutes
B. Establishing a purpose for Activity: FIT OR NOT? The teacher will show a
the lesson
The teacher will show video clip of Annie the

statements related to honest

Physical Fitness. Students The learner will analyze

will write FIT, if the the message of the

statements relates to the video

characteristics and https://www.youtube.co

indications of a physically m/watch?v=F3go

fit individual and NOT, if Xnphc8

the statement is opposite.
5 minutes
5 minutes

C. Presenting Based on the activity, the The teacher will show

examples/instances for the new
lesson teacher will ask the picture of different

students the following activities for the learners

questions: to identify the

 How do you dimensions of health

describe a How are these health

physically fit dimensions interrelated

person? to each other?

 When can you say that 10 minutes

an individual is not
physically fit?

 Based on your
responses, how do you
describe yourself?

 Are you a physically fit

individual? Justify your

 What are your goals in
to be a physically fit

10 minutes

D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher will lead Discuss on the

practicing new skills # 1
discussion on Physical interrelatedness of

Fitness and its health dimensions in

components through developing holistic

power point presentation. health.

(40 min) Cite some health

Physical Fitness practices and habits to

http://www.slideshare.net achieve holistic health.


fitness-components 10 minutes







E. Discussing new concepts and Teacher will lead

practicing new skills # 2
discussion on the

different safety

precautions and

responsibilities to be

considered before and

after the execution of

physical fitness test.

5 minutes

F. Developing mastery The teacher will divide Connect it!

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) the class into 4 groups for *See attachment
the Health - Related
Write one health dimension in
Fitness Test. each circle.
On the lines write activities
Each group will perform you can do in
each dimension that can
and record it in their contribute to holistic health.
Add more lines if needed to
write your answer.
10 | P a g e
Physical Fitness Test

Record Card through 10 minutes

circuit rotation.

(see Annex D)

(40 min)


Let the students get their

training heart –rate

before and after

executing the test and

record it.

Before executing the test,

do warm – up exercises

followed by stretching


5 minutes

G. Finding practical Let the students choose a Check Your Health

11 | P a g e
applications of concepts and song from the given Habits and Practices
skills in daily living
folksongs played. Then let *See attachment

them give their reactions or

opinions about the songs. Directions: Think of your

health habits and

practices. Put a check (/)

10 minutes in the

column after each item

to show how often you

practice the health


(10 min)

H. Making generalizations and The students will give the The students will sum up
abstractions about the lesson
distinguishing characteristics the lesson by completing

of Philippine Folk Music. the unfinished sentence.

5 minutes 1. Attaining holistic

health means_______.

2. The five dimensions

of health are


12 | P a g e
3. I can attain good


If ___________.

4. I’m happy/sad about

my health


5. From now on I



5 minutes

I. Evaluating Learning The learners identifies the health does each activity

musical elements of the develop most? Write:

following folk songs and P for Physical health

sacred music such as S for Social health

Leron,Leron Sinta, Pasyon, MS for Moral-spiritual

Magtanim ay Di Biro, Health

Santacruzan, and Salubong E for Emotional health

M for Mental health

13 | P a g e
 Eating a balanced diet

 Going out with family

and friends

 Respecting your parents

and elders

 Sharing jokes with family


 Playing chess, checkers,

and Math games

5 minutes

J. Additional activities for Choose a song/music that Define the following Connect It to Art!
application for remediation
you think it has something to elements and principles and Directions: Create a
do with your life. Write it explain how it works in an
down. artwork. poster to illustrate your

plan of action to attain

1. Lines holistic

2. Color health. Use any medium

3. Shape you may want, such as

4. Proportion crayon, water color, oil

5. Space pastel, etc. You can use

14 | P a g e
cartolina, illustration

board, or any other

appropriate material.

K. ASSIGNMENT Have the students listen to Bring art materials The teacher will ask the Give the relationship of
some Filipino love songs. students to bring the holistic health to the

following: body, mind, and spirit

 Sack or used manila
Crayons paper

Colored paper  Tape measure

Oslo or Bond paper  Stop watch

Scissors  Meter stick

Ruler  24 inches ruler

 Marker or chalk

Remind the students to wear

proper PE uniform.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
15 | P a g e
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

16 | P a g e

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